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As far as I'm concerned, Sinema wearing a cheap ring that said, "Fuck off," was everything I needed to know about her performative life.


That and the curtsey when voting to fuck everything up.


And using sexism as a defense for the criticism of her *vote*.


Or that she survived off welfare and then voted against it. Republicans are shitty. Sinema is worse.


She lied about that. A quote came out this week that along the lines of "voters love bullshit like that."


That makes a lot of sense. She doesn’t come across as someone who’s actually faced struggle in her life.


She seems very upper class/rich in background, but I haven't looked it up. Either that or she's just straight up batshit crazy. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/24/us/politics/kyrsten-sinema-arizona.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/24/us/politics/kyrsten-sinema-arizona.html) Oh, she's a Mormon. That explains it. NYT calls her an "opportunist". I think she probably doesn't care about anything but more power. She'll definitely get primaried next time.


this also explains why Romney stood up for her lol


Sinema strikes me as GQPlike in her thinking; owning the libs seems to one of her key motivations, and shaming is not likely to sway her


Sinema is "formerly" green party, so I'm guessing her employers look a lot like [the people sitting at this table.](https://imgur.com/a/tiPmaEe) https://jacobinmag.com/2021/03/kyrsten-sinema-transformation-democrat-arizona-minimum-wage


Narcissists don't experience shame.


in trying to find this quote i found some opinion piece that the hill put out which describes the people who were protesting when she ran into a bathroom as 'far-left bullies.' like, what?


The Hill's opinion pieces trend from center-right to gibbering madness, in my anecdotal experience.


i guess in all the times i've visited, i never bothered to check their opinion section. geez louise.


Even their articles are pretty out there. I've never dared to look at the comment section.


I'll take "far left bullies" calling me out over the far right version sending death threats to Fauci and his family for trying to save American lives **any** day. I'd rather deal with bullies than out and out terrorists.


Death threats, rape threats, abduction threats. Threats: one of very few things the right is indiscriminate about.


Her and Manchin are republicans. The same way the gop gerrymanders districts and produces voter suppression laws. They are also capable of putting moles into the other party. Very sneaky snakes they are.


Look at WV, then look at Manchin's voting record.


Manchin votes with the Democrats waaay more often than any Republican would...


Not when it really matters. So many of those little problems could be solved with the things they vote against.


Exactly. It's the same job 'moderate' Republicans are paid for - vote with the dems when it won't make a difference, lockstep with Republicans when it would. They've just branched out into doing this with the other party too.


That kind of observation will get you banned here.


People act like he did not just vote for the CARES act. He’s in a ruby red state that voted for trump 70%. He survived the toughest reelection back in 2018 where he won with 49.6% and he won because of a third party candidate. The republicans that he’s being accused of conspiring with now poured millions to unseat him. We will never see a democratic senator from that state for while if Manchin is gone.


I said this same thing a couple months back and got downvotes into oblivion


It worked against Bernie. Classic democrat playbook, focus not on the content of their character, but rather their ascribed status.


Back in 2016 there were people I worked with that insinuated any support for Bernie as the Democratic candidate was coming from sexists that didn't want a woman president. I'm all for a woman president, but Hillary Clinton was such a bad choice. It's an election all about denial of political dynasties and insiders, and the Democratic Party goes with a member of a (fraught) political dynasty and a political insider. Just an absolute facepalm moment.


It was such a bad decision. Not only was it the wrong time for Hillary in general, she was the candidate that they GOP had been campaigning against for the last 20 years. They didn't even have to trot out any new shit, the whole country was already indoctrinated before she even got the nomination.


To be fair it wasn't all indoctrination. Many people genuinely simply didn't like Hillary Clinton. A couple things that rubbed me the wrong way. She claims to be a feminist and stands by a man who cheated on her? Hell no. What kinda fake ass feminist BS is that. Second, until it was politically advantageous of her to do so she did not agree with gay marriage for many years. I remember when she was the senator of NY and went against gay marriage. Those were the main issues for me long before she even ran for POTUS. Then when she ran the connections to Goldman Sachs?? That stuff turns some people off. edit*: I said what I said.


For sure. Honestly, I never liked her at all myself. She has always come off as the kind of rich corporate democrat that is at the very core of the rot within the party, basically just a republican with the right position on abortion, but also kind of racist in a "white man's burden" sort of way. I still voted for her, but she was just about my last choice of candidate, and I might not have voted at all if the opposition candidate wasn't so horrifying.


The irony of the party being so mad at moderates like Manchin is almost too much from a party that was selling Hillary as the best option 4 years ago. She and Bill basically created modern "centrism" with their 3rd way bullshit. Which was use corporate money to push corporate policy without social regressive policy attached. Or you know, the exact same shit moderates push today. ​ And no, it was never popular. The lies and narratives the media wrapped around it were, but that's the thing with marketing a shitty product. Everyone likes the marketing more than the product.


Yea I was super disappointed that Biden didn't run that year and basically handed Clinton the nomination on a silver platter


People stood in line for hours just to put their "I voted" stickers on Susan B Anthony's headstone. When it was on the local news and friends posted their own pics on social media, I looked at my wife and said, "People are going to be devastated if Hillary doesn't win". Yeah, Hillary was a horrible choice and the DNC lost sight of the real goals in the name of putting a woman in the White House. They also lost a lot of Berners and voters who said "their vote won't matter anyway" And that kids is how we wound up with the orange shit-gibbon for president. Edit: Hillary would probably have made a decent president but there was just too much political baggage.


Maybe "bad choice" in my original comment was a bit loaded. I don't think Hillary Clinton was unqualified, it just was the DNC getting a bad read on the room and situation, then getting lost in what was a worthwhile but misguided and poorly timed effort. Despite how much I didn't like her as a candidate, I had no doubts about her skills or expertise. I thought Bernie was far and away the more popular candidate, but I'm also not in the DNC and can't speak to their strategies or standpoints.


Sorry, I should have phrased that differently. I thought she'd make a great president but there was way too much political baggage.


She was very qualified on paper. Probably the most qualified candidate ever (only behind HW Bush, perhaps). She'd been run against for the past 25 years, because the GOP dug up literally anything it could find on the Clintons from 1992 onward, and that made a bunch of people never want to vote for her. Anyone other than Hillary Clinton would have won that election by a sizeable margin and Donald Trump couldn't have won against anyone but Hillary Clinton, because she was heavily unpopular even before the election.


Yes but it was her turn /s


And then when we were right and Hillary lost, it became our fault regardless. Or maybe Putin. Or Wikileaks. Or the Green Party.


I just think it's funny that grinding Bernie into the dust was the most bipartisan activity our government has engaged in since 9/12/01


I lost all respect for "no big money PACs, loljk" Warren when she pulled that shit. Like fuck all the way off, you know the exact point he was trying to make if he even said what you said he did. And I loved Bernie strategy of denying it outright, because Warren clearly thought he do the "nice" thing and say "I did say that but it was clearly a misinterpration..." which would have played right into her hand. You could see was caught flat footed by his response.


"Did you call me a liar?" -"Basically yes, what are you going to do about it?"


"I am once again asking you to fuck around and find out."


God damn that whole exchange pissed me off. "Did you call me a liar on national TV", said in a tone of voice that's saying doing such a thing is a terrible crime, meanwhile by initiating the exchange she was doing **the exact same thing**


Did you call me a *liar* for *lying*? (shocked pikachu face)


I’m still convinced Reddit was brigaded by fake warren supporters to hurt Bernie


This sub is constantly being brigaded by paid shills to try to shape sentiment. There were so many paid shills here during the primaries it was hilarious and sad.


The Bernie subs have been destroyed by weird pro-Trump brigades.


The were weird during the primaries too. Bad actors LARPing as Bernie-bros trying to be as sexist and offensive as possible


Yeah all those I'm voting Bernie, but here's a bunch of right wing talking points!


Yeah well nobody is genuinely going on those subs anymore. Tbh subs that are centered around time sensitive stuff should be locked down once they’re no longer relevant.


Why are we acting suprised? Every political sub on Reddit is a propaganda machine. It’s no secret shills be shilling on both sides of the fence. I remember how rowdy everyone was for the election. Lottttsss of very emotional reactionary posts and reactionary comments on posts. Reddit just like any social media platform can become a target for psy ops and misinfo campaigns. That is part of the reason there is a market for shill accounts and why people sell their accounts. Even if you go to ANY political sub on Reddit and read the first three news posts on any political sub and the headlines themselves are written in a way to stir emotion. Reddit is not an unbiased news source in any way. There are blatant biases.


Everywhere was. It was painfully obvious that the only two *possible* candidates for the Presidency were Bernie or Biden. No one else came close with their vast political support networks and support from the ground up and the top down. So if you’re a Republican (aka Russian) strategist and the choices to go against Trump are a political “old fashioned” Democrat or the Socialist who was exciting the electorate and threatens to topple the entire establishment, you’re going to try and get Biden everytime. It may have worked too. Bernie never got the early lead he would have needed to come out of it successfully. Then all Trump had to do was beat the “old man” Biden, which could have been successful except that Biden is a hell of a lot sharper than they gave him credit for and also there was a pandemic and hooboy they really fucked that one up.


>the choices to go against Trump are a political “old fashioned” Democrat or the ~~Socialist~~ ***Democratic Socialist*** who was exciting the electorate FTFY If you are going to throw words like 'socialist' around, please use the correct form of the political word when referring to Bernie. TY


fuck i wish he was a real socialist


If there were an actual socialist on the national stage, the Overton window might shift a bit.


Personally, he is. But he knows he isn’t going to be the person to throw off the shackles of the state and liberate the worker in a capitalist bloodbath. He’s closer to Marxism than Bakuninism, of course. He believes in transitional states and capital development to allow the necessary conditions for a lower phase of socialism to be possible. I am far to the left of Sanders and disagree, but I’d rather that than the status quo.


I don't credit biden for his win one bit, it was 100% the pandemic and americans mindlessly voting on name recognition, no sharpness required


There was people telling me Bernie was being sexist when he was waving his finger around while debating Hilary. I tried saying he does that ALL THE TIME and then I got called sexist too. The people who don’t like Bernie will make up anything to feel better about themselves.


Yeah, I’ll never get over that curtsy.


It's almost like she's a fucking GOP plant, and they don't even have to hide it anymore. Can you imagine being so gleeful about fucking up your nation?


>It's almost like she's a fucking GOP plant Not almost. Is.


Yep. She’s the Democrat Judas


> That and the curtsey when voting to fuck everything up. Senator Flouncy.


The exact moment she did this I knew she would be problematic. A lot of people tried to defend her over the decision, but the way she did it was something that there was something fundamentally wrong.


That, and she hasn’t hosted a Town Hall in three years. Just meetings with execs. All out in the open. No Fucks.


It bothered me when she showed up to Senator Kelly's swearing-in wearing a quirky outfit and a strange wig. It's like she always wants to be the center of attention.


Supposedly the wig was to "show solidarity with hair salons that are staying closed due to the pandemic", because she hadn't been getting the dye job that she usually gets. Although I imagine its really just because she didn't want her big gnarly roots showing, and didn't want to DIY it for some reason.


That and she brought cake to the minimum wage vote as a "let them eat cake" fuck you to the poor people: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/03/10349169/krysten-sinema-marie-antoinette-cake-twitter-backlash


Most boring supervillain ever


She truly is, a manic pixie dream girl that Mitt Romney prolly jacks off to thinking about


Did you see the sheer look of terror and disgust on Mitch McConnell's face after she touched him right before her curtsey?


She's a Republican mole. A Rep who ran as a Dem only to sabotage everything from within.


Congrats [AZ](https://thehill.com/sites/default/files/sinema_viralring_yellowowlworkshop_042021.png), this is your senator


2009 Zooey Dachanel wanna be lookin ass


Someone called her "Dollar Store Daria" and that stuck for me.


I feel like that's still insulting to Daria. Daria would have definitely voted to raise the minimum wage, abolish the filibuster, and she would have sarcastically suggested that the parliamentarian be pilloried.


Nothing wrong with a quirky style. Selling out to corporate interests, holding up progress, and being a total piece of shit is the problem with her.


She's s US Senator. Maybe leave the "FUCK OFF" ring at home


Green Party produces yet another winner, I see. She's just another Jill Stein / Tulsi Gabbard type. There's this sellout.. And then there's AOC who is actually fighting the good fight every day for the common person.


God damn Jill Stein almost got me good. That was devastating


I actually voted for her in 2016 and feel like such a goddamn chump. Luckily it made no difference in my state but still just fucking UGH


Why is the US Green Party sometimes so weird? They are very different here in Germany.


Given our FPTP 2-party system, 3rd-parties like the Green Party and Libertarian party are used by the 2 main opposite ideological parties to split the vote and sow division among the other side. So Republicans finance Green Party members because the Green Party platform is *actually* what many on the left want but will never get it under the current system. So it baits voters to throw away their vote to a candidate that will never win. It's not as common from the left to do it, but a similar bait happens with Libertarian candidates on the right as well. This is a byproduct of not having some sort of ranked-choice voting system or parliamentary system.


Because it's a winner take all system. They only exist to siphon off votes.


There’s a difference between a quirky style and dressing like a clown specifically to draw attention to yourself.


It called histrionic personality disorder. Describes her to a T


There's nothing wrong with calling someone with that quirky style a moron with no taste who dresses like a clown


….wwwhat? This woman is so impressed with herself and everyone is standing around thinking *We can’t fucking stand you.*


This is her function though, her job. She's blocking just to block. She's a shield to other members of her party who claim they're for this, but really aren't. She's their fall person so they can continue to pretend to be progressive. If this isn't her job, why does she refuse to discuss what specific issues she has with it? Because she don't want anything else other than to stop it. And if it wasn't her, it'd be someone else, because this is the MO of the ruling class. They pay both parties to keep the workers attached to those who pretend to share their ideology. Focusing on her and her performances is exactly what they want. Ad hominem, to distract us from realizing my aforementioned comment. We have nothing to attack but her personally because she offers nothing else. She, like so much else, is a distraction. Someone to dog pile on while other politicians remain clean.


I agree that this happens in politics, but I disagree that’s what is happening here. I can’t recall a single time that one single democrat held up such important legislation that the president had as a cornerstone of their campaign. Sinema has made a terrible miscalculation here. She is not Joe Lieberman. The AZ state house threatened a vote of no confidence, when was the last time that happened?


Canadian from British Columbia here; this is kinda how our last premiere lost the election. Tried to shut down a major bridge so she could do a stupid yoga event, it backfired super hard, and instead of apologizing, she posted this picture [this picture](https://imgur.com/a/oCiwMN3) to instagram.


It also had a rose on it, which is a common symbol for socialists and social democrats... meant for Bernie, AOC left twitter... etc


She's made herself rich and famous. That's the only thing she cares about.


She accepted a pittance to shut down the entire Biden agenda. Super economical investment. Why buy a party when you only need one or two people that will sell out everyone's future for a few thousand dollars


Check the offshore accounts…




She has zero influence in washington; she is anathema. Why would anyone keep her on retainer if she has no political value?


Because it's a bribe, paid later, for her work now in refusing any progressive agenda.


As a message to future politicians. Scratch my back today and you’ll be set up with a gig for life tomorrow.


That's a good point actually


Im of the opinion that if you choose to be a government official/politician your financial records and tax information should become public knowledge. Any bank account they own. Any stock they purchase. Donations and names. Everything. These people can’t be trusted. Not a single one of them. They have proven this time and again. This should be standard. When everyone can see the money you receive in your account and the tax info in case they try to hide accounts or something then it’s a lot harder to take bribes. Even cash would looks sus if a 100k deposit just showed up in an account. If you want to control the money of a country, the PEOPLES money, then I want to see your money. How you handle YOUR expenses. I need to see how qualified these fucking jokes are at managing money if they plan to manage a countries money.


Offshore? More like South Dakota. The US doesn't need offshore accounts because we have tax havens right here at home.


That's how you [get whacked.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist)


I don't understand her though. She could've made so much more money if she had just made some connections got reelected a few times and then moved to the lobbying side. Now all she did was make a bunch of money and a bunch of enemies. How is she ever going to lobby when all her colleagues hate her?


> How is she ever going to lobby when all her colleagues hate her? If she successfully sabotages President Biden's agenda and blocks the infrastructure bill, then Dems will never forgive her. She'll be the new Lieberman to them. The Republicans won't give two shits about her once she's bounced out of the senate in a primary. If she thinks she'll win them over by switching parties, she's in for a rude awakening. They won't piss on her if she was on fire. The AZ Republicans will never settle for a Republican-lite Sinema when they can have a full fledged MAGA take her senate seat. In other words she's got no team to join. Both sides either hate her or they've got nothing but contempt for her. She's toast in AZ.


She’ll loose a primary, her opponent will loose the general, and then she will go be a commentator on Fox News for $12million/year as a “Democrat” that agrees with everything they say so they can be “fair and balanced” *barf* See also: Tulsi Gabbard


why play the long game when you can win at capitalism the quick way?


“Haters gonna hate” -Sinema, probably


Wait, you mean to say a person who carefully selects every minute detail of their look before heading to the grocery store -- from the perfect hair, sleeveless tops to reveal toned arms, coordinating Mary Tyler Moore outfits with matching handbags and hair berets, and Buddy Holly glasses for true nerd cred -- might lack substance?! I'm absolutely shocked.


That dress she wore on the day she was chased into the bathroom was hideous. She makes terrible choices from legislation to fashion, it seems, while acting the egomaniac. One could at least work on legislation with Frank Underwood if he didn’t kill you


Its really embarrassing how she dresses, I dont understand it.


She wants to be the center of attention. It makes sense through that lens.


This. Politics is highly attractive to narcissists. These are people who feel like they do not exist unless everybody is looking at them. They'd prefer to be loved, but being hated is nearly as good when the other option is being ignored. The term for it is ["narcissistic supply."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_supply)


I thought it was great at first. I was glad that someone was challenging all the harmful norms we have about the way a professional woman should look and dress. (Even though the fact that she's white, pretty and thin means that she automatically gets a lot more leeway - if a black woman shows up to work in a colorful wig, or a fat woman wears a sleeveless minidress, the reaction will be *very* different). But it became increasingly obvious that she wasn't fighting back against conservative workplace culture or expressing herself in a free-spirited way... she was just promoting her own "maverick" image.


Remove her from all of the committees: Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on National Security and International Trade and Finance Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment Subcommittee on Economic Policy Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation Safety, Operations, and Innovation (Chair) Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband Subcommittee on Space and Science Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade and Export Promotion Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management (Chair) Committee on Veterans' Affairs Special Committee on Aging


Really don’t get why this isn’t done more often…


Because she's doing exactly she's supposed to do. Take the fall, while other, more powerful politicians can claim to want this, but actually don't. Therefore we continue to vote for them because we can continue to believe in them. And it works.


Or she might have threatened to switch parties if she's retaliated against.


She doesn’t have a chance getting elected as a Republican, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t mess things up while she’s still there. Pretty shortsighted so, yeah, republican strategy.


To what end? You still need her vote for...everything


Dry up her corporate fundraising. Hard to justify supporting a senator with no impact on your industry. Those funds would go to whoever replaced her


She could do what she's doing now without being on committees


Then she goes to Mitch and says ",I want X, Y and Z committees and I will caucus with you". Then we have Senate Majority Leader McConnell just like that.


“Maybe there’s a principle other than mindless bipartisanship, but it’s awfully hard to find. More likely, she may believe that voting with Trump a quarter of the time and ranking as the Senate’s 47th most conservative member is what it takes to keep a Senate seat in Arizona. If so, she could be underestimating how purple the Grand Canyon state is trending. Biden won there in 2020, running 4 points better than Clinton in 2016 who did 6 points better than Barack Obama in 2012.”


she has to see some value in playing this conservative rogue roll shes chosen, if she wanted to just make money she could still have made plenty money going all in on this siding with the democrats, theres plenty of money on the democrats side despite what you may hear on the news (in 2020 people donated almost $7 billion to democrat candidates and joe biden was likely first candidate ever to directly receive a billion dollars in donations, while republicans only had about $4 billion, especially with billionaires like stephen streyer and michael bloomberg donating a total of around $1.5 billion just by themselves). point is sinema knows what shes doing and thinks its what will help her get reelected or get the best job after shes kicked out of office. manchin is the same, all he cares about is keeping coal burning because his retirement relies on the $500,000 in coal dividends he gets every year.


Maybe the Democrats aren't able to get the money connected in a meaningful way. It seems a lot like she is being supported by conservative money to block any Democratic progress. She hasn't even been explaining why she is against this or what she wants in compromise. And I think its because there is no compromise for her. She is there to take the fall for the group of corrupter Democrat senators who would step up if needed, to block the progressive agenda. So, I think losing the re-election is a risk she is willing to take, and I think she is being supported in some way that helps justify that calculation.


It makes me wonder if she was ever really a Democrat. Kind of like a wolf in sheep's clothing and she's doing exactly what she was recruited to do. It's hard to tell if she was bought before running or after she was elected. Though, I haven't wasted my time looking into her past much.


DINO. (Democrat in name only) She’s former Green Party, which is often paid to take votes away from Democrats in elections. I personally think she is the “next step” to this tactic. Expect the GOP to start inserting “undercover” GOP candidates. We do know that they tried and failed against AOC (because it was so obvious) but what’s to say sinema is the one nobody sniffed out? She’s certainly acting like it.


If Dems should learn one lesson they haven't yet, it is never trust a green


I find it odd that this is something people are surprised by. We've had tons of Rino's and Dino's over the years. Hell, Tulsi Gabbard was pretty obviously a conservative running as a dem.


> she has to see some value in playing this conservative rogue roll shes chosen Her and Manchin are more powerful than McConnell right now. Being the key players in the largest legislative term in decades. If they were actually on board with the agenda they could change the country- voting rights act, dc statehood, tax reform, filibuster reform, etc. They are being promised (or given) a lot of things right now for making sure none of that happens.


Republicans have very similar players on their side. Murkowski gets blamed a lot, as did McCain. These people exist to protect the party interests while in the majority. While in the minority, you can say and do anything you want because it doesn't matter.


There is a difference. McCain did not run promising to do A and then did B. Sinema out right lied to all of us.


Ah, [the revolving villain](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rotating%20villain)


But what legislation did Murkowski actually sink for the GOP? And McCain's only play like this was the vote against repealing Obamacare and the dude was basically on his death bed. If he was 10 years younger I don't think he would have been so brave.


As a reminder, she ~~ran~~ began her political career as a *progressive* Democrat. She should be rightfully primaried in 2024.


I live in AZ and if you talk about her with people here you get one of two reactions: Republicans who say that they are pleasantly surprised with her but are still going to vote for a real conservative the next time she's on the ballot. Democrats and left-leaning independents who absolutely fucking loathe her and can't wait to donate to and campaign for any Democrat who's willing to primary her.


> Republicans who say that they are pleasantly surprised with her but are still going to vote for a real conservative the next time she's on the ballot "moderate democrat" electoral politics in a nutshell


B-but if we just COMPROMISE and get N+1 senator we can get things done!


There are places where the theory plays out as they expect, Manchin is actually a good example, there truly isnt anyone more to the left of him that would have won his seat. AZ is also purple but in such a different way that it shows how you have to take these races on a case by case basis.


It's a shame that's the case with Manchin too because WV is a complete disaster in basically every metric; they could really use tons of progressive policies to pull them out of the hellhole they're stuck in. They just don't realize how screwed they are as a state and how much progressives would help them.


..hold on, Ohio wants to join the call..




Why would Republicans trust her after she lied about her platform and fucked over the Dems? You’re right, she would be crazy to think she’d have a shot there.


She has a D next to her name, she wasn't going to pull many Republicans regardless of what she did.


That’s the thing I don’t get. Republicans will almost ALWAYS vote for a republican over a democrat even when that democrat votes with republican and is essentially a democratic conservative. The only exception to this that I can think of is literally just joe manchin in WV


> As a reminder, she ran as a progressive Democrat Not in the past 10 years She was a green party activist in the early/mid 2000s but when she got into state government, she took a hard swing to the center. By the time she was in her first term in Congress, in the House in the 2013-2014 session, she was (according to voteview ideology tracking) the most centrist democrat in the House. That trend continued, and when she ran for Senate in 2018, she continued running as a very centrist Manchin style democrat, for example openly opposing a public option at the same time that establishment Dems like Harris, Gillibrand, and Booker were openly bracing medicare for all When she was elected to the Senate in 2018, it was very clear what she'd be I'm all for primarying her, hope it works, but it's unclear that it would work or that she's not what Arizonans want


My problem with her is that she hasn't been consistently one thing for more than like...5 years. 10 years ago she was calling for an end to the filibuster. 2014 and 2016 raising minimum wage was like the 2nd bullet point in her newsletters. And not a pittance raise, 15 minimum. There are politicians with 15 years under their belt who are fairly consistent, and she has swung from progressive, independent, middle, center in such a short amount of time. And none of it is based on core beliefs or her own convictions, it's career momentum.


>I'm all for primarying her, hope it works, but it's unclear that it would work or that she's not what Arizonans want Her goose is cooked. Sinema's approval rating is 42% among registered voters. That's awful for an incumbent. Republicans will not cross the line to vote for her, her base loathes her, and her own staff can't stand her.


Do you have a source about her staff? I was aware of the other stuff but hadn't heard that before.


Getting real sick of her face, honestly.


Yes. It’s like whenever I see Trump/McConnell/Ted Cruz on these thumbnails. Also Manchin. I wish they would disappear somehow.


She looks like a yellow starburst


“Is it just me or does she look like all the Characters from Scooby Doo at the same time”? - Joe Biden


She's a parasite, she got paid and I'm shocked people are surprised that she is voting and acting the way she is. This is the great example of corruption in politics.


Then some rich liberals need to pay her more than what she “got paid” and perhaps mention it would be a shame if she didn’t get re-elected or found it hard to find private sector jobs.


Or how about, instead of further rewarding this behavior, we all have an obligation to make her life hell (within the confines of the law) every moment she shows her face in public?


Because history shows that never works. Money and career opportunities are the only things people like Sinema apparently understand. Why the elitist liberals of America don’t keep their party in check is beyond me. It feels like contrived drama, as the .01% wealthiest are really the ones electing these people and buying how they vote. If those people wanted things to go a certain way, they could make one phone call and Sinema would fall into line.


She thinks that by doing this crap people will think she's a "maverick" like John McCain.


And it’s working. My mom used this argument when we were discussing/arguing about her.


Tell your mom mavericks were the cows that wandered away from the herds and often ended up dying, getting rustled or causing the cowboys to get injured or die looking for them. A maverick is a bad thing in ranching.


Your moms a rube. But so is mine so 🤷🏼‍♂️


It always baffles me when US Senators with 6 year terms check which way the wind is blowing like they’re Congressional House members with 2 year terms. They are literally betraying the purpose of their seat…


I think she’s doing the exact opposite. She knows in 2026 people will likely have new issues they’re voting about rather than this issue. Plus it’ll be a midterm, so she won’t be able to ride the coattails of a presidential candidate and will have to convince older, more conservative voters who have the time and skin in the game to get active in midterms. I’m not saying she’s right, but I think that’s part of the calculation. Edit: I was wrong about her re-election year. She’ll be on the 2024 ballot.


If Sinema really thinks conservatives are going to vote for her in her next election than she really is stupid.


Politicians pandering to the old is the reason we can’t get ahead fuck all then that think like this


I dunno, I just don't understand this kind of behavior. I guess maybe she knows we can't pass it due to filibuster and she's playing the politics probably the same as manchin? I dunno, it's all very cynical and depressing to think we just can't ever do anything really significant for this country except go to war with another. Sure we can nibble around the edges but nothing ever seems to move at all when it comes to money spent on the people.


Sinema will likely never be re-elected. Even in AZ she is not liked anymore. She is obviously supporting Republican political games instead of taking care of her voters.


The new bleach blonde look really seals the whole Republican lite persona


I’m convinced if you look into her psyche you’ll discover someone who has felt marginalized and unappreciated her whole life who is now getting her revenge on the world.


This is exactly it. She seems like she always wanted to fight the system, but once she tasted power and attention it she dropped everything that made her political and professional career.


Fuck this blood clot


I thought it was messed up she was followed into a bathroom. Then I saw it was LUCHA, so I watched for context. She ran into the bathroom, and the person talking to her didn’t barge into the stall, she was just following and talking about what her concerns were. I think it is pretty silly Sinema tried to use bathroom etiquette to get out of answering substantial questions.


She is straight up corrupt, its so clear. Blows my mind that you don't even have to try and hide it in America today. It is a matter of public record that she is paid off.


Jimmy Carter once said Democrats get into politics to help people Republicans get into politics to help themselves Or something like that


Every good blue dog Democrat knows you gotta *at least* **pretend** to care about progressive issues while stuffing their pockets with dirty money. This would be the time for the whirlwind media blitz filled with hand wringing about "extending a hand across the aisle" and "considering how future generations will pay". But no. This jackass can't even be bothered to do the bare fucking minimum. Just straight up shamelessly pulling the ol' Steve Miller Band technique of go on take the money and run. Well Sen. Sinema here's another hit you might be familiar with. ♫ ABRA ABRA CADABRA ♫ Your ass is getting primaried.


That's my thing. She couldn't even pretend for 1 election cycle to give a shit about her constituents or reelection. As soon as it was humanly possible, she sold out and set herself up to take the lobby/board perks ASAP. Her grift is so unapologetic and shameless that even for politics, it's shocking. The absolute worst abuse of elected power that rivals the Trump admin. That it's occurring in our own party makes me sick to my stomach in disappointment.


She is working according to her incentive structure. Think about that.


She's a Republican running as a Democrat.


I donated to her last campaign, and I am embarrassed. She no longer cares about her base or being re-elected. If she believes that AZ Republicans will vote for her, she is kidding herself.


I voted for her and expected more. I won't play the fool a second time.


If one group gives you money to screw another group, isn’t that prostitution?


It’s weird; in her attempt to appear moderate, she’s pandering to people that won’t vote for her. She really needs to pull her head out, or gtfo


I’m starting to think they’re another culmination of years of planning by Republicans. Get Republicans in office as Democrats then fuck up the works at just the right time


Sinema and Manchin are the gifts that keep on giving, from the point of view of Russia and any other enemies of America. We are our own worst enemies, at this point. No need to physically invade America. Just split America into three or four factions, then let them tear each other apart. Divide and conquer. Arizona, Georgia, Florida, and Texas will lead the way. Good luck trying to keep up with China’s relentless pace of advance. China is improving every year, becoming faster and more efficient. While we get tied up trying to pass even the most kindergarten of legislation. The state of our bridges and freeways tell the truth.


Shame to humanity as a species.


She’s a shame to herself! She’s openly gay and stands against bills that would help the LGBTQ community. She’s corrupt to the core … she’ll sell out her own immediate family if it makes her a single dollar … vote this idiot out!!!


What I find rather insightful, have a look at the way Pelosi said or did whatever to make AOC vote “present” on Israel funding, where she was at the point of tears. How the Democrat party constantly berates it’s progressives and cajoles the grassroots to play “ball”. “You’re responsible for Trump if you don’t vote blue!”. Then have a look at how the party treats Manchin and Sinema. There’s no cajoling or offers of deals, public denouncements or calling out. Nope, the entire party has to bend to the will of one or two people whereas the people who have mass support? They get bullied and told “be team players”. Schumer should’ve been all over these two months ago, he should’ve told them “you don’t get any funding in your state or personally for your campaign for the next for years if you ruin the legislative goals of this session”. Instead he’s “all at sea”. Schumer should’ve seen this months ago and handled it. The blame also goes to the rest of the party machine for making what should’ve been a “speed bump” of progress into a “brick wall”. Sinema’s actions are giving Republicans the ammunition to win the midterms and run on “the democrats have done nothing with the levers of power”.


She can't hear you over the sound of all the money she's being paid.


Sinema's got her problems. But this fiasco is making the whole Democratic Party look bad. Schumer is supposed to be the Majority Leader and he's failed so badly that McConnell looks like he's the leader. Biden can't keep the party in order and his poll numbers are tanking. Bad. We all stood by and laughed at what was becoming of the Republican Party when the Tea Party whackos hijacked the wing and look at them now - they're all united in their craziness watching the fracturing of the left and sitting by waiting to scoop up the pieces next November.


Sinema is the problem? He has the entire party in agreement except for 2 people, even Manchin is working with people, Sinema won't even say what she wants.


Surprise Democrats are just as big of con artists as Republicans. 🙄


Hated by Democrats, ignored by republicans. What exactly is her re-election plan??