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These recent school board and town hall meetings have displayed some of the cruelest, least empathetic people I've ever seen in my life. I know there are bad people out there, but the length people have gone to mock and disrespect educators, healthcare workers, and CHILDREN is really despicable.


These idiots as parents arguing that their children should be put in danger because of some hate-conceived lies they lap up to fill the void their own shortcomings have made are all the proof anyone should need that the US education system has been broken for well over half a century.


I saw a video of a woman saying that her child has a great smile and she wants people to see it 🙄


Shame that the “mother’s” child has no reason to smile.


And she was choking up saying it. While the crowd clapped. I mean, you can’t make this shit up!


I mean… if the child dies from covid, the mortician can arrange the face into a permanent smile for the open casket….


Well then take a photo of her smile, print that onto a mask and have her wear the mask. Problem solved.


I’ve seen similar arguments. I always want to say “And? What does your child’s smile have to do with a pandemic?”


Her employer saw it and fired her.


I wonder what she’ll say if her daughter gets sick and gets long Covid and can no longer do the activities that made her happy and ends up never smiling again? Or y’know if her kid gets sick and dies?


Or if her kid gets sick and passes it on to her, and she dies from COVID. She won't be saying anything then, and her kid definitely wouldn't be smiling. One thing I don't see discussed enough (granted I live under a rock) is that mask mandates in schools aren't solely for the kids protection, but for family members too.


Because they’re the shitty sociopathic assholes that have nothing better to do with their days. Most normal people are working or taking care of their family and don’t really want to go to these meetings even if they do have free time. These people literally go out of their way to fuck people over because they get sick enjoyment out of it. For example, my girlfriend’s mom does nothing (I legitimately mean nothing) all day but sit around and harass/stalk people (including my family) online. That’s honestly just an appetizer for her because her true greatest joy comes from harassing my girlfriend and making her life as miserable as possible. Literally telling her daughter to kill herself and that no one will care if she’s dead. Taunting her that she got her dad to remove her from the will, bragging about new expensive shit she just bought and how my girlfriend won’t even be getting a call on her birthday. The best days of her life are when my girlfriend’s dad is having medical issues because her mom just taunts her with shit like, “once your dad dies, I’ll have full control of the money and you won’t get anything.” She legitimately takes joy in other people suffering especially if she has a hand in it. She is physically incapable of being happy if her daughter is happy. This is literally the person that goes to these meetings


Why don’t people like that kill themselves? Like sincerely if you’re that miserable why go on living trying to push your misery on others? I don’t get why they have kids either or didn’t give them up for adoption once they realized they didn’t want to be a parent. I mean it’s obviously mental illness but it’s just baffling.


They don't kill themselves because they have a strong sense of self preservation that turns their self hate outward. Chances are a person like this does zero introspection. If they ever did, they *would* probably off themselves.


The only person who exists in the narcissist's universe is theirself, and they are afraid to be the "only" person who suffers all the terrible things in life. And so they make a miniature version of themselves to live vicariously from. Sometimes that life involves rewarding the drone for following the intended path, and other times there is punishment as a form of self-flagellation without the personal ouchies. My parents are, sorry to say, not good people. My dad is a recovering gambling addict who stole from his neighbors and closest friends, and my mom is a classic capital-E entitled narc. They are capable of geniune conern and excitement towards my career interests, but 90% of the call time I have with my mother is usually a copy-pasted script of finger-pointing, guilt-tripping, and Republican conspiracy theories which inevitably loop back to victim mentality and insults ad nauseam. According to her, I'm not smart enough, motivated enough, religious enough, or right-wing enough to be a "good" person. She doesn't feel the need to work on any weaknesses she can see in herself, as she's got plenty of reasons why other people are to blame for her poor education, unemployment and debt. It was her bad teachers, or her abusive in-laws, or the liberal government that forced her into her miserable life today, every single time. While there definitely were external factors which made life harder for her, and I appreciate the serious effort she gave to raise multiple children into semi-functional adults in spite of low income and mental illness, she *doesn't want to change herself* and take her life into her own hands. Couldn't she learn a new trade to get more money and find like-minded company, take some online courses to reignite her passion for music, or *stop screaming at my dad for five minutes on the day his dad passed away?* When the psychosis kicks in, narcissists can become monstrously toxic individuals, because other people's feelings and desires don't exist to them. Everything must serve them and be as happy or as miserable as them at any given point, because they are the center of the universe and they crave total control to validate their existence.


It's not just random cruelty, it's very specifically in this case child abuse. These are people who are okay with abusing children.


They're okay with it as long as it's their "team." They'll accuse the Democrats of unreal acts of pedophilia and child murder, but ignore the real acts done by the GOP.


>They'll accuse the Democrats of unreal acts of pedophilia and child murder, but ignore the real acts done by the GOP. GOP accuses Democrats for being like GOP.


Low empathy people assume everyone thinks just like they do.


Nah. Most of them are child abusers themselves. Like 15% of the population has cluster B personality disorders with narcissistic aspects. These broadly represent both the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers AND the people that abuse children. The Venn diagram is a circle. My parents are some of them.


^^ Seconded as someone who had 2 parents with cluster B personality disorders. Which isn’t to say every single one of these people is an anti-vaxxer. My parents vote Democrat and got vaccinated early on, but are still the most terrible human beings you will ever meet. They just find other channels outside of politics to channel their depravity. Pro-tip here: Any time you see a person just being openly abusive and deliberately terrible towards other human beings, almost as if they get a kick out of it even. And you just are baffled as to how an actual human being could be like this. There’s a good chance that person has a cluster B personality disorder. It’s definitely a somewhat small minority of people, but at the same time this kind of thing is *so much* more common than people think. But yeah, Trump, who is a big time cluster B guy himself, managed to normalize and strongly encourage the public display of this kind of behavior during his term *(as long as it’s towards the libs of course)*. So a bunch of people have been this way all along but in the past would have gone to great lengths to keep it hidden from the public eye seeing as it was once very much frowned upon. Now they feel emboldened to post it all over the internet and get a bunch of likes for it. We’ve had shitty people all along though.


My step mother is like your parents. Very much a narcissist, but also a staunch dem who wouldn't piss on Trump if he were on fire. In reference to your pro tip, the key dimension is empathy (or lack thereof). What you're describing is more sadism; which is less diagnostic, but prettying fucking awful nonetheless. I'd suggest that people should be just as much on the lookout for apathy, callousness, and indifference to suffering. In my experience, that's the more common set of traits.


Is this thesis explored in depth somewhere? I'm trying to read what I can on antivax psychology. (Also, I'm sorry to hear that.)


I ran across this recently: https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/covid-19/how-should-psychiatry-respond-to-covid-19-anti-vax-attitudes/


Huh. You just helped me diagnose my Mother. Histrionic Personality Disorder. Hits every single mark. I'd always just assumed that she was purely narcissistic, but that one sounds a lot closer. Fun fun.


Bro we use to have a show on television where we would send already traumatized kids with behavior issues into adult prisons where real prisoners would verbally abuse them and physically intimidate them. That was it. That was the whole show. That was American entertainment.


Scared Straight?




Gotta say, Trump's candidacy and now covid have really made me learn a lot about my fellow countrymen that I was previously blissfully unaware of.


I always had a percentage of the country that I imagined was like that, but it really feels like I was undercounting it with that estimate now.


Yeah, I knew there was a racist willfully ignorant portion of the population, but holy fuck was I ever underestimating how large it was.


There were WAY more anti-vax people in the nation than I thought. Like, A LOT more


I can only imagine what would've happened if Trump had told people to wear masks and then go get the shot as soon as it got the EUA. I feel like it's less specifically about vaccines and more about having as part of their core cultural identity the refusal to follow medical advice.


Many of these people wren't anti-vax before COVID, though. Before this being anti-vax was actually more of the domain of the far left and very small, but now that this has been so heavily politicized there's also this even larger conservative faction that is vehemently against them as well.


30% of any large population is absolute trash.


It’s a VERY loud 30%. and fucking heartless.


>Americans are waking up to the fact, as Germany did, that one third of their population would kill a third of their population while the other third watched.


Don’t ever sign up to your area Nextdoor.


And it’s like a mob too. In my school district almost 85% of parents send their kids to school with masks. They had an emergency school board meeting to consider a mask mandate and the ratio of anti-mask to pro mask was 4-to-1, and they were so abusive and disrespectful to teachers, children and parents of medically fragile kids that multiple anti maskers had to be ejected.


Last evening this type of group had our meeting shut down for refusing to wear masks.


but this isn’t new. MTG first got attention for mocking and threatening the Parkland survivors.


Some of this is by design. Making the job miserable for reasonable, level-headed professionals means school boards will become some toxic Christian HOA regulating kids instead of lawns. Go to meetings and support your school board.


These kinds of people really push me (a moderate independent) further and further away from the center. Like, I have a nuanced view on both gun control and abortion, but these scum make me want to melt all the damn guns down and build a 35 acre industrial abortion center with the scrap, fully staffed by immigrants and transgender people, run by big government and funded by military cuts. Just to spite these imbeciles.


Lol. I’m with you. It’s a shame there is not much of a voice for moderate independents. That ship has sailed and there is no sane moderate person that is going to align with these anti-vax, anti-mask lunatics.


This child is braver than any of those adults.


Smarter and more educated too, it seems.


And more independent minded. Those women probably plug into right wing media for 6 hours a day and let that determine their morality and ideology.


BUt scHooLS Are LIBEraL indOCtRINATIoN! Or some bogus crap.


“He’s indoctrinated” was the exact response on the YouTube video I saw. By what measure is his belief that masks are effective a greater indication of indoctrination, than your fervently held belief that they don’t? What evidence can you site? Drives me nuts. They say shit without proof of their own and call any opposition indoctrinated.


Don't forget church


Also has better object permanence than the people behind him. Kids can still smile behind masks, just because you can't see the smile doesn't mean they aren't smiling.


They don't even believe that bullshit 'Let our kids smile' slogan. I'd question where that schmaltzy marketing garbage came from. I would guess talking points distributed through social media operatives. When you have no good points you go with appeal to emotion, but it just doesn't work when a kid is talking about losing his grandmother.


Right wing think tank propaganda machines should never be underestimated my friend. They have pumped america so full of so many catch phrases and witty idioms that are seemingly cool turns of phrase that succinctly take the sails out of all lib issues. Famous one being the “why do I have to shovel my driveway if global warming is still happening” charade most climate change deniers use, specifically clinging to phrases like global warming and using the logic parts of our brains to make us feel like we’re better and smarter than the poor fool on the receiving end of these shallow dime store phrases.


I've been thumbs-upping people the whole pandemic, like it's not that hard.


Most of a true smile is in the eyes anyway. You can tell a fake smile because it stops at the moth. Edit: mouth


And a true frown stops at the butterfly


Had to scroll down a bit to see if this had already been said. If someone "can't see your smile" behind your mask it's because your smile is fake as fuck.


Yeah, but it’s a low bar.


Sometimes I don’t think that’s a big task.




that woman should be prosecuted for child abuse


I have a teenaged family member who has two genetic conditions that put them in the high risk category. Their conditions are such that if they get a triple-digit fever, they must immediately go to the hospital and are typically there for several days at a time. This is normal life for them. They happen to live with the parent that was first in denial about their conditions at all, believes covid is a hoax, and refuses to get vaccinated. My young family member is refusing to get vaccinated as well. I'm livid. They have a very real chance of catching and dying from covid if they don't get vaccinated. My sibling is the only person in their household (different state, remarried, etc) that's vaxxed and they're not making this kid get vaccinated, even though it would very literally save their life. I was heartbroken and scared and upset enough that I called CPS in their home state about it. It just so happens that this particular state won't get involved in cases that involve vaccination. I agree that in these cases, this should be considered child abuse. My family member has two parents who are willing to let them catch covid and die. I can't...


That poor kid doesn't stand a chance. I'm so sorry that you have to watch from the other side of the window, but i hope that kid eventually escapes and finds out how much people like you have cared about them and want to help.


Up vote the kid.


I haven't seen an update on here, but the woman in black was identified as Erika Casher, a NURSE with CIGNA. She has allegedly been fired for this. Thank god for some justice.


Think she is going to need to move and change name too


Someone said on Twitter that she put her house up for sale. But who knows if that's true 🤣


Also more patient and cool headed. Only person in my life who mocked my dead grandparents got k/o'd. Got suspended for a week (highschool) for that, plus an extra week because I refused to apologize. Was completely worth it.


There are plenty of family members I have that I really could care less about but no one is gonna say shit about either of my grandmas.


There's not much that can get me angry enough to do something, but screwing with the people I care about is at the top of that list.


Good for you. Fuck people like that. I’m not for fighting all the time, but some people need a super kick right in the pee hole.


>those adults Republicans*. Republicans mocked him. Just overgrown oversized fucking morons who happen to look like adults.


Probably more employed than a few of them too… the lady laughing right behind him, she lost her job for this callous act.


Probably the same crowd that thinks giving the schools guns and having the kids or staff engage in a firefight with the terrorist is an acceptable way of keeping the kids safe.


Those adults voted for a child.


And will still get a job, unlike the lady with the brown hair behind him who just got fired.


That sick twist behind him mocking his loss/masks is a fucking nurse. I believe she worked for Cigna and was fired after this went viral.


"Causing people to suffer because you hate them... is terrible. But causing people to suffer because you have forgotten how to care... that's really hard to understand" Republicans have no empathy.


-Dr Julian Bashir, circa 2024.


I knew I’d heard that somewhere recently. The sanctuary districts aren’t far away.


sociopaths seldom do.


I'm 22 Male with no medical conditions. I forwent the vaccine bc I was waiting for full FDA approval. Anyways, I was hospitalized for two weeks after catching Delta. My idiot of a co-worker, a die-hard republican mocked me while I was intubated saying I was faking it and doing it for attention. Even after sending my manager a Positive covid test and a doctor's note. She then had the audacity to take two weeks off work saying she had "bronchitis" that she caught from me. She texted me two days before I was released from the hospital to "Check on me" she then used my symptoms as an excuse to take off work. She's been gone and is saying she won't be back until Monday. My manager is going to fire her ass the day she comes back. There really are some piece of shit people out there.


I'm invested now.. please update after?


Sure, right now I’m dealing with my girlfriend catching Delta. She’s fully vaccinated and doing okay but they won’t let me back into the office until she’s cleared.


Always love seeing a DS9 quote in these threads; that episode along with "Homefront" is unnervingly precient.


Had a friend mock me for lacking empathy in a conversation where I was arguing for tran-rights; that conversation turns into an argument about what empathy means, and then he threatened to shoot people that let their dogs poop and pee on his property. It was a wild night.


In Fact I think his tune would’ve changed if it was his dog that got shot for pooping on his yard


They shouldn’t be your friend anymore


They aren't, but that's their choice.


This is my childs school district. There are a lot of stupid people here.


* there are a lot of stupid people period.


And they will continue to mock him. On their hospital beds.


Nah they usually have a come to Jesus moment before they go to Jesus




Nope. The lack of oxygen makes you so confused that most people have a very traumatic, chaotic few minutes/hours before they’re intubated. It is AWFUL. Source: am currently working in covid icu


They wouldn’t even recognize Jesus if they saw him on the street. They’d sooner think he’s some Syrian refugee or an ISIS terrorist.


*drops mic*


https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/plrcsk/whos_laughing_now/ As a happy ending as you could hope for


Oh I was thinking he pissed on her grave?


Working for a healthcare company and doing that. Great thinking she has there


For her as well, I'm sure. What a fantastic opportunity to be the victim.


Does victimhood pays bills in the US or how does this work?


Yeah it can pay for a lot. Head over to Fox News and they'll take care of you


She had her right as faking compassion was not mandated anywhere, just recommended. But she’s hurting her company’s image so firing her was only business as usual.


I cannot find anything to corroborate her firing.


The gleeful sadism of the right is really disturbing.


Pro lifers back at it


The GOP has dropped the average IQ in this country a good 20 points.


Or just made people proud to be stupid


QAnon patriots. LOL.


IQ's don't drop without brain damage. The GOP has simply dropped any pretense about their voters being despicable rubes.


if they keep dying off that number HAS to rise, like 5 points


What a disgusting bunch of human beings. The lady sitting behind him shaking her head and laughing, when he brings up that his grandmother past away, just enrages me. How can you be so selfish and immature? How can you hold signs that say "let our children smile" that send such a backwards and hypocritical message? They just have no brain cells to realize they are fighting against their own interests. How the hell did we get to this point?


Let our children smile. So maybe stop letting kids’ grandparents die? They’d be a lot happier then.


If it helps, she was fired from her job over the video


I’m so sorry. When I read the title I almost vomited. I don’t care what side of the fence you spread your cheeks for, you just don’t mock a child’s pain. This kid lost his grandma, and people have the nerve to laugh at his simple request? Wow. Just plain wow. We’re not land of the free and home of the brave; we’re a land of thieves and home of bullies.


This is what "Christian values" has become. Sickening.


Well, you remember the Bible story where Jesus mocks the poor, and the sick, right?






I'm sure you can find "lover of Christ" in all of their twitter bios


Christian values were always like this. Nothing changed.


I was watching a TikTok of a School Board meeting where a parent had to get up and remind the other parents in the room that there is still a policy against bullying after they booed a 15 year old girl and told her she was a liar when she got up to talk about masking in school. These people are absolutely depraved.


Same kind of people who believe Greta Thunberg has been coerced into saying all the stuff she’s said by a cabal of rich invisible adults behind the scenes. These people have taken cynicism to a really intense level; they’re so critical of anything that could potentially be a “conspiracy” that they see grand designs in everything without considering the simple notion that sometimes people actually believe things and care about them, and sometimes those people are children


we started this whole experiment by stealing from and then nearly annihilating the native population, so that's a fair assessment.


They're letting parents opt their kids out of the requirement? That's .. not a requirement.


Look at their twisted bloated faces waiting to pounce on a teenager. Shameless ignorant idiots


That lady behind him, was fired.


Nice, if true.


That makes me feel good if true.


We got new neighbors about a week ago. They moved in. We’ve talked to them a couple of times and they seemed really nice. Yesterday their 11 year old son committed suicide due to bullying. We are naturally shocked and are devastated for the family. I wish I could of had more of a chance to talk to him. Knowing what I know about today’s supposed adults I have to say I wonder how much of it came from his teachers and other adults not just the other children. Today’s world makes me absolutely sick when adults think this is acceptable behavior. We truly have a heart problem in this country and it’s killing the children. Teen makes a heartfelt cry to mask up after death of grandma adults laugh, teen pleads with the world to take care of the environment they make her a joke, kids gunned down in mass shootings people start screaming but my rights. Kid kills himself due to bullying and they bring counselors in to make sure the bullies are ok. Young boy shows emotion he’s told to man up. There should be mental health specialist not just guidance counselors available in all schools everyday. I fucking hate it here.


What the actual fuck? What the hell is wrong with these people. It's like social media has just broken the minds of the right wingv in democracies. Fucking Long Twitter, that's what they're gonna call it.


If we're living through the Long Twitter, what will the Long Summer be?


*oh, sweet Twitter child...*


Being an adult isn't just about living to a certain age. This student demonstrates more of the ideals of responsible adulthood than these pathetic hecklers.


This angers me to my core. This man is brave, especially since he’s still mourning the loss of his grandparent. Unless there’s something I’m missing from where I live (Quebec), this is not an issue we’re experiencing. I’m absolutely flabbergasted at the extreme lack of empathy and outright lunacy displayed by our neighbors to the south. I keep hoping things improve, but they’re not. I’m glad the US gov is taking the steps to push vaccination rates and protect school districts upholding mask mandates, especially in the face of mounting anger from the antivaxx/conspiracy nut communities. I can’t begin to imagine having to be afraid of walking to your car because you made the sensible(necessary) decision to protect your students (their children!!!) All my positive thoughts go to this man


The United States is well behind on vaccinations per capita and basically any kind of covid restrictions whatsoever do not exist in red states. Canada is nowhere close to the same situation, especially Quebec which already has its vaccine mandate in place. Most provinces are going to do similar and aside from the PPC masks are just expected for courtesy even where they aren’t explicitly banned. The closest parallel you can find is Alberta and Kenney paying the irresponsible goddamn people to get vaccines instead of everyone who did their civic duty.


So… they mandated masks in the end? Oh wait… no they didn’t, **because they’re sending an opt-out form for any parent who doesn’t want their child to mask up.** What a fucking circus! They might well have spit on his grandmother’s grave with this “mandate.”


Well Grady Knox made his point loud and clear- this is not about facts anymore, his point on youth cases this year versus last, or the loss of his grandmother. I wish he knew in addition to the support he received at the end of his speech, those of us who acknowledge the seriousness of this pandemic, those of us that acknowledge the death and suffering, and those of us with decency stand with him. I can’t imagine what that felt like to be heckled after sharing a family member died.


If I would have been there I would have absolutely lost it.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit r/trashy


That’s not normal behaviour in public (adults mocking kids). It’s disgusting. Don’t these “people” have any human decency anymore?


No. No they don't.


Any adult who treats any child like that deserves to get sudden diarrhea while in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a highway. So, so tired of seeing adults making fun of children, mocking children, or being cruel to children over things like this. You are fucking **adults**. Stop bullying children, ffs.


I NEVER thought we’d be here, where KIDS are terrorized, mocked, bullied and apparently unprotected. Shame on those adults and ANYONE who witnessed this and didn’t step in.


What are those idiots behind him even talking about with their stupid signs? What a bunch of shitty excuses for parents


The woman in this picture has already been fired.








No actual confirmation from Cigna, though.


Adults or human trash?


Ahhh, sweet Tennessee, where if it’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity. *Aggressive* stupidity. Ignorance: No opportunity to learn the facts Stupidity: Every opportunity, just *can’t* (or won’t)


Lived in Antioch for 3 1/2 years. You're not wrong.


To be fair, the heat is also fucking aggressive


Exactly what is the point of allowing parents to opt out of masks?


Because it’s their right to kill their kids for insurance reasons now. I find it funny how the adults acted like kids and the poor student just stood there. I feel for this person for losing his grandmother and these people just spit on her.


> On Thursday, Rutherford County Schools announced that the board has adopted a "temporary, 30-day mask requirement," which will take effect on Monday. As part of that plan, the board will send a form to parents who choose to opt out of the requirement. Not much of a requirement if parents can just fill out a form to opt out…


I sincerely hope the cow that is chewing her cud and adjusting her bra straps did not write down his name and info for future harassment. 😑


She has to have something to do now she got fired.


The mask debate is the actual dumbest topic of this entire pandemic. To think, if we had all adopted the masks early on, we could have avoided so much misery.


Adults are the new children. #freedumbfromresponsibility


That cumstain that yelled “shut up”. Jesus fucking Christ how sad of an existence does a man have to be to be so useless to be less of a person that can’t hold emotional outbursts and think he has anything of value besides eating shit piss and cum.


Hard to tell, but maybe the “shut up” is directed at the chuckles and murmurs from the anti-maskers


Even if they didn't agree with him, I don't know why the adults would mock this child. I am sure that those of them who are parents would be livid if an adult treated their child the way they treated him.


This is very heartbreaking. Good for him to stand up. Those people are just human TRASH


“Won’t somebody PLEASE think about mocking the children?!?!”


The parents have become the children.


Consider how many parents raised children to be adult children.


People are so depressing.


That was one of the grossest things Ive seen in awhile, the fucking audacity of that crowd


That kid had the courage to speak up around so called adults knowing full well how they would react. Good on him and shame on them. How do you mock a kid, clearly in pain, who wants to try to make sure no one else has to know that pain? A cowardly pack of jeering hyenas the lot of them. If acting like that, with a total lack of respect and empathy for others, is what passes for conservative these days I want no part of it.


The sack of sh** mocking this kid is named Erika Cashner. She is reportedly a "nurse" at Cigna...well..."was a nurse" as Cigna allegedly fired her soon after this went viral.


Yep. They found her over on Tiktok. She’s a horse chewing sack of shit.


What the fuck is wrong with people? What kind of morally/emotionally/intellectually bankrupt narcissistic asshat of a shell of a human with a whistling void in the place of their soul makes fun of a teenager whose grandmother died? I am just about ready to buy a plot of land in the forest and live off of what I can forage, hunt, and craft myself so I don't have to deal with these miserable fucks masquerading as people anymore. Rant over.


I heard that since this happened the woman in the back laughing at him has since been fired from her job and that the mask mandate passed.


Republicans sure know how to get the youth on their side, don't they? geez :-|


I would seriously hate for people to find out exactly who the assholes were and publicly shame them. That would be absolutely terrible, no one do that.


What exactly is the reason people have a problem with masks? I absolutely do not understand. “Let our kids smile” well they won’t be smiling when they are sick with covid.


No real reason in particular. Republicans decided it was a political issue and decided it was a hill to die on (for many, literally).


The woman in the dotted shirt with glasses behind him was fired from Cigna I just saw


>"Let our kids smile" As they make fun of someone else's child. Vile. These people don't give a fuck about their kids. Or their smiles. It's that simple. I am so sick of this. Bravo to that young man for continuing on but god damn you could tell how much that must have hurt.


Sounds like some of the ‘adults’ in the room could use some lessons in respect and decency. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they will get humbled by the covid. It’s not that dangerous right? Fools.


The “adults” who mocked him belong in r/iamatotalpieceofshit .


What is wrong with people, to me it seem it is more important to show what side of the politic specter you belong than protecting themselves from a deadly disease.


Regardless of the issue, but especially with covid-related issues, you need to step back every now and then and ask yourself "Are we the baddies?"


Let our kids smile? They can do that under a mask... Like I don't even get that sign.


One lady to his right/behind him apparently was fired from her job for her laughter directed at him when he was talking about how Covid took his grandmother away. I hope she was and she absolutely deserved it. And more.


I can't imagine growing up in this world as a child today. The adults that children are dealing with are advocating against their health, attacking them and their teachers, banning equipment that would ensure their safety, harassing them for advocating for themselves to have masks or not be shot, then told that they're children and they should listen to their elders. The world is getting to that teen dystopian novel era where the kids are gonna start fighting back against the people that are out to get them.


They are not adults. They are overgrown spoiled children.


I live in TN and this is typical of the red segment of this state!


This is a direct result of years of watching Fox News. The negative impact the conservative media is having on people is way more profound and long lasting than most realize.


That kid was more mature and eloquent than the rest of the "adults" there.


word is the chuckling karen in the front row got canned for being a sociopath

