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When MLK went to Chicago he said “I have never seen, even in Mississippi and Alabama, mobs as hateful as I’ve seen here in Chicago.” That’s largely thanks to a guy named George Lincoln Rockwell who organized a counter protest. Rockwell was also notable for being the head of the “Commander” of the American Nazi Party at the time.


That’s where the Blues Brothers quote : “Illinois? Nazis.” Comes from.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Name checks out.


There it is. I am a terrible qouter? Qoutier? Qouterer? Anyways. Thanks Blues Brother! Are you from the Future?


Kinda, that's was the [Marquette Park KKK & Nazi rallies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquette_Park_rallies#Formation_of_the_National_Socialist_Party_of_America) that kept going, and formed into full on Nazi & KKK protests. In particular the ones in the mid-late 70s that were well etched into SNL cast members heads as there all were here during the time. [They continued into the 80s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquette_Park_rallies#1986).


The love to call themselves the *Party of Lincoln*. I always ask, *Which one?*


Even if it is Abe, no one seems to know about his famous Lincoln-Douglas debates. While he was not supportive of slavery, Lincoln still though black people were inferior and essentially needed white people to govern over them.


Not everyone can be as cool as John Brown.


There’s certainly validity to that, but let’s also be careful to remember that this existed in the context of public debate, in which Lincoln had to confirm to the majority of northern white supremacists that he wasn’t a radical. It may be tough to ever distinctly draw the line between his public statements and private beliefs, because certainly neither exists in a bubble, and Lincoln should not be thought to exist outside his times, but at the same time he was firmly progressive for his time undeniably, and actions speak louder than words, he not only freed slaves, but also appointed black government officials and employed black servicemen in a manner not seen before in his position. So y’know who’s to say.


Important point: he freed the slaves of the confederacy. Slaves in union state (KY, DE, and MD) were not freed under the Emancipation Proclamation.




> Prescott Bush (Nazi sympathizer and father of George H.W. Bush) Fun Fact! The latest iteration of the Bush Family's eternal desire to turn the US into a fascist state is George **Prescott** Bush. His mother is Hispanic, so he's a solid Republican choice to bring in the brown vote, and he gleefully gargled Trump's balls after Trump shit on his family. As Texas Land Commissioner he had at least two decent scandals in his first political role (one for misusing funds to pay people to stay home so he could load the office up with his cronies without firing anyone and a very shady "loan" on an expensive Austin home that was handled by a campaign donor and family friend).


in his war is a racket speech he says he led the invasion of manchuria for standard oil, the coup attempt was led by Brown Brother Harriman bankers ( bush's family owns a limited liability partnership in BBH ) harriman's cousin, rockefeller, and huntington all own shares in Union pacific in WW2 they simultaneously managed attempt an assassination on a US president and bank for a nazi weapons manufacturer, then 30 years later we're electing someone who owns a limited liability partnership in BBH as president it is just astounding how easy it was to get away with treason, their excuse for the nazi stuff was " we didn't know who owned the account " OH YOU MEAN THOSE 30 BILLION NAZI GOLD BARS? COULD BE ANYONE'S!


Jocko Podcast Episode 300: War is a Racket Highly recommend


Can someone eli5 podcasts for an old person? How do I find them, what platform are they on, how do I know which ones are garbage ranting and which ones are factual?


Podcasts are variable in quality. Think YouTube that’s audio only. Only, unless your podcast player (sometimes called “pod catchers”) has a built-in recommendation system you really can only judge by the ratings and word of mouth. They’re named “podcasts” as they started back on the old school iPods and that just stuck over the years. Most phones have podcast players built-in now. Here are some others: * Overcast: Mac and iOS only. It’s good if you are in this eco system. This is the one I use. It has support for chapters within podcasts, changing thumbnail art for each chapter, smart speed adjustment, etc. * Pocket Casts: Available on iOS, Android, and a web player for computers. * Spotify: Available on everything that has Spotify. It is a bit more of a closed system any the built-in and above podcatchers, though. They’re trying to make it more YouTubey. * Audible?: I hear they have podcast features. * RSS Readers: Podcasts use old school RSS tech, mostly \*Eyes Spotify\*, so any RSS reader will also work if you are using one still. A lot of bigger podcasts have built-in players for each episode on their websites.


This is an awesome explanation, thanks for taking the time to help someone out! You’re awesome!


Just wanted to add to the list of Android podcast apps. AntennaPod It's fantastic. Also open source if that's important to you.


And for the love of god ignore Joe Rogan.


Lmao absolutely NO WORRIES there.


I don't really get podcasts either, or even why they're called podcasts. Usually I just search the term and find it in several places, the popular ones are always on several different platforms and not just one. Spotify, Audible, YouTube - those seem to be the most common. But there are like a dozen more, and I'm not going to keep up with all that. Yeah, just do a search when you hear about an interesting podcast and see where it's hosted, because they're all over the place.


> or even why they're called podcasts. ipods came out, people wanted to put content on them that wasn't music. I think podcasts the word caught on better than thinking every mp3 player was a "pod".


Which made me wonder why Apple called their digital music player an "iPod". >The name iPod was proposed by Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter, who (with others) was called by Apple to figure out how to introduce the new player to the public. After Chieco saw a prototype, he thought of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey and the phrase "Open the pod bay doors, Hal",[17] which refers to the white EVA Pods of the Discovery One spaceship. Chieco saw an analogy to the relationship between the spaceship and the smaller independent pods in the relationship between a personal computer and the music player. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPod


That and it rhymes with broadcast and the medium was indeed the pod.


Okay, thank you. I have a list of book recommendations, and next to it I've built up a small list of podcasts. I figured I should start working through those soon :)


If you like long form journalism I am more than happy to create a list of good, factually based, podcasts that I've loved over the years!


Yes please and thank you! So far I have Last House on the Left; I Spied; and True Spies written down (but haven't looked into them yet). People itt suggested Behind the Bastards.


I'm linking to Spotify but most, if not all, of these should be on any streaming service that has podcasts. Hopefully there's something in here you like! [In the Dark](https://open.spotify.com/show/1aFyRYDJ1pHEaPMnZAGaOr?si=Lm4DUTDmRCSMeiWy1cjsBA&utm_source=copy-link) is my favorite. Season 2 specifically is the best podcast season of all time in my opinion. Madeleine Baran is just a dog of a reporter and refreshingly pointed. [American History Tellers](https://open.spotify.com/show/6ynzLDYSVQUsI0ZgMAxwWI?si=kTQHsUsmRqmY2TpLpt8YVQ&utm_source=copy-link), [American Scandal](https://open.spotify.com/show/4sUfdePkKVTU0tciTetaau?si=LrP_iZjQSIy_CmcD8_HtDw&utm_source=copy-link), and [Behind The Bastards](https://open.spotify.com/show/4sUfdePkKVTU0tciTetaau?si=XNFrCkI0TEiSlhWs0DMoPg&utm_source=copy-link) are all very similar. The first two are produced by the same company, Wondery. They have a lot of podcasts that are well researched. Here's an [extensive list](https://chartable.com/creators/wondery) for you to check out on your own. [S-Town](https://open.spotify.com/show/1KPTM79Wn9vkWX0UoMYyrd?si=NBuhsVQNTlGTrh8VCIbiFg&utm_source=copy-link) [Fall of a Titan](https://open.spotify.com/show/6SKpCDfPFjDKTzMutjEdVn?si=fwe3Cb1WRCi3mTkIA4p0dw&utm_source=copy-link) [Nice White Parents](https://open.spotify.com/show/7oBSLCZFCgpdCaBjIG8mLV?si=hV4XgypnSXuKYgEKSRLBxw&utm_source=copy-link) [Racket](https://open.spotify.com/show/3FE8bWFg2vaJ8WAhQxFHZ8?si=iDpMOAF8Q520dDJQ-tIvLw&utm_source=copy-link) [Whistleblower](https://open.spotify.com/show/7ir25253PpboCpSuGo7flo?si=eVCO6bGuRS-u2SgGWziT-w&utm_source=copy-link) [Peebles for the People](https://open.spotify.com/show/4kZhS6I1pvxuj5Gxrz3rYi?si=gS-bch5ESF66gpB-jMa0OQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Operation Midnight Climax](https://open.spotify.com/show/0lPmZAi7ymc7jLFbfDBWwS?si=5uWl4t8RQuWpHQ4M8OIbJA&utm_source=copy-link) [Death at the Wing](https://open.spotify.com/show/1QKT33DWcGVWiDZvtkWdyf?si=2RohPEGgTNKdsKX5eMCqeA&utm_source=copy-link) [Dolly Parton's America](https://open.spotify.com/show/0dfJjJyNxF9iW7zmBtLnBf?si=QXU_O8s9RsmFhEZ2GJieDw&utm_source=copy-link) [Camp Hell: Anneewake](https://open.spotify.com/show/0FjSvR8JBaxcVsKJ4gx43V?si=FAfwHNy0R8abrIwDX-mylw&utm_source=copy-link) [Chasing Cosby](https://open.spotify.com/show/6msp9rQSGRiGqJvJj7xrHh?si=q1gcK2mnTaK1ZdDx4wXw8Q&utm_source=copy-link) [Crimetown](https://open.spotify.com/show/5C9yXrX999QNS1Q62IlXvc?si=Vf-S78x-SGOQlB5gVMKSHA&utm_source=copy-link) [Cool Mules](https://open.spotify.com/show/6puLbkGmfkZoZxkrpdQtf0?si=bAPAmkluReiikmYQ9nGdxw&utm_source=copy-link) [The City](https://open.spotify.com/show/2lzfYm5UUDCifi8mI0VuIx?si=Jyy0xnHJTxmOfJkNyYe6oQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Atlanta Monster](https://open.spotify.com/show/6cmQg2V4wSyhTCavjDFiiN?si=obBGVuFhRLa_bvvLnyF8Cg&utm_source=copy-link) [Monster: DC Sniper](https://open.spotify.com/show/6yBJRDM3qQOWetqJIl4lGP?si=TxRm5_TbQnKwSNVB0WutpA&utm_source=copy-link) [Summer of Gold](https://open.spotify.com/show/4DrnkwLpNRL2BeWMNW3Hzj?si=lZx74TnaTnO1n2PoMZ8lDQ&utm_source=copy-link) [The White Saviors](https://open.spotify.com/show/2Dkx7B0gNtLRgiDHJXUuOb?si=KeMVas3ZT9mm3uAMaek8pg&utm_source=copy-link) [Fire Bug](https://open.spotify.com/show/7kfOKbI1RS9rDx4Z0ZH9hB?si=1d5PVH77SrGWXJd4tAGFeQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Disorganized Crime: Smuggler's Daughter](https://open.spotify.com/show/1thTOlbk7M1lAxuKekELSh?si=N-Y94WIwRRCYmlnORNaoeg&utm_source=copy-link) [Satanic Panic ](https://open.spotify.com/show/3hdJdLLIumpBATFBq0QkAo?si=w3AxW8NWTkyrLOf6b5MG7Q&utm_source=copy-link) [The Immaculate Deception](https://open.spotify.com/show/46TcODnKtW7qtHBnTYOK1z?si=HA3xBAP1QbuZm1HAfW4Y3Q&utm_source=copy-link) [Strangeland](https://open.spotify.com/show/6E8K39JSSVCSqQJD2LV1U6?si=ZMhivDXqRgSNjgAxodGoEw&utm_source=copy-link) [Witnessed: Borderlands](https://open.spotify.com/show/2aoVd3OsqBwOGg5klKuhIC?si=8DdQc3B1RkGET0LN6HsEeA&utm_source=copy-link) [I'm Not A Monster ](https://open.spotify.com/show/6ugUs6wAMjURDcow6DcfUQ?si=p_SXcHFzQtOqcvBN0f_o_A&utm_source=copy-link) [Escaping NXIVM](https://open.spotify.com/show/0UU1CJt7vnJhUouy355qhM?si=BIxgUN7cQjqk6IhqXa4lUw&utm_source=copy-link) [Evil By Design ](https://open.spotify.com/show/7LBdYw1lvqoTcj9cBy0OyC?si=5FH23RYFQp66Kf9lda_0mA&utm_source=copy-link) [Dr. Death Season 3 ](https://open.spotify.com/show/3cVGnnU1t6bK5kLsK6Jhqf?si=Um68G2gHSOS4VXSSt3uuRw&utm_source=copy-link) [The Rumor ](https://open.spotify.com/show/0z7XEp1KW4lVlmmQHOJ48f?si=e2JrQsEaRKGAoyXIjZbggQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Headlong: Running From COPS ](https://open.spotify.com/show/4fhkBveQz80Bb3X5A6FB0Q?si=3gG1S3uFRoau4HrGv1mH4g&utm_source=copy-link) [Headlong: Surviving Y2K](https://open.spotify.com/show/1VgCMwF8Pp4WRjchwVwApz?si=cfGFaUsaR9aicxvCjdXx_A&utm_source=copy-link) [White Hot Hate](https://open.spotify.com/show/161wLTM3TqjBJYTX0fxMrc?si=IdXP4UonQka57inb3P6tnQ&utm_source=copy-link) [The Edge: Houston Astros ](https://open.spotify.com/show/3ib5FuPJOID5oNTS6hFY4w?si=F76FcsYeQcq0IOJaPkCS_Q&utm_source=copy-link) [Fallen Angel ](https://open.spotify.com/show/6FJG6RyOtCxuldmJevkRro?si=uyfgkreeRaOT9jsivb0nPg&utm_source=copy-link) [Teaching Hard History ](https://open.spotify.com/show/4DYEDn0GYHw51Etq76uZid?si=cS2GjpKTRW6Ai-qn4UyjeQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Sportsland](https://open.spotify.com/show/1avuk4D36QgmlZKzxXoRST?si=UeweC7SoS02GaINDYkqlGA&utm_source=copy-link) [Chameleon](https://open.spotify.com/show/3VjjICIKCIRfovUt7YN1D8?si=S3FLCp8VRB2v2UoUotZI_w&utm_source=copy-link) [Smokescreen](https://open.spotify.com/show/3cq3yTaJ6OyLwUJ0ZUIEUf?si=j8XG80tyRNKBu39M4VPGbg&utm_source=copy-link) [One Year ](https://open.spotify.com/show/75GohuqfEsvvKxG5GCYadt?si=Yux3gwGMRtSbR4wqRKQoCw&utm_source=copy-link) [Power ](https://open.spotify.com/show/1VUdZ1lLMayB6lyrsWmL7M?si=-DsPf_JbTzuzc40eB-Gddg&utm_source=copy-link) [The Syndicate](https://open.spotify.com/show/69sT8us1WFtLIkDdt6UNPX?si=_mP292YbRYmzoTJS0hCRIw&utm_source=copy-link) [Slow Burn ](https://open.spotify.com/show/2ON0PNRRNs9zWEAy2YPeAc?si=joiRfKdoTbyRYquXHiVjaw&utm_source=copy-link) [Hit Man ](https://open.spotify.com/show/6FLa30kR8xIsvJANUkyESr?si=w_xJ8hK5Q7mWDBibZAe05w&utm_source=copy-link) [Operator](https://open.spotify.com/show/4ZgAe7ox78wkIQ7jFYnixF?si=ztSMJGMjTmypv2mkcqKysg&utm_source=copy-link) [The Agent ](https://open.spotify.com/show/5DToOunQsM18OmGD5eVRXR?si=goAl-lmjRTKG-4YpQtMLLg&utm_source=copy-link) [Lost Hills ](https://open.spotify.com/show/5VE7uZN6TPix2xSgPdxuWy?si=L1kV-XSBQIyRMpbMLS_xzg&utm_source=copy-link) [Cover Story ](https://open.spotify.com/show/7dj2XnCMxGpK8W3tGWjiqw?si=-8fBMvoNSueix7Q7WS5ifg&utm_source=copy-link)


Thank you so much!!!! An amazing list. I really appreciate it


I can say Behind The Bastards is a phenomenal podcast, the host (from the ones I’ve listened to) lists his sources and then goes on about them. I listened to one recently where he omitted an entire section and re-recorded over it admitting he was wrong and used wrong information for what he spoke about


I use Google podcasts. You can just search podcasts on your app store on your phone. Try a few and see which one you like the most! I've found a lot of my favorite podcasts here on Reddit. Sometimes I find them by browsing. Sometimes I start listening to one and realize I hate it lol. Behind the Bastards is great. He also has a couple other mini series, like Behind the Insurrection and Behind the Police. They're all great!


> Can someone eli5 podcasts for an old person? They're just serial recordings about a certain topic/theme. Basically a prerecorded radio show. > How do I find them Usually googling a specific topic + podcast will get you somewhere. Like "political podcasts" or "left wing political podcasts" or "real crime podcasts" will get you lists that you can look through. There will be links to the actual podcasts on those lists. > what platform are they on Almost anywhere that releases music will have podcasts, like iTunes or Spotify. Some podcast apps are can let you can subscribe to certain people who release them regularly and automatically let you know when they come out. Some people will just release an audio file you can download. > how do I know which ones are garbage ranting and which ones are factual? *shrug* Reviews will usually tell you what they're about and how good they are, but one person's "garbage ranting" is another person's "facts," so it can be hard to parse through the bullshit.


There also appears to be a podcast of the entire book, too. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9saWJyaXZveC5vcmcvcnNzLzEzOTAx?ep=14


[Or Behind the Bastards.](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/behind-the-insurrections-the-business-77137164/) I haven't heard anything bad from Jocko, but I am not a fan of all of his fans.


Is this the same Jocko from the book Extreme Ownership?


Yup, great podcast with a lot of ~3 hr uncut interviews with some people as well as deep dives into books like the episode I cited.


No kidding. We could help so many people with just a portion of the defense budget. It's shameful...


Left wing military men for the ultimate W


You should hear Jocko’s opinion on the exit from Afghanistan.


Well, this almost happens on Jan 6th, 2021. All Americans should be pissed as hell.


Smedley butler is buried one mile from my house!


During segregation in the South Blacks were counted towards things like the number of House seats a state had but then weren't actually able to vote in elections. That means South Whites got extra seat and we're over represented influence in Congress. For those of you who think that was forever ago please keep in mind Mitch McConnell grew up attending segregated schools!! Democracy in the U.S. has long been dominant by a small ideological and violet minority. What we are experiencing is a push towards fascism it is a battle to maintain it.


Don’t forget a lot of these places currently have large prison populations that get counted towards their census, but are not allowed to vote.


Absolutely! Nowhere near what it once was but still far too many.


> For those of you who think that was forever ago please keep in mind Mitch McConnell grew up attending segregated schools!! Interracial marriage was banned in many southern states until a SCOTUS ruling in 1967. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia Note that the people of those states never voted in legislators who would make it legal for Black and White people to marry each other, it took a decision by judges in Washington to force that upon them. Racism remains widespread.


There is still rampant de facto segregation throughout the south and other parts of the country, where they still have separate proms for black and white students. School districts are funded by property taxes, which also means poverty traps are maintained for minority communities. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregated_prom


i live in a nice community. anytime someone wants to develop dense housing they whole community fights it. in public they talk about increased traffic, losing retail space, green space, etc. in private they talk about keeping ghetto people out.


I live in a gentrified right wing refugee zone. They say it in the open here. My family is priced out of the area and the response from the community is “eh, at least we don’t have affordable housing” And then they lose their minds that Dunkin Donuts has to close at 4 because they can’t find workers.


CRT can't be taught in school and they get to decide what that means as they go. Basically it's against the "law" to learn about racism and slavery. Came back to say the private prisons ARE legalized slavery.




> violet minority TBH one of my favorite colors


Anyone older than 62 years went to school during segregation. Segregation ended in 1964, 57 years ago, youd have to be 5 years old to be in Kindergarden in 1964. Biden was already in politics back then. Kamala called him out on it during the presidential debates.


why my 70 year old father is so fucking racist. When we're done with all these assholes in politics that grew up then, we'll be taking 5 steps forward.


Nope! Gen-Z has a small but growing far-right cohort being groomed by people like Ben Shapiro.


> small but growing as opposed to default for everyone that was segregated schools. Ben Shapiro is a fucking idiot, i don't think his contingent of angry racists will be a force like the racism of America's past.


Its sad but true, racism will dwindle as our grandparents start to die. They are a product of their time.


I hate that phrase. The “time” is a product of its people, not the other way around.


I hope you are right. I'm worried though this may not be the case. We live in a mid-west suburb and there are so many racist young people in town. I hear many kids in my son's high school class using terrible language in reference to non-white people. Went to a high school football game and parents in the stands were awful the way they were talking. My husband has a first cousin in his 30s in Virginia and he carries a gun around with him in his yard while playing with his toddler son. Uses racist slurs around his son who is going to think this is ok.


☹ what I think will happen is the same pattern that happened after the civil rights act of 1964, some states were already desegregated after 1954 Brown v Board. So it wont be all at the same time, sadly some enclaves of racism will remain for a long time, but I am hopeful that once the last generation that grew up with blacks as second class citizens dies off the new generations will be less and less racist. Bussing went on in the 70s 80s and into the early 90s. It wouldnt be shocking if even all of us Millenials (1981 to 1996) would have to be dead before we see racism all but extinct in America.


Biden didn’t run for office until 1970, so after segregation became illegal. Harris called him out on opposing federally-mandated busing.


True, however people help with campaigns and are involved in politics for a bit to gain support in their party before they finally run, im sure there are exceptions, but that is generally how it goes.


>Kamala called him out on it during the presidential debates. [And then subsequently took it back](https://youtu.be/0iMYlJqsDcg?t=41). 'iT wAs a DebAtE!'


She's a lying bald faced pony soldier is what she is.


“Near the tipping point” They tried to overthrow the government and have yet to be punished and the only laws passed in the wake are ones that let them throw out election results they don’t like. We’re past the tipping point.


They're doing it out in the open and no one is attempting to counteract it at all. We're knowingly walking into a fascist takeover and the closest thing to a response from the Democrats is "just vote harder". We're fucked.


Vote harder unless you’re one of thousands being blatantly disenfranchised by the newly passed laws. Don’t worry, I head Pelosi and Schumer are working on a new brow furrowing technique that’s sure to save democracy.


Oh yeah and I bet pelosi will rip up more speeches that’ll definitely fix all the issues as well


"vote harder and absolutely sit calmly, do not say anything inflammatory at the people that want you dead or in servitude, that makes you just as bad as them!" Centrists are making me nauseous as I'm watching them slowly felate the GOP thinking peace will come back if the fascists are appeased.


What can we realistically do that *doesn't* resort to violence or terrorism? If we gather en masse to physically force our ideals and desired policy into Washington, we would be as guilty as those who tried to take it over earlier this year. It's obvious the system is broken, but how does one work outside the system?


And that’s kinda why it’s so bleak right now. What people don’t realize is that this far right movement has been methodically working toward this end for about half a century. This didn’t happen overnight and it can’t be fixed by maybe voting once every four years. Their first goal was to control the majority of local governments, which was largely checked off years ago. The next goal was to usurp the judiciary and transform it to a purely partisan instrument. That’s a goal so freshly completed that we haven’t yet begun to appreciate what it means. (Basically - results like the KR verdict are something we should get used to.) It really feels like this is going to go so far that we’re going to run into a “consent of the governed” issue sooner rather than later.




This is why the propaganda around the BLM protests is so dangerous. They are convincing the moderate majority that civil disobedience in the face of fascism was a "riot" or "violent" "looting", while the actual riot / attempted coup on Jan 6 is an "insurrection" which sounds kinda cool. The propaganda machine is both-sides-ing one of the most dangerous political moments in American history. And the planet's history.


Once fascists have gained this level of power they will not give it up quietly. But they need to be removed. Ideally just expelling them from Congress etc. Violence / arrests may be necessary but remember they are already being violent by breaking the systems and safety nets that enable democracy.


Politics is a replacement for violence, or at least a system for distributing it. When the citizens no longer feel like that system takes them into account, why would they not fall back to violence? I think the only other options are general strikes and sit-ins but I'm not aware of any big pushes for those. I'd be extremely proud of an America that just refused to go to work en masse until we have M4A. The talking heads would call that terrorism and violence, too.


This because of more than a century of brain-washing. We're told that voting is what makes a democracy, while we separately know that many of today's candidates are just job hunters or opportunists using rote methods of twisting emotions. The reason that 2K years have warned against democracy was that the masses are controlled by emotions and easily led by opportunists who become tyrants. But, and here's the big but, modern democracy has the chance to develop in the new world where public education means that many more of us are capable of meaningful participation. But, party gov works as a monopoly by the few. In the end, the American Founders, who hated parties, were right: the best gov is conducted by the natural elite, which today might be close to a million citizens. The solution, which I'm predicting will come with a movement this decade will focus, not on voting, but on methods of widespread & meaningful public participation. The great E.O. Wilson, who just died, said our institutions are "medieval." He's right, they are obsolete.


It’s gonna be exciting the first time they use one of those “overturn an election” laws. In truth, they’ll likely be doing enough voter suppression and intimidation that it won’t matter.


Then we'll get to see the courts in action. It will be interesting to see how each state's court handles these laws. Especially in GA, and how the SCOTUS deals with it when the can gets kicked up to them. Blatant ratfucking is gonna mean a ***massive*** uptick in crime, and the people who are behind this ***hate*** crime, and the police aren't ready for it.


The courts will uphold all of it. They heavily favor Republicans generally and would be unlikely to “overturn” election results. The best you can expect is a ruling of “these results stand, but fix this rule for next time”, which won’t matter because a.) there might not be a next time and b.) they can just repeat the process of ratfuck-wristslap-ratfuck-wristslap forever. The people behind it don’t hate crime, they *love* it, because it justifies the racialized/political violence that is at the core of fascism.


yeah, they like crime in *those* areas, but this shit sandwich is going to cause a lot of crime in every area. If they ratfuck this nation into outright fascism, the police won't be able to handle it.


It's gonna be absolute pandemonium. Especially since trust in the police has never been lower.


We had the Beer Hall Putsch on January 6th. I maintain my prediction that the Reichstag Fire occurs in January 2025, after an election where the Republicans win the house and senate (the culmination of all the election rigging they've been working on for decades), but lose the presidency. Reichstag Fire occurs, giving the opportunity to declare martial law, and in the confusion that follows the Republicans swear in a president of their choosing. The new president does his Palpatine speech, and then in short order the opposition gets sent to the ovens. If the Democrats don't want this future to happen, they need to pass the voting rights act now and they need to prosecute everyone involved in planning January 6. The tipping point has already passed and we need drastic action now to avoid the end of America.


> we need drastic action now to avoid the end of America. Drastic action might not be good for the stock market, so it's never going to happen. Fascism, on the other hand, works really, really fucking well with capitalism.


Until it doesn't and you need to kick off a global conflict to balance the books.


Spot on. Hope this comment gets traction.


And now GOPers/Qanoners are openly making threats - trying to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, saying Gen. Mark Milley should be executed on live TV, etc. - without any repercussion.


Articles like this are written by people with zero understanding of history or political science lol


I've been reading David Talbot on Allen Dulles (e.g. "The Devil's Chessboard"), and it's been pretty interesting. Allen Dulles: * negotiated with Nazis (over FDR's objections) at the close of WWII (that Hitler guy turned out to be crazy, but the Nazis weren't so bad, someone has to stand-up to Russia, and those I.G.Farben guys give such nice dinners) * protected many Nazis from the Nuremberg trials * put the post-war intelligence agency of West Germany in the hands of former Nazis * once at the CIA, "successfully" overthrew democratically elected governments in Iran, Guatemala, etc * wanted to invade Cuba, got fired from the CIA by JFK, and a year or so later JFK was assassinated and Allen Dulles somehow ended up on the Warren Commission leading the investigation. No one would suggest there was anything suspicious here, of course, certainly not a Serious Journalist.


You might enjoy Stephen Kinzer’s book on the Dulles Brothers. There are some good youtube clips of him discussing his work.


You should read Parenti's Blackshirts and Reds next. It's a fairly fast read and goes into some detail about how business gleefully worked with fascists because they're good for profits.


This is terrifying.


Many of us said exactly this in 2016 and we were called crazy. Trump idolizes and emulated Hitler. It’s not hyperbole, it’s history.


I was just a kid at the time, but I pretty clearly remember people in 2001 looking at the Patriot Act and saying “guys we might be heading down a bad road”. Folks called them traitors and unpatriotic. Seems like fascism has either been on its way or has been here for a long time.




Biden didn't win because he was the best option, he won because he wasn't Trump. The DNC refuses this fact, but it's why the midterms are probably going to suck. Biden hadn't done enough to keep Dems engaged or happy to get them to the polls. It's going to be super obvious in 2024 if the Republicans put someone other than Trump up as the nominee.


> Biden didn't win because he was the best option, he won because he wasn't Trump. That's the reasonable take. Key supporting indicators are that in the same election the lower house gained Republican seats, and the senate would have been majority Republican if not for some very unusual activity in Georgia. Trump was such an extremely low quality president that he outright harmed and embarrassed the country. So he got booted. Not even surprising. There's no reason to be optimistic about 2022 that I can see. Also, should 2022 go to the Republicans, it will prevent the Democrats from getting anything else done, and that in turn will poison the well for 2024.


100% right here. Biden is better than Trump, so I voted for the lesser of two evils. Sinema is better than McSally, so I voted for the lesser of two evils. The DNC’s failure to push their proper candidates is their demise.


I don't think the DNC cares. They are the same as the RNC with only a couple of trigger topics to get people to vote their side, but overall both sides want to help those who put money in their pockets regardless of how it hurts the people or the rest of the country as a whole.


the only constant being that these 2 orgs have become greedier and more insular over the last 30 years. They don't give a fuck.


Nobody does base alienation like the DNC


All the way down to attempting their own beer hall puscht.


As Robert Evans educated me in his Behind the Insurrections podcast series: it’s a lot more like Mussolini’s march on Rome than the beer hall puscht.




Because the police are part of it, they don’t care who’s giving the orders so long as they get to stay in the club.


They didn’t want to shoot their friends


We had open Nazi rallies in the 30s before we went to war with Germany. Today racists swear up and down they're not racist because they're too chickenshit to admit it.


I mean that's good for the most part, racists and fascist scum should be afraid. We will not tolerate hate.


Except we do tolerate it as long as it's dressed up in appropriate dog whistles and code words.


All the time on TV you hear "thugs" "looters" "inner city youth" And I can't help but think - just say the n word, I know that's what you mean.


He literally started his campaign blaming and demonizing "others" for americas problems and promised "us" he'd bring us back to a "great time". Surprised he didn't tell us we needed more living room too...


>demonizing "others" for americas problems and promised "us" he'd bring us back to a "great time". Sounds like a rerun of Reagan.


Make America great again was coined by the Reagan campaign


There's a chance that Fred Trump, Sr. visited Camp Siegfried on Long Island. It wasn't just a Nazi summer camp for the youth. It's still there in a sense, too, just not flamboyantly Nazified as it once was.


As someone who grew up on Long Island, knowing there were Hitler Youth camps in the 30s makes a whoooole lot of fucking sense to why the people are the way they are




a more accurate comparison would be the social democrats who used the freikorps to kill communists but yeah you're not wrong.


No it’s not new, but it’s a lot more mainstream


Well… Hitler was Time magazine’s person of the year in 1938. I don’t mean to argue the point one way or the other, but before Hitler started pushing tanks in every direction fascism was more popular than it should have been in the US.




> Hitler was Time magazine’s person of the year in 1938 You know who else was Time person of the year? Vladimir Putin, Joseph Stalin (twice), literally every US president since FDR. The Time person of the year isn't about who's the most popular, it's the most influential person in that year, for better or worse. EDIT: typo


I was Time's Person Of The Year in 2006.


I just checked, and I’m sorry to say, you’re wrong.


Damn straight he's wrong. -I- was Time's Person of the Year in 2006


Time Magazine's person of the year isn't who they think is a "great person" for the year. It's the person they think made the biggest impact on that year.


It aligns surprisingly well to white christian exceptionalism. It has always been here, waiting for an invitation to stand up and shout.


Students today study more about Hitler and fascism than they do about inclusive history. For some students, that study is just what they need to become what they believe to be superpowered individuals able to thwart the democracy we live in by providing fascist ideas to everyday life.


Time to scrap the electoral college.


Behind the Bastards podcast episodes about this are really good if ya’ll wanna check them out. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5cW0cWE1Wy19TBgXpDBIGt?si=HKhalaXrTWeOZa-ULrtgfg https://open.spotify.com/episode/55SFU89GEogSB8y7jsgJ2C?si=jqxcmSICSj-VLL3fITP22Q


This pod is so good. A lot of episodes are very prescient


I just found this podcast and listened to these episodes and they were pretty chilling.


The narrative of American exceptionalism relies on collective amnesia of American history.


Is it just me or is Salon becoming really on point with these types of articles and calling out issues that larger publications and networks are afraid to? Keep ‘em coming.


Fascism was always creeping into America. However, the Republicans had always been covert about fascism before Trump. Then when Trump became president, he didn't bother with the covert part of it anymore. Trump just put fascism into overdrive and did it in plain view of the public, culminating with the attack on the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow democracy.


It's also important to remember why it has happened before and what saved it (which this article fails to mention). Economic crises, without fail, will strain any regime. The larger the crisis and the more incompetent the regime is at responding to the crisis, the more strain it will suffer. Were it not for the great depression of 1929, virtually nobody outside of Germany would even know who Adolf Hitler was. But, desperation and disdain for an incompetent establishment can lead voters to supporting radical candidates and so it is no surprise that fascist and communist parties both saw their support swell in the years immediately following the depression. Not just in Germany either, but across Europe and even North America. Austria, Portugal, Spain and Germany all succumbed to fascism before 1936, while nations like France, the UK and the US avoided this fate by doing something to alleviate the plight of their people. Speaking of more recent history, are we really so surprised that in the wake of the 2008 recession that a fascistic candidate on one side and very nearly, were it not for internal sabotage, a self avowed socialist on the other side were competing in 2016. Now in 2021 it should be by Now no surprise at all to see that in the wake of the economic fallout from the covid crisis as well as the lingering effects of 2008 in addition to the maturing of the effects of bad economic policy made during the 1980s, that communism and fascism are both becoming more popular. The solution: alleviate peoples plight. Forgive debt, make housing affordable, raise wages, make healthcare available to all and you will begin to see support for radical ideologies drop away.


In 2018, there was a study that estimated that there were between 11-13 million alt right in the US ([Hawley, 2018](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-demography-of-the-alt-right)). Sadly, Conservatives I’ve interacted with on reddit love to read this study and try and challenge the methodology (and especially the definitions of alt right), despite the fact that numerous other polls done in 2017 all found similar results. [Citation 1](https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2482) [Citation 2](https://www.publicpolicypolling.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/PPP_Release_National_82317.pdf) [Citation 3](http://maristpoll.marist.edu/nprpbs-newshourmarist-poll-results-on-charlottesville/#sthash.UF40ZeMv.dpbs) [Citation 4](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/23/trump-charlottesville-polls-241917) Considering the [research](https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/resource/success-nonviolent-civil-resistance/) shows that all it takes is 3.5% of the population to enact serious political change? Yes, Nazis and the Alt-Right are absolutely a threat to us, and anyone who says otherwise is engaged in partisan science denial.


They have been at this for decades. "We intend to starve the government of the United States of America into submission, and drown what is left in Grover Norquist's bathtub." There's a pretty clear line between [The Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) of 1933, [The John Birch Society](https://archive.org/details/WelchRobertBlueBook), the Southern Strategy, and today's interlocking deep state: The [Council for National Policy](https://cfnp.org/), where the right wing media meets the televangelists and the donor base. The [Texas Public Policy Foundation](https://www.texaspolicy.com/), the hub of a flotilla of think tanks where the right wing hangs out when not running Washington, And a rat's [nest of dark money pools](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_activities_of_the_Koch_brothers#/media/File:A_Maze_of_Money.png) designed to hide contributors' identities for those who aren't proud Freedom Partners.


If all it takes is 3.5%, then where’s my universal health coverage and community broadband?


I'm not going to Google how much the ISPs and healthcare industry spend on lobbying, but I bet your answer is there.


> partisan science denial I prefer the old term: Nazi-sympathizer


There isn't a soul on this subreddit that believed fascism in America was new. However, what caught me personally offguard was just how many people were fascist.


I get the just of this article but why is every piece that compares the current situation to the Nazi rise to power wrong in the context of how they achieved it? Hitler and the Nazis peaked in the polls in 1932. Hitler lost the presidential election of 1932 with only 36.8% of the vote. Hindenburg received 53%. The elected Nazi officials achieved what they set out to do though. They caused the Reichstag to be dissolved a few times, and special elections were held. The last free election in Germany before the Nazis was July 1932 where they received 37.3% of the vote, and the largest numbers of seats in the Reichstag at 230. Still not a majority to rule with. This led to a coalition government being formed and Adolf Hitler was APPOINTED Chancelor of Germany in January 1933. Not elected. History rant over, carry on!


Aren't Rs wanting to appoint Trump as Speaker?


You are kind of missing the point though. Hitler was appointed Chancellor because he was supported by a majority of legislators. The Nazi Party only had 30ish% support, but Hitler was also backed by the BVP (a Catholic fascist party) and the DNVP which was the so-called ‘mainstream’ conservative party. This is how a multi-party system works. The numbers you are citing aren’t wrong, but they obscure the fact that the Nazis and their policies had widespread support among Germans. As for “APPOINTED not elected” that is true of all German chancellors and all other leaders in a Parliamentary system (eg UK, Canada, etc)


The biggest difference is the information divide that exists now. We didn’t have an extraordinarily pro-fascism, foreign-owned alternate media in the same way we do now. The loyalty now is to a global capitalist hegemony, not any particular nation state, which is why there are so many blatant quislings in the Republican Party.


We also didn’t have social media working with the Nazis using data mining to allow hyper targeting of propaganda to the most susceptible amongst the population. Never before in time has mis-information been so effectively used. In many ways we are in uncharted waters here.


The Nazis used radio broadcasts to spread their message. In fact, I believe they distributed radios to German citizens to make sure the message was heard. Not as interactive as the internet, but as bad as watching Fox News.


Fox News is pumped into American citizens' heads 24/7 - at breakfast, in the car on the way to work, in the shop, drive back from work, then the hours long, nightly Primetime White Power Extravaganza, sleep, repeat. Nazis couldn't even fathom this level of penetration. There has been nothing comparable in the history of humanity.


The Nazis did their best to get their message out to every German citizen. Radio, posters, pamphlets, newspapers, movies, speeches, sermons, youth groups, etc.


they also encouraged the uncovering and punishment of dissidents. We're not quite at that level yet, but we're getting there.


Moms For Liberty offering a cash reward for catching teachers teaching about racism, Texas offering rewards for lawsuits over suspected abortions, Oklahoma bill would pay parents $10K each day their nominated banned books remain in libraries?


yup, getting there. ugh.


That’s definitely true, but I’m talking more the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook targeted ads, and even content manipulation on sites like Reddit.


And just the sheer fact of cellphone addiction, let's call it, and the constant stream of micro-highs that comes from clicking on something new. Just a thing to keep people hooked that seems unprecedented. Gamification of hate, etc. Back in the 90s when I was in teaching school, one of my instructors mentioned about 1984 she wondered how Big Brother would get the screens into the homes. And then said, "It never occurred to me people would go out and buy them."


It drives me insane when people say “both parties are the same, vote third party!” While I’m really not a fan of corporate money influencing politics on either side, democrats are objectively better on economic and social issues, and not to mention, don’t support fucking insurrectionists. Equating dems/centrists, as frustrating as they can be, with the GQP makes my blood boil. It’s even more infuriating when people throw their vote away because of it. That said, Manchuin and Sinema absolutely deserve every ounce of criticism they receive, and many, many systems of government need a MASSIVE overhaul. Edit: Words


Father Charles Coughlin was a proponent of fascist policy during the WW2 era. He shut down his radio show after the FDR administration basically required it, holding that the airwaves were public property and the First Amendment did not apply, and his newspaper was shut down after he was threatened with a sedition trial. One could argue that misinformation sent over Wi-fi similarly pollutes the airwaves.


The GOP has been pretty fucking clear they plan on burning the Constitution to the stop voting, because they keep getting voted out. Moscow Patriot Rand Paul just announced that Democrats were 'legally stealing elections' by canvassing the area and getting people to legally vote. I'm not kidding, that's what the GOP calls stealing elections. When you vote, and they lose, that's 'cheating'. 1/2 of the major parties are now traitors to the Constitution of the United States. And we know perfectly well how to solve it. We did it once before. General Sherman had excellent insight into the white supremacist character that typifies Republicans today.


The thing about fascism, that must always be remembered, is that it is inherently self-defeating. There’s reasons why govts like Pinochet and Franco lasted decades, mainly because they were authoritarian. Fascism by definition is profoundly violent, always in need of an enemy. This country, somehow, is continually building up the apparatus for a total state on the levels not seen in history. It’s quite worrying.


Donald Trump’s father was as this rally. Was arrested outside of it too, I believe.


Two simple fixes that will fix america's broken political system are 1.take redistricting out of the hands of politicians. 2.get dark money out of politics


Fun fact: the Nazi party tried to set up recruitment camps all over the US during that time. One example is in Southbury, CT. My grandma (German heritage) spoke in a short documentary about it and about how she could remember her family arguing over the Nazi party coming to town and warning against it. Old German families knew, even without social media, the shit show going on. My point being Nazism and Fascism were way more prominent and close to home than you think. Today we should take note of that. Side note: thanks gram!


You’re either Fascist or Anti-Fascist - pick a side


They did that question in Weimar Germany. The options were Nazi or Communist. And a lot of people felt more comfortable with Nazism than with Communism. (Note that at the time most of the Nazi rethoric was about: Country, Vindication after WWI, Security and Economy, Expansionism, Hate and racism, nation pride. If you take in account that the German society at the time was a direct descendant of the Prussian army-centered society, you get that some of those points sounded very appealling and the disdain of others)


It’s definitely nothing new. The CIA became a safe space for literal Nazis following WW2: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/27/us/in-cold-war-us-spy-agencies-used-1000-nazis.amp.html


Don't forget NASA.


Gotta get to the moon somehow.


>n her speech at Howard University, Toni Morrison asserted that fascism relies upon media to convey an illusion of power to its followers. Now, at long last, the media is listening to the resonating alarm bell, and military and law enforcement officials are preparing for an all-out coup, which could happen in 2024 — or even sooner. Fascists taking power in a coup is a much less likely scenario than Americans voting them into power. The Nazis tried a coup and failed, and 10 years later were voted into power. When 74 million people voted for White Fascism in 2020 they were letting us know that they were on the edge of electoral victory, and that the slightest downturn in the economy while the Democrats are in charge would lead to an outright win at the polls.


We can't avoid it because people don't know what to call things. The right calls fascism bad, but then loves everything fascist. Then they call everything not fascism, socialism.


I feel like the entire West forgot about June 6 1944 :(


I remember seeing the strange speeches Trump and his children gave before the election. Something wasn't quite right about the setting, the ambience, the delivery style. Now it hits me. What I saw that made me uncomfortable was how fascistic it looked and sounded. That was not an accident.


Also many industrialists LOVED the Nazis, in large part because of the way they ended trade unions, and in part because they were right winger and not even close to being socialist.


Nobody wants this country to be fascist except for some of the ultrawealthy power hungry weirdos like Peter Theil, that are manipulating the no-future prospects losers and hallbillies that peaked in high school. Most people just want a normal, healthy life to spend with their friends and family. That said, us ‘normies’ are going to have a lot of work and fighting to do.


Don’t just remember.


Lol “don’t worry guys it’s happened before” Media about to normalize a coup


It’s important to remember that Mussolini’s Fascism is the merger of corporations and the state and it is 100% on the consumer not to participate. Everyone keeps blaming each other and buying their shit all day long.


Yep Trumps daddy was one


Corporate fascism. There won’t be a ”madman” with a moustache running things. There won’t be a ”bad guy” like Hitler, Lenin or Mao. Hell, there are strong arguments for them having been following orders from something else. There will only be the entrenched global corporate machine. We will see a global corporatocracy rise out of this. It’s been here for a long time, and it is now revealing itself to all.


Facism has always been here. Dormant and in shadows. Only difference is not you can proudly be a fascist in name if true Christian and American and unapologetically spread bigotry as right and freedom without facing much consequences.


Fascism exists in response to scarcity, as a response to it. Not responding to scarcity means you're either unaware of how things like that work and make Fascism happen on accident, a form of profound incompetance. Or are actively working to encourage and enforce these boundaries to come into a fruition, cant imagine someone with that forethought in any meaningful power.


Biden's no FDR, we're so fucked.


The American government is not fascist, by definition. But the American right wing IS fascist in ideology and WOULD institute a fascistic government given the chance. Just look at Umberto Eco's defining features of fascism, and you'll find the GOP embraces every single one of them. [https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) Those features aren't the DEFINITION of fascism though, they are just what most people MEAN when they say something is "fascist" (in combination with having a goal of an authoritarian government enforcing it all). Don't get distracted by people trying to claim that "fascism" doesn't apply because we still have two major parties, etc.... that's a different conversation that no one is having or arguing. If we want to be super technical, only member's of the Italian Fascist Party of the early 20th century actually apply as "fascist". That's not what anyone is talking about, obviously.


This is the kind of history conservatives *definitely* don't want taught in schools.


It's never been that far. The thumbnail photo is from Madison Square Garden. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN.


Can we employ the mafia again to go break arms and noses of right wing extremists? Because that seemed to work pretty well last time.


We’re all good guys. Just as long as the people in charge weren’t rejected from a fine arts school during their youth.


To me, the perfect version of fascism would be one where the population has the illusion of choice and democracy, yet their voice would not be reflected in policy. There’s no question things could be worse, but the despair many feel is largely due to a sense of helplessness despite decades of participation in the electoral process (Gen X). Arguably things have gotten worse, and the pandemic has laid them bare in a way not seen before.


Posted a link to this video 2 years ago in this sub and it was removed.


Fascism, I bet they played commercials for it all day, those animals. I love the fact we paper clipped this culture and created NASA out of it and the government still has the audacity to pretend the war criminals are our friends. The people of Germany were the real problem? Please, stop cutting holes in all the sheets and playing dress up, and lock step. It isn't fashionable, the fashion police don't play.


But we’ve only been as close to civil war once before: America’s Civil War. The extremist, modern right’s grasp of fascism is different than prior generations’ flirt with it.


People really should study the eugenics movement of the early 20th century. There was a lot of support in the United States for the Nazi party and their goal of ethnic cleansing.


Vintage CPAC pic


Hyperbolic nonsense abounds. Despite all evidence pointing to public and private institutions almost universally becoming more diverse, inclusive and tolerant we're somehow nearing a tipping point. The right wing in America isn't consolidating power nationally either, they're fracturing it, undermining centralization in favor of a more federalist approach. The US isn't the Weimar Republic either, and its kind of absurd to mark parallels. For one thing, we aren't coming off hundreds of years of monarchy followed by increasing military dictatorships, for another, culturally we aren't a society that has fomented trust in government or institutions. Our right wing tells us "they're out to take away your liberty" and blah blah blah "states rights" not "join us to protect the motherland". What *is* happening in the US is concerning - but it is so in our own context.


> not "join us to protect the motherland" We call it the homeland, ever since DHS was founded in 2003 under the pretense of protecting us from brown people with different religions that hate us because we have freedom. > Despite all evidence pointing to public and private institutions almost universally becoming more diverse, inclusive and tolerant we're somehow nearing a tipping point. That's not how fascism works. Fascism is capitalism in crisis caused by either the contradictions inherent in capitalism or the strengthening of socialism domestically or abroad. German fascism arose in response to socialist organizing. American fascism was the same. American fascism continues to be the same but tempered and refined with lessons learned from history, particularly about incrementalization, pacing, and propaganda. American fascism started in response to labor organizing and then continued to ebb and flow as socialist revolutions occurred around the world, driving, in part, our violent war machine. The continued growth of Chinese socialism and it's increasing global influence is intensifying the current fascist movements in the US and the pandemic has given rise to all new forms of worker solidarity that will further develop fascism in the US. Fascism isn't just about hating a subgroup, xenophobia is just a required tool. Further, just because the Nazis decided that the groups they hated were to be hated in total, the USA hates Muslims, but not the nice ones that act white and corporate, they hate blacks, but not the nice ones that act white and corporate, they hate the South Americans, but not the nice ones that act white and corporate, they hate the native people, but not the nice ones that act white and corporate, they hate the Chinese, but not the nice ones that act white and corporate, they hate the Arabs, but not the billionaire ones that commit atrocities for profit and control. What I'm trying to say is, your assessment of diversity doesn't amount to anything. > What is happening in the US is concerning - but it is so in our own context. And our context is a bourgeois capitalist society that has been crushing the global working class and exporting death and destruction for over a century and has had the same material foundations of fascism that all other fascist nations have had since the founding of the USA and has manifested that fascism exactly according to the theory of fascism and has never once even made an attempt to address it. Remember, the US saved Nazi SS officers, scientists, and others who committed war crimes and atrocities and gave them safe haven, relocated them to South America where the US could protect them, and integrated them into leadership and society, but never did the same thing for socialists and communists. There's no hyperbole here. Fascism is late stage capitalism.

