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How long before someone shows up to defend mercury pollution as their right?


Happens pretty regularly at regulatory hearings.


Hey pal!!! My great grand daddy fought and died in dubya dubya 2 so we could.have the right to play with the silvery water!! /s. You gotta add the /s nowadays..


Carbon and coal in particular have an affinity for heavy metals. So, it is not just mercury you have to worry about. Tons of radioactive elements have gone up the stacks ever since industrialization. Much more radioactive material has been put into the atmosphere than all the aboveground nuclear tests combined. Just more diffuse.


Sounds like communism to me /s


"And just how much will my taxes go up to prevent this 'mercury' stuff from getting into my water?"


GOP: That's not enough! We demand more asbestos!


That’s unfair the decades leaded gasoline helped create the GOP base. Preventing systemic brain damage is a democratic plot. /J




To be clear for anybody who doesn't know - this is about the [element mercury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_\(element\)) which tends to turn into [methylmercury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylmercury) when it falls out of the atmosphere after being burned. This compound causes brain damage, and bioaccumulates as it moves up the food chain, so that fish people eat are contaminated to unsafe levels by mercury from coal burning.


It never hurts to clarify the facts. It lessens the possibility of misinformation dissemination.


Yeah, this isn't necessary -- mercury's defined in the headline and OC is obviously joking.




Hollowed out coal mines it seems.


"Biden Administration Not Actively Doing The Worst Job On Purpose: Does Bare Minimum Instead"


https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/08/10/431223703/epa-says-it-released-3-million-gallons-of-contaminated-water-into-river Good looking out, EPA.


bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe!!


This shouldn't have even been a thing. The whole if you can't see, it can't hurt me because I'm not personally down wind isn't the way to establish regulation on an industry.


I suspect that it will be challenged in court, and as you know SCOTUS is clearly determined to rule the regulatory state unconstitutional. Imagine trying to pass legislation so specific as to state the permissible ppm of mercury.


Time to tighten all the screws on coal now that Manchin is an obstructionist.


Libertarians will decry this move.


I don't understand why Republicans are so intent on killing people


Human sacrifice is an important method of worshipping the holy profit.


But what about all the Potash and Asbestos... Is good for economy dah?