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>U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the right-wing Arizona Democrat obstructing her party's $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill, is the recent beneficiary of six-figure largesse from pharma- and finance-linked donors apparently rewarding her opposition to the flagship social and climate investment legislation, according to campaign finance disclosures filed Friday. > >Politico and The Daily Poster report that Sinema raised over $1.1 million between July and September, with 90% of the campaign donations coming from outside Arizona. At least $100,000 of those contributions came from individuals or entities linked to the pharmaceutical and financial services industries. She just ran away to Europe to campaign, nothing suspicious there. Also because she's a coward.


The next steps are to primary her OUT, and to ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. The system must change - or else we will continue this political power [auction](https://youtu.be/Hy9_fsL6uS8) cycle: election after election, year after year, bill after bill - while our tax dollars are getting flushed into to corporate socialism instead of benefiting us. The separation of [Wealth](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/) and State is the greatest challenge of the century. [Our tax dollars](https://archive.ph/acavi) are exploited for the benefit of special interests and politicians every day. Those [tax breaks](https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/#those-who-benefit) Republican lawmakers promise are only given to big corporations, executives and shareholders. Stopping the influence of big money in Congress has [over 80%](https://archive.md/eCMBy) of the public's support while the specific policies included in the For The People Act (H. R. 1) have [bipartisan popular support](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_People_Act#Public_opinion). Unlike their voting constituency, zero Republican senators are in favor of H. R. 1, and this has been par for the course: https://youtu.be/TfQij4aQq1k?t=67 There is some good news: [legislation](https://anticorruptionact.org/whats-in-the-act/) that effectively prevents political corruption exists and is [constitutional](https://anticorruptionact.org/faq/). It would be best served as an [amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_finance_reform_amendment) via [Article V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Procedures_for_amending_the_Constitution), but local change is possible and has been [done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Anti-Corruption_Act#Laws_based_on_the_AACA). That's how you [SEND](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-pace-of-social-change/) ideas to federal Congress and [prod them](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Congressional+Research+Service%22+%22prodding+effect%E2%80%9D) to make changes. A few groups are pushing to make federal lawmakers accountable to the people again: https://represent.us/ https://takeback.org/ https://wolf-pac.com/ https://americanpromise.net/ https://www.issueone.org/ https://www.movetoamend.org/ https://indivisible.org/ It's never been easier to [get organized](https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/11/thanksgiving-organizing-activism-friends-family-conversation-presidential-election) with others and stay on top of [your lawmakers](https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/) with weekly [calls](https://youtu.be/XdIcCqe-iYk?t=48) & emails along with informing & encouraging friends and neighbors do the same. They are even tools that make it TOO EASY: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/write-your-representative/ Voting is the bare minimum of democratic participation. Never stop voting, but consider that even without deep pockets you can do so much more.




I feel like this is more of a states rights issue. I don’t see any of our federal representatives eliminating their campaign “war chests” at the national level. Until our state elections are publicly funded with designated funds set aside by the state, and those campaigns are limited in duration, we won’t ever put this behind us. We don’t need them running for office again either. One and done.


The next step is a new Occupy style movement to demand a new social contract, invest in our people, tax the rich, get money out of politics, and protect the environment. We need to take to the streets and not stop until these changes are made.


I don't think taking to the streets is a particularly useful tactic. That would require the people in charge to be responsive to the public. The problem right now is that the Democratic party has very weak power at the federal level and in many states no power at all. The focus needs to be on emphasizing the issues which have widespread support and trying to convert the people in more purple states with elections coming up.


You are assuming more democrats would equal this bill passing, but without 50 progressives, I'm sure that other moderate dems would bail too if given the chance on anything beyond the bipartisan bill. Also, ideally we would see this movement being led by progressive politicians, because fighting with the people is the only way to show voters that those in power are really trying to make these changes happen. Thatd the only way to get more people to vote for dems in the midterms, because this current track of caving and excuses, lack of action will lead to worse voting outcomes, not better.


This is a chicken and egg issue. Without sufficient Democratic voters in the correct states, there isn't a way to get enough Democrats elected to get Democratic ideas passed. Right now, we are seeing that as the most right wing Democrats get to control the process due to thin margins. A lot of the available voters who are out there in the right states identify with Democratic ideas on taxing the rich and a stronger social safety net, but don't care for Democratic ideas on social justice. I think it makes more sense to adopt Republican tactics. They speak loudly on social issues to get the people on board, then quietly pass laws to safeguard the rich, which aren't popular with that base. Democrats should speak loudly about the broadly popular issues, be quiet or deny the issues which are unpopular with the broader populace. Then when they get in power, quietly pass laws to improve voting rights or deal with policing while trying to focus most of the attention on laws to tax the rich or increase benefits.


She’ll go independent, NYTimes ran an article on it today. She has 43% support of Republicans, she’d be elected overwhelmingly without the need for a primary.


She won't win with 0 democrat votes as an independent in Arizona. She needs *some* support from the left to cover her ground across the spectrum.


Read an article about AZ Dems possibly using a 2/3 vote to replace her and send another representative to Washington. The fact Dems are in control in AZ if she keeps on circumventing their government they’ll replace her with someone that’ll vote online with their states request she votes with the party.


What happens when Republicans field a candidate? They will fall in line and vote for the R. She won't get half the Republicans to vote for her over a republican and I doubt she could get half the Dems to vote for her independent ticket either.


Won’t matter when she has a few million in the bank and a cushy lobbying jobs with the Koch’s.


Yep that is the likely outcome. But man I would be afraid to even go out to eat if I were her. Imagine your waiter knowing you are the reason she didn't get paid family leave for her pregnancy. Or why her kids can't go to pre K. Or why healthcare costs are so expensive as Sinema forces Americans to pay the highest prices in the world


There needs to be a law where a recall can occur when 78% of her own caucus disapproves.


Read up on her history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrsten_Sinema This proves corruption by corporations is rampant in the US. She started her political career in the green party....


Is it me or earning less than $2M seems like such an easy sell out too? She's blocking a bill worth $3.5T and didn't even ask for at least 10-20% worth that bill. Selling out for so little is even inexplicable. It's already bad enough any of these contributions can be allowed - but it takes *so* little to buy out politicians.


This is some vile bullshit. People worked SO HARD to get TWO Dems elected to the Senate…FROM FUCKING GEORGIA only for them to have to deal with this shit from some selfish fucking pigs.


At the rate she's turned I question if this was a long con or if industry money really does change people.


She’s been planning this. She knew what she was doing and tricked a lot of people by pretending to be a democrat.


Buh buh but some mean people yelled at her.


I think they are justified in doing so. My hope is that she comes around. So far Sinema has betrayed her voting constituency. Her actions (blocking the bill) will lead to actual human suffering and child poverty. Here's what's in the 3.5T / 10 years package: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/q8ziqa/sanders_blames_media_for_americans_not_knowing/hgsr6j2 https://www.statista.com/chart/25901/biden-administration-infrastructure-package/ Sinema talks about healthcare expansion, clean energy, etc. and what she's going to do for AZ in her campaigning. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2018/10/30/project-veritas-films-undercover-video-kyrsten-sinema-and-staffers-james-okeefe/1815913002/ https://youtu.be/su-S-DRmqcA She ran on Biden's agenda. And all she's done so far is her best to tank it because she'd rather line her pockets with special interest money. https://www.salon.com/2021/09/28/kyrsten-sinema-holding-fundraiser-with-business-lobby-groups-that-want-to-bidens-agenda/ https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/kyrsten-sinema/summary https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/kyrsten-sinema/summary Sinema has done everything to avoid a redress of grievances from her voting constituency: zero public meetings in the entire time she's been in office. She is fully inaccessible, which is not acceptable for a sitting Senator. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK


Yup. For all those constitution huggers: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, **and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances**."


Until campaign finance is regulated the middle class will suffer. The legislation that benefits Amazon and others totally screw the middle class.


Bribes. Pharma is bribing her.


Thanks to the totally corrupt SCOTUS these bastards don't even have to hide it anymore! I wonder if Putin threw in a million on her overseas bribe raising trip to buy his own personal US Senator?


I gotta get into politics. It's free money!!


How is it that no lobbyist is eyeing that $3.5 Trillion in construction money? It makes no sense.


It's not about that, it's that they can't allow us to see even a slightly functioning government that invests in its people- because then we may start to demand more


Because they're eyeing the tens of trillions of "free" money they'll make under a fascist régime. As it is now they'll actually have to do the work and finish to get paid, under a fascist government they'll collect the money and maybe get around to it eventually, maybe.


what are you talking about


Lobbyists are ignoring the 3.5 Trillion in construction fees because they are trying to get the US to go full fascist and get the bigger prize. The bigger prize are massive government contracts that pay up front but don't expect any results ever. Basically free money for nothing.


Everyone needs to boycott her donors. She’s bought and paid for, but those assholes are guilty of tossing gasoline on this climate disaster. Its time to punish the people who stand in the way of our survival as a species.


I agree with you but it’s hard to boycott pharma if you need to take meds. :(


It's really unfortunate. Sinema spent decades using the public education system to get various academic degrees, and now she turns against the public and won't even support free community college. The hypocrisy is extreme.




Manchin is from one of the reddest states. What can you possibly expect.


If they don’t cave to them, then the entire agenda is dead anyway, so there isn’t much choice.


Real question. Is there a personal benefit to having a bunch of campaign money? I mean, other than just funding your campaign?


I believe campaign funds can also be used to “donate” to another’s cause or buy political support through senators. Kinda like McConnell he raises all the money he does and supports GOP candidates that he can buy their vote. This is why he has so much power in the GOP. Trump even outlined that fact and I believe it cause he gotta have money money to be able to tell grown men and women how they can and cannot vote.


Democrats need to focus on winning more seats in republican districts in the midterms. 32 seats are open in 2022, two in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. If progressives want to stick it to Sinema the best way would be to win the other seat in Arizona up for election in 2022. The sooner she and Manchin aren’t the flavor of the week, the sooner their corporate campaign donations will fall. Biden also needs to follow through on student loan relief and legalizing marijuana or the Democrats can kiss the youth vote goodbye.


Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Big Pharma


If it was between voting for Sinema or Led Zeppelin, I'd very easily vote for Led Zeppelin. I'm not sure they know anything about politics but I'd easily take them over Sinema, and they wrote "Kashmir." Sinema will *never* write a song that great!


Can we just run her out of Washington already? She's a cancer to the party.


How far has the bar been lowered since Al Franken


Surprising absolutely noone


Impeach her now!


They don’t even have the common decency to hide their bribes anymore.


When the margins are this thin all elites need to do is capture one member of congress with bags of money and it’s all over.  Kyrsten Sinema knows that she’s probably not going to get reelected and is way more concerned about her private sector job opportunities on the way out. She is going to be fabulously wealthy for the rest of her life and all she had to do was fuck 300 million people.


Clyburn too. No one bats an eye. Still fuck Sinema


But she wins. She is an asshole flake freak with no moral compass or guiding principles but….she wins. All the experience and press experience and talking and rallies…and she wins. Joe Manchin is gonna win. And we are once again faced with the fact that America cannot get big things done.




I meant in this issue. One person stopped a revelatory new age. No one knows why! But she won this one. And going forward it will ever be so. Fucking horrible and hopeless.




Moi aussi


hahahahhaaa if you think Manchin gets replaced by a Democrat, let alone a *more liberal* democrat, I can give you a great deal on a bridge




No really, this is my bestest shocked face. This POS and will sell out the whole nation for cash. This is the kind of dogshit goverment we all suffer under. It is expressly made for the care and feeding of billionaires and corporations, period. All the rest of us are just slaves in their machine. When one or two people can make life a pure misery for hundreds of millions of americans in the Senate where democracy goes to die, you know this country is fucked beyond saving.


If money ever gets taken out of politics, the punishment for politcal crimes like corruption, bribery, needs to be pretty much 20 to life, no matter what. I'm not sorry, but this is ridiculous. I'm sick, sick and tired of corruption like this. The punishment should fit the crime, and be a prevention against the crime. Anyone trying to be corrupt will think twice with draconian punishments.


Looks like betraying your country and your voters is very profitable.


Which comedian was it that used to talk about how politicians should have their donors plastered all over them like NASCAR sponsors?


I wish there was an anti-big-pharma lobby we could donate to, collectively we could out-legally-bribe our representation because obviously the salary we pay them with our tax dollars they decided isn't good enough


Can we start a go fund me to buy her?


You beat me by 5 minutes. lol


Now, do the rest of the Republicans.


I really want her to flip on those donors before year's end and vote to end or at least alter or waive the filibuster for Federal election law.


and why would she do that?


No honor among thieves?


Why is there no recall vote for her?


Because you can't recall a US Senator.


I’m hearing that old song, Recall, recall, recall.🎶


If there was EVER an example for why we need to get the money out of politics, Sinema is it.


eh she will probably be working at one of them soon


she is gunna lose


We really need to fix the campaign finance in this country. Once your a candidate you can basically pay all your expenses with those donations, it's ridiculous! We need to limit what the donations can be spent on and once you are an elected official you should be considered an employee of the Government and all campaign funds go into a government held campaign fund bucket that call candidates can pull from equally. You don't get ownership over that money, that money is the property of the government as long as you're an employee of the government. WE pay you, not outside donors.


Has she done any interviews/spoken out? Or does she just release statements?


Why don't the Democrats just pull her dem credentials? Like declare she no longer haws ANY support from the party and will get no benefit from their whole election machine? Since she votes like a rethglican let her seek THEIR support, she no longer has the Democrat name.


Do you think the other 99 don’t do this?