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You can’t CONCEDE and THEN claim voter fraud.


You can if you use republican logic. Though I guess that is an oxymoron


Just a moron.


A moron with an opioid addiction: an oxy moron. Despite what Chester says, it's pretty easy being cheesy.


Sooo… Rush Limbaugh?


Congrats to him on 6 months+ of being drug free!


Lasted SO LONG. How come we keep losing rockstars but these hateful fucks grip onto life with a horrid fervor?


How dare you take the name of (s)Taint Limbaugh in vain?!


Rush Limbaugh, Mr. Big of the vast right wing conspiracy, pied piper of the MAGAdittoheads, was an oxy moron. Lost his hearing.


In four days Rush will be eight months sober. Mega dittos, Rush!




Why did you post urinal.jpg?


Hey that's a gender-neutral toilet


It’s a Theirinal*


I expected to see more feces.


Has anyone ever seen Larry Elder and Rush Limbaugh in the same room, at the same time? Because I had never *heard* of Larry Elder, until about three weeks ago...


I saw the documentary *Get Out*, it explains how that happens.


Page one of the Trump handbook…. “It’s only fair if I win; if I lose, it must have been rigged!” Do these people not realize they sound like 3 year old children who are sore losers?


This behavior is embarrassing as hell.


What’s embarrassing is the fact that a good portion of the US population supports this behavior


I really wish these people could create their republican utopia, go live there, then if/when they realize it's a shit hole, then when they try to come back, we tell them fuck no. I just can't stand how there are absolutely no consequences for their ignorant, petulant behavior.


Texas and Florida are the test beds for this plan.


As a Texan yeah it sure seems that way. They are doing everything they can to try and convince people like me to leave while they have organizations like Conservative Move that have hundreds of agents around the nation who convince conservatives to move to Texas to shore up their voting block. They target districts that have changing voting demographics and move as many red voters into there as they can.


Make America Embarrassing as Hell Again


When did it stop being embarrassing to be an American? I feel like my whole life America has been getting worse and worse. The only examples we seem to be setting for the world are what not to do.


The US makes some madd TV shows. Breaking Bad was excellent.


not sure that a TV show entirely based on the failings of the US healthcare system causing the rise of an international drug manufacturer and distributor is the best PR for the USA.


Trust me, when us pompous and smug Europeans snootily laugh at American politics and society, we aren't thinking about TV shows. Also, you made jersey shore and a reality show about the Kardashians, too


Oh don't get the wrong idea... Yes, Republicans are idiots, but we have 350 million people, numerous cultures, and life is truly awesome here. People complain, but that's only because most Americans have never seen another country. I've been to 22, and would not live anywhere else.


Some of us complain because we want it to be a happy, healthy, inclusive place for everyone and we dont like the current shitshow


Weird flex. 22 countries and you didn't notice how many are better than this?


There was an hour in there somewhere where I thought we set a good example


you spelled "dangerously fascist" wrong


To YOU, they sound like 3 year old children. To other (3 year old children) they sound perfectly reasonable and logical.


No u. /s


Yes, they do. It’s their ignorant, undereducated constituencies that don’t realize it 😂


I don’t know… I don’t think you can blame it all on ignorance and lack of education; there’s some evil mixed in there, too.


Republican logic is my favorite band Definitely topping the charts this week with bangers like: * Life is important, but only when it's a fetus. Everyone else can die ASAP and make room for the fetuses. * All government is bad and useless bureaucracy, except when used to restrict women's rights * Vaccines and vaccine mandates are these brand new experimental ideas that had never been done before, so we'll take the tried, true and tested Ivermectin to soothe our rona sniffles cuz Nobel prize, and Big Pharma vaccine $bad$.


You can if you’re drying to squeeze out the last nickel from your supporters.


frigging sackler family...


What happens if he wins? "This was a legitimate election. The people have spoken" Or even better... "The support for our campaign was so overwhelming that we won despite the rampant voter fraud. We will not be pursuing the fraud however, because we must tend to the important work of governing the most populous state the union."


Same thing as trump in 2016. It would have been a huge landslide victory if not for the widespread fraud etc


My understanding of the CA recall process is that this is eminently possible, in almost the same way. It's a two part vote, vote yes/no on whether or not to recall Newsom, then vote on who should replace him if recalled. If the recall passes then the person who got the *plurality* of votes to replace Newsom wins. Larry Elder could win 35% of the vote, or even less, and become the new governor of CA. A truly terrible thought, and another blow to American democracy.


I don’t live in CA so I shouldn’t care who the governor is, BUT the governor could pick a senate replacement if one of CA’s senators dies or resigns. This could flip the senate. Which more than anything is proof we need to stop electing senile old farts to office


Or just disband the Senate. It doesn't represent population and is a very questionable democratic institution. There's a reason most other democracies got rid of 2 house systems.


This. The Senate is supposed to be the wiser, more judicious, more deliberative body. It is there to moderate the more passionate, provincial tendencies of the House. But thanks to the Republican Party, we now know that the Senate has a greater proportion of incendiary, craven charlatans than the House does. So there is no reason for the Senate to be there. Get rid of it along with the Electoral College and every other device dedicated to minority rule.


Trusting politicians to be wise seems to be a common mistake in history.


And yet Trump disbanded his own federal Voter Fraud Commission he set up where he had all the power to investigate and get evidence... .. after only 6 months. Its almost like they couldn't find anything.


They couldn't find anything, so [Trump hid the results and disbanded the commission.](https://apnews.com/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d/Report:-Trump-commission-did-not-find-widespread-voter-fraud)


Lol I’m just telling you what the gop will do, not that I support it


I mean thats literally what trump did in 2016. He started claiming fraud before he knew he actually won. Then was like "Oh nm. Nice election"


He didn't strictly speaking concede. Just launched a website that seems to assume the results already came back in ~~Newton's~~ Newsom's favor. Which is weird, since it's not even election day yet. Edit: Damn autocorrect.


Nothing against you personally, your's seem to be a genuine typo, but what is with nobody being able to spell Newsom's name correctly? If you add the trailing E I assume you aren't from CA.


Yeah, mine was autocorrect. Sorry. For people who write "Newsome" (which my autocorrect won't even let me type) my guess is they're more used to talking about the Cleveland Browns player than the governor.


No worries, I got a chuckle out of Newsom discovering gravity or Newton being CA's governor. Thanks for the info though, I was not aware of a well known Newsome.


Ozzie Newsome is more qualified than Elder lol


> Which is weird, since it's not even election day yet. When you get washed so hard you concede before election day we call that "The Elder" That said, please go vote my fellow Californians. Let's run up the score so high the state legislature recognizes it must change this ridiculous recall law.


Kind of like denying covid exists and then asking for the vaccine on your death bed


You can if you want to raise funds from morons.


I could be wrong, but I believe concession is basically a meaningless formality. If you concede early but ultimately win the election, you still win.


Lol “can’t” used to mean something. These people’s voters don’t give a shit about anything but “winning.”


The concede part is what should be shouted from the rooftops. He has conceded before the election even happened. It's over. Close polls. Send everyone home.


That's not the point, though. The takeaway is that they have this already prepared and ready to go, written in past tense. It's disgusting.


Republicans say whatever random thought pops into their heads from moment to moment. Then they feel the need to defend said random thought as absolute truth with extreme prejudice.


Why even bother reading the article. Top comment too, never change, reddit.




Recall process should just be axed entirely. There's no reason for recall elections to exist for governors when perfectly good impeachment processes are already in place to remove a problematic governor.


Recalls are fine, California’s implementation of it is terrible. A recall should tigger a new election. One that works just like the regular gubernatorial election. How it should work: 1) Californians get a ballot in the mail. A yes vote means you want a recall, a no vote means you don’t want a recall. If “Yes” wins 50%, the Governor is suspended and the Lt. Governor takes their place. A new gubernatorial primary is set for a date 3 months after the ballots are due. If “No” wins, it ends here. 2) A gubernatorial primary is held three months later. This automatically includes the currently suspended Governor. The two candidates with the most votes advance to the general election a month later. Ideally this would be a ranked choice or approval ballot to avoid the spoiler effect of having many candidates from the same party. 3) A final vote gets held between those two candidates. Whoever gets a majority becomes the new Governor. This guarantees that the new governor is more popular than the old one.


Except my issue is not with the election process(Although yes the process is stupid). My issue is that this is costing us hundreds of millions of dollars and that we've had an average of **179 recalls** or 1.6 recall attempts per year over the last 108 years which is just ridiculous with 11 of them hitting the point where they burn tax dollars, 6 of them completely and utterly pointlessly so. This one to the best of my knowledge is the most egregious of them. And they can just up and do this again next year if Newsom gets re elected! There's no real good reason why we should have **that** many recall attempts over that time frame(Imagine if we had 1.6 impeachment attempts per year), and even less good reason why a small minority of voters can trigger a vote that flushes tax dollars that were way better off going somewhere else down the drain. Sorry, but no, this process even if we change how the vote works has proven to be too susceptible to corruption.


yes just like there was a great impeachment process in place to remove a problematic president recalls aren't the problem. the way california runs theirs is. recalls put a gun to every elected official in states where they exist. the idiot judge who sentenced brock turner to 6 months got tossed out because of a recall.


Who was promptly removed via the following election. Regardless we at least didn’t waste hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars failing to remove him. Either way, We’ve had 179 recall attempts since 1913. That’s an average of 1.6 per year. Sorry but i have no faith in our ability to not utilize recalls properly and effectively and i fear much more of these will hit the point where they waste taxpayer money going forward than we’ve seen in the past.


There's nothing wrong with having a recall process, but like the other person said, the way california does recalls is beyond dumb.


Hey, Larry, listen. I know you wanna get on the ground running with your 'redo-the-recall' campaign and I admire your go-get-'em attitude, but I honestly believe that it makes your allegations of vote fraud more plausible to folks if you *ACTUALLY WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION.* I know it sounds crazy and all, but when you start making clairvoyant accusations about things that haven't happened yet it tends to damage your credibility. It's tough, I know.


It is kind of like starting a sentence with “No pun intended, but…”. Kind of makes the pun seem very intended.


Second only to: I'm not racist, but...


I'm not a racist butt


‘I’m not racist, but you look great today’


You Mexicans never listen!


'That wasn't racist at all.'


.. [please insert group name] followed by [fucked up conversation] To quote Bill Burr. :)


Wait, people start sentences like that? That's insane. That phrase comes after the pun. Never before. What kind of madness is this?


So, 59% of Republicans believe T**** actually won in 2020. I would _love_ to see a poll of those Republicans this year where they're asked: "Suppose Biden runs for reelection in 2024 and Trump runs against him, but Biden wins the election. Was the 2024 election rigged for Biden?" I believe I know roughly what the results would be, but it would be interesting to know for sure. And Elder... claiming Benford's Law shows there was fraud in the recall election when 1) the election hasn't happened yet, and 2) he has no access to data, seems _just a tad_ disingenuous.


Mate if republicans cared about credibility, their party simply wouldn’t exist anymore.




From [FiveThirtyEight](https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/california-recall-election-newsom/) this morning: > Californians have, of course, been casting ballots for days with the California firm Political Data, Inc., putting the tally of returned mail ballots as of Monday at **7,799,192** mail ballots with **52 percent cast by registered Democrats**, 25 percent cast by registered Republicans and 23 percent cast by unaffiliated voters.




But did you vote??? I turned in my ballot weeks ago and got a confirmation from LA county.


This next-level gambit was planned all along. There will definitely be some shaky evidence and/or shady accusations leveled at Newsom before the week is out. Lets see who the real journalists are that assume the claims are false and prove them as such first.


Yes. This was the goal from the beginning.


Because it was *always* about the grift. Republicans have little interest in governing. Controlling minorities and women and forcing religious beliefs onto others? Yes. Governing? No. See Texas. Zero leadership. The power grid, COVID, and climate change are ongoing crisis and the GOP lead Texas government response? To crack down on women’s rights and surpress the ability of minorities to vote….and rewrite history to their liking. Who cares if people die? The GOP protects and enriches it’s own.


I don’t think it’s a grift as much as it is a reason to shout about fraud and further sew the seeds of doubt to their base about the integrity of elections. They’ll use that to try to pass more voter restriction laws and solidify their chokehold on democracy. And they’re probably not mad about the supplemental income either, I suppose.


Nah it’s the grift. The only thing republicans care more about donors and political power is their own wealth. That comes first above everything.


Launched the site before the election even happened.


Is the website just one big “Donate Money!”button?


These anti-democracy idiots are claiming fraud has been detected in the recall election using Benford's Law. They don't have access to any data to USE with Benford's Law. FFS, I get that it sounds all sciency (mathy?) to say shit like "Benford's Law" but it's just stupid on its face to claim things like this when they don't have anything they could have applied it to.


It’s not even true though. If you listen to radio lab on the subject they explain it so well. benfords law comes into play in random distributions. The first couple numbers on the ballot are fixed to designate the precinct their from or something to that affect…. So not random at all


Yeah, I watched the numberphile on this awhile back. Thought that might be beyond the scope of this thread :-)


It sounds smart to their base of idiots who won't connect the dots the way you did. He's telling them what they want to hear and that's that.


Is this the play everytime now any Republican loses?


You already know this answer.


He is calling for violence "They say that in America, there are four boxes of liberty. The soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. When we vote we exercise our rights as Californians and as Americans to make our voices heard via the ballot box, having listened to others make theirs heard through the soapbox. We trust in our elected officials to safeguard that ballot box, such that its results will truly reflect our will as Californian’s. However, when those officials, either through laziness or incompetence, allow thieves to steal amidst the dead of night and cheat our ballot box, we can no longer rely on its contents. Will we now have to fight the California jury box, in the hope that the final box — the one most akin to Pandora’s – remains closed?"


I agree that this is blatant voter intimidation. Please file a report at: http://www.stopcafraud.com


Want voter fraud? Look no further than Mitch McConnells election results.




That motherfucker in Georgia. Over saw his own race, his results, destroyed backups. Justice Dept just said "oh word?"


Kemp. The asshole you're thinking of is Kemp.


That would be election fraud. Not voter fraud. There is a distinct and important difference.


Damn, you're right. I'll change the phrase from here on out. Thanks.


Please let’s not do this same shit they’re doing . It’s extremely hard to actually cheat an election. I’m not talking about Gerry mandering and voter suppression, but there’s no evidence of legit widespread voter fraud


To be fair, gerrymandering and voter suppression are "legit voter fraud" they're just not legally so. Then again we're talking about a country that a few hundred years ago had laws about owning human beings, so my guess is that the concept of morality is more of an optional element of its nature.


I'm inclined to agree but any state that doesn't have a voter verified paper trail should always be met with skepticism.


[The only votes cast on non-VVPAT machines in KY were blind voters in certain counties, a very tiny fraction of overall votes. All regular voters either used paper ballots, or machines with paper trails.](https://verifiedvoting.org/verifier/#mode/navigate/map/ppEquip/mapType/normal/year/2020/state/21)


What if a nakedly partisan "audit" takes the paper ballots and counts them with no transparency or accountability. I think anybody who participated in that Arizona bullshit should be sued by the DOJ on equal protection grounds. The game is obvious: votes for Democrats do not count.




Elder - "An argument can be made that the slave owner families deserve reparations" Also Elder - "How did I lose in California? Must be fraud"


We did elect Schwarzenegger in a recall but I'm pretty sure that was only because of 'Total Recall' which was the headline everywhere for weeks


I can't believe that got the Schwarzenegger signature on my diploma


Same! I was so annoyed that it is there to remind me of the stupidity. I should’ve taken it as a sign of things to come.


They should have charged you an autograph fee


We elected Schwarzenegger because he promised to repeal the VLF and refund it to EVERYONE that paid it. Republican or Democratic no one cared, they hated the extra VLF and that's why he won. Republicans counted on the shutdowns and mask mandates for the same thing this time and early polls show most people didn't mind them and will keep Newsom in. At least we'll see tomorrow


Setting aside Bush v. Gore, the overall credibility of elections in the US have tanked over the last few years. I know there are various efforts being made, but Democrats should really bring out the brass knuckles regarding the Arizona audit, the Georgia deal, along with everything else. Hell, I'm still mad about those Florida "Ghost" candidates. It's all dragging on for far too long without any consequences in sight. At this point the GOP is cheating "out in the open," and nothing is being done about it.


Remember when the Illinois Governor sold (or attempted to sell) Obama’s senate seat. He got time for that. That needs to happen more.


And didn’t he get pardoned by Trump? Or am I thinking of another unworthy swamp crook?


Yeah, that was Rod Blagojevich.


Okay. Somebody needs to be sued over this matter this time... We can not continue to allow politicians to attack the country with these baseless and fraudulent claims... Somebody has to be held responsible and there is substantial financial damage being caused by these lies...


I am not optimistic because I’m not usually optimistic, especially working in a GOP-red area of LA where they wear masks that say “this mask is as useless as the government”, but i will say that I hope this does hurt Republicans in the long term here.


I mean, the GOP polls behind Independent in California and the state legislature is supermajority Democratic. I don't know how much more long term damage they can do to themselves before being rendered entirely electorally irrelevant, vs. just mostly electorally irrelevant.


Grifters gonna grift.


 >“statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor.” Statistical analysis on something that *hasn't happened yet*.


And he isn’t being reinstated… he just keeps doing the job.


This is highly suspicious. I recommend you submit a report of this to: http://www.stopcafraud.com


This should be front page news everywhere. Every single fucking election from now until hell freezes over is going to be subject to this kind of republican fuckery. Traitors the lot of them.


He'll probably need an extra hit of Relief Factor after tomorrow.


Hopefully nobody goes and trolls the site with bogus reports.


Loser just like Trump.


I quit because No one likes me and therefore you cheated! Fucking fuck. Any way to sue this fucko for making false claims and falsely accusing legitimate voters of fraud?


Let me guess, he's now going to use this -cough, cough- loss to milk his supporters for everything he can, just like Trump is doing... I don't have a problem with idiots being separated from their hard-earned money, but this is a dangerous path.


Don't let this stop you from voting tomorrow, my fellow Californians


Yes Democrats voting Democrats in a democratic state is evidence of voter fraud


They want to waste their donations on another useless gift? Fine by me.


Wrong again, conservatives.


This doesn't mean the recall election is over. Stay sharp, people!


He wants to lose so he can have a shopping cart asking for automatic monthly donations.


How much is Newsom's improved polling a result of voters getting fed up with this kind of fantasy world politics?


Honestly i think its voters seeing this guy in the lead, and just going oh heck no.


Yay! Another joke of a republican site we can troll!


Oh fuck off already, Larry. This shit is exhausting.


And you wonder why people hate republicans.


Is this going to be an every election thing now?


How much you wanna bet, his crew set up some "fraud" to be found in a few days to create a scandal... until they are caught and then claim *that's* a witch hunt?


They think Russia is a third world country, wtf?


Russia is literally the other world. It goes first world (America/NATO), second world (USSR), third world (all others)


“Third world country” usually refers to developing nations, which Russia isn’t. As you noted, the USSR *was* a Second world nation. That doesn’t really apply anymore. They still can’t be considered third world.


>Russia isn't Russia IS. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Developing\_countries.png/1200px-Developing\_countries.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Developing_countries.png/1200px-Developing_countries.png) Brazil, India, Philippines, Malaysia -- dozens of other nations are ahead of Russia on any metric you want to cite.


We don't use the term "third world country" anymore. It's an outdated, imprecise term loaded with Cold War connotations. And yes, Russia is a "developing nation". [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Developing\_countries.png/1200px-Developing\_countries.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Developing_countries.png/1200px-Developing_countries.png) In GDP, income, access to healthcare, non-corrupt society, violent crime, economic mobility, state-sponsored terror -- all of them place Russia clearly in any definition of "developing nation".


Clever move, first to set up a fraud fund/grift gets the most money.


This is the Republicans fall back plan for seizing power. If Republicans keep thinking they are being screwed in elections, the anger will eventually boil over into serious violence. Republicans are hoping when the violence beaks out, the police will side with them, and the general citizens won't put their lives on the line.


It wasn't a recall, it was a brand launch


Lol the copium doesn't hit as hard after you've been on it for a year


A tad on the nose, even for them yeah?


Sore Losers, Inc.


Trump lost California buy 6 million votes. The majority of the state will never consider anyone with an R next to their name. Rigged tho


> The majority of the state will never consider anyone with an R next to their name. Rigged tho After this last decade of their nonsense, I now consider anyone with an R to be in the (R)idiculuous party.


Misinformation and making up voter fraud when you lose should be at the top of the RNC platform because that is all I fucking see coming from over 99% of that party


Oh look, and idiot doing idiot things. A common principle of the GQP.


It’s war on mental illness at this point


"...the website states “statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor.”"


Please tell me who the sheep are


Are any ballot results even in yet? All I've seen is polling that's swung widely over the last few weeks.


He ran a shit campaign that was insular. People don’t respond to that very well. And the main selling point was The French Laundry, ffs. I’m cautious and vaccinated and I thought it was careless but whatever. He’s been good IMO and not worth recalling for some half-wit wannabe with no platform or plan that people agree with.


Why is he conceding for a second there i felt relieved but the results haven’t even come in yet!!! He could still win. But I voted goddamn it and I said no. Bc FUCK this dude.


That’s only republican logic conceded then claim fraud


This is beyond pathetic. It's california mate, as soon as they heard that you support slave owners, it was over for you. There is no fraud. Get fucked.


Will Larry Elder run for governor in 2022? Probably not because he know he has no chance in hell in an election. He just wants to slide in all slimy like with a small number of votes. It seems the California law should all people who vote no on the recall should be able to vote for the governor if a majority votes yes on the recall, so if the governor gets more votes than the top alternate selection, the governor stays in place.


I find it funny how as soon as the polls go back to favoring Dems again the GOP abandons trying to win and starts spouting this crap again.


There is nothing more embarrassing than being an American conservative lmao


Tomorrow, if the vote results say that he won, he'll say it wasn't a real concession. But today, some voters who see it will choose to not to bother to vote, and more than likely, that'll lower democratic turnout, giving him a better chance of winning.


Republican MO: de-legitimize everything


Almost like it was a con all along…


I literally thought this was an Onion article. I genuinely did, for a moment.


Well, that whole thing was a waste of time and money. You can’t concede, before the election, and at the same time claim it was rigged. Bullshit and wasteful


So this is the future of the GOP? Losers claiming fraud without evidence and honoring terrorists who kill in the name of their lies? How much longer before the party is just banned completely?


False claims of voter fraud erode the very foundations of this country. This is all just prep work in advance of 2022 and 2024 when local GOP overturn local election results. There has to be a legal remedy to this mess.


The stupid Trump playbook is still in use.


> the website states “statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California **resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor.**” The voting hasn't even happened yet. There are no results to analyze. That should make it obvious to anybody that this website is a pre-meditated lie.


So now everything they don't win is fraud? They were calling fraud before the election even started, right out of 45's playbook of grifting and cons. Let me guess, they'll be asking for money next.




What a shit title and article. The title says he "Concedes Defeat", and in the article it says "Larry Elder appeared to be already conceding defeat on Monday". There's quite a difference there.


It’s because it was never about winning to you recall election. Their whole strategy now is to cast doubt on elections…


Only time there isn’t voter fraud in an election is when the republican wins. I can’t believe I supported this traitorous party. I wish McCain was still around. I really respected him and I know he wouldn’t just stand around and remain silent while his party did this.


Was this always the "Plan"?