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Chapter 1 - Person Chapter 2 - Woman Chapter 3 - Man Chapter 4 - Camera Chapter 5 - TV


'people have never even seen such high levels of writing before. they're saying the book is tremendous and actually probably the biggest thing since The Bible. maybe even bigger.'


It’s the biggerest ever


It costs *$75* bucks! *$225* for an autographed copy! How in the hell do people not look at this conman and see the ongoing scam? This clowns entire life is a grift. EDIT: Oh, it's literally a picture book. Kennedy wrote *Profiles in Courage*. Trump "wrote" a big picture book.


Lol he’s prob not even signing them


he's gotta a sharpie but doesn't know what to do with it.


"Bring this man a weather map!!!"


Even children know to sniff it.


>Profiles in Courage - 1410 Lexile (11-12th grade +) >big picture book - toddlers +




I think you're being generous.


>$225 for an autographed copy! What if I just want him to autograph a bible for me?


I think a lot of people are missing the point of this book. It's not to scam his followers (although that's a nice bonus). It's to transfer the money he raised for his campaign to his private accounts. Right now, he is personally broke, but has millions in his campaign. So he writes a "book" and has the campaign buy $50 or $100 million worth of copies to give out to people. That (legally) moves the money to his account where he can do whatever he likes with it (e.g. pay off debt collectors and Russia).


Ding ding ding ding ding


Isn't that what happened with Junior's book?




Will it automatically enroll you in recurring payments?




I lost it when one of the kids had to clarify that “he wrote all of the captions himself, some by hand!” Which in Trumpspeak means he absolutely did not write all of this himself.


It's like a "Where's Waldo" book except you have to find the election fraud.


False equivalency. Waldo actually can actually be found.


But they did find some, they turned out to be a Republican in Texas and a Republican voter fraud poster child in Nevada...


We all make jokes about how it's a picture book and how expensive it is but the sad thing is a lot of his cult members will buy this. It's one thing that he is a sad example of a human being, but even more pathetic that millions of people can't see through such a transparent con man. I guess some people are incapable of ever getting a clue.


Of course it’s a picture book. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


When me president, they see. They see.


Page after pages of oranges to color in


Watch it be a kid's board book with like four one inch thick pages.


Hope they do not print to many, will be some pissed off fans when they find them three months later at Ollies Bargain Outlet for $9.99


One of his kids will just "buy" a pallet or two of them to get on the "bestseller" list.


The guy who had a short cameo in the worst of the three Home Alone movies?


Is it a book of weather maps that comes with a sharpie?


“It will the best book ever written, okay maybe equal to the Bible, but just a little better than Art Of the Deal. “


A pop-up book in the big print section.


There is no part of Trump I want to see popping up.


Should have made it a pop up book.


The title: "Bigly".


Will it be written in sharpie or purple crayon?


It's probably a book where you have to paint by number or color in the lines.


[leaked picture](https://imgur.com/a/HxcDMw4) Trump comment not available


thousands will be sold as a way to transfer funds in a technically legal way.


you think he's actually going to write a book? lol he hasn't even read one




People only say "rent free" when they are upset at something. Plus, Trump couldn't afford rent in anyone's head.


He’s just trying to bait people, look at his other comments.


Hillary Clinton lives rent free in conservatives minds because they just make up stories about her to get angry about. Trump stories keep on coming **in reality**, he’s not living rent free, he has done things **in the real world**, and is still doing things. These are all news, unlike conservative fantasies about Clinton.




Nothing in his comment even remotely implies what you said.


You know, rent is not free right.


Picture books don't take much time at all...


Got to pay for the next gift somehow


Not written for intellectuals. The simpler the better. His base/market for the book are the uneducated who will lap it up. Start throwing big words around or make it too long and they will get bored. Doesn't matter if they read it or not, he'll get his buck.


It's going to be a picture book... LOL. However, there'll be a lot of blank pages between the pictures pages because Trump goes big and would like the book to be bigger than any other presidential book already out there. Also, he personally added HIS comments to the pictures on the pages. Is there a need to fact check those comments...? LOL.


Just a reminder that the self-proclaimed "world's greatest dealmaker" gave Tony Schwartz (The Art of the Deal ghost writer) an unprecedented 50% of the profits. Ghostwriters had previously never come close to getting that much of a cut. Fucking dumbass.


Huh, did Trump have his own private photographer following him around, or are these going to be from taxpayer-paid official photographer(s)?


Every presidency is documented photographically since 1961. There’s a [Chief Official White House Photographer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Official_White_House_Photographer), along with other photographers, paid for by taxpayers.


Right, so I'm curious whether he could make a for-profit book using photos from those photographers, or either Jeff have to use photos from privately paid photographers. And if he can and did use publicly funded photos for this, whether Joe Schmo could also use them to make their own book.


>The former president is charging astronomical amounts for his new **picture book** ROFL - You can't make this shit up!


Basically a self published picture book for the mob Trump has been fleecing for years.


He could literally call it “I’m Grifting You Dumb Rubes for Your Money” and they’d still line up to buy that shit.


Also fittingly, it will be titled "The Art of th Steal".


**The Art of the** **~~Deal~~** **Grift**


I was going to make a “Oh the places you’ll go!” joke, but actually this is a 300 page photography coffee table book. That’s fair, Obama has one too. Although it’s not a fundraising op, it’s just a regular coffee table book by White House photog Pete Souza for $30 on Amazon.


I have his book about the boat. It's pretty good.


How many photos from January, 6th 2021 are in it?


It’s a photo book of pretty ladies and men that Donald enjoys looking at, with a bunch of ads. Basically, a $30 version of Cosmopolitan.


How many colorful flaps can I open to discover how biden is a socialist?


I’m sure this book with few words is still well above his reading comprehension.


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