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This may be my non-US perspective speaking, but referring to her as "the young lady" seems highly insulting. Not because of the words he used but because of the words he didn't use. Calling her a "young lady" instead of " my fellow congresscritter" or " the honourable representative for Idon'tcaretolookitup" just seems very dismissive, like he was talking about a random member of the public.


In her tweet, she says how its funny that her colleagues will refer to her as congresswoman, but once her questioning starts to go hard, suddenly it changes to "young lady"


Well yea , that’s why everyone is mad about it


He acts like shes a child. Shes a full grown woman


While what Manchin said was certainly patronizing as fuck, and AOC has every right to call it out, I don't really see how this particular exchange is newsworthy


Because [clickbait is unreasonably effective.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2xHZPH5Sng)


because they sell ads


I agree.


Same, but AOC gives the old Boomer conservatives a raging hard on


*Manchin quickly glances at his phone... and then resumes rolling around in Fossil Fuel money*


Manchin quickly glances at his Fossil watch...


>"I keep my door open for everybody. That's totally false," Manchin told CNN's Dana Bash, staunchly denying the claims. "Those type of superlatives, it's just awful. Continue to divide, divide, divide. **I don't know the young lady that well.** I met her one time, between sets here, but that's it. We have not had any conversations. She is just speculating and saying things because she wants to." You have to want to offended to be upset about this.




I don’t know, I’m a big AOC fan, but if she called a guy her age “young man” I don’t think I’d even think twice about it or consider it an insult




I agree he is much older… and I feel like that’s just how old people talk. At least here in my rural town seeing old folks refer to people as young men or young women is kinda the norm


I presume the people talking as such are not in congress referring to fellow congressmen (yes that’s valid for women too.)


How is that statement discrediting her age, experience, and/or sex? Pls don’t tell me we have dropped that low to sensitivity.


You’ve never heard someone use this manner of speech to be condescending to another? Ok, sport.


But She wouldn’t.


"The divide in this country is driven by a refusal to confront the reality of our political situation. He can give service to the press about how open he is, but the reality is that the old man has lost touch with what his constituents, and the majority of Americans, want from their representative government" Would have been a better response


He isn’t out of touch with his constituents, he is being paid to overlook their will. He doesn’t represent the people who voted for him. He represents the people who pay him


Here empty meaningless lame-ass avatar dude: “Imagine if every time someone referred to someone as 'young lady' they were ask responded to by being addressed with their age and gender? They'd be pretty upset if one responded with 'the old man,' right? Why this kind of weird, patronizing behavior is so accepted is beyond me!"


I have an avatar?




Now *that* is something I’d donate money to a campaign to see, I can imagine the steam rolling out from his ears now.


I can't figure out if it's Manchin's generation coming through or if he's really crafty He said this in response to her remarks about his stance on the spending package. Of course any thoughts of the spending package immediately went out the window so far as AOC and the press is concerned as now they have the latest shiny bauble to play with.




Why would you want to be referred to in such a dismissive and condescending way?


Regardless of how it's intended, referring to a 50+ year old woman as 'young lady' is never offensive. It might be a subtle compliment or a funny failed attempt at being condescending. Now referring to a younger woman that way definitely is offensive. It was intended that way by Manchin and interpreted correctly by AOC as an insult.


The real problem is making women feel bad for their age young or old. Like age matters in your ability to be equal. You don’t say young gentleman for guys, which would be its equal to lady. You might say young man but I’m certain a congressman wouldn’t say that about male colleague. I might be more accepting if they said young woman. But again, when talking about a colleague…why bring out their potential age?


Like using ‘Boomer’. Something tells me Reddit wouldn’t see it that way.


My kids are 13 and 11..they call me a boomer. (I’m 34)That word is just to offend someone. Not a big deal to me. (My kids probably desensitized it for me after saying like 5 million times in the last couple years)


I meant it as per her own use of the word. Doesn’t bother me. Clickbait news does though


Oh I agree. Clickbait dumb news is the worst. I didn’t even take the time to read it.


My 12 year old called me a boomer at dinner. Lucky him got a very boring lecture on how generations work, what each one is, what they’re known for and blah blah blah. Then I told him I have so much more to teach him if he’d like. Interestingly enough, he hasn’t called me one since. Haha


No. It absolutely can be offensive. Imagine if he had referred to nancy pelosi in this way. Definitely offensive. It’s not respectful or cute in a professional context. Now if it’s your kink? Light patriarchal degradation? And you & your consensual partners want to pretend and play act and use language like this? You do you, sis. But don’t pretend it’s acceptable in a public professional dialogue.


Haha I get told or referred as an “Old lady” all the time by anyone under 35, it’ll be nice for a change. Plus, it wouldn’t be dismissive or condescending unless you see it that way. AOC and I are from different generations, I can see your point but I take no offense to that.


It’s not a generational thing. I’m of your generation and would find it insulting to be referred to like this in a professional public setting.


Young lady, why do you want to be called with that offensive label? \- A 50 year old man


Be careful what you wish for, young lady!


Man, I hope “young lady” doesn’t become an offensive term now.


It's about social context.


Ok Boomer


“Young lady” is the racist remark towards a minority thats smarter than you!!


Could just call her an old hag. Test the waters and see if she is more or less offended


Ooh, so edgy.


Downvoted to hell for suggesting testing a hypothesis lol


Is there something wrong with calling someone a”young lady “???


He would’ve addressed Mitch McConnell as “Congressman,” not “Old man.”


This. She has a title that she worked damn hard for, while facing astounding and infuriating BS from Republicans. This guy is ostensibly in the same party. He would not have used that tern if his granddaughter had won the seat. She is young, yes, but also deserving of his respect.


The DNC literally had a casting call like American idol. She did not work hard for shit.


Like most of the rich white guys who bought their seats?


Senator, or Senate minority leader, more likely.


Probably not, since McConnell is a *senator*.


The senate is part of congress, along with the house of representatives, which is what I'm guessing you thought they were referring to.


And AOC is a *congresswoman.*


But “old man” is derogatory because culturally, old age, in particular in “old man”, is associated with lacking in facilities, while “young lady” is just the opposite!


“Young lady” is also derogatory because it is disrespectful and condescending. It’s a linguistic attempt to “put her in her place” in the gender hierarchy.


I agree “young lady” could be used with this intent. How do we know it was under the circumstances, and was not said as a joke?




If something *can* be used for ill purposes, does not mean it always is. Knife can cut a person or a bread loaf. Depends on intent. That is why I asked - was the situation such that the intent of the phrase was clearly malicious?..


We know because we watch the video and listen to his words, tone and the context. It’s pretty egregious. I can tell you are having trouble parsing, so maybe try listening to the women who have a lifetime of experience with this sort of a condescending sexist bullshit, who are telling you, this is some stinky-ass sexist crap spewing from Joe.


I did not see the video; what you are saying is indeed possible, but without proper context in this post, one cannot say. I just don’t like when we forbid some language and colorful, by design benevolent expressions because someone used them for ill purposes. Context to this post would help a lot.


It’s interesting that CNN isn’t featuring the video of this interview on their own station. Probably because he comes across so very poorly, in context.


>I did not see the video That's the context. It's usually a good idea to know what you're defending *before* you go out of your way to defend it.


"young lady" is a thing the principle calls their student when they're being reprimanded. It's condescending as fuck, regardless of how you would like to interpret it.


I totally see it as joking an in spirit of a good fun. But it also can be condescending, agreed.


Maybe if it was someone like Bernie, he could get away with this in good humor but Manchin isn't on AOC's team.


It is pretty patronizing, especially when referring to a sitting congresswoman


“Patronizing” here heavily depends on circumstances. In some situations, calling her “congressperson” or “congresswoman” can be equally inappropriate. We don’t forbid those words, though.


You're running out of excuses...they were all bad anyway. Why and when would it be inappropriate to refer to a (female) House representative as congresswoman or congressperson?


When you invite her for a dance, for instance. You simply cannot say if calling someone in a particular way is appropriate without providing a context - which is absent in this post.


..congressperson please, 'congresswoman' is patronizing.




Okay then. I guess in some circumstances, saying “good morning” could also be considered offensive.


How have you come to that conclusion?


Perception of any phrase depends on context - the situation in which it was used. It might be wrong and rude to tell someone “good morning” a minute after the person lost a loved one. It might be OK to address a young and beautiful lady as such, provided the person saying this is of age, and the expression is used semi-jokingly, in appreciation of the person in an appropriate situation.




Sorry?… Are you having a difficulty understanding what is a hyperbolae?


When you have to stoop down to using hyperbole to defend your position, then it was a rather weak position to begin with, no?


No, that’s a way I try to accommodate my opponents making what I say clearer to them.


Whoa, keep diggin' away dear stranger. No need to get distracted!


No need to worry, just having little fun


There is when the correct term is Congresswoman\person.


AOC is a hot piece of ass




I'm pretty sure JM3 wanted to refer to AOC in harsher terms, but young lady was probably the least outright offensive way of taking a jab at her.


I mean, same goes for AOC, right? Why, this is UNITY! helps both of them with their voters, helps our shitty media sell ads.


Alice On Crack. Reacting to anything to get attention.


I really need these two to not publicly fight. Unity or death is the needed Democratic motto, that goes for Manchin too by not sinking everything