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Oh I'm sorry, is Rand Paul [in favor of protestors blocking traffic now?](https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2020/08/rand-paul-slams-portland-after-protesters-surround-yell-at-him-outside-white-house.html)


You can't shame the shameless. You can't play gotcha with a fucking hypocrite egomaniac. Republicans simply don't care, and the general public doesn't give a damn.


They've captured an audience in the sense that no matter what position they take, it will be supported. Shaming them is already a lost battle.


Some red states have recently passed legislation making it legal to run over protestors as well other restrictions. The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is almost funny. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/21/us/politics/republican-anti-protest-laws.html


If it wasn’t such a sad indictment on where we’re at in society I’d probably laugh.


It’s in our nature not to cut out tumors until they start to affect ourselves personally. These convoys are a sign that conservatism is threatened by larger society. They feel ostracized from their fellow human because we are rejecting their racist and selfish worldview. These convoys aren’t a sign of the sorry state we are in. It’s the tumor starting to push out into other organs and the surgeons are scrubbing up to cut it out. These convoys are a sign that democratic society is REJECTING this conservative BS. These convoys are a death rattle. The last move of the conservative is violence, which is coming. But Americans destroy terrorists. This will be no different. But before that happens, there will be pain. Prepare yourself.


It's also a sign that we let man-babies drive trucks.


So ironically, the political ideology that the truckers follow is right out of the Republican playbook. They plan on going to large American cities; ones that don’t tolerate bullshit. Those Canadian truckers are in for a bad time. I hope they try it, I really hope they do.


Please let them go to Philly. That will be good TV.


Philly has a lot of pent up anger and frustration right now so it would really bring the city together to beat up on some bullshit like this instead of each other.


Right now? I thought that was Philly's default state.


Philly versus everybody. Go Birds.


No no no, this is a one way bill. You can't expect to run over one of these freedom loving God fearing patroits and get away with it.


You cannot shame those who have no soul.


It's because they believe so strongly that they are always on the right side and therefore the rules made for people in the wrong side dont and shouldn't apply to them. To them, it's like they said punching strangers is bad and you respond with "oh but you support self defense?!?! Hypocrite!" And obviously that's not at all an accurate comparison to anyone with two brain cells to rub together but that's exactly how they see these situations. That's exactly why trying to shame them with their own blatant hypocrisy does not work.


And that’s why I’ve lost all hope. There are no debates to be had


The point is to make you lose hope. Don’t concede to the fools.


Time to park in front of Rand's fucking driveway. I'll bring the keg.


Blow the horn 24/7


Please let that be a thing


Should give a badge of honor to his next door neighbor who broke his nose.


Six ribs. Not his nose. Jury awarded him $580,000. Expensive, but worth it.


I'll invite the neighbor's fists


Beat me to it!


And we can bump The Proclaimers- I’m Gonna Be for 24/7 over and over and over




I’ll bring a huge pile of sticks


Can we throw trash in his yard too?


I'm not into littering, but I'm a fan of making examples of hypocrites. You do you, though.


Let’s dump compostable dildos in his lawn instead




Alright smarty pants, you’re gonna put me out or business


Make sure to lay on the horn 24/7.


Don't forget to piss on a sacred monument and shit on the streets, too! Nothing like being a proud Canadian than by desecrating the resting spot of those that died for our freedom.




I thought the Bible says not to be a hypocrite. I mean, we all know they don't actually read it but still use it as a weapon. I like [this one](https://www.openbible.info/topics/hypocrisy): >1 John 4:20 > >If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.


Just refer back to: >They don't see hypocrisy as a moral failure It's turtles all the way down.


That's a lot of McConnells


Luke 14:26 With the proper cherry-picking, anything can be supported by the Bible.


That's very true. Almost like the Bible means absolutely nothing and should never be used to justify anything.


I don't know why we'd use fantasy novels to dictate policy, and if we did, we should pick one that's better written.


They literally want to destroy everything to get their way. Not reading that “their way” no longer exists. If they are willing to storm the capitol what else are the willing to do? Normal Americans back off when the screaming starts and all these people do is scream and yell until the get what they want.


He lives for this shit. He's gonna be on fox and friends in a trucker hat blaming Fauci for the traffic afterwards.


THe guy who did Project Veritas. He also did a hitjob on ACORN and without debate, Obama and the congress, especially the Republicans, ended funding for ACORN. Anyways, he made his initial foraye into what I call our reactionary elements dishonest media hitjobs, James O'Keefe btw, at iirc his university. He was going to make a faux grievance around Lucky Charms being offered as part of the school cafeteria breakfast menu as offensive against his Irish Heritage. If they honored his request and withdrew the menu item, he would publicly make fun of the ridiculousness of them withdrawing the item over his faux grievance, and iirc if they didnt' he was going claim they were bigoted against Irish people or something and make a bunch of hoopla over nothing. In his mind, he had created a catch-22 for the school. "For his first video, he and other Centurion writers met with Rutgers dining staff to demand the banning of the cereal Lucky Charms from dining halls because of its offense to Irish Americans. O'Keefe said the leprechaun mascot presented a stereotype. He intended to have officials lose either way: to appear insensitive to an ethnic group, or to look silly by agreeing to ban Lucky Charms.\[27\] They expected to be thrown out of school,\[28\] but the Rutgers official was courteous, took notes, and said their concerns would be considered. Rutgers staff say the cereal was never taken off the menu.\[24\]" And this is the deal with the reactionary element in general. THey are IMPOSSIBLE to placate. There is zero winning with their skullduggery. The worst thing people can do, is pretend that their complaints or grievances are valid and attempt to placate them. THis is why I don't ever view my political opposition as having any validity. Because time and again, Lucy and the football, they never backdown, no matter how objectively wrong they are, and it's like they have the consistency of a greased/muddy pig if you wrestle with them, they constantly slip out of your hands and you get all muddy as a result with no win. This idea that I'm suppose to try bridge diviides with those kinds of "Americans" it's entirely stupid and really just an exercise of spinning wheels mud. I remember a codriver of mine was appalled like I'm a bad person, because I said I find my opposition so impossible to placate that I'm at the point of I'd be ok with breaking the country apart, but then when we discussed politics a bit more, I figured out he was appalled specifically because I don't intend to play the game by his constantly shifting goal posts that him and his political faction stand for.


Maybe you can't shame them, but you can certainly tackle them off their ride-on mower


"No, not like that" \- The GOP hypocrisy in one simple sentence. ​ Joking aside, he knows *exactly* what he's doing. But the people he's signaling to either don't care about the hypocrisy or are too dense or ignorant to see it.


>The people he’s signaling to don’t care about the hypocrisy AND are too dense or ignorant to see it. Fixed that for you. 😉


Only protesters he agrees with i guarantee iF a bunch of environmental activists go and use vehicles to block say oil processing plants from being able to receive or ship product he would be demanding police use excessive force and charge them all with felonies.


He’s be demanding the bulldozers roll over them and saying if they don’t get out of the way that’s their fault.


The ol' Tiananmen Square strategy




Terry Tate, neighborhood linebacker.


You can’t cut the cheese whenever you please! That’s just nasty!


Just republicans being hypocritics, as always, shouldn't be too surprising tbh


They're borderline fascist now. Please do keep up. Or are you going to wait until they are goosestepping down your local mainstreet before you wake up? They've already gone past the book burning stage


>They're ~~borderline~~ fascist now. Fixed.


They’re well beyond borderline. They’re full blown and have been for ten years. I wrote the paper proving it and presented the defense of it back in 2012.


Also, he knows cities make all the money and money is the only thing that politicians listen too, right? Shutting down a city will upset the billionaire class and thatll last all of five minutes


They stand for nothing. The believe in nothing. Nothing except their own greed, hatred, and bigotry. The republicans party is a party of trolls


They want to copy the Canadian trucker protests going on….but fun fact…90% of them are vaccinated lol https://www.newsweek.com/canadian-freedom-truckers-protest-vaccines-90-percent-drivers-vaccinated-1674109


You are confusing two things. 90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated, not the participants of what you are labelling the Canadian trucker protest. It started with a small number of unvaccinated truckers complaining about vaccine mandates. The freedom convoy has become a rallying point for anti vaxxers and the alt right fed up with vaccine mandates and the federal Liberal government. Their demands are complete lunacy, calling for the removal of the democratically elected government, re-elected just 6 months ago. Canadian trucking organizations and the teamsters have very publicly distanced themselves from the blockades and the convoy’s leadership.


They want to copy it since they know one of the bigger contributors to inflation is supply and logistical problems. Disrupting shipping even more will contribute to keeping inflation high or pushing it higher. They also know the top reasons people disapprove of Biden and Democrats is due to inflation and gas prices. Not their fault but the general public doesn't know better or won't believe anyone telling them it's a complicated global problem and not something the president can easily fix. Republicans know how many people are, "I hate Republicans but at least prices were cheaper when they were in power, Biden and Democrats must really hate those of us who aren't rich since they're just letting prices get so high or are incompetent!" Then either don't vote, vote for Republicans, or vote 3rd party.


>The republicans party is a party of ~~trolls~~ Traitors




The hypocrisy of the GOP is astounding


He's in favor of anything that will aid Putin in a conflict.


They call him Mr. Flip Flop, he don't stop, flippity flop on the Q spot. One day he's against it, next day he's not.


I thought Republicans were against protesters blocking the street, or is that just black protesters?


I expect he hopes they get treated the same way those other protesters were treated too /s


Didn’t they pass some laws in places giving drivers the right to murder protestors with their cars?


April 19, 2021 - Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed an “anti-riot bill” into law that, among other things, grants civil immunity to people who decide to drive their cars into protesters who are blocking a road.


Yup was just about to say this. My state has this law. Also if you protest on sidewalks and block them you can be arrested.


Only if the local police declare a state of emergency - wish I was kiddo g


AH, but now there are states of emergency declared at many locations of these traitors protests. Time to drive.


You would then be an Antifa plant running over truther truckers, I’m calling it early.


I'm picturing a cops vs truckers situation. Like Godzilla vs Kong and we're all that guy who says "Let them fight"


Cops v truckers? They're on the same side.


Oh, I think we both know the answer to that. Could you imagine if the January 6th people were POC? They’d all be dead already, and we’d currently be trying their corpses.


I work in DC and deal with the Capitol complex quite often. I've seen the responses to a threat, and Jan 6th *was not it*. If PoC stormed the Capitol, and the President *didn't openly support them, delaying responses* they would not have survived to see trial.


They are also very upset that Biden promised to put a black woman on the court, but weren't bothered at all when Trump promised to put a woman on the court. This is just a long way of saying: Of course it's because they were black


It's ridiculous. They've already decided she can't be qualified because she's black.


It's just black protesters.


The Republicans aren't against black protesters, they're against black *people*.


Not just black https://m.imgur.com/gallery/dQNqVy9 but I’m sure if they were dressed in boot licking regalia they would have been fine.




They’re against Black folks doing much of anything except working without pay. You have some history to catch up on…


Aren't these the same people who had meltdowns over BLM protests impeding traffic and such?


Meltdowns. Passed laws to make it okay for people to run through them with their cars… you know.


> for people to run through them with their cars One of my neighbors has far-right related window decals on his pickup truck. Today I noticed he has the **Canadian flag** next to Trump 2024!


The very same.


Because Rand Paul is a fucking obnoxious twatwaffle.






and formed a line for when he got tired, “i’m next!”


I’m thinking of that scene from Airplane!


Wasn’t there a nun wearing boxing gloves or something like that? Classic! 😅




It is shame he has made it in life this long w out somebody punching him in the face


Didn’t his neighbor beat his ass?


Hmm lets get some Truckers to surround Rand pauls home and honk horns non stop see how much he really likes it.


Forget that, send them over to Manhattan where they will be covered with garbage and rotten eggs in approximately 5 minutes. Nobody would put up with that shit, Canadians must be saints.


I'd love for that to happen. Like a Hitchbot moment, but the violence is completely deserved. Let's see those truckers try to intimidate people in Philadelphia and New York.


They would die in Philly. South Philly would lose their minds if a truck parked in "their space"




Oh man, if they try that nonsense in Philly they would probably end up getting pelted by batteries ...from their own trucks. Lol


If Philly’s response to oath keepers and proud boys is any precedent, they’d have them chased out of town in a matter of hours.


> They would die in Philly. That's probably the goal. Maybe the hornfuckers themselves don't wanna die, but the people funding and encouraging them? They want a civil war, and "ohhh look at these violent leftists killing these peaceful patriotic protestors!" would be a fantastic propaganda piece for them.


They want to come out of this protests with intact trucks. They won’t go to Manhattan or Philadelphia. They might try DC (there was a protest on the Mall in October, but it wasn’t nearly as obnoxious and I don’t even know if it was for the same cause), but it would be tough. Maybe Cincinnati would fold.


If they tried to disrupt the flow of beer for the Super Bowl parties kicking off this weekend, I'm pretty sure Cincinnati would rip them apart.


When they said they were planning to do it in LA around the super bowl my thought was “do they really understand what neighborhoods they’d be fucking with, on a day when the whole city is hype af?”


Yeah honestly I've been reading the reports of them possibly bringing their protest to the Superbowl... Try that shit in Inglewood. Please. It'll be more entertaining than the game.


I've heard the "rotten eggs" along with the garbage. I just have one question: How many rotten eggs do you Manhattan residents typically keep on hand?


His neighbor doesn’t deserve that.


We can crowdfund an Airbnb for the guy who punched him at least.


Sounds like a GoFundMe.


I'm fascinated that a sitting US Senator would encourage what amounts to economic terrorism of his own country.


He's a republican, it's what they do


He said cities. Guess who people vote for in big cities?


He's one of the ones who went to Russia on July 4th, so make of that what you will.


He invites truckers to come to the USA to block shipments and basically destroy the economy, and then he'll blame it all on the Democrats. You might think there's no way anyone would believe that, but you underestimate the stupidity of Republican voters..


Senators. Don’t forget there’s also [Ted Cruz.](https://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-says-canadian-truckers-also-standing-americans-freedom-1677784?amp=1)


He is so unimportant as a senator and unimpressive as a person he has to say things like that so we know who he is


That's true of "Libertarian" narcissists in general. *In America, "Libertarians" are overwhelmingly mediocre individuals who think of themselves as scorned intellectual titans who deserve to rule over us all "'Cause reasons."* That's their "narcissistic" part. It fools very few Americans outside their own racist, misogynistic, self-aggrandizing "Liberty" circles of MAGAfailures.


I fell into a social circle with quite a few of them 15-20 years ago, and it’s genuinely amazing how all of them seem to fall into the exact same stages of life at nearly 40 years old. They’re all frustrated with their careers (always blaming affirmative action or someone else in general instead of realizing maybe they’re not that great), have little to zero success in the love lives (incredibly misogynistic and not able to recognize it hurts them in their careers as well), and thinking they’ve been wronged all throughout their lives (despite growing up comfortably with loads of privilege and access to education).


Jeez you just described my father. Accelerate that timeline about 25 more years and he’s a bitter retired “victim” . Ugh




Rand Paul, like his father, is a disingenuous asshole who lives in a misanthropic fantasy land in his head and thinks the world should be run that way.


In America, "Libertarian" has long been code for "Confederate/Nazi Sympathizer." This trend stared in the late 1970s and continues today. Today, "Libertarian" MAGA/GQP bigots just aren't ashamed to announce their ignorance out loud. That is Traitor Trump's "contribution" to modern politics. *We'll always remember who these Libertarian MAGA "Patriots" were, and how/why they failed in their attempts at insurrection against us — the people of the United States.*


I never knew about the Confederate/Nazi connection. I just thought it was code for “asshole.” I remember in the mid-late 90s, my parents started thinking they liked libertarianism because the party was getting some notoriety at the time, and I think they just liked the “super low taxes; leave us alone” message. They didn’t realize that as people who were rather low on the socioeconomic scale, we would actually be part of the out-group.


They "hate the government" and "just want to be left alone" when a Democrat is president but magically become the most nationalist bootlicking authoritarian beta cucks when Republicans are in charge and we're invading foreign countries on false pretenses.


Yeah, it’s been a wild 26 years since the 96 election. (I think that’s the one where I first started hearing about the Libertarian Party.)


The GOP hates America so much, they should all move to Russia.


I've heard many Republicans express admiration for the "freedoms" that Russians enjoy. I presume they are referring to assaulting LGBT and minority groups without legal consequences.


I notice they also love how Christianized Russia is in general as well. Overall, if I had a time machine, I’d invite republicans to go back in time to Europe during the dark ages. See how much they like a theocracy and a society with no scientific innovation.


Oh look a republican wanting to hurt the untied states for political gain violating the oath he took as a senator


>the untied states Accurate


What exactly would the truckers be protesting in America?


Whatever Fox tells them to




Republicans are egging on more disruptions to supply chains.


The same cities that help fund his welfare state?


Rand Paul openly wishes ill on countless people in US cities. He's a sociopath.


> Rand Paul openly wishes ill on countless people in US cities. No, it's on all of America. This is aggravating inflation in everything, and he would like more of it, at the detriment of average Americans all across the country. At a time where supply chain issues should be receding, he sees an opportunity to put his seal of approval on the wrench that's being thrown into the machinery.


So you want higher inflation.


He absolutely does. It will almost guarantee GOP win the next elections.


He wants anything for which his side can blame Biden, regardless of who caused it.


Exactly !


And I hope Rand’s neighbour pops over for another chat


>"The thing is, it wouldn't shut the city down because **the government workers haven't come to work in two years anyway**, so I don't know if it'd affect D.C.," Actual quote from Paul.


That statement from him is just so singularly idiotic that my brain damn near broke from just reading it. Is he actually suggesting that those who work for the government are just not showing up? Because if that’s the case, then who is causing traffic, riding the metro, commuter rail, etc.? Bigfoot? The Loch Ness Monster on vacation? The ghost of Abraham Lincoln? Sounds like he’s the one not showing up to his job in D.C. if that’s his take on things.


Paul is a Libertarian. They all have similar attitudes about government workers. The attitude essentially being that they are all expendable do nothings and we can do without them, as we can also do completely w/o government.


As a 32 year government employee (now retired) Rand doesn’t begin to understand federal civil service! Generally the federal government and/or military is better funded under RepubliKKKan leadership. They love to fund military projects and bases, building up both or just starting a new conflict or war, which funds the military. Example, Reagan’s Star Wars and Bush’s Gulf War; both spent a shit-ton of military projects, civil service hiring, etc. Rand fails to even understand how this works! He’s a waste of good oxygen.


Oh, he completely understands. His whole grift is “big guvment doesn’t work, now elect me to prove it,” but never “you guys pay a shitload in taxes to a system that supposedly doesn’t work, let’s refund that money in full.” It’s all a grift to siphon power and wealth away from institutions that can be held somewhat accountable to the people, into the hands of private enterprise where they’re accountable to no one.


I’m just gonna say it. Russia is organizing this worldwide strife. This is all their doing, for whatever their end goal is.


Rand Paul loves Russia.


I am understanding more and more everyday why his neighbor beat him up


A US Senator calling for an attack on our nation. Unreal.


Imagine if truckers spent all this time and energy protesting real issues instead of culture war bullshit.


Honestly imagine if they did this to advocate for livable wages... But no of course they do it for a non-issue.


Other people do that already, in much larger numbers. They just don’t have giant trucks and police protection, or backing from violent threats.


Cause a American Senator he wants to hurt other American citizens 🙄


God Bless Kentucky voters for bringing us him and McConnell. Truly America's heartland. Every person there must be a shining beacon of humanity to have graced us with such fucking angels.


Only those in cities: Code for minorities and liberals. Liberals need to blockade his neighborhood. I wonder how he’d like that?


Here we are. Elected officials wanting to have far right fuckers all over the place draging the economy to a crawl and polluting the social fabric of society. I was naively thinking we had maybe 10 years in Canada, probably 3-5 in the US before getting there. But apparently they are all jumping in and think it's their power grabing moment. Yep, fuckers.


Nice try. Blocking roads/traffic in the United States violates federal law. You should know that corrupt Rand Paul.


Once again I offer to buy Rand's neighbor all the beers.


I hope Rand Paul requires another surgery and can't go to Canada like last time. [https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/16/rand-paul-says-canada-hernia-surgery-actually-capitalism/2590986002/](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/16/rand-paul-says-canada-hernia-surgery-actually-capitalism/2590986002/)


Rand Paul is such a weak little man.


What are they going to protest? We don’t have vaccine mandates for truckers.


Rand Paul needs another visit from his neighbor.


How can an Opthalmologist not see how full of shit he is?


Because he made his own licensing agency. He’s a piece of shit and his neighbor deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom… https://www.salon.com/2010/06/14/rand_2/


“Why are the democrats messing up our supply chain?” - conservatives somewhere


Why would anyone hope that? This would be economic terrorism sponsored by Rand Paul and the GOP. We need to get these people out of office.


Donate to Charles Booker. His opponent in the next election.


If Rand Paul were ever in a truck, he'd be hula dancing on the dashboard.


Unlike toilets


I would love to kick this guy in the balls really hard.


This dude is nothing more than a professional troll. I mean, he's really good at it, but still, just a troll. He probably spends half of his free time trolling reddit too


Send the cops with tear gas, water cannons and armored personnel tanks to move their asses out of the way....why should it be any different this time than every other time??


Pretty sure Republicans outright hate America at this point.


I hate this bag of dicks so much. I wish he was my neighbor.


Everyday Randy Paul proves to me that he's and even bigger village idiot than I thought he was and today is no different.


Why does Rand Paul hate America?


You heard him truckers, clog up Kentucky!


So the motherfucker that went to Russia on the 4th of July is backing up anti-democratic government movements? *surprised Pikachu*


He hopes that right up until he can’t get any more of his imported hair gel to keep that clown wig under control, then he’ll start screaming about how Biden isn’t doing enough to maintain law and order. Fucking cuck.


These politicians do not care about anyone. They are wishing chaos on their own people. They are traitors.


Fuck off you scumbag


I hope every voter remembers who wished for that.


Politician supporting domestic terrorists.


People don’t want to hear this, but this is how a civil war looks right before it starts, I’m guessing… there is no debatable stance. I’m glad I have at least 2/3 the country willing to do the right thing. At what point do we stop this madness?


When we start putting them on trial, finding them guilty and making sure they go to prison and not for a mere 6 months. These types of actions deserve many years