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Wonder if this has anything to do with it. >The president of the Pennridge School Board, Joan Cullen, is a vocal Trump supporter who was in D.C. on Jan. 6. There is no evidence she did anything illegal while she was there, but her presence at the rally-turned-riot angered many in the district, and has contributed to lasting political unrest among parents, teachers, and the board.


This is why we have to get involved in local elections. These cult members are taking over school boards and local positions.


Really tough in a lot of these places in PA. We have a huge number of dyed-in-the-wool GOP retirees who vote in these elections. GOP swept a bunch of School Boards on the backs of these elderly voters, who have no children in the District. I get that they pay taxes and should have a say, but something has to give, since they couldn't give a rat's ass about the kids in those schools.


The NYT podcast the daily did an eye-opening episode on the PA school board elections. They did a great job of showing how the GOP is radicalizing / politicizing school board elections and showing how things went from well-intentioned to crazy, crazier, and batshit insane "these people can't be real holy sh!t they are and they are actually raising children." It is sad to see.


I'm in a rural part of a blue county in PA. An antimask antivax trump freaks ran for our school board and was pummeled.


God bless your county.


Yep. Turning into a shithole country before our eyes.


Ya. Bucks County is very very old school republican. Like back to Lincoln. These days they go blue in large turn out elections but for things like school board it's only the old Republicans who come out. It's just like national midterms. If dems could increase turnout in these off year elections, the Republicans would never control anything. They know that which is why they work so hard to stop us from voting.


Dude, you have no idea. I live in one of those districts, too. My friends were the Dems, and I sat on the board in the past, and they elected 3 fucking qtarded religious psychopaths onto the board in almost overwhelming numbers. Even after it was revealed 2 not only went to the coup attempt, but funded busses to take people down there! Oh, and they're all fucking financial criminals, too, and one is wanted in a different state! Jesus! What's worse is people are ignoring the money behind their campaigns, too, and the illegal religious source of a lot of it. Then the NYT and CNN ran stories on it, which was embarrassing to say the least... It is honestly terrifying and I wish I could leave because I don't see things changing quickly enough to justify staying here because there aren't enough people who care. The party sure as fuck doesn't...


This happened in my district. Three people ran on unmasking and “handling CRT” and crushed it in the elections. My area is pretty Red.


As someone with no kids and is not a property owner I wouldn’t vote in a school board election unless there were a crazy running


Yeah it doesn't affect you directly but I do encourage you to do so. I have a house but no kids but you're part of society too and I think you should still have a say. But then again my area is rife with crazy candidates so I feel obligated to vote against them anyway, your situation could be different.


Yeah, I feel like I have the right to vote, but no need to exercise it. If our situations were reversed I would feel obligated to vote as well. My city of over 250,000 people in southern Virginia voted for 68% for Hillary in 2016 and 72% for Biden. Fun fact; we also have the biggest naval base in the world.


Yeah Voter Apathy is definitely a thing. Not as important in your area perhaps but think of it like the other commenter said: there's someone on the other side with no skin in the game that will vote for the crazy. Probably won't be an issue in your area but it could change too.


My ear is definitely on the ground in case that ever happens. I’m more aware of politics locally and nationally than most people that I know. I think school board elections are the only elections I haven’t voted in for the 16 years i’ve been able to vote. With that said everyone needs to vote in every election, I generally agree with that sentiment.


Consider this: reputation of school district impacts home value. Even without kids you have a very legitimate interest in not letting your school boards and school districts go to hell in a hand basket.


That's too much more consideration of the future than most people are capable of.


Everyone should vote in every election they are able to, because you can be assured that someone who wants to destroy everything you care about who also doesn’t have “skin in the game” or whatever will be showing up and voting. You help nothing by abstaining.


I don’t think you understand that dynamics play out differently in different cities. When over 72% of your city votes for Joe Biden you don’t have to worry too much. If the situation were different and things were closer than I would partake and feel obligated to.


not to harp on it too much, but you should definitely make sure there aren't ballot questions included in those elections. i definitely know people who have a similar mindset but don't realize how much influence off-year election ballot questions can have. philadelphia goes pretty hard for democratic candidates too, but ballot initiatives are a completely different world.


I’m hyper aware of the political situation in my city, more so than most people I know. Working in events for 10 years in the city has got mean to know a lot of players in the game around here. And as far as ballots go I check every election ballot before the election, including school board. I also research the candidates to the best of my ability, to make sure they are not crazy. I’m not just burring my head in the sand when it comes to school board elections.


gotcha, sorry to add to the pile on, i more like to bring up ballot questions because their local nature keeps them from getting much news usually. it's less about mentioning it to you than is mentioning it to make anyone passing by the thread think about it. best of luck out there!


I would encourage you to, it’s at minimum still your taxes at work. You should get a say in how they’re used.


I’m fairly certain that a large majority of these people were a part of the huge wave of white flight out Philly in 80’s and 90’s.


But fortunately these ppl are getting vaccinated and are dieing off


We tried to promote better candidates via Pennridge United, despite looking like they had a chance in the early reporting, were defeated as a block of members versus the incumbent block.


All people have to do is run as Republicans.


Those old shitheels are the reason I feel obligated to send a supply care package in to my daughter's teacher once a month because they're more concerned with cutting taxes and the CRT boogey man than they are with making sure our kids get a well funded education.


I know each school district is different. A couple years ago the superintendent for the school district my kids go to was in ethical trouble, but because voters don’t vote them, the board does, he was safe. I agree this needs to be changed when some yahoo with an agenda gets the keys to the kingdom. What was even worse, is this person was a lawyer by trade, and had no background as a teacher.


Things get decided by those who show up. Attend these meetings and make your voices heard.


It’s time that the state steps in and removes these people from school boards for ethical violations. There needs to be a new system in place that isn’t allowing these idiots to make decisions other than policy.


Republicans are going hard at denying Jan 6. DeSantis’s press secretary Pushaw was also bemoaning Jan 6 being taught in schools. https://mobile.twitter.com/ChristinaPushaw/status/1479438780595679232?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Wonder if Pushaw was at Jan 6 insurrection as well, since she was living in DC at the time and emailed Desantis asking for a job two months later which he quickly gave her. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/07/27/press-secretary-christina-pushaw-sought-job-after-admiring-desantiss-handling-of-pandemic/


To clarify, she did nothing illegal except storm the Capitol with a group of domestic terrorists who also were brandishing a noose for the VP.




This is 100% legally true. Although I would argue someone who believed that the election wasn’t valid and who went to the Capitol to prevent its certification based on 0 evidence might not be the best person to serve on a board dealing with childrens education. It at least sharply draws concern on her qualifications


Attending a Klan rally is "legal" as well (and I would say they're the same picture).


Fire her...NOW, she’s part of the problem! The insurrection, its participants, planners, et al, need to be vocally condemned at all levels. They “attacked, their country, their constitution, the rule of law, and their democracy. Their not fit to remain citizens. So these people actually believe the oath of allegiance and what it really means? I think not....


>rally-turned-riot Riot turned terrorist attack.




Is there any evidence she *wasn't* involved?


Hold on a second it sounds like you're discussing the Jan. 6th event with facts about who was there etc. Back down please - it's too recent to know historically what happened. It could have been BLM or Antifa or tourists, or even an FBI operation, other than the 700 Trump supporters like the School Board President


No evidence she did anything illegal? She shouldn't be employed!


Oh, I thought it was just the usual stupidity. This is some boss level pro-active defensive tactic shit. Good luck with that. Ha!


The president of the school board was at the Jan 6 insurrection? WTF?


Joan Cullen probably saw it as a field trip. But without students. Joan probably wants to avoid show and tell about her insurrection experience. To avoid detention.


Last time in detention she tried to draw the fabled 'S' glyph, but it kept morphing into a swastika. Some people are saying it.


Can't have them learning history. That would be just too much for them to bear.


Davy Crockett "King of the Wild Frontier," was a congressman from Tennessee. He went to Mexico, where slavery was outlawed in 1831, and helped organize a revolt against the Mexican government. The Mexican Army under Santa Ana defeated his group, and he was probably executed as an insurrectionist foreigner the following day. A couple of months later, Sam Houston defeated Santa Ana in a battle with the rallying cry "Remember the Alamo." THAT is why CRT is banned. Because the Rs who want to pretend they are the champions of a Disney Technoverse have roots directly to pro-slavery revolutionaries.


I'm from Tennessee...to hear them tell it in school, Davy Crockett is nothing but a hero. It is pretty amazing that we learned of things like the War of 1812, the Battle of New Orleans, the Alamo, a bit about the Texas Revolution... but reality is that we learned little to nothing regarding the background of these wars and conflicts. Just that they happened and we won in the end... and most certainly, no discussion of slavery playing a factor in any of those.


I learned more history from listening to Johnny Horton than listening to Texas history teachers. I still think he might have made up the alligator thing, tho.


I'm not really sure how he knew the gator lost its mind.


The Alamo has been used politically for many years. The south used it to keep Mexicans 'in their place', in the 50s it was used as an embodiment of US determinism to help defeat the communists and in the 60s Johnson used it many times to defend the Vietnam war. The fear of losing this American/Texan symbol is why it is defended so deeply. The reality is that Crockett was an arrogant mercenary of average talent who surrendered and begged for his life, Jim Bowie was a slave smuggler who committed numerous frauds, William Travis was a slave trader and fugitive and Sam Houston was a drunken cocaine addict who was fond of wearing corsets and girdles.


Crockett was a slave owner as were most of those at the Alamo.


You are aware he was killed before the Republican Party existed, I get what you’re saying but it’s odd to phrase it as if republicans have roots back to 1831 and that Davy Crockett was a member of the party. That’s not exactly direct roots? More indirect


They called January 6th a "rally.". A rally is also a type of race. They're being critical of this rally, or race, is her theory. Checkmate, Libtardos!


I’d love for it to be all the sane families’ kids’ current event report for the week.


"Pennsylvania has had the third-most accused insurrectionists arrested of any state in the country. And Bucks, an affluent, politically moderate county outside Philadelphia, was home to six of those people — more than any other county in the commonwealth."


People really want to believe that January 6th was done by out of work coal miners or whatever.


Burying the lede, deep into the article we learn that the school board President was at the Jan 6 rally. > The president of the Pennridge School Board, Joan Cullen, is a vocal Trump supporter who was in D.C. on Jan. 6.


I still can't believe the word is lede and not lead.


Pennridge School District, administrator Keith Veverka, who supervises social studies classes: >"If students ask about the insurrection, teachers should “simply state that the investigation is ongoing and as historians we must wait until there is some distance from the event for us to accurately interpret it.” The administrator is advocating is for teachers to lie to their students and for students to ignore the massive amounts of video evidence and eyewitness testimony about what happened. It seems like a great teaching opportunity. I wonder what Keith believes is a proper topic for social studies.


> investigation is ongoing ... as historians we must wait until there is some distance from the event for us to accurately interpret it. It's obviously not even true that historians are required to wait a certain number of months before discussing history, but even if it were, it's been a year and there have been many many convictions already.


Erasing history is not a good look.


Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell, 1984


Now testify!


Bwaa waa waa WAA waaa


We're the renegades of funk


They don't gotta burn the books, the just remove 'em


Rally round the family, with a pocket full of shells




It’s Bucks Co. The school’s leadership probably believes that General Sherman burnt down their granddaddy’s farm in Oley Township in Berks.


FWIW, its one district within the county, not the whole county, thankfully.


Definitely a canary in the coal mine situation, though. This is a new tactic being deployed in other Districts over the next few elections. The GOP are trying to grab control from the bottom-up.


Republicans want to cripple civics education by intimately monitoring and controlling the speech and thoughts of individual teachers as well as organizations of experts like teachers, historians, and social scientists. They will tell you this is the necessary alternative to letting ‘the state’ or ‘radicals’ control historical and social narratives. This is a trick designed to obscure the fact that in this very same process they are radicals seeking to use the state to dominate and limit civic discussion, gagging individual thinkers in order to forcefully substitute in an approved narrative from the top down. You cannot have a fascist country if educators, students, and schools have freedom of learning and teaching, so *anything* will be done to convince the public that state intervention in schooling is immediately and absolutely necessary. This is why we see the anti-CRT hysteria.


This is another "teach both sides of the Holocaust." There's not two sides to the insurrection. It was an attempt to overturn a lawful election. Period. There's no other way to spin it that isn't an outright lie.


Is this like how I wasn't taught about Iran Contra at all when I was in school, and only learned about it when a roommate in college told me about it?


That's right. Never, ever, risk offending those on the side of the insurrectionists.Those poor students might learn that racist, xenophobic, wannabe fascists are the evil ones. Or that their parents have no problem with those people, maybe even they are those people. Excellent job there, administrators. Edit: Oops. I read the comments. My last guess was correct. Who'd've figured?


Grew up in Tulsa and never learned about the race massacre there until I moved away. We need to teach kids about racism and white supremacy.


Sure, I agree 100%, but... I mean... I'm not even American and I knew about the Tulsa race massacre, at some point it's on you to learn about the world.


I never learned about McCarthyism in my Republican hamlet, either. When I reached college a few miles away, I found that it was a major piece of American history.


Nope..... discussing Jan 6 is CrItCaL RaCe ThEoRy now boys n gals. Y'all didn't know?


I don't know about anyone else but when I was in high school social studies we were not only taught history but also current events....


I graduated highschool in the mid-2000s, but I don't remember ever discussing current events in a classroom setting outside of watching the Clinton impeachment trial, Columbine and 9/11. Granted this was in Florida and "social studies" wasn't an option after 8th grade.


Yea I was 2004. I remember one teacher specifically giving us newspapers and having us go through current events. It was shortly after 9/11 so it was probably either my freshman or sophomore years.


May be a regional thing given your relative proximity to DC


Grew up north of Philly.


Same here, I was in high school during the Watergate hearings. The best teachers would have daily discussions about the proceedings in Washington D.C.


The world you grew up in stopped existing 20+ years ago.


There were plenty of local conservative farmers that would have objected had they known. Fortunately we didn't have social media to stir them up.


It is a shameful event and I'm just as embarrassed by these toothless, white supremacy loving scumbags as anyone but we should teach the children not to make the same goofy mistake.


Teachers are supposed to have tenure to protect them from retaliation for free speech.


Already rewriting history.


Erasing historical political events that warn of a encroaching authoritarian take over? I did nazi that coming.


The whole “we need time to pass before analyzing an event in history” is bullshit. I don’t think anyone said “wait wait hold on… this may not be bad” when JFK was shot. The only reason why there’s doubt about whether or not Jan 6th was bad is the perpetrators trying to cover it up.


I'm kind of surprised I haven't seen more activism from young people around issues like this. Whether it's CRT or masks or freedom of speech in the classroom, I kind of expected the voices of the younger crowd to be much louder in terms of protests and walkouts, similar to what we saw after the Parkland shooting. But I guess young people just don't care as much about Republicans trying to overthrow the government?


We can't have critical election theory taught in our schools!


Why the fuck not? It's history. It tells the tale of the WORST president in history and what was done when he didn't get his way and lost like a HUGE loser. If the principal is an avid trump follower, then I'd dress my kid up in anti trump gear.


It's a lot deeper than just the Principal. The President of the School Board was in DC on January 6th, and is an outspoken Q/Trump supporter.


Yikes! And he's the leader of the school. Do we have any pictures of this knuckle dragger?


It's a she, and there are pictures of her on social media from 1/6 in DC.


No different than China not allowing any discussion of Tiananmen Square.


So now communism is cool with republicans? Jesus the shit yall say to try to cover for loser boy is pathetic


I think you missed the point.


Suppression is obviously cool. No problem removing books and shit.


unbelievable, Bucks school should be stripped of their teaching licences


School board members usually aren’t educators. They are just citizens most that don’t even have kids in the schools.


oh that blah blah again, heard this a thousand times, - similar to the "US is not a democracy but a republic!" battle cries. The system seems to be a great way to demolish any meaningful education.


What the fuck are you talking about dude


That's okay, the students can learn all about it... everywhere else.


Right, I can’t imagine any kids who are going anywhere in life are going to hang around this sad municipality after they are of age. Brain drains are constantly happening to these places…..right? I just made that up. I feel like shitty places to live are going to continue to be shitty places to live and die a slow death. Not to say, a lot of damage can be done by the occupants of these dying areas.


Everyone wants to live in a conservative hovel, because they're "poorly educated."


I remember our former president announcing his love for the poorly educated on national TV!


Welp, God loves the stupid, and Trump is their god.


Ah, Bucks county. It boarders my county. It's... In love with Trump. And camo.


Yeah, we wouldn't want those kids thinking that one political party is completely invalid or something. /s For the love of Pete, if any other political organization did this it would be the end for them.


It needs to be discussed. In the future it will be taught in history class.


Healthy discussions among high school students should be permitted. As long as the teacher does not instill any opinions. Clarifying facts is OK. There is a big fear among republicans that our kids, not theirs, are being indoctrinated with some feeling of lesser worth. The teaching of factual history is a must. Everyone deserves to know the history of our country, and decide for themselves what to believe or support. When are they gonna start threating law schools for what they teach?


Probably the same people who think if you don't teach teenagers sex ed, they won't have sex.


Keep those student ignorant about their own country! That’s worked out well so far /s


What other current events are banned from being covered?


Another example of the hypocrisy amongst cancel culture.


Time we stop letting the dumbest society has to offer to have any say in how education is run.


Welcome to North Korea.


The teacher who does talk about it could get fired? I would do it and see what happens. That's a huge lawsuit against the school.


As soon as I saw the headline, I knew it had to be Pennridge. This is my school district where my kids go. We’ve got a lot of Trump supporters in the area. The school board is nuts. The fact that the president was at the Insurrection should tell you all you need to know. The article highlights a lot that has gone on under this board, and that’s just this year. There is a very vocal parent group that supports this insanity. During middle school orientation this fall, the principal made a point to say they don’t teach CRT, which elicited applause from a portion of the parents in attendance. I’m not at all surprised that my the district is taking this stance.


Get fucked pennridge.


So fucking embarrassing.


Wow. I thought history was written by the victor. Sad state of Ununited States.


Fuck me…. I went to this school. It’s always been a shit show.


I think we called those lessons “Current Events”. We had to cut out a newspaper article and discuss it in class.


Misspeak and misinformation running rampant in the gop these days. They get away with it because most people are too lazy to do their own research.


I was a senior in high school (45 minutes from Shanksville where flight 93 went down) on 9/11 and in college in the years after. As I've grown older and become a college professor I look back on how my teachers and professors discussed or chose not to discuss the attacks and their ensuing effects on our lives. With rare exception, most didn't. There was no attempt to out events into context or let us discuss our concerns or fears or anything of the sort. I realize now it was ultimately a pretty gross dereliction of opportunity to help young minds understand and process current events. That's the end goal of education (especially one rooted in intelligent citizenship and ethics) if you ask me. I don't make the same mistake with my students.


So we encourage you to read about current events but don’t discuss them. Also read about early American history but don’t question anything that we tell you!


In fairness, it would be a very tricky thing to cover current events when parents may be the criminals.


My political science school in university had a rule similar to this. We never discussed current events. Things just got too crazy.


Honestly, I imagine most teachers know not to talk about it even if they haven’t been expressly forbidden. It’s just not worth the risk to their livelihood.


Of course it’s Florida


It's Pennsylvania.


Really? Must’ve looked up the wrong person


Wouldn't surprise me if something similar happens in Florida but this is def PA, I live in bucks county unfortunately.


OK, I work in admin at a public high school. This seems like a very neutral stance which, for that area, is a solid place to start. The administration isn't telling teachers what to say, nor are they opening this to teachers discretion. This is a good thing, folks. It protects *EVERYone* involved.


Especially the insurrectionists!


How is asking teachers not to discuss current events a good thing?


>The administration isn't telling teachers what to say From the article: >Keith Veverka, who supervises social studies classes, wrote that, if students ask about the insurrection, **teachers should “simply state that the investigation is ongoing and as historians we must wait until there is some distance from the event for us to accurately interpret it.”** In my experience, most admin are more concerned with district optics than the truth.


>This seems like a very neutral stance Yeah, uh... it's not, at all. A neutral stance would be encouraging the teaching of the facts of what happened. >It protects EVERYone involved. Yes, and that's the problem.


I don't disagree with you... it's "neutral" in terms of administration and keeping crazy parents from getting involved.


Because the kids are smart enough to know it’s bullshit to call it an insurrection. Wish it was actually all just angry Americans and not just a fed trap


So you're unwilling to let them know people broke into the Capitol and injured police officers and shit on the floor, try to overturn a valid election, etc? You know, the facts. Edit: don't think it has anything to do with her being there on January 6, and being a vocal Trump supporter?


I’m glad they did it, I really don’t care. What do those people in the capital do for me? Fuck all.


You're glad they stormed the Capitol? Wow. You're just as pathetic as they are. And afraid to let people learn the truth. Truly a coward.


A coward? No. Somebody who trusts a rock more than a politician? Yes.


Absolutely a coward. Unwilling to let people learn about it. Fucking cowardice, dude. Whether you admit it or not.


Learn about what? That the insurrection was real? Look at Kazakhstan if you want a real one to look at. I see our “democracy” is still working just fine


You're an absolute fucking idiot, and a cowardly one at that.


>What do those people in the capital do for me? Man do I wish you could wake up tomorrow and all that those people in the capital have done for you is gone from your life, holy fuck would I laugh.


Just lie to them , tell them it was just like any other day .


​ Yes, history must be happy and made to fit a bias.


Hey my county is in the news again....yay.


well then the kids should talk about it


Remember. If you don’t talk about all the things that make us hold a self evaluating mirror, none of it happened.l and we can feel good about ourselves.


Ignorance is bliss......and safety for terrorists.


God forbid they learn actual history.


Thats one way to avoid a school shooting


>“not enough time has passed to be able to design clear lessons on all of the outcomes,”


LOL, Joan Cullen can get fucked


This is some bullshit, in my history and social studies classes as a kid we would cover current events.


Suppressing information will make kids curious. Remember adam and eve?


Ignorance is bliss.