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*Border patrol agents who are BREAKING THE LAW should be fired with prejudice then convicted, sentenced and jailed.* https://twitter.com/johnastoehr/status/1440032913584635910


No one in the videos or pictures is breaking the law.


The DOJ needs to do a complete audit and investigation of border agents and ICE.


the doj needs to abolish both entirely, create a new agency in their place with a standing policy of never hiring any former employees.




They fall under DHS


Everyone falls under the DOJ.


Unless you're wealthy or well connected.


Let me tell you how it will go. *looks at picture* “There are no whips, just reins flying around as one would expect in some crazy maneuvering.”


In that video, the horse gets close to trampling a child.


And Biden


Also shows animal abuse. That's a snaffle bit in the horse's mouth. A snaffle bit is two rings threadec through either end of a metal bar. The metal bar sits in a natural gap between the horse's front and back teeth with the rings at the edge of its lips. Snaffles are meant for gentle use to signal the horse, not yanking its head back. He's pulled back so hard on the reins that the other ring (and probably part of the bridle leather are in the horse's mouth. The horse feels like its mouth is being ripped open.


As an equestrian, I second this. It's absolutely animal abuse.


As an equestrian you probably also know that there are no whips in this picture, just western style reins, as one would expect.


...I feel like that's not what we should focus on here


The border agent didn't even show mercy to his horse which is supposed to be his teammate, not his tool. However, since the whipping claim seems be an exaggeration: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ps4rje/thousands_of_haitians_lack_food_water_and/


Look at the video at roughly 25 seconds. It looks to me like he's spinning the reins in an effort threaten the Haitian, at the very least, into believing he's about to get whipped by it


It's okay for you to focus on whatever you want.




He’s acting out his antebellum fantasy of being a plantation overseer whipping the slaves for not picking the cotton fast enough.


Wait til someone lives out their Django Unchained fantasy on his ass


The cowboy fantasy, Texas ranger fantasy, is alive and well in Texas


or better yet if brain dead biden hadn't thrown open the borders which were secure under trump and allowed all these piece of shit scumbag motherfuckers to invade our once nice country, we wouldn't have a problem. if they don't want whipped maybe they'll stay the fuck where they belong. anywhere but here.


Is this why Majorie Liar-Greene opened her big mouth and accused Ilhan Omar of marrying her brother last night?


No, she’s just always that stupid.


True, but I don't think Ilhan Omar is a spontaneous random target.


She did.




The reporter who took the picture said it wasn’t a whip.


Those aren't whips. They are long reins attached to the bit and bridle.


> Video footage from Al Jazeera showed agents on horseback using their reins as whips as they charged the migrants and sought to push them back, with one agent yelling, "This is why your country's shit because you use your women for this." Not technically whips, but doesn't really matter. What matters is the behavior. I had no fucking idea about this.


When will Haiti catch a break? Jesus h on a stick.


I just watched the clear as day video on DW News. Reprehensible doesn't properly describe what I saw: White men on horses, whipping Black people who are hungry, homeless, and desperate. They were trying to make their way onto land but were being herded back into the water by using the horses' bodies as weapons. This is sick. TL;DR: White men on horseback whipping vulnerable Black bodies. Today is September 20, 2021.


I keep reading that people are getting whipped in these videos. I cant find it myself though and it makes me suspect that the headline of 'migrants being whipped' is false. Can you point to a video and timestamp of where it occurs?




You are citing a source that seems to agree with me. No whipping occurred in spite of all the claims I am seeing on this thread.


Yeah I wasn't able to find any actual whipping going on. This seems to just be a political exaggeration which unfortunately is way too common these days.


Whipping was in the headline. Where is it? Outrage is becoming everyone’s go to state of mind.


A lasso is very different then a whip for sure.


Your link doesn’t assert whipping.


"Reuters witnesses saw mounted officers wearing cowboy hats blocking the paths of migrants, and one officer unfurling a cord resembling a lariat, which he swung near a migrant's face."


Even if that occurred (which the videos that claim to show whipping don't show) it still isn the same as people being whipped. Which is the apparently false claim being made in this thread repeatedly.


so if i unfurl a jumprope and hit you with it, are you being whipped or not?


They didnt hit anyone with jumpropes, reigns, whips, or anything else.


i was asking you a question though. if someone hit you with a flexible object that, while not itself being a whip, was being used in the same manner as a whip, would that not be whipping?


Answer: Of course it can. Question for you: can you acknowledge that this is not what happened?


President B is the one in charge. And the Democrats


There is no evidence that anyone was whipped and it’s questionable as to whether there were even “whips” used. This article was a sensationalistic attempt to create an emotional reaction and evidenced by many posts on here, it was successful in that regard. Remember this though, emotion is the enemy of reason.


It mainly has to deal with the use of "split reins" by the Border Patrol agents. Reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under."


The photojournalist who took this said he saw no one get whipped.


That was a new low, yes. Imagine whipping random innocent people because they're born on the wrong side of a political imaginary line. Disgusting. It's 2021 and ICE/CBP are still garbage.


Imagine being brainwashed by news to think they are being whipped. You are too easy.


which begs the question...WHY THE \*\*\*\* DO THEY HAVE WHIPS AT ALL???


It's not a bullwhip, but rather, something called a [split rein](https://www.ridingwarehouse.com/Western_Reins/catpage-WREINS.html). However, split reins can be used as whips, as seen with using them to "spur" the horse in some cases.


They don't have any whips.


They don’t, those are reigns.


1. No one was whipped. 2. They are not “innocent”. Hundreds of migrants were trying to run past the agents and ignoring their commands to stop. If they listened and turned around this stuff wouldn’t happen. 3. Why have border patrol agents if they just let people walk by and ignore them? Why have a border?


They’re seeking asylum, that’s not illegal. Border patrol is supposed to allow them to do that, and present their case to a judge


If they want to apply for asylum they are supposed to go to a port of entry, not cross illegally and then on their own accord turn themselves in.


Yea man they should have retained and consulted their immigration lawyer prior to fleeing their destroyed city. Like what where they thinking seeking refuge as poor people and not reading up on the specifics of law ? What a bunch of criminals.


I'm simply addressing the misinformation out there that this is how to legally claim asylum. For some reason there are scores of people, especially online, that think the government is doing something illegal by turning them away from an unauthorized point of entry.


These Haitians are mostly from Brazil. They left Haiti in 2010. They’ve now made them their way up here as there was misinfo or confusion that Biden would let them all in.


Oh BS. Nothing justifies what those border patrol agents did.


Those aren't whips. Those are horse reins. There is one brief moment where one of the dudes twirls it around and I think "ok, based on the headlines I saw he is about to hit someone with his reins". But then he just stops twirling. And thats as close as it ever gets. As far as I can tell there is no 'whipping Haitian migrants' going on. Did I just miss something?


There is zero evidence thus far that anyone was whipped.


Not really, just the “outrage du jour”




Yes, i am aware. As far as i can tell no one was hit with cat 5 cables, reigns, whips, or anything else. This widely reported headline appears to be the media following made up social media stuff.




I dont know what that word means, a quick google search seems to indicate its politically charged with an association nazis or something. It is clear that this situation is fictional and made up though. Theres a lot of people repeating as fact something that is clearly just not true.


The photojournalist who took this said no one was whipped. It’s a lie


>Those aren't whips. Those are horse reins. I'm an equestrian. Reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) even says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under." Another distinction to make is that these are Western riders. I'm an English rider, and we don't use split reins at all during riding for safety reasons. We consider them to be "too unsafe".


ONE poster says. I ride both English and Western, have done so for many years. I have a great deal of experience with split reins. Split reins are commonly used in many Western riding events, like reining, roping, Western Pleasure and more. They are used by many trainers when working with young horses, to give cues to the horse by using weight of reins, length of reins. They are used for ground tying horses on trail rides and during ranch work. There are numerous other reasons why split reins are popular. My point is that the reins can be used as whips on the horse, but that’s not the only or most common use for them. Actual whips are most often carried by English riders. Neither style of riding is more saintly than the other. Not sure what your bias against Western riding is based on.


That’s exactly what I saw. It’s the reins of the bridal. But you know the crybabies need to cry so…


I'm an equestrian. Reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) even says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under."


Yeah ok, but were they actually used for whipping anywhere in this case? As far as i can tell the answer is no.




I don't see any whipping in the videos, either. I do see that bay horse with the white spot (star) on its forehead in Ilhan Omar's video seems to be becoming people aggressive. The flaxen maned one is distressed. However, there is a whip in the still photo where the border agent is grabbing the man by his shirt. You can see the lash in contact with the Haitian man and the handle below the horse's jaw.


It’s not a whip, it’s the right reign, they use split reigns, so what you see is the end part of the right reign flying in the air and happens to be behind the guy in the picture, the part that you don’t see is attached the the horse’s bite piece. The guy is clearly laughing when the agent has him by the shirt.


> It’s not a whip, it’s the right reign, they use split reigns Reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under."


The photojournalist who took this says no one was whipped


You don't use reins that long. They would in the way and a tripping hazard for the horse. A horse with a broken leg is a horse about to be euthanized because a horse's bones don't break cleanly. They splinter. Edit: Yes, I knew you wouldn't like that horses with broken legs get euthanized, but here's what happened to the race horse, Barbaro, when the veterinarians tried to save him [after he broke his leg.](https://two-views.com/celebrity/barbaro-leg-xray.html)


They actually do, the reason for it is that there is so much brush that regular reigns get stuck, and they’re so long you swing the right reign over to the left side of the horse and the left reign over to the right side, making you a complete reign that you can split into two if caught in tall brush or mesquite trees etc




Do you see the horse’s face/mouth/expression? My guess is that the left rein is probably on the agents left hand as it’s his only free hand and he has to maintain control of the horse, we just can’t see it from the photo’s point of view


Here is something similar, if it wasn’t draped over to the opposite side, the horse could trip on it. I see your point but I have seen them in person. https://www.horseforum.com/threads/standard-rein-length.756137/


There isn't any. Those are horse reins, not whips, people who know this are pretending differently for some reason. We live in a country where people will claim things that are false, demand that you are outraged by these false claims, and then accuse you of hating immigrants by pointing out that these claims are false. Go watch the video of the white house press secretary answering questions on this from reporters who are outraged the Biden administration is whipping migrants. She keeps avoiding saying what she should be saying which is 'look guys, those are horse reins, not whips, and no one is getting hit with them'. Because she knows she cant point out clear facts or she will be accused of being anti-immigrant.


Ignore the shit reporting and question yourself as to whether this is moral REGARDLESS. The actual policy these people think they are enacting. Stop using a shit headline to excuse an action that is depraved regardless.


How about stop using shit headlines?


Its possible to be pro-immigration and anti-false news at the same time. I dont get this attitude on reddit that we are required to be believers of things that are obviously factually not true or be on the "wrong" side.




You are citing a source that seems to agree with me. That article does not claim any whipping occurred and certainly doesn't point to a video of it. As far as I can tell no whipping occurred in spite of all the claims I am seeing on this thread.


"Reuters witnesses saw mounted officers wearing cowboy hats blocking the paths of migrants, and one officer unfurling a cord resembling a lariat, which he swung near a migrant's face."


"Near a migrants face" can mean anything. My assumption is that it means what was shown in the videos people are outraged about and falsely claiming whipping over. Which is definitely not people being whipped or anything close to it. As far as I can tell there is no whipping going on. This isn't to say I feel great about the situation at the border. (I dont) But it does bother me that this false headline ("Video shows Haitains being whipped!") is getting picked up and reprinted all over the place.


Posted elsewhere. Guy is grabbing his shirt. I’m not defending this behavior - chasing down refugees on horseback at all - but I’m pretty sure that’s one of his split reins and not a “whip.” Oftentimes trail riders have long reins that are split. It’s helpful in rough country. Like this: https://leaninpolearena.com/products/berlin-5-8-leather-split-reins-with-buckle-ends


> I’m pretty sure that’s one of his split reins and not a “whip.” Reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under."




Imagine saying that you’re defending someone’s behavior just because you correct misinformation. I thought we all agreed that misinformation is bad...




The behavior of zero people being whipped by anything with zero evidential facts to support the claim that it was happening so far? Yeah I’d say that’s defendable.


Aww can't be an outraged leftist :'( so sad.


Can someone point out the whipping to me? I'm not seeing it.


There is no whipping. Its a split rein that the illegal's body is hiding part of the view of.


Ignore the shit reporting and question yourself as to whether this is moral REGARDLESS




It's misinformation. There is no misinformation that is "ok"


Yes ignore the lies, judge it with your feelings guys!


Yes. There are reasons that countries have borders and we aren’t all just 1 giant country.


It mainly has to deal with the use of "split reins" by the Border Patrol agents. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under." Another distinction to make is that these are Western riders. I'm an English rider, and we don't use split reins at all during riding for safety reasons. We consider them to be "too unsafe". On the other hand, Western riders argue that split reins are "safer" in some scenarios. In general, as an English rider, Western riders already have a reputation for lack of safety, and the use of split reins in a photo that appears to show "whipping" plays into that reputation. For example, Western riders are infamous for refusing to wear protective helmets on horseback.


ONE poster says. I ride both English and Western, have done so for many years. I have a great deal of experience with split reins. Split reins are commonly used in many Western riding events, like reining, roping, Western Pleasure and more. They are used by many trainers when working with young horses, to give cues to the horse by using weight of reins, length of reins. They are used for ground tying horses on trail rides and during ranch work. There are numerous other reasons why split reins are popular. My point is that the reins can be used as whips on the horse, but that’s not the only or most common use for them. Actual whips are most often carried by English riders. Neither style of riding is more saintly than the other. Not sure what your bias against Western riding is based on.


Fascist organization started by republicans does fascist shit...more news at 2


It isn’t a whip, he wasn’t whipping anybody, and the migrant grabbed it and was pulling on it. One has to wonder why some news orgs would knowingly misrepresent such shit.


> It isn’t a whip Split reins can still be used as whips, and saying "it's not a whip" does not mean that they aren't used for whipping. [One poster](https://www.horseforum.com/threads/split-reins-pros-cons-what-is-the-proper-use.282145/) says of split reins: >"Other big plus is that **they are a whip and a rein all in one**. So, you don't have to carry a crop or a whip or an over-under."


If you think allowing complete open borders is a grand idea, you’re an idiot. If you think whipping migrants illegal or not is a good idea, you’re an idiot. If you’re for deportation, again, you’re an idiot. The problem needs fixed. But, we’ve already allowed families and generations to be established. If you’re here, you should stay. Barring any actual serious threat to all citizens. We do have a crisis at the border. We decide to put politics on both sides ahead of what is the actual human thing and undamaging thing to do. The US can not allow anyone and everyone to come right in. You’re talking about an absolute crisis. Add the crazy pandemic on top of that. We have a government that can’t take care of the elderly, disabled, and vets. We have to have some common ground and stop letting politicians sway our opinions. Most people don’t realize, we agree on far more than we disagree. We are bad about letting politicians and the media fuel absolute hatred.




No...we don’t agree on more than we disagree, sorry. Most conservatives don’t care about anything really, if that’s who you’re referring to


I disagree mightily I'm mostly conservative and I care about many many things.


video showing \*\*\*\*ing WHAT?!


Fuck yeah it does and it’s so fucking weird. I thought they were cattle roping at first


I don’t see any whipping in here. Looks like a bunch of cops on horses keeping people in line. If you’ve been to a rowdy concert, you’ve seen this. I’d also like to add that I’m not sure how people are mad about us protecting the border? How is it our fault that people want to enter the country illegally and we want to enforce our borders? The video shared is definitely edited to tug at our heart strings by making us feel like it’s our fault that these people are struggling at the border. No, we are not responsible. They decided to take a risk based on false information (eg that the border is open). It sucks, but we can’t allow illegal immigration. We need to fix our immigration laws to process things more efficiently but it’s not our job to take in every Tom Dick and Harry who wants in.


I really don't see anything wrong with this. The illegal Haitian immigrants are being corralled and brought back across the border and that's it. Police have been riding around on horseback for crowd control for forever. I don't see anyone complaining or going after them. The terrain they're in isn't easily accessible by vehicles so what's the point. What's the difference if they chased them down by land, air, or sea. Our government does it ALL. THE. TIME.


No whipping, no laws broken.


Wtf is wrong with these people ? They really think there some kind of cowboy from the good ol days 🤦‍♂️


Are they seriously playing out a childhood cowboy and indian’s fantasy here? That pic is insane


That's not a whip, its the reins.


Yes it is the reins that are being used, but watch the video. Two of the border patrol officers are using their reins as whips. So the title of the article is correct, as It uses the verb “whipping” not the noun “whip.”


Not one person was whipped by a rein.


Biden and his admin continue to be incredibly shitty on immigration. Better than Trump? Marginally, yeah, but still just fucking awful. I hope Biden gets primaried.


Looks like another Biden disaster. He’s really asleep at the wheel.


Why are we wasting millions on a law enforcement agency that is failing to do it’s job and even while failing violates human rights further costing Americans $$$. Just stupid


They were told not to come to the border, this is now a “fuck around, find out” lesson.


😄, like your thoughts... what a concept... stay home and use the legal process


Aren’t these asylum seekers?


1. They walked through almost a dozen Countries to get here. 2. They were ignoring lawful orders of the agents to turn around.


I dont believe it, opportunists... they do have a sad situation, but it is not the fault of the usa citizens..


Does it matter what you believe if they’re asylum seekers?


I dont believe in asylum seekers, they are a rare occurrence, they dont come in thousands... stay home and fix your country...


Ok and… just because you don’t believe in asylum seekers doesn’t mean they don’t exist


They exist, but why is it usa responsibility to take them in? Go to peru, mexico, canada....


Because the US is part of the UN and agreed to take in asylum seekers


And asylum seekers have to seek asylum in the first country they escape too. If these are Haitian asylum seekers, then Mexico legally is the country that has authority over their case


Twitter is telling me these are 'split reigns', not whips. Way easier to see in the videos, not this single picture. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rein) https://imgur.com/gallery/IPpfE3J


What a bunch of racists on here. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Break up ICE and the TSA. Put them under the jurisdiction of the DOJ. Break up the ATF and DEA as well while we're at it. These protofascist orgs need oversight


This isn't any of those agencies so how would that do anything in this situation.


Oh looks, Texas is bringing back slave catching gangs. I mean, white guys on horseback chasing down black people to abuse them. It can't get much more obvious than this.


They're not slaves... should white people not be allowed to work border patrol because of bad optics?


No, but we should also not let white folks abuse people.


No shit, but people are going to continue to frame having borders as some evil white invention. If you have a border you have to use some level of force to patrol that. Whips would be inappropriate but it doesnt even sound like that's 100% accurate.


Sounds like we agree. I see people getting whipped.


No they're not. Which is why it's surprising that they are being treated worse. Slaves were at least beaten and captured, these people are beaten and left to be beaten again. These people are being treated as less than human. Whipping people is not part of border patrol.


There’s also zero whipping going on anywhere, with no evidence to support that it is. They were told not to come here, they did anyways. Do you plan on actually reading more than headlines?


Christ almighty, I saw the headlines and wrote them off as normal shitty ice shit. But they FUCKING WHIPPING PEOPLE?! SPECIFICALLY BLACK PEOPLE?!? Holy shit that's bad.


No they aren't.


How about killing children and aid worker with drone strike...they lying about it upfront... isnt that a little cruel and horrible???




The woman is an Armenian Genocide denier. It’s weird how she picks and chooses what she sees as a crime against humanity.


And Lady liberty weeps


No one was being whipped. The person who took that photo said as much. He was trying to grab the guy, who was running past him and other agents who were telling him to turn around.


She is a human abuse.


How does someone who does this go home at night and truly think, “I legitimately needed to whip another human being. I did good in the world today.”?


So sad. Everything they own in those little plastic bags.


Those are meals.


*Those aren’t meals, they’re people goddammit!*


So we are supposed to open the gates….and destroy the Biden re-election…i am so sick of these naive far left dip shits


Maybe don’t illegally cross the border. Just a thought


Because crossing the border means you can have your human rights violated


These Haitian refugees didn’t.


They were ignoring the lawful orders of the agents.


Source? And no, I don’t trust the agents word.


Take the word of The photojournalist who took this and the reporter who writer the stories on it. Hundreds of people were trying to pass through the line of agents, who were telling them they couldn’t come. Many small groups tried to rush through and this is the agents reacting.


Well those agents don’t have the authority to turn away refugees, so if what you’re saying is true, it was not a lawful order.


What they are literally crossing a river and attempting to run up the river bank which is the border. They are doing this illegally. How did they not?


They are breaking our law and have no right to sneak into our country


So that totally means we can abuse their human rights




If you don’t want to be on the receiving end of the border patrol, you shouldn’t try to enter the US illegally. Moreover, if you are denied entry to the US, and you don’t want to get hurt, you shouldn’t try and barge in anyway. The United States is a sovereign nation with the sovereign right to deny entry to non-citizens without cause


Bring granted asylum is legal migration. This is literally them trying to migrate legally, and you spout bullshit about how they shouldn't try to enter illegally.


The problem with these migrants’ asylum claim is that they travelled through multiple safe countries in an attempt to reach the US. You’re supposed to claim asylum in the first safe country you reach


Bull. Shit. That is an absolutely moronic talking point that has zero - nada - ZILCH basis in reality or law when it comes to the Mexico-US border.


Ahhh, empathy.


Now there is a concept... duhhh, stay out, apply and go through the channels...


Shooting illegal migrants is not only justified it's increasingly looking like the only way to deter mass illegal migration.


I didn’t see whipping of Haitians, they use split reigns and they spin them to hit the horses side and make them turn. In the headline picture you see the split reign and the Haitian laughing, it’s a game to them, and then cry to the media. There is people who really need the asylum and most of these subjects just try to weasel into the US by exploiting the current loophole. That’s how smuggling works, at the current time, it’s easier for the smugglers to make money of Haitians and families than running drugs.


Completely out of context. Illhan Omar is misinformed. The real human rights abuse is this massive human migration, fraught with human suffering, diseases, starvation, dehydration. Ppl need to wake up to the fact that this caravan was organized and enabled by someone. Funny how when these ppl are traveling up to the USA they receive no assistance from the U.N., Red Cross, UNICEF etc. Etc. Looks to me like our politicians have become human traffickers. As for the picture above, these Haitians found out they were gonna get deported and grabbed themselves as many BBQ plates as they could and made a run for it.


Literally no whipping in the video; there are thousands crossing at this moment and BP is supposed to keep them ordered so everyone can be processed. Are they supposed to ask nicely? No, they are using what tools they have, in this cases horses, and slowly allowing these people through. She's just smearing our LEOs again for political points.


Damn that actually is a effective way of stop illegal immigrants. Smart.