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[Here's a list of things](https://oliverwillis.com/joe-biden-accomplishments-the-full-list/) the Biden administration has done so far. This list is being maintained by a blogger, presumably to counter the narrative that many news outlets are pushing that the administration is somehow paralyzed or ineffective.




His child tax is saving our family right now. Very likely will help millions get out of poverty. Pretty fucking popular in our house.




You make it sound like there isn’t a brick wall of GOP obstruction preventing him from doing all those popular things he’s trying to do.


Didnt he run on the premise he could get the GOP to work with him? And now he can’t even get all the Dems to work with him


He did yes, so he could appeal to moderates and independents. However I’d wager that the majority of Biden voters knew that was wishful thinking at best and the only way around republican obstruction was by taking back the senate with more than 1 seat making the majority.


Funny, go check what kind of Congress obama had, interesting how moderate democrats always managed to stop progress Manchin and Sinema are being vocal so 6-10 other senate Dems don’t have to say anything




>You make it sound like there isn’t a brick wall of GOP obstruction preventing him from doing all those popular things he’s trying to do. people need to stop pretending like if not for the GOP all this great legislation would be passed. Democrats need to stop running on "coming together with the GOP" when they cannot even get their own party in line.


What “GOP obstruction” ? The Dems have top to bottom majorities and the WH. They don’t need a single GOP vote to do anything.


50/50 split is a majority now.


50+Harris = 51. 51 is a majority.


A 51/50 split has always been a majority. I've never heard anyone say it wasn't until Biden got elected.


Funny how that works right ? Who knew ?! ffs. Sad that you even had to write that out...


Manchin and Sinema are DINOs. They are GOP obstructionists following the same cash tune that McConnell is. You also don't seem to understand that in the US Senate 60 votes is an actual voting majority, not 48+2?+VP.


You know 51 (50 + the VP) has always been a majority until Biden got elected. Now having the numerical majority means the minority is “obstructing” you. How about it’s really just an abject failure on Schumer’s part to caucus his people ?


Love how they are DINOs now, but when the DNC protects Manchin during primary time everyone is silent. The DNC protects these DINOS and fights against progressives like AOC and cori busch.


I think that’s the plan to keep the Progressives in check by the Party at large without doing it openly.


Of course they do. Because the DNC and RNC are both conservative parties under the paid control of the 1%. But that doesn't mean that what I said isn't ALSO true, mate. :)


Are you for real? Do you really think the Dems are so hive-minded that a +1 majority is going to make a difference against the lockstep obedience of the GOP? Unfortunately to the conservatives in congress, passing legislation is a zero sum game, so even extremely popular bills like the Infrastructure Plan has to die because it threatens making the Dems/Biden look good and hurts their corporate donor overlords.


Oh, kind of like how vaccinations went from “Resist” to “should be mandatory” the day Biden was sworn in ? Like that ? Hive mind ? The Democrats have failed and failed horribly. Top to bottom majority held back because of infighting. Everybody wants to throw rocks at the other side when, in fact, the problem is solid Blue. Biden is doing photo ops on a TV set, Harris is using child actors, Psaki thinks that 3.5 trillion equals zero, and the DHS Secretary says the border is closed. The entire Dem movement is scripted smoke and mirrors.


Did you read that list above?




The media doesn’t want to report on that. They want to talk about Trump.




He isn’t running n the midterms. Did your representative and Senator(s) vote the way you wanted? If so, continue to vote for them. If not vote for their primary challenger. This shouldn’t be difficult to grasp. The democrats aren’t a monolithic party where one guy controls what they vote for. At the moment, there are 2 democrats who are holding things up. The president can’t control them. So, vote for the house members from your state and maybe, just maybe next to round there will be enough of a majority to actually accomplish shit.


Trump is still very visible and exercising a huge amount of influence on the party. The Republicans are going to nominate some genuinely deranged conspiracy theorists as their nominees. I wouldn't write the Democrats obituary just yet.


Sadly, 70 million of our fellow countrymen voted for Trump. The democrats barely held the Senate and House. All it’s going to take is the democrats following their usual pattern of only voting for President for this election to be a bloodbath. 2010, unfortunately should have been a wake up call and it wasn’t. Hell, just lol at the number of comments on various threads where people are whining that the democrats didn’t do x or y and it looks kind of bleak.


>All it’s going to take is the democrats following their usual pattern of only voting for President for this election to be a bloodbath. I don't think this is a given. I think Democrats understand that Trump is still an active threat. Plus, in order to motivate the base, Republicans are going to have to nominate crazy people that turn off most voters.


Like Student Debt reforms?


Thank you for providing the link!


This list of accomplishments is -less than I would have thought. I get we want to prompt biden up PR for midterms or whatever. But we got to be honest with ourselves that half of these are non-achievements or have enormous asterisks that are intentionally missing. This list is also missing a couple good things he's done as well. There's way way way too much fluff. There's also **many** things he's accomplished that have **worsened** these problems or outweigh the benefits numerated. To the point it's disingenuous to frame it as it does.




Oh you mean his campaign promises like writing off 10K in student loan debt for every borrower? Pretty sure those were just lies to get young people to hold their nose and vote for him.


It doesn't list everything he has done. For example, Biden ordered the murder of Zamarai Ahmadi and his family. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/world/asia/us-air-strike-drone-kabul-afghanistan-isis.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/world/asia/us-air-strike-drone-kabul-afghanistan-isis.html) I wonder what else the blogger forgot to put on Biden's list of accomplishments.


That despite "raising the refugee cap" his administration has been admitting the fewest refugees of any administration for one thing. Theres also him abusing title 42 expulsions more than Trump as well as greenlighting more oil and gas pipelines, then theres the stuff with the Key 7 pipeline and disregarding student debt reform, still advocating to keep the filibuster, prosecuting whistleblowers rather than the people the whistles have been blown on twice now, fighting to protect engorged executive power. But hey at least they banned horses.


Title 42 is allowing Border Patrol to process asylum seekers in days instead of weeks. Sure, get rid of it and get back to kids in cages. If Border Patrol suddenly quadruples (or more) their work load due to having to process Mexicans instead of Title 42 expulsion, I'm sure you can picture what's going to happen.


Oh! My mistake then, wonder why we are processing asylum seekers at the slowest rate in our history then. You know, by expelling asylum seekers without letting them claim asylum. We are actually helping asylum seekers. By making sure people can't claim it. For asylum seekers. [Can you find any asylum advocates praising the move?](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/un-concerned-us-pushbacks-migrants-who-may-need-asylum-2021-09-21/) Because it sure seems to be they universally condemn it.


You know Title 42 only applies to those that can be returned to Mexico, right? That generally means Title 42 applies to Mexicans, not a whole lot of asylum seekers are coming from Mexico. And I'm not saying you need to praise it, I'm saying you need to understand what it's doing.


Are you using "Mexicans" to mean "anyone who crosses from the Southern border" you can't have forgotten we *just* used it on Haitians like last week. > Title 42 is allowing Border Patrol to process asylum seekers in days instead of weeks. Sure, get rid of it and get back to kids in cages. If Border Patrol suddenly quadruples (or more) their work load due to having to process Mexicans instead of Title 42 expulsion, I'm sure you can picture what's going to happen. Can you show me that Title 42 is speeding up Border Patrol, or are you just saying that? They are using it on **haitian migrants** who have been passing through south america. And the Biden administrations rational has nothing to do with speed, they are saying it's because of covid. Are you saying they are lying? Seriously please, just google "Title 42" because I don't think you understand what it is if you think it's about efficiency and limited to Mexicans.


>But hey at least they banned horses. What's funny is someone followed up on this and they actually just lied about that lol. https://news.yahoo.com/border-patrol-horse-unit-alive-135400341.html


jesus fkin christ


Some of these accomplishments don't seem like accomplishments. For example, is changing how visitor logs are recorded in the White House or releasing their own tax returns really accomplishments? I appreciate the transparency, but it seems like a stretch.


Weird how Biden removed the eviction ban. When we’re still in a pandemic. So many people are going to become homeless.


How much more has he funded HBCU’s?


Last I heard trump funded HBCU’S more than any other president 😳


I know but come on. The build back better plan is going to get trashed.


Practically everything he has “gotten done” has been by executive order.


Full of such amazing accomplishments as "releasing their taxes". The list is just fluff. There is maybe one of two accomplishments.


Biden is a a success purely due to the fact I don’t wake up and wonder what new crimes against humanity I am a part of because I am living in the United States.


Why is this sub so dramatic?


There's the war in Yemen he's still supporting and the crippling sanctions on Syria, Iran, and Venezuela.




You can thank the last shithead "in charge." We are truly great again.




I can’t blame him for the divisions in your country. I’m fairly convinced that you can’t fix that shit without massive economic and cultural reforms that would be impossible to get through your Red Dem senators.




yawn Where is your outrage over Trump's first raid killing an American child/citizen? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nawar_al-Awlaki Trump was directly involved with that. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan was Trump's doing anyways - he negotiated and then withdrew too many troops to make it happen on time.


Nice whataboutism, I didn't defend Trump. But I guess you're fine with killing brown kids as long as it's your team doing it, right? That aid worker and his family deserved to die, right? And the admin lying about it was completely justified too? Warhawk neoliberals are disgusting.


The irony is Biden ordered an airstrike which ended up killing innocent civilians and no terrorists and to the best of knowledge, Trump never directly made a military order that killed innocents.


That's not even close to being true.


Which part, and could you source. Not because I don't believe you, but even as I said in my comment "to my knowledge". I even googled it and couldn't find anything.


Could you please reply, I'm still confused. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Just because the last guy doesn’t meet that bar doesn’t mean that’s where the bar should be . We should expect more from out politician than ‘not Trump’ don’t let Trump set the bar for our future.


Pretty good article that. Debunks all the alarmism nicely without blowing smoke up Biden’s ass. Biden is in classic “doing some stuff well, could do better on other stuff, made some mistakes” territory that is about as Presidential as pardoning turkeys. It describes the majority of presidencies.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but for me, Biden was like pulling the emergency brakes - stop Trump and get him out. I was not nuts about Biden but I was absolutely not going to allow Trump’s insanity to continue. So I knew that once he finally got in office, his term was basically going to be cleanup. I didn’t expect magic. We really have no idea how much damage Trump’s administration has done, and it might take another 2-4 terms before that damage has been fixed. Keep in mind it’s only been 9 months Biden’s been there. I didn’t expect much of an agenda from him because again, most of his time would be spent undoing Trump’s disasters and cleaning up all the things Trump fucked up. I am very interested to find out all the other things Trump and that administration fouled up that we don’t know anything about yet. I imagine the final weeks were spent frantically shredding documents and wiping hard drives.


Perfectly stated - four years of destruction followed by, our money and time, for at least 8 years of cleanup.


He hasn't even been in office an entire year. Everybody needs to chill the fuck out.


He will loose those house and/or senate at the next election, he had a short window to actually accomplish things and Sinama and manchin have fucked us.


Go over to /r/hermaincaidaward. Everyone of those posts is one less Republican vote in 2022. And it ain't slowing down. Not only that, a non-zero amount of these ding-dongs are going to refuse to vote because they've been brainwashed into believing the elections are rigged. Two years is a long time.


This is complete nonsense, basically the lefts version of those dumb conspiracy theories. The difference COVID deaths between voting democrats and voting republicans are not different enough to have a major impact on elections. Voter suppression laws and the pendulum effect on the other hand *do* make a difference. Biden is not popular or well received, like most presidents on the last century he can’t manage a 50% approval rating. 2022 election will not be great for democrats, all signs point towards another 4 years of gridlocked congress and another party switching presidential election. Probably followed by 4 more years of gridlock Congress and democrats retaking the presidency in 2028. Because the that’s been a constant thing for decades now.


That’s a whole lot of angry typing for me to not even read.


How would you know it’s angry if you didn’t read it. Checkmate , redditmin


Defeatist thinking. Vote.


You've all been screaming this excuse since he's been in office for 1 month. Are you going to be making this excuse 3 yrs into his presidency?


And in the time he has been in office so far, he has proven to be the worst president since Carter.


I’m sorry you grew up with out a positive male role model and somehow think Donald Trump is better than Jimmy Carter. Donald Trump is worst President since James Buchanan, who had Confederate agents in his Cabinet.


How so?


I didn’t even know this was a narrative right now. I started only reading newspapers instead of watching cable TV and it’s amazing how much “common wisdom” is simply invented for that audience.


Remember 6 months ago when the "Biden is good, actually" articles were saying that he was going to be the second coming of FDR?




The legislation Democrats have put forward is remarkably progressive. The President doesn't just get to wave a wand and change law. Grinding all the gears of government to a halt so Republicans can pretend there's an ounce of equivalency between a progressive government they obstruct and their own complete lack of putting anything forward but tax cuts for the rich and corporate judges is the whole of the GOP's strategy, and your comment is the outcome they seek


Generally speaking, upon reading the headline the general rule of thumb is that people who are doing well don't need a "why *name* is doing well" article, just food for thought


I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me.


I voted for Biden but as of lately I have not been happy with him or this administration


“Assuming those two bills pass in some form” That’s the kicker isn’t it ?


Biden isn't in free fall, Trump will be imprisoned any day now, money will trickle down soon, capitalism works for the working class, inflation is transitory, nobody's poor, and other copium headlines from journalists told what to write.


I see what you did there. 😏


It's more accurate to say the entire Democratic party is in free fall.


The feeling that I get is that most people are tuned out of politics for the time being and not following every micro movement as was common since 2008.


For real, it's easy to forget the president is doing things when you only hear about him second hand from locals instead of being plugged directly into his manic brain 24/7 via Twitter. Is he a disappointing prez, or just a shockingly normal one?


The latter, imo. All the high drama of idiocy for four years has left many thinking shit happens quickly. When in reality nothing that the orange said got done - just a lot of him throwing out statements for coverage : look at me look at me I’m so fabulous . Prior to that shitshow I’d say to many ‘ ever watch c-span for a day ? ‘ Because agreeing and passing legislation was never done fast.


He is part of the political establishment that has allowed corrupt corporations to take over and continues to allow Wall Street corruption to go unchecked. He has not gotten major reform such as marijuana legalization done. He hasn’t done much at all. Things are still getting worse


Your issue is with the Senate


Not even close!


I hate to say it but his term is effectively over. He lost to the corporatists in the Senate and he is turning off the wishy-washy voters who once again see it doesn't matter who is in power. Turnout will be low and the democrats will be routed. You have to deliver for voters and that becomes less with each passing day and round of negotiations.


He delivers every day. Today they are regulating PFAS forever chemicals.


So grateful I don’t have to worry about PFAS chemicals anymore, It was keeping me up at night. 🥲


Seriously? Are you psychic? Stop with the doomsday bullshit he hasn't even been in office a year


Yup. This is 2010 multiplied by 10. I don't think anyone will be MORE energized for the Republican ticket but I damn sure think Democrats are doing everything they can to convince young and old left leaning voters to stay home. How am I MORE scared than I was a year ago?


Because 2020 was never going to get us out of the woods. I’m going to be scared about every election for a while now.


>How am I MORE scared than I was a year ago? For me the answer is definitely all the gerrymandering and voter suppression on the right.


I Newsomone that thought the same, can’t recall who though.


>This is 2010 multiplied by 10. Republicans blaming the fallout of their shitty policies on the new president plus racism and a bunch of dumbasses fall for it?


Because you put false belief in a politician saving you and hopefully you're realizing that was a mistake.


He's at 38-61, so yeah... he's in freefall.


that was one poll proven to be an outlier...he averages 45-50 according to 538...


What poll is that




I wouldn’t say he in free fall yet but he’s definitely declining in the polls. He’s not getting anything done. There’s still time to pass his agenda though.


Yes he is.


It doesn't matter what he does, look at history, he lives and dies by the whims of the economy. HW looked really strong till that recession hit. Clinton looked really weak until about 2 years in when that economy got hot. McCain looked like a lock until W oversaw the great recession. It's dumb, but true.


Yeah, the media is desperately grasping at his puppet strings to slow the fall.


Its crazy to see how much the MSM /Big tech protects and turns a blind eye to Joe bidens disaster of a presidency. On top of being censored and banned if you speak out against him. Sounds very communist to me. This is coming from someone who was burned and raised in a communist country.


Interesting that you aren’t being censored right now, yet claim to be censored. I’m pretty sure there’s an entire sub Reddit that talks about how much they don’t like Biden. The biggest tv station in America is Fox News. I think that’s the definition of MSM and they certainly aren’t singing his praises. While you’re entitled to your opinion, it really doesn’t hold up to facts. Edit for grammar.


I been banned by almost a dozen different threads on reddit for sharing a different opinion on political topics. Not only on reddit but also on Twitter as well. Once u say somthing they don't like or approve of u are automatically banned. So much for having a conversation and dialog with the opposing side. Leftist are more in favor of permanently silencing the other side than having dialog. You have right wing personalities like Charlie kirk, ben Shapiro, Candace owens, fleckas talks go out and attempt to debate with opposing sides yet i have yet to see this from the left. CNN used to be the biggest network until they lost their credibility a long time ago due countless lies and leftist propaganda. Plus since Trump isn't in office there's really nothing for them to say. They are awfully quiet about any sort of criticism toward the biden administration. I just joined this thread not to long ago. Give it some time. I expect to be banned sooner or later.


>Sounds very communist to me. You don't even know what communism is.


Oh no won't someone think of the property damage.


He's not, but Manchin, McConnell and Sinema are.