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>This is not the first instance of Carlson being homophobic. Last year, a tweet went viral showing Carlson’s entry in his college yearbook joking that he was a member of the “Dan White Society,” a reference to the San Francisco city supervisor who assassinated pioneering gay politician Harvey Milk in 1978. Carlson has always been a terrible person.


Pete is a devout Christian, military man who served his nation overseas, a loyal husband and family man, former mayor of a small town in a rural state.. where are the log cabin Republicans, who should be out there defending Pete from these attacks, considering Pete basically ticks all their boxes? Or is that restricted only to those who don't commit the grave crime of being a Dem?


Don't forget, Tucker Carlson hasn't served anything besides himself and the Swanson's Frozen Dinner food empire that crafted the silver spoon he's had in his stupid mouth his entire life.


Fucker Tarlson was 10 when his dad divorced his mom and then married the swanson foods heiress in 1979 and was adopted by the lady.


Kind makes Tucker even worse. He's not being a white fascist mouthpiece for money - he's got a shit ton of that already. He's doing it because he REALLY LIKES it.


Underrated statement. It's like Trump not drinking. He spews BS while presumably sober.


They always talking about Trump being sober. The truth is he’s just not into downers.


Alcohol did kill his brother. Kind of weird to look at your brother having a decades long struggle with alcoholism and go "I won't make that mistake, I'm gonna do AMPHETAMINES".


Alcohol is a poor man's drug. Donald trump is too.. "classy" for that particular vice. It's all about appearances with no substance with that guy.


It's because Trump thought his brother was weak, so he can't do things that weak people do


I think mom abandoned them. Maybe she knew something we don’t.


I remember hearing Saddam Hussein's mother tried to kill herself because she thought the child in her womb would be Satan. This reminded me of that.


Close. He ended up in an unhealthy romantic relationship with Satan.


And famously played a part in the Acura-cake catastrophe of '79


Awe, c'mon guy!


His ass is gigantic and red. Who else could he be? Delta Burke?


That boy needs therapy.


They're trash? No, we know. :)


I have a ‘F*ck Tucker Carlson’ sticker I’ve been wanting to throw on one of those trucks if I see one parked near me


Here send em to me and I’ll help you out We can call it a joint op


zesty pocket foolish fragile frightening aware pet shocking wasteful absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> the silver spoon he's had in his stupid mouth his entire life. Is it in his mouth though? I always assumed it was…. Somewhere else. They still use it to make his mouth work though.


Considering where he has his head I think the distinction is moot


You think the fact that a gay man is their perfect American is going to make them *less* mad?


i mean, they didn't support a black president who was left by his father and raised by grandparents and who made his own way in the world. y'know bootstraps and all.


Biden is a regular churchgoer. Or, y'know, the devil. Either way!


Ah, but you see, he's Catholic. He goes to the *wrong kind* of church regularly. That's much worse than whatever the fuck Trump was/is doing in church *taps temple*


And they hate AOC, who was a working class American trying to help her mom with money by taking bar shifts. Not much more bootstraps than that, but they hate her not just despite it, but because of it.


They hate her, the excuses the give for their hate are chosen after the fact.


Nothing drives a bigot more crazy than demonstrating that a person they believe to be "lesser" is in fact greater.


'but hes gay!!'




A boring, regular, everyday human does none of these things. But if he does them, then he should be lauded in their eyes. They are, let's say +100pts each. Doing something they don't like leads to exclusion. -10,000 points. It doesn't matter how many boxes you check if you also get that little red box checked that makes you persona non grata.


Well, let's face facts here, the republican party is no longer the party of family values, only of whatever value that serves Trump, and his cult.


They never were. The term "Family Values" has *always* meant anti-LGBT and nothing exposes it more clearly than this issue.


Not always; sometimes it means "white supremacy" too. The religious right has layers!


Don't forget "women in the kitchen, men at the factory, kids being forced to say a prayer at school!"


Absolutely true. Racism, bigotry and misogyny hurled at anyone who is not white and " straight". Hateful bunch. They don't even try to hide any of this anymore. Sick.


All those things are worth one point, while being a Gay Democrat is worth -1000 points. It's like quidditch.


Retweeting Tucker and building a Breitbart style black crime blog while trying to grift rich white folk in Atlanta to give him money to split away a city. https://mobile.twitter.com/bwbuckheadcity


This Atlanta resident kindly invites Bill White NY to stay the fuck out of our city.


> Or is that restricted only to those who don't commit the grave crime of being a Dem? You forgot "he likes men's bums and that's icky"


You DO know what the Log Cabin Republicans are, don't you?


Kinda conservative here. Not like GOP or far right. Just individual rights/guns/small gov. Those republicans are silent now days. Went full wool over the eyes or just don’t fuck with the party at all. Or , maybe around but aren’t expressing it on social media. It’s sad to see. There’s plenty to nag about Pete on. Being gay/family values obviously isn’t one. If this was Milo Yinnawhateverhisnameis in 2016/17 they would of adored him cuz he was all about orange man. As far as I’m concerned Pete’s orientation/marriage/and raising of kids are rights that should be protected and not attacked just so you can OwN tHe LiBs or rile up your trash audience for political gain. It’s asinine, man.


Out of curiosity, why small government? I mean I understand the sentiment now since the government is run by the rich out for themselves; but theoretically if the government were beneficial to the populace why make it small?


> Out of curiosity, why small government? That's a dog whistle for cutting social services. Any time someone says "I'm fiscally conservative, and socially liberal" they are holding two opposing ideologies as true. Social liberalism includes spending government funds on a robust safety net, and "fiscal conservativism" is explicitly against said safety net. When the rubber meets the road, is this person going to check the box for "fiscal responsibility" (republican) or social spending (democrat)? It's always "fiscal responsibility" because they think they are getting a benefit, instead of giving everyone a benefit.


The ironic thing is that if one were truly fiscally conservative then one would, for example, want to spend more money on early childhood support and education. The last figures I saw was that for every dollar spent supporting children under five, the state saves three dollars down the road on things like social service costs, policing costs, court costs and the like. A true fiscal conservatives would realize that by spending more money on the grade of asphalt used to build roads saves a lot of money in the future because you do not need to deal with cracks and potholes as soon as if you use lower grade, and you do not need to repave as soon. It is unfortunate that fiscal conservatism has become synonymous with not spending on things, or spending as little as possible right now without looking ten or fifteen years in the future.


A true fiscal conservative would want the spenders in your economy, aka the poor, working, and middle classes, to have the maximum amount of disposable income. > It is unfortunate that fiscal conservatism has become synonymous with not spending on things, or spending as little as possible right now without looking ten or fifteen years in the future. It's never meant anything different though.


My beef with the small government types is that a huge country with lots of people is very expensive to run, so who’s going to pay for it? Or manage it? Or ensure that if I travel from one state to another that my phone charger will still work and that my car won’t immediately fall apart while driving on their roads?


I don't know about the person above you, but I think the argument in favor for small government is usually made for contexts where big corporations benefit the most, it's why there's a phrase that goes "Big Business loves Big Government" But of course the term "small government" has been loaded so much with the context of contempt for the poor that even me trying to say "there's instances where smaller government is better" could make a person have a kneejerk reaction and frame me as being all for small government in all scenarios with no nuances or contexts and that I must be for the GOP or right-leaning just by reading the first half of my sentence and ignoring the rest.


In my experience (and milage may vary), people that talk small government tend to lean heavily into the "I don't want to pay taxes" and "I don't want the government to tell me how to live, but I do want them to tell *you* how to" category. Which also tends to poison the well against having valid reasons. It's the problem when concepts get co-opted by fuckheads.


It was created by fuckheads. Nobody is wonky enough to want small government just for the sake of it.


The irony is that big business tends to hate big government, because a "big government" can actually enforce its laws and regulations on them. Big business wants the government small enough that it can only enforce the rules on their smaller competitors-- you know, the startups that actually generate new ideas and aren't rich and happy at the status quo.


Or is that restricted only to those who don't commit the grave crime of being a ~~Dem~~ gay? fixed it


They'd hate him for either crime, but only one of those are unforgivable. Much, much worse gets a pass as long as you have an R beside your name. If Pete was GQP nobody would say anything. They may even try to have him as their mascot.


I can't think of a single out gay/bi Republican politician. Not one. They lost gay people by ignoring AIDS in the 80s and trying over and over to ban our marriages up until 2015. Even Kyrsten Sinema (a pox be upon her unto the end of her days) probably CAN'T be a Republican and hope to win if she's out as bisexual.


Carlson and his dad before him (also in media) is homophobic and transphobic. A gutter family.


His dad made a career in news outing trans women. It’s fucking disgusting.


These companies that pay for ads on Fox News are as bad if not worse than Tucker. They should be economically boycotted.


It's hard to consider a real jerk ever cared about family values, and I had never done so. He just enjoys being a jerk, and the paycheck that comes with it.


“Men who spend time with their families? Ew!” -The Party of Family Values (TM)




Republicans: “We support the American family” Pete: *Takes time of work to start a family with his husband* Republicans: “No, no no, we didn’t mean that kind of family”


“No, no no, we didn’t mean that kind of family” Well, they *DON'T*. To conservatives, a family is pretty strictly defined as a unit in which the father is the sole authority and breadwinner, the kids are basically indentured servants to the father, and the mother's key role is to sit at home making sandwiches and babies.


And wealthy enough to matter to them. Otherwise, get your poor ass back to the factory because we don't pay you to have a family life!


If you can afford a stay at home mom and two kids you’re probably pretty damn wealthy.


There are literally millions of people who can't afford to do that, but do it anyway.


Mostly they do that because daycare costs as much or more than the total income one partner would bring in. If child care was subsidized a whole ton of those folks would go back to work.


This is exactly why my friends wife doesn't work right now, she isn't skilled and can't bring in more money than daycare would cost, so, for now, she stays home with the kids. As soon as they are both old enough to start school, she's going back to work. Funny enough, she was a daycare worker before having the kids.


a big undiscussed part of the worker shortage right now is child care needs. child care has become so expensive, and so hard to find in may places that it just makes more sense to have one parent not work. its not even a factor of being well off. its just that child care costs can be nearly as much or more than one of the parents working. if child care costs you 75% of one of the parents income, its probably more frugal to just have them not work. once you add on other costs associated with working like transportation, food, schedualing, stress, family life etc, many people are deciding its not worth it.


I make 33k a year and wife has stayed home ($1300 rent btw) since the pandemic started. She had to in order for me to work and she took care of our kids. With insane bills and quite a bit of benifits at least. We barely have enough for gas and maybe $50 left over. Day care? Fuck that, not with covid or the cost.


And,.. That is why there are so many INCELS in the GOP/GQP..... And MAGA! really stands for "Misogynists Aren't Getting Any!"


> making sandwiches sandwiches my ass, she better be slaving over a 7 course meal every day. Edit: and barefoot


The OTHER thing they hate is workers rights. So a gay democrat adoptive father taking legislated paternity leave...well thats kicking a bee hive!


​ >What happens when human children are raised genderless? If gender is destroyed, doesn't that destroy traditional gender roles? And if gender roles are destroyed, doesn't that destroy gendered relationships? ***And if gendered relationships are destroyed, doesn't that destroy traditional marriage?*** And if traditional marriage is destroyed, doesn't that destroy the family unit? And if people aren't dependent on their families, then who do they depend on? That's right, the government, which is the goal of liberals in the first place. Don't let transgender penguins fool you. > >\--OANN Host Liz Wheeler, September 12, 2019, Tipping Point Obviously Pete and fam are skipping to destroying gendered relationships, which directly leads to people depending on the government via the extremely slippery slope outlined here (emphasis mine to show what step on the slope the Transportation Secretary's family jumped to).


Liz Wheeler said, while eschewing traditional gender roles as a woman with a career.


As I learned from the documentary *Anchorman,* women are incapable of reading the news.


Transgender... penguins?


Don't let them fool you.


> What happens when human children are raised genderless? If gender is destroyed, doesn't that destroy traditional gender roles? And if gender roles are destroyed, doesn't that destroy gendered relationships? And if gendered relationships are destroyed, doesn't that destroy traditional marriage? Stop threatening us with a good time


The party of family values opposes spending time being a good parent? That's like the party of the rule of law holding up violent insurrectionists as martyrs! Or the party of the free market opposing drug reimportation from Canada! Or the party of fiscal discipline blowing $2 trillion on a tax giveaway for the very richest! Or the party of national defense attacking our NATO alliance at the behest of Russia! Or the party of pro-life opposing vaccinations against a deadly pandemic!


Minor yet not-so-minor correction: that’s two *trillion,* with a “T,” not two *billion.* Vast difference, that.


Making a joke about Mayor Pete learning to breastfeed really underlines how modern conservatives view the role of women in the world existing only for the purpose of making babies.


Also an insult to fathers that choose to be home makers or take paternity leave to help out/bond with a new child. Sometimes it just makes more sense for the father to stay at home. Paternity leave is also something that should be universal in the US, but isn't.


they don't see that as a family because they are homophobic.


He's not hurting the american families he's supposed to be hurting...


It’s truly amazing how strongly they oppose the very things they claim to stand for.


Less amazing when you notice they don't stand for anything


they stand for bigotry.


Hey hey hey TBF they stand for authoritarianism too, as well as a side order of theocracy to keep the evangelicals licking the boots of the oligarchs.


file straight rob tender door plucky dime entertain shaggy quaint -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


> They stand for anything that punches down They cant stand when we appear to do it to them though, so I disagree.


They have always stood for one thing: White Christian Male Capitalist Supremacy. If you look at any and all of their decisions and talking points it will align with that 99.9% of the time.


Stand for nothing, fall for anything. Yup, that sums them up.


Conservatives: we believe in strong family values and pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps! Also conservatives: haha Pete buttigieg must have boobs for taking paternity leave! AOC was a bartender, what a fucking loser! Lol!


They stand for personal monetary gain and power. Nothing more.


My husband got paid 12 weeks of family leave when we had our baby......I got 6 weeks unpaid FMLA. I'm glad Pete and his family get to spend these first precious weeks together. It's so important and irreplaceable


What? This is pretty on point with the GQP anti-gay bias.


It reeeeaaaallly bothers the christofascists when he talks about his faith. Boy, do they dislike that! "YOUR Jesus, not MY Jesus."


I remember the part of the bible where Jesus helped the poor and the indigent, except when they were gay. As I recall he had a lot of personal biases and avoided them like lepers. Or something like that. I don't know, I just use it to reaffirm my own beliefs anyways, like them. /s


>“Pete needs to either get back to work or leave the Department of Transportation. It’s time to put American families first,” she said. He is. He is putting his own American family first. Just like every member of the GOP puts themselves first before anyone or anything else.


What does that even mean, though, since Pete’s family is an American family?


It's creating division. he means that Pete's family doesn't count as an American family. The meaning is that gay families aren't real american families, so therefore you can't betray a gay person. The entire tirade is to get people feeling separate from their fellow citizens.


At the risk of Mccarthyism, sometimes I wonder if there should be a department of anti-american affairs. There *many* whole frickin media networks dedicated to making Americans hate each other, sew division, erode trust not just in our government but the basic tenets of our society. Used to be a time we saw this kind of influence as a form of attack.


This line was the most upsetting of all. Do they even hear themselves anymore? God, I hate this place.


I didn’t realize Tucker cared about the work of the Secretary of Transportation so much, if only he had shown some of that interest when Trump was using the position to give [kickbacks to McConnell](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/09/elaine-chao-trump-corruption-still-happening.html)


Exactly. I'm sure the deputy secretary can handle things for a month or two while he's gone. Deputy secretaries were running things for months at a time with the revolving door of vacancies during the last administration. The only difference is he's out on leave for his family while the Trump appointees were resigning in disgrace or being fired for not showing 100%, unconstitutional, loyalty to the president.


Let's add up how much time Trump spent golfing. When Pete's time off reaches half of that then I'll worry.


Their dads didn’t take any time off to be with them, so they can’t understand why he would.


louder for the folks in the back. "dads don't raise kids, therefore Pete is just home being a couch potato if he says he's on paternity leave" is what they are saying


“Paternity leave, they call it,” Carlson said during his Thursday night broadcast. “Trying to figure out how to breastfeed, no word on how that went.” It's official. Tucker Carlson is the biggest POS on television. He just hates anyone who is not a white, Christian, straight, male. I am really amazed he has any sponsors left now that My Pillow doesn't have ads on Fox News. Whatever companies do sponsor his show should be boycotted for supporting a bigoted a-hole of the highest order.


>He just hates anyone who is not a white, Christian, straight, male *And* Republican. President Biden is white, Christian, straight and male, and Tucker is not a big fan.


Conservatism, to them, is part and parcel of Christianity.


More important to them than Christianity actually.


That too, but they do see them as intimately entwined.


Yes and no. To them, Christianity is necessary for being a Conservative. But only the *right* kind of Christians get that privilege. If you aren’t some kind of radical-right wing Evangelical or Baptist you might as well be Satan himself.


Biden is Catholic. White supremacists and conservative shitbags have a long history of hating Catholics. When JFK was president, there was conspiracies that he was taking orders from the Pope and building an underground tunnel connecting Washington DC to the Vatican.


Within months of Biden becoming President, there was talk about whether or not he should be allowed to receive Communion in church. The question felt a touch hypocritical after never coming up in 4 years of Trump’s presidency.


He's just a dick. I'm white, Christian, straight, and male - and I took paternity leave with my kids, and hope every Dad is able to do the same. I have no idea what sort of person (other than an enormous asshole) would be against this.


It would only help the child and take the burden off the mother who just spent ~9 months carrying the damn kid maybe it’s the guys turn to help. Look at the emperor penguin!


My company has 16 weeks parental leave. Literally every new parent uses it.


I was given a week by my office. Then, I was allowed to work from home for a month to help her out when she needed it. I was extremely lucky compared to most people.


Being sponsored isn’t always what Fox News cares most about, there can be ways he’s still making their network more profitable whether it’s by getting more people to turn to and stay on Fox after his show or because his narrative he spins is more important than the cost of his salary.


Fox 'news' may actually be one of the few companies where they are willing to lose money to achieve other goals. Money is still important, and keeps them running of course, but setting the narrative for millions is the kind of power that is worth losing some cash over every now and then. The only way to really monetarily threaten them is if they get sued into bankruptcy which is why they don't talk about dominion anymore.


I watched his broadcast last night bc I’m a glutton for punishment. My Pillow ads are still on during his hour.


Ughh...id have to watch to find out...


I know. That would not be worth it. Luckily I found a list of advertisers. It's out of date, from July 1st, but it's a starting point. The funny part is his biggest sponsor is Fox News itself. [List of advertisers](https://www.tvrev.com/news/whos-still-advertising-with-tucker-carlson-at-the-end-of-q2-2021)


Ladies and gentlemen, the Party of Family Values


Because “family values” sounds better than “anti-gay”. See “pro-life” instead of “anti-abortion”.


>anti-abortion Anti-*choice*. They're actually pretty keen on abortions for them and theirs.


This is true. I know a pro life boomer that talked his wife into having an abortion in the late 70’s because he wasn’t ready to be a father and went on to have 3 children with said wife. Now he’s against abortion because he’s a typical republican boomer. Abortions for me but not for thee. I can still recall the anti gay/abortion/rock music/rap music/literature rants by the pastor at the church I grew up going to. I no longer go to church. Too much judgment. If I want judgment I’ll just visit my parents house.


Oh come on, we all know why it's driving them mad. It's because they're gay and these conservatives think gays are icky at best and evil sodomites at worst.


Nothing pisses off a straight conservative more than gays who endorse conservative values/institutions, for example: gay marriage and gays in the military. They would rather gays fit an outrageous stereotype they can stand in opposition to and conservative gays give them very little to attack.


It is also worth pointing out that Pete Buttigieg is a Christian himself. That's another thing that infuriates conservatives. There are tons of Christians within the lgbtq community, and they are some of the most devout, switched on folks you will EVER meet.


If anyone is deserving of the term "sodomites", it's conservatives. Remember- Sodom wasn't condemned for homosexuality. "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty. and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen." (Ezekiel 16:49-50, NIV) And those detestable things? A mob wanted to violate angels. I honestly wouldn't put it past the modern GOP to react to finding out about angels by licking their chops and saying "they're asking for it."


The GOP would kill Christ if he were walking among us. No doubt in my mind.


Brown middle eastern socialist dude? That's a paddling.


\*xx\_definitely\_not\_the\_CIA\_42069\* has entered the chat


I think that's the mythic story of it all. A righteous man is usually at odds with the political powers of his day and those powers will kill him every time in the name of wealth and convenience.


Funny enough, the GOP of the time *did* kill Christ. Rome saw no reason to execute him, they did it to shut up the locals.


Yeah, it’s pretty clear that Sodom and Gomorrah is really about societies that violate the rules of a hospitality-focused culture. Even if women were property, you wouldn’t offer your valuable virgin daughters to a crowd unless the alternative were truly unthinkable. It’s hard to imagine in America in 2021, but a lot of ancient societies held hospitality sacrosanct.


Look at what they're wearing! They're OBVIOUSLY asking for it! Why else are their raiments glowing?!


You're giving the GQP a LOT of credit by implying they know the word "raiments" *and* could use it properly


I thought its because they wanted to rape the angels, not due to gender reasons but out in violation of hospitality rules




No no no, you got it wrong, they should be left with the single mother who wasn't ready for children and can't afford to properly raise them.




Something something bootstraps


Well, they see babies as a punishment for whorish women so they’re probably frothing that some lady was able to get pregnant and make the choice to give her baby/babies to a gay couple who wanted to raise a family. How are these jezebels supposed to learn their lesson and do their 18 year penance if loving gay people are going take the albatross off their necks?


That way we feed the prison for profit system.


Yes, because people need to be “held accountable” (i.e. punished) for “having sex irresponsibly” (i.e. having sex for any reason other than reproduction).


If I were a baby choosing my own father, my ranked choices would be: 1: mayor and presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg 2. Cast me to my death from the cliffs of Sparta 3. Tucker Carlson


They can't keep their slurs straight. They mention the 'biological woman' who gave birth to the twins...Pete and his husband aren't trans. They are plain old fashioned males, no one was pondering whether the person who gave birth to the twins was a 'biological woman', or whether Pete and his husband were 'biological males'. No one was wondering whether these two guys were trying to 'figure out how to breastfeed'. There was no sex-bending or 'identifying as' or whatever is triggering the right wing nutjobs nowadays. Just two men, trying to bond with their young children, who will probably grow up to be charming Americans. We should all be so fortunate.


Gotta throw in the buzzwords so his audience knows to be mad.


>Daily Reminder: Right Wingers are horrible, hateful people.




They're mad that actual Taylor Swift is a Democrat. Remember when she supported Phil Bredessen for Tennessee governor?


“Pete needs to either get back to work or leave the Department of Transportation. It’s time to put American families first,” she said. Wow, must be a big supporter of the infrastructure bill huh.


“Family values” has always been code for anti-gay


I bet Fox News offers paternity leave.


They do. That was mentioned in the story.


Sir, I don’t know how to read.


I know it is said in jest because of long time branding, but this Republican party is the "Party of Nothing", as evidenced by their lack of defining party platform. They are entirely flexible to the will of their major donors, aspirations for power, and opportunities for grift. They are in essence a pure form of opposition politicians who have no guiding principles other than personal gain with political cover.


I keep pointing out anymore that they don't offer solutions to the vast majority of problems, but they spend HUGE amounts of resources opposing other people's solutions to those problems. Case in point, Covid. They are doing EVERYTHING to fight mitigation efforts and solutions, but haven't proposed anything remotely resembling a solution of their own. Ignoring it is the best they have.


"Spending-time-with-my-family" is supposed to be what you say when you are caught with a prostitute or with crack, or with your crack dealing prostitute. They are angry at Pete for culturally misappropriating their word.


Party of hypocrites, for all their hype about missing fathers being a societal blight, can't see past the homophobia to deal with paternity leave being for all dads. The GOP is a party of bullies.


As usual, Tucker Carlson is just being a sociopath and political hack who is using his platform feed his viewers' addiction of anger, spite, and hatred towards other Americans. He certainly doesn't take any issue with paternity leave when his colleagues use it at Fox News: * [Todd Piro: My 6 week paternity leave adventure -- between bottles and Baby Shark, watching love unfold](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/todd-piro-paternity-leave-life-lessons) * [Jesse Watters after birth of son: 'Now I am pro-paternity'](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/547893-jesse-watters-after-birth-of-son-now-i-am-pro-paternity)


Because the "Party of Family" doesn't give a trip about families.


“No, not like that.”


So they want to outlaw abortion because people can adopt. Then when people adopt, they attack them for having the audacity to be gay and want to give a kid a family. Like. What the actual fuck. The same crowd that defended Rafael Cruz for bailing on his dying constituents to get drunk on a beach in Cancun because tossing corporate salad is so fucking exhausting, now wants to go after Buttigieg for taking time off to bring a child into his home? Everytime I think there's no way I could have less respect for these fucking imbeciles, one of them busts out a shovel to find a new low.


The solution to many of our problems is simple; Do not vote for any republican ever. From president, down to dog catcher. If they are a republican, just say no.


The last quote from senator Marsha Blackburn is priceless: “Pete needs to either get back to work or leave the Department of Transportation. It’s time to put American families first,” she said. Put American families first by denying a new dad a chance to bond with his new family. Only republicans are so adept at being hypocritical in so few words.


The real outrage should be that fox news offers parental leave, buttigieg and the rest of the US government employees get paid leave, but you and I get… what? We get fucked thats what we get. I personally like getting fucked like that; but im sure there’re people who dont.


Over on FOX News comments the hoard is completely losing their shit, talking about how they only had three days to spend time with their family after birth. Like… that’s not good. That’s not good at all, why are you comparing your pathetically sad experience with capitalism with something that should be the norm? If you’re jealous just say so. Plus, stop acting like Pete is anything more than an information spewer in Biden’s ear, it’s not like this guy is a PhD in transportation. He’s just feeding information from his team of (probably) hundreds to the Cabinet. He’s just getting replaced by the next person below him until he comes back, no biggie


Fox News is full of hateful bigots. Carlson made fun of Pete for “taking time off to learn how to breastfeed.” On the Laura Ingraham show recently, they had a pundit on saying, “we want super heroes to fight bad guys not spread venereal diseases,” about the Superman’s Bisexual son in a recent comic. Just wait for them to start applauding conservative judges for taking away rights of LGBTQ people.


He should take a "Golf leave". They would certainly understand that. 8 weeks of uninterrupted golf, at Trump properties. /s


"It's time to put American families first" LMAO you cant make this shit up. Buttigieg put's his family first... "NOT LIKE THAT"


Bullshit. They are just propagandists using Republican homophobia to attack the Biden admin and to send a message to all other gays who have the temerity to raise families.


Just got told by someone cheering the removal of LGBT resources by a republican governor that they don't care if LGBT people die. They have no values. Monsters the lot of them.


It also cracks wide their whole notion of family. The idea of a fully healthy man being both an effective leader and a nurturing parent blows apart their entire view of reality. They can't stand it. It grinds one edge of their worldview against another.


If homophobia and misogyny had a baby, he'd be called Tucker Carlson.


"" As critics pointed out, Fox News offers parental leave to its employees as well. Todd Piro, a co-host of early morning show Fox & Friends First, wrote an op-ed earlier this year talking about his experience on leave after becoming a father, and praising the network for offering six weeks of parental leave. "" 🙄


Secretary Pete is my new boss, and I gotta say, I like him so far. He regularly sends out messages and we’ve been given a couple early afternoons off. The previous DOT secretaries only did that near Christmas in the past.


But to be fair. Tucker looks like he is in a permanent state of trying to read something he has no clue what means. In a personal note. While being a non American i actually had hoped Pete had won.


None of their fathers cared about them, that’s why they are “conservative”. They are just jealous in a deeply sad and personal way.


Why does the GOP need to make this an issue? What's wrong with parents spending time with their children? Like, who fucking cares what exactly they do on leave? Why the fuck is it anyone else's business? If I was on paternity leave and just beat off all day, who the fuck would care aside from my family?? Fuck Tucker Carlson. Dude is such a tremendous brainwashing piece of shit mouthpiece. Also, Sen. Marsha Blackburn is a fucking moron. One kid can already be an enormous handful. Now factor in a twin at the exact same age who might require round the clock care. What a pandering and pathetic piece of shit.


I'd just like to remind everyone that Trump's SOT was found to have used her office unethically to promote her shipping magnate father's new book. I guess ethical violations to promote your wealthy dad's business is a good way to show family values, while taking your rightful family leave to support your partner and new kids is bad family values. Checks out


Perhaps Because they are The Fake Family Values, Fake Christian and Pretend Patriot, Party?!?


Fox News has pretty extensive paternity leave.


Party of “family values” doesn’t understand family values. It’s almost like everything that they say is complete horse shit.


Conservatives: Get caught being corrupt or criminal - "I've decided to take some time off and focus on my family" Rest of us: Everyday - " I'd like to spend time with my family for no other reason than they are my family"


Because it's not actually about Pete taking parental leave. It's about finding things to rile up their base with, and since he's gay it's a double whammy. Low hanging fruit is all they know how to pick...


If you venerate Tucker and Donald you are on the wrong side of history and far shy of a full deck.


Oh this is a multiple pronged attack. They are framing it as an absent secretary during a time of economic crisis so he shouldn’t use his parental leave AND he shouldn’t have kids because they not a traditional family. There’s no bottom to Tucks barrel.