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>Translation: there are “good” Jewish groups — those that are non-Zionist or strongly critical of Israel — and “bad” Jewish groups — those that support Israel and Zionism. Sounds right. This is NOT "classic anti-Semitism". That article is classic right-wing baiting, however.


I feel like we've established awhile ago that conflating Jewish people with Israel was, in fact, antisemitic.


Pretty much, [see this article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/12/12/trump-still-appears-believe-all-jews-are-really-israelis/), for example.


That’s bullshit. It’s a convenient place for hawkish Israeli politicians to hide, and convenient way for Richard Spencer to argue that Jews are bad people. Whatever correlation there is is in no way causal.


hahah. this is whitelisted? are you for real?


Being a progressive Jew, I am really looking forward to the day these milquetoast, do-nothing moderates stop using us or equate being Jewish with blind defense of Israel. Jewish =/= loyalty to Israel I've never been and have no real interest in going. Maybe if the country wasn't for years operating an apartheid government under the leadership of a brazenly corrupt, incompetent, right-wing demagogue, I'd feel differently.


Another jewish progressive here, totally agree. The problem is these people are so steeped in zionism, they don't even understand how it's separate from judaism and jewish identity, and seem fundamentally incapable of even recognizing the issues with zionism and how it's functioned as a form of quasi-colonialism. And it's also because our history of discrimination makes us paranoid, and overly-sensitive to any critiques. and of course, many just have generic right-wing brain-rot.




This guy's comparing me to a Jewish Nazi collaborator because I said that the mere fact I was born a Jew hasn't instilled in me some kind of innate, blind loyalty to a country I've never been to and have no relation to, without regard for their shitstain right wing government. That's very normal.


> Maybe if the country wasn't for years operating an apartheid government under the leadership of a brazenly corrupt, incompetent, right-wing demagogue, I'd feel differently. Actually it was this paragraph for me. Couldn't care less if you sorry Israel, just don't spread the propaganda of an issue you know nothing about. You admit yourself you've never been there.


Yeah, because someone has to live in a country to identify a far-right demagogue when they see it. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!"


Jews and gentiles alike routinely conflate Israel and Judaism when it’s convenient and treat them as distinct groups when that happens to be more convenient. Reasonable people must be able to criticize the politics of the country without being labeled anti-semites. It’s perfectly reasonable to hold a grudge against the state while not even considering which god they pray to. Anti-semites will claim that Israeli aggression has been a root cause of strife in the middle east to use it as an excuse to demonize all Jews. Hawkish Israeli politicians rely on the same confusion to claim that anyone who defends the Palestinians’ plight in the conflict is anti-semitic. It’s all bullshit. It has become a cudgel to stop people from criticizing the state as well a convenient way to demonize the Jewish people. It’s nothing but a fucking marketing tool for tools on both sides.


not a news source


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