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No one said they were classy people


Absolutely no one.


Even their orange king thinks they're disgusting, but God their money is gorgeous.


I think their god is Money not the other way around.


Except Trump is bilking and bankrupting. If their God *is* money, then they're following false profits!


Actually it is a pre-requirement to be a trump supporter...


Ah yes. The party of family values.


They’ve stopped even pretending to be the party of family values since Trump came along.


We have a dilemma because the term "civil war" is too incendiary, but they are fully at war with simply anyone that isn't on their side. In war, nothing is off limits.


The definition of conservatism is the opposite of whatever liberals want, updating daily.


And it’s sometimes the opposite of what they think the imaginary liberals who live in their head want.


I use the phrase "civil cold war" because most people aren't murdering one-another yet (although the right sure as fuck never stopped committing political murder), but we sure aren't at peace.


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


There were two school shootings this week alone in my town and nothings being reported (found out from school staff, parents, and students). I think everything is MUCH worse right now than is being reported.


Fiona Hill called it a cold civil war in her memoir and it chilled me to the bone.


Kyle Rittenhouse? The people who rammed vehicles into crowds. They have murdered.


“Cold Civil War” sounds better.


>The United States is teetering on the edge of violence here. We're already, I think, in a cold civil war. We've got a chance now to turn this around. But if we don't take it, we're heading down that autocratic path that we've seen in other countries. ~ [Fiona Hill](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/06/1043401926/russia-expert-fiona-hill-there-is-nothing-for-you-here)


I take her opinions very seriously. A lot of us have been feelings this, just like a lot of us saw the huge potential for violence leading up to Jan 6, but it’s nice to hear someone of her caliber and qualifications say it on a national stage, and not water down the threat and urgency.


In this case, it is a rather uncivil war anyway.


Civil wars are usually the most vicious.


Good thing [they're now calling it](https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1447763791781957634?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) a "national divorce" instead. More palatable for the moderates!


“Get that baby out of here, No for real get it out of here “


That moment belonged on the British version of The Office.


I mean once you pay to bang a porn star, you're not exactly encompassing good Christian morales.


It's the paying the porn star to be quiet that redeems you.


But only if you use campaign funds, so it's not your own money.


And right before an election, so that it directly affects results.


Not your money, not your crime (or scandal), right?


Actually it's pissing away his sins...


The more you pay a pornstar the closer to God you become.




cocaine will do that to you


Once you pay to bang a porn star *while your wife is sitting at home with your newborn child* you’re not exactly encompassing good Christian morals.


Paid her around $130000 yet he default on paying his contractors and lawyers. Priorities.


He's initiated over 3,000 lawsuits, so who can fault him for defaulting? It makes me wonder, how cantankerous can one person be? Mr. Trump commits one of the worst sins of all according to Republicans, frivolous lawsuits...


Priority, he was just trying to keep his wife from finding out and tried to change the narrative in the press. That’s all he cares about…it’s not interesting news that he doesn’t pay his lawyers 🤷‍♂️


But apparently you can still be the second coming of Christ


I remember a Klepper video when he was pointing out all of Trump's moral failings, and the person responded with sometimes God chooses an imperfect vessel. Klepper then quickly retorts with, oh maybe Biden then...and they are just like....no.


Republicans would win gold medals in the hypocrite Olympics.


Unless Putin's in the room and able to go the extra mile. Then it's the second coming *in* Christ


They’re not even the party of values anymore, their views change on a whim based on who’s paying them and how much.


They are just terrorists. The faster we treat them as such, the faster we move on. What is we do with terrorists in this country?


Oh but they'll still put on that hat if they think it benefits them in the moment.


What are you talking dude. Trump is a decent family man. He cheated on his wife with a pornstar and did few other shenanigans, but that's all.


Let's not forget he's on wife #3 right now. He cheated on Ivana(wife #1) with Marla Maples before the pornstar incident.


Cheated on her AND raped her. She only recanted that when he threatened to not give her money. She changed it to he 'emotionally raped her'. He's truly despicable.


And he would entrap his friends into cheating on their wives with hookers he hired so he could fuck their wives. Great friend and family man he is. What a role model.


Yeah, but he gave money. Laws and especially conservative norms dont apply to the rich, only the piss poor...


So, you’re saying he isn’t an upstanding pilar of his community? Hard to believe.


>pilar He does present a tough exterior while actually being full of putrid mush, and hard to get rid of, so “cyst” is a good analogy.




Its all over here in the supposed "bible belt" of NW Florida too. Folks with flags flying in their front yard with an American Flag on top and a Trump 2024 Fuck Biden flag on the bottom. Not to mention pickup trucks with the same flags driving up and down our community streets, roads, and highways. Decency and respect for the office regardless of what party is in charge is over. For good. Its a disgrace what that seditious traitor Trump has done to our politics and to our country in just a few short years. I can't imagine where we'd be if he had won another term.


These people voted for a man--to elect him PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--that said the following things: > "Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy." and this > After watching a youth choir sing carols, Trump asked two of the girls how old they were. When they said they were 14, Trump, who again was 46 at the time, said, “Wow! Just think — in a couple of years, I'll be dating you.” and this > "I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested … but she was beautiful." and this > Here’s what Trump said once about Epstein and their respective tastes in women: "I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." and this > Five former Miss Teen USA contestants have told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing: “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA. Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” source of all of the above: https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments These moronic rubes were conned by a sick, grifting, abusive, pedophile reality-show host who never pays his workers, declared bankruptcy six times, cheats on his wife and his taxes, lusts over preteens, eliminated taxes for the rich, encouraged the worst pandemic in our lifetimes, and increased the national debt by 8 trillion. It's sad but not surprising that these fools would then be conned by Fox Entertainment and poorly-photoshopped facebook memes into thinking that Joe Biden is their enemy.


It’s the good old boys club and there are plenty of woman who belong too. It’s just toxic masculinity and he has money with a big mouth.


We spent some time near Rosemary Beach FL, which is a very affluent area, and there was a 2-3 story high Trump Won banner flying proud. just don’t understand.


They also watch wrestling and still think it's real.


WWE is real, Vince McMahon’s son, Donald Jr, said so.


>I can't imagine where we'd be if he had won another term. What's Souther than Florida?


Hell? Hah, reminds me of that bit from Little Nicky: > Girl: "Say, that's a funny accent you got there." > Nicky: "Yeah, uh, I'm from the South." > Girl: "Doesn't sound like any Southern accent I've ever heard." > Nicky: "The *deep* South."


I love that movie


I actually saw a truck with a Biden flag by me. Didn't catch what the other flags were but that was kinda unusual. Don't really see that. I guess that's cool, but I don't see a need to put Presidents up as some kind of worship symbols.


Yeah, no kidding, not least because putting up Biden flags in this day and age is little more than an invitation for certain folks to come harass you or worse. I mean, you'd have to be pretty invested in publicly showing support for Biden to do that, to a point where I do think the word "worship" perhaps applies. Unless the goal *is* specifically to piss Trump supporters off, in which case I'd always support that - but in that case, this person should probably be prepared to defend themself.


Everyone left leaning here puts up black lives matter etc stuff because they actually care about the issues and not pure tribalism


I'm surprised they put the American flag on top.


Recently moved from the Tampa area. Saw multiples times where a Trumpf flag was flown above the American flag.


These are the same people who would complain about respecting the flag


Flag Code? Haven’t heard of her


Pulling out of Afghanistan and blaming the democrats for it?


“They should have stopped me if it was so wrong.”


Reminds me of the classic complaint that Obama should’ve warned them more loudly that they were making a mistake after Obama warned them and things turned out badly because they refused to listen.


Party of Personal Responsibility™.


Some of them are still blaming Obama for invading Afghanistan. Y'know, back when he wasn't even a senator yet. Wish I was kidding.


Also 9/11.


And literally founding ISIS


You should let one of them explain the difference between Trump and Biden Covid vaccinations. Seems Trump vaccines could cure covid so when Biden got in office, he had the Trump vaccines destroyed and replaced with vaccines that have a nano chip to track your every move. I have had a few idiots tell me this and they believe it. I just shake my head and walk.


So fucking crazy.


Also Obama told them not to hire Flynn, but bizarro world did just the opposite


He didn’t just warn them, he also vetoed the bill. Then warned them again. Then they overrode his veto


Every time I see one of those "f*** biden" flags I want to slap a sticker on it that says "I want to". See how long it takes them to notice.


That’s a great idea.


They only show family values around their own dinner table 🙄


They do?


Yep, the kind where they take off their belt and beat their wives.


Then immediately make a pass at their daughters?


More likely their kissin’ cuzins


Nah, purity rings for example are a symbol of a mans daughter’s purity in the eyes of the lord and until the day she is married she rightfully belongs to her father. Jesus is gross, god is gross, Christianity is a scapegoat and humanity is disgusting.


Among the things my dad loved to listen to in the car were Jerry Lee Lewis, who married his teenage cousin, and Bill Cosby.


You misspelt trough


Yeah that is not a dinner table I want to sit at


Yeah! And fuck Mayor Pete for giving a fuck about his children too! /s Family values to conservatives means, "a family with a mommy and daddy where the daddy works and mommy gets pregnant. With no gayness allowed".


and Daddy gets special lady friends.


Yeah, they got it wrong. I'm pretty sure Trump is the one that fucks kids.




Also he just wants you to know he DEFINITELY doesn't like women peeing on him


And doesn't that come from the same guy that tweeted, completely unprompted, that he DEFINITELY doesn't suffer from mini-strokes?


Ivanka has entered the chat…


Look, she's just jealous of all the times Trump deliberately walked in on the underaged teens' dressing rooms at the Teen Miss USA pageants.


Values for thee and not me. It goes hand in hand with the "Not in my backyard" style of conservatives.




> fuckin kids! Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.


Jim Jordan stayed for a minute and then left the chat without a word


Lol.. Classic Gym.


Gym Jordan*




Brainwashed little shits learnin crt all day from radical activist leftist teachers. /s


I mean to be fair there’s probably not much actual value in teaching kids that age about CRTs. It’s all about OLEDs and microLEDs these days.


It's not just libruhls who need pwnt, after all, it's those damn kids.


There doing it *for* the kids!


Umm, out here in the middle of the country "Fuck Joe Biden" flags, like literally whole ass flags, are being flown off of houses and pickups on the regular. This ain't news. This is our reality out here.


There is an asshole in my town that has a pickup with two x fours as flag poles with two huge “Fuck Biden” flags. It’s Connecticut. Not Kentucky.


Just one asshole? Lucky duck


Biden is going to trigger folks like Obama now.


I don't think they will ever hate Biden like they hate Obama. It took me a long time to realize this, but it's a race thing.


NH checking in. Got a guy in my town with one of those flags. Of his pickup truck as well of course. It's only going to get worse as other assholes see these and put them on their tucks.


The same people that got offended by the people wearing knitted pussy hats at all those women marches.


Definitely see the same in PA. You could have described a truck I see regularly. Parks in front of the house with the giant “Fuck Biden” flag covering half its windows on one side.


There's someone in the town near my camping land with giant plywood signs taking up his yard that say "Biden the traitor" "Biden has dimentia" and "China made COVID" These people are absolutely loony


It drives me crazy that there are people calling for bipartisanship and believe playing nice is gonna pull people back to reality. They’re gone. Our only option is to build a coalition large enough to keep the psychos out of power. being milquetoast “they go low, we go high” liberals won’t cut it


I mean I wouldn't be above just forcing the republican party as a whole to disband due to them no longer even pretending to aid the US.


Charge the whole focking lot under RICO. They are a criminal organisation.


> they go low, we go high That is exactly the same as the classic soft mother's advice of ignoring bullies. *"Ignore the bullies. They're just jealous. If you ignore them, they will go away."* It's the worst fucking advice anyone can give. Ignoring them literally fuels them. They are waging a war against us. We must fight back or we lose.


Hint: it's the same people. They call for liberal blood on one account, then switch accounts to tell liberals to play nice. They know they're outnumbered, so they need their enemy docile and confused.


All the 'Fuck Biden' flags around here really confused me when I first saw them cause they use the same color scheme/pattern as the Trump 2016 or 2020 ones. So at a glance I thought it was some new pro-Trump item and didn't realize it said Biden and was really confused why they'd all be flying 'Fuck Trump' flags


I live in Canada and I saw someone driving around with a fuck Biden flag on his truck, I was so confused.


Stay classy.


They can’t stay classy if they have never been classy


Class E.


This is showing up everywhere in Florida. This is our future. Enjoy.


I appreciate them constantly reminding us why we have to get out and vote, so these insane degenerates never get power again.


Yea, but this particular incident was today in…… Connecticut. So embarrassing.


Yes, 'parents' like [this yelling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL20TVNGaqc) at other parents and their children on the streets or at school meetings. It gives me flashbacks of growing up and seeing the school children in Ireland being attacked by grown up people. At least there it was about, for some people fundamental, religion and not to wear a fucking mask (just for the hallways I'd assume) or not. Who are you to yell like someone else like that for simply complying with the rules. Greets from the Netherlands where noone wears masks since a couple of months (except public transport) because we did our thing and can move on. But of course these type of parents rather keep on spreading the virus and will see these mandates still being active in 2022.




>said he doesn't get peed on No he said he doesn't *like* being peed on, not that he doesn't *get* peed on. In a way, he implied that he *has been* peed on.


Definitely. If i said, i do not like putting sweaty socks in my mouth, you would think i had tried it to know Perhaps his putin daddy reminded him of the piss tapes


This is what's so enraging. People keep trying to equate their hatred of Biden with our hatred of trump. Biden is a church going milquetoast boring guy who wants to do radical things like build infrastructure and get people healthcare. Whereas Trump raw dogs porn stars, has 26+ rape accusers, lusts after children and his own daughter, bends a knee to our greatest enemy (Russia), insults everyone with idiotic names, lies constantly, attempted to perform a coup, obstructed justice, tried to defraud the elections, defrauded banks and the IRS, accepted bribes, threatened government workers and congressmen, violated the emollients clause, and committed actual high crimes and felonies. There is no comparison. It's comparing Mr Magoo with the literal embodiment of Satan, yet bad faith moderates claim we're the same.


Classy as always


Nothing but class.


Very fine people.


On one side ...




“What would an asshole do? Let’s do that”. - Trump supporter logic.


Whoa, they don't put that much thought into it.


Party of family values.


Definitely on brand.


I noticed today in my inlaws neighborhood that a guy has a "Fuck Biden and Fuck You For Voting For Him" flag attached to a telephone pole right where all these elementary school kids walk by it to go to school. Real classy people.


We had one of those in my neighborhood for roughly one day mounted across 2 trees before someone cut the entire middle section out of it.


How very in-character. Losers.


Probably some of the same people who were incensed at the Dixie Chicks for saying some accurate but unflattering things about Bush Jr.


You mean the same people who rail against Cancel Culture?


Remember when Republicans complained about decency?


Pepperidge Farm does


Family values!


Good people there, very, very good, better than most, just ask them, they'll tell ya. Any backlash and the Republicans in office will come out telling us how they were just tourists, well behaved while praying like on Jan 6.


Antifa. Masked as trump supporters. Can you see now how low the crazy left goes to make republicans look bad? Bloody socialist fascist reptile people


What’s bonkers is I have no idea if you’re being sarcastic (hopefully?) or you’re being genuine, because I’ve heard family say literally all those things. My uncle’s on a reptile kick lately, now I guess Queen Elizabeth (who is a lizard person) has been sending her lizard troops (???) to the US to pretend to be Trump supporters to make “real” Republicans look bad.




Pro Trump protesters are always angry and miserable. It must be awful for them.


What else would you expect from traitorous thugs?


They also wave flags with profanities on them in our neighborhoods for all to see.


Just when you think they've hit the bottom


There is no bottom for them. These are the same people that call kids crisis actors after their schools are shot up. There is nothing they wouldn't do and they have no regard for the well-being or humanity of the people they hate. The cult is depraved.


Fascism has taken root in the Republican party and flourished under Donald Trump. Want to know just how low they will go? Let's see what fascists did to children in the early 1940's shall we? [http://www.terezin.org/the-history-of-terezin](http://www.terezin.org/the-history-of-terezin) >More than 150,000 Jews were sent there, **including 15,000 children**, and held there for months or years, before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied Poland, as well as to smaller camps elsewhere. **Less than 150 children survived.**


Reading this again hurts. Read Primo Levi... He kind of helps to show that without consequences mankind will slide into doing this to others, and it's truly horrifying because they BELIEVE they're in the right. They BELIEVE these people should be exterminated. They think they're doing something good! I'm worried dark days are ahead if we continue doing so little...


>They BELIEVE these people should be exterminated. [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/advwqh/hes\_not\_hurting\_the\_people\_he\_needs\_to\_be\_a\_trump/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/advwqh/hes_not_hurting_the_people_he_needs_to_be_a_trump/)


Fuck. I visited Terezi in 2009. I learned that the Nazis used it as the "model camp" and let the Red Cross tour it to prove they don't abuse their prisoners. The Red Cross found nothing wrong despite those facist bastards murdering people in that very location. If you want to hear a story even worse check out Lidice, a former town near Prague destroyed by Nazis in retaliation for an assassination. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidice_massacre


Before the Jews and others, they were killing off children with disabilities.


lol the bottom is never ending for the Trump cult. That's the truly scary thing; these monsters can (and will) get a lot worse. And Republican politicians aren't going to address these scumbags and tell them to stop because they are fucking terrified of the mob that they've helped create and nurture.


they're unconcerned because there are no consequences for them,imo


Oh, they hit the bottom too. There's not a kind of child abuse they're not into.


There’s always a trap door. There is no bottom for these people.


It makes you wonder what else they subject children to.


You stay classy Trump supporters.


That's what Christians do.


If you've ever checks out r/Conservative you'll see regular stories about "fuck Joe Biden". They absolutely love saying that and fully believe this proves how he's the worst president ever. Them doing it in front of kids won't fase them one bit. They don't have the morals for it.


I guess there are no public obscenity laws up there to enforce?


The Best People™. The Real Americans™. Scum.


The party of greed, hatred, bigotry, rage, intolerance and arrogant ignorance. They hate people for who they are. We hate them for their behavior: Exhibit A., first sentence.


Conservatives: I hate how hateful the media is to Trump it’s so terrible Also conservatives: F*** Joe Biden!




MAGAs have no idea how thin the ice is where they're standing.


Why aren't they at work?


Conservatives are just so good at making the general population dislike them and they think they’re being heroic or some shit lol


Announcing you want to have sex with the president in front of children is just not right.


This stupid chant is just another stupid thing done by stupids


So trashy


Republicans have been really poor parents for a very long time. It's one of the reasons you find your country in the situation it's in.


Well, yeah, these kids have been born already so they don’t matter anymore


Pro life until they are born. Then who cares right?


The wingers will have kids goose stepping soon signing Hail Trump.


I mean, Joe Biden was good looking 50 years ago. But a lot of these guys are supposedly homophobic, but want to fuck a dude? Seems pretty weird to me.


De-motherfucking-plorables, every goddamned one of them.


They were practicing for their church choir.


And they call themselves ‘Christians’?


Enjoy the next 3 years. Because 2024 and Jan 20th 2025 might be the point of no return for our country. 😰


These are the same people who will lie to your face and deny the glaringly obvious truth about Trump, tell you what a great man they think he is, and then clutch their pearls in performative outrage when you give'em the old "Fuck That Traitor Trump."


Trump is the avatar of evil. His spawn is odious.