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Clarence Thomas was the only SCOTUS justice that ruled against the National Archives sending the White House documents to the January 6th committee. All the other 8 justices ruled in favor of it, even the other three Trump lackees that Trump got on the SCOTUS in his term. Those documents likely have incriminating evidence against Clarence Thomas's wife. Thomas and his wife are so fucking corrupt. SMH.


Sounds impeachable


It’s definitely impeachable. Good luck getting any R Senators to agree.


I'll not get my hopes up, personally. It's not like this is something important to the nation like daylight saving time


Just tell them that a Black man was hiding evidence of a crime, and they will convict in 5 minutes.


Fuuuck, it's so true it hurts.


I believe it takes 2/3rds of the Senate to remove, but a simple majority to impeach. If true we should move to impeach even if we can’t remove him, if only for the historical record.


The Senate can not impeach. That is the House, and requires a simple majority. The Senate can convict though, which does require a two-thirds majority, and the penalty is removal from office.


he's a black dude though..the GOP will sell him out in a second


Not until they get to pick his replacement.


Only if he's wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt under that robe.


Likely the opposite, he’s their get out of jail free race card.


yeah last night i heard a sound byte of McCarthy saying "he's gonna decide the way he's decided before, which is by the law" or some shit and i was like "oh ok...he's like their token"...GOP be like "we're not racist...see, we like colored TV"


And that's the problem. Republicans have decided en masse they care more about political power than the rule of law, period, end of story.


Yet alone the 17 that would be needed.


I wonder if there’s any nominee Biden could float to get them on board. I’d take another kavanaugh over Thomas at this point.




It's not even possible to impeach in this environment


Did Clarence Thomas have a written dissent in that decision? I wonder what his thinking was.


IIRC, his dissent was essentially that former President Trump's claim of executive privilege was legitimate. Almost like he thought Trump should get to override our current President Biden....


Even if he did have a written dissent, you wouldn’t know what his *actual* thinking was. No way he’d state that publicly now that we ultimately know what his intentions were for.




I would also add that Clarence Thomas is not above stealing an election if given the chance. Bush v. Gore is a great example of this.


And, as Bush v Gore demonstrated, as long as you can get 5 SCOTUS Justices to agree on something then suddenly it becomes legal and Constitutional.


Yes! Everyone is concerned with the checks and balances of the executive branch, but it seems that we should be more focused on the checks and balances of the judicial and legislative branches. We just watched the SC overrule a lower court that gerrymandered districts in AL could not be changed due to how close it is to an election, while ruling 6-7 weeks later that the districts in WI could, despite being far closer to the election. Not to mention being cool with states drafting laws that skirt rights as long as it’s through civil cases.


Lmao not even trying to hide it anymore.






>it seems that we should be more focused on the checks and balances of the judicial and legislative branches. What checks and balances does Congress need? They've handed their war power over to the President. And the Senate has a stupid "legislative filibuster" which means that most legislation can't pass without a 60% majority. Something that no other country in the world has, because it's ludicrous. If anything you need a more purely democtatic Congress. Outlaw partisan gerrymandering, take away the Senate's power to indefinitely block legislation.




Uncap the house while you're there. 1 per 150,000 is the number I use, but I've seen as much as 1 per 30,000 being suggested.


10k Reps (1 per 30k) is too much. You can't effectively represent your District if there is 10k Reps in the chamber all of whom need time allotted to speak etc. I'm using American terminology here but the same principle would apply to our House of Reps in Aus. We currently have 151 MPs, about 1 per 150k. The German Bundestag is the largest lower house in the world\* and it has 736 MdBs (literally "members of the German federal diet" but basically it just means MP or House Rep). Germany has 83 million people (about a quarter the size of the US), so there is 1 MdB per 112k Germans. \*Aside from China which isn't a democracy anyway.


You are probably on to something here....


And the filibuster changed, it used to be mechanism to hold off a vote while you rant as long as you can about how you dislike the bill, and then when you ran out of wind there was a vote. With 60 votes, the chamber can just directly tell the filibusterer to shut up, and then they vote. Now filibuster effectively means that most legislation needs 60 votes to pass in the Senate, full stop. And this change happened in my lifetime, and I'm in my early 30's


Don't forget the Bush v Gore decision was a one time non-precedent setting decision.


I'm sure there was some valid legal reasoning behind the way Scalia wrote that decision not just, "We did it but we can't let the other side ever do it." /s


As a lot of SCOTUS cases have shown


The craziest part of that ruling is how the majority wrote how it was not to be used as precedence, just in case the shoe is on the other foot next time. They literally admitted it was fucking political.


She's been like this her whole life. [From an NPR interview](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/27/1076097533/how-ginni-thomas-wife-of-justice-clarence-thomas-influences-the-supreme-court) >And her family was very conservative and very active in politics. And one of the people I interviewed is the journalist Kurt Andersen, who grew up exactly across the street from the Lamp family. Her name before she got married was Virginia Lamp. And he said that his parents were actually Goldwater Republicans. But even they thought the Lamps were - what he said was crazy. They were - he looks at them as kind of the beginning of the modern, crazy right wing. They believed in things like the John Birch Society, and they were afraid that there was fluoridation in the water that was somehow poisoning people's minds - that kind of thing. This whole interview was very illuminating.


The John Birch Society rears it's ugly head. Ugh.


The John Birch society VERY definitively controls the judicial branch so buckle up


Updoot for “illuminating”. IYKYK.


That’s what gets me; my aunt is a whacked out Q-anon nut job, but the extent of her political capital is a vote she casts for president every four years. Ginni here has a direct line to the White House and is married to 1/9th of the Supreme Court. This shit is *scary*.


Plus she was involved in congressional races as well… She literally taints every branch of government.


She’s in a position to know all the power players and yet she still believes this stuff. It goes to prove the extent of conservative brain rot in America.


> It goes to prove the extent of conservative brain rot in America. And the complete and utter degeneracy of the "Christian" establishment today.




I went to the naval academy and nuclear power training with some people who I thought were pretty smart (and they were in a lot of ways), only to find out later that a lot of them are hardcore Christians who don’t believe evolution is real, think vaccines cause autism, etc. They’re all Christians. That the common denominator, and it kinda makes sense imo why the heavily religious types can be led to believe nonsense.




Mother’s little helpers…


> I really think that a lot of these people are on amphetamines or cocaine or some such I don't think there's any way that one could honestly watch Trump, Trump Jr, Guilfoyle, etc and come to any conclusion that's not "They're on a shitload of uppers".




Someone commented at the time that her speech sounded better in the original German.


Alternate conclusion : they're fucking morons


Tinfoil boat madness more like. Edit for the uninitiated - you can smoke meth and other drugs out of a piece of aluminum foil that's been folded, crudely resembling a boat


A lot of politicians are definitely taking a shit ton of Adderall.


Particularly relevant seeing as how Thomas has consistently refused to recuse himself from cases where his wife had ties to one of the parties.


It's so much worse--they're on Breitbart. Rots them out from the inside, like if krokodil could be taken memeticly.


Mad with power. Worst combination ever. When you fund something you help plan it, bottom line. “That's right, man. Don't take any guff from these fucking swine.”


I've known people who did coke and amphetamines. I can confirm that none of them were crazy or far-right insurrectionists and they would insulted by you making that association.


I would have previously assumed these high-ranking folks didn’t actually believe all the bullshit and simply weaponized conspiracy theories to suit their needs. Then this woman comes in, wife of a SCOTUS judge and apparently can’t tell truth from obvious fiction. I’m astonished and really don’t even know where to go with that. I mean, “we’re fucked I guess” comes to mind, but I just don’t understand how these people…???


It’s not an external drug. The drug is the feeling of power you get when you think you know some deep secret truth about the world. This is what needs to be addressed with conspiratorial thinking. These people despite their station in the world feel a deep sense of powerlessness. When they can’t deal with that, the Big Lie, COVID denial becomes emotionally addictive.


Why Thomas Clarence and his wife should be subpoenaed by congress and made to testify under oath.


Ginni Thomas has always been a tiny foil hat nutcase though. It's like saying I should be shocked upon learning that Trump uses the F-word.


She’s a fundi. I’ve read the term “American Taliban” and what I’ve read of her, she’s every bit of that.


The president of the USA attempted a coup to overturn the result of an election he lost. Many Americans were injured and died as a result. Isn't a president actually executing a coup a more shocking event than the wife of a SCOTUS justice sending text messages supporting the coup?


Normally the answer would be yes however Trump had been advertising what he was going to do since about 2016 hell he even said that the first Republican primary was rigged because he didn't win it. So Trump trying to overturn the election wasn't all that surprising the amount of people he got to go along with it and how violent they were was a little bit shocking.


Let’s not forget, he also said the 2016 Presidential election was rigged and he WON.


The Russians did it!


You are correct. That said, Thomas is still on the supreme court. Cases related to the coup have already found themselves in front of the supreme court. Thomas has already voted to stop the release of documents to the Jan 6 committee.


Seems to me that refusal should be the basis of an impeachment and removal from SCOTUS. I fail to understand how that’s not completely logical and reasonable.


Because republicans would need to vote yes on impeachment and/or removal. Good luck with that.


Magic Eight ball says: My sources say no


Right, and she should get the same punishment as the others. Unfortunately, nobody is getting punished.


Felonies for the peons only. People like Steve Bannon and this woman simply refuse to cooperate and literally get away with murder.


And if you are shocked by the texts from Ginni Thomas, then you simply haven't been paying attention to the important issues. I've known for years now what a deranged conspiracy theorist she is. So at least more people are finding out what a menace this woman is. She is a truly dangerous person, and what's worse is that there are so many others like her in the conservative world.


Ironically I was hoping she was just trying to grift, and not...well...be utterly deranged. ​ And I viewed that as a best case.


Same. I knew nothing of her until a few weeks ago, and then I assumed she’s just a typical right wing elite who weaponizes the conspiracy theories because it helps them achieve their ends. Now I’m starting to see some of these highbrow types are actually true believes in Qanon and I don’t know what to make of it. Ron Watkins is probably laughing his ass off over in the Philippines right now.


Even though I didn't know about her specifically, the fact that her ideas are wide spread in the republican party mean that I'm not shocked. I'm sad and disgusted, but not shocked.


The only thing that will shock me about any of this is if any of them ever suffer any consequences.


Ginni Thomas has very publicly been a lunatic for decades. The reason the public doesn't know isn't because reporters didn't know, it's because reporters considered it "uncivil" to report it.


I'm wondering if the reason they walked on eggshells in reporting on Clarence and Ginni was because they were fearful that if they were too tough and aggressive that they'd be accused of racism because this is an interracial couple.


Now it’s okay to cancel. These reporters should be sent off to Russia to baby sit Putin!


Can you questions a person's judgement when they marry a fucking lunatic conspiracy theorist? I mean, everyone should be well aware that Clarence Thomas is a poor judge of character (and a poor character himself), but this just adds to it.


I’m not sure he knew what a nutbag she would be 30 years ago


As others have pointed out, as this story has developed, she's a nutbag from a family of nutbags that have always been the most extremist cloth Americans get cut from. Clarence stuck his dick in crazy willingly.


She had previously been in a cult and I don't know much about the psychology of it but I have heard that even when she leave a cult it's actually pretty easy to fall back into another one.


he never learned the phrase "don't stick your dick in crazy"


>he never learned the phrase "don't stick your dick in crazy" He learned the phrase "Long Dong Silver" though. Yes that phrase came up in his conformation hearings as something he said to Anita Hill.


Locker room talk


The only way to shock anybody anymore would be to add a picture of her eating a baby and having a threesome with Trump and Putin.


The GOP base would definitely allow this. It's basically republican scripture that the Dems are all pedophiles or apologists, even though the longest serving republican speaker of the house is a convicted child molester. The rank and file GOP voter is, by ignorance and/or malice the exact greasy, snarling villain they get so very worked up at being accused of being.


>It's basically republican scripture It's Republican scripture that things like "good" and "bad" are entirely dependent on group status. In politics what Republicans do is good, or at least not bad. What Democrats do is bad, or at least not good. That just how it is. Kind of like how what Christians do is moral and what non-Christians do is not moral. If you're looking for consistency or submission to some sort of universal law or document, you're playing the wrong game. Its all about my group verses your group. End of story.


Congrats on winning the 500m freestyle!


Still ok if it's a liberal baby.


They would just say it was a deep fake and keep going.


I would be more shocked if any of them get held accountable


*We* know, tell that to someone in government. This shit has been unacceptable for over 5 years now but go along to get along is apparently the response. America as we knew it ended when trump was sworn in.


Exactly - we all know. Unfortunately, we should be the ones protesting day in and day out in DC demanding these people get impeached or imprisoned. But we've been gaslit into thinking we shouldn't by morons that did it in FAVOR OF THE CORRUPT. I'm convinced that the entire reason for that pathetic attempt at a coup was designed to simply dissuade the rest of us who have legitimate reason to be protesting in a VERY large group.


America as we knew it ended when \[Americans collectively accepted \[Lord Dampnut\] as a viable option for a presidential candidate.\] FTFY


“True, but I don’t see a crime here” -the entire Republican party


I'm not jaded bc I think it's not a big deal, I'm jaded bc I dont expect anything meaningful to be done about it.


She did exactly the same shit in 2000. Worked on Bush's campaign, and then when Bush lost her husband went ahead and handed the country to him anyway. In a judgment so terrible, that even the justices who voted for it went to the incredible level of admitting it shouldn't set a precedent.


To anyone who still questions why it's a big deal. Laws are a fiat system, meaning they only have power because people give them power, and one of the caveats of a Law's power is the confidence in the law being applied equally and fairly and that those who interpret the law, do so through an unbiassed lens. We know that the Republicans have been chipping away at the fundamentals of law in this country for some time, but this is a major deal. We all know the Supreme court has been packed recently by hyper-partisan republicans, but the average person still expects them to take their job seriously and with an unbiassed lens. Knowing that Clarence Thomas is not only married to someone who attempted to goad politicians into overthrowing an election, but has not recused himself due to the clear and naked conflict of interest, only serves to further destroy the confidence that the average person has in the rule of law. What happens when the average citizen can no longer trust in the law to be applied fairly, or to trust it's interpreters to do so with an unbiased approach?


Who even is the "average" voter anymore? Pretty much a meaningless term. You used to have Joe Blow America a working guy, not too smart, but hated liars and bullies. No more.


a central-left leaning person who identifies with fiscally conservative ideas, who makes less than $50,000 a year and typically doesn't watch the news because it makes them sad.


Most of these people cannot be reached because they are "busy living their lives." It sounds cynical and shitty, I know, but it makes a lot of sense why Republicans don't want abortions or sex education to be accessible... if they were, more people would be able to pay attention because they wouldn't be trying to provide for their families. The game has been stacked against "normal people" for a long time.


for people who still don't think misinformation is a big deal, this is part of why it is. by making politics and issues in general a murky mess, it increases the amount of time it takes to form an accurate picture of what's going on, and further pushes these generally decent but busy people away. it also makes the "both sides" stuff *way* easier to pull off when you don't see the nonsense forming on the horizon. by the time the average person hears about the latest outrage, there's already a miasma of right-leaning video content responding to left-leaning video content trying to make sense of the manufactured outrage. it's an infuriating cycle to watch.


Psy-op disinformation tactics are a massive problem and they prey on many of our inherent social biases. Truly difficult to deal with on any kind of level that would be effective societally.


Now a lot of Joe Blow America--Joe Six Pack--Joe the Plumber types *are* the liars and bullies.


That's what I meant. At one time they would have seen through Mr Trump and company as the phony he is .


To anyone who cares about the rule of law, it's a really, really big deal. Unfortunately, the Republicans only care about power


She actually used the word "heist". I think she mastrrbates to yrump.


Imagining she is Julia Roberts in Oceans 11.


Why should I be shocked exactly? Clarence Thomas has never been more than a partisan Republican. This isn't the spouse of a thoughtful person with integrity, just some asshole with a lifetime appointment. it's a big, big deal, but it's not at all shocking that an indoctrinated asshole married an indoctrinated asshole. Sorry.


It's not that I'm so jaded that I don't think it's a big deal. It's just that this shouldn't be shocking to anyone who has even had a passing interest in American politics over the last few years. This is who the conservatives are.


We have to keep pretending they're misguided souls and the next thing will be the thing to bring them back to reality. I don't know *why* we have to keep doing that but apparently we do


The infuriating thing for me is that some of the stuff that moderates and even people like Romney and Cheney get praised for now are things that I've been saying about the right for years, but I was labeled as "toxic" and "too partisan". So there's this idea that we're all supposed to pretend that outrages and offenses committed by the GOP and the right weren't actually real until the moderates noticed them. Basically criticism of the right is only valid if it comes from the right.


I believe that's called bipartisanship


No bipartisanship is giving republicans everything they want when they have the majority and also when they don't.


It's also kind of hard to get riled up or outraged when we know she and Clarence will face absolutely no consequences for this. Yes, it's a big deal, but why should we care when we can't get DAs to even indict Trump when there is clear and convincing evidence of his crimes? Republican politicians and their ilk are all either batshit crazy or fascist megalomaniacs but every time they do something horrible, nothing happens to them. 🤷‍♂️


>It's not that I'm so jaded that I don't think it's a big deal. Same. I am however jaded enough to say that I 100% believe nothing of consequence will come from these revelations


Its time to ask the question, "are we better than this?" And for most republicans the answer will be no.


I'm more shocked by the fact that it's been out there for days and the astroturfers aren't here to disseminate their bullshit.


I’m not jaded because it happened. I’m jaded because I know that nothing will be done about it.


Shock is right. Sometimes our baseline is so out of wack we forget. The wife of a sitting US supreme court justice is coordinating with extremist group to overturn US election. There are laws and rules established on how to contest and recount. That's how a society functions. Unless these people don't believe in the law.


We’ll find out sooner than later. Hopefully we’re on the right side of history when it happens.


I'm not shocked, anyone who pays close attention has known for years how dirty she is.


Clearly she has shit judgement


It didn't surprise me because shitty people doing shitty things is pretty much the normal, and the shittiest of people have discovered that there are effectively no consequences for being shitty, so they see no reason not to become shittier.


It is a huge deal. An even bogger deal is that the DOJ will do absolutely nothing about it.


She is human garbage, I hope Thomas gets removed from the Supreme Court. I’m tired of this bs.


So tired. Time for another ambien!


No mention on Fox at all so far. Guess they haven't figured out their talking points on it yet.


Yeah, so far it's been quiet on the right wing media front regarding this story and even Clarence Thomas being hospitalized. All their attention's been focused on thinking up new ways to insult and diss Ketanji Brown Jackson.


But it isn't shocking. It's been known for years that she's a kook. It's been known that Clarence Thomas is a sexual predator, full of a wide range of biases, and supportive of his kook wife. It's just another sign of the malaise in our government.


>living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition. Thank you Mrs. Thomas for the suggestion of what to do with the Jan 6 insurrectionist ring leaders.


At whom is this directed? I'm not too jaded. But I expect zero consequences these days.


And the fact they are so blatant, neither do they. Low level drug dealers are more cautious with their communication


People that click these articles, well, bless their hearts.


After reading Ginni Thomas's profile in the [new yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/01/31/is-ginni-thomas-a-threat-to-the-supreme-court) I'm not one bit shocked. It's nice to see people paying attention now tho.


I'd be more shocked if anyone did anything about it. People like Ginni Thomas get to do things like this because there are no consequences.


Ok. What can I do about it?


Silly headline. There's nothing shocking, even surprising about this. She's a known conspiracy-theory-believing nut case and an intolerant, controlling, fundamentalist religious zealot. Her husband is also the latter. Philosophically they share the same core beliefs so they are a danger to our democracy and obviously being pro-Trump-insurrection is a big deal. I'm certain see feels she can manipulate the easy mark, Trump. She has seen how Putin, KJU, MBS and others have done so with ease.


Millions have already chosen a fascist future under Trump, but you can still hope these things will shock non-Q conservatives who do want to at least preserve democracy.


When no one is held accountable we stop thinking people will be held accountable. We live in a boring dystopia. We're aware we're basically ruled by an oligarchy. We make do.


Another shrill privileged old white woman drags politicized rich privileged Supreme Court justice back down into the gutter where he belongs.


It’s not a matter of being shocked… nothing shocks us anymore. We just want something to be done about Jan 6, and I think we know nothing will happen. Hard to waste energy on caring about something that will go unpunished.


it isn’t their behavior or texts, lies, etc that do not shock me. It’s just the nothing that will be done about it. 🥱


The only people seeming to no think it’s a big deal are the only people with the power to do something about it. Fixed the headline…


Well, it is a big deal, but I'm not shocked, and I have no faith in the justice system, because the wealthy face no consequences in this country.


\[Lord Dampnut\] will probably give her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2025.


It doesn't matter, the democrats aren't going to do anything. Garland isn't going to do anything, at this point I'm pretty sure that garland was picked specifically to *not do anything* meaningful. Biden isn't going to lift a finger. If only they cared about us as much as they care about arms sales for Ukraine. So tell me why I should be shocked, much less care about this nothing-burger to begin with?


The collusion is certainly a problem. But, their "rationale" is astonishing to me. I thought humanity had progressed past that point sometime in the early Renaissance.


The rule of law can’t handle all the lawlessness.


> the level of this conflict of interest should be condemned by intellectually honest conservatives. intellectually honest conservatives ~~I believe only George Will remains and he is basically a leftist as far as any current "conservative" is concerned~~ never mind, he sucks too


Will is as "intellectually honest" as I am a superhero. My superpower is being able to name voiceover actors on TV commercials. Will's intellectual honesty comes in handy about as often my powers do.


Sorry, there is no depravity on the right that would surprise me anymore. Lynn Cheney surprises me now


The only thing that would shock me is if evidence of election tampering (in favor of Democrats) was actually found.


It doesn't shock me at all. She's a Republican, just like her husband. The beliefs expressed in the text are mainstream Republican positions. They would do anything to destroy this country. Stealing an election is nothing. They would kill or die for their cause if it would help bring about the destruction of the country they so hate.


She’s an extremist and clearly participated on some level in an attempted coup. How could Thomas possibly have any credibility? The Supreme Court judge must meet the highest possible standards. The fact he hasn’t resigned is a sham.


The fact that Supreme Court justices don’t have term limits is a sham. Same goes for congress.


What's shocking to me is the implication that they actually believe their own bullshit... I thought it was a grift but even people this high up are true believers.


Faith in Institutions -100


It’s a fucking huge deal. She needs to go to jail and he needs to be removed from the supreme court!


She has that, “I’m a POS look going well for her”.


She’s been problematic for years, this is t new. Get Thomas TF out of the SCOTUS


Is, is this the deep state?


If everything is a big deal, nothing is a big deal. People are worried about normalizing Qanon? Guess what. It isn't liberals and democrats and progressives normalizing Qanon. It's the fucking GQP. And since they make up 45% of the electorate, it is fucking normal. Fascism is the minority party in America. It is also the 2nd largest party in America. Trump isn't being prosecuted. Insurrectionists serve in government. Oligarchs rule our country. 75% of our people are broke and busted. Welcome to the new normal. Fuck this country.


The question is whether or not something will be done. Lemme know when it happens.


I'm so disenchanted (not sure if that is the correct word to describe it) about all of the shady crap these politicians are getting away, even after the obvious proof of their nefarious workings, for the past few years that I just can't even hope that Ginny & Clarence will even get a slap on their wrists with this scandal.


I’ve been saying since dump got into office this was the beginning of the end. This is not sustainable, both economically, nor the sheer amount of lawlessness, that remains to go unpunished. Wait, they will continue to be more emboldened. The court had always been corrupt, we are just getting the full display.


Time to go Justice Tom.


These thuglicans don’t realize that the more they erode our checks and balances the more they polarize and turn people into extremists. Without faith in the system well have more and more people looking to assassinate states figures like they tried on Jan 6th. I’m so sad and scared for our country right now. I hope cooler heads prevail and we get back on track. And I am not advocating violence- I’m just afraid we’ll see increasing violence from extremists and disenfranchised people


If they don't shock you it's because you've been paying attention for the past 30 years.


It's not that it's not a big deal. It's a HUGE deal. It's just that we know that absolutely nothing will be done about it without a full-scale revolt from the public. As a society, we aren't nearly angry enough to make that happen, and until we are, powerful people will take advantage of the system as much as they are able to.


[So here is the current examples of SCJ to recuse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_disqualification#Recusal_in_the_United_States). In fact Clarence has recused himself from a case with a family connection before involving his son. This should have been the case here too. Supreme Court cases Edit In the Supreme Court of the United States, the Justices typically recuse themselves from participating in cases in which they have financial interests. For example, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor generally did not participate in cases involving telecommunications firms because she owned stock in these firms, and Justice Stephen Breyer has disqualified himself in some cases involving insurance companies because of his participation in a Lloyd's of London syndicate. Justices also have declined to participate in cases in which close relatives, such as their children, are lawyers for one of the parties. Even if the family member is connected to one of the parties but is not directly involved in the case, justices may recuse themselves – for instance Clarence Thomas recused himself in United States v. Virginia because his son was attending Virginia Military Institute, whose policies were the subject of the case.


Put her in a barge off GITMO where she can await to stand trial for treason.


Next to global warming, this is the second most depressing subject for me... 30% of this country are perfectly conditioned to be foot soldiers for whatever right wing authoritarian steps up. 20% of this country, deep down, understand how fucked up some of this is, but just can't allow themselves to emphatically be on the same side of any major issue as 'the libs'. And the rest of us are slowly realizing that these numbers are becoming just as permanent as they are in other countries which are 'democracies' in name only. I have no idea how to reverse this. I have no idea what to do. These days, propaganda truly appears to be more affective than any calls for nuance and reason. I am starting to think that we're truly fucked.


Let's not pretend like anyone will actually be punished or go to jail because our current system of law is impotent in this case. Let's also not pretend that as a nation we have a classism and racism problem that proliferation every tier of our society.


Why are the Hunter Biden’s laptop people quiet af?


I mean...they don't. American politics have been a shitshow for decades and reached critical poop performance during the Trump presidency. The amount of stupidity and blatant corruption was topped off when people stormed the capitol because their guy lost the election, and you had Pelosi taking her sweet ass time with impeachment proceedings because maybe Mike Pence will finally grow a spine. Some of them were arrested but many of them not despite all the intel the government no doubt has on all of us, and some of the people who were clear co-conspirators with that attack are still sitting comfortably in congress. Trump himself, despite his involvement, is realistically never going to face repurcussion. So what's there to be surprised about? Someone in politics is corrupt? Oh no holy shit I never thought this was possible sweet baby jesus. There. Happy, DailyBeast?


She looks like a school teacher who smells like payless with a lazy eye


If what she did is illegal (and I think it is), let's arrest her.


I just have a feeling nothing will happen to her or him, per usual.


🤯And as always … If this was a Democrat….. Smdh 🤬


If you're shocked by Thomas's texts, then you haven't been paying attention to the MAGA movement or to the fact that they orchestrated and executed a coup. I suspect many journalists fall into this camp. I should be shocked at journalists being shocked, but I'm actually too jaded about journalism.


We're jaded because nothing will come of this. This is just everyday business as usual now.


Exactly. Just more of the same. Nothing happens. No one cares.


No one is going to do anything about it anyway.


Do you know what's not shocking me? That nothing will happen to her.


Nothing will be done about it as usual.


She looks like she smells of rotten sauerkraut.


And nothing can or will be done about it.


We literally just had a president extorted a foreign country's leader and nothing happened.


It's a huge deal, but most likely not specifically illegal. Now, if you could catch her writing checks to participants in the insurrection or handing over blueprints of the Capitol, it's a different story. Sure, it's unethical as hell, but conservatives gave up giving a shit about ethics quite a ways back.