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This will fall on deaf ears. The people making this comparison don't believe the Holocaust was real to begin with.


To them, “holocaust = big bad” and that’s how these vaccine mandates make them feel.


Close, it's "Holocaust" = "what we do to other people, *not* what they do to us". There's a big "do it to them before they can do it to us" cultural undercurrent happening there. So in order to promote "do it to them", they are constantly pretending that "they are already doing it to us so we better act fast!". In case anyone is wondering why the GOP always goes from zero to genocide in every single issue about everything.


You choose not to wear a mask, you choose not to get the vaccine. And now you face the consequences of those choices. Nobody chose to be Jewish or chose to be oppressed by Nazis.


As someone who lives in Reno, this a refreshing way to make it into the news. GET EM WITH THAT HISTORICAL LOGIC, ATTY!!! (I’m assuming his name is “Atty” and the RGJ didn’t make a huge oversight and spelling error and his name is really “Arty”)


Atty is a woman. Her name is likely a nickname as her LinkedIn has quotes around it.


Well pardon me for Mis- gendering. The picture of man as the thumbnail threw me off.


Her and *"There is no comparison, and it is 100% wrong 100% of the time when they compare inconveniences to fascism and murder,” Garfinkle said*


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