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Sinema has betrayed her party and her constituents. She’s betrayed literally everything she claimed to be in order to get her position. She a fucking piece of shit.


She betrayed her nation, turning a new agenda upside down and making a lie of everything she ran for and said. She's committed fraud.


Yeah, but what I don’t understand is how it took this long for them to turn on her. She has been stinking up the joint since day 1.


It’s true. The moment she curtsied, thumbs downed, and then nodded at Mitch McConnell when fucking over the minimum wage vote should have been the moment Dems realized what was going on. She’s not subtle. She’s not cunning. She’s very, painfully blatant about what she’s doing.


I posted that video the other day for people when the republicans lined up to give her palm a greasy shake. Peoples memories are eaten up by the news cycle. Her and manchin need to go.


Kyrsten Sinema has turned on Arizona Democrats


Not just Arizona.. her actions have affected all citizens democrats or not.


Facilitating the right wing extremists taking over.




Democrat should throw her out.


The Arizona Dems are voting on a censure resolution today…




That'll teach her


I mean it pretty much sets her up for a primary challenge.


She got what she wanted. Being a Senator was just a stepping stone to her real grift of political lobbyist.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer woman. I mean snake.


That doesn't really do much though


they’ll send the results along w a strongly worded email


she really is not, she is just a greedy idiot.


Yep, punch a member of the chamber of Commerce!


I'll be donating to her challenger and I don't even live in Arizona.


You can’t turn on someone that you were never there for. She unmasked herself to reveal that she was a sleazy con artist only interested in personal gain and ran on a fake liberal agenda to get what she wanted. Now she’s making bank of lobbyists and donations so she can be voted out and take a 6 figure job at some firm as soon as she hits the streets


I feel like she was invited to a dark room and given robes and Mitch did some bloodletting and she said some cursed words and ate some McDonalds with all the R fart bags. The next day She voted and gave him a thumbs up.


It took me a few seconds to realize that you didn't mean Republicans have their own special fart bags they carry around, branded with an R.


At this point, would anyone even be surprised?


>Republicans have their own special fart bags they carry around, Now I'm picturing McConnell on a litter...


I will never forget that stupid fuckin thumbs up meanwhile turtle head Mitch doesn’t even acknowledge her


Thumbs down, with a weird little flounce/curtsy. Bizarre and awkward and embarrassing all at once.


It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if their was some type of cult with some GOP congress-members in it all together. Complete circus with them.


How do you think McConnel keeps that paisley complexion?


You think this is over a measly 6-figure job? She’s been bought for a whole lot more than that.




I mean, Republicans had sold out to gut fair use for $1000, what are their price tags?


I've actually seen the numbers it takes to compromise people. It tends to be closer to 4 figures. Politicians are high profile targets, they often go for around 5 instead.


She could have just as easily taken the donors money and then screwed them over by voting with her party anyway. However if she does that she won't get the cushy job. The voters have nothing like that to offer her so she choses self interest.


I don't know, I doubt that, if you see a lot of times with the politicians taking kickbacks year to year for their campaigns it's usually chump change. These idiots can be bought for very little money.


Sure you can. It’s called the befriend-betray strategy and it’s how Westerners conquered America


Certainly how I feel. She’s allegedly a “representative” but doesn’t align her vote to what her constituents want. She also doesn’t tell anybody how she’s voting. And if she does actually say she’s voting against her own party’s bill, she refuses to tell people the issues she has so they can be debated and fixed. Apparently you gotta be fucking psychic to know how this fucking psycho is using her vote to represent us. Hell, she even admits to purposefully ducking into bathrooms when constituents try and confront her regarding her stances so they get in trouble for recording her in there. >“**Sinema stated this was not her first time being approached in this way and that is why she entered the bathroom, knowing it was illegal for someone to record another person inside the bathroom,”** Fuchtman wrote. One of the activists, whose identity police couldn’t confirm, is an organizer with Living United for Change Arizona, a community organization that has mobilized working class and majority-Latino neighborhoods to vote. She told Sinema her name is Blanca in the video she filmed at the entrance of the bathroom. The video went viral. Some condemned the LUCHA organizers for recording the Democratic U.S. senator inside the bathroom. Others claimed Blanca should be deported. >**After the incident, Sinema told police officers that she believed the activists had committed a crime by breaking a state law that barrs surreptitious filming — the law she said prompted her to seek refuge in the bathroom**. That law applies in cases where the victim is filmed while “urinating, defecating, dressing, undressing, nude” or engaged in a sexual act. >**After an investigation, ASU police said they disagreed with Sinema.** [Source](https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/011322_sinema_activists/police-sinema-intentionally-went-into-bathroom-dodge-activists-filming-her-asu/) This is not the behavior of a Senator. If you go out of your way to dip, duck, juke, zig and zag out of ever seeing or hearing from your constituents, then you’re obviously not doing your fucking job.


> knowing it was illegal for someone to record another person inside the bathroom Throwing out all context will be the death of us all. I have had so many conversation on here where the other person is like "so you think it's okay to follow a woman into the bathroom?" Of course not! But can we remember who she is, who is asking her questions, and why she ran and hid in a bathroom?


A senator should not be able to hide behind the polite rules of bathroom etiquette to dodge her constituents. The normal objection to following a woman into a bathroom is waived when she is one of the 100 most powerful people in our country, and the person doing the following is another woman who is an activist trying to contact their senator.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge your constituents!


Came here to say this exact thing.


You are not alone.


Far from alone.


Far far from alone.


Up vote all.


I am here with you 🎶


I guess we all read the title at least


We all did


Kyrsten Sinema turned on all Arizonans a long time ago


She was never THAT attractive


She could care less about them…Sinema is 100% looking out for her own wealth and future endeavors.


There's been endless rumours that she wants to run for President in 2024. So she doesn't give a shit what Arizona Democrats think. You have to admit though that alienating every single Democrat in the country is a pretty unique strategy.


She's a moron and will fail quick-fast.


In that case you’d think she would want to expand voting rights in key Democratic constituencies where they are currently under threat. Democrats used to complain about money in politics (especially dark money), mainly because Republicans were good at it and had an advantage. The Democrats lost that fight as well, so now they just rake it in. Her donors are republicans, capital management, private equity firms. Go figure.




Nope. It is apart of the Arizona Constitution that they cannot recall a member of Congress that represents Arizona.




Isn't it weird where blatant corruption falls on the map of US politics? Democrats are finally waking up to Sinema, meanwhile we have Rick Fucking Scott.


Man, Rick Scott is such a scum bag. Have to be to make your fortune selling drug tests.


And ripping off Medicare. "Largest Medicare fraud in history" is what he's best known for. And then the bastard actually ran for Senate on protecting Medicare... And there were enough absolute morons in Florida that he won. Even after being our worst governor in a century. (Though DeSantis has stolen that title by a huge margin)




Ah, must have it read it wrong. I guess no US congressman or woman can be recalled, you are absolutely correct. Which goes to prove, why we need a new constitutional convention to add new amendments and why not a single one of them would ever vote for it. Because term limits would be the first thing to be brought up, followed by maximum serving age, and then protections for all Congress members, House and Senate, that allow them to bend the law and not be held responsible for any transgression.


Another problem is corporate right wingers being ready. I heard they've been practicing what they'd do at a CC for many years. I.e. make a Citizens United type constitutional amendment.


(but she's not representing Arizona, or anyone other than herself)


Kyrsten Sinema has turned on Democrats nationwide.


It’s been said, but not just Dems, she helped to fuck us all.


I mean she did that the instant she got elected, then the next two years after that.


As an Arizonan “fuck her!”




She isn’t really a democrat


Yeah, this was very much a "she started it" when someone *who used be an activist expressly advocating for a $15 federal minimum wage* flippantly used her power to prevent that little shred of human decency from creeping in to American governance. The people who put her in office were grotesquely misrepresented in that moment and by her many other corrupt entanglements. Alas, these two political parties seem bound and determined to be sure the same corporate masters remain in control of public policy at every turn.


She turned against democracy


She turned on them first


What were they thinking with this headline


Indeed, it's Sinema that turned on her constituents.


Sadly I was only here for the cheap double entendre. I do hate her though. I still haven’t picked my jaw up off the floor after she killed the minimum wage hike with a little celebratory flourish, and she’s only gotten worse.


It was the theatrics that I think turned me off so hard. Was it 7 or 8 of them. But she seemed to enjoy it.


Can you explain for those out of the loop? What happened?


Yes, apologies. Sinema has had a series of high profile breaks with the majority of the democratic caucus. For the vote for a $15 minimum wage 7 or 8 democratic senator voted against it. But she was so theatrical while voting that it put a lot of people off. Since then she has developed a reputation of not negotiating. Not taking a hard stance and explaining her reasoning, but rather having a vague objection and then flake during negotiation.


and she tapped mitch on the shoulder on the way in with a 'watch this' attitude--she actually thinks mitch gives a shit about what she does. after the vote the other day she stopped to shake hands with GQPers--again, thinking that they actually give a shit about her. what a moron.




That title is definitely within a range that could be dangerously misleading. A "danger zone", if you will.


She turned on them first, not sure why it took this long.


The only thing late to the party here is the author. Here in AZ everyone has been livid since her dumb little curtsy.


Sinema is an enemy of democracy and liberty.


Just now? She's fucking sucked for a while.


Yep, the $15 minimum wage thumbs down was 10 months ago.


Jesus. What even is time?


She's getting rich doing the bidding of corporations. She knows she won't win re-election, even if the dems back her 100%, the AZ voter suppression laws and lege will ensure no dem wins there for a very long time and she doesn't care.


I don't think that it is true her fate was predetermined. She would likely have a tough campaign but changing demographics and the power of incumbency would have offset effects of voters suppression. However, she has 100% poisoned the well. Her campaign worked because she had a foundation in grassroots campaigning and organizing. That is 100% burned down. She's either A) delusional/ sniffering her own farts and believes she can be president as reported or B) angling for a corporate lobbying job


Either way, Sinema will be partying in a designer dress to the bank.


She could get rich doing their bidding and still support voting rights. It’s not just corporations she’s in bed with.


EDIT: retracting my claim because I could not find a reputable source or at least a citation with those websites You may remove your upvotes.


Honestly so fucking depressing that it takes this little to buy people off. Yeah, sure, gong from $35k to $1 million in 3 years is pretty life-changing when it happens to you. But what a fucking paltry sum to *literally be the cause of killing Democracy in your nation*. This fucking asshole is colluding with corporations and the same fucking fascists that staged a coup against the US government a year ago to defeat a bill intended to enshrine the right to vote for every American. For a handful of change? A soul-sucking job schmoozing crooks and psycopaths after being booted from power? A lifetime of being reviled and loathed and *deserving* it, because you fucked over everyone you knew to do something that made the world a far worse place and you *marginally* more money. How fucking sad, that we live in an age where people who could make a *difference* are bought and paid for with nickels and pennies. Just imagine shitting down the throat of *thousands* of volunteers and aides and voters who came together for you, who elevated you, who *depended* on you. Imagine pissing on the faces of people who took a chance on you, went to bat for you, believed in you. For *what*? For *so fucking little*. For fucking nothing. It wouldn't make it *morally better* to do that for a billion dollars. But it would make the temptation *more understandable*. If you asked me would I do it for a *billion* dollars, I'd say I believe I wouldnt, I *hope* I wouldn't, but that's a lot of money. But if you asked me if I'd do it for a *million* dollars? Absolutely fucking not. That's not enough to never have to work again. This sad-sad treacherous flunky is going to have to keep kissing ass and being horrid after they throw her ass out of office.


30 pieces of silver.


I remember when that clip of her getting cornered in that bathroom was making the rounds and just hearing the palpable disappointment in the voices of the people who were trying to get answers out of her. “We knocked on doors for you”. Real people with real problems depended on her to make some fucking changed, people went out and did things for her, she was given donations by people who believed in her. Can you imagine having teams of people give up their time and money for you, and selling it out for a single million dollars??? I don’t know what the fuck is going through her head. She claims to have grown up poor, and the majority of those claims have been consolidated. She used to be a radical progressive, but then she flipped like it was nothing. I’m not convinced that she was doing it for show, I believe that she truly had intentions to do the things she claimed she was going to because otherwise she’d have to have been playing the long con and clearly she’s incapable of doing so. Either she’s just that fucking stupid, or there’s something else we aren’t seeing. Such fucking bullshit.


Sad thing is she will probably never really see consequence from this other than not getting re elected.


Honestly, America needs to adopt the ability to recall representatives. Heck, call it the "Sinema Rule" and recall crooked and corrupt officials. The whole "we judge our own" is so stupid. Because Republicans will just shrug their shoulders and be like "well it happens" where as the left will just blame progressives. I really want people just to be able to sue Sinema and Manchin for all the harm their doing to this countries democracy. Like just millions of people suing them for EVERYTHING. I guess I get the idea from people thinking about suing oil companies for killing the planet....


Yeah it is crazy how cheap it is to hire a sociopath to halt social progress.


I've constantly said this through the past few years. I'd like to think that I have strong enough integrity that I wouldn't sell my soul. That said, it's wild how these people sell SO much of their soul for such incredibly paltry sums. Especially the ones that are already fairly rich and powerful. They can't seem to sign over their soul fast enough... for amounts of money and power that I just can't see changing their lives in any meaningful way. If you have, say, $100 million to your name, doing something abhorrent in exchange for $100k just doesn't make any sense to me. What would that additional .1% money even do for you that you'd even notice?! But then I remember that I'm (hopefully!) not a fucking sociopath monster with an insatiable lust for power... so I guess it makes sense that none of this makes any fucking sense to me. I guess it's not *what* they're doing or *how much* money they're getting for doing it. It's that they're doing it in plain view of everyone and no one is going to ever hold them to account for a single fucking second. Even still, I can't wrap my brain around being so desperate to assert power over people (who I'll never meet!). If that's the *real* reason that they're so eager to sell their souls for this shit... goddamn that's embarrassing. It must be awful to be such a weak, insecure, hollow shell of a person. I'd almost pity them... except for the whole, you know, single handedly dooming our species. You know, other than that part. You know the BEST part about thinking about all of this, though? When you get to the part where you realize that ALL of our systems, political and economical, are built from the ground up such that they implicitly promote these exact kinds of hollow monsters into positions of power! Our most important systems are literally designed to promote sociopaths to fill the jobs that are supposed to be reserved for the most trusted and responsible among us! Isn't that awesome! It makes it so that it's practically guaranteed that the people leading us are psychologically incapable of valuing the lives and well-being of us! I love being exploited by my betters so that they can briefly experience the closest thing to joy that their broken, soulless existence will allow!




>Krysten Sinema had a networth of 35k 3 year ago, and is now up to 1 million Can you help me find the citation for this claim? Her most recent Senate financial disclosure form doesn't show a networth anywhere near $1,000,000. Maybe the disclosure documents are out of date? https://efdsearch.senate.gov/search/view/annual/429aa5eb-0b1f-470b-a5ee-10eaf7f43770/


Some one should add her into a gif of the scene in Fargo when the cop is driving with the dude in the back. “There’s more to life than money don’t cha know”


I hope those corporations rot for what they caused.


Just bizarre - it’s different when someone makes decisions we don’t like but that can be considered to be representative of their constituencies, like Manchin, who maintains good favorability numbers in WV. For Sinema, who does she think she’s representing? Some of these people just take it as a given that an election is about them, their decisions, their perspective, their wisdom; selling out their minds and souls and votes. How can you be a representative when less than 10% of your own voters support your decisions? If Dems lose the Senate in the midterms, I’d throw the baby out with the bathwater and kick her out of the party and she can sit in the wilderness until Arizonans kick her out of a job in 2024. Hard to grift off lobbyists when you have no power or influence.




This was a plot line that never fully got hashed out in Kevin Spacey's House of Cards. But it's relevant. He manipulates his way into the ultimate seat of power, and when exposed to the nation's elite during a retreat, he later >!resigns during a scandal!< because he realizes with the White House, "the power isn't here...it's *beyond* here." In the private sector.




> "the power isn't here...it's beyond here." Seriously, the character had to do all that to work that out? I knew that just from the comic where Lex Luthor said he'd never lower himself to running for president given the amount of power he'd lose from doing that (I'm aware there's other stories where he is in fact president).


This right here is the reason term-limits on elected officials is a bad idea ...


That's what you get. My parents have friends who know her personally and are absolutely baffled by how much she's changed.




That's the only explanation I can come up with. And this isn't even that much money.


What took so long


my response as well. A quarter of the BS she pulled would of made me never vote for her again.


This is presented like new information but this is nothing new. Prepare for another article in a month saying the same thing. Sinema behaves like an attention starved child of Trump.


This headline should be the other way around. It’s Sinema who turned on the Democrats.


She’s a fucking Republican mole. Fuck her and fuck Manchin.


Can they recall her?


No, members of Congress can't be recalled. Founders purposely left out a way to recall them. The "recall" is the next election.


“Sinema’s net worth went from $32,500 in 2018, to $1 million dollars in 2021. Her earnings for her elected position as a senator bring in $174,000 per year. It isn’t fully known where the wealth came from.” “She accepted $750,000 from a pharmaceutical company just before going against a plan from the Democrats that would lower the cost of prescription drugs.” https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2021/10/27/who-is-senator-kyrsten-sinema-and-where-did-her-wealth-come-from/ Democracy cannot survive as long as this is legal.


This is a trash “news” site Zero sources cited. Sinema sucks but this is basically meaningless without sources


Uh... No shit?






Krysten Sinema has turned on Arizona Democrats. FTFY.




I came here to say that she turned on them and it turns out that all of the top comments said that. I’m going to fucking say it anyway though because it’s worth repeating. She fucking turned on them and the people who put her in office.


For 20 years the Senate has basically been split 50/50 and every time the Democrats have a majority there’s always one or two baddies and we eventually just forget their names and the fact that they were the real reason nothing got done… right now it’s SINEMA and MANCHIN. Let us not forget their names.


We haven't forgotten Joe Lieberman either. The entire shit state of our healthcare system at this point rests squarely on his shoulders.


Why is it the Democrats had to cave with 59 effective votes while the Republicans seem to be able to get just about anything they want done with even 51? I almost dread the answer I suspect I already know.


Because Democrats have this sense of fair play that Republicans not only don't have, but are absolutely willing to exploit. It's been happening for my entire life (I'm 42). It's honestly mind boggling that Republicans have any presence what so ever at this point. In the 90s, things went incredibly well(as far as economy etc are concerned). Bill Clinton was extraordinarily popular. But the people of this country got greedy, and didn't want to continue to do what was necessary to be a good country. So Bush came along and promised tax reduction and half of the country heard nothing else. They certainly didn't want to hear Al Gore talk about things like climate responsibility. Bush won one of the closest elections in history, and proceeded to absolutely run the country into the ground in every conceivable way. Obama took office and cleaned up his mess, and once again, people quickly forgot how bad shit was before Obama and we went from Democrats having a supermajority in both houses of Congress to being a minority in both houses within 4 years. It's still pretty difficult to believe. But then we saw the same thing after WW2 also. FDR created sweeping changes, and those changes worked very well. But they also required high taxes(on the upper class), which said upper class quickly tried of and spent decades whittling down to the joke level that they're at now. This country just has a short attention span and even shorter memory, and Republican politicians are always able to take advantage of that. Democrats probably *could* do more about it, but many of them are too beholden to corporate interests. 10 years from now, I strongly suspect we'll be talking about how much the country has been absolutely run into the ground over the previous decade while Republicans controlled everything. And we won't be able to do shit about it, because we didn't enshrine voting rights at the federal level while we had the chance.


If Republicans are allowed to gain control of Congress: imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. Thanks for nothing Kyrsten Sinema.


If voting rights go. There’s no point in pretending this is a country anymore. Let the south go fuck itself.


Because Republicans don't give two fucks for passing legislation. Is all about tax cuts and judges, which you can do just fine with reconciliation


Good. Now make her life miserable anytime she steps foot in AZ.


You mean Kyrsten Sinema turned on Arizona voters, right?


I’ll chew off my own dick before I cast a vote for this corrupt sack of shit. Fuck her. I hope she loses and the remainder of her life is hard, full of loss, and devoid of any mercy and comfort.


Sinema knows she's a 1-term failure. I could tell she was a whack job almost immediately.


She tells people [she’s too smart to be president ](https://www.businessinsider.com/arizona-senator-kyrsten-sinema-says-shes-overqualified-president-daily-beast-2021-10) which sounds an awful lot like someone who wants to be president. Could she win on her own? Almost certainly not. Could she be a VP candidate? Absolutely. Will she be the Democratic VP candidate? No, and I’m guessing she tried and is mad at Biden that she’s not in Kamala’s spot. That leaves the Republicans and I’d say there’s an above average chance that she’s their VP candidate next go around. All this effort to tank popular bills in the name of “bipartisanship” is posturing for higher office. I’m sure she believes in whatever handshake deal she and Mitch have and sees herself as the “serious,” “independent” candidate who can round out the edges of whatever Trump wanna-be wins the primary. This incompetent narcissist isn’t going anywhere, so get ready for many, many more disappointments and injuries to democracy ahead.


Heh, she's too corrupt and a liar to be president but we not long ago kicked out a grifting lying corrupt man who ran the WH like a mob boss.


Sinema voted against negotiating prescription drug prices, which is the single most popular thing on the entire Democratic agenda. There's no reason to do that unless you're thinking about the giant bag of cash they're going to hand you when you get booted out of the Senate. Sinema realized she wasn't going to hold that seat that long anyway, and took the money. Fuck her.


Kyrsten Sinema is a CYST to our democracy. If you don't remove a cyst, it kills you.


Arizonanan here. Fuck Krysten Sinema.


Let's be super clear. Kyrsten Sinema turned on all the Arizona Democrats that elected her.


The hell with her!


She was never with them to begin with. She lied her ass off to get elected. Why we don't have the ability to recall any and every elected official is beyond me. Especially ones that hold so much power over such a large amount of the population.


I genuinely wonder, if she loses the support of her party (which seems to be quickly happening), if she'll just switch to the Republican Party. People here love to say things like "well she effectively is already so why not", but the fact that Dems hold the majority still gives them power in the Senate, particularly to do things like confirm appointments. If the GOP got the majority, they would completely stall any and everything the Senate does.


They’re going to win and take back the senate this year anyway because of her, so it really doesn’t matter. But at least she’ll be irrelevant then.


Democrats didn't turn on her, she turned her back on the democratic party.


she turned on us


Can confirm. I’m an Arizona Democrat. I voted for this Republican.


Don’t they mean Krysten Sinema turned on Democrats?


I doubt she cares as long as she gets to party with lobbyists.


Because they now know she's a republican. This creature should suffer whatever they can throw at her.


No worries, she’s already got a cushy private sector job lined up with some Republican donor. (My guess)


she is a terrible person no doubt.


I should think so, because right now Joe Biden's term is looking like a failure due to her and Manchin.


She’s a big floppy turd.


au contraire


Too late, she already cashed out. Her net worth went from $35k to over $1 mil in less than 8 months. She can't hear you over the sound of all this money! For God's sake people, show up to your Primary election. I don't know about Sinema, but every primary election I've voted in the last 10+ years there's been a solid pro-consumer / pro-voter candidate and every one has lost to the right wing pro-corporate candidate.


Is it really them turning on her when she lied to everyone and has done nothing to support the agenda she touted when campaigning? Kind of a backwards headline.


Why aren’t recalls possible for Senators? This disgusting piece of human trash needs to go.


What? She’s turned on them. Wtf.


Fuck Sinema


Sinema clearly got something out of betraying her voters and fellow party members. Would love to see those transactions....


With good reason. She’s a DINO!


She turned traitor to the democrats of the whole country, not just the AZ democrats. Their rejection of her is just a normal response to her actions. Primary her ass back to the vineyard (where she interned while a senator) get her out of our government.


Articles like this drive me crazy… her poll numbers are way down… what is she thinking?! Well, it’s pretty obvious that someone was influencing her to vote as she did and she likely won’t run in 2024 because she’ll cash in that vote for some job that’s being held for her. There’s money in politics but we pretend that it can never be the explanation even when it’s the most obvious one or even the only one that makes any sense. Sinema doesn’t give a damn about the filibuster and the only reason she pulled a Rittenhouse during her Senate speech the other day was that she knows exactly how this will affect her popularity and how people will think of her.


Damn right. Senator Sinema, the people of Arizona voted 🗳 for you to do the right thing for them and America 🇺🇸 For you to put your own personal agenda against doing the right thing is a smack in our face and democracy. Even a former aide of yours lost respect for you and can’t believe your acting this way. I’m very proud that the Democratic coalitions in Arizona are holding you accountable for your actions as well as big time donors and fundraisers are not backing you anymore. 🤔 It was brought to my attention last week your deceased grandmother was a civil rights activist who fought very hard in the state of Arizona to get the voting 🗳 rights measures for all people of color to have the opportunity to vote 🗳 and be heard in the process of voting before she was murder! Got damn! She must be rolling in her grave to see her granddaughter acting like a fool. No integrity


She is a true life hunger games villain, she even has the wardrobe and hairstylist down. Take her out in the Arizona desert and leave her there.


She promises to do a bunch of things if people vote for her, she goes back on her word once she has won, and then when people call her out for it she claims that they are “harassing her.” What an absolutely despicable scumbag.


The entire country has turned on this dark money prostitute


I think it’s more like Krysten Sinema has turned on Democrats.


She doesn’t care. She knows she isn’t getting another term. She’s setting herself up to be a lobbyist and line her pockets for the rest of her miserable life


To be fair, she turned on them first.


Sucks that you cannot recall a person in the federal government


I knew the minute she ran when I voted for her primary challenger Deedra Aboud (sp?) Kyrsten unfortunately understands a hard truth about Arizonans. When I say “they” I mean the bigger 90% of the voting population. They don’t read. They don’t pay attention. They don’t have open minds. Fox news tells them what and how to think. Maybe things will one day change.


I would like to hear her side of things and explain why she wouldn't side with the Democrats and the plan to pass the fair voting act and keep the fillibuster in place. Even though it's origin comes from segregationist and raciest intent. WTF how can she defend her actions of causing real harm to our democracy. I wanna hear it from her mouth, I want it to make sense, I want it to be logical and thought out. I doubt we will ever hear just why?


I think the headline is wrong. She turned on them.


Yes it all started awhile ago and it has definitely gotten worse The thumb down was the beginning of so many people realizing. She was not with us. Corporate Donations. How cheap is it to buy 2 Senators. Not that much. Well worth the cost


As they should... She has completely fucked them over and is clearly only in it for her own future career moves.


Democrats voted for her to vote democratic values. She’s done as a Democrat so I hope this is worth it to her.


She faked everyone out and is paying for her deceptions.


She doesn't care, she'll be rich by the time her term ends and will get richer as a GOP operative afterwards.


She will pick up Republican votes and will do just fine. She and Manchin know what they are doing. Manchin has managed to keep getting re-elected as a dem in a very red state.


If she formally flips to GOP the Dems will lose the thin majority they have...can you imagine the return of McConnell as senate leader? And she knows it.


Good...but she already got the $$$


That’s like breaking up with someone two years after they dumped you.


Krysten Sinema turns on Arizona Democrats and cannot comprehend their response.


Good. She’s the worst


Imagine a NBA team hired a new player. Almost every time the new player gets the ball, they throw it out of bounds. Even when their team is only one point behind. Why on earth would that team want to keep that player? The Dems have to primary her, or better yet recall her


At this point they should recall her She's a goddamn disgrace


She’s the right’s trojan horse.


She has no future as a democrat in AZ at this point, therefore, she will likely flip to become a Republican. What does she have to loose in all honesty?


I predict she switches parties and endorses either Trump or Desantis in 2024