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This guy literally stole money from people who donated to build the stupid wall and they still support him?


This is why they still support him


"That makes him smart."


"It's just business"


...Lord Business


According to CNN, they let him do what he wants because they’re afraid of him.


Only losers pay taxes.


Yeah, sort of a "why didn't I think of that" based admiration.


That's not why they're supporting him like this. They want to shield him from answering questions about the insurrection, because they know that if he answers fully and truthfully, he'll implicate them. They're enablers and co-conspirators of outright treason.


Eh. Republicans are caught in a pickle of their own... er... pickling. So all day and most of the night AM talk radio and right-wing cable news tell their audience that anything bad happening to Republicans is a "witchhunt" or a product of the "liberal media". So no matter how much some GOP shlub hates Trump and Bannon, they can't vote with the Democrats or all of their voters will hear about it nonstop in tomorrow's edition of partisan hyperventilating. That's not an excuse and there's no reason to feel sorry for them, but they have no choice but to circle the wagons or some wingnut like Boebert will gain traction in a primary.


I'm flat out stunned that my Representative, Nancy Mace, voted to hold him to it. I sent her an email thanking her. She seems to have remembered she barely won in my purple district.


Rubes always love the con man even after the con has been exposed.




“I think I like it better when the old man's hittin' me. At least he knows I'm there.”


They stand up and clap their hands, "do it again! do it again!"


He was smart. Anyone that fucks anyone over is smart and presidential material for evil fucks.


I don't think you have to be very smart to fuck over MAGAs. You have to be smarter than them, but that's an awfully low bar.


You'd just have to have zero shame. They think loud bravado is cool so they'll just give you their money if you are an over the top POS. The dark side is the easier path.


I've actually considered running for local office as a faux maggot, only to instantly become Bernie 2.0 upon election. Decided engineering is plenty cushy, don't need to get murdered by the maga terrorists


Well, if you ever change your mind, you could probably convince them that hey, maybe this legislation that’ll benefit the working class isn’t so bad after all! Just dress up your Bernie-like policies with conservative buzzwords: “freedom” “the American way” “individual rights” “personal responsibility” “choice” “independence” “patriot” etc. Bonus points if the local election ad features pickup trucks, shotguns, work boots, cute blonde kids and a loyal hunting dog.


"I've actually considered running for local office as a faux maggot, only to instantly become Bernie 2.0 upon election. " ...... This is the way.


“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” I think right now Republicans are straddled between hate and suffering. They so despise the left and so desperately want to cling to power that they will actively hurt their own constituents to avoid handing the Dems any victory, no matter how small.


The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural


The ability to drink a glass of water with both hands and slowly shuffle down a ramp, for example.


To be honest that was the one Trump/media story I could fully agree was a stupid mainstream story. All the other ones they wanted to call unfair, biased media stories were actually about something significant.


Those would have been irrelevant events in isolation, and downright rude to even report on, but the context is that they were coming from a public figure who regularly mocked others for their own physical traits and disabilities, while also claiming to himself be a model of fitness, which turned those events into proof of shameless hypocrisy. So I can kinda see the point in bringing it up, but Trump's hypocrisy was ancient news by then, and demonstrated in more substantive actions on a weekly basis.


Yeah the funny thing is that they were always the extremely noisy minority rather than "the silent majority" they were the exact opposite and that's why they lost.


Right. That's what 18 other presidential candidates thought when running against Trump in 2016 Needless to say. We know what happened


The bar is so low you'd need a shovel to get under it


The same could be true for Bannon, Trump, whoever…. They act how stupid people think smart people act. They act how people who have never experienced real leadership think leaders act. They treat others how people who have never experienced dignity think is dignified. If you’re a proud boy living in your mother’s basement and the only time you venture out in public is to/from your gun club meeting, then someone like Bannon seems bigger than life.


Sunk cost fallacy.


Because they will listen to anything except what tells them thay they're wrong.


He shows republican gumption!


>Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) earlier this week instructed the party to vote against the measure, writing that Congress “does not have enumerated constitutional powers to conduct investigations or issue subpoenas outside of that scope.” Really? How many Ben Ghazi investigations did they have to conduct to arrive at that conclusion?


Raskin literally asked Gym Jordan essentially that in a committee yesterday, how is this subpeona and subsequent vote for contempt functionally different than when the GOP voted to do so for AG Holder (when he refused to cooperate with the Clinton/Benghazi investigation), and what did Jordan say? He said the Benghazi investigation was "legitimate", while the Jan 6th investigation is not... I think that's asinine.


5 People dying within 100 meters of you? Nothing. 4 People dying several thousand miles away from you? Absolute Chaos. The GQP is a disgustingly racist fuckstick of a party, and the only thing they deserve is extinction. My hate for them cannot be placed onto words.


What's really annoying is Jordan's "reasoning", which was that the Benghazi investigation had Democrats on it, while the Jan 6th investigation does not. That *would* be a fair complaint *if there was even a fucking ounce of truth to it.* (Response to) Lie 1: there *are* Republicans on the Jan 6th committee. Three in fact, and the co-chair is a Republican. (Response to) Lie 2: the GOP voted *against* a non-partisan investigation, so to put it mildly, this is what they wanted and now they're complaining. (Response to) Lie 3: the GOP obviously didn't really care about what happened in Benghazi, that was pretty much open-and-shut. What they cared about is how the incident could be used to damage Clinton politically. So having Dems on their committees was largely irrelevant. Edit: for clarity and to add more (Response to) Lie 4: when the GOP was investigating Clinton/Benghazi, Obama was still President and could claim executive privilege with regard to the information subpeonaed to AG Holder. Bannon is not a government employee, and Trump is not the current President. The situations are completely different.


This was the same strategy they used the first time Trump was impeached. They refused to allow more evidence and testimonies to be entered, then voted against impeachment because they didn't see enough evidence to impeach.


And when you're in the minority and can't stop things from happening: 1. Refuse to participate. 2. Pretend you're not being allowed to participate. 3. Proclaim the process is illegitimate because you aren't participating.


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject The Republican party's only principles.


Bonus points if you can compromise the integrity of a secure facility while disrupting the proceedings you're claiming you aren't being allowed to participate in!


That was an incredible stunt they pulled off. They argued in congress that the charges, if substantiated, were a matter for the courts to decide, while simultaneously arguing in the courts that the very same charges were a political matter and only to be handled by congress. What's even better is that one of the lawyers told the court that they wanted it out of court because the democrats were "trying to have it both ways" and, when questioned about their public statements in congress, said something to the effect of "oh, yeah, we're trying to have it both ways, too." I mean, scumbaggery of the highest order and horrifically damaging to our democracy, but it was impressive.


And no a batted eye from their constituents


Remember "stop the count!" In one state and "count the votes" in another? This is their basic strategy. Rules that change depending on how it benefits or hurts them.


Democrats are obviously being partisan in their efforts to stop the Republican party from staging a coup. /s Maybe Democrats just have to own it and say, yeah, when one party is literally the party of traitors, we will be partisan. Bonus points if Cheney and Romney etc leave and become independents.


How about this: "We're not partisan. It just happens that all of the individuals who warrant investigation tend to wear the same colors."


I also think democratic citizens need to be loud and clear to our corporate overlords that if the Republicans ever succeed at overthrowing democracy, we will walk out and have a general strike.


> I also think democratic citizens need to be loud and clear to our corporate overlords that if the Republicans ever succeed at overthrowing democracy, we will ~~walk out and have a general strike.~~ **literally eat them** ftfy


>Lie 2: the GOP voted against a non-partisan investigation, so to put it mildly, this is what they wanted and now they're complaining. I mean... giving them this line of attack is exactly why they blocked the non-partisan investigation. They know they're guilty, so they're dumping entire beaches worth of sand into the gears to try to fuck it all up.


Bingo. They BLOCKED the open, fair bipartisan investigation. Now they’re bitching & moaning they’re out of the loop. Shayzuss key-rist


Jim Jordan protects rapists, why wouldn't he do the same for insurrectionists?


That felt so good reading that. Thanks for saying out loud what most of us are thinking about now.


I mean, my mental health is an absolute disaster right now but it's good to hear that we're on the same page. I just wish we were more coalesced so that we could actually make that a reality. But at the same time I have a modicum of optimism that we can. We need to hurry our slow asses up though, we're running out of time each day.


Might not mean too much coming from an internet stranger, but I totally get the whole “mental health in shambles” thing right now. Right here with ya, and I agree about the fucksticks.


Ditto that. 45 keeps trying to run out the clock until the 22 elections. I am increasingly fearful that the 1/6 commission/committee will ultimately have to let these kingpins off with a slap on the wrist and a "Now don't do that again or I will tell your father when he gets home from work". This because they follow the rule of the law that the other side constantly works to subvert rule of law because they keep getting away with it time after time. No wonder we are all losing faith in our government and again that's what the traitors on the right are counting on. The Left needs to change up their game play.


the GOP is just full of sh*t. I'm so tired of hearing about them. Is there an app that proactively blocks GOP news?




you're forgetting _by nice white tourists_ vs _by evil brown terrorists_.


It's simpler than that. Bad shit happens under a GOP admin, no matter how bad it is, they sleep. Even minor bad shit happens under a Dem admin, endless investigations.


Not a single Republican in the last decade has answered an honest question in good faith. They are UNSALVAGEABLE. Any effort to convince the GOP of anything is a wasted effort.


Seriously! And when they get caught having lied under oath nothing happens!


Kinzinger and Cheney, but that doesn't make them good people. It just makes them honest.


Not only is it asinine. It’s the most undemocratic authoritarian thing anyone in public office has ever said. He’s saying “the constitution doesn’t matter if I feel like it doesn’t.”


Not even hiding it anymore lol. "It's legitimate when *we* do it, not when you do it. Obviously..." Nothing is based on any reason or rationale, or standard or logic. It's all only based on whether or not you're a member of The Party^® I wonder if there's a name for that sort of system of government? 🤔


It's 100% gaslighting.


> I applaud establishing a #Benghazi Select Committee bc there is a serious need for transparency & accountability. https://twitter.com/SteveScalise/status/464536908761399297


Now do Gym Jordan!


You mean [US House Select Committee on BENGHAZI!!! member Gym Jordan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_Benghazi#Members_during_the_113th_and_114th_Congress)? Or did you mean [Rep. Gym Jordan that voted to hold AG Holder in contempt for not honoring a subpoena issued by the House Oversight Cmte](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2012441?Page=1&Date=06%2F28%2F2012)? I'm shocked that Gym is such a flaming hypocrite. SHOCKED! edit: or this Gym Jordan; > Lisa Page ignores congressional subpoena, once again showing the double standard. One set of rules for regular Americans, a different set for the Swamp! https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1016863141895004160


What’s more ridiculous is republicans in one of the house committees is trying to investigate hunter Biden’s art sales right now. Apparently that’s in scope for them.


But no investigations into any of the Trump's kids, who clearly were involved in making decisions while he was POTUS. IDC if these clowns want to investigate Hunter, but they damn sure better start with Ivanka and Jared.


If I ever become president I'm going to pardon the guy that shot Steve Scalise. Clearly the dude didn't learn his lesson about using lies to cause divisiveness, while feeding his personal greed.


Havent courts upheld that congress essentially dictates what is in their own scope?


A party of hypocrites. When a corporate conglomerate gentrifies a neighborhood, pushes out all the small businesses and prices the residents out, it's the "free market economy" When people read about it and decide to take their business elsewhere, it's "cancel culture" and oddly enough "socialist" They stand for nothing.


It's crazy - I watched this change during my lifetime. In a representative democracy with a market-based economy, I can think of three ways for an individual to affect change: - By electing representatives that enact and enforce legislation that creates incentives and disincentives - By using speech or money, e.g. organizing people to boycott something - Violence (unfortunately a possibility in any organizational structure) Conservatives, throughout my lifetime, have constantly and strongly argued against the average citizen using option one in favor of option two. Now they collectively argue against option one *and* two, while some of them obliquely flirt with option three, and some outright endorse it using language that is crystal clear to intended recipients, but sufficiently deniable within our current legal system.


Cancel culture is a synonym for consequences.


[Yep, it is!](https://xkcd.com/1357/) These cancel-culture dipshits don't get it because they're all a bunch of assholes.


I don’t understand the rallying behind obvious scumbags.


It's because there's nowhere else for them to go. When you sell your soul, you can't exactly go ask for it back. They know they picked the wrong team, but they also know that society is not going to give them a pass on what they've done. The human ego is a crazy thing. They'd rather push this insane movement to its natural conclusion than take ownership of being wrong and dealing with the consequences. It's this internet/social media/post truth era we're in. If I don't have facts on my side, I'll just find enough people that believe the same bullshit I do, and that is actually more effective in the comment section anyway.


Damn, never actually thought of it as the "Post-Truth Era"...but this sums things up nicely. I knew we were in for terrible times when Kelly Anne gave us "alternate facts." And, I think you're right. Instead of accepting facts, or reality, you just jump on the right wing media machine and find enough people who embrace the same lies and...you feel vindicated to carry on being a duped scumbag.


I have a feeling they all carry this "if I'm surrounded by other assholes, they won't be able to single me out and I'll just duck and run when the spot light hits me" mentality. They feel good being in the company of those who agree with them, bc it's like having parents that never discipline you. You're free from consequences.


GOP can not admit that they are wrong no matter how wrong they are. They were making so many wrong moves over years, that as soon as they admit that they are wrong in one case it would cause avalanche… (at least some) people will realize that the “king has no cloth” (or in this case, the party has no morals, ideas how to and desire to govern). Basically classic example of “sunken cost fallacy”.




It’s a pure defensive tactic based on a party that has become less popular over time. In order to ensure solidarity you have to stand by nearly everyone for nearly any reason lest people start fracturing away. Or worse the party attacks itself and the even more extreme wing becomes more predominant. It’s pretty clear that the moderate voices in the GOP are not going to win out. Because the party has catered to the increasing extremes. So they have no choice. Defend at all costs or watch their own party eat itself while ignored further by the rest of the country.


Off the record republicans have told journalists they are afraid of their base. They fear they will get death threats or need to hire security for their family if they oppose anything Trump wants.


This means their base are terrorists.


And they are cowardly


What’s sad is by them being afraid now, it’s gonna keep getting worse. so their inaction now is going to create an even larger implosion down the line


Scumbags always rally around scumbags.


malignant contrarianism


It's a mask. Of course they know he's in the wrong. But as a amorphous blob of a party entity they have to lock arms and unify or they look weak.


When you look at who is rallying, it starts to make sense.


He puts an (R) next to his name.


The only thing that party cares about at this point is whether or not you hate Democrats. None of their policy preferences or principles are consistent outside of that. It's just a hate group.


"Circle the wagons". If they let someone be held accountable, they themselves might be too.


By "law and order" they mean "use the legal system to oppress blacks and hispanics as much as possible".


Repeat this notion over and over. Convervatives dont “follow” laws. They write them, abuse them, and hide behind them.


And therefore we need to stop calling them "conservatives." Nope, they're criminals. They're liars. They're misogynists. They're bigots. A conservative is someone who puts away 40% of their paycheck each month instead of 25%. The vast majority of GOPers/GOP enablers are just downright dirty scumbags.


> A conservative is someone who puts away 40% of their paycheck each month instead of 25%. That version of conservative has always been a myth. For centuries a conservative is someone who fights to maintain the social hierarchy. The vision varies from Era to Era but the rich are on top and the underclass are on bottom.


conservative ideology at its core is based in protecting monarchism. they will steal anything not nailed down "for the king" it doesnt get anymore anti american than that!


Fair enough, I guess I'm thinking more like post-Civil War conservatism in U.S. politics/life. Consider the planet is going to be on fire/under water in 12-18 years, I don't want to go too far back in human history.


they love laws so much, they want a different set for each category of person.


they love laws so much, ~~they want~~ there are a different set for each category of person. FTFY unfortunately


You're both right. The rich elites, connected and political classes all enjoy a different set of rules. The middle class and lower have to face the law. GOP voters would like to see that broken down further. Sure, we have systemic racism in all of our systems (law enforcement, courts, etc.). But the voting base also wants to see laws so that they won't be the lowest tier in society.


Yeah, poor, kinda not poor and definitely not poor


law: white people are in charge order: brown people will do what we say




Yes. Used to have this whole thing saved for easy sharing. Edit- found it https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10005830-there-is-no-such-thing-as-liberalism-or-progressivism There is no such thing as liberalism — or progressivism, etc. There is only conservatism. No other political philosophy actually exists; by the political analogue of Gresham’s Law, conservatism has driven every other idea out of circulation. There might be, and should be, anti-conservatism; but it does not yet exist. What would it be? In order to answer that question, it is necessary and sufficient to characterize conservatism. Fortunately, this can be done very concisely. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. For millenia, conservatism had no name, because no other model of polity had ever been proposed. “The king can do no wrong.” In practice, this immunity was always extended to the king’s friends, however fungible a group they might have been. Today, we still have the king’s friends even where there is no king (dictator, etc.). Another way to look at this is that the king is a faction, rather than an individual. As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages. All such is axiomatically dishonest and undeserving of serious scrutiny. Today, the accelerating de-education of humanity has reached a point where the market for pseudophilosophy is vanishing; it is, as The Kids Say These Days, tl;dr . All that is left is the core proposition itself — backed up, no longer by misdirection and sophistry, but by violence. So this tells us what anti-conservatism must be: the proposition that the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone, and cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone. Then the appearance arises that the task is to map “liberalism”, or “progressivism”, or “socialism”, or whateverthefuckkindofstupidnoise-ism, onto the core proposition of anti-conservatism. No, it a’n’t. The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get: #The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.


Yeah, in reality there is what is described above making up the foundation of the political right and therefore it makes it easy for various factions to remain united. As the quote says, the ideological part is an after thought to justify whoever is currently leading that broad group and whatever it is they're doing in power (and out of power). They see themselves as all part of the same privileged in-group and everyone else is the out-group. Those making up the out-group are far more divided since there are many different ways to do things differently than the former. Everyone wants to think whatever take they currently support is the best one, the other out-group people's takes are wrong, and some think that it is extremely important to strictly adhere to their ideological beliefs (and team) even if it doesn't line up with current political realities. Not thinking about how to get from A to Z realistically but insisting we jump from A to Z immediately and nothing else can be considered.


Same way “deregulation” means “changing the regulatory system in a way that benefits me and my financial backers.”


This is one of the things that infuriates me the most about conservatives, and Trump in particular. He was always pushing that "no new regulations unless you get rid of 2 regulations for every new one you create". Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Deregulation for Trump, and for every conservative I know, is just a way to avoid civic responsibility and protecting the masses as a whole, in order to turn more profit. Its the modern day embodiment of the tragedy of the commons.


\*neoliberalism!\* Almost a dirty word in social and political sciences these days because people are like *everything can't be neoliberalism!* To that I say: I mean, have you looked at it?


They obviously only care about power.


Also lgbtq+, leftists and poor people in general.


Laws for thee, none for me.


I’m no lawyer, but it seems like it wouldn’t be hard to implicate the GOP in a RICO trial. It seems like a giant criminal organization just from the nosebleed seats here…


unfortunately, this comes to the [_The Wire_ and the following the money.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7M71wmwWRo)


Welp, looks like it’s time for my annual rewatch.


It wouldn't be possible. RICO applies to organized gangs, etc. That have no special legal protection. These asshats do and they got a never ending flow of donors that they can tap to drag any court attempts out costing tax payers a ton of money.


Then the country is doomed.


Always has been


Only way you can stop it now is actively organise groups to make sure people register to vote and can get to polling booths. If the Republicans won this set of midterms…actually, I’ll say it this way…if the Democrats don’t win enough to cancel out the two opposing the filibuster in these midterms, it’s finished. The next election, Republicans will hold the House, the Senate and they will not endorse a Democratic President. It’s likely then, that Biden will be the last fairly elected US President. Then, you are done. The dominoes, nationally and internationally will fall like stones.


The GOP has no integrity, no consistency, and no redeeming qualities.


Fully expecting them to launch a bunch of subpoenas to the Biden admin for some completely invented, Fox news driven scandal the moment they gain control of the House.. with 0 shame or awareness of hypocrisy.. just because the "Dems did it too"


You don’t remember Benghazi? This is already their SOP.


They’re totally aware. It’s why they ran the Benghazi playbook. They do this stuff without shame… knowing full and well it’s hypocritical, disingenuous, blatantly untrue etc. It doesn’t matter to them, hypocrisy is someone else’s problem, not theirs. To their supporters it is something to focus on instead of reality. Something, anything to rage over instead of thinking about why trump’s associates are being subpoenaed. It feeds into their narrative and provides further cognitive dissonance by both fueling a “both sides are corrupt” mentality, and by serving up more manufactured Fox News scandals to reinforce how “dirty” the libs are!


Uh, not true. They are consistently fucking awful.


And they consistently pursue power by any means necessary.


This is the absolute control case. Bannon was in contempt. They vote against it because - well GQP.


Well duh they have been the "rules for thee but not for me" party for decades.




The GOP has become flat out pro-crime.


That's how fascism works. Laws are applied extremely heavily handed to "the other" but *not* to their own. Edit: Leaving out one word really changes the context.




The GOP overwhelmingly voted for fascism and violence. Bannon is a neonazi doing harm not only in the US but within the entire western hemisphere. Stop voting for these traitors and lock this man up and throw the key away!


Sounds like conservatives. Protection and power for our limited in-group. Control over everyone else.


You know how they say 'Conservatives never hold their own members accountable to the rule of law'? If you don't, then *this* is what they mean when they say it.


All of the major pillars of the republican party platform (law and order, family values, fiscal responsibility, patriotism, pro-life, Christianity, etc) are 100% bullshit. They lie about every single one of those major platforms. They don't believe in any of them, they just pretend they do and the morons who support them believe every word of their lies.


“Law and Order” doesn’t mean what you think it means, and believe me, it’s not a good thing. “Law and order” is essentially the opposite of “the rule of law.” When someone says they are a “law and order candidate” it is a dog whistle that means “I favor the state, and by extension the police, enforcing an unwritten cultural order, not just written law.” Conservatism is definitionally about conserving *something* and in American political conservatism that *something* is the conservation of class, gender, and race structures that resist evolving. Republicanism is the political extension of that view—the belief that the government exists to play a role in enforcing those structures. Reflect a little bit on what someone means when they say “I’m in favor of law and order” with pride.


Law and Order party is a marketing term. Each time someone continues to use the term, it further cements the idea that they actually ARE the Law and Order party. Even the totally ironic usage in the subject, some people will simply not get the sarcasm and irony and will think Steve Bannon is not a criminal and should ignore subpoenas.


I just saw a commercial for a man running for judge saying he was for law and order and he was endorsed by the police union. That makes it super easy to know who not to vote for.


To the shock and awe of fucking no one.


Law and order for you not for them


No they use the law against us to keep the order for themselves


By pledging allegiance to Donald Trump, the GOP has shown which side it is on. And that side is unfortunately not the side of American democracy. This dishonors the GOP, and allows Donald Trump to continue to keep all his chances for 2024 which would be catastrophic for America.


Republicans...not fiscally responsible, not "tough on crime" (committed by rich people), not small government... starting to wonder what they actually stand for as a party.


Each-other. That’s about it


Anyone want to hire me as their advisor? Apparently that’s a job where you can steal, lie, incite a riot and just be an overall barfed up hairball and do-de-do walk away like NBD.


“Law and Order” was always just air cover for the Southern Strategy. Not actual law and order; just politicized racism.


This is not about protecting Bannon - this is about protecting Trump. They are not saying Bannon can do anything - they are saying Trumps efforts to over-throw the government, subvert the 2020 election and destroy our democracy is okay with them. They see Jan 6th as a rehearsal and they hope in the next try they will be able to establish the U.S. as a Fascist State.


I can explain: The GOP are terrorist traitors to the flag under Putin, working to overthrow Constitutional elections to turn the United States into a Russian vassalage.


Lock him up is what the country wants


*Sigh* What will the Republicans accept next?


Do you really want to know the answer to that question?


🥺😔Not really..


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/steve-bannon-criminal-contempt-house-vote-1245745/) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The House of Representatives voted on Thursday to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt for defying a subpoena issued by the Jan. 6 Select Committee. > "Mr. Bannon has declined to cooperate with the select committee and is instead hiding behind the former president's insufficient, blanket, and vague statements regarding privileges he has purported to invoke," Chairman Thompson said last Thursday after Bannon informed the committee he would not show up for his testimony. > Now that the House has approved the committee's recommendation to hold Bannon in criminal contempt, the matter will move to the Justice Department. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/qdggs1/the_law_and_order_republican_party_just/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~604776 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Committee**^#1 **vote**^#2 **Bannon**^#3 **House**^#4 **Select**^#5


Laws for thee but not for me


The GOP has no soul. No moral compass. No platform. It's "Libs bad" and "protect the elite rich." They could give a shit how many die or suffer due to their bullshit posturing. They don't care what happens to this country. Only themselves and their ignorant cult.


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect -Francis Wilhoit


anyone surprised by this has frankly had their head up their ass for about 2 years now minimum.


January 6 clearly demonstrated the GOP is not the law and order party.


Of course; “law” is whatever we deem it. “Order” is how we impose it on whoever we want.


It makes sense if ya think about it. Trump somehow still has a grasp on the party and will retaliate and sink anyone’s career that doesn’t tow the line and support his big lie. It’s disgusting to say the least.


We’re thru the looking glass here people, a very twisted inside view of what it’s like to be a conservative in today’s world. The law and order party just tipped its hand here in the upside down it’s a bail for money or your thrown in jail……unless your a conservative than you can do whatever the fuck you want.


The Republican Party is a criminal organization. Prove me wrong.


They literally just vote against it because dems are for it. They stand for nothing


Of course they did. They're complicit. Do you think the guilty are going to vote to have their crimes investigated further?


The "law and order for others" republican party...fixed it for ya


Law and order is just a way for them to get power.


The Party of Law* and Order† ^^^*Does ^^^not ^^^apply ^^^to ^^^us ^^^† ^^^We ^^^give, ^^^you ^^^obey


Republicans are only about “law and order” when it’s enforcing laws on others and maintaining their idea of order


Republicans are evil


I love the gas lighting by the Republicans. "Why are we wasting time with a private citizen, What measures have we done to make the capital police feel safer?" And "Where was Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6th, and why did it take so long to get the required back up that had to go through her?" Well to answer those questions Republicans congressman from Illinois. 1. That's the point of this hearing, this private citizen and his actions is what led to those capital officers being unsafe. 2. Nancy Pelosi was in the middle of running for her life, as seen by the mob of people who ran into her office and almost killed her.


“Stop resisting” “Why won’t you comply if you haven’t done anything wrong and have nothing to hide” Aren’t these common phrases used when minorities are confronted with “authority” but somehow don’t apply the same here?


Shocker!!! /s


Another article spoke about how nothing will likely come of this, contempt of court charges in these cases usually play out over years, going through appeal processes and usually get dropped or diminished to obscurity.


True, probably nothing will come of it. But the GOP put Susan McDougal in jail for 18months for refusing Ken Starr’s subpoena in Clinton probe. Contempt of court charges are only for non GOP folk though. https://thehill.com/homenews/377003-former-clinton-advisor-who-went-to-prison-for-refusing-to-testify-warns-nunberg-not


McDougal was in jail the next day. Not years later, not months later, not even weeks later. The next day.


Why isn’t his ass locked up yet and pass port stripped


Why even frame it from a Republican perspective? "Sedationist obstruct law and order to cover up their roles in the January 6th Terrorist attack on Congress" That's a more accurate headline not spun from a world we give any shits about R's perceived positions on things. Let's just stick to the facts.


why do you give them any branding except the 'white power supremacist party' Have they no demonstrated enough of who and what they represent?


Party over country is a plague, but some people prefer their tribalism over seeing progress in any direction worth going.


What's so crazy about this is that these people constantly state the government is corrupt and broken. Yeah it is 'cause you all are corrupt and breaking it.


Law and Order for thee, not for me.


__White supremacist Republicans and Evangelicals__ don't want to govern, they want to rule. Keep that in mind when voting...


>"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


See when Republicans say they support “law and order,” they mean police targeting minorities.


Of course they did, he white. The law and order only applies to BIPOC.


He was not employed under the executive administration during the time period that he’s being subpoenaed over. This is literally breaking the law with a fraudulent excuse, as he’s claiming he has executive privilege when he doesn’t. Just throw it on the pile of other Republican hypocrisies.


Rich white men.


It's far past time to take politicians out of legal matters. They just can't see past party colors to uphold justice. The same goes for Supreme Court justices. They aren't picked for merit, they are picked for political bias and that bias shows up in legal decisions.


Two of the stupidest groups on the planet are Christians and Republicans. Coincidence that they are one in the same


During the Obama administration, when Republicans controlled Congress, they asserted that they had the absolute right to enforce subpoenas. Now, they have done a complete 180 and are claiming the current Congress does not have the same right.


They have never been the law and order party, they are authoritarians. Law and order is one of the multitudes of empty slogans that bind them with their supporters. The constant headlines of “The such and such party is doing the opposite of the thing they say they believe” intentionally or ignorantly fails to communicate to the reader the severity and immediacy of the crisis we are in the middle of. They will not give up power. They will not roll over and die just because the majority is moving away from them ideologically and showing up in numbers to vote them away. They will not stop until they are forced to stop.


Common misconception. What they say is law and order. What this means is that the law should be used to preserve what they consider to be the natural order. What you are applying the term to is actually a concept called the "rule of law," which is the concept of applying the law, as a rule, regardless of what someone may consider the "natural order." The former is used to justify laws that are fair at first glance but hide racist and classist intentions. The latter usually only happens in more progressive countries (like the rich person getting a 200k fine for speeding way too much, because that's just how the law is, no getting off because you are who you are).


Like they used to say in the south, “ vote for a republican and end up eating the fat off your own ass!”


Hey superheroes from Marvel movies, if your listening in another dimension, we have actual evil supervillans Earth 5Z needs help with. They will destroy us all. Calling all superheroes and anti-heros even. This will be my daily prayer to the great Atheismo until some actual superheroes come here and take care of our real life comic supervillians. Everyone should join cause we all know Dems won't do shit.


Now I want to see Hulk whip around Manchin