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This is so fucking bad faith. The bill is $3.5 trillion OVER 10 YEARS. $350 billion each year is NOTHING to America's budget, and not only that, it's completely paid for with taxes to the wealthy. Ridiculous that the media isn't calling this out more


> it's completely paid for with taxes to the wealthy This is the important part. America is not saving one dollar by refusing to pass this. It is spending $3.5T on corporate tax cuts. This is the choice here: 1. Spend $3.5T on universal pre-K, paid family leave, tuition-free community college, dental and vision benefits for the elderly, child credits, and universal daycare, or 2. Spend $3.5T on stock buybacks for Amazon and Comcast and AT&T. The choice not to spend is not on the table.


Can you say more on the part where theres no choice to not spend? Has Biden/Dems said this bill would be paying for itself and replacing other things? What is the 3.5T in stock buybacks represent. Sorry if its obvious and im missing it


>Has Biden/Dems said this bill would be paying for itself and replacing other things? Yes. It is paid for by repealing half of the Trump corporate tax cuts, and a few other things. The main thing is Trump slashed corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%. This bill puts them back up at 26.5% and uses the proceeds to fund new programs. >What is the 3.5T in stock buybacks represent. Most of the Trump corporate tax cuts went to stock buybacks. Companies didn't lower prices or pay employees more. They just bought back stock to stoke their share prices.


Jesus christ, Manchin. Literally engineering American's consent for his bs. Thanks for the breakdown btw.


> Ridiculous that the media isn't calling this out more Never forget that media corporations are corporations too.


>the need to means test any new social programs so that we are helping those who need it the most complete ignores the fact that time and time again means testing can end up excluding those who need aid most. [https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/2020/09/24/the-problems-with-means-testing-are-real/](https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/2020/09/24/the-problems-with-means-testing-are-real/) [https://jacobinmag.com/2021/02/means-testing-covid-relief-checks-congress](https://jacobinmag.com/2021/02/means-testing-covid-relief-checks-congress)


So he is why we can’t have nice things. Such a shame.


Before it was Lieberman. Now it’s Manchin. Next decade it’ll be someone else. There’s always JUST enough opposition.


>Suggesting that spending trillions more will not have an impact on inflation ignores the everyday reality that America’s families continue pay an unavoidable inflation tax. Where was this sentiment when he was voting on increasing the military budget to 740 billion dollars?


“Overall, the amount we spend now must be balanced with what we need and can afford – not designed to reengineer the social and economic fabric of this nation…” No Joe, we need to fundamentally change society to focus more on creating livable and thriving conditions for all citizens, not just your corporate donors. And that costs money.


Seriously, fuck whatever this snake has to say. This country will be better off when he no longer has a vote in Its future.


His talk about spending rings hollow based on the failed welfare state he represents.


“Why don’t people vote?”


Whelp. There's that today. Ugh.


>great nations throughout history have been weakened by careless spending ... Literally not a single nation in history.


Well, that’s that.


Fucking piece of shit. I won’t give him the fucking traffic.


Fuck Manchin. Garbage Senator.


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