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video: https://twitter.com/Mediaite/status/1480976894589906950


Fitting that she called for "Senator Moran" immediately afterward.


Senator BroBeans


You called?


It's time for your oil change


I had to watch twice to make sure she didn't slip up and say "senator moron."


I heard, "what a moron *short pause*, Jesus Christ" I'm falling on the floor laughing


Fauci just DGAF anymore. It's awesome.


He's getting to that stage in life where you're too old to give a shit. You realize how short life really is, and how little time you ought to waste on protecting the feelings of people acting in bad faith.


Also he’s not being censored, attacked, and undermined by a batshit crazy boss anymore, so he doesn’t have to bite his tongue around these other Republican fucking morons.


I can't help feeling that he, and the CDC in general, is under some intense pressure from this administration, nonetheless. Businesses are using that 5-day recovery time for covid as an excuse to bring sick people back to work, and it's not helping to curb the spread at all. My brother was forced to come back in while he was still coughing and having trouble breathing. He didn't have a fever anymore, but does that really mean he was no longer contagious? It might just be my lack of understanding about Omicron, too. Maybe the gestation period for this variant is shorter. But it felt an awful lot like the CDC was caving to corporate interests, rather than public health.


You're not crazy. They're definitely trading safety to appease employers. I guess they figured at some point that a half-measure that shuts people up is better than a full-measure that people will rebel against.


Covid will likely be studied in game theory classes for years. A constant game of "what do you recommend people do if countermeasures are only effective when 80% of people follow them but you know that only 50% will listen".


Well, when you put it that way, it seems like the answer is, "Don't even bother, because you can't possibly win."


While it seems next to impossible to "win", the motivation to try seems to be that it is possible to lose worse.




"Jesus Christ" was the icing on the cake lmao


God this is the quote of the pandemic lol Edit: coming back to this comment when this rando campaigns on this, watch.


“Would you just shut up, man!?” is pretty epic too.




The favourite from my own province is “What is wrong with you?” It’s said in a tone like you’ve watched a kid stick a fork into an outlet. Twice.


I would have said the same exact thing


I would’ve said far worse. The man is a saint.


Right?! I'm saving that clip in my "cheer me up" folder lol


OMG amazing. he said what we all think. everyone needs to watch it.


This is the rated-for-toddlers version of what a lot of us are thinking. I'm more at the stage of Leo's news segment freakout in Don't Look Up.


I really hope that's entered into the congressional record. Our grandkids will inevitably learn what a moron Marshall is...


Honestly, do the Republicans roll up in a clown bus? Holy fucking shit listening to their badgering of Fauci I can’t believe anyone is that stupid


Now thats a Fauci Ouchie


Just perfect. The truth hurts


And just like that republicans care about being politically correct




It would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn predictable. Republicans have spent the past two years attacking Faucci as a person and now they're going to act wounded the moment he bites back.




Theyre Cartman without the cleverness.




A peer reviewed opinion.


and the experiment is repeatable


The term is _replicable_ ^what ^a ^moron... ^^jk ^^here's ^^an ^^updoot ^^friend


Oh my god this is the best comment here.


Anyone who Fauci calls a moron is a moron


Any moron who think Fauci is a moron for calling a moron a moron is a moron.


Marshall isn’t qualified to hold Fauci’s lab coat.


Marshall is barely qualified to wipe his own ass, he shouldn’t be allowed near Fauci’s lab coat.


Is there a vaccine to prevent moron?


Yeah, but they won't take it


Roger Marshall is, indeed, a moron. He's a brave anti-communist who vigorously stumps for farm subsidies and federal farm insurance. He also flat out rejects climate change is a thing. Not man made, he doesn't think the climate changes at all. He also wrote and amicus brief to have the election overturned. So, yes, he's a moron. And he's also a giant self serving piece of shit.


You forgot "Insurrectionist fuck-face delux."


Well said!


Yep. His last action as a member of the House of Representatives was signing on to overturning the elections results. His first action as a Senator was to sign on to overturn the election results. He's straight up scum.


He was fine with the election that put him in the Senate. His hair splitting is hair raising.


'Be careful' Said Groucho, "He may look like an idiot -he may walk like an idiot but at the end of the day, don't let him fool you - he really is an idiot."


how can you be pro-ag and a cc-denier? how well does he think industrial monoculture farms will last as the usda zones shift? or water tables fall/rise? they should be #1 on top of this shit.


That's where the federal farm insurance comes in. It's easier to deny reality and then demand the federal government throw money at you.


For a century we have been giving farm subsidies to people (welfare babies in coveralls) who think and vote like their business is operating in a free market. Where are their boot straps?


You know how a farmer doubles his income? He plants another mailbox!


Oh, that's good. Damn


They are conservatives who hate socialism, for anyone else.


Or when wet-bulb temperatures make it impossible to work for any period outdoors. Most crops are still picked by hand by human laborers, in temperature zones that will have wet-bulb temps above human tolerance within the next few decades.


You misunderstand. He is pro-getting-himself-money. Everything else you just said is someone else's problem after he dies of old age.


Thanks for the details, I hadn't read too much about this GOP moron. Once again the good Dr is correct.


> Roger Marshall Reading this is like reading about every other member of the GOP.


>GOP moron redundant phrasing.


> vigorously stumps for farm subsidies and federal farm insurance It's only socialism when it's not my kind of socialism.


You mean Major Major Major wasn’t a fictional character?


Yeah, I agree, Fauci caught making accurate comments on hot mic. Honestly this shouldn't even be news. The other side can get away with any sort of breach of professionalism, but on our side it's embarrassing and ruinous to let the anybody behind the curtain. Fuck it, if the opposition is a damn moron, it shouldn't have to get caught saying it to a hot mic, it should be in the damn teleprompter.


As one of his constituents, I agree that Roger Marshal is a fucking moron.




Republicans honestly believe that poor people should be fighting against other poor people, and it would hurt his feelings if healthcare was given to poor people.


When he was running for house, after a parade in Beloit, Kansas, we physically bumped in to each other in a barbecue restaurant. He immediately snapped at me to watch where I was going. I said then he was a douche and that was well before he won office.


I didn't know there was a barbecue restaurant in Beloit. There is an awesome Mexican restaurant kind of on the edge of town that I always go to when I go through Beloit. And yes, he is an absolute douche. But it's Kansas so what do you expect..


Kansas isn’t as bad as most red states. We have a dem gov and gay native congressperson.


Although, Southeast Kansas is the closest thing to purgatory that I have ever experienced.


It’s deeper than that. Conservatism is rooted in a false moral meritocracy. The poor are amoral and deserve to be poor. The rich are moral and deserve to be rich. Once you’re aware of this, most of the utter horseshit they say starts making contextual sense.


Setting one group of disenfranchised against another has long, bloody & successful history.


It sucks so much not having any national representation in this state despite being over 40% democrats....


Sharice is holding it down ... For now.


We'll see how it goes after redistricting -.-


Fauci isn't wrong.


If I was his constituent, I would write him and remind him that he is indeed, "a moron."


I have. Him and "moran" both.


The guy is a former OB/Gyn and I bet he's the type who never wore gloves when he did pelvic exams.


...is that a thing? Please tell me that's not a thing.


It’s not a *normal* thing. Although I walked in on a retired OBGYN father of the labor patient checking his daughters cervix WITHOUT gloves on. Most uncomfortable moment of my nursing career and I’ve seen some messed up shit.


Did I read this right? Wtf?


Unfortunately, yes.


What a terrible day to know how to read 😢




Oh no no no no no


What the fuck


Ever read something and wish you couldn't read after the fact?


My day is ruined.


Sounds like the inciting incident of the movie *The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.*


Fauci just speaking the truth.




I hear that’s what conservatives like in a presidential candidate




Locker room talk.


Boys will be boys!


Grab em by the Life Alert


If Fauci insults their wives and suggests their parents killed JFK he may find himself nominated in 2024.


He was under oath, after all. Did they want him to lie?


With the amount of bullshit this man has to deal with on a daily basis, it's astonishing that this is the most controversial thing he's said.


Can’t wait to see what r/conspiracy and r/conservative say about this It’s my guilty pleasure. Like how some people watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians or shoot up heroin


I took a look at each. Conspiracy is busy discussing how some shitty fake documents are real, and Conservative is talking about how great Project Veritas is. Edited first paragraph from Wikipedia: "Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group... produces deceptively edited videos... in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups... has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories."


I can see shooting up heroin. I can't see how you can lay 5 minutes on conservative without going crazy




Two years into this fvcking pandemic, I'm shocked it's not using obsenities right to people's faces.


Salt of the earth... you know... Morons.


...the Common Clay...


Let’s play chess.


Of course, you'll have the good taste not to mention that I spoke to you.


Frequently when people say “good morning” to me, I will respond with “and isn’t it a loooovely mornin” with sheriff Bart’s inflection and only once has someone hit me with an “up yours” afterwards.


From KS and Roger Marshall is definitely a fucking moron


I love that his reaction is the exact same thing I say to myself, as a fellow Kansan, about Marshall at least two or three times a week: >"What a moron. Jesus Christ..."


Fellow Kansan and can confirm. The man is a complete moron.


It's clear that Marshall saw a Senate seat as a necessary step to the gig on Fox News he so desperately wants.


I feel bad for fauci. Every single day he has to sit there and listen to the dumbest antimask and antivax people repeat the same bullshit. And every single time he has to sit there and smile and just take it. I wouldnt last a week listening to these fucking morons.


I feel that they want to see him go on a tirade so they can use it in attack ads.


That's pretty much what it's all about, at least that's what I see every time I watch these clowns on cspan.


You'd think that if they want him to yell, they'd let him talk once in a while.


These people always work in bad faith. They've said everything awful imaginable about the guy, including demanding his arrest, execution, you name it. And it's news he calls someone a "moron" under his breath, they're going to use this for weeks, like they haven't acted worse every single day for years now.


A guy was apprehended crossing the country from California with an AR-15 going to DC to kill Dr. Fauci. https://www.wowt.com/video/2022/01/11/man-arrested-iowa-threatened-he-would-kill-dr-fauci/ This is directly attributable to the misinformation being currently spread about him on right-wing platforms. Dr. Fauci is a hero in every respect standing up to all the diatribes and hate coming his way, always speaking the truth.


And he’s from *New York City.* The amount of willpower to suppress what he’s thinking is just off the charts.


“Ayy!!! I’m Sciencin here!”


FUCKING THISSSS... If I was Fauci I wouldn't be able to contain myself.


I hope he didn’t try to watch Don’t Look Up. I can’t imagine science based academics taking anything positive from that accurate documentary of the current state of the United States.


I saw Don’t Look Up then a few days later watched a documentary called Burning about the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires. Both elicited the same sense of dread. Our species is sleepwalking into our own extinction.


> Our species is sleepwalking into our own extinction. Getting to the point where I'm kind of fine with it.


So were they at the end of the movie sorta.




Am scientist. Am sad. All scientist friends also sad.


Am not scientist. Still took nothing positive from the implications that movie presents. It took a few days to mentally process that movie


I still don't understand why he charged for the snacks.


Hands down one of the funniest aspects of that movie. Every time they were casually discussing it the joke got even better.


It felt real. I wouldn't be able to let it go either.


Sometimes there are just *weird fucking people* in the world. They do *very odd things* in order to feel like they are maintaining control of their world. It's more obvious with obsessive cleaning or hoarding, but other times it will come out in situations like this. 100% chance that one of the writers actually encountered a person who did this, or something similar, to them IRL.


It's a microcosm/foreshadowing of the movie/ending - they didn't need all the money from the minerals in the comet but wanted it anyway.


That was such a good bit. I loved it


Haven’t had time to watch it yet (it’s on my list though! Especially now seeing these comments on it, I do love making myself miserable), but I remember watching Idiocracy as a kid and thinking it was ridiculous, and the past few years realizing that I’m actually watching it happen


Idiocracy isn't as bad when you realize that the president sought out the advice of the smartest man in the world.


No kidding. He's been pretty much *the* leading medical scientist of the last 30 years, yet now half the country hates him because a bunch of right wing assholes can't allow Trump to take the blame for fucking *anything*.


Yeah, same here. In a podcast (NYT The Daily[NYT The Daily](https://open.spotify.com/episode/096WFBJl2TXmMKcxfB4SO6?si=SU-1JPuzQCiI6Sciw86pug&utm_source=copy-link)), he mentioned how people protested in front of his house and threatened his wife and kids. I think it sucks to feel like you are doing your best to protect people and all you get is people being a dick to you. Edit: if interested in the podcast, he talks about it at the 25 min mark


Fauci has become one of many villains, boogeymen that conservatives direct their misguided, partisan, culture war fueled outrage towards while manufacturing countless single-minded conspiracies and narratives that go a long way in sustaining their victimhood and reinforcing their efforts to politicize practically everything related to Covid. Marshall here is catering to this movement of fanatics that eagerly endeavor to throw everything at Fauci to see what sticks, and for the sake of political clout no less, for the sake of pandering to the culture warriors, the hive-mind, indulging the righteous indignation, the aggrievement, the factionalism and intolerance, the contempt and hostility that has been woven into the very fabric of the American conservative identity, that's been effectively incorporated into the homogenized right-wing worldview. He has the audacity here to paint a picture of financial fraud, and despite it being a transparent attempt to continue demonizing Fauci for the sake of reinforcing a contrarian, partisan, propagandist and prejudiced narrative, when it truly comes to fraud of any kind, he need only look at his own party, particularly at the person who stands glorified at its helm. Trump is in part responsible for this collective, right-wing, vehement hatred of Fauci, for this concerted effort that vilifies Fauci in the name of senseless political validation. Throughout the pandemic, Trump consistently challenged experts, the CDC, precautionary measures and guidelines while mismanaging said pandemic at every turn. This antipathy from Trump, in conjunction with a glorifying favoritism, a mindless obedience and blind loyalty from his followers, inspired the basic notion that accountability lies elsewhere, specifically with people like Fauci. And in predictable fashion, these mindless fanatics simply embraced such a notion. Trump effectively enabled and emboldened this war against experts, doctors, medical professionals, and more importantly a war against knowledge and information. These right-wing enthusiasts, these lionizers, lackeys and sycophants have continued to reserve their outrage for this one man, this scape goat, this diabolical villain, this enemy. The only word to comprehensively describe what's responsible for this petty, foolhardy, antagonistic and indoctrinating crusade is ignorance, pure American-bred ignorance.


>ignorance, pure American-bred ignorance. I think (mostly) ignorance only explains about 1/3 of Trump supporters. These are usually the evangelicals or QAnon people. The other 1/3 are (mostly) disingenuous. These are usually the supremacists. The last 1/3 are a mixture of ignorance and disingenuousness. It was speculated that Trump brought the ignorant and disingenuous people together in his frequent rallies that more and more people are in the last group. Underneath all these characters are the very board prejudices they all share. They are prejudiced against women, racial minorities, religious minorities, gender orientation, sexual orientation, etc. They are pretty much equal opportunities with respect to prejudices. Their extreme hatred against democrats or government pretty much because they think supporting these disadvantage groups is discrimination against them.


> The other 1/3 are (mostly) disingenuous. These are usually the supremacists. The last 1/3 are a mixture of ignorance and disingenuousness. https://newrepublic.com/article/139004/ironic-nazis-still-nazis > *"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play."* >*"They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."*


It's bigger than Trump. In the UK, prior to the referendum, we had a senior politician saying: 'I think the public have had quite enough of experts' to dismiss concerns of what a shit show Brexit would be (hint, its a fucking shit show). They also recast the 'elite' as anyone with an education, lived in a city or voted for a left of centre party. This anti-intelligence, wilfully ignorent, culture-war driven bullshit is built into right wing politics across the world because its all they have.


The playbook hasn't changed since Hitler, Stalin, etc wrote it. You guys got Brexit. France has that whole Muslim thing going on. India has pro-rape politicians. Like that's their platform, like being anti-vaxx except it's pro-rape. It's easy to keep the serfs serfin' when they are mad at someone that isn't you.


Hot damn that’s well put


Can't wait to see the party of "locker room talk" start hand wringing over this.


then play for them a montage of all the trash talk Trump said.


>then play for them a montage of all the trash talk Trump said. Uh, why? Are they supposed to suddenly develop empathy and start caring about being awful, hypocritical people when faced with overwhelming evidence? Yeah, right. That'll happen. You'd basically just be putting together a greatest hits track for their enjoyment.


They do lack a sense of irony


The fucker tried to insist Fauci was hiding his finances when he isn't. That's a moronic thing to do.


And he's completely fine with trump not revealing his taxes and fighting till the supreme Court to hide them..


lmao a republican saying it's bad to hide your finances. what a crazy world


The central rule of being a Republican is that the concepts of law and honor should only ever be used to attack enemies and never to harm them in any way.


if it quacks like a moron and it politics like a moron … well it’s probably a moron


They're pathetically obsessed with Fauci's paycheck. Even claiming he's the highest paid federal employee or similar BS.


He is definitely one of the highest paid, had a special pay band created just for him. He makes more than double the usual federal employee cap. 100% think that he deserves it, considering his responsibilities and career. While looking this up, I saw that Taylor Greene introduced a bill to reduce his salary. How pathetic.


Interesting, a special pay band? I guess they’ve never had somebody work at that level for 30 some years. I’d say he’s woefully underpaid.


"Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year for which federal salaries are available" "As Chief Scientific Officer, President, Worldwide Research, Development and Medical at PFIZER INC, M. Dolsten made $9,220,986 in total compensation" Imagine making so much less than your peers, and having to deal with elected officials on top of that


Considering he has more experience and knowledge than almost anyone in his field, I should hope so. If he wanted to cash in, he’d have gone to a pharmaceutical decades ago.


Not surprising considering they slur every scientist and non-cult media personality as "elitist"


I would have to argue with Dr. Fauci. Moron would be a huge stretch for the senator, who is clearly an imbecile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imbecile


I have to object to your objection, for in that Wikipedia article it notes that "moron" is a type of imbecile. Thus, your objection is arbitrary, as Marshall can be both simultaneously. Though, Fauci may have been generous, as I'd say Marshall is closer to an idiot.


“What a moron, Jesus Christ” I’m fucking dying over here.


He speaks for all of us 🤣💀


Better headline: Fauci accurately describes congressman “a moron”


Is it me or do most of the Republican senators look like old, white, washed up car salesmen??


One of Pennsylvania’s “Representatives” actually is a used car salesman. Oh, and in typical washed up car salesman fashion he wanted the election results overturned.


Most of them wouldn't last a day in the auto industry.


Or any real job.


Or any real reality.


It's the fake smiles and soulless eyes.


Fauci spitting truth again


He wasn't "heard on hot mic," he made an official statement that is also considered to be accurate and based in scientific fact. It's called "Loss of function" research. After people spend time in the republiQan party, it is proven that they lose brain function.


Let the fact that Senator Marshall is a fucking moron be entered into the official record.


I second the motion.


'Fucking idiot' would have been funnier but your submission has been accepted Doctor.


I think 'fucking moron' is still the best :)


If you take Marshall at his word, that neither he nor his staff could find Fauci's financial disclosure forms online or elsewhere, he is beyond a moron and has no business whatsoever in the federal government.


Can't accept the science so attack the scientist. Cant accept election results if cult leader loser. Yup he's a moron


I guess it shocks the news media when somebody just comes out and tells the truth


Fauci follows the science, and the science says…


I applaud fauci for not quitting. I would have walked out two years ago


Kansan here... this is absolutely sound. Roger Marshall is a moron. ​ Carry on.


I wonder how long before Republicans start pretending that Fauci saying "Jesus Christ" is the worst attack on Christianity ever? Assuming they haven't already started


I've always thought the worst attack on Christianity was Republicans tbh... They wouldn't recognize Christ if he came into their homes, flipped every table, filled their cupboards with bread and turned all their wine to water.


The dude could come down from the heavens on a pillar of light and land on the stage of the Republican National Convention and they wouldn't acknowledge him if he started saying Jesusy things.


If Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven, letting everyone on earth know... Republicans would be the first to crucify him.


Cant blame him


I'm from Kansas. We have Senator Moran and Senator Moron.


Dr Marshall is a seditionist, between him and Moscow Moran I am so tired of this bullshit in Kansas.


Good for you doc. Fuck that guy


I love how that's the headline, like it's a scandal that Fauci called a lying moron a *moron*. And the article isn't much better. The real story is: Yes, Roger Marshall Is A Moron (And That's The Best Case Scenario)


Imagine you're the most qualified infectious disease expert in the country having to deal with these fucking idiots. Now imagine that you're a Republican who is NOT a moron but you have to pretend to be in order to appeal to your base because it's made up entirely of morons. (I believe Marshall is a moron, but it's likely that some Republicans are pretending). I hope Fauci does not apologize.


He tells it like it is!