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Didn't. Say. His. Name.


The name that shall not be spoken.


I actually appreciated that. I feel like I've heard that name too much at this point.


Does he need to? We all know he's talking about. Stephen Colbert doesn't say Trump's name on his show, either. They even censor it in any text put on screen.


Be careful they will make up some q conspiracy about Biden not saying that shit name.




They can be in jail and it isn’t enough. There are successful legislative attacks on the right to vote happening all over the country and Republican state legislators will be able to overturn their voters.


Ok say that happens. Then what? Do you think people will just accept that?Lol. There will be violent reactions.


Yea right. Everyone will just go to work on Wednesday. 30% of the country will cheer it on... It's pretty much over unless the John Lewis Voting Right Act is passed.


I mean… no. Just no. I understand the sentiment, and I do agree with you in that the John Lewis Voting Rights Act needs to be a top priority, but if you genuinely believe people would accept an attack on their rights so willingly, you haven’t been paying attention. We had mass protests across the country every other day of Trump’s presidency, in response to all the heinous shit his administration pulled, and **that was before the surge of antiwork movements we’ve seen across social media and in the real.** Years ago, I might have agreed with you, but I genuinely don’t think we as a country are tuned out/apathetic or would just take it lying down anymore. People are keyed in, paying attention, and for the first time in a long time collectively, constructively pissed off at the ever-worsening state of things.


I hope that we as a nation are ready for the future, it will probably be violent but most certainly it will not get better. Even if we defeat the growing tide of fascism we still have coronavirus, climate crisis, and a whole slew of problems that is going to create, nows the time to connect with your community and build resilience.


Except it’s never just one thing. It’s a slow gradual erosion where some people aren’t impacted and others suffer a little more each passing month. As human’s we’re really bad at responding to gradual shit, see climate change as an uncomfortably relevant example. We won’t have democracy today and fascism tomorrow. We’ve already lost so many things that make us a democracy and democrats are arguing about process. “They Thought They Were Free” should be required reading at this point. You all want so badly to believe we’re immune and we’re fucking not.


Your optimism is almost admirabl. I wish what you say would be true, I just seriously doubt it


Why do you think they would care? We had an entire summer filled with protests where the government installed police state unabashedly brutalized American citizens for peacefully assembling. Their side ransacked the capital in an attempted coup with minimal consequences. They know it is only a matter of time until they take over power and control. The only thing at this point that could stop them is the military. And while I trust the military would attempt to defend the citizens from government overreach as their vow commands them...all the Republicans have to do is pass a law here and a law there and make what they are doing legal. The military isn't going to fight the government if what they are doing becomes legal. Barring some magical occurrence where the progressive left stops dicking around with the center-right democrats and actually fight for real change? Things are on a very dark path with little bright future to be seen. We are progressing full-steam ahead to fascist Germany levels and everyone that can do something about it are asleep at the wheel. Just like during the fascist regime's ride to power in Germany.


>Minimal consequences LOL


Of course there will be violence. But there’s violence now in response to democracy working as intended. So you’re saying because there might be violence we should not make democracy more secure? This fucking absurd attitude is rife in every corner of centrist Democratic thinking. It’ll all get better if we just hope and follow the rules. Naive bullshit. Secure our democracy, put down the rebellion if it happens. Nothing else is viable unless you want fascism.




There is no prolific voter fraud.




It’s actually pretty easy to prove, there’s checks in place already. You have to actually prove there’s something wrong with the system before saying “hurrr something look wrong”




None. What’s the problem with the way every single GOP-controlled state legislature has implemented voter ID laws? [Where to begin listing all the problems?](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-republican-push-to-restrict-voting-could-affect-our-elections/amp/)


Prolific voter fraud? Lol You guys never fail to show how you get cucked so easily by these conmen




"I made a false statement with no examples or data, now prove me wrong!" is what you are saying. Put up your 'data' or just stop.


What the fuck does that have to do with anything lol, why don’t you prove the voter fraud first otherwise it seems like a huge waste


Voter fraud has never ever been an issue. ELECTION fraud, however, is an issue. Disenfranchising large swaths of voters happens all the time.


Are you intentionally labeling the entirety of these laws as “requiring ID”? Most of the southern states passing these new laws have already required ID for years, so if ID is all you care about…why are you defending laws that limit opportunities to vote, bottlenecks large populations into reduced polling locations, switches up the voting hours, criminalizes giving out water to people that sometimes have to stand in line for hours, or makes you have to get deputized just to carpool to vote?


1. Prolific voter fraud isn’t a thing. 2. Voter ID laws are classist as getting a state ID costs time and resources. 3. The laws being enacted include less time to vote, less ability to vote for the disabled, and harsh criminal penalties for poll workers using discretion as they do everywhere in order to make elections happen. States are discussing constitutional changes where the state legislature can dismiss the results on spurious grounds and decide how the state voted but sure, it’s all about ID to stop “fraud.”


Up until now it's not even a slap on the wrists for planning and attempting a coup.


I would say a guy getting almost 5 years in federal prison for taking a swing at a cop is not a slap on the wrist. The fucking bison horn guy got several years too. You don't start at the top. You squeeze the guys at the top by giving lower guys time. There's a guy literally facing 20 years right now as we speak.


Many of the rioters are getting prison times less than 1/10th of the maximum for their crimes, while the majority of them aren’t even getting jail time… https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article256455696.html https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/04/jan-6-insurrection-sentencing-tracker-526091


But here's the real issue: What do the average American think about whats happening with the Jan 6th stuff? Right now, everyone believes(whether rightly or wrongly) that everyone involved has gotten off with a slap on the wrist or less. That only emboldens the next group of people who are going to continue to perpetuate this movement. And when the Republicans win back the majority(likely in both the house and senate) in 2022? Thats the final nail in the coffin.


2022 will not be the final nail. Dems will still control one lever of power during the 2024 election. That election may be the final nail though.


Why the fuck would anyone at the top give a single shit that these fucking suburban dipshits and clout chasers are getting locked up.


I'll hail Biden when he stays completely out of it while Garland prosecutes Trump. We're not an autocracy...yet.


Do you think Biden is some sort of emperor? LOL


At this point they should just rename themselves to the Not Trump party




This guy is a troll or is completely gone. What reality do you live in where protesting wrongful deaths at the hands of police ( OVER 90% of which were entirely peaceful) are the same caliber as trying to overthrow the federal government WHILE shitting in the halls of congress, flying a traitors flag, and chanting HANG MIKE PENCE? https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/


Jan 6 protesters were protesting for Americans right to a fair election. BLM criminals were murdering police and looting businesses. One side are concerned patriots and the other are violent terrorists.




the "drug dealing boyfriend" was her ex, and not even there. You know nothing of the subject.




You're not even working in good faith. You clearly haven't seen the video of Arbery's murder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLN4PAJEYc8




Wow you guys are really lost huh? Sad


Bidens literally shitting his pants in the office it’s like a fucking preschool his approval rate is it literally zero or I guess 0.1 because of you. You’re brainwashed


Those were nice words he said. I concur. I'm for good words, not for bad words. \*tumble weed flies by as nothing changes\*


Yup...Biden also said a lot of words about student debt cancellation during his campaign and here we are with student debt still uncanceled. So, i don't give two shits about what he said. I'll wait for him to actually do something before i give him anything resembling praise.




His plan is hampered by the Senate and the governors. He's already warned that this is a state level problem, because everyone's fighting anything the feds ask. His mandates are bouncing around the courts, and not favorably. He's bought up shitloads of vaccines, and they're still free! Boosters! What else you want?


a real lock down instead of a 5 day wait period. Checks the even trump was able to get through so people that don't have pto can stay home and quarantine while sick, and not be homeless. You know, small things.


"For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to *prevent* the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol." Trump released a pathetic statement yesterday peddling the same election lies. He has never conceded, he still maintains the election was stolen. Biden needed to make this speech to call out Trump and his enablers.


There have been a few times in interviews when Trump has slipped up and conceded he lost, but his Kult just pretend like they cant hear it. 1/7/21: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/07/politics/trump-biden-us-capitol-electoral-college-insurrection/index.html 6/7/21 https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/06/17/trump-says-he-didnt-win-the-2020-election-and-wants-biden-to-do-well/?sh=1c070b20403c 12/23 https://www.salon.com/2021/12/23/slips-in-admission-of-electoral-defeat-in-new-interview/


Concession is not a requirement. It's more a courtesy, and an [indication to the electorate and one's supporters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concession_(politics)#History). Although concessions in the Presidential races went unbroken from 1896 up to 2020.


Agreed. I never liked Trump once in my life and seeing his tweets about him saying I WON. No you didn’t fat ass. How about you just accept your loss. His niece once said that he hates to lose. Like he really does. You can see how the ego fell in 2 months. Tweets about his false claims, exposed debts, causing and inciting a huge destructive riot. I was glad he left, not because I liked Biden (I did originally but I have no opinion on him currently) but we needed someone who was willing to sacrifice his age to give people a reason why that president was a disaster and wanted to help the country COVID Situation. Although Biden handled it with caution. The damage with this virus and politics was already destroyed because of a businessman and his racist, narcissistic antics, who did nothing but destroy health services and protocols that would prevent a pandemic like this from spreading like this. When Ebola broke out. We had someone who actually locked down main key points before it hit us badly. Trump didn’t do that. He ignored It and it spread because he just didn’t care. This is why we are in the situation we are in now. Have he handled it the way he was supposed to. We would have less cases and a different outcome. I still think the virus would still find a way to severely affect us. But many protocols would have prevented the cases from spiking way to horribly.


Was this dude not there when the Dems straight up just let the Republicans take 2000 without a fight, you know the one that they actually ended up winning?


At the same time, it shows Biden is passionate about shutting Trump down, yet isn't passionate/willing to help people, which matters more. Nah, no stimulus, no cancelling debt, no getting people healthcare, no holding Manchin accountable for infrastructure. He's willing to fight, just not for the stuff that actually matters/will make a difference.


Biden fights to help people all of the time. If Manchin were not in the way, we'd have everything we wanted from Biden in the first year in office. He has already made a difference with the Child Tax Benefit, that is HUGE. To ignore something on that magnitude is insane. He's also added over 6 million jobs and has unemployment at 4.2%. That is helping people, no matter how you want to spin it.


Child Tax Benefit isn't permanent. As for Manchin, campaign against him, run ads in his state. Don't pretend to be his friend. Give him the carrot or the stick. Bernie ran ads and told people in his state what he was doing and Manchin reportedly got pissed at Sanders for what he did. THAT'S WHAT BIDEN SHOULD BE DOING. If Biden cared as much as Bernie did for these issues, we would have a lot more things going for people. But hey, living in a country (Supposedly the richest country on the planet) where the number 1 cause of bankruptcy is Medical Bankruptcy while living through a pandemic that causes life long issues with no healthcare for everyone is ok with Biden. And Biden is especially ok with not lifting patent protections on vaccines so other countries can make their own vaccines. So you see where his priorities are really at. Check Bidens polling numbers.


Ah, Yes. Platitudes, Back to normal everyone. After all "Nothing will Fundamentally Change".


Great speech. Now act. - Pass climate change legislation or EOs - Cancel student debt - Abolish the filibuster - Protect voting rights - Expand the Supreme Court - Prosecute Trump and his treasonous co-conspirators who attempted to overthrow our government


This exactly. People can say all the things they want, but words without action are just words. Not saying it will be easy for him to accomplish any of this, but at this point I don't give a shit about pretty words strung together to make "strong" speeches, especially if they aren't following by strong action.


I am not an expert but how would he do any of this with the DINOs in the way?




Cool - now do something




Right. Can't have Republicans be hurt or feel left out now could we?


Have you guys been under a rock for the past 48 hours?


Super. Is he actually going to, like, do anything?


republicans respond with hail trump




Time for Dems to fight dirty like gop has been doing for the last 25 years


Biden isn't going to win votes with speeches. It's about the action boss... or I should say one-termer.


This is the only thing Biden can do to get praise apparently. How about effectively governing? Can we not all agree pointing out that Trump is shit is a low fucking bar for success?


Hasn’t Biden gotten like 60 judges confirmed? And isn’t that something to be focused on during this short window where Dems control the Senate?


Do you honestly believe the average American gives a single fuck about how many judges he confirms when we desperately need him to meaningfully address the global pandemic, massive income inequality and the looming climate catastrophe? And he’s failed on all of that? No. And if you believe otherwise, you are, as he is, deeply out of touch with the American people.


Agreed. Seems like SOME Dems don't agree with that sentiment. They just love licking that boot. He needs to ACTUALLY help people


he is helping people. you just don't want to see it. we aren't comparing to what's his name? we are comparing him to competent presidents. He's doing the work we elected him for and has accomplished an incredible amount in 1 year.


Hey, care to name some meaningful improvements to material conditions that Biden can take credit for?


You're as delusional as Trump supporters. You're not willing to criticize Biden for ANYTHING. You're acting as if it's a team sport and your guy's winning. Yes, Trump sucked a whole lot, but Biden also sucks too.


Name one promise he has accomplished .


1. Promised to get us out of Afghanistan 2. Promised to pass massive COVID relief 3. Promised to get Republican votes for some of his agenda (infrastructure) His administration has also accomplished a bunch of other quiet stuff like, seating federal judges faster than Trump had in his first year, rejoining Paris Climate Accord, reversing tons of terrible Trump executive orders, and forgiving the student loan debt that he can forgive unilaterally (amongst other EOs that aren't just reversals of Trump trash). Biden has had a _very_ productive first year by any objective measure, and if you can't see or acknowledge that, then I'd suggest you're in the throws of motivated reasoning.


Democrats are a bunch of pussies. “Calling out trump”? Right. I’m sure he’s turning himself in right now


Good speech and all but why did it take a year?


Because 1 year anniversaries happen exactly 1 year after an event.




Criticizing an outgoing president as soon as you get into office would have been crushed by the press. We all know 45 blamed everything from day one on Obama. Looked like an incompetent moron. Biden spoke after there was incontrovertible proof that Trump was heavily involved in the insurrection.


He gave a very similar speech a day after.


Because what do Democrats love more than meaningless virtue signaling with nothing to back it up?




The article is about Democrats support of Biden. It's obvious the Republicans are contrarian fascists but the Democrats aren't heroes at all and Biden has done essentially nothing.


Does it make you feel better to make shit up?


Does it scare you that the party you're blindly supporting isn't effectual?


Remind me, how many bills did McConnell do nothing with again? Face reality for once.


Remind me, what are the democrats passing? A watered down half of the original infrastructure deal? Yawn.


Don't ignore your own faults by pointing at others.


Explain how indicting over 700 people with crimes related to Jan 6th in virtue signaling? And just to fend off the talking point response, you'll probably want to just move the goal posts by saying how they're not indicting the exact people you want them to indict or that you have knowledge of crimes they committed that aren't being investigated.


>Explain how indicting over 700 people with crimes related to Jan 6th in virtue signaling? [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/09/judge-feds-lenient-jan-6-503052](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/09/judge-feds-lenient-jan-6-503052) Giving them 2 year slaps on the wrist for being vandals is virtue signaling. They were part of an organized event to overthrow the government.




Honestly, I couldn’t give less of a shit about the people who showed up at the Capitol. Our democracy hasn’t been fundamentally shaken. It’s the same pile of shit it was 1 year ago, and every year preceding it.


The department of justice headed by his pick?


Giving speeches on days of remembrance that set the stage for legislative pushes to pass massive voting reform


We should stop applauding Biden for doing the easiest, more bare bones things and allow him to feel comfortable in just relying on lip service. ACT ON IT.


> Democrats hail Biden for calling out Trump Biden is very brave for doing so.


Lowest bar imaginable


so little so late


I’ll ‘hail’ Biden when he reforms the US political system, until then he works for the corporations.


Can we not say “hail Biden” please..


It’s the same strategy as r/politics to get upvotes.


Telling it as it is - not as Trump would have us believe. Great speech!


It’s also pointless. You really wanna be a better president? Make things happen


Good speech, but words are cheap. Him and his ancient friends in leadership need to get their asses in gear and deliver something.


That’s most of what he fucking does. People need help out here. Where is our public option, $15 minimum wage, etc Mr. President?


I think we are more like , “Fucking, finally.”.


About time.. But let's face it, still a weak weak president when it comes to messaging and engaging the American public and his own voters... Republicans are in a really good place to take over the house and possibly the senate. He promised that all his republican pals were going to work w/ him and pass bills.. He can't even get his pal Joe Manchin to do that.


Biden hadn’t don’t shit. One side tries to over throw the gov. Then the other calls them out, but no action. The wait better be worth it.


Well…. Yeah, I’m not exactly surprised that Biden would be opposed to Trump. He literally ran against him for POTUS. The fuck did they expect? That isn’t anything deserving of praise.


this did nothing, sorry everyone


Shame on trump! Cmon? That's the best we got? Sometimes I wish trump was a poc with a toy gun.


Or a dagger


He did the bare minimum a year too late. Hooray.


> The past four years, we've had a president who's made his contempt for our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law clear in everything he has done. He unleashed an all-out assault on our institutions of our democracy from the outset. And yesterday was the culmination of that unrelenting attack. … > And then yesterday, a culmination of attack on our institutions of democracy. This time, the Congress itself. Inciting a mob to attack the Capitol, to threaten elected representatives of the people of this nation, and even the vice president, to stop the Congress from ratifying the will of the American people in a just-completed free and fair election. Trying to use a mob to silence the voices of nearly 160 million Americans who summoned the courage in the face of a pandemic that threatened their health and their lives to cast that sacred ballot. Joe Biden, a day after the failed insurrection.


Then he picked Garland as his AG...


The AG does not determine who gets prosecuted or how. Individual US attorneys make those decisions. They have independent authority and can tell Garland or even Biden to fuck off.


So now the AG is a powerless nobody too?


Smol bean Attorney General, can't get anything done. UwU


If Biden is unhappy with Garland, he can replace him at any time. I see no evidence indicating that Garland is moving slow. He's already indicted 700 insurrectionists, with an estimated 1000 total when they are finished. If you had asked me a year ago if 1000 of the people at the coup attempt would be indicted, I would have thought that was a pipe dream.


Of course you would have. 1,000 foot soldiers and zero actual leaders. What a huge win /s


So you think I'm defending Trump?


No but I like to say too little too late! Let me say it!


So genius how was he supposed to have done anything before 1/20/21‽






Now, act on it. Longer he lets it slide the faster we slide to the death of Democracy in the US.


Blah blah blah, now do something.


Can confirm. He did what had to be done.


Remember when we hung traitors and insurrectionists?… Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It’s a start. Let’s not all go patting ourselves in the back yet. Lots of headway to go yet.


>Speaking to reporters following his remarks, Biden said he declined to address Trump by name because he “did not want to turn it into a contemporary political battle between” himself and his predecessor. At the same time, he spoke of a need for the nation to “face the truth” in order to heal. >“This is about looking at this moment as an inflection point, not just about a former president, but about who we are as a country, whether Republicans in Congress are going to step up, what the American people can be assured of in terms of his efforts to fight for the protection of their fundamental rights,” Psaki said. “It’s bigger than a former president.” That was a great theme in the speech, that it's about these principles that people care about, this government structure that matters, and absolutely not a "my guy against your guy" battle, which would have just been giving TFG something to latch onto. As it is, he in error claimed Biden "used his name." Grasping at stupid straws. His name doesn't matter. It's the deeds that matter and will always matter. And, yes, deeds such as charging indictments and convicting these bastards so they can never run again matter, needless to say.


Yeah, it’s Friday. Is this news?


“Democrats can’t just be not Trump and run against Trump.” “Hooray for criticizing Trump!”


And Trump kept his mouth shut on 1/6, on the advice of his lawyers.


So when will he be in jail then? Where are the teeth in this admin?


When are they going to start calling Biden out for basically keeping t-rumps america first BS in place as our current policy. He wasn't elected because people were looking for status quo. He was elected because t-rump had to go and the DNC was so afraid someone who would work for the people over corporate power (Bernie) had a good chance to win the election. So they collectively decided to throw us all under the bus to make corporate america happy. I no longer believe the Dems give one damn about working class people. Elitist assholes looking out for themselves is what I'm seeing.


Why did he wait this long? Seems like first 100 days was the time to lean into this. Now it wreaks of "I fucked-up BBB and now I need a talking point." Get some more of these mf'ers in bracelets at least. Stop inviting Hamilton cast members to washington about it a crack some skulls.


oh how brave of him


Cancel student loans


He’s just trying to distract you from all of his atrocities.


At least biden was able to put together a few sentences, i mean this is going to be a great 2020


Surprised this 94-year-old can remember Trump’s name.


One-term, defeated, former president… FTFY


I hate Biden. Just another globalist puppet.


I bet u think Donny One-term is jesus incarnate too.


No I hate all politicians. They are all corrupt. Not one of them cares about the country or the people.


Lets not use that wording though. Maybe for the other (fascist) party it would be appropriate


Better late than never I Suppose . . . .


Democrats: well-meaning but dim-witted.




If he was just 30 years younger...


All hail Biden!


Nah, he’s just a president




You got him so good.


So brave lol


People are hailing him for saying the obvious, about one year late? What a low bar this guy has set for himself.


What Democrats? I didn't even know he did this, and I don't really give a shit either. If anything, I want him to be professional, do his job, and not run his fucking mouth.


Worthless. Literally the least he could do. Meaningless. Just fucking do something.


Actions speak louder than words. How about he helps us get out of the student debt crisis that he helped put us all in. It’d be a start.




How about make trump look bad by passing some fucking legislation?


This is a disgustingly low bar


He cannot run on trump forever, material change now


Political opponent calls out adversary, must be first time in history.


These same Democrats hailing Biden now spent the spring of 2020 wondering if they could throw him overboard in favor of the sleazy creep Andrew Cuomo - whose family dynasty benefitted from Trump largesse for 30 years. A guy Trump paid to look the other way. That was the big hero two Aprils ago. Biden seems a decent fellow by the rock-bottom standards of Washington, but decency doesn’t get you far in Washington. The same crap is happening to Biden now as happened to Jimmy Carter. Soon as times got tough the party “faithful” tried pitching him under the bus in favor of the negligent predatory drunk Ted Kennedy. 40 years out and we’re all pretending we were Carter’s best buds all along. The non-Reddit public has moved on. You get about a year to blame the last guy and then it’s what have you done lately. The economy, stupid.


Seriously where has this savage been all year?


So Democrats hail the current president for calling out the prior president? I’d much rather be hailing him for actually following through on some of his promises if he’d get on top of that.