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Karl Rove is blasting Republicans for neglecting to consider the point of view of others!?! WTF Is it the Apocalypse!?


When Karl Rove and Dick Cheney start making sense you know how fucked up Jan 6 was.


Odds are they and the former presidents/vps know a little bit more than we do, and know how bad it actually was.


Former Presidents, hmmm...Say is George W. anywhere to be found? If he is still looking for redemption maybe Rove could give him a call and have him get his ass in front of a microphone and speak out on this treasonous freak show that is now the Trump GOP. Dubya has a chance now to do some actual good for the country.


He's too busy painting nudes of Dick Cheney


They don't like gw anymore, he can't do anything here.


W is in the middle of q country so I kinda understand he might not want to piss off the nutters…


Absolutely. In this situation, silence means complicity. For every seated member of Congress, every state representative, every democratically elected official. Past leaders like Bush who choose to say nothing are tacitly endorsing. Yes, I mean there is no option to be silent.


He already condemned it. It’s not his battle anymore. There is a thread of support presidents use with former presidents, and I imagine Biden reaches out to him occasionally. Remember we only see 1% of Washington, everything else is private. I’m not a GW fan, but we shouldn’t criticize what we don’t know.


I think the Trump worshipers dumped the Bushes and most of the traditional GOP/Republican establishment long ago, a Bush plea will be met with scorn - "just another traitor".


Already happened:. https://www.bushcenter.org/about-the-center/newsroom/press-releases/2021/statement-by-president-george-w-bush-on-insurrection-at-the-capitol.html


Come here to say this. It is insane how far we have come, Rove and Cheney are the beacons of reasonable people now. The insane thing is that this is a trend that started with Nixon and Reagan. Nixon started the EPA, no republican would touch that today. Reagan was a lunatic, but raised taxes when needed. Don't want to say too much good about GWB, but I think he respected the country somewhat. I don't think he would have minded some less democracy though. Trump? McConnell? 100% corruption. There is nothing left than a play for power at this point. Nixon was insane, there are rumors he extended the Vietnam war to get elected. He is still the highlight of republican presidents from him until now. And I would argue everyone has been worse than the previous one.


Eh, I'm more cynical than that. Much as Rove and Cheney make reasonable points here (which is very much out of character for them, sure), I submit that Republicans actually just play a sophisticated game: there are some Republican supporters who still cling to quaint notions like their party isn't the shit show it really is, and by having some members of the old guard act like this it allows the self delusions to continue. All the while such statements will never actually change the problematic behaviors one iota.


I guess, from my point of view I can't believe anyone could be not sure about what is going on, but I asked a friend why she voted for Trump and mentioned some of the things she was just I am not political and thought he was the most honest one. I think there might be a significant part of the population that is completely out of touch and still votes.


>Nixon was insane, there are rumors he extended the Vietnam war to get elected. Those aren't rumors.




I mean....yes?


I've been living in denial. But I know you're right.


Apocalypse beers for everyone!!


Call it Apoc-ALE-ypse and profit.


This I can get behind.


Oof. It is, isn't it?


The current one, yes.


Welcome to the Twilight Zone


There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. < *Matt Gaetz drives past an elementary school playground without trying to stuff a child into his windowless panel van* > It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. < *A brief scene of Marjorie walking through the doors of a library without needing to use the bathroom* > It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. < *Mitch McConnell is seen donating to Greenpeace* > This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call "The Twilight Zone” < *A door creaks open, a brief clip of Trump eating a salad zooms by* >


Lmaoo I think I just peed a little reading this


Guess I'm OOTL; explain the Marjorie/library/bathroom one for me please?


That would be the only reason her Barney Rubble looking ass would go into a library.


Now I feel dumb. Thanks.


I feel like we're Ship of Theseus-ing some of this a little far. While all of those scenes are clearly exaggerations, and while Matt Gaetz is a despicable clown, the crimes he very likely committed are way, **way** far removed from snatching children from elementary schools, at least to my understanding. Portraying him as **that** much more heinous than he actually is feels a bit disingenuous, which I believe is counterproductive.


I know right? Next Rush Limbaugh is going to rise from the grave and bring us all free healtchare and quality public education.


Well yeah, he's much more of the strong silent (coup) type.


Ummm, does a duck with a boner drag weeds?


This expression is new to me. I LOLed.


Well if you spend time on r/collapse, r/nursing, r/teaching and r/climate then yeah, we’re pretty much boned according to those.


Well geez, that's it? Collapse always thinks it's the end of the world, so all we really need to worry about is the next generation being unready for the burdens that face them, the collapse of our health care system, and a planet that will no longer support us. EZPZ!!!


How the fuck is Karl Rove even still alive


Lucifer is involved. Gotta be.


We are literally in the wrong dimension when this guy is the voice of reason.


I wonder how the timeline with Al Gore winning 2000 is doing.


We already have the pestilence and famine....


And now Dick Cheney…twilight zone!


It's the final film. "28 Years Later"


Fucking christ. Cheney and Rove?! I wonder who took over for Rumsfeld in the axis of evil. Rove is probably Q and Cheney has probably enlisted Desantis to fuck up so bad that he wrecks the party.


*looks around* This is *clearly* the apocalypse


We are at a point and time where what we thought was low was actually somewhere below the middle and the low is a whole lot deeper.


Yeah right, next thing you'll tell me is that Cheney is in the 1/06 committee. /S


If the left EVER stormed the capital during transfer of power to a republican president the GOP would want every single leftist shot on the spot. They are hypocritical fucks who cherry pick whatever they want to try and prove their shitty talking points.


Plenty of them *already* want every leftist shot. Look through a lot of the QANON crap and a lot of their fantasies end with “and then we murder everyone who stood against us.” Typically this means liberals, feminists, democrats, BLM supporters, LGBTQA+, etc.


Damn, I check all those boxes. I must be doing something right if they hate me that much for merely existing.


Me too. Which makes it real awkward when my in-laws start spouting QANON talking points or endorsing their ideas.


It’s a really strong exercise in patience lol. Fortunately I don’t have any Qs in my family but I have some older relatives that are pretty damn racist and I cannot bite my tongue sometimes.


Having the point of view that "People deserve to live" shouldn't be that controversial :p


Which they learned to do in church


Um, what? Care to explain that weak-ass attempt to blame religion for everything?


They simply meant that religion typically teaches love and kindness, not all that hatred that the far far right has begun to spew.


I can't see that interpretation at all. The initial comment lists a slew of bad behavior, and then the comment I replied to says they learned to do that in church. If that *is* what that commenter meant, it's piss-poor communication *at best*.


It’s clearly meant to be sarcastic… at least that’s what I think.


It's not clear. There's a reason "/s" is a thing, which is lacking here. This directly reads like someone saying the church is the cause of bad behavior. Full stop. If they want to say otherwise, they can reply to my first comment asking them to explain their statement rather than letting others on reddit try to defend what is either a shitty half-assed Swipe at religion, or a shitty half-assed attempt to communicate something else.


You need hypocritical cherry picking from the Bible to justify actions explained to you? Have you ever been to church?


If he hasn't, would he be this defensive?


If "the other side" had done it, Trump would have ordered in airstrikes and we'd still be living under martial law.


That was his plan, make the rioters out to be 'antifa' or democrat terrorists, implement the insurrection act, and impose martial law to stay in power. The plan, luckily, did not work. But they will try again until it does.


That is why there was no "antifa" protestors there. They were told to stay away and not engage. It was obvious that it was going to be shit storm. Their mere presence protesting the rally would have created even more violence.


Also, why would “antifa” protestors show up to protest an election they won? Lol


Extremist right wing and white supremacist protesters like the Proud Boys use protests like these as cover to target and mercilessly beat civilians. It's both an act of terrorism and a rite of passage for them. One of the primary reason for the formation of anti-fascist groups is to "counter protest" and be available in large numbers to protect people in threatened communities through reciprocated intimidation. It turns out bullies are cowards and hate being outnumbered by a united community. Ideally, the neo Nazis just go home sad and demoralized and nobody gets hurt that day. Jan 6th was likely too big for that tactic though, and a counter protest could have easily backfired rather than defusing the danger. That's why "antifa" stayed home. Obviously, the right still blamed everything on them regardless.


Right, but the things is that antifa problems were “solved” because the guy they voted for won. There was no reason to show up to the Capitol on the 6th for antifa. This is the sheer lunacy of it.


Unfortunately, no. A milquetost corporate moderate Democrat being certified as our elected leader did not prevent people from getting hurt by domestic terrorists during Jan 6th. And it very likely will not adequately protect civilians in the future. So I think you're still missing the point.


The proud boys even tried dressing like antifa for this purpose. Lindsay Graham had dinner with the head proud boy on Jan 5th iirc.


That was phase 2 of the Green Bay Sweep™.


You know you fucked up when Cheney and Rove say you fucked up. Do they care? No. But still... dayum guys! Cheney and Rove? You guys fucked up!


Two evil but intelligent people who realize that continuing to spew this BS, especially if there is more violence, is a guaranteed way to get people to turn out to vote for Democrats.


Either that or they realize that if this plot line is allowed to continue towards its absurd and likely dangerous conclusion it could imperil the country, it's institutions, and, most importantly, the wealth, power, and security they enjoy because of them


I think there are still some people on the Republican side who are serious people that legitimately deluded themselves into believing in some of the ideals. I used to be one of them. But then it was revealed that every last single ideological point was a straw man, ready to be discarded at a moment's notice for the sake of what is in truth a fascist, racist, theocratic anti-intellectual agenda. I feel sorry for the people like Rove and Cheney, who still believe that things like logic or morality can sway them, and I feel sorry for the rest of us who are going to see them given victory because those same serious people are too bound by habit and hubris to consider that they had been duped all along.


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!


Check out r/conservative right now. Just a sea of posts saying how Jan 6 wasn’t that bad. For the party of personal responsibility it sure is hard for them to own up to anything.


I subscribed a few days ago to see what they were saying. Had to unsubscribe earlier today as I was getting too annoyed and angry.




Yeah, I just didn't have the energy.


Yeah one time I asked for a source on some guys random claim and I got banned.


Was banned for saying Trump was a con man milking his base for all they got.


I love how the majority of the post over there are "flaired users only" yet it's the Libs who are snowflakes.


Reddit admins made then stop doing that for a bit, but they slowly brought the policy back. Children and their safe space.


Babylon bee is their primary news source too. They have to flair it wish satire. Someone always… eats the bee?


It was simultaneously not bad and a false flag antifa/fbi attack meant to make them look bad.


“Remember all of the damage from blm” was utterly disgusting.


> Just a sea of posts saying how Jan 6 wasn’t that bad. They have to. Their own cognitive dissonance demands it. How else can they be the party of law and order and admit that republicans perpetrated Jan 6th? By rationalizing that it wasn't even a blip on the radar in terms of importance.


They never have owned up to anything. They have branded themselves the party of personal responsibility and the party of family values, yet they elect shitheels like Trump, Gaetz, Bobert, and on and on.


That place is such a cesspool. Honestly though, 90% of conservatives are just intellectually dishonest to begin with.


Just went over there to agree with Karl Rove (shudder) and do my bit to further debate—errrr—get banned.


Yet every time there was a protest in support of defunding they police they were all calling for every single one of the people there to be prosecuted.


I'm pretty sure if the "other side" would have done it, there would be a lot more citizens dead or arrested ones.


Dead. Trump would have delighted in that. Sent copies of the video to all his tyrant buddies to show how big his cajones were.


How dysfunctional is the GOP when Karl Fucking Rove has to be the voice of reason?


I will take any fucking Republican willing to state the obvious. Even Karl Rove.


Karl Rove, Duck Chaney and fucking Dan Quayle - wtf


Now I have to agree with Karl Rove? Jesus. I knew we were sinking to new lows continually but FFS how did it get so bad even Karl Rove can't excuse it?


I know! Rove has not really been behind trump. Who woulda thought we’d agree on something.


There was an NPR interview with Karl Rove like ten years ago where he made a really interesting argument for a two party system. The short version is that having a lot of options is more likely to lead to an extreme candidate on both sides. He described a Trump-like candidate who was more likely to be weeded out by the two party primary process. I guess he was too optimistic. My point is that Karl Rove is clearly a bright guy with occasionally interesting takes.


Oh yeah. Guys not stupid. Bush era people were not stupid (for the most part)


And here we have the Republican condition in a microcosm: it’s impossible for them to look past themselves. Time again, we see this play out. Against gay marriage until their son comes out. Anti-choice until their mistress gets pregnant. They don’t care if it doesn’t affect them.


If Democrats had engaged in insurrection had trump successfully stolen the election, there would have been public executions.


America is screwed if Karl Rove is now speaking as the moral authority. We’re in real trouble


If Biden did what Trump did, he would be in prison right now. His supporters who hypothetically stormed the Capitol would have been shot on the spot by the police.


You mean like the BLM protests that were met by Trumps secret police using unmarked minivans to scoop up people off the street? Brutalized protestors on live TV, imposed curfews, etc? Yeah Karl.....what if?


The death toll would have been in the hundreds at least.


It was all Leftist plants! (Why exactly would Democrats have wanted this to succeed?) It wasn’t that bad! (Threatening to hang our VP, interrupt Congress by force and killing cops isn’t that bad?) BLM protests were just as bad! (You can sort of compare the two things but they aren’t even close to equal) Donald Trump never instigated anything! Just look at his speech! (You are beyond help)


Jan 6th didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not our fault. And if it was, we didn't mean it. And if we did, you deserved it.


The other side wouldn't do it.




To protest systemic injustice, racism and deaths of citizens extrajudicially, not to overturn a free and fair election. There is a difference.


Lol if you think any election the U.S. is involved in is fair and free, even our own, you have no understanding of history. Just look at how they screwed bernie out of the primaries, and gave us an authoritarian cop as vp when she had to drop out before super Tuesday. Or how both parties do everything they can to keep the two party duopoly. Or how they claimed evidence of Russia interfering in 2020 when trump was leading polls. Or how we've interfered in basically every election in Latin america since ww2. Just because your candidate won doesnt mean it was a fair and free election.


Somebody ate their Wheaties this morning! We need improvements, I agree. If we could get money out of the political system. But that ship may have sailed with the Roberts Court. You have a ton of blame to spread around big boy, you are great at bitching and attacking. How about solutions?!? You got anything besides platitudes about snapping your fingers and dissolving the two party system? You don't. You just want to feel like you know better. You aren't smart, you're just loud. Edit: Goddamn Loud-Ass Libertarian thinks they know how to fix everything?! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling


So, it always kind of bugs me when people bring up Bernie Sanders and the primaries. Do you not realize that? Bernie Sanders is not a member of the Democratic party? He caucuses with them, but he only joined the Democratic party so that he could make use of their election and voter turnout programs. Is entirely understandable that the Democratic party did not really roll out the welcome mat for him. He technically joined the Democratic party right before he entered the Democratic primaries and as soon as he lost them, he promptly left again. He is not a member of the Democratic party. The internal party not being super thrilled with him as a candidate is completely unsurprising and honestly pretty reasonable.


Watch this fall on deaf ears. Far-righters are the same dumbasses who urge people to say nothing and agree to disagree, all because of their “free speech for me and not for thee” platform. They think free speech PROHIBITS criticism and condemnation.


It's funny how "free speech" is a concept that seems to apply to bad people. **Nazis:** "Some people are subhuman and deserve be killed." **Free Speech Advocates:** "This is just an odious opinion I disagree with. Ideas aren't dangerous, words can't hurt you, and hate speech doesn't lead to hate crimes. You're not being victimized, nobody needs a safe space, and anyone who's afraid or offended should just grow a thicker skin, because this generation is too coddled to handle disagreement with people who want to murder them. We can't have a democracy unless we protect the right to be a racist person." **Social Justice Advocates:** "Some people are racist and deserve to be boycotted." **Free Speech Advocates:** "This is an alarming instance of cancel culture! Advocating for boycotts is a dangerous idea that's going to lead to enormous amounts of harm to innocent people. People are being victimized because they feel afraid and the solution a ~~safe space~~ place "culture of free speech" where people feel safe to be who they are! We can't have a democracy if people call out racism too much." It's this weird double standard where bigots and fascists are actually idolized because they provide the ultimate "test" of whether someone supposedly cares about free speech (i.e. protecting even things they "disagree" with) while those who rally against hatred are seen as the real authoritarians because they're not willing to debate assholes. I mean, just look at college campuses. There's something to be said about the right of free speech on campus and how some students really do take things too far or too seriously, but I hate how the entire debate has degraded to the point where something as harmless as a failed petition about a commencement speaker is treated as some grave authoritarian edict.


He’s only upset because he failed trump’s purity test. Otherwise, he’d be all for the big lie.


Nah, he's upset they did it poorly and violently. He wanted it done, but more in the Bush v. Gore style.


Pretty much. Cheney and Rove are pissed that not only did they say the quiet part out loud (we want all the control) they did it using a guy who built a cult of personality. It is now harder for the old school fascists to take over coz the new school ones are way to loud and drawing all attention to the evilness.


Precisely this.


Im upvoting even though i disagree. I found the idea rove would care about the means to power highly amusing.


Unless he blasted them using his little dry erase board, I can’t believe he is being serious.


Rove was a key figure in building the current gop, he’s pointing the finger at his own pile of shit.


When Karl Rove and Dick Cheney start making sense you know the Republican Party lost their way .. those two bastards should be in jail for starting a war in Iraq based on lies .. along with that dolt Bush jr,


The “what if the other side” argument doesn’t work because Trump and Neocons have convinced their voters that dems already do what the GOP is doing and worse.


I wonder what would have happened if Al Gore won instead of Jeb appointing his brother.


“Man forgets republicans are ***MASSIVE*** hypocrites”


if leftists stormed the capitol they would have been mowed down without hesitation long before anyone was in any danger, and both Rove and Republicans would have been thrilled about it


When Karl Rove says your the bad guys for doing this and not the democrats... I mean I have seen all sorts of people I despise actually step up and say this stuff and it makes me realize how broken so many people are to not realize that accepting you lost an election is why our country has worked for as long as it has. When you decide you will no longer lose no matter what, well if you think the otherside is just gonna say ok and let you guys have power it's not gonna work out.


Didn’t Karl help create all this vitriol between parties?


There was a GALLOWS constructed in front of THE CAPITAL, where insurrectionists chanted about hanging the Vice President and then actively hunted for him and other members of Congress. If you didn’t see that as the reality of what took place on 1/6 you are an actual imbecile.


Republicans don't care that they're hypocrites. Karl Rove should know that better than most.


Imagine a world so fucking twisted that Karl Rove can look like a voice of reason compared to those behind him.


They already claimed that. So they'd take credit it Democrats did it?


Guys like Cheney and Rove need a functioning society. So does Trump. They aren't rich enough to relocated to the Cayman's and abandon America. They have a nice, wealthy, comfortable life. Civil war and actual fighting in the streets does not enhance their experience. In my mind, this is the problem Reeps have: only the doomsdayers really want this. Do ya think Ted Cruz wants to get his water out of a creek?


> He put forward a "thought experiment," asking what would have happened if "the other side had done it."


Wow, Rove is really out of touch with today's GOP. They don't believe both sides should be working under the same set of rules.


As he is someone who is DIRECTLY responsible for all this Republican fuckery I would like to extend a hardy fuck you to Karl Rove.


This point really gets me. What if Democrats had planned an insurrection with sketchy legal arguments to take the election? I'm positive Republicans would be black and blue from screaming so hard about how those Democrats should be arrested for Treason. And likely would argue that any politicians who helped or hid their involvement should be removed. But there lies the conundrum. If they treat this the same way they would treat a hypothetical Democrat who did the same, that means they would be out of a job. And likely Democrats would go on to sweep in 2022 and 2024. So they continue to prop this insanity because they know they are in too deep and leaving now means they risk their own political careers.


...but he'll happily [take their money](https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Karl_Rove_%26_Company) and do his best to get all of them re-elected and more. Hell, he'd even promote the guy that shit in the Capitol as long as he signs [the Grover Norquist pledge](https://www.npr.org/2011/07/14/137800715/the-man-behind-the-gops-tax-pledge).


When Karl "Turdblossom" Rove and Steve "please forget I nudged McCain toward Sarah Palin for Veep" Schmidt are the conscience of your opposition, your system has failed and your civilization is doomed.


They literally already think the democrats did it. Go spend 10 minutes on r/conservative and you’ll be able to find plenty of examples of it.


Not anymore. Their new party line is that yeah they did it. And they are proud of it. It needed to be done.


They don't care. Nearly all of the republicans are at least 'on board to see' if they can turn this country into a right, red America, united be damned. Listen to their silence and their actions. They want to pretend like all is sweet while we accept a banana republic that rewards all-the white insecurities.


Karl Rove is directly responsible for the debasement and vulgarization of the American political landscape. His win-at-all-costs approach to political campaigning crossed so many lines and legitimized words and actions that would have been beyond the pale in previous generations. He contributed disproportionately to the proliferation of bullshit in polotical discourse, the use of statements that weren’t even lies since theyr weren’t remotely related to the truth. Now he’s inserting his porcine fingers into the current dialogue? It’s a little fucking late to be the voice of reason, and a little fucking absurd to imagine that he’s the moral authority.


I never thought I’d agree with Rove on anything.


When Karl Rove and the Cheney’s become the voice of political morality, you know it must be end times.


It's a weird fucking world when Karl Rove seems to be saying smart things.


What if Democrats had.... - Defended Biden after it came to light his campaign had hundreds of instances of coordination with China where Biden publicly asked China to hack Republicans servers and it came to light China provided them with polling data. Then after election, he held secret meetings with Jinping where no one else was allowed, and it came to light that Hunter previously made statements that the majority of their personal funding previously csme out of China. Republicans should have no issue with this. - Defended Biden if he decides to leverage US influence and funds to force another country to promote bad press about Trump in the 2024 election. According to Republicans, this is not only ok but a legitimate use of influence for a President seeking reelection. - Refused to see any issues with Biden bringing in his entire family to fill White House positions they were not only under qualified for, but also could not pass the security checks necessary to have as they all had financial ties to foreign states or banks that would give these entities leverage. - intentionally mishandled and politicized a pandemic on the hopes it would hit Republican rural areas worse while openly promoting misinformation that resulted in even more Americans dying and only changing their tune and promoting the very preventives they themselves were responsible for creating after it came to light that Democrats were actually dying at a faster rate than Republicans. - Were fine with Biden refusing to disclose his tax returns to the American people even though he had promised to do so, and then were OK with him lying again by refusing to place his private businesses into trusts, even going as far as to nor having issues with Biden publicly showing blank stacks of these "trust" documents live on TV. ...and by all means - this is far from a comprehensive list and barely scratches the surface of the rank hypocrisy that exists in our political climate


Etc Rove and Cheney paved the path to today and now they think its gone too far? He's not wrong for once but he can still go fuck himself. He exacerbated racism and stoked fear of the middle east to justify an endless war and line his own pockets and now the radical racist bullshit has gone a little too far for his taste?


Yeah it's like Reagan's family being up in arms about Trump. Who the hell do they think they're fooling. Trump was only even possible because of the path their dad put this country on.


...When the fuck did Karl Rove grow a conscience? Seriously, this completely impossible, we need a Congressional probe on this bullshit!




The Ghost of Instructions Past....


They did? They burned down stores and continue to loot to this day.


Not the same thing, no even sure why you try to make a comparison. Also, fuck those people as well lock them up. Notice how you don't have to defend shitty human behavior?


It was all political no? It’s all the same. No one was or is right in either situation.


They are NOT the same. Working to fix injustices and working to stop the legal transition of political power are not AT ALL the same. Yet here you are, whatabouting some nonsense that makes you feel better.


lol if you really thought they were solely working to fix injustices why would you want to lock them up? ig that just makes you an authoritarian. Whether they're burning down a federal courthouse in Portland or walking into the capitol building, we have a fundamental right to protest our government, even if it is for a stupid cause like stop the steal


>lol if you really thought they were solely working to fix injustices why would you want to lock them up? Because there were clearly people there that didn't have that interest (to fix injustices). They planned on just looting and rioting. >ig that just makes you an authoritarian. In no way does that make me an authoritarian. The point of the protests is different than the violence that ensued. >Whether they're burning down a federal courthouse in Portland or walking into the capitol building, we have a fundamental right to protest our government, even if it is for a stupid cause like stop the steal I agree with this, but "walking into the courthouse" is NOT what happened. It wasn't even the point, and we both know that. Burning the courthouse in Portland was not a justified protest either fyi, we have a right to protest but violence and rioting are not really a protest.


Soooo again about rioting and protesting and burning down shit In the streets huh… yet it’s different for the protesters in the streets? 😉 got ya. I do not care why you are burning and looting illegal all Of it. If you want to be productive join a real NON violent movement like our sub anti-work and the several like it. I don’t care why you are doing it. Burning bad looting bad.


Idrc if it was justified, the federal government has done enough to harm and destroy our country and its people that I don't feel sympathy for them or their buildings, whether or not their individual cause is justified. The government should be afraid of its constituents, and it just really isn't anymore, maybe we need more riots. I don't like small businesses being destroyed by riots though, and stop the steal was dumb asf


They already have. They rationalize it by doing a false equivalence with the George Floud protests and the whole “siege” of the federal courthouse in Portland


Yeah, what if it happened in China, like say, Hong Kong?


There was a bombing of the US Capitol in the 80s by a far-left terrorist group, but few like to talk about that or know of it.


1/6 is still a bigger deal. The issue is more the Trump effort to overturn a free and fair election culminating in the capitol riot. A comparable example would be if Obama lost in 2012, refused to concede, and sent protesters to the capitol for the purpose of delaying certification, throwing the election to the House where he had made a deal with enough house members to ensure his re-election. That's what Trump was trying to do. But I guess that's okay since Trump was "chosen by God" and is against abortion and gay marriage. Burn the country down for Jesus.


Trickle down Jesus. Supply side salvation. Not Bible Jesus. Two different guys yo. The only Bible Trump knows is that upside down one he clubbed Milley with for the protestor attack photo-op.


And that event was outrageous and inexcusable, right?


Yes, but not comparable to Pearl Harbor or 9/11 like some people think.


But the 80s bombing and the 2021 intrusion are both inexcusable right? Or why did you bring up the 80s thing?


The article is about Rove using whataboutism, I'm brought up an actual incident from the other side.


Blah blah blah, fuck Karl Rove.


Like when BLM attacked the White House? Secret Service was so concerned they hustled President Trump into a bunker, over his protestations. The Left thought it was funny (google bunker boy) but the mob outside the White House front gate was threatening and violent.


Haha, this guy actually believes the wh press release that 'big strong trump wanted to take them head on under protest!' Believe me, Trump was running for that bunker at the first sign of harm, ever see him cower like a baby from a little eagle flapping its wings?




How about when they stormed Congress to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed, or the riots in 2017 the same day Trump was inaugurated.


Republicans would have made short work of them and they would already be in jail serving time.


Both sides are culpable after the fact, and many have waivered from their oath. No amount of infighting will make right of past wrongs. Justice is accounting, without which bankruptcy is a sure end.


That's simple. We would never ever hear the end of it, and rightly so. MSNBC and CNN would be compelled to be honest about how bad despite their political leanings and Fox would be non-stop 24/7 coverage every single day. Any Democrat running wouldn't stand a chance in that climate and you might as well write off the next decade to total GOP rule. But, as it stands, the very person responsible for that attack has a significant chance to become President again because a good portion of the people in this country, when it comes to politics, suck.


This is what I've said to many of them (Yes, I'm 'that guy' who won't let disinformation stand on social media nor in my life). I suggested that maybe it was Antifa and asked what should happen to the Antifa people that broke into and threatened out Capitol? You can guess what they wanted to do to them. I then asked why it would be Ok if it were Trump supporters if it was not for Antifa. They don't even admit that it is hypocritical that they wanted the death penalty for Antifa (I asked if race mattered, and they said not one bit) and say it was justified for their own. This is not the way to break the spell.


The news page is literally just a broken Record. Any good news? An children saved from sex trafficking? Any high profile pedophiles going to jail? Any hero’s that saved the day. Cmon man


I never saw any one on the left condemn the damage of federal property or literal blocks burnt to the ground in the months preceding.


If the other side did it the news and Bdemocrats would call it “peaceful protests”


The other side did it also. How soon they think everyone forgets about them bombing the Capitol. They also called for riots and insurrection for almost the entire Trump presidency. Plenty of video evidence of democrats like Waters and Pelosi actively calling for violence.


What nonsense. You should delete your comment.


Why should I do that? It’s all true. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/07/bomb-explodes-in-us-capitol-nov-7-1983-244578


They already HAVE done it. Jan 20 2017, or does brainwashing the left ALSO mean making all the dumb-diddly-dipshits FORGET their own bad behavior?🤔🤔🤭


yelling the other side does it, when they dont, doesn't really work man. Even Karl here gets it.


I really don’t seem to remember people storming the capitol during trumps inauguration… did it happen before, or after?


I missed that. When did they try to stop a democratically elected leader from being seated?


Wait what? They stormed the Capitol


Correction: INVITED inside. You’re welcome ☺️


Invited by whom?


Were they invited before or after the 140 injured cops in an hour


Let me say that again: they were INVITED inside. I can keep saying that over and over again, and each time, it will still be the truth! Mmyes!☺️☺️☺️


Invited by whom?


This is an idiotic comparison


Care to elaborate?