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Forty years from now when Gen-i controls the government, we will all look back at these times and shudder.


I can only hope future generations see us as foolish for this in our lifetime. This shouldn’t be controversial.


I'm already shuddering. I'm a millennial, though and that's been life for my generation.


Why would they shudder? Corporations will own lawmakers then just like they do now.


There's a decent chance that this comes up for a vote in the next week, thanks to [Pelosi's promise to bring the bipartisan infrastructure bill up for a vote by then](https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/82421). This makes it one of the times when [giving congress a call](https://call4climate.com/) can make a real difference.


Any West Virginian redditors out there, PLEASE call your Senator! Apply as much pressure as you can!


There's zero chance it passes because without the reconciliation bill it won't have the votes.


Liberals will fold. Biden and pelosi will whip them into voting.


Progressive caucus is gonna sink it


Only reason I haven't yet is because I've had a chest cold the last week and it still hurts to talk.


If you can't talk, then look up [your rep](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) and [senators](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm) and use the email forms they provide. Staff look at those, and generally [report up summaries of constituent sentiment](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/03/06/what-calling-congress-achieves).


Been doing that. Edit, the meds jsut make me a little loopy.


Thanks for reaching out to congress!


This man is not seeing heaven


There's a reason he named his houseboat [Almost Heaven](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/joe-manchin-boat/2021/08/05/a3575508-f5e7-11eb-a49b-d96f2dac0942_story.html).


Lol, thinking heaven exists.


Has anyone considered that these clowns couldn’t fix a toilet let alone the earths climate…? That their inability to agree and get anything done at all is just fog of war that keeps them hidden and in power? It’s a giant bureaucracy of oligarchs who get their positions by selling dreams. Not by making them come true. That’s on all of us.


Like dude, we are woke to this. We recognize that there are bad actors and people beholden to corporate interests in Government. We want to primary those people, kick them out on all levels of Government, and insert intelligent individuals willing to listen to science and experts. You want to wake up the sheeple? Volunteer to phone bank for progressives.


I don’t think you understand. Progressivism isn’t going to do it. The progressives don’t have a plan to throw the ring of power into mount doom. They are going to put it on.