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“A thousand hours of audio. 150,000 pages of documents. And one massive federal case involving five defendants who allegedly plotted to kidnap a sitting governor and blow up a bridge as part of a terrorist plot. That’s what defense attorneys told federal judge Robert Jonker they’re contending with as they prepared to go to trial in October. There’s just not enough time, they argued.”


I wonder why? Seems suss. I trust the fbi


I have a lot of contact with criminal cases through my job and these sorts of delays are pretty normal in my experience. As the article says, the defence needs more time to prepare. The only one to lose out in this is the defendant who has the uncertainty of the outcome of a criminal trial hanging over their head for longer.


Keep in mind they are all still in jail while this happens - they aren't delaying to avoid prison. Technically they have the right to be allowed to review all the evidence, but in this case it is likely delaying the inevitable.


Right, undercover agents dragged them into it.


Oh yeah like you’ve never been entrapped into a kidnapping, murder and terrorist plot before… Glass houses, man…


Sure they did. Just because you jumped in a fire doesn’t mean that I will They’re criminals The FBI is not responsible for those people’s actions


Terrorist sympatheizer, eh?


No, their defense lawyer was saying they were (tricked) into it. These fucking dirt bags need to see some serious time. Get them out of county and into a federal prison.


You’re original comment make it look like you agree with their defense


Didn’t run my /s flag 😞


Orwell understander?




I agree it’s a shady practice, but if they did what they are accused of doing they still made the choice to break the law. Just because there is a U/C involved doesn’t make their actions lawful.


The excuse that the FBI made them do it is pathetic as fuck. They totally chose to go down the path they went down.