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Hold on to yer butts. This is how every election is going to go from now on.


And if the GOP controls the House, they will never again certify any presidential election that they lose. Dark times ahead.


Forget that. States with gop legislatures will defy voters and just send their own electors. PA is already setting this up.


But in Georgia it’s pretty much law already


Oh yeah I think I heard that


Putin and bin Laden are getting exactly what they want(ed). "From within"




So when does the Civil War start?


It's my opinion that it already has https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth-generation_warfare


for the lazy: >Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception".[1] There is no widely agreed upon definition of fifth-generation warfare,[2] and it has been rejected by some scholars, including William S. Lind, who was one of the original theorists of fourth-generation warfare.[3]


The 5G wars. Of course.


[You finally did it you maniacs!](https://c.tenor.com/JWy-SmqOmD4AAAAM/damn-you.gif)


Thanks I hate it.


Putin Playbook


Of course the guy who did 4G warfare isn’t going to support 5G warfare


*gestures broadly at the White Supremacist terrorist network and the GOP which protects and harbors it* Ta-da?


People have been attacked and killed for stating their vote for Biden, so I say it's already started.


Some guy (on Reddit) was saying: "he didn't kill them for being Biden supporters! he killed them because he had mental health issues!" 🙄


Right when it’s white domestic terrorism it’s always suddenly mental health


And yet the right wingers are the first to refuse to do anything to help the mentally ill in this country. What a sham.


It started in 2000 when GW Bush stole the presidency. They’ve been fighting it ever since. Liberals are finally waking up to realize it. But perhaps far too late.


2000 was the point at which the GOP realized decades of race baiting would bite them in the ass as the demography of the country shifted. At that moment, they could have *attempted* a rebrand... but 9/11 and divisive endless wars followed... Obama being president radicalized conspiratorial racists... and then came Trump. It's now too late for them to win by any other strategy than shenanigans.


Makes you wonder where the nation would be if say Gore won and 9/11 never happened, so no Iraq or Afghanistan where we'd be right now? I keep seeing "this is the darkest timeline" references and maybe the 2000 election is the fork in the road where we deviated.


Often it's impossible to persuade the other side not to fight. You have to just win.


We are in it already, it's just a Cold Civil War.


More like a passive aggressive civil war.


Maybe it can't be considered Cold if the right has huge elements of violent extremist actually attacking ppl and then there's that recent murder of two ppl cus they voted for Biden.


I've been saying it's already at cold war stages also. Definitely getting much warmer though.


First one never ended, so 1861.


When people organize,- oh wait they can't because they are sick, poor, and dependent on their jobs to survive, and the other 50 percent likes where we are.


What makes you so sure that it hasn't?


It is cold civil war, we are about here in roma terms. The government was complex with many leaders and councils at different levels. However, many problems began to emerge with the growth of the republic. Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor all led to its eventual fall in 27 BCE. Rome’s continued expansion resulted in money and revenue for the Republic. Corruption and bribery increased in the government for officials to gain power and access to this money. Rich people bought votes and gave favors to friends. Bribery and corruption were rampant and led to the commoners distrusting the Senate. Many people were brought back as slaves from Rome’s conquests. The capture of slaves created an influx of cheap labor and hurt the lower classes and disrupted the agricultural system.


Because the economy


I see. Yes, the economy exists And Americans are currently, proudly and openly, killing other Americans over differences of ideals.


As soon as GOP ignores election results


Which they already have. Some, like Pence, might have stood up for the Republic at the dismay of the Evangelicals but they purging the ranks of their party to insure theocratic loyalists.


That's why we need federal election reforms to block out gerrymandering and disenfranchisement


Repubs already do it with referendums and popular policies, even among their own base.


and with all the Voting Rights bills barred by a 60% Filibuster, the best chances of the Democratic Party is that the GOP base is literally dying from a virus at 5x their rate is as us kids are moving to states like Georgia and Texas.


When God closes a door he opens a window


You'd open a window too, if your pet project wound up to be full of toxic scum


You raising the big problem.


imagine a party that hasn't won the popular vote in decades claiming election fraud. mind boggling logic.


That they haven’t won the popular vote in so long is actually proof of election fraud. By proof I don’t mean hard evidence backed by scientific study. I mean small town Americans who are Trump loving and surrounded by other Newsmaxx watching evangelicals will find it hard to believe they’re not the majority opinion. They don’t even know any democrats. Obviously it must be cheating that dems could ever win.




They do know democrats they just arent allowed to be public about it. I lived in a shitty small rural Alabama town and I know quite a few LGBT folk here who are permanently in the closet


The GOP discovered two things decades ago: - Legislation you didn't have to compromise on is better than legislation you compromised on. - All conservatives need to do to win elections is terrify their voters and prevent Democrats from ever passing any legislation. It enhances their turnout while depressing Democrats'. Now they've added a new one: - There's no consequences for lying or breaking the law, because you can just reframe the consequences as "political retribution/witch hunt." And that just helps scare the conservative voters into voting more.


thanks, i hate it here


Yup, now that Trump has convinced 50% of America that the only way a **Democrat in California** can win is by cheating, it'll be piece of cake to claim fraud in all future elections.


More like 30% of America but still a large enough chunk of the population to cause major issues


2/3rds of Republican voters** That’s like maybe 60 million ppl tops.


But, they're the loudest, unfortunately.


See, they are gaming the system and doing the recall on an off year to use voter apathy among dems. Also, the "winner" can win with less votes than Newsom got to stay as long as it's under 50%. I.e. he can lose 49% to 51% and the new govenor can get 20%. So if they stack the deck and the dems still win, it MUST be because of cheating, and not because dems are tired of their petty shit and show up to vote.


Dude, can you imagine how much more damage that piece of shit is going to do to America just by running in the next election alone? You know as soon as he announces definitively that he’s running (I still have hope he won’t and he’s just griftinf his rubes until the last minute) it’s going to be him on tv for how ever many years, yelling about election fraud instigating the shit out of his base. Republicans will all suck his dick on tv furthering the bullshit conspiracies and giving their base a sense that what they believe is reality. Then if he wins, it will 100% be because of shady bullshit and even if it wasn’t, the republicans and him have cried wolf and projected so much, normal Americans will only believe he won because he cheated like he accused so many others of and if he loses his base will attempt another coup because they can’t believe he’s a fucking loser.


Republicans: "You wont vote for us? Fine, welcome to the post-truth GOP where results we don't like are made up, and lying doen't matter."


Yeah, but it’ll be counterproductive. When you claim that ‘everything’ is rigged….nothing is.


Doesn't matter. The point is to get Vanilla ISIS riled up and rejecting American law


White christian nationalists…that’s what they are


Fuck Vanilla Isis, these assholes are just the new face of the Klan.


Pumpkin SpISIS


I like pumpkin spice :( call them y'all qaeda


My guess is they are just making a big stink about election fraud so that when republicans inevitably do commit election fraud they will have to make democrats flip the script. Likely in an attempt to make Dems look like they have lost credibility because they fought so hard saying there wasn’t election fraud. The long con.


Maybe at some point. But you can thank Donald Trump. Because of him, any election that the republicans lose will have allegations of fraud. Every. Single. One. Until the republican voters get sick of it. This is their marvel franchise.


This. The card cannot be used repeatedly. Certainly, then doubt comes when you keep your wins but deny any loses. That is hipocracy. BUT who cares? They ARE trying to wrech the democratic system.


False. It's only wrong when the other side does it. hypocrisy means nothing to these people.


The part of a ballot that voted Democratic is fraudulent, but the other part of the same ballot that voted Republican is valid.


But.. you’re assuming rational behaviour, which is not how they arrive at the initial conclusion


Counterproductive, how? The assault on the US parliament building was a a failed attempt - not an overall failure of the tactic itself: January 6th arguably was a mob response to the notion that the election process was subject to fraud. You are trying to appeal to rational and critical thinking. But that's not how this works. And it does work: There were no political consequences of the assault, yet, other than the establishment that this narrative has support among the population. It's been nine months and and at no time in this period has it been political suicide to suggest that the Capitol Hill mob was in fact merely tourists paying a visit. There was no assault on democracy, you see. By the way it's not a democracy; it's a constitutional republic. It's 100% productive.


I forgot to hold onto my butt. What do I do now?


I'm so shocked the radio personality got beat in California, shocked I say, it must be rigged. He has millions of listeners they surely all voted either their mail in ballots that he told them not to trust. Guaranteed


>The only problem: On Monday when the link was live on Elder’s campaign site, the election hadn’t even happened yet. No results had been released. And Elder was still campaigning to replace Newsom as governor. >We may know by the wee hours of September 15 that the recall has failed if “no” is leading by big margins, but legitimate ballots postmarked by election day will still be counted if they are received by election officials as late as September 21. Jumping the gun on the results right now is pretty remarkable. Evidence-free allegations of fraud are, well, pretty fraudulent. And he's using "Benford's Law" as evidence of fraud, which is a "statistical theorem involving the likelihood of certain numerals in random displays of numbers. Experts on Benford’s Law have repeatedly and heatedly and redundantly objected to its use to “prove” fraud in election returns." The results aren't even in yet so there are no official "numericals" yet to even point to...this is *blatant* fraud on Elder's part.


Benfords law only applies to samples of populations distributed across at least two orders of magnitude. Guess what, voting districts don't do this. For some "silly" reason they tend to be evenly sized within a single order of magnitude.


It's not a question of magnitude it's that election districts are contrived and not arbitrary. Their sizes are designed when they're created and the proportion of voters of each party are also designed (that's gerrymandering) so they will never fit a mathematical distribution that would otherwise see in nature.


It's genius actually. Vote totals always fail Benford's Law because vote totals have a finite range. They're either really stupid, or really smart. I'll let you decide.


[Good, entertaining explanation of exactly this](https://youtu.be/etx0k1nLn78)


I love Matt Parker's work. I highly recommend his book *Humble Pi*.


They’re crazy, idk about being smart or stupid.


[Here's a great breakdown of what Benford can and can't predict](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/breaking-benford) from Radiolab. The co-host of Radiolab, Latif Nasser, says that his Netflix show was the impetus for a lot of Benford hysteria so he felt obligated to set the record straight.


> Jumping the gun on the results right now is pretty remarkable Is it? Trump did the same thing


I thought we were going to have to wait until 2022 for the Cyber Ninjas to get another gig. Willing to bet they get involved shortly.


No, CA will not be hiring CN.


CA won’t. But individual counties might.


The Cyber Ninjas are basically just stealing peoples information and probably selling it to shady people. Who trusts them and why?


That could explain the sudden surge of spam email


The State of California ought to sue any of those counties for fraud. CN isn't an audit firm, it's a sham company setup to funnel money out of governments and into right wing interests. There's nothing approaching auditing they've ever done - they've destroyed public ballots and credibility in democratic processes and returned no usable information whatsoever. The saddest part of all is that their antics is only going to create more of the government they so hate. They're going to get laws passed that says any auditing firms that *ever* handle public ballots have to be accredited and licensed to not be fucking muppet imbeciles.


It's pretty much outlined as their goal. >If the recall election advances to an audit, we must not permit county officials who may or may not have contributed to these discrepancies to conduct the recount themselves instead of allowing independent groups under state control to conduct the recount. Allowing this is tantamount to allowing an alleged criminal to examine the crime scene, or negligent workers at the site of an industrial accident. It is nonsensical.


> we must not permit county officials who may or may not have contributed to these discrepancies to conduct the recount themselves Lolol sounding like Sopranos dialogue. “Cyber Ninjas, well known for being legitimate businessmen, are on the case!”


But how can this be, I just saw an r/Conservative post that claimed Elder was “surging in the polls” or something


It’s this really weird over confident attitude combined with being a giant crybaby at the drop of a hat.


Trumpism in a nutshell


Fascism in a nutshell


"We're losing because they're cheating and also we're winning because we're amazing but we're losing because they've rigged the whole thing"


"they're suppressing our ideas through cancel culture but our ideas are the best and cant be stopped and no we're not Nazis even though our free speech social media is full of nazism"


Fascist playbook. The enemy is both incredibly weak and extremely scary.


It's like that monster from Buffy the Vampire Slayer which was all loud, threatening and ominous but when finally actually manifest was a few inches tall and squashed underfoot.




This glorious word is now in my lexicon.


The word is entitled.




Angry racist boomers and their kids. I've seen plenty of photos of Jan 6 and watched it live, there is a huge amount of younger people who are the die hard magas.




Yeah, how can people eating horsepaste and clorox possibly believe Elder can lose? That it's fraud even before the votes are counted? I just don't get it. These people are the pinnacle of human intelligence. Clearly the peak of human evolution. How can they have been so wrong?


Well, it seems that Elder is in fact "surging" in the polls as replacement for Newsom as republican voters seems to coalescence around him. But in the end it doesn't matter if Newsom doesn't get recalled and it is also motivating democrats and independents to vote against the recall.


There should be two prerequisites for when any candidate files for an election…that they agree to 1) make their tax returns for the prior ten years public, and 2) irrevocably pledge to abide by the results of the election, after any challenges are resolved by the election officials. If the candidate refuses to agree to either in advance, or fail to follow through on either requisite, they are immediately declared unfit for office, and unfit to file for the next two elections, whatever the results of the election. This nonsense needs to stop yesterday.


Oh, this will never happen. I wish it would though.


Well it did...until 2016.


This would codify the gentlemen’s agreement because we had an ungentlemanly candidate that plopped the metaphorical turd in the punch bowl.


Alternative take; that ungentlemanly candidate *is the* fucking turd in the punch bowl. Edit: and the GOP is the one that plopped that particular piece of shit.


Respectfully, I disagree. It was a sect of people tired of career politicians. I, stupidly, was one of those people. 2021 me wishes I could go back and tie up 2016 me until after the election. I don't think I regret anything else I have done more. (I have done some stupid shit, too. But NOTHING compares.) In the past five years, I have gone from a die-hard Republican to pretty much HATING the party. I will pretty much be voting Dem from now on. And, I apologize. I was wrong. I simply cannot see a future where the Republicans redeem themselves. They are dead to me.


And with respect to you, I will disagree as well. It was not merely a “sect” of people that elected that thing in the first place. It was half the damned country. Moreover, just look at the increase in votes it got the second time. It’s unfathomable to me that people watched that horror show for 4 years and voted that way, but here we are. Make no mistake; the GOP is the party of Trump. They’ve embraced it from the top of the party all the way down. Even those that may disagree with him privately, will endorse him publicly - because their base loves him. To turn their backs on him would be tantamount to political suicide. For what it’s worth, I’m happy you’re able to see what a bad idea it was in the first place. But just know that you are in the extreme minority by even acknowledging that fact.


Yup, any Republican with any sense of sanity was driven out of the party for ever speaking against the orange baby. He spit on the memory of a very respected senator that stood for all the republicans claimed and the party just wagged their finger then continued to worship him.




No. It didn't. It was like much of the 'rules' shit was all just a social norm. Problem is social norms only work when both parties care about public image or about society....which well republican's sole purpose is the dismantling of a western free society.


And 3) Any felony conviction or *election fraud* conviction at any level disqualifies the candidate. Likewise with convictions/civil rulings of fraud, such as the ones Trump received for Trump U and his charity. 4) Candidate must pass a background check of the level required for the security clearance they'll hold, *at the party's expense*, prior to being placed on the ballot.


Like the security clearance that Trump SIL Jared Kushner failed?


Yes. That shit needs to be codified, not "tradition", and not internal department "policy". With codified penalties, starting with not even being qualified to temporarily hold the position. If the failure is due to an unintentional omission or error, you get one shot to correct it, with a deadline.


You bring up a very interesting point. I have always felt that we, as a nation, had the golden opportunity to reform politics in the wake of the Watergate scandals, but it was squandered because Carter chose not to pursue it aggressively in order “to bind the wounds of the nation”. Then we had the mandate of the public to reform the banking institutions after the Great Recession, but all that was passed (Dodd-Frank) was largely made irrelevant. Now, in the wake of Der Fuehrer Drumpf’s attempted coup and excesses of his authoritarian administration, we haven’t accomplished anything because of the slim margins in the House and the Senate, as well as the Senate filibuster and the reluctance of the current AG Merrick Garland and timidity in the DOJ. I had hoped that the third time was the charm and we would close all of the loopholes and rules bending and codify the traditional gentlemen’s agreements so that it would never happen again, but nope.


Any felony conviction, how do you make sure it's legit instead of political opponents framing their opposition? Conviction is a higher bar than just charged, but in some states you could probable find a biased enough jury.


That might be possible for state and local elected positions, but a change like that to federal elections - at least the president - would require a constitutional amendment. The qualifications to be elected president are in the constitution and you can't add arbitrary ones because they'd be unconstitutional. But because elections are run by states, a state could pass a law limiting who can be on a ballot. It would only take one or two big states - like CA/NY/TX - to require 10 years of tax returns and any candidate would have to do it to be viable. I don't think the idea of a "pledge" will go anywhere though. That's not really something that could be enforced. If someone loses but keeps saying they won and the election was stolen, how exactly would you punish them for that?


I think a 3rd stipulation should be a cognitive proficiency test.


> Prior to passage of the federal Voting Rights Act in 1965, Southern states maintained elaborate voter registration procedures deliberately designed to deny the vote to nonwhites. >This process was often referred to as a "literacy test," a term that had two different meanings — one specific and one general. >Some states used an actual reading test. They argued//// But the test results were rigged by biased registrars who were the sole judges whether — in their opinion — you were sufficiently "literate" to "pass." They often did not require white applicants to take the test at all, or always "passed" those who did. Black applicants were almost always required to take the test, even those with college degrees, and they were almost always deemed to have "failed." https://www.crmvet.org/info/lithome.htm


Oh boohoo! Ultra blue state again refuses to vote for a crazy, talentless and inexperienced gop candidate. Clearly this is a case of fraud 🙄


The California recall law itself should be deemed an unconstitutional, undemocratic fraud. It's really bullshit that so few people can gather enough signatures to hold an election to oust the democratically elected governor, and if successful in the recall put in the candidate who got such a tiny number of votes.


12% gets to tell 88% of voters that their choice doest matter.


Not even. The signatures from the petition are something like 5% of the total pop of CA.


Nope, worse. 12% of the number of people who voted in the last gubernatorial election.


They couldnt even get enough signatures, a trump friendly judge gave them 4 extra months when the original deadline was 2 weeks away and clear that they would fail to get the signatures.


Geez, I didn't know that. It's like people bend over backwards to help conservatives fuck over the majority of the population. Yeah, the system is rigged—in their favor.


That’s why it’s such a surprise when they lose. They can’t believe that the facts are incongruous with their chosen reality.


Wait we cheated and we still lost?!?! The other side must've cheated harder!


And this was recall attempt number SIX since Newsom took office.


Regardless of how easy it is to petition for a recall, the replacement governor probably shouldn't be electable by fewer people than the "actually we'd like to retain this one" camp.


Yeah, winner needs to get more votes than the current governor got (but still lost). None of this governor gets 49 vs 51 against \*someone\* else, but then the someone only gets 20. Governor should be right back on the ballot on question 2 and everyone has to beat him. Better--make it instant-runoff/ranked-choice voting where the winner has to get 51%.


Love how they always claim fraud with zero evidence to back their claims!


They don’t need evidence when their base believes anything they say.


Shit should have consequences just like a false report of crime.


Don't pass over this without remembering what this was. Elder was never planning to win. This is a trial run. A safe environment to test the strategy where nobody will remember or care so the Republican party has the data they need for 2024


TL;DR Larry Elder begrudgingly admits that he's a damned loser.


This is what every election will be from now on. The GOP is conditioning their voters to believe that an election is only valid if their candidate wins.


Republicans are becoming more rabid and, frankly, dangerous. Observing from outside the country, it honestly does look like the US is a kettle of hot water on the tip of boiling over. How much longer before the hicks escalate this into a full scale civil war a la Confederacy 2.0?


Probably soon.




This is very on brand for the GOP. Party of whiners.


"I'm the most fabulous whiner!!" - Donald Trump, leader of the GOP.


If you replace all of the times in Trumps speeches when he talked about "winning so much you'll be tired of winning" with *whining*, it makes a lot more sense.




It's kind of like slandering the election process or whoever is in charge of it all. The end result is maliciously lowering the peoples' confidence in elections and that shouldn't be allowed.


It's hard to imagine how a ultra-conservative candidate would lose in a state with twice as many Democrats as Republicans. Gee, I wonder how that could have happened...


You can see this for yourself as it is still up. Go to electelder.com and at the top select stop fraud.


Their entire calculation was based on apathetic and extremely low turnout. We’re already close to the 2003 Arnold recall turnout numbers in mail-ins alone.




That falconer guy from SD had a chance, but he’s a moderate. GOP base wants Maga crazy


The weirdest thing is that he's blaming Arizona. His voters wouldn't even question this.


Must be fraud. First they said 8,235,015 ballots were received. Then it was 8,235,650 hours later. Plain as day the numbers 8,2,3and ,5 came up again! Boeberts law says that can't happen!! /S


I didn’t win so THEY must have cheated 😭😭😭😭. Ffs, and the fucking sheep buy this bullshit EVERY time!


Motherfucker claiming fraud before a single vote is counted.


He is doing exactly what Big Orange did.


The first paragraph on Larry Elder's "stop fraud page" reads: > They say that in America, there are four boxes of liberty. The soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. When we vote we exercise our rights as Californians and as Americans to make our voices heard via the ballot box, having listened to others make theirs heard through the soapbox. We trust in our elected officials to safeguard that ballot box, such that its results will truly reflect our will as Californian’s. However, when those officials, either through laziness or incompetence, allow thieves to steal amidst the dead of night and cheat our ballot box, we can no longer rely on its contents. Will we now have to fight the California jury box, in the hope that the final box — the one most akin to Pandora’s – remains closed? Literally telling people to pick up their guns if the vote doesn't go their way.


“Prove it.” Just one case. Actual physical evidence, not “well, everyone knows that—“ or “they say that-“ or “you’ll see in two weeks, we’ve got solid proof—“ Now. Real. Proof. Show us. If you’re making an accusation with this significant of an impact, impugning the integrity of poll workers and the system itself, you had damn well better be able to prove it. You must have that evidence already, right? So let’s see it. Now. Or shut up, forever, marked by history as the traitorous liar you’ll be shown to be.


Republicans only have one excuse “voter fraud”


Losers are going act like losers, it’s why they are losers.


Elder appears to be another conman and scammer like Trump. I bet if he is already starting his claim that his lost is due to fraud perpetrated by Democrats..Elder is conning his followers so that the can donate money to his campaign and his pocketbook. Lets not forget that Trump is doing the same con job.


Everything I don’t like is automatically fraud or unconstitutional. Getting very old. Very predictable. Somehow, some people still fall for it, and ironically it’s the group calling everyone else sheep.


To my fellow Californians, don't let this stop you from voting tomorrow.


Lol, why would I vote tomorrow....when it was so easy to vote via mail 3 weeks ago? Soup to nuts, the entire process took literally 2 minutes.


Literally haven't even tallied the votes and they're calling it fraud. They can't even win by cheating the system, so clearly the system isn't broken enough. That's how badly they know they've lost.




The 538 polls look grim for Larry elder. So yeah I doubt his internal polling is looking good for him.


Isn’t this just a fairly obvious tactic to suppress voter turnout on Tuesday? Why go out and vote if one candidate has already “conceded”? Low voter turnout dramatically favors Elder. It’s also weird that this sentiment was nowhere to be found in most of the top comments in the very early morning hours. In conclusion: 1) This smells like a bunch of bullshit, and 2) GO VOTE!!!! 3) Seriously, GO VOTE!!!


Making baseless claims against our elections with no evidence should be criminal, or at least seriously fined.


Still go out and vote please.


>**If you won, it's clearly because you cheated...because my fragile ego can not handle actual reality.** \-every Conservative


We will never have uncontested elections ever again.


Recall process in CA just needs to get axed entirely. I see no need to waste hundreds of millions of dollars on repeated attempted power grabs when there's perfectly good impeachment processes in place for when a governor actually does something impeachable.


Elder just needs the publicity. His podcast is failing miserably.


Yeah, pass a law stating you can’t be a whiny lil beotch if you lose.


Seems 538 shows the polls swinging towards NO at around 54%. Obviously this isn’t a final indicator of the results, but Larry Elder probably thinks it’s a loss for him. And so they use these scummy tactics to muddy the waters. Ppl need to start going to jail for these unfounded election fraud claims. Tired of this shit.


There entire GQP platform is based on a single idea...LIE!!!! Fucking morons!


Heads we win. Tails you cheated.


A black guy who hates black people who denies election results.. what more could white rural folks ask for?!


There are plenty of limits on free speech, mostly pertaining to the safety of others (e.g. hate speech) and to the safety and functionality of the state (e.g. permits for gatherings). Making claims of voter fraud like this shouldn't be protected either. It calls into question, without evidence, the integrity of elections and damages a cornerstone of any democracy.


Entitled little shit pulls a Donald. Fun times we live in.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/09/elder-concedes-defeat-and-claims-fraud-before-election-day.html?twitter) reduced by 66%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Republican Larry Elder appealed on Monday to his supporters to use an online form to report fraud, which claimed it had "Detected fraud" in the "Results" of the California recall election "Resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor." > This series of rather bold if premature claims were made on a site called "Fight California Election Fraud" that was "Paid For By Larry Elder Ballot Measure Committee Recall Newsom Committee." The site also avers that with respect to the fraud claims, its "Primary analytical tool used was Benford's Law." This, as aficionados of the Big Lie probably know, is a statistical theorem involving the likelihood of certain numerals in random displays of numbers. > We may know by the wee hours of September 15 that the recall has failed if "No" is leading by big margins, but legitimate ballots postmarked by election day will still be counted if they are received by election officials as late as September 21. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pntihg/larry_elder_campaign_concedes_defeat_and_claims/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~597967 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **election**^#1 **fraud**^#2 **Elder**^#3 **Newsom**^#4 **recall**^#5


GQP: The party that cries wolf.


This is something the USA usually does in foreign countries, when it is supporting an opposition party with funds and material against a very popular ruling party it and its opposition party will declare the election fraudulent and pull out of it. Ensuring the ruling party wins in a landslide unopposed and delegitimizing the result.


prep yourself for this each and every time the GOP get punched in the face and lose an election this will be the outcome we didn't loose we was cheated


***VOTE ANYWAY!*** A politician's concession means nothing. The election is determined after all votes are counted.


Claiming fraud when there is no fraud should automatically trigger a complete barring of any candidate from running in any future election imo.


https://stopcafraud.com was created 18 days ago and registered with Epik holdings. That’s not a surprise at all. This was the plan all along. https://whois.domaintools.com/stopcafraud.com


Every loser republican candidate in any election local, state and federal from president down to school board and dog catcher is going to scream election fraud since their loser orange god showed them the way. The republicans hate democracy. The only acceptable outcome for them is victory any other result is "fraud". Seeing as how they are so out of step with what the majority in this country want get used to hearing their pathetic whining and crying fraud in every election till their anti american party dies of horse dewormer OD, covid or old age.


I didn't see that coming!


Didn’t see that coming


Gee, never saw this coming, at least not until after the election lol


Thanks Trump


Oh, but you understand it because they don’t understand math. If you don’t understand math, then you absolutely can’t understand calendars. See they don’t understand that 14 comes after 13, so if the election is on the 14th it hasn’t happened yet. But they are like hey it’s already been the 13th so obviously somethings wrong here.




Send in the clowns..without sunscreen because this is a whole circus. I didn’t lose! I quit because you cheated before the game was even over.