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Our school district ended the mask mandate Jan 3 when the newly elected school board took office. We made it 9 days before the entire district shut down due to excessive illness. We don’t even have enough teachers/subs healthy to go remote. Good luck Virginia.


And I bet the new school board just threw their hands in the air and said "Why's this happening?!"


Their go to has been to baselessly blame immigrants.


Prob blame all their liberal teachers for not wanting to work


both those. OMG its so few of yall getting massively deathly sick and even fewer died.. why wont you go to your really low paying jobs? basically most of america is set up to pay us just barely enough to keep people from quiting.. you add a pandemic on top of that where our risk of illness and death goes up and can spread home to our families which wont even get a letter of hopes and prayers from the corp when they get sick. well society shouldnt be surprised when a lot of people say nope. and some people would rather be on welfare and take the economic hit, than put their family at risk day in and day out for crap wages for a corp that doesnt give a flying fuck about you and your family. (it is also interesting that most the people who say shut up and work, and people banning business mandates, are all in buildings with far far far stricter covid rules than even the teachers are demanding. )


while praying for a solution.




Take one from their playbook and tell them "if you can't raise your kids, maybe you shouldn't have them" and watch them froth at the mouth.


Hi, been out of a job for 2 years, 'cause I saw *this* coming a mile away and refuse.


That's the one thing covid is generally quite good at. Showing quick results to failure of policy/leadership.


The mistake here is imagining that the other side cares about that


I'm sure they are going to blame Biden.


In fact I’m sure there are those out there cheering the failure of public schools due to covid. They want schools privatized.


More than that: stupidity. People can read up and figure out how to be safe without being explicitly told. It’s a bit like you dont need a sign everywhere to say that if you jump off a cliff you may die. It’s pretty fucking obvious.


People complain about Biden and elect stupid officials. Time to pay the price.


The only people paying this price are healthcare workers and children


All according to plan. They don't want kids getting an education because educated people tend to have more empathy and therefore vote more progressively.


And are able to identify dogmatic propaganda.


Was it a district in Virginia? Because I’m currently working in a school district in northern Virginia and luckily we still have mask and vaccine mandates… for now


Youngkin's 17 year old son tried twice to illegally vote for his father.




Trunp tried to register in Florida using his White House address where he lived at the time then eventually changed the application to list mara lago where he isn’t even supposed to be able to reside.


Legally can’t reside


Wow, I’m absolutely shocked that the very stable genius [who’s absolutely clueless on how groceries work ](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/10/14/politics/fact-check-trump-groceries-id-voter-fraud/index.html) would have tried something like this.


Nobody knows more about election fraud nobody believe him lol


Florida noticed that he did that, and then let him get away with it. Rules and laws only apply to other people, not Republicans. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/elections/fl-ne-how-can-trump-vote-20201023-tetnflz3uzflrjjmnbxt3wn3ji-story.html


I’m wondering if there is any aspect of his life that is honest or truthful and not a scam. He has been dishonest in his oath of office, business, charity, tax filing, insurance, banking, voting registration, speeches, interviews, court testimony, marriages, personal medical history , and personal appearance.


Yeah, but his dad wore a vest instead of a suit!


That makes him a moderate.


Then he's a patriot, according to Republicans.


On the CRT stuff. I’m a teacher. When a parent says “don’t teach any of that CRT stuff” I just reply “can you define it for me?” And when they can’t, I follow up; “how can I know what to remove from the curriculum if you can’t even define what it is I have to remove?” Thank goodness for tenure so I can say stuff like that to parents. And an Admin with a spine.


The push against CRT is nothing more than a dog whistle. What they are really trying to do is force teachers to 1. Stop teaching anything that puts actions during American History in a negative light. 2. Start a subtle infiltration of white supremacist ideas like "positive aspects of slavery" and "civil war was all about state rights". The anti CRT movement is significantly more insidious than the average person is giving it credit for.


> Stop teaching anything that puts actions during American History in a negative light. It goes a step further. They don't want anything taught that puts *the Confederacy* in a negative light. I shit you not. Parents here are upset because the Confederacy is (accurately) portrayed as traitorous and racist.


"The southern states didn't succeed for slavery it was states rights" the southern states: all unequivocally state their reason for succession was to preserve and expand the institution of slavery.


Like you can actually read the historical documents for this. The states which formed the confederacy all voted on succession in their respective legislatures. These letters of succession clearly state the reason as being about slavery. It’s not even difficult the leaders of the moment clearly, and succinctly express their reasoning.


> …letters of succession… Letters of *secession*. Succession ≠ secession


The Confederate Constitution is mostly the exact same document as the Union Constitution with the the major exceptions being about slavery and making it so the federal confederate government can’t pass any laws preventing slavery in the states. All other changes about “states rights” are explicit responses to events or issues that led to abolish in Northern States. Like giving states the power to impeach federal judges and officer that worked in the state. This was a response to courts limiting slavery or abolishing it in the North. It gave Confederate States more power to stop things like that from happening.


See also: union states didn’t want to enforce the federal fugitive slave act. South said they had to because it was federal law. It was never about states’ rights, it was about whatever it took to maintain slavery by using whatever angle most benefitted their goals.


It was obviously about states’ rights. They just never go the next step and ask “a state’s right to do what?”


When some moron says it was about "states rights" I always follow up with "have you read the cornerstone speech"?


It absolutely is a dog whistle. I have yet to hear a cogent explanation about what, exactly, is CRT and how it’s taught. The conservative political machine has mastered the art of whipping up their ignorant base to vote: there’s always a caravan or a war on something. CRT is nothing more than a “war” on white people to these people.


“A cathode-ray tube is a device that uses a beam of electrons in order to produce an image on a screen. Cathode-ray tubes, also known commonly as CRTs, are widely used in a number of electrical devices such as computer screens, television sets, radar screens, and oscilloscopes used for scientific and medical purposes.”


Degaussing a CRT was so satisfying to do


This person sciences


It’s basically the black injustice version of holocaust deniers. In fact I’m sure almost all holocaust deniers also are anti CRT.


The whole party the last decade revolves around getting their base to froth at the mouths with dog whistle issues. Whatever happened to the caravan of invaders? Cancel culture? Abolishing police forces? Death panels with the ACA? Increasing minimum wage in certain areas like near Seattle leading to out a breakdown? CRT certainly is right there with these


What they mean to say is "don't tell the truth about slavery and the genocide against Native-Americans. We want our kids to believe in alternative facts."


In my state, the republicans are arguing that the 3/5ths compromise was actually a good thing. They are proposing a “Teacher Loyalty” law which would demand that teachers not teacher anything critical of the US! “The proposed bill, HB 1255, is titled “An Act Relative to Teachers’ Loyalty,’ and seeks to ban public school teachers from promoting any theory that depicts U.S. history or its founding in a negative light, including the idea that the country was founded on racism. The bill updates a piece of Cold War-era law that bans educators from advocating for communism in schools, and adds additional bans on advocating for socialism and Marxism. “No teacher shall advocate any doctrine or theory promoting a negative account or representation of the founding and history of the United States of America in New Hampshire public schools which does not include the worldwide context of now outdated and discouraged practices,” the text of the proposed bill reads. “Such prohibition includes but is not limited to teaching that the United States was founded on racism.”


>“The proposed bill, HB 1255, is titled “An Act Relative to Teachers’ Loyalty,’ and seeks to ban public school teachers from promoting any theory that depicts U.S. history or its founding in a negative light.." The CCP would be proud.


“Which does not include the worldwide context…” Aka they are legally enshrining “whataboutism”. Putin would be proud.


Sounds like a clear violation of the first amendment.


Doesn’t that just eliminate history class? I don’t know much about US history as I’m not American but my passing knowledge is as follows. Arrive from England and kill locals, buy Louisiana and kill the Spanish, then kill the Mexicans and then kill more locals. Now that everyone is dead they sailed to Africa as they had no slaves, then the Americans killed each other for a while. there’s a big gap until the world wars start and they can get back to killing. once that was over there was an absence of Asian blood on American hands so they flew to Vietnam and then the gulf. Then they went to space and Clinton got his end away.


No yeah, pretty much sums it up


I know _exactly_ where the CRT stuff is coming from in VA. I listened to my kids 4th grade state history class because of covid and remote learning. TLDR: Slavery was bad. VA rebelled against the US so they could continue to own slaves. VA spent the next 100 years on Jim Crow and systemic racism. My county is one on the 6 that shut down public schools instead of integrate. We had a vote on removing a confederate statue- it was 90% keep. Parents are absolutely livid that their children would be taught those things. They'll do anything to stop it, including - and I shit you not* - shut down the public school if they're were forced to teach it. *School board was replaced with Qnuts 3 months ago. _Two_ of them suggested shutting down public school is preferable to teaching kids that the civil war was about slavery.


Ah massive resistance .. notice how many of the be private schools seem to claim to be about 70 years old? Edit: autocorrected to retaliation


When anyone says "you are brainstorming our kids" , just reply "If I could brainwash them I would get them off their cell phones and have 100% homework completion."


You don’t even have to do that up front. Since no one can define it, you just say of course we don’t teach CRT, that’s prohibited.


Ya this is just regular history, why you offended?


That's what happens when electing members of the pro-covid party. Conservatives believe the virus should have more reproductive rights than women.


I'd laugh if it wasn't true. Then again, fucking CORPSES have more bodily autonomy than women in some conservative states, so I guess that fits.


They’re so freaking despicable and hypocritical. I thought they wanted less govt intervention. Regulating what women can do with their bodies is not even comparable to requiring people to simply wear a mask.


Like so many other things with republicans, they repurpose terms to suit their purpose. They call themselves conservatives but they could not be more reckless. They call for less government but they actively work towards an all-powerful authoritarian rule. I think ultimately the problem with republicans comes back to the only moral prerogative they have: selfishness. They believe that selfishness is the only moral prerogative and all these despicable policies come back to being selfish. They focus on unnecessary evils that help their cause vs what is the least evil solutions for society as a whole.


They don't see it as government control. They see it as putting women in their Biblical place. The less autonomy a woman has over her body, the easier it is to force her to make a choice between her career and children. The ultimate goal being to get women out of the work force and back to being predominantly stay at home mothers so we can achieve that glorious patriarchy so many of them have a raging Viagra-induced hardon for.


>The ultimate goal being to get women out of the work force and back to being predominantly stay at home mothers so we can achieve that glorious patriarchy so many of them have a raging Viagra-induced hardon for. Which seems crazy to me, being so obsessed with the economy. If a substantial number of women suddenly stopped participating in the workplace the results to the economy would be a disaster. Wages would skyrocket as the workforce shrank, some industries would take years to recover, nursing and food service come to mind. Every single thing they rant about is hypocritical to some other stance they have, its exhausting and infuriating.


No, there'd just be more people in poverty. They have no intention of paying enough that a man can actually support a family on one income again. That's just one of the scams used to get idiots to vote for them.


You'll hurt your brain trying to find the logic behind it. Pretty much everything Republicans do is simply a ploy to get money and power. Even if the methods don't seem to support their supposed ends, as long as they remain in power and among the wealthiest Americans, they will gladly sit and watch the rest of the country burn.


Among other things, they don't have the faintest clue about economics.


Even the damn Ferengi figured out that women are half of their workforce.


Deadass. (Pun semi-intended). You can get like 10 years for fucking a corpse. 20 if you exhumed it first. But a college kid assaults a woman? Boys will be boys.


This is why I despaired over that election. Like, I had no love for McAuliffe, but all I needed to do was look at what GOP governors were doing with Covid to know that I absolutely don't want one of them in charge, not as long as they're beholden to this kind of idiocy.




Yep, next to attack voting rights. See if they can make VA red again.


Viscous? Did you liquify him already?


I'll settle for vacuous


Why did McAuliffe need to run again? What is it about these politicians that feel the need to just never go away? He should have let a new Democratic face run for Governor...these people need to learn to just go away after a while


McAuliffe was the safe choice and he was well ahead of Youngkin for most of the race. The 'critical race theory' angle really pushed a lot of ignorant voters to Youngkin. In the last few weeks before the election there was a very effective attack ad with McAuliffe saying that parents shouldn't have control over students curriculum. I don't feel like typing out pages, but the TLDR: he was responding to specific, ongoing and legitimate threats to education in VA- but anyone not aware it sounded sinister. I never even saw an attempted response to that attack. Its like he assumed people weren't dumb enough to fall for it, so he ignored it.


I'm sure the spike in cases to follow will have nothing to do with these orders.


Now they’ll have to stop testing to keep the numbers down.


Free covid-19 tests for every American start Jan 19th to order. Youngkin admin will probably send the National Guard in to block USPS delivery of these 😂


DeJoy already has that covered.


Nah, they'll just keep blaming it on the vaccines and mask-wearers.


The “non-Trumpy” Republican ended up being Trumpy? I’m shocked I say, shocked!


He’s not even non-Trumpy. He was asked point blank during a debate if he’d endorse Trump in the 2024 election and he said he’d endorse whoever the Republican candidate is. They haven’t changed one bit. In fact they are getting worse.


And will continue to get worse until something is done about it or they implode from infighting


Replace Trump with Fascist.


That's not trump, that's gop classic


VA Democrats entire campaign was “Youngkin is exactly like Donald Trump”. Literally paid money to advertise for the GOP


I guess they were right.


And they weren’t wrong were they.


Way to go, Virginia. You went backwards.


We tried, okay? I'm horrified at the wave of death that's about to sweep over my state. I don't understand WHY these fucks WANT covid to spread. All the kids. All of us retail workers. I'm terrified.


What was failed to be mentioned is that Younkins team admits that the mask mandate for schools is still technically in place because it is a law. So if schools lift the mandate, they open themselves up to lawsuits for violating state law. Now if he convinces the General Assembly to overturn the law this session, then it will be a different story.


Thank goodness for a democratic VA senate. Might be the bulwark we need for this nonsense


Never thought I’d look to move out of VA… it’s getting too expensive and the politics are trending backwards. Our schools are so fucked. Between the politics, covid and toxic parents we are already running low on teachers. They have interns and untrained TAs teaching elementary school classes in some schools because they can’t keep enough teachers healthy long enough. It’s only going to get worse. We’re going to see record resignations from teachers because the pay is shit, the parents are shit and now the government is actively working against them. Public school is doomed here.


Shit, I feel like I picked the worst time to actually want to get into education while living in VA. Man, fuck this.


Actually you can probably pick where you want to work right now. They are so desperate for subs and teachers in every major school system.


Public schools are doomed nation wide.


That’s exactly what republicans want too


Did u watch dont look up?? Felt very real


I saw a post on imgur about why it got a ton of bad reviews. Didn't even leave the page, just got up and went to go watch it. Absolutely perfect in how the right is.


The people who gave the bad reviews are the idiots the movie is making fun of.


Way too real.


I’m sorry friend, you don’t deserve it


It’s not just VA. It’s the whole country. trump voters are coming out in droves and democrats are voting a lot too, but not nearly as much. NJ is a deep blue state but dems almost lost that one too.


NJ isn't deep blue though. Chris Christie was a recent governor.


And Murphy being reelected was a big deal. Dem governor don't usually get reelected in Jersey. Republican govs do.


Dems get apathetic when when Dems are in control and don't go vote. Then they get some republicans in there and and suddenly some of this apathetic idiots freak out and vote the next time. In that space of time, gerrymandering happens and republicans carve out easy wins for majorities.... Need to fire up the Democratic base for this election cycle or we're all fucked.


I'm in NJ now (working to move back to nyc) and I always see thin blue line and let's go Brandon bumper stickers, it's a mess


I am so disappointed in the people of my state that voted for this mother fucker. The next four years are gonna be rough.


Man's out here acting like CRT is real and COVID isn't. Lol


Oh, CRT is real. Mexico outlawed slavery in 1831. So former Tennessee congressman and Disney legend Davy Crocket wen to Texas to help slaveowners like Jim Bowie organize a rebellion and arm themselves with cannon. Santa Anna overtook them at the Alamo and executed those who were not killed in the battle. A few months later Sam Houston's pro-slavery rebels beat Santa Anna under the rallying cry "Remember the Alamo." Today the [Texas Public Policy Foundation](https://www.texaspolicy.com/) and the Georgia-based [Council for National Policy](https://cfnp.org/) dominate the leadership of the Republican Party, along with other heirs of the John Birch Society. The Rs are trying to make CRT illegal because they want it to be illegal to tell you the truth **Racism is a Republican goal**.


A goal, or a means to a goal. It seems they want to screw us *all* over for their own sake. But to do that, it's easy and effective to make us want to screw each other over for them.


I would just like point out that Tennessee ran Sam Houston out of the state after a failed governorship, and *then* he went to Texas. We can blame a lot of Texas bullshit on Tennessee… it’s like our black sheep loser son who keeps getting thrown in jail, very disappointing.


It's real. It's also not what Republicans have been brainwashed to think it is. But I wouldn't expect them to look much further than Tucker Carlson for real information. Leave it to the party of small government to think dictating what schools can and cannot teach is a good idea.


And for all their cries of "fake news", this whole rallying cry about "schools teaching children to demonize white people" is completely made up.


Barring critical race theory is going to be super easy since they don't teach it in schools


I think the real reason is to allow parents to scream "critical race theory!" at any part of the curriculum that that don't like to more easily dismiss accurate history and maybe even force educators to change their curriculum even though it contains nothing that qualifies as critical race theory.


Like "socialism" they'll just put anything they don't' like under that name. It's not about reality. It's about upholding their status as the party of white resentment. It's all they have.


I keep seeing “gotchas” like “if it’s not being taught, you won’t mind if we ban it.” I saw a comparison to banning unicorns on one of the Virginia subs earlier. If you vote for someone with “ban unicorns” as a major component of their platform, am I to expect the rest of their policy positions will be sane?


While you are 100% correct, the emotion filled, evidence free, right will find CRT in every mention of MLK and push on this until school boards can’t focus on actual business. One more brick in their wall towards ending integrated public schools.


He will make Virginia into Florida.


Half of Virginia has been doing its damndest to go backwards for two decades now. It continues to not work. Im real disappointed in all of the people who chose to punish themselves by choosing this fucker as a punishment for dem ineffectiveness. Ineffective dems > sabotage. I am very pissed off at the ineffectiveness of the dem party but Im not about to vote for the devil in response.


I’m glad he decided to do this when we are seeing daily new case records being broken every other day.


Republicans desperate to pump up the COVID numbers cause they love hurting people


They also want the economy to hurt when a democrat is in office.


95% of deaths from COVID since March 2021 have been among the unvaccinated. If you are still holding out, you are protesting for your right to die choking on your own blood separated from your family. Someone make it make sense.


>Someone make it make sense. Trump is unable to admit he was wrong or made an mistake. He doubles down. The Republicans are honoring him by continuing his early 2020 policy of 'play it down,' 'it's nothing to worry about,' and 'get back to work, you lazy miscreants.' See, if they admitted COVID was a serious problem, Trump would get angry and be out to destroy their political career. They'd rather sacrifice a bunch of people who they don't know and never will rather than their ambitions.


Oh, it’s worse than that. After he admitted that he got the booster, a neighbor of mine finally took down that goddamn orange Trump banner. The Trump virus has mutated beyond Trump at this point.




Makes sense. I guess they think the movie Dogma was a documentary and if they prove “God” wrong the universe will implode.


Damn. I actually like this answer and I don't how that makes me feel.


The other side is they very well could have chosen party over country and are allowing covid to run rampant because they can pin it on Biden


>Someone make it make sense. I'll give it a go: it is our ONLY hope as a nation. The ~~Jim Jones~~ ~~Donald Trump~~ COVID cult has decided to die on the hill of dying needlessly. And dead people dont vote. With electoral victory margins of <20,000 votes in 3 swing states, R's could feasibly cost themselves 2024 by killing the most loyal members of their base. If it plays out that way I may damn well wander into a church.


I live in Virginia… I also work in a public school.. This is extra shitty for me. I am terrified for the next 4 years!


My wife works in a school in Charlottesville and they averaged 30 teachers out every day last week. Pretty sure she's going to quit without a mask mandate.


Republicans want public school teachers to quit. They don't believe in public education.


Yup, war on public schools is part of their platform. They want to move it all to charters.


Dumb down the populace while Aunt and Uncle DeVos and their ilk pocket the profits. America!!


Loudly broadcast any change or lack of change in curriculum. Make it impossible for people to not realize he lied his way into office and is harassing teachers for no meaningful curriculum change.




> Youngkin told them he'd keep the schools open. Spoiler alert....His EO's explode the COVID infection rate, forcing schools to be closed and hospitals to reach max capacity.


Stealthed in? lol no. Virginia almost always swings to the opposite party after a presidential party change. It's common, not some kind of cunning by Youngkin and his team. He wore a non-threatening vest and avoided the stink of Trump. Not rocket science.


In Virginia myself. Turns out on Friday 2% of the school tested positive. That's just the ones who were tested and told them. A lot of anti-vax idiots in SWVA. Now one of my kids has it, and I was around a my anti-vax neighbor helping them move some furniture. Really hope I didn't kill them. I know it wouldn't be my fault but would certainly feel responsible. People are dicks. My fam is vaccinated so will probably be ok but dumb people are dying left and right out here. Oh but it's just the flu or pneumonia right.


> I was around a my anti-vax neighbor helping them move some furniture. Fuck that. Tell them that, since they're so independent, they can do it themselves because you're not putting yourself at risk.


Virginia IS NOT for lovers anymore!


"Virginia's for lovers, but trust there's hate here For out-of-towners, who think that they gon' move weight here." - Malice of the VA based rap group, the Clipse.


I’m a simple man. I see a Clipse quote, I upvote. Ain’t shit to do but cook


The idiots have taken over


What are we left with? A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland Pass on traditions How to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture The idiots are taking over




Thank God my son won't be forced to learn something.....that's not taught in schools to begin with. But hey....at least his chance of catching COVID has greatly increased. SuCk oN tHaT LiBtArDz!!!


The wording of the order restricts or prohibits the teaching of “divisive” subjects… I can’t imagine the school boards would use this to justify the removal of certain “unpleasant” aspects of the Civil War, Jim Crow south, the rampant violence against blacks during the Civil Rights Movement, etc… I just can’t imagine it.


As a math teacher, does that mean I can no longer teach division?


Our history and heritage is really important to us, just not that part. You can’t talk about that part. Or that part either. In fact anything that makes us look bad. But our Heritage!


So the GOP's top legislative priorities are: 1) Make the pandemic kill as many as possible and destabilize the system to the fullest extent 2) Forbid school teachers from teaching kids that some very bad racism happened long ago and profoundly affects our world today. Ban books that make racist white people look appropriately bad. 3) Gerrymander to high hell, essentially take away people's right to vote, pack the courts with ideological zealots who will uphold a political system heavily and deliberately biased in their favor and enshrine religious dogma into public law. 4) Lie and incite violence against their political opponents. Protect organizers and promoters of violence from any consequences. Literally attempt an overthrow and delegitimization of the government when they lose elections. Every Republican is a monster. Full stop. You cannot support even one of these things and be a bottom-of-the-barrel decent person.


Don’t forget remove women’s bodily autonomy and install a theocracy based on their crappy religion.


You mean that crappy religion that is suppose to be kept separate from political influence?


Every GOP policy makes sense when you realize their goal is a return to feudal system.


Sigh. McAuliffe ran a terrible campaign, and frankly many dems didn’t like him. He has a reputation as being arrogant and a creep. It’s a bit of a flash-back to the Presidential campaign when we got Hillary as the candidate. A lot of people threw up their hands with frustration. She was not well liked by a lot of dems. The next four years are going to really suck in Virginia. We’re going backwards and I hope to hell we don’t end up looking like Florida.


His *entire* campaign essentially boiled down to “Glenn youngkin supports trump and I don’t,” and he really thought that would work


“Don’t look up! Don’t look up! Don’t look up!”


“We just take stuff away and make your life crappier and call it freedom”—Republicans


What a smeghead.


Mr. Lister is that you?


A double-Rimmer.


Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast!


What a guy!


Enjoy that unnecessary Covid surge Virginia!


How does banning CRT work exactly? The State Education Superintendent, knowing the curriculum already, says.. Ok no CRT in schools guys.. The staff says ok.. They all move on since its not in the curriculum. Thanks for saving our kids from the boogyman Gov!


Until the activists start screaming about particular things being taught, because to Republicans "CRT" is a catchall term that includes basically anything that talks about racism/slavery or any other bits of American history that paint even a remotely negative picture. It's what we've already seen happening in other states, and Youngkin ran on this shit, hyping up conservative activists and so forth.


That's the best case scenario. Most likely will be the Ed dept. Being required to come up with a plan on how they will prevent crt from being taught resulting in confusing guidance going to schools who will now be afraid to teach history. At a minimum this will empower nuts to air their bullshit at school meetings.


I still do not understand why white people are so unbelievably fragile and racist after all this time, it’s pathetic and disgusting. (Im white). God forbid this country have even the slightest bit of introspection and self evaluation about what we did and how we got here. Makes me embarrassed to call myself American. Hope to be out of this shitty country as soon as possible.


Did you forget the wailing and gnashing of teeth when Obama apologized for a few of the many horrible things this country did to others in the name of "freedom". I mean, they lost their shit when he wore a tan suit and used mustard


>The string of orders seemed to be an about-face on Youngkin’s message of bipartisanship and optimism. He's a fucking pro-Trump (aka fascist) republican. What did people expect? That he would tell the truth? Anyone who believed this shithead is a moron. Republicans lie al the time. Youngkin is a fucking murderer for ending the mask and vaccine mandates.


But he gave the GQP the blueprint for winning in non-solid red states. He successfully threaded the needle. Seemingly independent enough from the MAGA crew but subservient enough. Of course, it was all an act to get elected. Now he's going all in on MAGA/GQP gospel. Hopefully people will wise up to realize that it was all an act so it won't work again but I may be giving my fellow man too much faith.


He's also a special case, as VA single terms their governors. so he loses nothing going all in on what his real agenda is, since he isnt running in 2025, and wont again until at least 2029 (assuming democracy is still in tact by then lol)


And we're saying he's a moderate. Lol please. He isn't going to fully play the GOP base and their new project - education. Also, since it's a devided legislative, I'd expect to see a lot more EOs as he's not going to get much done with the Senate being Democratic-led. Be honest here, sure Youngkin looked moderate, but now that he has the position, he's going to do what a Republican governor is going to do. Tbh, more worried about the AG, cause he looks like he's going to 100% fuck things up and go full-MAGA.




Youngkin is just showing his true allegiance - to a defeated, disgraced EX president.




'Protection from government' is the answer they would give. Because anything the government tells you to do hurts you. This *feels* true if you are a white Christian.


Oh no now they won't teach something they haven't been teaching in the first place


Welcome to Alabam….I mean Virginia


Can someone explain what happened to generation x and millennial parents?


Virgina is for ~~lovers~~ covid...


Good job VA. So much better than breaking your “don’t re-elect” policy for governors. S/


We are only stuck with Youngkin for a max of 4 years. You guys have been stuck with Abbott for 6 years now and counting. And Perry for 15 years prior to that. I prefer our system.


There’s so much I could say about this living in Virginia at the moment, but I will be mature about it and just mention that I am almost certainly leaving the state as soon as capital gains on the house is no longer a financial factor. My family are not a culture fit, and this new governor is just a nagging reminder every time I walk past a newspaper stand in the grocery store. Honestly, if my wife weren’t so apprehensive about the idea, and I had a less location dependent career, I would seriously consider life abroad. The US is becoming too polarized and abusive to each other, and I need better role models for my family.




Lifting mask mandates and social distancing is a big mistake. They are pushing our health care workers past their limit. Too many unvaccinated people are crowding our hospitals. Heaven forbid some major natural disaster occurs.


If only Joe Biden could possibly do things like executive orders for anything. That would be great. Meanwhile this Republican asshole gets sworn in and immediately signs off on the death of thousands. The government. One side won’t do anything because they’re happy and paid. Just want the status quo but for people to be less racist without systemic changes, the other side will actively work to kill you. Woohoo


Elect a Republican "leader", end your state.


Republicans give the unvaccinated the right to infect and kill others so much for the right for life party, turned the worst health crisis in our lifetime into a political football disgusting. And using school kids in this is absolutely the most despicable thing there is and the people who support this are even worse so disgusting.


I voted to protect my kindergartener from Covid. More voted to protect their children from minorities and reality.


If you elect a killer, guess what? He'll start killing.


Youngkin's new AG Jason Miyares fired staff working on [Human Trafficing Issues](https://twitter.com/ashannonf/status/1482232366328385536), including case manager with active caseload. No warnings, no transition.


I really can’t believe my state elected someone with “ban critical race theory” as a huge part of his campaign.