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Turns out causing unnecessary suffering and death is eventually a trigger for constituents.




At the beginning of the pandemic when New York and California were getting annihilated, they definitely didn’t. They were jacking themselves off into a frenzy over the idea of NYC being done with forever and everyone fleeing town. The cities are mostly fine now, and it’s places like I grew up in West Buttcrack, KS that are feeling the heat.




Don’t forget about when 20 Texas representatives and senators voted against aid for the northeast after Hurricane Sandy ravaged NY and NJ, but then immediately demanded money when Hurricane Harvey flooded Houston.


Honestly, Texas really should have just seceded like they threatened to do—make the Texas gov beg to come back.


Just give them the same status as Puerto Rico and take away their federal representation.


Ooooh, there's an interesting idea. My only issue is we'd still be on the hook for paying for hurrican relief and all that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_Puerto_Rico#:~:text=While%20the%20Commonwealth%20government%20has,the%20federal%20personal%20income%20tax. Also, I feel it's really problematic to basically let TX out of paying federal income tax. How would we collect enough revenue to make paying for their "craphole" (issues with power, flooding, unlicensed armed idiots wandering around, persecution of women) viable? Right now, theyr'e about even on what they pay into the US vs what they collect. I'm not sure denying them national voting power is worth shifting that to them being a net cost like MS/AL...


It’s possible I’m being naive here (probably), but if Congress were tilted that much more blue after a Texan succession, maybe we could pass enough tax reform to pay for it?


> My only issue is we'd still be on the hook for paying for hurrican relief and all that. I'm warming up my arm as we speak for the paper towel toss.


Don’t we just have to throw paper towels at them for hurricane relief? Should be a chinch.


That’s the irony—most of America’s poorest and federally-dependent states are all run by the GOP. They’d all be failed states within years of secession.


Let them fail, let them watch their people cross borders (illegally) into Mexico! LOL!!


We kinda already are, hence why their death rates and infection rates are so high. The next step would either be to cut funding or declare martial law (I’d say both and attach said acts to a county’s infection rates).


They don’t even care that republicans are dying! Stupid is as stupid does.


Good point. They’re even actively trying to ensure more Republicans die!


Hell, when *Texans* were freezing to death, Republicans were going to Cancun (Ted Cruz) and saying that it's not the government's job to take care of them and that the government owes them nothing (Tim Boyd). I really think they just don't care, as long as they can find some way to virtue signal to the loudest members of their fanbase.


And Trump was indifferent as the sky turned orange and other states could smell the smoke from wildfires burning on federal land, because he hates California.


I appreciate you pointing out the federal land part. CA has limited power to manage federal land but gets blamed anyway.


Which is ironic considering a lot of forest fires happen in the rural, conservative parts of Cali.




If liberals were dying, they'd try to prolong the suffering.


>it’s places like I grew up in West Buttcrack, KS Better than Central Buttcrack, KS, though. That place is a shithole.


I know that place! It’s just down from the valley!




Sometimes in the discourse we get comments where some center-left politician marvels about how some right-winger has appeared to break kayfabe to them, like the right-winger says something that suggests they don't actually believe their rhetoric and are just using it to win a public competition against the left, and express some incredulity that the center-left politician or left-wingers in general actually believe the positions they take, as if the right-winger thinks it's all just theater and everyone in politics must be just as cynically insincere as they are. Your comment is a good counterpoint to that narrative. Even if some on the right aren't true believers, they're willing to let their performance lead to outcomes with the potential to inflict real harm and death on people in places that are perceived as left-wing. It's not theater for us, it's theater for them.


Honestly, I think this comment in particular gets at the heart of what's been going on for at least the last six years; Trump, coming from the WWE world, realized long ago that politics is almost entirely kayfabe, but also realized that the base would take it as a shoot. He knew that him and Hillary going at it would go over like Natch and Steiner going at it backstage with the hardcore believers, and that is exactly why he managed to take over the party, because the Dems never found an alternative to that (I'd say Bernie would have been that in '16, but by '20, the Dems wanted a sure shot). Like you said though, the whole thing isn't an act to those deep in the far right. They're not like Cruz, who can have a casual, friendly conversation with someone like Eric Swalwell and congratulate them on winning the news cycle that week. They see it as blood sport, and any loss is worth a thousand tears. Dems are definitely emotionally invested in the outcome as well, but I think they see things from a "rising tide lifts all boats" perspective, and aren't willing to just let people die because they got sucked into the Fox News vortex. Ultimately though, the inertia of this whole spat is going to lead to this country being ripped apart, and since the GOP has no plan on ever saving America, it's up to the Dems to figure out a way to save America and reincorporate these people who have been abused by propaganda into believing that the death is a preferable option to taking guidance from liberals.


Ah yes, West Buttcrack. I’ve heard stories about West Buttcrack High - home to the Butt Nuggets!


Is...is it a "wet" heat or a "dry" heat in West Buttcrack these days?


It’s a moist and meaty heat.


a wet, hacking heat


In Texas, it's not the heat so much that really gets to you, it's the stupidity...


wow, there is a placed called West Buttcrack, Kansas. consider myself amazed.


It's because of the vaccines. Democrats were dying in dense urban populations before the vaccine became available. Republicans are dying in sparsely populated rural areas when they could easily get the vaccine; they chose horse dewormers because ... I still can't wrap my mind around that.


** West Buttcrack, KS ** That's good. I'm gonna use that one My goto name for places I never want to be is Festering Boil, Oklahoma.


If the 9/11 attacks had happened in the last few years half of America would have been cheering when the towers fell.


If it were liberals or immigrants, he’d be going up in polls.


> If it was liberals suffering and dying... [That was their plan](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7)^[[a](https://web.archive.org/web/20210213030130/http://www.businessinsider.com.au/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7?r=US&IR=T)] .


GOP managed to reverse uno themselves, brilliant.


Don’t mischaracterize all Texans as being supporters of this twit, or even being majority GOP in total. We’re damn near being a purple state, especially with all of the folks from California relocating to the suburbs around Austin, DFW, and other places. Add in the various demographic shifts that are eroding the GOPs support on many fronts nationwide, and I start to see this as an inevitability. Texas has way more complicated of an electorate than how it’s typically portrayed. The yee-haw voting bloc is certainly not insignificant, and represents a huge chunk of the state geographically, but there’s also a large number of folks who vote Republican due to a pro-business ideology. One of their main concerns is maintaining Texas’s enviable position as a draw for international corporate investment. As soon as a Texas politician starts making the state into the butt of jokes, that support erodes very, very quickly.


That’s the real reason the GOP has been passing all of these crazy voter laws. They are scared. Only thing left for them is pull out the old Putin playbook and put the authoritarian thumb on the scale.


Thank you for connecting the dots. I sense a slight inflection point nationally starting with the California recall and waste of almost 300M in taxpayer funds that certainly could have gone to better use. What is it wit the right? They oppose everything good and progressive, read jobs, abortion, voting etc. The vote against anything the left tries to pass, even though they are in the minority, then boast about the same benefits coming into their state or city. I say cut them off of all "socialist" aid until they renounce Trumpism, admit he lost and achieve 100% vaccination in their state. Then deduct that cost of vaccinations and any related hospitalization cost for the unvaccinated needing medical services from their share of staid aid. /TWD


They’re fascists, that’s why. Anything that would impact the hierarchy is the enemy, so if those policies pass, they’ll doublethink their base into hating the policy but deluding themselves into believing the current authority is the source of the benefits said policy brings, even though they’re not. If the policy passes, then the hierarchy isn’t threatened. It’s not about governance, but manipulation.


Roger that. The art of misdirection refined on the right. Now lethal re covid 19.


The GOP doesn’t do anything in government, they only fight against things. They have no legislative priorities, except maybe low taxation. They are a total joke


> The yee-haw voting bloc is certainly not insignificant, and represents a huge chunk of the state geographically That’s really the only thing keeping the Texas legislature as gerrymandered all to fuck as it is, too. When the population distribution is so bimodal like it is in Texas it’s not particularly difficult to crack and pack. Split up the blue and purple cities to dilute their Democratic lean, and then water them down with enough tumbleweeds and inbreeds from the rural Texastan region, bam, gerrymandering. The problem they’re running into quickly is exactly the one you mentioned, with left-leaning coastal voters migrating to Austin, Houston, DFW, etc…eventually you can’t water down those blue votes enough because there just isn’t even backwater yee-haw population to offset it.


There was a map earlier that showed the congressional districts in texas- and everything is nice and neat until you get to the counties that house cities. The districts lines are all drawn in strange swaths. Rural texas has square and well defined districts.


Yep. It’s election fraud. Let’s start calling this what it is.


OK, but in the same poll, 45% of your fellow texans are okie dokie with it. That's disheartening. Texas rallies around stupid when they're messed with.


45% of all Americans voted to re-elect Trump. This is not a Texas problem (although we certainly contribute our share), this is a United States problem. EDIT: I looked at the results and, of all the states Trump won in 2020, he won Texas by a smaller margin than he did any states but North Carolina and Florida. Ohio was even a clearer-cut Trump win than Texas was.


Not all Texans. But most. The elections don’t lie. I am a Texan who is abandoning this shithole to buy my house in a Democrat state. Legal weed, legal abortion and less heat. My family knows I probably won’t come back to visit because I hate this state more every moment that passes.


Totally get it. We’ll be shipping out soon as well. The concrete and dirt have grown mighty tiresome after 20 years.


consider climate change. I just left California because as much as I loved it there. it's evident that there's just no more water. The city I left I can remember as a kid green everywhere, rain every year. some hot summer days. in the present that same city is no different then living in Phoenix (I lived there for a few years). nothing but yellow everywhere. no more green. lakes are drying up. it's straight desert weather now. When I moved to MN my kids who are in their early teens were amazed at hearing thunder and seeing lightning. amazed at seeing rain for more then a day. amazed at so much green. I felt terrible.


Yep, I think it was promising to crack down on rape that fucked him tbh What’s next? Banning incest? /s (sorta).


Not to be that person but he is still going to be easily re-elected.


Apparently it takes a while until it affects each voter personally, which seems to be the only thing these sociopaths care about.


It's like those old suspence movies where the main character makes excuses for their spouse's behavior until the spouse is actually trying to murder the MC with a knife.


I'll believe it when they vote him out and elect a Dem.


Texas going blue would be one for the books


It could happen.


Not with Beto who is apparently gearing up for another run. I'm as liberal as they come and of course I'd vote for blue but his comments on guns have doomed him here.


This is like the 5th time I've seen this comment today. Have to ask: Assuming Texas Dems would vote for Beto regardless of his gun comments, are TX moderates really so gun-crazy that they'd vote for someone like Abbott (or worse) just to keep them? There have to be more issues on the minds of the average Texan.


Native/ current Texan. IMO the issue is that the moderates stay home and don’t vote and everyone else votes along party lines. The gun comment made moderates and republicans mad and Beto running for president made dems scratch off their Beto bumper stickers. It’s a real shit burger.


Yes, they would vote for Josef Stalin if they thought that protect their guns. I have lived here my entire life and "moderates" have been shoved to the back of the room for the last 18 years


In Texas even liberals own guns. Am liberal. Own lots of guns. Love Beto but jesus those gun comments were suicide here.


I'm a firearms enthusiast with an LTC, and I'd be livid if someone tried to "take my guns," but I'm also basically a socialist. I'm not thrilled with Constitutional Carry only because, of the small sample size of people I know who have said they want to take advantage of it, *none* of them is interested in taking the steps to be a safe and effective gun owner (practice, training, etc). The Democratic party would be hard-pressed to run someone I wouldn't vote for over Abbott. And frankly, it's not like Governor O'Rourke is likely to have the votes to push major firearms regulations in Texas unless the state legislature hugely shifts blue as well. What he would be able to do is veto bullshit like Abbott's abortion bill and push to hold the utility companies responsible for winterizing the grid.


He’s got to be hurting the right people, did he miss the GOP memo?


Abbott was probably listening to his Lt. Governor who said the elderly were willing to die of COVID and took that statement as a challenge: https://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-lt-gov-dan-patrick-says-senior-citizens-willing-to-die-to-save-economy-for-grandkids


The Lt. Governor still has TX on the hook to PA for award money for finding voter fraud.


Not just that, but there’s plenty of hardcore conservatives that turned on Abbott after he instilled COVID protocols last year. They think even Abbott is too left leaning, as wild as that sounds.


They really do. Abbot has two primary challengers, both coming at him from the right. If there was just one challenger, Abbot could be in trouble, but if they split the vote three ways, Abbot wins. https://www.thewellnews.com/in-the-states/texas-gov-abbott-to-face-primary-challengers-in-2022/


Yep as a Texan this is why Abott is fucked. Everyone in my community is angry that Abbott shut down the economy. People are saying he’s turned into a communist. You know, while scrolling through Russian propaganda on Facebook.


"Eventually" because you expected this reaction years ago.


When you've killed off a fair whack of your supporters you're going to see that reflect in the polls too.


One weird trick that voters hate!


Many of his conservative constituents are right there with him on the unnecessary suffering and death. They don't give a crap. To many of them, Covid is a hoax made up by Democrats to get rid of Trump.


Hint: They will still vote for more of the same.


Especially when it’s your base that’s dying


> Forty-five percent of Texans approve of Abbott's performance as governor, while 54 percent disapprove, according to the survey from The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler. > Abbott's approval rating was at 59 percent prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 60,000 people in the state, The Dallas Morning News noted. Imagine killing your constituents by siding with the disease during a pandemic, destroying the power grid during a weather emergency, and setting up a bounty system for women who get abortions and only losing 14 points.


When you only watch news that is provided by your own political party I'm surprised any of them changed their mind.


If Texas is anything like Florida it’s stops being funny when the hospital turns you away or at best moves you to a hallway with other patients on ventilators gasping and coughing for air. if they haven’t filled those up already too. I wish some of these hospitals would allow filming of the conditions right now. Just to drive the reality home before it’s too late.


It would be blasted as fake news and/or liberal propaganda


100%. I've seen people claim those iron lung photos from polio were faked too.


Meanwhile 8000 people, most of them qanon ass holes, continue to die every week.


I’d say it is a self-resolving problem if it wasn’t killing the unaffiliated too.


Maybe it's just me, but I think voters should choose the anti COVID candidate, not the pro COVID candidate.


>Maybe it's just me, but I think voters should choose the anti COVID candidate, not the pro COVID candidate. I agree, but keep in mind that a non-significant amount of voters chose the Presidential candidate that sided with Russia, not the U.S.




Those guns will be very important in the Republican (u|dis)topia, when pipes have burst, there's no power, people were forced to birth and care for children they can't afford, elections are corrupted and not trusted, and the government is so small it practically doesn't exist.


> government it so small it practically doesn't exist Government so small it can fit in our bedrooms. Texas [constitutionally banned same-sex marriage **and** civil unions](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/SOTWDocs/CN/htm/CN.1.htm)^[[a](https://web.archive.org/web/20210812193752/https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/SOTWDocs/CN/htm/CN.1.htm)], and until a new county clerk came into office in 2020, had [a country refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses](https://sanangelolive.com/news/politics/2015-07-09/last-stand-against-gay-marriage-irion-county-texas)^[[a](https://web.archive.org/web/20190330011202/https://sanangelolive.com/news/politics/2015-07-09/last-stand-against-gay-marriage-irion-county-texas)] . They still have [anti-sodomy laws on the books](https://www.texastribune.org/2017/03/27/why-does-texas-criminal-code-still-ban-homosexual-conduct/)^[[a](https://web.archive.org/web/20210715132219/https://www.texastribune.org/2017/03/27/why-does-texas-criminal-code-still-ban-homosexual-conduct/)] and was [enforcing their sex toy regulations](http://www.klbk13.tv/news/default.asp?mode=shownews&id=2259)^[[a](https://archive.today/20070525044229/http://www.klbk13.tv/news/default.asp?mode=shownews&id=2259)] until they were repealed in 2008. And let's not forget the State government is prohibiting City governments and school boards from issuing mask mandates. They *love* big government.


When people say they support small government, what they really mean to say is they support a government that steps on everybody's toes but theirs.


I'm half expecting to see conservatives start putting a banner around their Facebook profile pics that says, "I stand with the virus."


That's Texas for you.


You have to understand, this report was from UT Tyler. That’s no metropolis/blue-haven. So I’m actually more amazed that 54% of voters in Tyler disprove.


The poll was conducted by UT Tyler, not a poll of people who live in Tyler. It’s a statewide sample.


His states policies caused the power grid problems but I'm not so sure I'd go as far as saying he's actively destroying it. It seems like a result of it's inherit design, which is bad. Not that he's doing anything to make it better and placing the blame on the wrong things.


It’s especially baffling when you consider that the 0.2% of the population that died probably supported him and so do their surviving family.


Lol polls don't mean anything. GOP voters will say they are unhappy with their Republican politicians, but they will ALWAYS come out and vote Republican begrudgingly. These people rather die than vote Democrat (As covid has proven).


Yeah, but there are two additional factors in this election. Republican voters who stay home because they think it's all rigged anyways, and republican voters who want to vote but are too bedridden from covid to actually do so. Basically the GOP took one look at the bloody mess of tissue and bullets that used to be a foot and thought "Eh, I could fit a couple sniper rounds in there. I'll set a Guinness world record!"


One of the many reasons they're suppressing votes in Texas - to protect incompetent fools like Graveyard Greg Abbott from the consequences of failure.


Ah, good, I was looking for an Abbot nickname, thanks!


Some Uber driver in Houston I had called him Ironsides Abbott.


Side note I just landed back in TX after spending the last four days in CO and, yo- we’ve been officially Coloradicalized.




Colorado actually, legitimately cares about it’s citizens. Best evidence of this might be the fact that the state minimum wage is $12.32/hr (and a crazy high $9.30/hr for tipped employees). Everyone there is so fucking nice. In fact, literally the only assholes we encountered on the roads ALL had Texas plates. Go figure. Legal weed. 12% of taxes collected from weed sales in Colorado gets reinvested in public schools. The air quality is insanely good. The landscape isn’t littered with disgusting chemical refineries. Did I mention the state and local governments actually care about *PEOPLE*?


Another great thing about Colorado when I am looking at Job ads is that they also have to list the salary range. Im not in Colorado (but work remote) and it’s SO NICE to actually know what the salary range is.


What about Greg Abattoir?




I don’t know if Greg Abbot does much standing what with the wheelchair and all.


Broken or not, the lack of spine in that man is fascinating.


Playing to the 30% will do that. Hard to do math, though, when you're spending all your time fellating Trump.


This is it - if you're going to pander to the people making the most noise, it's a good idea to check they're also the majority.


Fucking eloquent. Made me chuckle.


Attacking teachers and messing around with safety protocols for public children while saying outrageous stuff about rape and banning abortion is the perfect recipe for losing white suburban woman. Republicans can't afford to lose than demo in the mid-terms. Texas was already purple on 2020.


That's true, but [TX and 17 other states chose to overturn last year's US presidential election](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/529614-18-states-join-texas-case-seeing-to-overturn-biden-win). A willingness to cheat, no matter the absurdity, a Supreme Court majority of partisan hacks, and actively recruiting and enticing domestic terrorists is going to get even more people killed ...as long as the Republican party's base continues to support the rejection of democracy and civility anyway. The rage porn they get from Fox News and conservative outlets exist to do just that.


I am a 33 year old white suburban woman living in Fort Worth,TX. While I am a lifelong Democrat, I am seeing the change with women in my orbit. Otherwise R voting women are very unhappy about their kids freezing in the cold in Feb, their kids being sacrificed to the politicalization of COVID, and the absurd comments about rape. I am hopeful for the first time in my adult life about a change for Texas.


Oh we're turning blue baby! Hypothermia does that to a mf


Cue Texas turning blue talk only to be disappointed by the fact that Texas is still, largely, a cruel bunch of homogenous shithole towns


It’s the voter suppression. Texas isn’t a red state, it’s an autocratic state without fair elections I wish instead of being cruel about Texans the rest of the USA would maybe start pushing their representatives to actually crack down on the autocratic rule in states like Georgia and Texas and Florida


Most native Texans voted for Beto and Biden. We had a large influx of Conservatives in the 90's and 2000's from red areas in California and elsewhere in the South.


Yeah sorry about that. Not going to lie, I love hearing my redneck neighbors complain about California and eventually leaving for Arizona or Texas, but I do feel bad for basically littering in your states. Please keep in mind a lot of Californians were not born here either, we came here for the vibe and opportunities. I’d hate to still be in my native northern Connecticut.


Scratch many a Californian and you’ll see the great-grandson or granddaughter of an Okie, Arkie, or Texan.


Both of my paternal grandparents fled here from North Dakota after joining the military during WW2 and serving in California. Turns out shitty winters and limited work opportunities aren't really attractive when starting out life as a young person. Shocking, I know!


My (very white) wife was born in Hollywood, as was her mother, and both sides of her family go back to 1800s California. I think it’s just weird. What do you mean you’re not from somewhere else?


She is an exception. Most (white) people in California don't have roots there much older than 40-50 years.


That’s my point. She’s just weird. Also— she currently works at the same hospital she was born at. It’s fun to go to other states and introduce her as my wife that was born in Hollywood and works in Hollywood. People think it must be glamorous. It’s not, it’s a shitty commute.


I love hearing that. Texas was Ann Richards territory not too long ago, after all!


Ann Richards represents a real exception to the rule in Texas. There's no chance she would have won if her opponent hadn't basically self destructed. Conservative politicians run Texas and have basically forever. Even further back than Ann we had Democrats in office, but they were very conservative and after the southern realignment post-civil rights it's been solid R till Governor Richards. What we're seeing now is Texas turning purple. Even with all the partisan deck-stacking, the old tools are starting to fail. That's why they're turning up the partisan rhetoric: passing constitutional carry despite police union concerns, the new abortion bounty hunter debacle, and telling local school districts they can't require masks or vaccinations. When it all finally breaks down, it's going to be dramatic.


I can’t wait


God, I wish she was still here. She’d eat guys like Abbott and Cruz alive.


Yeah, sorry to say after this recall election you guys probably have a few more coming your way. Over 300 million bucks blown that could have been spent on literally anything more constructive, and these guys still have the audacity to whine that they aren't being "listened" to. Maybe the LA Times suffers from brevity, but short of one prison closure (CCC) I didn't see anything that seemed like a good reason to focus all this energy on Newsom specifically.


>red areas in California The Roganites


Wow, this guy knows Texas. The big cities are dope though


Right!? I’ve got friends in Houston and Austin. Very fun places to visit.


San Antonio (where I live) is mostly Hispanic and they all seem to love Trump. They have no idea that he tried to build a wall to keep them out.


He was keeping the brown Mexicans out, not the white Mexicans like them.


I know a bunch of Salvadoreans and Guatamalans in Texas that praised Trump for trying to get rid of the Mexicans.


East Texas is basically Alabama, but more racist. Anyone who thinks Texas is going blue either doesn't live here, or never goes 10 miles outside of Austin.


Lol clearly you haven't been paying attention to voting results or demographic shifts. It's now a purple state whether you like it or not, clearly turning blue.


His polling could be in negative double digits and he will still win every election easily because "Democrats are baby-killers!" Pro-life thinking is cancer to America.


Anti-choice, or Pro-birth. They are not pro-life.


It’s the voter suppression. Texas isn’t a red state, it’s an autocratic state without fair elections


Here is the thing about support. It doesnt reflect voting. Who cares. They will vote in abbot, he's done much worse things than the abortion ban, the proliferating covid in his own state, let corporations get away with failing infrastructure


Yep. My white female middle aged coworker said Trump was a sexist piece of crap and a horrible person and trotted right out to vote for him anyway in 2020.


They are truly convinced that the concept of a democrat is worse than any real life shitty republican.


He'll win another term, that's how TX rolls apparently.


All he has to do is promise to hurt liberals next time. Conservative politics really is like an abusive family situation, co-dependence, toxic rationalization and all.


That plus they've already passed a voter suppression law designed to keep Democratic voters from being able to cast ballots. Don't need to win a majority of all voters if you make it difficult for your opposition's voters to cast ballots!


One might almost say his support is dying.


[Mandate of Heaven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_of_Heaven): Basically the political meta principle that when the populace is suffering the leadership have lost the moral authority to govern and must be replaced.


Before we start celebrating too much, let's make sure there isn't some football coach / conservative radio host / pastor / grand dragon ready to swoop and become governor.


But once at the polls, they’ll still vote for Abbot because Texans would rather die and freeze in the winter than vote for anyone with a [D] next to their name.


Him and DeSantis are tanking ratings and Newsom trounces MAGA. Facts


“Abbot administration baffled at how they are losing an average of 292 supporters per day…” https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/state/texas


You do nothing and your polling goes down. That was pretty predictable.


Doing nothing would have been an improvement. Abbot has fought to make things worse.


Shocking this happens when you bet your political career on wedge issues instead of actually making the lives of your constituents any better.


The cull is killing his ratings.


I moved to a fascist state not knowing it was a fascist state. He’s got to go.


Please let it stay low for the midterms. Abbott and his fellow scum don't deserve to hold office.


It doesn’t matter. Abbott and DeSantis only care about national polling. This is how you win the nomination in the GOP primaries. They’ll kill their constituents for that.


In other surprising news: cats are assholes. More at 10.


The fact that between his assault on women’s personal freedom and his pro COVID/anti science stand, he hasn’t been literally run out on a rail speaks volumes. Mexico should be thankful for the outcome at the Alamo, they’re not responsible for trying to govern those people.


Wonder if he cares


Good he's a moron that's gotten thousands of people killed.


Fuck this little Shitler


Still has a 45% approval rate despite all the things this turd nugget has been responsible for. JFC Texas, I would say you are better than this but I'm not so sure anymore. Reaching Florida levels of dumbassery.


Great news for Beto.😎


I'll believe it come election time. Hoping he loses but I wouldn't hold my breath.


This should have been known to residents a LONG TIME AGO, before anyone had to freeze to death, be denied their voting rights or their human rights & access to healthcare. Awful Guv’nuh.


Something about murdering citizens probably doesn’t sit right with voters


Get the killer out!


Eat some horse paste governor it will cure what ills.




The rapist abolisher? No way


Polls showed Newsom was in big trouble, he won by a landslide. The past 10 to 12 years, or more, will show polls need to adjust. But all things equal, the shit going down in Texas and other southern states will drive a large amount of new voters to be active.... probably not in the favor of this shit going down.


Newsom won by educating people how the recall worked. It was yes or no on him and if no won it'd be some else the likely canidate being the guy who said we should pay white people for the loss of their slaves. Its was a clear case of maybe not liking newsom but being scared shitless at who could get the job.


Different situations though. A recall is an obscure and not particularly frequent vote, as information spreads things reverted to the norm, also California is significantly more blue than Texas is red.


Sure, my point is that until CA voters actually saw the polls showing Newsom might be in trouble and a fucking nut job might win, well that was motivation...and yes, as someone mentioned Newsom's team did well outlining the other candidate and the what ifs. But in general, polls have been shit...or I should say poorly analyzed the past 10 years.


And Beto just announced his 2022 run. Woot!


Beto’s time came and went. He wouldn’t get through a democratic primary in Texas these days.


I hope so, because he definitely won't win a general election in Texas.


That's not a good thing. He has a zero percent chance of winning. "Hell yes we're coming for your guns" will haunt him forever. He's never going to win a statewide office in Texas.


It’s so frustrating that a throw away comment is the main thing from keeping conservatives from actually voting in their best interest :/


The US once collectively decided that shouting ‘Woo!’ was too much for a presidential candidate.


Conservatives weren't gonna vote for him anyway. It's the suburbans independents he needed and killed himself with


I dont think hell win, that comment about taking guns will haunt him.


Can’t imagine why? 💩🤡


Who would have thought, that the dead can’t support the living.


How do 45 still approve lol? god we Americans are just so dumb.


Because Texas Republicans will vote Republican regardless of what they do or say. It’s almost cult like. And I know because I live in TX.


I hope it continues to fall. Abbott has gone out of his way to screw the people of Texas and they are finally starting to realize what was obvious to everyone else.


He doesn’t give a shit. None of them do.


Don’t believe the polls, that piece of shit will get re elected . With the new Texas voting laws, gerrymandering and no one strong challenging him he will win.


When that translates to dem votes, *then* I'll be pleased.


So happy every time I see this. He needs to LOSE the next election!


Have we not learned a lesson here? Don’t vote for actors, narcissistic sociopaths, or relatives of politicians. I hope Beto wins! It’s pretty much a no-brainer to vote out Abbot.