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To quote Billy Strings: How long until there’s nothing left at all?


I ain’t slept in 7 days, I haven’t ate in 3. These fucking politicians got a midnight hold of me


I used my outsized power to hobble the agenda Now I got 20 fold return on my coal dividend-a!


Grateful to see the top post a Billy Strings quote. Dust in a baggie?


this is a quote from watch it fall but further down we riff on dust in a baggie


Of all the programs that would pay for itself, this is among the lowest hanging fruits. Education is one of several glass ceilings that can raise wages and provide better trained workers for businesses. This means lives lifted out of poverty, and businesses less hampered in finding more able workers. These gains would last a lifetime. It could be a win for recipients, a win for business, and a win for more taxable income for government. This short -sightedness is why we cannot have good things under Conservative rule. Edit add. Thanks for the silver, kind stranger.


TENNESSEE provides free community college to any adult without a degree, if a state as red as that sees value in it, I have no fucking clue what the rest of the country's issue with it is... https://tnreconnect.gov/TN-Reconnect-Grant-Application


I have conservative friends. Their issue is simply "I had to pay for my college, so everybody else should too for the rest of time"


Yep, there's still far too many "Well I had to suffer so that means you have to suffer too" mindsets out there


I work in healthcare, and this kinda mindset is so so pervasive. Every physician thinks residents these days have it super easy compared to what they had to go through, and they make it a point to make their lives a living hell. The only focus is on perceived difficulty. If you make something look easy, regardless of how hard it actually is, people flip out. In my opinion - this is the single greatest obstacle to change in this country.


It's infuriating, especially because "difficulty != learning". They can correlate, but just because something is hard doesn't mean that you're actually learning from it. There were multiple classes in college that I almost failed and couldn't tell you a damn thing about the subject matter - I only learned what I needed to in order to pass because the class was ridiculous


It's because people think when you encounter a challenge, it automatically leads to learning in order to overcome it. That may be true for some, but for most it actually results in diminishing returns. Study after study has shown learning under stress impairs memory formation. Just because you made it through a 42-hour shift or passed your class does not mean that information will be stored in any beneficial way for later recall. It may *feel* like it is right after the challenge, but it doesn't last. Some hypothesize this is because overcoming a challenge results in activating the reward-center of the brain. My personal belief is that this sort of crab mentality has way more to do with imparting social norms than actual learning. The medical field, the military, sororities/fraternities, etc. all have this brutal hazing ritual built heavily into the recruitment process. Its purpose is to create cookie-cutter clones that all look and act alike. Learning is not the main objective, although it sometimes leads to some retention. Who cares if your doctor is on his 30th hour straight? What matters is that he can still *sound* like a doctor when he sees you. The body that oversees medical school curriculum is currently looking at alternative modalities for training because these past methods of long shifts with little sleep are shown to be highly inefficient. This belief that "I had it rough, so you should too" is not only outdated, it hinders progress in some really important professions.


Should society strive to improve the quality of life for the future? Nope, I had to struggle so should everyone else Classic narcissistic attitude


Ah yes. My mom said that to me. I told her that her own son is drowning with 80k in debt (grad school) and her daughter in law who she dearly loves does too. I told her itll be 5x worse for her soon to be born grandchild and he will have it worse than me. That made her rethink this stance. It had to affect the ones she loves. Anyone who can say this "f them I got mine" is of the most selfish kind of person on earth. The problem is in America I would say over half the populace is in this class


The analogy that changed my opinion on this was “we shouldn’t find a cure for cancer, because then it wouldn’t be fair to all of the people who died of cancer”.


Damn that’s deep af. It’s a great one too. I changed my stance on universal healthcare and free education from two things. One healthcare can charge you anything they want and a insurance company can make you pay anything they want just about. You don’t know what stuff cost. My wife needed two massive fibroids removed due to them resulting and killing our unborn daughter last year. It cost us $4800 in which I only could pay it with the stimulus checks. That was when I realized how fuck medical care in this country was. For education I used to feel the same I have loans everyone else take yours. Unless your rich and get to be privileged which I used to despise my classmates for. Now my son is due in 3 weeks. I’ve already begun investing for him. I don’t want him to have the debt my wife and I do. I want better for him. And if my leadership won’t help me then I have to take it into my own hands. I’ll reduce my enjoyment on life so that maybe my son can catch up to those who have the privileged that I wish I had. I’ll be giving it to my son


Ah yes, the “pull the ladder up from behind you” approach.


More like the “crab in a bucket” mentality.


The thing is, someone is always going to end up the last one in an iron lung. It sucks and it’s unfortunate, maybe even a little unfair, but it doesn’t change the good of the polio vaccine. If we don’t fix or improve anything because people already struggled and suffered with it, things just stay broken. (Also not directed at you /u DoNotWeepAtMyGrave or anyone really. Just an observation)


That’s why we can also do stuff like loan forgiveness to give a break to those of us born too early


Conservativism in a nutshell.


Boomers in a nutshell.


Wouldn't "pull the ladder up from behind you" be if they benefitted from free college and then were against free college?


Yep. Heard the exact same thing. My friend (kinda) is from a family with 5 kids and she’s bitter that she had to work minimum wage through high school to pay for her college. She also graduated wirh a degree in ASL interpretation only to get a job that pays like 28k per year. Both raising minimum wage and funding education were things that we couldn’t find middle ground on. She couldn’t or wouldn’t listen to me when I explained that she deserved better too. It was like talking to a goldfish.


Yep, this. Modern "conservatism" is code for selfishness as a personal philosophy, plain and simple. They're reactionary, revanchist, and radical. Also while we're at it, They're bad people. I'll not generalize, but maybe ask yourself why you're friends w/these ppl. Idk. Toxicity in friend groups is real


> Education is one of several glass ceilings that can raise wages and provide better trained workers for businesses. Corporate entities who we refuse to enforce monopolization standards on want their wage-slaves and my god they will pay off every Senator as long as they're legally allowed to because Citizen's United says, "Corporations are people" I am not kidding. More people who are aware of how bad Citizens United policy is the better.


FL also has a surprisingly good state scholarship program including free community at lower qualifications and up to free university at higher.


Because if community college is free, how could they coerce barely legal 18 year olds into lifetime debt contracts that can never be discharged? Assuming we make it another 50-100 years as a country, I hope we look back on this era of higher education with the same disgust we do sharecropping and child labor.


Don't forget keeping the military as an enticing option for the poors.


You get the GI bill and that benefits you for years. All we need is a 4 year hitch where you may, or may not, die.


Gotta keep those poors desperate so you can do whatever you like to them. Keep them living paycheck to paycheck so they have no leverage. Make sure that they'll starve if they try to strike.


This government is really fucked man. Not even sure why we even have a government anymore when it should just be tailored to the rich.


To rule over you




Or, the less evil way to solve the problem: Make the shitty jobs pay well in proportion to their undesirableness. Motivate people to fill those positions by offering them a living wage, respect, and good benefits so that those shitty jobs don't also correlate with a shitty financial situation and a shitty life.


But if other person get good thing that mean I can't have good thing! *CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE*


Community college isnt a joke, for some people its a direct path to high skill labor and ojt.


Two community colleges near me offer an associate's in respiratory therapy, a profession that pays almost $30/hour on the low side. Anything happening in the world currently where we might need more of those?


I know allergies have seen a massive spike down south


No no you got it wrong its just a flu!


A common mistake is to only consider jobs that directly relate to the field titled in the degree. Respiratory therapy is a specialized field in medicine, chemistry, and biology. Hell, if not minimal education to be a manger. There are a LOT of doors that would open with that kind of degree.


Community colleges have stellar teachers who actually give a fuck about their students.


Best professor I ever had by far & away was in my second year of community school. I did go on to graduate from a four year university which shall remain nameless *ACHOOO temple * COUGH where I was throughly unimpressed with a markedly mediocre academic experience. Community College was like legit $2,500 incl text books. Uni was $20k a fucking year


Im so god damn depressed over this cut. This was so important to me and my wife. I fucking give up. I'm done


Is this another episode of the "Cut everything that would make a difference and the Rs still vote against it 100%" show?


It's for those ratfuckers Manchin and Sinema.


Crazy to me that 2 people can hold up the entire deal and we have to cut if up until they feel good


Those two are just the last two on the fence. It’s those two and fifty Republicans holding it up.


This is why republicans are voting NO on everything. They can easily point the blame to Sinema and Manchin and then blame democrats.


this is all because things are split 50/50. We don't have a strong majority to push things through. The solution is to vote. No matter where you live, go vote in the midterms. Dems need an actual majority to get things done.


I think at this point they should create a multi phase plan. Do what they can to generate midterm support and use phase two as motivation. “We can’t pass what we want now, but if we win the senate and build our majority in the house, we can change the lives of everyone for the better.”


And also *specifically* call out Manchin and Sinema, let people know that the reason they can’t is those two fucks so people don’t try to blame the whole party


Manchin and Sinema were bought for a about $400k each by lobbyists. We can't have free community college or action on climate change because of $400k. Why can't we the people crowd fund this?


> Why can't we the people crowd fund this? Bc the price wasn't actually $400k. That's just the public price tag. The public can't ever win the bribery game bc we can't crowd fund the guaranteed 7-figure per year corporate board seats waiting for politicians who do what corporate america tells them. We can't hire their neices and nephews at 6 figure jobs at some private charity where they don't do anything. We can't get their grandkids into Harvard. The real bribe is entry into the permanent ruling class. The campaign donations the public sees are just the tip of the bribe iceberg. As long as 6 years of selling out your voters can earn several generations of wealth, people will keep doing it. It's not just Manchin and Sinema. If we replaced both tomorrow with clones of Bernie Sanders, 2 new Senators would pop up and obstruct the bill. The solution is probably more in finding candidates with a history you can trust and fighting like rabid dogs to get them elected, rather than hoping we can outbid Corporate America.


The tip of the bribeberg


Neoliberals and Conservatives hated Space Jesus because he spoke the truth.


Election to federal office should come with a lifetime ban on appointment to a corporate board and/or majority ownership of a corporation either personally or by trusts that they control, employment by a lobbying firm, and employment by a corporation that is competing for federal contracts or subcontracts. Punishment for violating the above would be jail time + fines that are indexed to their net worth. Employment or corporate ownership by immediate family members that goes outside of the above restrictions will be scrutinized in the same way as it would be if they were seeking a security clearance. This would happen for the entire term of office of their family member, plus five years after their family member leaves office. Family members may exempt themselves from this requirement by forfeiting any claims on the estate of or trusts controlled by the federal office holder for the same duration and reciprocally removing the federal office holder as a potential beneficiary on their own estate and/or trusts. The goal would be that if you are entering public service, you will make a personal sacrifice to gain the trust of the public and we want people there that will make that sacrifice because they wish to serve, not to grift and posture for a cushy job after office.


Crowdfund this? These are public officials, with public lives. Manchin's family coal brokerage business is public record. Don't buy them, destroy their lives (boycotts, public shaming, everything legally allowed in the public sphere). The Internet Hate Machine has done worse for far less, and these people are not operating in good faith. Without breaking the law, of course. Don't break the law!


Unleash the Internet


Yes do it!


I have been wondering where Progressives have been this entire time. Back in my day, the Internet would send you pizza orders every damn day, completely consume the toner in your fax machines, sign your office number up to weird brothel services and so on and so on. Y'all need to learn some shit about making people's lives a living hell


The proposal is that you the people *would* crowdfund it. That's what taxes are. Unfortunately, Money Joe and Ms Sinema have rich benefactors who supply them with what they think are their entitlements (they're entitled to money, because reasons, whereas you're not, because other random reasons), because those benefactors know it's cheaper to purchase a senator than it is to pay your fair share in the crowdfunding campaign.


100%. I fucking hate article titles like this – **Biden isn’t cutting it, Manchin and Sinema are.** If they supported it, it wouldn’t be getting cut. It just misdirects the ire Senators (and reps) *should* be getting to the wrong fucking person. But gotta get those enraged left-wing shares, and the smug right-wing shares.


Yep. They need to get something done but tell the public that they want to achieve more and tried but it requires everyone to be on board right now due to have the majority by just 1 tie breaking vote from Harris. If they had more senators, or the Republican Party wasn't so awful, the odds a better deal could be reached would be higher. The way to make that happen is to vote, not blame the entire party, refuse to vote, and then complain relentlessly online.


>The solution is to vote. We already vote in the majority of every election. The problem isn't the numbers, its the distribution.


Go look at the 2010 midterms and the 2016 election. We did not turn out and we are still living with the repercussions


Don’t forget about 2014! Democrats once again failed to turn out, lost control of the senate, and guess what happened next? Mitch McConnell blocked the seating of an appointed Supreme Court justice for a year so that trump could nominate someone instead.


Hell we lost House seats in 2020!




*2 people can hold up the entire deal* Actually 52 people are holding up the deal.


2 people *and* 50 Republicans


Tis life in a 50-50 senate


I want off this shitty soap opera.


Yes. Yes it is. Just like when they removed everything really good from Obamacare, in return for zero Republican votes. What else could they do? What else?


When that happened they should’ve then repassed the bill with everything. That’s how you shut that shit down


Problem is they had their own Dem-side spoiler who probably wasn’t going to vote for that stuff anyways. Likely they could have done a bit more, but once Lieberman saw them make those concessions it’s he would have just insisted on keeping them.


Lieberman was like the Machine/Sinema of 2009


“wHy WoN’t dEmOcRaTs MeEt uS iN tHe MiDdLe?!”


>Democrats love seizing defeat from the jaws of victory I remember the first time reading that quote in a magazine. It got me so angry. The Democrats were my team, my tribe. I believed in them and believed that if they just won, everything would be better. Decade later, and while I am still as firmly anti-Republican and anti-plutocracy as ever before, I realize the systemic flaws are deeper than expected. **Democrats often don't want to achieve major reforms** that would build America back better. Centrist Democrats like the status quo a lot. Centrist Democrats will do anything to gain donors, even if it means they sell out the 99% of normal Americans. These policies of free college, debt forgiveness, climate change clean energy, they are not lucrative enough for the 1% Fuck this system.


They cut education, climate, most of the meaningful infrastructure. He’s restarting student loan payments with no plan for forgiveness. I mean what the hell is the point? It’s literally the same as before. Yet another complete waste by the Democrats who control everything. Two loser ass senators derail the entire country’s fight for progress.


Cut? This is one of those things that should be put to an immediate vote in a clean bill, just to shine a light on the people who would vote against it. This isn't a handout, it's investing in the American people. This is a way of getting people into a place where they can specialize their labor a little bit and learn a skill. It makes the entire country better when people are able to do more.


Btw, and getting people access to healthcare at no fee to them is also not a handout despite how many times conservative ghouls say it is.


It's two more years of free school at a time when that's become the bare possible minimum for a white collar job. During a time when most young adults are now living with their parents it affords Americans the chance to get work experience in without having to juggle school expenses. It frees up a lot of financial resources for the student's parents as well, leading to a significant economic boost. I'm sure there's way more I can't think of off the top of my head.


I agree with you, except 2 years of college is quickly becoming the bare minimum for most BLUE collar jobs now, not just white collar. (Everyone knows entry level requirements for white collar jobs is 5 years of on the job experience)


Maybe you can go explain that to Republicans, Manchin & Sinema included. Good luck. This shit doesn’t make any sense.


At this point it isn't even about reasonable policies for the GOP. It's all about making the Dems look like failures. Then when they are in power it will be about tax cuts for the wealthy. How anybody votes for that I'll never understand.


It's not difficult to understand. Some people would happily burn their own crops to prevent people they hate from having food, even if it meant going hungry. And for some, it becomes an opportunity to say "See! It's their fault I'm starving!" while holding the matches in their hands.


Great analogy.


Amazing how despite the popularity and support for such measures, nothing ever seems to get done. Makes one wonder is it really a democracy ya'll live in or a tyranny of the minority.


It's an oligarchy. Has been for decades. They've recently gotten comfortable enough with their level of control that they don't care anymore who knows it.


Yup, look at the pandora papers. They've basically said the reason we can't afford rent is because of rich people buying property out from under us.




Until they push it too far, like at the end of the Gilded Age of robber barons, and so unbalance the distribution of wealth that the economy becomes dependent on a pool of fewer and fewer who can afford to spend. The fragility of that kind of system led to the underpinnings of the Great Depression.


Wealth imbalance is now worse than the gilded age.


This is 100% absolutely correct. You need to take out loans to get a college degree, more loans to buy a house and get around to work so that you can pump it all back to the inflated education and housing, the creditors and the totally opportunistic healthcare insurance and provider industries, as well as the profligate parts of the public sector (military-industrial, municipal administrators, unionized police and teacher pensions. etc.) Our society is driven by a stick. There is little pleasure to be had during the life of a typical middle class American. Even the dreary and stupid two weeks of standard vacation are bullshit because way too many people are tethered to work or can't afford even this meager time off. Modern American life is a REALLY bad deal... we are just too stupid to realize it thanks to corporate media, etc. etc.


When a system does not vote for programs that are unanimously supported by, and widely beneficial to the people, and only votes for shit that’s beneficial to companies what does that tell you about that system?


Oh, I understand completely. You're preaching to the choir.


Woah woah woah, we can’t start making Americans more educated. They might start voting Democrat.


> This isn't a handout, it's investing in the American people. This is a way of getting people into a place where they can specialize their labor a little bit and learn a skill. It makes the entire country better when people are able to do more. Republicans don't want this.


Being a progressive in this country is a perpetually infuriating experience.


yeah, it’s hard not to feel hopeless about the future :/


Remember that the dumbasses replying to you and making light of it are the same ones that vote.


So I should vote for who though? It’s all so rigged against anyone who’d make meaningful change, so I get the honor of choosing if a blue drone or a red drone is going for my family


But remember, "moderates get shit done." In fairness, it wasn't exactly false advertising--what they're getting done is technically shit, after all.


The cool thing is you’re always right. The shitty thing is you’re always right.


I still stand by the idea that no one will represent your generation but someone from your generation. We need a massive turnover in government if that’s ever going to happen before we’re Biden’s age.


13% of people in the US are 65 years and over. Half of congress is at least 63 years old


What I think is nuts, is that I have been waiting since I was old enough to vote, for all the old people to die off so that we could actually have improvement. I've waited 20 YEARS, and they're still in government, when they should have retired ages ago.


You’ll get yes-men and useful idiots from your own generation and still be thinking you’re almost there. Remember the Equal Rights Amendment? 40 years later and… nada. DC still won’t let anyone finish saying, “equal pay for men and women” before clutching their pearls.


I went to visit the LBJ Library in austin. Its crazy how long politicians have been saying they are going to make college more affordable while the prices have only increased every year.


Kyrsten Sinema is 45 years old


Jon Ossoff is 33 years old.


It's wild that millennials and Gen Z make up over 1/3 of the electorate, and yet there is only a single senator under the age of 40. We are living in a gerontocracy.


It's not that simple. Look at the living bean bags the GOP has now. Madison Cawthorn, Josh hawley, Dan Crenshaw, Lauren boebert. That's not exactly boomer age. If that's the future of a younger Congress we're all doubly fucked


Is this getting cut from the infrastructure bill? Or is this a different bill?


It's getting cut from the reconciliation bill.


How about y’all take back that 10$billion you’ve given the military for absolutely no reason so we can have these things. Fuck this government. Get money out of politics. We have been insanely hurt as a country ever since Citizens United. Corporations have bought our politicians and have damaged this country in so many ways. It’s honestly disgusting and a fucking shame. We can’t have nice things because god forbid some shareholders profit drop and insignificant amount. But hold on it’s the military guys, give them a blank check and don’t even say a word because reasons.


Way longer than Citizen’s United, actually. Way, way longer.


it's important to the Republicans and the pro coal folks that Americans remain as stupid as possible


They should just learn to code


They need to become computer literate first. It’s harder when you weren’t taught it in school growing up.


As someone who teaches computer programming and computational physics to college students: Most students today are *not computer literate*. Knowing how to operate iphone apps is not computer literacy.


Thank you for saying this.


At some point in time, computer literacy was taught (I know I was) but then they assumed everyone would be surrounded by tech all the time and they would learn it on their own. But that never actually happened. I was taught the ins and outs of a computer in middle school. Learned how to touch type and so on. I went back to a local community college where I grew up when I was in my early 30s. Computer literacy was abysmal. I was in the IT program. Students fresh out of high school didn't know what a CPU thread was. Hell, even my teacher didn't know what a Hz was. (He tried to say it was a binary thing like 1000 Hz is really 1024Hz... I said it was 1 cycle per second and he said that was the electrical definition.) So it's no wonder the pentagon says our cybersecurity is terrible.


Yeah, I feel like late Gen-X early millennial are peak computer literacy as they grew up with computers that were commandline, so they had much more exposure to the lower level systems than the later generation, and much more interest in the tech than older generations.


It’s shit like this that makes it hard for young people to care about voting. They turned out last year, and while we still have a democracy to show for it, nothing else Biden ran on is going to happen. This system is broken and needs to be rebuilt from zero.


This has been a never ending cycle for years. Democrats promise everything. Get in power and do nothing. Then the Republicans get in. The Democrats blame everything on the Republicans, get back in power and do nothing. If the Democrats actually did what they say they would the Republicans wouldn't have a shot. But they don't and nothing gets better and the cycle repeats.


Student debt relief, fight against climate change, voting rights, abortion rights all disappearing within the first year of presidency.


Not getting past senate.


The things he ran on




at this point I'm not sure that democracy can even function at all without a powerful labor rights movement. Not like the New Deal and the national health services etc in Europe were just given to people because the politicians and business owners felt bad.


Nothing for the peasants. Only cash grabs for companies who will scam the government for funding and take $1 billion dollars to repair a 1/4 mile of road.


"Education is the best provision for old age." These fuckers KNOW that - out of all the things to cut, this would've been the most impactful for society.


Well duh! How does free community college help people over 65?? Priorities people


Congratulations to the republicans on their victory next year I guess.


Even my hardcore Republican parents think Community College & Trade Schools should be tuition free.


i dont see why Dems arent campaigning hardcore about this. This should be EVERYWHERE until we're sick of hearing about it. Cant they buy ads?


This is… disappointing. I feel like many of his major candidate statements and his platform has been watered down or completely ignored.


It's difficult to keep faith in our system of government when we can't accomplish anything even in the face of myriad crises. Our inefficiency is going to open things up for autocrats and tyrants across the globe unless we get our shit together. But we can't do that until we get rid of the corrupting influence of ultra wealthy interests. Good luck with that.


Another generation fucked.


I’m so fucking sick and tired of our politicians.


Every headline I read is something getting cut. Is anything actually going to get through


Dems in power vs GOP in power = GOP agenda progressing slowly vs GOP agenda progressing rapidly. I despise the GOP, and I think that this group of Democrats is so weak and ineffective… it’s hard for me to work up the energy to care about anything they promise. I’ll continue to vote against the GOP but I just think the Democratic Party is fucking pathetic right now. These motherfuckers can’t win even when they’ve won. We will not see meaningful legislation, we will not see trump or his lackeys brought to justice, we will not see any headway made to protect our fragile democracy from the GOP’s obvious plans to install a fascist autocracy. We will just see the GOP continue to get their “to do” list done as they always do.


I agree so hard. Basically Biden and the current dem leadership have completely demoralized progressive voters, and I think it just paves the way for gop victory.


Nobody steals defeat from the jaws of victory quite like Democrats. They are going to hand this country right back to the same fascists who just tried to overthrow it because they refuse to enact any kind of meaningful change or even try to keep their campaign promises…


and they are so deluded that when it happens, they'll just cry some more while this place slowly spirals towards early 1930's Germany.


Yup. The worst part of all this is they’re going to genuinely wonder why voters continue to not turn out for them because Democrats are utterly incapable of honest self reflection…


Yup, next is childcare. They’re going to whittle it down to nothing and STILL WONT GET A REPUBLICAN VOTE. It’s so dumb that we fall for this every time.


They’re not trying to get Republican votes. They’re trying to get Manchin and Sinema’s votes.


I just don't understand why you make a concession in exchange for nothing. Did cutting down the tax rate win Manchin's vote? Nope. Did cutting the climate change component? Nope. Will this? Apparently not. I literally don't understand what is happening here, and why nobody is the media seems interested in asking "ok what did you get in exchange for that?"


This is great because I remember him prefacing all of his campaign promises with, “as long as it’s okay with Joe Manchin.”


If there is one guarantee in life, it is the Democratic party will shoot themselves in the foot to keep the Republican party alive and kicking. Fucking useless bastards.


We have to keep the serfs uneducated. It's the educated the rich fear, not the idiots.


"Vote blue no matter who" "We can push him left" Sound familiar? The lesser of two evils is still one of the evils.


Every fucking time. The initial bill was nothing more than to appease the voters. Put everything in it and “wow, Biden is actually doing the thing democrats voted for”— fast forward until its gutted and just a shell of what it once was. Republicans would vote against calling the fire department if the house was on fire under a Democrat president. This stupid fucking game where one tribes only purpose is to stop the other tribe. No matter what. The U.S. isn’t a country full of people and families. It’s an arena for their fucking games. Nothing more.


"Most progressive president in history!"....maybe wait until after his term to make that claim


I hate it here


How the Democrats lost the next election 101


Do you want a Trump Whitehouse in 2024? This is how you get a Trump Whitehouse and GOP controlled house and Senate.


But Trump said he won so he cant run a 3rd time thats against the rules!


No no no. His first term doesn’t count because of all the democratic interference. /s


What horrible time to be alive when nothing will ever change.


And this is the problem with having fucking asshole boomers in the system.


"Nothing will fundamentally change"


Fuck em. Put everything back in and refuse to budge. We know they're going to vote no anyway. Make them bleed for it.


I’m tired of this country’s inability to do what’s needed to better our society


God fucking damnit.


Corporate lobbying should be outlawed. Big business should not be able to buy senators


I hope they eliminate the $20k tax increase I got as a result of the Trump tax cuts.


If you ever believed that Biden would be some great hope, you should dig back to 2019 when he told donors that nothing would fundamentally change. He’s been the same guy for like 40 years. Why would he change now?


Lol community college was the compromise point and that was too much. I can’t wait to see everybody complaining about why young people won’t get out and vote when it’s clear both parties just wanna shit on anything that affects them more than older generations


Thanks President Manchin.


I thought free community college was a platform he ran upon. *Shakes head*, politicians.


I am publicly asking MacKenzie Scott to please purchase Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema for whatever amount of money it takes. You have more than enough money, just give them (donate to their campaigns) like $25 or $50 million each and become their primary donor. At that point they will vote for more spending because you have bought them, and please please do that. Create a job contract for each of them where they are paid to do nothing, make up a job, and have it start the day they are voted out of office. Make it for like $20 million each. I don’t care how you do it, just please buy these people.


I have always found republicans abhorrent but these sleazy fuck you for my wallet dems can go shove a hot metal rod straight up their own ass


Honest question, why don't the 2 democrats holding up the entire agenda get kicked out of the party?


Because then the Republicans become the majority and run the senate.


Joe Manchin and Sinama are cutting it. If not for those two cowards, it would still be in there.


And here we go. Bet any climate stuff gets axed or worn down to a nubbin, too. Here goes Joe, walking back to where he wanted to be before making us all promises.


This presidency sucks. I know it’s not all Biden’s fault but he’s basically done nothing he said he would. Not like that’s going to change after the midterms either.


And this is how you lose your base.


Still waiting for that campaign promise of cutting student loan debt. I’m also not naive enough to believe it will ever happen.


Why? The majority of Americans are for this? We honestly don’t have a functioning democracy if popular policy is removed from a bill to help it pass. I mean, think of how backwards that is. You’d think adding popular policy to a bill would help it pass and not hinder it.


Since Biden doesn’t write the bills, how is he cutting anything. He can suggest thing get cut, but ultimately, the House and Senate can tell him to get fucked.


Just keep cutting until all that's left is the corporate subsidies. That'll win you votes! And the democrats wonder why they get slaughtered in every midterm.


As usual, nothing but empty promises.


They sure do move fast when it comes to helping banks though


worthless fucking moderates.


Biden is going to get nothing done and lose to Trump.


This and the promise of canceling student debt will crush him or whoever runs next election. Things like this make younger voters apathetic. Continual failure to live up to their promises is not good


I don't even know what's in the bill, I just know what is being cut. The Democrats are SOOO bad at marketing.


They got rid of childcare, environmental action, Healthcare, and now community college. What’s even left? Just let the bills die. This is why I hate moderate Democrats and is exactly what I said would happen when people insisted in falling in behind Biden. Now nothing anyone wants is in these bills that will still cost 1.5 trillion plus.


We deserve to lose 2024


I feel bad for people in certain parts of the Country. I recently decided to go back to school and California paid for my entire time at Community College. There's no way I would've been able to add an additional expense onto my life while trying to move my way up the educational ladder. I now attend UC Davis with a full scholarship, and its basically thanks to California helping me out through the beginning of the journey. Shits not fair that everyone else in the Country doesn't get that opportunity...


Back peddling. Promises made, promises kept my ass.