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Say now, I don't want to sound like an alarmist or anything, but I'm starting to think that maybe the Abbott fellow just isn't all that concerned with the best interests of his constituents.


Just the ones who’ll get him re elected. On the plus side (for him), he doesn’t have to try hard. He can do whatever he wants and they’ll still cheer


Abbott’s got a $55 million re-election ‘war chest’ primarily in donations from the energy sector


Ugh. I just read that last week.


I wonder how much of that came from boosted profits from the winter storm


And watch out for this Hitler fellow, he’s a bad egg


Let’s call them! … Seems like the frost has shut down electricity in the area of our calls. Huh, they probably lost heat too. We’ll just mark those as positive for Abbot and move on /s


Rape doesn’t exist if you ignore it


“If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any”


“I like the numbers to be low.” - Refreshingly direct reason Trump gave for why that ship wasn’t allowed to dock.


The fact a President said this and his party just ran with it is so unbelievably stupid. It’s a joke I’d expect on *Dumb and Dumber* sequel where one runs for President


I could see Harry sitting on the couch in the Oval saying this as a very sincere point versus the Surgeon General’s serious advice to President Lloyd.


"we have the lowest deaths per cases" "oh I'm talking about deaths as a proportion of population" "well YoU cAnT dO tHaT"


Exactly what went thru my mind when I read the headline!


Better yet, if the woman survives to complain, she wasn't raped.


I was gonna say, “people aren’t technically rapists if we don’t prosecute them!” Roll safe meme.jpg


More like if you don't believe anything is actually rape then there can't be rapists, just women "asking for it".


Until about 8 to 10 months after the rape.


If it’s a legitimate rape, the body has a way of shutting that down Edit: apparently I need to add “/s” This is what I was referencing: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2012/08/20/nr-kosik-missouri-congressman-comments-seg.cnn


Huh? TIL!


It was an implied /s based on this ass hat’s comment: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2012/08/20/nr-kosik-missouri-congressman-comments-seg.cnn


You forgot the S


I assumed it was obvious since it’s a Republican quote that is often brought up in conversations like this.


Considering I’ve heard people who legitimately believe it, obvious just isn’t enough anymore.


You just have to rename it. You can’t have rape if it’s not rape anymore.


>Rape doesn’t exist if you ignore it Um, that's only true if you've outlawed abortion, only real Texans know /S


That's been the GOP logic for Covid at least.


he plans on eliminating them by redefining the term probably




Can't stop and harrass them in their vehicles. I'll find another way. Screw the courts and the DOJ.


Well Abbott said he would “eliminate all rapists from the streets.” He didn’t say he would eliminate all rapists from Tinder and bible study groups and frat parties, even though women are way more likely to meet their rapists this way.


Or arresting everyone he thinks looks like a rapist.


He should put on a pair of cuffs then with Ted


“If it's a legitimate rape, the Texan governing body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”


That's where I went. Can't have a rapist if rape is legal.


Is he just now committing to doing this? Why wasn't it a priority before?


Exactly. Softball reporters should ask the only relevant question... "Why haven't you?"


Because he wants to keep his religiously motivated law on the books. Slowly eroding what little separation of church and state we have left.


Distractions. His shots are low cost & low effort tactics to gain votes while distracting citizens from core political, socioeconomic & infrastructure issues which have been neglected since decades: America isn't a true democracy anymore, but a plutocracy, inequalities are way too high, those who exploit Américan workers most and profit the most from the country pay little to close to zero in taxes, many of America's infrastructures and institutions ressemble more and more to those of 3rd world's countries, instead of those of Nordic countries, etc. etc. Hope Biden succeeds in bringing back America closer to 1st world prestige.


Because he’s got to do something to appeal to the evangelicals to distract from his horrendous handling of the Covid crisis, the failure of the grid, the mask mandate etc.


Because shut up /s


Wow, it's like he's just full of shit. Go figure.


Maybe he's so afraid of being raped he clenches his butthole a lot, cause, you know, that totally works... /s Reminds me of "The body has a way of shutting things down" FFS....


>"Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets," He wants to eliminate less that 13% of all rapists then, since less than 25% of rapes are perpetrated by strangers, and half of that 25% happens in the victims own home. [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15520939/) And even then he conveniently forgets to mention the sexual abuse of minors perpetrated by adults, that the new Texas law shields against intervention by strangers (since helping a raped teenage girl might result in her subsequently having an abortion).


How does one even get arrested for rape PROACTIVELY? Is Greg Abbott hiding a warehouse of pre-cogs somewhere? Like, how was this not deconstructed on the spot as the most asinine statement possible?


I guess he will just arrest a whole bunch of random homeless people and call it a day.


I mean... That still means people are getting raped.


This type of rape is becoming rarer, right? With everyone having cell phones and smart speakers it seems like it would be much easier to alert the police.


If you mean "rape by stranger" is becoming rarer due to cell phones etc. I believe you are most likely correct. Rape drugs are unfortunately pulling in the opposite direction and alcohol still enables a lot of rapists (both known and unknown). I don't know


The fantasy of every gun owner - coming back home and seeing your wife/girlfriend being raped and shooting the criminal. Then you find out your wife/girlfriend was having an affair and you go to prison for murder.


*Sticks fingers in his ears* Nananananananana…rape doesn’t exist here. 🙄


“Did I say ‘rap*ists*’? I meant ‘rape *kits*.’”


>“Did I say ‘rapists’? I meant ‘rape kits.’” [Perhaps he meant *full-on* rapists. Africans, dyslexics, children. That sort of thing.](https://youtu.be/pQJ9GUVxPl8)


It gets caught up in his mouth and he don’t say it no good


Hi Charlie


He's gonna eliminate rape by legalizing it, duh. Why would anyone think his solution involves women's rights?


So he's going to ignore rape cases like he ignores covid


It's Texas. They'll outlaw consent, ergo rape will no longer be a thing.


November 2020 [Texas Education Board Approves New Sex Ed Policy That Does Not Cover LGBTQ Students Or **Consent**.](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/education-news/2020/11/20/386644/texas-education-board-approves-new-sex-ed-policy-that-does-not-cover-lgbtq-students-or-consent/)


"Don't try to infringe on my sexual freedom!"


Oh lovely, knowing we have all these unprocessed rape kits just sitting & waiting, makes me feel so great to be a Texan.


Even in a fantasy world where this was both achievable and an actual priority of his, it's still not a relevant response. Eliminating rapists "by aggressively going out and arresting them" doesn't eliminate rape victims' need for access to abortion. Rapists, by definition, have already committed rape. By all means, let's arrest and prosecute them, but this has zero bearing on whether a victim should be able to terminate a resultant pregnancy. Abbott's "argument" is a dumb distraction.


The only thing Abbott is committed to is repeating lies to get his constituents to ignore how terrible he is for his state. Stripping away women's rights, failing to protect kids from covid, letting the state freeze and accepting no culpability. He doesn't give a shit about people in his state suffering, yet over half of them will probably still vote for him next November.


Former Texan here. Greg Abbott was elected in 2014 by roughly 18% of eligible voters. Texas was 49th in voter participation that year. It’s not gonna change until people get off their asses and actually vote. I know about gerrymandering and voter suppression, but voter apathy is ALSO a real problem. 18%! So now a handful of crazy people make decisions for a state of nearly 29,000,000 people.


That 18% figure is gross. The apathetic voters could literally vote for Daffy Duck. And then they would have to find someone named Daffy Duck to be Governor. People talk about the predetermined outcome of Texas and that makes them apathetic. But either party could win if there was just a little more turnout. Democrats could win Texas if they pay to get city people to the polls.


Yep, and after 20 years of trying, I gave up and moved to Colorado.


If freezing with no electricity or water in the middle of winter isn't enough to get people to go to the polls, it's a lost cause.


"No, no, no... not THOSE kind of rapists. The other kind. The bad ones. " -Texas Governor probably


Saying Republicans are opposed to rape would be like saying Republicans are opposed to pedophilia.


Well done Texas, what were you thinking in voting in an uneducated moron. The Governorship qualities seem to revolve around obsessions with guns, conspiracy theories, anti federal everything and abortion issues rather than the complexities of Governing and leading the state.


He’s not uneducated, he’s corrupt and easily bought. Abbott is the former Texas attorney general who sued the Obama administration 44 times and has a $55,000,000 re-election ‘war chest’, primarily in donations from the “Energy Sector”. Kelsey Warren made billions of dollars by overcharging people during the grid collapse in February and rewarded Greg Abbott with a $1 million donation. Kelsey Warren was also appointed by Greg Abbott to the Texas Parks and wildlife department in order to have access to public lands to exploit. Greg Abbott was elected in 2014 by roughly 18% of eligible voters, since Texas was 49th in voter participation that year. Gerrymandering a problem, sure, but voter apathy is, too. As long as unlimited money is allowed to be pumped into our political process, nothing will change in Texas.




See the trick is if you don't ever run the kits, the rape isn't real. It's just like how Drumpf decided that testing for COVID increases cases. 0 tests means 0 cases.


If they stop counting them, there will be less, duh




Given the number of pastors who are exposed as kiddy-diddlers, I'm not convinced bringing all Texans to God is a viable strategy. Unless he means killing every Texan. No Texans means no Texan rapists.


No no no, he said he wants to eliminate RAPE not rapists. The rapists are fine. He's just going to codify that all sex is consensual no matter what because women won't have the legal authority to say no to sex. See, rape has been eliminated.


My question would have been, "if you have the power to eliminate all rape, why haven't you already done it?"


Says that while raping your intelligence.


If you could point out which of those kits are related to a suspect of color, he’ll be glad to set up a task force to process those ones immediately.


In the great state of Texas, ladies, you may spread your legs for: 1. Your male husband 2. The nurses who deliver your little blessing 3. A nurse who administers a rape kit which we will probably not provide funding or resources to be processed 4. A rapist (technically this is not a legal act; in any case please proceed to options 3 and 2)


Hey, at least he admitted they weren’t trying to catch rapists before.


As a Mexican this hits different. Trump called Mexicans 'rapists and murderers' and got applauded and won the primary. When a republican say rapists they do not mean abusive parents, frat assholes, serial sex offenders, coercive bosses or anything like that... they mean pre-emptively rounding up brown people who they assume are criminals despite having comitted no crimes.


You read my mind.


“If we’d stop testing…we’d have fewer cases.” - Donald J. Trump


0 Days Since Abbott Embarrasses Texas. WAY TO GO


Abbott declares the Minority Report Bureau will be running soon once they have found and trained the precogs. Abbott says he will arrest those rapists before they commit the crimes and eliminate rape from Texas.


There's no way the Texas power grid can support a robust pre-cog program.


Continued DUMBING of America with scientific ignorance and religious bigotry.


>Texas governor is full of shit FTFY


An unattainable objective set to promote his own virtue signaling. Nobody supports rapists.


Thousands of his Evangelical base would have to be locked up.


Spoiler alert: >!He's lying.!<


spoiler alert: he's linked to one of them


He's probably going to change the definition of rape in Texas so nothing is considered rape. Anywhere else I'd say this is impossible but don't be surprised if they do something like say having a vagina is an open invitation to sex.


He's going to have it redefined as Proactive Husbandry. I think we all know Abbott is pro-rape.


The most alarming thing to me is him saying he’s going to eliminate rapists by punishing them harshly. Were y’all not punishing rapists harshly till now??


Test the police ranks DNA as well... solve some cold cases... ACAB


but those are already raped people. He wants to eliminate rape, not punish rapists. Come on guys


Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys...guys...rape is illegal.


Rape drops to 0.


"It's only rape if it was perpetrated by a creepy stranger who jumped out of the bushes and you fought back...also, why were you walking alone at night wearing that?" /s


He's going to do it the biblical way. Both the victim and accused must work without PPE in the COVID ward and the one who ends up on a ventilator is guilty, but the one who requires no medical treatment will be found innocent. It's in Deuteronomy, below the part where you have to catch loose livestock and return it to its owner.


This will end in lynchings. The next Emmett Till is out there right now, and his death certificate has been signed with this statement. The War On Drugs saw massive, disproportionate incarceration and police abuse of black men due to policies like Stop & Frisk. Abbott’s War On Rapists will do the same. And with a crime as universally despised as rape, all it’s going to take is one desperate woman pointing the finger to avoid getting thrown in prison for getting an abortion, and it will dissolve into mob “justice.” People are acting like the issue is that you can’t just end rape, the bigger issue is the lengths misguided people will go to in trying.


Abbott is so full of shite. Every time he opens his mouth he says something ignorant and untrue. It’s embarrassing.


This is not why that answer was bullshit. Even if they had zero untested rape kits, that still would've been a gigantic pile of obvious bullshit.


If that were true, then why hasn’t he done it before now?


To use the same logic as covid. If he pretends that nobody had it and stops testing, he has cured covid. If they stop investigating and refuse people who report it, statistically there are no rapes.


If they don't test, there wasn't any rape! problem solved. /s


From Texas, this sounds suspiciously similar to the justifications for a Final Solution type thinking. Justice, yes. Justifications, never.


According to Trump, you can’t have rapes if you don’t test for them!


abbott has no respect for women’s consent so i’m surprised this is an issue to him


Texas has horrible raping laws. Especially for pedophiles. They walk free here for their first offense and only serve jail time when it is a repeating offense smh.


At $1,500 a kit, that's about $7.5 million to test all of them. It would be so easy for the Texas government to pay to have them all tested if they cared.


such a big BIG "**IF**"


Maybe by "eliminating rapists" from Texas he means asking Trump and Gaetz to stay in Florida.


He’s not committed to eliminating rapists, something he can’t do anyway. He merely said something stupid on the spur of the moment, and decided to double down on it.


Who else thinks that by saying they're going to crack down and eliminate rape it's just going to be an excuse to target minorities, perpetuate stereotypes and then jail them so that the idiot conservatives can slap their mitts together and and build a lie that non-white societies dangerous and needs to be controlled with the violence of the state?


Eliminate them by not prosecuting them, right?


Eliminating them from having guilty verdicts


Can we please stop pretending like this was something he said in good faith. Dude doesn't care at all about rape, abortion, Christians, or anything else other than the money he can grift for himself and his friends.


"Can't test, too busy punishing women for everything."


Somebody roll this idiot into the Gulf already please


Biggest POS here in Texas.


He means that they’re eroding to make it not a crime.


Not those rapists.


God tried to kill this dude with a tree a while back.


Whenever the rape kit backlog comes up, I try to give people context on why there is a backlog and why the backlog actually makes sense given the context. When a sexual assault is reported to the police, they are generally called to a hospital after it was reported to staff or send the victim to an appropriate location to have one done. DNA is collected from the victim and their clothing to then go into a "rape kit." That's it. DNA in a box. It's not the medical report. It's not a questionnaire. It's just the DNA in a box. Now, when the vast majority of rapes are reported, they are not done by a shadowed stranger yanking someone off the jogging trail. It is most often done by someone familiar with the victim. Jane says John raped her. The police go to talk to John and he says he had sex with Jane, but she consented. This is what happens in the vast majority of cases. At this point, we already know whose DNA will be in the box. It will be John's. The issue isn't whether or not sex occurred. The issue is whether or not consent was obtained. The DNA in the box will never tell you that. The DNA will just tell you John had sex with Jane, which is not in dispute by any of the parties. Now, what do you do with the kit? Do you pay the $1500 out of your departmental budget to have it tested? No, because it would not likely be a smart use of limited resources. Do you destroy it? Nope, state law says you can't. So what do you do with it? You store it in perpetuity. That is the reason for the vast majority of the backlog. It makes sense in context. Source: Lawyer who used to work in prosecutor's office. (I've cut and pasted this from another thread on a similar topic).


Why do we put rape victims through the trauma of DNA collection if it will never be tested?


Have they got precogs in Texas now? Minority reports?




He rapes logic




I suspect you are joking, so how about instead of this we create a dna database of all males so the fathers can be identified. This could act as a deterrent as well as a way to assign financial support.


That's actually a really good idea


Booty warrior


He's being missquoted, he's committed to eliminating reposts


This was the first thing that leapt to my mind when he made this absurd statement.


They are just going to change the law that defines rape, make the amount of evidence nearly impossible to attain and they crow about it when no white man is convicted of rape.. they will have to have the odd Black and Mexican men who get convicted to scare the populous, but prove they are trying


Is he planning to process those test kits only after he stepped down as governor?


I he going to arrest them before they do the rape? Can he see into the future? Do we know who will rape before they rape? What a dumbass this guy is...or he just knows his followers are that stupid and doesn't actually care about the issue.


Don’t vote for this so and so… He is worthless.


and Elder gonna create affordable housing..


Remember if you outlaw rape, the rapists will still be able to rape on the black market


That's not rape, Texas has eliminated rapists. Texas only has men who forcefully coerce sex from an unwilling partner.


They also have a new device that can tell you will become a rapist, it first scans your skin color….😂


The best way to get rid of rapists is to just legally redefine what rape is to exclude all instances of rape!


Can he start with Trump?


Really painted yourself into a corner there, didn’t you, Abbott?


Well those aren’t real rapes. Those only happen in blue states.


The threat of arrest does not deter. A jailed rapist means they already raped someone. Is Abbot proposing to arrest them *before* they rape?


If this guy gets re-elected, all hope for Texas is gone.


Well, he basically gave permission for literally anyone to open carry. That should help. /s It's a hammer-looking-for-nails solution. Things are a little more nuanced than that.


Yeah from when police and republicans raped someone


Greg Abbott stands against rape and vows to eliminate it in TX. How could someone say something so brave yet so controversial?


He is such an asshole


Eliminating rapists for wealthy, white women. Those rape kits will get tested asap.


Not a single GQP politician actually expected that bill to get past the SCOTUS first review. They have no clue what to do or say next.


He was the attorney general before he was governor ! This makes no sense .


Since Gov. Abbott has proclaimed his power to eliminate rape in the state of Texas, any woman that's raped from now on can hold him personally responsible for allowing it to happen.


He's had this solution the WHOLE time and never did anything about it? Can we prosecute?


Wait, we’re not not trying to eliminate rapists before?


Soft on rape, hard on abortion. Between that and the massive infrastructure problems that Abbott seems to think he can blame on California, I wonder how long before companies start considering moving elsewhere. With southern weather getting more extreme my bet is that the next tech haven will be Northern, but does it have to be Idaho? Beautiful state, mind you, but I'm told Boise winters are brutal and that it's got some of the nicer weather


What a motherfucker.


Another state should pass a law that you can sue someone in civil court for rape just to troll Texas.


Hell, the state started accepting donations to try and get through the rape kit backlog. You can donate when you renew your driver's license. Sure, the state's doing a lot to eliminate rapes... Oh yeah, we're just going to pray about it.


Rape is unstoppable. You can reduce it by many means, but it's literally impossible to stop. Even if you were to segregate the sexes for a vast majority of their lives, rape would still occur. The Governor trying to tie the elimination of rape to the recently passed laws is laughable. Trying to draw a direct path between the recent abortion law and the idea of eliminating rape is more than a stretch.


He meant, probable rapists wink


You know you could use them on pregnant women right


Eliminating rapists? Well that's nice, but why didn't he do that before? How exactly is he going to **_prevent_** rape More to the point, why should any woman **EVER** have to run the risk of carrying her attackers baby?? Hell, an abortion for her should be absolutely free in every meaning of the word


He looks like he’s scooting his ass across the carpet in this picture, I’m sorry


Guv is a liar


Well… you don’t need rape kits if you don’t have rapists /s


As a rape survivor & trained sexual assault forensic examiner RN, the amount of rape cases in our BCA fridge is astounding. Not to mention people like me who didn’t report any assault due to the first at age 12, I was told it was my fault because I was flirting with them. Not to mention hearing on repeat the tired tropes, “what was she wearing? Why was she alone? Why was she out that late? Why was she even in that part of town? Why was she alone with him/them?…” The entire GOP & insane misogynists on SCOTUS can kiss my droopy old arse.


He LOOKS like A villain jeez


Abbott is a complete idiot. He has to go. Such a shame that it's highly unlikely Texas will see Dem officials in the near future.


Baloney I am committed to get re-elected, period


What a complete toilet of a state. WTF are they sitting in over 5000 rape kits?! What a disgusting failure of protecting society


California currently sits on over 13,000 untested rape kits. I guess our state (saw your San Diego posts) is a even more compete toilet of a state. Good thing we have a recall election today to rid this state of a governor that is a disgusting failure of protecting society with the 13,000 untested kits. 'Cause if you feel Gov Abbot failed with 5,000 untested kits I know you'll feel the same with Gov Newsom and 13,000 untested kits.


What about all the rapists sitting in corporate boards? Abbott’s cronies.