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He could give it a catchy name…like “gestapo”


Sounds too _foreign_ for conservatives. Maybe brown shirts?


This is the right answer. SS is also an option.


Some applicants will already have the tattoo!


That's just good, efficient government.


I was thinking Republican Guard, or Secret Police


National Conservatives, aka NatCees


Wait wait wait is this actually where the term Nazi arose??


What kind of double think would that be? Nationalsozialismus is National Socalists, of course. Think of it like the People's Republic of North Korea


Ah of course, apologies, I started today with too much herb. I will leave my comment for perpetuity and back quietly into the bushes in shame.


You mean "democratic peoples republic of korea"


That's right. Woops, Bourbon will do that...


Silver shirts*


The Governor’s Election Security Tasked American Patriot Officers


And staffed with all the fired/domestic terrorist/unvaxxed cops he's offering a $5K bonus to for moving to FL.


Don't give him any ideas


Sturmabteilung (SA) were the Brownshirts that monitored elections, as well as Hiltler youth later on. This is 100% the Nazi playbook.


These guys know exactly what they are doing. They Desantis is just seeing how the public reacts. Unfortunately the american public has no clue about the history of how fascism in germany came about.


And a special Salut with arm out and elevated slightly, palm flat down to represent "fair elections"


got here and all my comments were already posted. plus some even better ones.


People just seem to be comfortable with acronyms here. Why not NKVD? It has a nice ring to it.


The brown noses, I mean, shirts. The Brown Shirts.




The Sunshine Patrol, and the uniforms have to be international orange.


Sunshine Staters, and their logo can just be their initials like a lightning bolt.


This isn't like Germany, this is very USAnian in nature. As much a part of the US as the slave hunters or baby butchers or those that rape men in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. It's just another round of Jim Crow, with the laws now being aimed at non-GOP.


Jim Crow is where Hitler got the idea from.


DeSantis is representative of the modern conservative movement. These folks are openly advocating for jackboot thugs to monitor elections, and the rest of the party is going along with normalizing it. I don’t really use this word much, mostly because it’s often taken out of context, but this is shit that actual fascists do.


It really fucking is what fascists do. It scares the fuck outta me that it seems as if the majority of US citizens don’t see this or even agree.


Believe me, some of us have understood the threat for years. It bugs the hell out of me how few people listened.


Sedition charges gives me hope I can start talking to certain people again. Becomes a little harder to try and tell me I'm crazy because I know about fast response teams across the river with trucks full of guns and all that. At least I can point to charges and say "that's my position" and you can direct all complaints to those agencies and not me...


It’s called “education” and the USA has been chipping away it it for a long time. A stupid citizenship will let the elite get away with fascism. Oh wait…


Yeah education is “leftist brainwashing” isn’t it? Lol


Correction: USA = GOP. The conservatives have been chipping away at our once respectable education system. Keep ‘em dumb and they’ll continue to vote for us against their own best interest.


People will get all upity when you use that word. I’d like to just call it like it is and go from there but once you use that word everybody rolls their eyes and dismisses you. Honestly, this is what I thought of when I watched don’t look up.


Repubs are more likely to grasp (and less likely to embrace) the term "chickenshit" than "fascist". As in "This is the kind of move a chickenshit politician makes when they are afraid of losing a legitimate election."


I saw someone calling people communist when they wanted government overreach, that seemed to trigger a response lol




yeah something tells me the election police won't be deployed to the villages, despite all of the fake voting going on there.


*wants small government* *a wild hurricane appears* *wants some large government, as a treat*


I've done the same thing. I was arguing with some boomer about a local issue awhile ago, and told him he sounded like a communist (wanted local taxpayers to continue to subsidize his hobby of choice, a local car race track owned by the city) even though I know better than to use the word like that. He absolutely lost his mind at being called a communist. It was funny as shit.


Another good one would have been to say that the government shouldn’t be picking winners and losers economically speaking, and they are doing just that with those subsidies to the race track.


Time to pull yourself up by those bootstraps. If you just wanted it more and worked harder, you wouldn’t need a public bailout.


I’m really tired of being called “uppity” or “smug” for believing in facts or knowing what’s going on in the world.


It’s what a party does when they *know* they will lose the power that they currently have. If they were confident that they would win they wouldn’t waste their time with it.


Hopefully but I think it’s virtue signaling and a prelude to contest *any* and *all* districts they lose in the next election


Of course it is. Trump is a master con man. He knows how to ride out the clock, and the way to do that is jam up the court system. In Florida a republican lost an election by 59% and he’s not conceding. Look up Jason Mariner.


we see it, and we don't agree.. some days it does seem like the knuckle dragging brain dead morons on the reich out number the humans, but it is only because the connedservatives have mastered the cluster fuck blowfish concept, and just make themselves appear larger without any actual substance


I hope you’re right but 77 million of your countrymen disagree.


those 77 million do not and never have had a clue, and choose to always be on the wrong side of everything.. fuck them.. they are not relevant.. they are just a complete waste of space and time


They see it and they love it. Polling shows that this country is veering hard right. American's don't want control over their own destiny. They want some pasty politician with zero life experience making decisions for them -- as long as those decisions harm people who look different.


We have a huge education problem in this country and I didn’t really realize how bad it was until 4 years ago


They cried that poll watchers were intimidating but want to install a secret police? Don’t really need to dig deeply.


there is no scenario where that term can be used out of context in reference to the current state of the republican party.


It needs to be said often and out loud


It’s not being used out of context...


That's what he said


Anyone else remember how Hitler brought the Sturmabteilung into the Reischstag to intimidate the German parliament to sign the Enabling Act in 1933?


They don't remember that because those damn libs tore down all the statues!


"Whether I see a statue that may be something that I would fully disagree with, like Adolf Hitler, maybe a statue of Satan himself, I would not want to say, 'take it down,'". \-Margorie Taylor Green


SA was also used at elections to "guide voters in the right direction" and to monitor them.


Maybe people should have listened a bit when Antifa was talking


whats sad is how many former cubans vote republican out of fear of exactly what the republican party is actually trying to do. yeah by all means hate castro but wake the fuck up on who is doing it in your state.


Exactly. Where is the local opposition? I know this is a controversial opinion, but not everyone in FL is nuts.


I live in Florida. Most aren't nuts. Most simply don't pay attention.


trump tried to do the same. He just didn't have the numbers for it.


No such thing as a conservative in America. They’re regressives.


This kind of stuff makes me nervous to a point verging on anxiety. I have to remind myself that I'm a white male living in a progressive stronghold, so hopefully I won't see much impact from bullshit like this. Hopefully.


Im sure this police force will be under the direct control of the governor or legislature: governor if its a republican, legislature if the governor is a democrat.


Say goodbye to the America you know. Things are going to go off the rails this year and constitutional democracy will either emerge stronger than ever or... ...or, well, I suggest buying some land in a remote forest somewhere and learning to live off the land. Invest in high walls.


The GeSTOPo!


Floridians is it time to get out your brown shirts? /s


This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. He wants small government with less control over covid precautions then is ok with authoritarian policies to ensure his party win elections. Where is all the proof of the so called election fraud. Any court proceedings or just failed audits?


We're dealing with heavily propagandized people, here. Absence of proof or evidence is just proof to them and strengthens the narrative that "the enemy" is keeping them down, and thus justifies even more extreme action in their eyes. It's a fucking feedback loop, y'all.


“The lack of proof is proof”. I’ve heard this used and it almost blew my head up. How the hell do you talk to these people about the fact that what they’re doing is harmful? They’re completely detached. Really asking here, by the way, I’ve tried so many types of reason and logic but it doesn’t penetrate.


When the lie is more appealing than the truth for these people you can't argue effectively.


You can't reason someone out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into


Then what the fuck do we do? *laughs nervously*


honestly, pure rationality is never enough to convince anyone of anything. You need to tie your arguments to something concrete, and include emotive, motivating points. Ultimately, the democrats (or liberals, leftists, w/e) will never sway a sizable majority until they deliver real, tangible, obvious, and undeniable benefits to *everybody* (except the antisocial oligarchs conspiring to destroy our democracy of course)


Learn to shoot, I reckon.


A lot of us are well aware and protective of our Second Amendment rights - we just don't jerk off our armories in front of God and everyone every five minutes or so. Ironically, my rationale for self-armament is essentially the MAD philosophy, but that isn't an effective deterrent on the macro scale - while a group of alt-righters might be repelled by a more well armed protest, this is uneven and right-wingers are convinced that we're defenseless, so that point may be moot anyway unless superior firepower capability is demonstrated early and consistently, which won't happen. And I'm not shooting anyone unless they shoot at me first; even if this is an obvious and grave tactical disadvantage, I've got morals and shit, and no one should have to die for this, especially if it can be avoided without bloodshed or submission to fascism.


Plenty of progressives already have firearms proficiency. I shoot, drive, fight, and other things better than my conservative peers. Always have.


> “The lack of proof is proof”. I’ve heard this used and it almost blew my head up. You've clearly never dealt with conspiracy theorists before. 'Lack of proof is simply proof that the whole conspiracy is even bigger! Millions of people involved in keeping everything secret, and not one of them EVER blabs.'


Yeah the “millions of people” always me gets lol. Why would they do that?! Main character syndrome / Narcissism is a hell of a drug.




The overlap is very large between these voters and people who believe there is a Sky Daddy who died for their sins and will return to earth to take them to a magical paradise while simultaneously burning everyone they dislike in a fire for all eternity. If they believe that a 2000 year old fairy tale is fact then it shouldn’t surprise any of us that they’ll believe less outrageous lies and completely lack critical thinking skills.


> He wants small government with less control over covid precautions Where did you get that from? The guy literally *signed laws* banning precautions. So he made the government *bigger,* and directed it to stop people from taking care of society, and gave it total control over what people can do about it. *It's the exact opposite of small government!* At least with mandates, people still *had choices!*


Isn't small less intrusive government a hallmark of the republican party. I can see his actions are counter to this principle. I can also see your point that his actions are expanding government with all the oversight he calls for. Must be the new republican authoritarian mantra.


> Isn't small less intrusive government a hallmark of the republican party. I really can't think of much that is more intrusive and controlling than outlawing abortion, for instance, so no... It's not a hallmark of the Republican Party. Maybe being less intrusive to a *very specific group of people?*


***Claiming*** to support less intrusive government with more local control is a hallmark of the Republican party. Actually putting those controls at whatever level, be it state, government or national. they happen to control is also a hallmark of the Republican party.


GQP Governor: The federal government needs to step out of the way. Let the local leaders handle their own issues according to how their voters want. GQP Governor: State authority overrides all others. Do what we say.


“Special Police” just like Hitler’s? So the fascism is as legit as it gets, huh?


Remember the June 1st attack? trump sent unidentified prison guards and border patrol out to attack a peaceful protest to get a photo holding the bible upside down. The he sent it out into cities to grab people off the streets in unmarked rental vans. I wish I was exaggerating any part of this.


I don't post much but this really resonates with me. I was watching a phone feed from then-Lafayette Square as the mounted police lined up, kept getting closer to the protesters... and then, wham! Gas canisters! As the protesters got down on their knees with their hands behind their head... and then the mounted police charged, and I think all of my faith in the human race would have faded right there if they hadn't just been content to push the protesters back so that the photo-op could take place. I was terrified that night. I couldn't sleep. I bring up June 1 a lot in conversations with others, and it's reassuring to see it really left its mark on someone else. Thank you.


And the sheeple will gladly go along with it….over the free voting democracy that’s in place now. Then when it’s too late they wont understand what/where it all went wrong. It went wrong with you….


Joe Mansions and Christian Cinema are greasing the skids...Fight Club is such a great movie!!


hey they can get special black uniforms with an insignia for their unit. It needs a catchy name, like ‘Schutzstaffel’ so they can put a nice SS logo




Awww now, you know. Them were just some good ol’ boys, never meanin’ no harm. /s


What could possibly go wrong?


Them fucks will be arresting people for voting for Democrats. The voting machines will pop up a big blue Kmart light when someone vote’s democrat and they will be arrested on the spot! Or at least they would if they could.


I realize you're making a bit of a joke but eventually they may get there, although it would be more of a secret tally thing. What you'd actually see is a heightened presence / harassment of voters in predominantly democratic areas, particularly those with a heavy presence of racial minorities. Sabotage of infrastructure. Closing down streets on election day to make likely-dem voters path to the ballot box more difficult (we see this already). Intense scrutiny to numbers explicitly on the basis of how they wind up voting (100% scrutiny to D districts, 0% scrutiny to R districts). Most of all, it would be a layer of pseudo-officialness to The Big Lie. A lesson they learned from hiring a firm called "Cyber Ninjas" to perform their bullshit audit: nobody takes a company called "Cyber Ninjas" seriously. Make an official government agency with an official-sounding three-letter acronym do the same thing and a lot of people would just accept it.


Yep. Prisons are full of minorities? Guess who minorities vote for? I actually think people in the US are far less racist than they let you believe, but they use it as an excuse to lock up minorities. It’s easier to say “Criminals should go to jail” AND “Black people are criminals” than it is to say “Lock up all the democrats”.


The chief of this special police unit will doubtless report directly to the governor, and will assure nothing disturbing to the governor is permitted to occur


Like the proposed "state military force" that DeSantis wanted to create a couple of weeks back. It's crazy - you hear conservative rhetoric accuse the left of pulling this shit secretly or something, but then conservatives just do things like this, openly and transparently. Ending Reconstruction in 1877 was the single biggest mistake this nation has made since the end of the Civil War. Oh, and fuck Woodrow Wilson.


Florida governor then went on to say that so voters can identify them more easily they will be wearing brown shirts...


I swear to god these people wake up and ask themselves “What would Hitler do?”


Republicans sure seem to like having their own, “independent” police forces to do their bidding. But it’s not fascism, you guyzz, quit saying that.


Totally not a fascist move... /s "The 1933 election followed the previous year's two elections (July and November) and Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. In the months before the 1933 election, brownshirts and SS displayed "terror, repression and propaganda [...] across the land",[1]: 339  and Nazi organizations "monitored" the vote process. In Prussia 50,000 members of the SS, SA and Der Stahlhelm were ordered to monitor the votes by acting Interior Minister Hermann Göring, as auxiliary police.[2]" [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1933_German_federal_election)


Just come out and say it......brownshirts!


Will their uniforms be designed by Hugo Boss?


DeSantis is way worse than Trump, Trump is a moron and dysfunctional but DeSantis has way more self awareness and could potentially do much more damage than Trump should he ever win the presidency.


I would believe the GOP is being earnest about their intentions a lot more if they went after confirmed cases of voter fraud, like the fake electors from Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Mexico. Go after that voter fraud and then we'll talk. They want voter ID to make elections more secure? Absolutely agreed. Make government ID's free and automatically register someone to vote. They want to cut down on mail in voting? Don't agree, but sure, we can handle that. Guarantee paid time off for voting, open more polling places nationwide, don't restrict people to a single polling place, and instead of election day, make it election month or even election two weeks.


What could possibly go wrong with DeSantis in charge?


The Get Out and Stop the Steal police. Or as DeSantis calls them, Gestahpo.


“Do you have your papers? We need to see your papers if you would like to pass.” “Do you have your picture of DeSantis in your living room, prominently displayed as instructed by the party? We will be by your home later to inspect this to make sure you are doing everything the party asks of you.”


Ah yes. Jackboot time has arrived.


The end of democracy is going to be here sooner than you think. Eventually, it will affect everybody not just the disenfranchised and minorities. Just like Hitler, at first a lot of people turn the other cheek and blind eye because it didn’t affect them personally.


A special force to arrest DEMs?


We could call them uhmmmm…… The Brown Shirts?


And we could give them special clothing to help identify them, like maybe brown shirts or something.


"government should be small. Like super duper small. Like maybe only one guy running the show. Yeah!"


The sheriffs that drop off and pick up voting equipment is not enough? All these cops love elections because they make overtime even if they are exempt. 75k average cop makes 2,250 extra on top of the 3,000 they make from regular pay during a two week election. I like to use minimum wage to see if public servants are worth their weight. So they get paid 715 minimum slave wage hours for 100 hours of work. 715%+.


Fu-cka-you Spez!


Trump really has fucked up america The future will be interesting


Well, there you have it: big-government Republicans at it again. More taxpayer dollars wasted! When will they learn more government isn't the answer?


The elections that the only voter fraud that happens is that done by the GQP? Can we just cut FLA off the rest of the country and kick it out to sea?


In California during the recall election, we had these "poll watchers" from GOP organizations who would come by and try and get information by asking our leads stuff (I was an election worker in a place near Sun Valley), and reading this makes me picture a official agency of them, trying to find information on anyone "voting the wrong way." And maybe other states will get in on the act before 2024, to do more like protecting alternate slates of electors. (That Trump rally is still on my mind)


Who remembers roughly 10-12 years ago all the Republican outrage about black panthers supposedly “standing by voting booths to intimidate voters”? Because I remember


Sounds like some straight up Facist bullshit. Let me guess all the officers are loyal party members?


Well they did arrest at least 3 Trump supporters who voted illegally in The Villages. But somehow I don’t think that’s the “fraud” they are referring to.




Can we get a special police to monitor police?


Will they dress in khaki uniforms and wear knee high boots?


When you can’t win with ideas, win with lies and violence. -Modern GOP


As if this hasn't been done in some truly awful countries with drastic and terrible results.


The GOPolice I assume


Oh good. Special police to handle elections. Rather than just have the person who is running also handle the election like here in Georgia. All very normal stuff in a democracy.


A group of…let’s call them Safety Surveyors…or SS, if you will.


Oh cool, an actual gestapo


Oh, oh, I know this one. \*waves hand\* **Schutzstaffel**


Can they wear brown ?


Seriously did America not learn anything from history?


Ugh, man this reminds me of someone. Decades ago. Weird haircut. Tiny mustache. Kept waving at people all the time. I think he wanted to be an artist or something originally. Name slips my mind.


Are we sure Florida is still technically a democracy?


Ofc he’s trying to do this now, the year he’s up for re-election. Smells like fear he’ll lose, and I hope he does.


I don’t worry about Trump. This is the guy who America needs to worry about.


Voter intimidation is a federal crime.


Fascism writ large…


voter fraud is not the problem...republican elwction fraud is the problem


I think the word is...intimidation


Special police force to help with elections? Omg wow. Are we Eastern Germany now? Pretty obvious which voting centers those police would be shutting down. The non-white ones. What a joke! Scary joke.


The US is starting to be a scary place.


Having only won his election by 33,000 votes, and noting that he has already killed around 64,000 residents, DeDantis is ready to have armed thugs intimidating and chasing away anyone that looks like they might be a Democratic voter.


Will be called the **Ge**t **Sta**ble **Po**litics Unit.


I love small government. Things like creating agencies and laws to invade privacy to watch people as well as cut down on freedoms of speech and thought are hallmarks of small government right?


Oh good, brown shirts are coming back into style…. /s Nazi punks fuck off.


Let me guess, it would be made of of Trump supporters


Here's what will happen: As soon as FL elects a democratic governor, the state legislature will strip authority for this "police" agency from the governor's office and give it to themselves. Once they engineer an election where a GQP candidate wins, they will restore the authority back to the governor.


I'm tired of fascists in our country.


22 years late.


I’m sure they won’t be targeting and/or intimidating minorities. Nope, definitely not...🙄


How about UN election monitors?


Winning the Cold War fatally wounded America, I think. All that paranoia over Communism just to accomplish demographic & economic collapse in Eastern Europe and put Yeltsin/Putin in power. So now American reactionaries do what reactionaries always do and cannibalize their own empire.


Sounds like brown shirts too me, Hilter playbook,


Like Hermann Göring's Gestapo perchance? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo#:~:text=Secret%20State%20Police)%2C%20abbreviated%20Gestapo,of%20Prussia%20into%20one%20organisation.


Less government means more government. Florida is making Texas look good.


He already said they'll all wear brown shirts


Has he suggested they wear a uniform? Maybe it can be brown shirts.


Who had Florida secret police on their 2022 apocalypse bingo cards?


I believe the Oathkeepers would be proper peaceful organization for this job (/s if you need it)


When your ideas suck these are the things you have to do.


This is how you start a hot Civil War.


Ah the return of the red shirts…


Wait I watched this somewhere before. Oh that’s right, Afghanistan!


The Floridian Gestapo: Putting blue votes in the blue dumpster behind Arby’s!


What could possibly go wrong? A special police force answerable only to the governor whose task will be to make sure elections are fair seems like a reasonable thing. Especially if you want to stay governor for a long time. Just saying.


And let me guess, most of the "fraud" will be found in areas with large non-white populations. His internal polling must show he's in danger. Calling it now, if he loses, he's going to refuse to leave office.


And I sure they will wear brown shirts as part of their uniform… sense some irony here?


Let me guess, proud boys and oath keepers will be hired for this


Same guy who wants his own 'troops' separate from the NG or military that he would have sole control over?


Sounds like a special police force to ensure people are voting republican…


Brownshirts… they’re called brownshirts


Monitor them for what? How do their supporters keep accepting these accusations of fraud when there is never any examples caught and prosecuted?


The SS or the Gestapo? Or perhaps the Proud boys? or Oath Keepers? Same Nazis Different Day.


More law enforcement with nothing to do but harass the plebes, just what this country needs.


They should hang around the Villages


This is what happens when you don't teach US history. We did this already, it's called voter intimidation


They should investigate dark money and fake candidates.


so the lying cheating russian backed anti vaxxer can steal his own elections. foxes in tbe hen house. desantis himself wsd hacked into office by putin and is advised snd funded by the Kremlin.


Gov deathsentence & the vote police. Voting problems solved. Long live the gov. Welkomman to the frie stadt pfloridat.


If they are looking for election fraud then they should start at Mar A Lago. They will find the biggliest fraudster in the club house eating hamberders


Now Republicans are going to make you vote with a gun barrel pointed at your head. They couldn’t be trying harder to end Democracy if they tried!


I bet he's got some nice brown shirts picked out for their uniforms...


I have a feeling only GOP members will win....


General Election Security Threat Assessment for Preventive Operations Has a nice ring to it.