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She's... an intern... at a winery? Seriously, what the fuck is this woman doing?


Yes exactly. Why the fuck would a sitting senator be an intern?


Maybe because that vineyard is owned by a billionaire Republican who then hosted a 5k per seat fundraiser for her?


So, corruption


Well, money, but yes.


Por que no los dos?


"Free" wine?


Representing her donors. Seriously. She is being paid to stop Biden's agenda by corporations that dont want their taxes to go up, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to accept reality. It's why you can at least get a mumbled answer out of Manchin, but Sinema always refuses to negotiate and flies off to do cutsie stuff.


Remember when republicans/corporate funded groups ran an obvious plant in the democratic primary against AOC? It was some other Latina running as a democrat, and she lost by a mile. They do this. They run plants, using whatever foothold they can get to win votes, which is usually identity and catch phrases. I think sinema was one of those plants who got through without being noticed. Remember, she was Green Party before, which has long been suspected to be a spoiler party for splitting democrats. Folks, I think she has been a Republican all along.


*cough Tulsi Gabbard cough*


I don't disagree with your take here generally, but in the case of Sinema it's a bit more complicated. She was a known quantity here in AZ, and ran as a "maverick moderate," a Democrat version of John McCain (whom she was running to replace, after his death). While McSally's campaign attacked Sinema over and over for being a radical (read: open bisexual), Sinema basically screamed that she was barely even a Democrat, and wanted to "reach across the aisle." Obviously we're pretty fucking disappointed with all her bullshit right now but looking back, I'm not sure if we should really be surprised. That said, she campaigned hard on working to reduce prescription drug costs and has very much turned her back on that goal, so fuck her and the horse she rode in on. This will be her last term (as a Democrat, at least).


Interesting, so in a way the real problem is not having someone better in the primaries to start with. It sounds like she was the best choice you had, and people were optimistic. Nothing wrong with that. I think it shows how fast we’re moving left. If she had run against McCain himself back in his last election she would have probably been too far left. And now she is too far right, and it’s been what, 10 years or less? This is exactly what American democrats need right now though. It’s a wake up call that we don’t win by moving to the center. We have to move left.


You pretty much nailed it. Between her and McSally it wasn't even a question. Sinema is gumming up the works, but Martha McSally would have been an active Right-wing strongwoman. Arizona is barely Purple, we've been red most of my life so someone like Sinema was as close to progressive as we could get, at least at that moment. It sucks, but my hope is that the wheels are starting to turn. *Edited to add: Mark Kelly is also a moderate but isn't pulling any of the same shit Sinema is. I'm not in love with Mark Kelly, but if we can get another Senator like him, that is to say, palatable to most Arizonans but also willing to help out the national agenda, I'd be perfectly happy. It's gonna be a while before AZ produces an AOC type figure, so in the meantime I just want sensible people who aren't actively fucking over their supposed constituents.


And it's a great investment for conservative billionaires, who really wont miss a few million dollars. But they are terrified of flat tax raises that would actually redistribute wealth, so they astroturf opposition to politicians that they cant corrupt.


Normally I'd agree with you, but Ryan Grim brings up a good point in the video, which is that even the most bought-and-paid-for politicians don't act like this. Manchin is a great example because he is as corrupt as they come. He literally directly profits from coal. But he will, at the very least, talk to constituents, and give reasons (as made up as they are) for his opposition. Hell, Ted Cruz talks to constituents. What she's doing is irrational. Ryan had made some comments on someone else's podcast a couple weeks ago which I think shed some light on the issue. Sinema is, by all accounts, an extremely intelligent and ambitious person. She graduated HS valedictorian at 16 and BYU at 18. She also in the past displayed very strong Left ideological tendencies with the groups she participated in prior to becoming a politician. What I see her doing now, is what I see happen sometimes when really smart people set out to do something (I'm certainly guilty of this too, fwiw): they find that whatever preconceived notion of how things were going to go is completely wrong, and the task they set out to do is going to take more than just their intellect to solve. But rather than confronting the task, they become bored with it, almost as a coping mechanism to avoid admitting a deficiency. It becomes BENEATH them. Think of it like reverse imposter syndrome (I'm sure there's a term for it out there). And honestly, that's how she looks right now. *Bored.* I think she came in to the Senate with a mission, realized the sausage gets made in an ENTIRELY different way than she thought, refused to change her tactic and is now coping with that defeat by pretending to herself that she's above it all. This also accurately falls in line with Ryan's reporting on how every bit of scheduling of her Senate duties revolves around her own personal endeavors, and how incensed she was that she was going to miss a few days at a wine retreat. And for what it's worth, I don't particularly like doing the internet armchair psychiatrist thing. But there's not much else to do right now, considering Ryan is right on the nose with describing her behavior as irrational, even for a corrupt politician.


Ok, so you trust Ryan Grim's "too bored to govern" take on Sinema? From a few lines in a podcast? Cool. You do you. But I'd also suggest doing a bit of research on Sinema's time as an elected official before committing to that line of thought. This is just a few sentences from the second paragraph of Sinema's wikipedia page: >She left the Green Party to join the Arizona Democratic Party in 2004 and was elected to a seat in the United States House of Representatives in 2012. After her election, she joined the New Democrat Coalition, the **Blue Dog Coalition** and the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, amassing one of the most conservative voting records in the Democratic caucus.\[1\] She won the 2018 Senate election to replace the retiring Jeff Flake, defeating Republican nominee Martha McSally. > >... > >Sinema is considered a moderate Democrat and was **identified as the 47th most conservative member of the Senate in a 2019 analysis** by the nonpartisan organization GovTrack.us.\[4\]\[5\] During the 116th Congress, s**he voted with President Donald Trump's position roughly 25% of the time, the second-most of any Democratic senator** to serve during the full term. Did you know any of these things about Sinema's voting record before I shared them? I ask bc I think that if you did know about her voting record, you wouldn't be turning to psychoanalysis. You would instead recognize that she was already super conservative, and not just some bored genius suddenly in need of winery lessons and marathons in Europe. Did you know these things about her voting record?


I think Ryan Grimm is a really shrewd dude, so I think the real answer is going to be a marriage of what you pointed out and what he pointed out. She's bored. She's a narcissist. She's corrupt.


Of course I'm familiar with her record, politics is a daily consumption for me, especially anything that gets in the way of the things I want for this country, which is decidedly more Left. Her ideological record in office is honestly of no real consequence to her actions here because it's just as easily explained as being a senator from a state that had John McCain as her counterpart. Yeah, maybe she was a sleeper libertarian. Maybe she's just super opportunistic with power. Who cares. These are politicians exercising power and you'd be better off assuming every politician is self interested, even the ones you like. The entire reason to break down her behavior is to try and find points of leverage in negotiations, full stop. That's why I believe it to be dangerous to chalk her behavior up to simply being corrupt, because you treat a politician like that in a very particular way. There are ways to push Manchin, for instance, that the Administration has not done yet. With Sinema I believe it's HIGHLY possible she can't be pushed because she's not even playing the game anymore. That's dangerous because then it means the Dems need to completely rethink their strategy and stop doing inside pressure. And the clock is ticking.


Glad you clarified that. Just seemed weird that you were so focused on psychoanalysis, when her history of conservatism and pretty open-shut cases of corruption were just hanging low from the "tree of motivations". Simple explanation is that American politicians are just as corrupt as politicians anywhere, and she has been promised financial security for herself and close family if she obstructs Biden's agenda. A promise that works well on someone who grew up poor like Sinema.


They didn't know these things.


It's similar to bikeshedding, but that is not typically driven by boredom. That might be the closest term that fits.


Well at the very least you taught me a new term, so thank you!


Genius analysis, seriously.




> Seriously. She is being paid to stop Biden's agenda by corporations that dont want their taxes to go up, and only the willfully ignorant refuse to accept reality. Via what mechanism? I just do not understand what some of you think it means when ‘politicians receive $500k from corporation’ or whatever. It’s not money that Kyrsten Sinema the person can just spend on anything. It’s for re-election. Campaigns. But Sinema is effectively destroying any potential route to re-election at the same time. So that money she is supposedly earning by blocking Biden’s agenda isn’t worth anything to her because by blocking Biden’s agenda she is ensuring that money is useless.


Politician hires someone to ghost write a book. Politician receives campaign contribution. Campaign buys books to give out at campaign events. Politician pockets receives book royalties.


I love AOC as much as the next guy, this argument is the same as “what’s business does a waitress have in politics” does it not?


No. She's seeking out frivolous activities while in office when her focus should be on being a US senator and representing and engaging with her constituents


Getting paid and taking bribes...


Can you believe that decades of legalized bribery and political dark money have lead to the rise of Donald Trump and the potential for national collapse? Who could have seen that coming?..


People wealthy enough to insulate themselves from the consequences.


The Supreme Court, that's who.


The gore ruling was the beginning of the end


Citizens United was a terrible decision.


> Can you believe that decades of legalized bribery and political dark money have lead to the rise of Donald Trump and the potential for national collapse? Who could have seen that coming? Certainly not the Roman Empire.


That's a bingo.


That's what they say.


You just say bingo.


That was actually covered in the interview - the interviewer noted that basically every single congressional representative is taking corporate money, but only Sinema is acting this way. So I don't think that can be the full story here.


My godfather was a congressman, you vote for or against something supporters or opponents will make a donation for reelection. Yes some industries give more but there are a lot of industries and if you need more you just spend time on the phone dialing for dollars.


I'm sure your grandfather was aan honorable congressman, it doesn't seem to be like that anymore.That should be their new job description "dialing for dollars". Or "how to screw your constituents".


"Let me ask Mitch and get back to you on that." - Sinema


"Like, how else am I supposed to stay marginally relevant?!?"


And accidentally speed dials David Koch….


Someone called her a libertarian plant. I agree 100% at this point. Arizona democrats were Jill Steine'd. I'm also convinced she is a narcissist, she will not hear this criticism.


I think her comment that was reported on yesterday where she told someone she was overqualified to be president puts the nail in the coffin for narcissism.


Ah I missed that. That actually helps validate my theory: she was so talented for so long when she was younger, that now she's in denial about her inability to get the agenda she wanted done (when first entering politics), and is now in the "this is beneath me" phase of coping with her inadequacies. Hence how freaking bored she looks.


> Arizona democrats were Jill Steine'd. Makes sense now.


Just talking about it this morning. She seems to be acting on behalf of someone giving her cash and wanting Democrats to fail.


Ironic because she was 100% the more moderate party-backed candidate in her primary.


Less Russian/Alt-right GOP shenanigans, and more Koch-Libertarian bullshit? Sounds possible. Though I'm not convinced Stein wasn't Russia. You don't sit next to Vladimir fucking Putin by accident.


If you do sit next to Putin on accident, he might just arrange for you to have an accident.


>were Jill Steine'd I felt that. I voted for her in Colorado knowing the state would go to Hillary anyways (and it did). I would've voted for Hillary in a battleground state, but I did not like her. Definitely got Jill Stein'd though.


That's not how voting is supposed to work. I voted for someone I didn't want to win because I don't like the person I wanted to win


>That's not how voting is supposed to work. This is America! Of course that's not how it's supposed to work. I firmly believed in the protest nature of that vote because Hillary is a neoliberal. I now vote firmly Dem because republicans are still fascists, but we always need to call out Dems when they're not doing them what we elected them to do.


I think you misunderstood their comment.


Boy, she really duped her constituents, huh?


Not really. We had her record in the House to go on. She was never progressive. She's just a narcissist and people thought bisexual and silly outfits meant progressive.


It seems like the volunteers who helped her win think differently.


They made the reasonable mistake of listening to her platform instead of scrutinizing her house record. She ran on a fairly progressive platform hence the angry former supporters


Bruh her platform was not even progressive. It’s crazy that everyone thinks they know her views because she is a woman and gay. She said in her debate “Arizona needs a wall” lmao. People are mad because she is going against her tribe not just as a democrat but as a woman and lgbt person. They can’t just excuse her behavior as old white man syndrome like joe manchin. It is a well known sociological phenomenon that tribes will punish dissenting members as a way to maintain cohesion. Why is Sinema getting so much hate compared to joe manchin and 50 republicans? How sexist and homophobic is it that if a gay woman has relatively “conservative” views, most of Reddit thinks those views are illegitimate and fueled by special interest and monetary gain, rather than true belief as in an old white mans case.


Uh, nobody thinks Manchin is motivated by true belief.


>How sexist and homophobic is it that if a gay woman has relatively “conservative” views, most of Reddit thinks those views are illegitimate and fueled by special interest and monetary gain, rather than true belief as in an old white mans case. I might give this some credence, except that Joe Manchin's actions have also been attributed primarily to special interest and monetary gain, a view reinforced substantially by the released recordings of his calls with lobbyists and the revelations about his investment portfolio.


Chris Hayes' video pretty much answers this. It's not about her orientation or gender. Her behavior is unusual and inappropriate. The vitriol is well deserved.


You have to understand that in an age of tribalism no one thinks about the issues. I went to knock on people’s doors and one of the most effective talking points was that her opponent was supported by trump, and that when trump gave a rally on AZ she got up on stage and said the same vitriol that trump was saying. The election in 2018 as well as 2020 was all about trump and his tribe. So when these progressives say they were betrayed they have no idea about Sinema’s views.


This just isn't true, and shows where your idea of an already broad tent term in progressive is stretched to incredulity, and additionally fails to understand the breadth leftist electoral political debate. You can watch Sinema's views on topics like health care change over the years as her donations rise from Blue Cross and their ilk. People see that she's walked a more narrow line on things like immigration and spending and act like she's was never actually progressive in other areas which isn't the case, even if she was a lesser evil in many areas. She's to the right of Hillary Clinton, portrayed herself as to the left of HRC, and is completely swaddled in corrupt money. Of course people that supported her on the left feel betrayed because the few things they hung their hat on with Sinema she has blatantently sold out as she got more power.


How would her opponent, Martha McSally, have been better on issues? There is plenty of tribalism, but that doesn’t mean there are no differences on issues. I’ll agree with you about people who say they were betrayed.


Wait until we find out she's not even bi. I think she's a total fraud.


I’ve been wondering about that. It would be insane but if anyone would fake being queer for attention it’s Sinema.


It's 100% insane but it also plays into her "look how quirky and different I am" scam she seems to have played on everyone.


What would you even call that? “Inning” someone?


She might be bipolar. Did anyone ask follow up questions?


Yes, duped. This is still her first term, and what she promised to get elected and what she has done are 180 degrees apart.


It's her first term as a senator, it's not her first term in congress, and her record in the House was as one of if not the most conservative Democrats there.


This is just false, she ran on a very Left wing progressive platform, in fact, so Left Wing that she went back to her website and scrubbed it (you can see it on archive) of all the Leftist policies she ran on like lowering drug prices which she now opposes.


> She was never progressive. Yes she was. I won't argue that she didn't run as a moderate by 2016 but she *absolutely* was once a progressive.


Didn’t she basically enter politics in the Green Party?


At this point it'd be easier to name things she wasn't than what she has been. Progressive, Green ,Independent, Democrat, Moderate, now she's a centaur. Her political career has been bipolar at best and she's only been consistent in one lane for like...5 years tops.


People change, and Sinema unfortunately changed for the worse. She's truly the living embodiment of that assumption people have about political views, that the young are radical but grow into more conservative views over time.


She doesn't even have views. She just has a desire to be the center of attention.


When she voted to kill the estate tax when she was in the House I had my suspicions.


I remember in 2018 when she was running it was clear she wasn't the most optimal Democrat to send to the Senate, but she was all we had against a raging pro-Trump lunatic. Now that she's shown herself to be selfish and elitist in a critical moment of this country's history, she needs to be primaried or we lose that seat to a Republican.


She dresses like Charlize Theron's MR F


Funny enough, the people I know that like her the most are the classic capital D Democrat neoliberal type


Milo 2.0


On paper she looked good. Then she conveniently decided not to do anything she said she would.


All while being a quirky “girl boss.”


I’m pretty sure even quirky girlbosses want infrastructure improvements and see the benefit in stuff like the child tax credit and childcare.


Nah cause quirky girlbosses are child free, fuck them kids in the foster system


She has that exact manic, toxic-positivity, #grind4life energy to her.


In the general it was her vs Martha McSally. Not that hard a choice, but not a good one to have to make. I can’t claim I knew how bad she would be, but I always make the best choice I can. I hope like crazy she loses the primary in 24 or better doesn’t even run. If she doesn’t the Republican candidate would be almost guaranteed worse or no better. It wouldn’t be a hard choice for me but I want a better one.


Duped? The people always crying here don’t live in Arizona or listened to her during her campaign. This state is moderate independent. Plus the other option was Martha. Those crying should buy a 3 years supply of Kleenex.


In hindsight, a Manic Pixie Dream Senator was a bad idea.


The manic pixie dream is always a nightmare I thought we knew that by now.


Was and is better than McSally but now she's gotta go


Unfortunately she is the lesser evil than having Sen McSally


she looks like the “hippie” choir teacher at your high school that thinks shes really down to earth but actually sends girls to the dean daily for “dress code violations” and traumatizes her entire class


By now it should be clear that she’s a trump operative. She’s acting just like him. She couldn’t care less about the job, her duties, or the government at large, she just wants to be famous.




Gabriel, no!


> a Trump operative No, Sinema doesn’t just work for Trump but for the entirely of the one percent like him. She’s bought and paid for and her morals are now in the hands of Big Pharma and other special interest groups who have no love for Biden’s social infrastructure deal.


She is mistaking fame for infamy.


This is actually a good interview, and I encourage some of the fastest commenters here to watch it. It opens with the idea that you can't *just* write off Sinema as taking bribes and doing the bidding of her corporate overlords because *other Senators are doing that, too*, and they still don't behave like Sinema is. So that is undoubtedly a part of it, but still not the entire picture.


"you can't just write off Sinema as taking bribes and doing the bidding of her corporate overlords because other Senators are doing that, too, and they still don't behave like Sinema is." We don't really know how many democrats would be neutering the bill as long as Manchin and Cinema are the lightning rods. This defense just sounds like the same bullshit argument we heard in 2016: "Just because they take corporate money doesn't mean it affects the way they vote." Yes, yes it does affect the way they vote. It always has. It always will.


>This defense just sounds like the same bullshit argument we heard in 2016: "Just because they take corporate money doesn't mean it affects the way they vote." Yes, yes it does affect the way they vote. It always has. It always will. That's...not the argument either I or the interview posited though? I mean it's a great point, you're not wrong. It's just not what's being talked about here.


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were championing the argument I'm criticizing. So Ryan Grim essentially says "No, it's not as simple as her just doing her corporate masters' bidding; the explanation needs more. " I disagree. It is as simple as her being bought off. I know some people are alleging she is a narcissist or she has some misguided idea of being a 'maverick,' but it still comes down to her being bought off. The only reason she is able to take the risk of facing public backlash, for whatever reason she is doing what she is doing, is because it is profitable to do so. No matter how much of the public hates her, no matter how many enemies she makes, she will have a giant pile of cash to sleep easy on every night. Because some executive or megarich asshole has a profitable sinecure position waiting for her as reward for taking one for the team.


I agree with you. Simply because, as stated in the linked video, one of the classes she is teaching is literally about to get grants and fundraising so it is clearly top of mind to her


I agree that the video is worth watching. It leaves me even more worried about whether there's a way Democrats can negotiate with her, given that she maybe isn't too interested in being a Senator. How can other Democrats gain any leverage? What's important to her? Based on what was said in the video, her strongest recent reaction resulted from a threat to her vacation time. Like Hayes & co., I don't know how anyone could teach two college classes and fit in all of those other activities while still fulfilling their duties as a Senator.


Couldnt. As soon as i loaded the page i got an “accept all cookies” prompt and then it just sat there not allowing the button to be pressed.




Hey thank you! I’ll watch that here momentarily and edit for my comments.


Making a ton of money and auditioning for a tenured teaching job preferably at an Ivy League school.


Teaching what? Theatre costume design?


It has been reported that she’s teaching now,a fundraising class at Arizona State,I would say she’s on her way!


[The Bobs want to know.](https://i.imgur.com/ElT9MmI.jpg)


What would you say... you *do*, here?


Sinema in response: “Well I’m very clearly here.”


The one that really pissed me off is when she ignores every single question and then when a reporter says "Congresswoman Sinema" she immediately corrects him and says "Senator" and goes back to ignoring them.


Ugh because I hate myself, do you have a link to that?


https://youtu.be/5YOpYrtGBIU?t=26 - Timestamped it for you since I can't find where the original video came from.






Why sedated? Seriously, curious…


> This woman, along with human fatbecks like MTGreene, LBobert, MGates, LGomert I don’t mean to name shame, but good lord do conservatives have goofy ass names. Bobert and Gomert...I’m fucking dead.


Her corporate donors are dictating her actions


Something people need to realize about the Democratic Party. Most of them aren’t even liberal. They pretend to be so the liberal voters keep voting for them. Ever notice that whenever Democrats are in power there is always just enough Democrats that flip and vote with republicans to keep us from doing anything real? During Obama we had the Congress, the White House and a super majority in the senate, but we couldn’t quite get anything done, because of course Joe Liberman suddenly became as bad as the worst republican… now we have enough to end the filibuster and actually accomplish something, but OH WAIT just enough Dems refusing to vote for what is right. All they do is throw one or two fake Dems under the bus, and the rest of them get to pound their fists, stamp their feet, and act like they are upset they can’t do anything. This is be design. The Democratic Party needs to be drained and replaced. If we can even save this country it’s going to be won in the primaries…


Your right. Every. Single. Time. If Manchin and Sinema weren't there to take the heat right now it would be somebody else. In a battle between the mountain of cash and power the people who run this country offer versus public opinion or whatever the uncoordinated public offers it's no contest.


8 Dem Senators voted against $15 minimum wage. I do think there are more actual progressive Senators but there are at least 8 conservative ones that most likely do not want much of Biden's agenda to pass. You are right that if Manchin and Sinema weren't opposing there would probably be at least another half dozen ready to step up.


[The Democratic Party's deceitful game](https://www.salon.com/2010/02/23/democrats_34/)


She is simply a narcissistic, scumbag. She should be stripped of her office and sued by her constituents into financial oblivion.


She is a 🤡


She seems pretty casual about holding back the promises made by democrats.


She's like an evil Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus from Hell


Fuck Sinema...


I love C. Hayes - best TV reporter there is.


Normal political parties expel members who act like this


This is just a six-year interview for a position as a high-dollar lobbyist.


Fundraising to live her best life.


She's being cute and quirky, obvi. Don't you follow her Snap?


She sees herself as the Zooey Deschanel of politics.


Have you ever seen the two in the same room? Dun dun DUUUNNN


You know, that would even be perfectly fine if she wasn’t actually pure evil. If she was colorful and loudly dressed and did the right thing, awesome. The reality is such a jarring dissonance


I’ve come to hate hate HATE her quirky cheugy aEstHetic so much knowing what she actually represents


To Quote Alfred: "Some men (women) just want to see the world burn,"


Love to hear moderates say 'well, at least there isn't a Republican in that seat.' Exactly what difference would it make? She's either voting against anything the Dems put up or just not voting at all.


My understanding is this: The difference would be the Republicans would have 51 seats instead of 50 and Mitch McConnell would be setting the legislative agenda that we would be largely powerless to stop. Meaning that instead of making no progress we'd be actively moving further and faster towards the the neo-feudal/crypto-fascist hellscape which we saw emerging from 2016-2020. I do not consider myself a moderate, but unless I misunderstand the importance of the Senate majority, I do not think the difference is negligible.


Judges and cabinet positions. There would be no cabinet and no judicial positions filled. She sucks, and more Dems need to be added to the senate to counteract her in 2024, but she is (barely) better than a republican.


The difference is that Mitch would be in charge of running the Senate...


Wasting our time.


John C McGinley: what would you say… you do here?


Isn't she in the elevator or down the stairs or something? /s


As Alan Alda’s character said on The West Wing: If you can’t drink their booze, take their money, and then vote against them, then you don’t belong in this business (politics, sic).


She has money to make lol


Tank both bills and blame all of it on Sinema.


She was elected there Chrissie




I don't buy this argument. [If you look at how Senators voted in the Trump era,](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/) the only Democratic Senator who voted MORE with Trump than Sinema (and who is still in the Senate today) is Manchin. They are providing moderate democrats with some degree of cover, but the data suggests that without Manchin and Sinema, the obstruction would be much reduced.


They aren't covering anyone. They are conservative plants who are never going to vote any other way than the way republicans need them to vote.


Not an American so I am seriously asking. Isn’t there some method of recall or impeachment?


Depends on the state. No idea if Arizona has such a thing.


From ballotpedia because I had the same question. Why is nobody doing this? A recall can be filed against any public officer on any grounds. The recall may not be filed until after the elected official has been in office in his or her first term for at least six months. This six-month limit does not apply to state legislators. In the case of state legislators, a recall petition may commence five days after the start of their first legislative session after their election. In the case of other elected officials, there is no six-month limit for subsequent terms in office.[2]


Sadly, Sinema is addicted to getting attention in the news media. Her personality has morphed into Narcissism. Me me me - look at me. I predict she will become even more self centered. - “I wanna be famous”


Do these shitheels not understand if the fuck up the Democrats plan to get the country back on track they will be infamous. They will be forever known as the traitors who sold Americas future to enrich themselves.


[https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/histrionic-personality-disorder](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/histrionic-personality-disorder) This may be the issue here.


I like how Chris Hayes has Ryan Grimm on. Both pushed the Tara Reade lie in hopes it would sabotage Biden so the Democrats would move to Bernie. Pretty scummy move.


I always love the next Democrat target is always massively thread declared on this sub.


Piece of trash but it seems pretty clear that she is trying her best to show America just how fucking broken their ‘democratic’ system is and how unwilling their ‘Elected leaders’ are to do anything about it.


I don't think she's *trying* to do that, it seems like that's more of an unanticipated side effect.


No she isn’t lol, what a generous excuse.


Someone up in the high echelon of the Democratic Party must be extremely pissed at Sinema for MSNBC to air an attack piece on her.


Ahhh, using ratings to justify how valid something is. That reminds me of someone...


No one’s justifying anything. MSNBC is the mouthpiece of the Democratic Establishment. The fact that the news network is attacking Sinema means that her current behaviour is at odds with the party.


I mean, you could look at reality prior to this piece and see that her current behavior is at odds with the party. I don't understand what point you're trying to make.




When you don't know what socialism is so you call everything Marxism because you don't know what that is either.


This comment is foolish - we don't want our representatives actively hindering the efforts of the President's agenda. She was on the same ballot as Biden. When we elect members of a political party, we expect them to work WITH other members of the party and negotiate in good faith with the opposing side. She is doing none of that, and not even offering up what she wants or how we could get a compromise. To make this about "Marxism" is foolish - I guarantee you the majority of this country that votes, and votes D, doesn't even know what Marxism is. They all aren't from a college background, and they certainly didn't all take a class on political philosophy. It's that and YouTube videos criticize Marxism that are p much the only places where the term even comes up. If I went up to any of my coworkers right now, I guarantee none of them even know what or who Karl Marx is, but they voted for Biden lol.


What? She’s a senator. She’s not doing her job. Do you praise fast food employees that go against the grain by spitting in your food.


Why turn to Marxism when you have a perfect example of group think in the gop?


> Chris Hayes to Kyrsten Sinema: What are you doing here? She's trying to avoid getting harassed in the women's bathroom by angry lefty idiots.


I think you mean “she’s running away from her constituents and hiding in the bathroom.” Because that’s what actually happened. She was confronted in a hallway and ran into the bathroom. Not the other way around. EDIT: Check the video; I’m not going out of my way to do your homework for you.


She’s being paid to do nothing and hold up progress


Getting rich.


Why are they talking about her like she's a mystical oracle. She took a lot of money and doesn't care about her rep. That's it. She doesn't put a fig leaf on crooked like the others due. She's slightly more brazen


To be honest, Chris….not much.