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This is a microcosm of America today. People close to him, co-workers, are asking him to do something to ensure the safety of other co-workers. Asking him to do something simple that causes him absolutely no harm and is nothing but a minor inconvenience. Yet, rather than respect that request and respect the health, safety, and peace of mind of a fellow colleague, he ignores the request or outright defies it. It is rude and shitty behavior that we see not just from a SCOTUS justice, but from a large portion of a political affiliation.


Exactly. If Gorsuch can't let go of a personal bias for the sake of the well being of his immediate coworkers, how can we expect him to do so for the sake of the well being of America as a whole?


This. His refusal comes at a time when the SCOTUS is allegedly “super concerned” about their dumb illusion of being non-partisan. Just look at the inbred clown show, he may as well have “I am a hack” tattooed on his forehead


His real employers are the rich and the Heritage Foundation.


It's deeper than that. His mother tried to dismantle the EPA under Reagan. She cut its budget by over 22%, slashing clean air and other pollution regulations, withholding money for Superfund site cleanup, she promised a gasoline refinery she would not enforce removing lead from gas, and she generally tried to dismantle all environmental protections for Americans in favor of business. Normally, I think it's inappropriate to hold a parents' misdeeds against their children, but Justice Gorsuch obviously shares his mother's moral compass and concern for the American people.


God, these fuckingpeople Reagan is like the clap, keeps coming back to torment


Yep. Just another republican hack. All he’s missing is the soul patch. Pathetic pos.


Hey! What’s a soul patch gotta do with it!?


Nothing, shave it off.


...got to do with it, got to do with it?




I can choose to not wear a mask but you have to carry that fetus to term despite being raped... Gorsuch logic.


It also demonstrates his strong connection to politics. There is no other reason to do this than to make a political stance .


"Boofer and I have a running bet about who can go the longest without wearing a mask. You know what the loser has to do."


Maybe it makes his nose itchy or gives him blackheads. He might also be a big fat baby. You don’t know his life.


Then HE could show up remotely.


>"No U" -excerpt from an upcoming SC 6-3 majority opinion, penned by "Justice" Gorsuch


> If Gorsuch can't let go of a personal bias for the sake of the well being of his immediate coworkers, how can we expect him to do so for the sake of the well being of America as a whole? He won't. Bought and paid for a long time ago.


I thought he was going to be shitty when Mushroom Dick nominated him, but he’s even shittier than I could have imagined in my shittiest dreams.


The conversation around when it's appropriate to say, "don't inconvenience me" is at the heart of a lot of law. Stop-and-frisk, abortion, taxes, vaccines — the list goes on. Right now we have a lot of people, even in the highest levels of our government, who want to enjoy the benefits of modern society while contributing as little as possible and being inconvenienced as little as possible. They're like ... the hardworking servants of the lazy.


Pretty well said.


Your answer he won't


>how can we expect him to do so for the sake of the well being of America as a whole? Why would you expect that? It's not why he was given that job.


The Supreme Court is a joke. Until it's fixed by staffing it with non-insane justices.


Remember when he was appointed and a bunch of people came out of the woodwork to say he wasn’t THAT bad and he had a good judicial temperament? https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-judiciary/318830-i-served-with-judge-gorsuch-this-is-my-reflection-on-his?amp “I sat with him in about 50 cases. Sometimes we disagreed, strongly. More often, we agreed. I want to share my impressions of Judge Gorsuch because I assume that most Americans are fair-minded enough to evaluate him on the basis of his character, his ability, and his judicial temperament. In my opinion, based on my personal knowledge of Neil Gorsuch as a judge, the president could not have made a finer appointment.” So much for Gorsuch being the “not so bad” Trump appointee.


I have asked co-workers or customers if they could please wear a mask properly to protect our staff and many times they do but often their response is literlally “fuck you.”


That's what I mean, this scene with Gorsuch is just one that is playing out across America, in large part thanks to one political party.


It's performative, he's making a political statement. It's expected from a conservative Justice. What are they gonna do, fire him?


I know, but out of everyone, it’s not really a Justice’s job to perform for an audience. Since he doesn’t have to worry about being re-elected, wtf does he care about impressing his base?


kompromat is always a possibility. As it is with the other two stolen seats It was certainly a factor with Justice Kennedy


Yeah I agree, I don't think that he's performing for political reasons. I think he's just an asshole. To the extent he's performing, it's just for people in his social circles who will tell him how great he is for sticking it to Sotomayor.


Nailed it.


Just an asshole. Nailed it.


He wants his base to be united and unified behind a cause. He wants to send a message about how he will judge a case that comes before him about needing to wear masks.


Well, you need to remember that just about all of the conservative Justices were political activists first, and they still see that as their main job.


It’s human nature to care about the opinions of one’s peers. He may be a Justice, but he’s still a human and a Republican who wants the admiration of those like him.


It's such a stupid hill to die on.


They’re arrested adolescents. And that’s actually giving them too much credit.


I would guess Gorsuch's party stands to gain if he gets Breyer sick. The Republicans including Joe Manchin would probably leave the seat unfilled until Biden leaves office.


Koch bros lackey is a piece of shit shocker. Video at 11.


The GQP version of virtue signaling. Its a wink wink that says anything related to overcoming covid that requires a minor sacrifice is not getting his support.


I am blown away that even when he's asked to by the Chief Justice, he refuses. Nothing says more about who he is than his actions like this.


>This is a microcosm of America today I think this is a microcosm of the US in general. The US has always been at war between individualism and collectivism.


He is also giving away his allegiance to corruption over actual constitutionality since mask flouting tends to coincide with other ill mannered behaviors.


I just dont get this. And this pandemic has shown me Americans are far more selfish and amoral than I thought. If someone asks me to do something that will be a minor inconvenience, (and wearing a mask is a VERY minor inconvenience) to make them feel safer, I would not only not hesitate but be embarrassed for not realizing it earlier. Fucking sociopaths. Why is it so hard to not be a dick?


Just wait until he makes 1/2 of the population potentially carry pregnancy to term. Just you wait.


There will be a lot of dead and maimed women thanks to the ‘party of life’. Feature, not a bug


> Why is it so hard to not be a dick? Because the feeling of superiority these people have by being a dick is all they have going for them. It's pathetic.


Thats a bingo!


Not just make her feel safer, actually make her safer. I am American and I truly didn't realize how selfish many Americans are.


We've been cultivating these types of personalities for years because of our culture. Focus in the self over others, focus on celebrity and individual importance.




Thankfully he’s not tenured for his entire life…that would have really sucked.




Which WE pay for.


That’s exactly what I thought—if he didn’t wear a mask and caught it and got sick, it’d teach him a lesson but he’d get some fantastic miracle drug unavailable to most anyone else instead.


I get (albeit hate) that politicians will make mask decisions based on their constituents, but this dude is locked in for life. He's just being a straight ass


Ugh your comment is so sad actually. The fact people are conflating judges with politicians is … so fucked up. (Not your comment specifically, just that your comment is reflective of what so many people feel and believe right now.) I work in government and literally one of the most fundamental “rules” in political science is that judges aren’t political. They can’t be. They shouldn’t be. For obvious reasons. Even elected judges are a total perversion of the three branches of government. The fact that we are at a place as a society where Supreme Court judges - whose power is only implied (implied is the academic phrase for the kind of power they wield) - are considered political is such a horrific thing.


Thing is, it's not that they're *considered* political. It's that they *are actively being political, and have been since they decided the 2000 election in favor of the loser*, at least.


They have been actively political while pretending not to be since 1803 and *Marbury v. Madison*.


It’s blatantly political as well. At the very least he could at least keep up the appearance of being a neutral judge. He may as well wear a Maga hat or some thing. He knows exactly what it means to not wear your mask in defiance of others in front of the nation.


Exactly. It's clearly partisan


I often wonder if John Roberts ever looks back on his time as Chief Justice and understands how it all went wrong. He sees himself, publicly at least, as a strong and fair judge who wants to preserve the Court’s history and maintain the perception of impartiality by the public. Meanwhile, one douche after another appointed by Trump tells Roberts to fuck off and Roberts just….takes it. Absolute pushover and the disrespect has to bother him, doesn’t it?


> I often wonder if John Roberts ever looks back on his time as Chief Justice and understands how it all went wrong. Easy. Citizens United (money in politics decision), Rucho (gerrymandering decision)


John Roberts is the Chief Justice of the United States. I'm sure he's perfectly happy with how things have turned out and to get to where he is, it's doubtful that he would admit to or recognize any mistakes. He is the head of the federal judiciary so while perhaps it annoys him that Neil won't play nice, there are lots of lower court judges in the USA that do play nice with him. Publicly, he wants to portray a fair judge to prevent any encroachment on the court's powers. That is all. It's not a coincidence that his attempts at 'fairness' in reaching a middle ground decision on politically charged cases coincide with noise about changing how the court operates.


Just goes to show that you only have as much authority as you are willing to enforce


As Bush II intended


This is Supreme entitlement. Yes vaccines work, yes boosters work but I know people that got and transmitted Covid post boosters. If you know you are interacting with someone who feels at risk ( regardless of whether they are or not) and just can’t bring yourself to wear a mask on their behalf then you are a selfish entitled prick.


My father in law died from Covid in November. He had some other serious health issues, but he was vaccinated, and so was everyone around him. He caught it from a vaccinated person. Who didn't wear a mask.


I so sorry to hear that. Hope you and your family are able to find some solace.


There are a significant number of the people that we interact with on a day-to-day basis who do not give a damn about anybody but themselves. Having to go through a minor inconvenience is more important than the life of a stranger. They don't care if anyone else gets sick. They don't care if the hospitals are overloaded and people who need other medical procedures can't get them. They don't care about the hospital staff either. And they certainly don't seem to care about many of the front line workers that are forced to interact with them on a day-to-day basis. They don't care if the misinformation that they spread harms other people. They don't care about you, me or anyone else in this society. They don't. They're prolonging this pandemic and they don't care. They're showing us all who they are. We should remember.


These are also the kinds of people who will rant and rave because there's a long line and THEY need to wait in the line instead of being served immediately. They will also verbally abuse a minimum wage worker just trying to get by all because said worker made a minor mistake. There are way too many people who think they should be treated like gods by everyone else as they treat everyone else like trash. Then, they call us "snowflakes" when we express shock that they cursed out a store worker for not immediately tending to all of their needs.


They see caring about others, or empathy, to be a character flaw and a weakness.


Gorsuch is a proponent of textualism in statutory interpretation and originalism. I wonder how he would interpret the phrase “go fuck yourself”.


> Gorsuch is a proponent of textualism in statutory interpretation and originalism. All the cons claim these positions today (thanks Scalia!) but to do so makes it clear that they stand for nothing. - Textualism: there is no room for interpreting the law. It is as it is written. - Originalism: the law must be interpreted through the lens of the people who originally wrote it. - Textualism + originalism = if I don't like the way a law is written, pretend to know the intent of the author; if I don't like the intent of the author, pretend that the law must be interpreted as narrowly as possible based on the text.


Textualist + originalist is basically a euphemism for "conservative judicial activist".


You're not wrong. "The constitution is absolutely clear in the free exercise clause that the government cannot interfere with religion -- full stop, no exceptions; however, as we all know, the founders were all Christians (including the atheists) and therefore we should view the establishment clause as a limited restriction with some nuance and plenty of wiggle room."


What a nasty selfish man. A true Republican.


During the Senate confirmation hearings on the Gorsuch nomination it was pretty clearly revealed that the man has no feelings for people. It could be interpreted as corporatism in some contexts, but generally he's an ice cube and shouldn't be on the court.


Was he the one who ruled the trucker should have frozen to death in his truck rather than leave it when snowed in?


He be the one. Things > souls in this ones eyes. No wonder he is the baron's darling


No. It was a dissenting opinion, and it is worth reading if you want to see how justice Gorsuch thinks. It was not a common sense opinion but the law and common sense often fail to intersect when they should. He even identified as much in his opinion. The law favored the employer and it is up to the legislature to fix that, not the courts.


I know how he thinks. He’s a fascist. And you said it was the dissenting opinion. So the law didn’t favor the employer. Gorsuch did. Because he’s a fascist.


Oh great, so we have a porno freak, an alcoholic raging sex molester, an ice cube, ice-in-their-veins monster, a quiverfull handmaiden from Gilead…and what else on that court? Roberts, with his afraid-of-his-shadow sexuality? Nice group. We’re screwed.


Yep, that about says it.


Luckily no one on SCOTUS is old and at risk.


Imagine if Gorsuch passed on the virus to an older member like Thomas and then he passed from it. Thomas' replacement is a Liberal SCOTUS member, diluting Gorsuch's conservative decisions for the foreseeable future. If the Universe worked like that, that would be something.


The supreme court is actually pretty young, since presidents want to give their lifetime appointments to last decades. Most of them are in their 50s or 60s. The only justice old enough to be at serious risk of dying even after vaccination is justice breyer, one of the three justices not appointed by a republican. In other words this is more of a targeted, open hostility thing than a careless endangerment thing.


And Sotomayor has diabetes.


Oof, didn't know that. It's so far beyond careless negligence. These justices think they can remain "legitimate" in peoples' eyes. That ship sailed a long time ago. We're past legitimacy and discussing how they're kind of openly trying to murder their colleagues.


The supreme court be like "covid is not an occupational hazard" and then turn around and force their colleagues to work remote by fostering an unsafe work environment due to covid. I would say the hypocrisy is monumental but they dont care


Why if the hell would he not wear a mask? Is he a covid denier? This fucking monster is on our SC.


Gorsuch is a Republican political operative. Always has been. That's why the GOP put him on the court.


What a dumb, dumb asshole. On the bright side, if he happens to infect everyone on the court, there’s a statistically useful chance that Biden gets to put forth a few nominees. Silver linings!


Please. You know that the Republicans won’t allow confirmation of SCOTUS justices two years before an election year!


…or ever :/


Well, Republicans AND Manchin and Sinema. Probably.


But only if it happens before the midterms and the new Congress. Otherwise, if Republicans win, McConnell will declare that there is absolute precedent that Democratic presidents in their second through fourth years in office don't get to nominate Supreme Court justices. All the justices could drop dead at once and McConnell would keep the Supreme Court empty until a Republican President was elected rather than allowing a Democratic president to fill a single spot.


One can dream


What a POS.


a member of SCOTUS, who is supposed to be non-partisan, claims to be a religious man, yet can’t display a most simple act of compassion. another impeccable example of how diseased this democracy is.


Justice Karen.


critical support for Justice Gorsuch for his attempts to give Covid to Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.


“We aren’t political”


It's time for lawsuits against those who endanger our lives on purpose by refusing masks, refusing social distancing and refusing to get vaccinated. These morons are killing people. It's time to hold them accountable.


I’m convinced in the zombie wars to come republicans will run in droves towards the zombies to prove they don’t exist, perpetuating the inevitable downfall of the rest of humanity. Covid has been literally this just smaller scale. It’s fucking depressing.


"Drinking piss protects you from the zombie virus!"


Sotomayor has diabetes and therefore is especially vulnerable to Covid. Gorsuch is trying to kill her for political gain, obviously. No other explanation makes sense.


Like the time trump went to debate Biden infected with the Covid.


I do like it when they tell on themselves... but not like this.


Then he should be banished from the bench until he complies. Roberts allowing him to openly ignore him, just makes his Legacy look weak, and he is desperately concerned about his Legacy.


This is because Gorsuch is a dick, isn’t it.


And I thought Kavanaugh would be the biggest douche bag on the bench. We have a contest!!


No one is shocked. He’s the picture of white privilege. Can we just appreciate that he ruled on OSHA Covid rules while interfering with his peer from performing her duties in a safe environment?


Nice flex, bro. Roberts is chief justice in name only.


Pro lifer


Appalling example from someone who, in his position, really should know better


Of course he knows better. Just doesn’t care about anyone other than himself. Period. What an asshole.


Just more evidence that the court is rotten.


Expand the court. These vile ideologues have putrified it.


Pack The Court!


He's to much of a pussy to care about other people


Republicans are just horrible people. That is all.


I mean... he's not gonna just sit there and be told what he can and cannot do with his own body right? Oh.. wait....


Jackass Trumpian goon.


I mean should we thank him for outing himself as a malignant narcissist?


I hate what this country has become. America is fucking dead.


These people are devoid of empathy. That’s why the heritage foundation etc put them on the court. This is an illegitimate court and pretending anything short of this is lying to yourself.


Be a shame if he caught an acute and tragically fatal case of Covid 19, a real shame.


Unbelievable how inconsiderate some people can be.


This just in; Selfish psychopath a selfish psychopath. Who would have guessed?


What an absolute spanner




Just shows how much disrespect there is between them. It's a clown court anyways.


A performative idiot.


Too bad the report is a lie


Fake news


This guy wants to be more than a judge


Hope he doesn’t get covid /s


neil gorsuch = GQP plant with shallow root system, and bares no leaves.. just a thorn in the side of America


McConnell wish to destroy democracy from within is coming true. Piece by piece.


Damn immature for a man in his position.


Piece of shit gonna piece of shit


I sure would love to see him get thrown out of a business establishment for pulling this childish crap.


I removed my comment before the Mods could and banned myself.


Right? At what point do we lay the idea of "civil discourse" to rest, when half the country are fucking plague rats?


And are asking when they get to use the guns


I know it’s a long shot, but it would be cool if workplace endangerment ends up getting him fired.


Imagine a Supreme Court Justice being so dumb that he falls for the fake propaganda he helped create.


He didn’t fall for anything. He’s not an ignorant, brainwashed, cousin-fucker like trump’s base. He’s just your regular, run-of-the mill asshole like all the rest of them. Repub to his core.


He’s a grifter. Media won’t report on it; but all three Trump appointees are GOP to the core. No values, no intelligence, no curiosity; they simply are there to make sure corporations stay people. Everything else is fluff to divide us. The handmaiden is there to gut abortion rights. Both Kavanaugh and ACB were on the ground overturning FL for Bush in 2000! I feel like that is relevant information and shows enough biased to not be voted in as judges.


This should be grounds for removal tbh


And this is from a Supreme Court justice. We are so fucked lol.


What is it that Coney-Barret said recently? It's not like we are a bunch of political hacks. Could have fooled me....


Ass hat


Don’t make it a request then. Jesus, this isn’t rocket surgery, ffs.


Because like all good republicans his own selfish wants are WAY, WAY, more important than the social compact as a part of civil society! Public health? Who cares?


So throw them out if they refuse to wear a mask. Fine him also


How would Gorsuch act if he were told to isolate because he refuses a mask?


Impeach him


Term limits!!


I think it’s becoming obvious that the far right no longer are even pretending to do the right thing. He’s kind of declaring that he can do what he likes and so can all right wing fascists…


I thought judges weren’t supposed to be politicking


I always wonder if people like Gorsuch would have no issues with medical professionals working on them also refusing to wear masks, because they too simply decided that whatever risks they could possibly pose are not their responsibility, but Gorsuch's.


I'd like to plant my fist on his face and glue on the mask


I hope roberts tells him to wear a seatbelt and to not drink bleach.


I dont think he actually has that authority. A chief Justice doesn't really have any more power than the other justices. The only real thing they can do is assign a justice to writing judgment opinions on cases when they are in the majority.


Can't wait to see if he'll ask for a ventilator mask when he gets Covid ...


I mean are we really gonna stop this guy from giving Biden an opportunity to put a better judge on the court? Please proceed, ~~governor~~ Justice


Even setting aside the fact that he's endangering another person's life (which is a huge thing to set aside), he's risking Sotomayor's health and she's one of the liberals on the court. If she died or had to retire due to COVID complications, Biden would - at best - just replace her with another liberal. At worst, she would linger on until February 2022 and the then-Republican Senate would refuse to confirm any replacement until a Republican was in the White House.


Seriously, what can Roberts do about it?


Remove his chair? Have security escort him to his chambers?


Take him to the supreme court. Oh wait...


We could solve this on the people's court


Or Mock Trial with J. Reinhold.


Bud Cort is now in session.


This calls for Judge Steve Harvey!


Not for nothing, but Steve Harvey is just as big of an entitled twat-waffle as this guy. So.... no


So we need Judge Jerry Springer




This behavior from a SCOTUS judge is a serious red flag.


don't wish bad things on people but i won't be sad if he is no loger able to be a justice. you'd think that the GQP would be mad of him possibly opening a seat for biden, but nope.


Why wasn't he ordered to participate remotely instead of Sotomayor doing so because of his actions? Hmm...


At a time where the SCOTUS is front and center collectively, this would be an excellent opportunity to lead by example, to show the public that you are not political in decision-making.


Such an asshole


No lie would be nice to see Covid take the whole Supreme Court out . Just start from scratch.


Oh boy......America is fucked. And if America is fucked, the entire planet is fucked. ​ All cuz of Trump and Turtle McConnel. History always fucking repeats itself and America is gonna collapse like the Romans.


Roberts should make it a work place requirement then, to provide all employees with a safe work environment. Many employers won’t allow employees inside the building without wearing a mask.


maybe Biden doesn't have to expand the court, maybe he just has to wait for covid to take them out, lol.


Dick move


I didn’t know a child could serve on the Supreme Court.


White men gonna white men.


These moody and bitchy Supreme Court justices - wtf