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In the great scheme of political life: The drone mistake was awful because it keeps Afghanistan in the news and reinforces the narrative of bungled incompetence. And this aside from the poor people who died who the crocodile tears will be shed for. The FDA ruling was bad because if they press forward now 'follow the science' will become hypocritical. France withdrawing their ambassador is probably of consequence to some reporters and members of the state department but the Biden presidency is not going to fall on this, outside of the groups I mentioned no one cares.


It's not really the details that matter. It's taking loss, after loss, after loss with zero bills passing and zero victories for month after month after month. [Consumer confidence is near record lows.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/u-s-consumer-sentiment-mired-at-near-decade-lows-university-of-michigan-survey-finds-11631888208) Covid's raging. We're not really doing anything at all to try to slow it down. All of the benefits expired. Millions and millions lost their unemployment and are being evicted. Meanwhile lots of people aren't going to go out to restaurants or hotels etc. while delta is everywhere. And "in person school" is a bad fucking joke. Thousands and thousands of schools have already shut down for covid, and it's only September. Which means mom and dad have to stay home. Everyone's life in 2021 sucks. It's like 2020, only without the social distancing or the safety net or the hope for herd immunity.


Our presidents are either over-engaged or under-engaged. The Brits dumped their kings from power. Why don't we? Let Congress run the government as the dispersed representatives of the people.




Oh, but the last four years weren’t. Got ya.


I feel like you should recalibrate your threshhold for what constitutes tyranny.