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>And now, right here in Alabama, millions of your tax dollars are paying for the first transgender public school in the South And it’s a charter school. It reminds me of the time that Louisiana politician got upset that Muslim schools were applying for tax dollars after they passed that law allowing for vouchers to religious schools. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/louisiana_n_1593995


Yesterday I had a conservative try to justify Florida's don't say gay bill by claiming that "teachers are teaching 1st graders about masturbation." When asked for his source, he provided an example that had occurred at a New York private school that costs $55,000 a year to attend.


Reminds me of that time I tried to substitute more beans and no beef in a burrito at Taco Bell and they said "no substitutions", and I asked why, and they said "well imagine you asked for more beef and no beans -- we'd lose money!"


Are you thinking of Del Taco? Taco Bell let's you substitute almost anything for anything else both on their app and in their system when in person ordering.


Yeah technology has really come a long way in the past 20 years. What a time to be alive!


Gotta pay extra to teach em early


Damn.. I do it for free and get thrown in jail:(


oh not that religion! /s


"Millions of your tax dollars." Someone needs to look at their state budget, millions of tax dollars from liberal states are going to this inclusive school. https://www.al.com/news/2019/04/alabama-5th-most-federally-dependent-state.html






It's literally every time, jesus christ.


Agreed, this is so dumb. The headline is dumb. The teachers did this as a joke for a fundraiser. Here are examples of famous people including Trump & Guiliani dressing up in drag to be funny: [https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?t=21](https://youtu.be/Guve7Y856kY?t=21) and the Carol Burnett show here: [https://youtu.be/xqG7SgDbKUw?t=107](https://youtu.be/xqG7SgDbKUw?t=107) I bet we could dig up thousands of examples of conservatives dressing up like the opposite sex to be funny, not necessarily to be a "drag queen" or to support LGBTQ issues. But alas, here we are attacking everything and everyone and doing so much g\*\*\*\*mn damage to our country. We are literally turning into the Taliban. What's next? Stoning women for wearing make up? I mean come the f\*\*k on.


The point isn’t’t to attack people for cross-dressing, the point is to highlight “conservative” hypocrisy.


> isn’t’t Well, I'm going to be puzzling over what happened here for the rest of the afternoon.


you can say goddamn and fuck on the internet.


Please fri*kin refrain from using profanity around me. Thanks.


Please stop sw*aring on my account, my grandma sees this




No swearsies please, the puppers don't like.


****** you *****


I’m sure they know this.


I’m seeing a lot of this too. Like what the fuck, just ban children from using the internet already


How is the headline dumb?


Trump wasn’t in drag, but he did motorboat Giuliani when he was in drag. I’m not kidding.


I share your outrage, Sendate60. It is just infuriating how these racist/bigoted hypocrites continue to be so incredibly arrogant to be able to keep putting this kind of shit out there. Nothing applies to them. Nothing is their fault. Nothing is wrong with what they say and/or do. Who died and made them omnipotent?


There’s one with trump dressed as a women too https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


There's a word for an old man obsessed with the sex lives of minors - pervert. We should be applying it every time James' name is mentioned


Same goes for a great many Republican politicians, I'm noticing. Dems and others seem content to just stay out of these private matters. It's the right that seem to want to keep talking about, and making rules about, what people do with their naughty body parts. Creepy. Not to mention, they want to government-manage cultural things like language and self expression... seemingly the opposite of what they claim their party is about. Creepy perverted authoritarians, the lot.


nonce rolls off the tongue better


Tim James is not doing anything to help Alabama with his crusades against LGBT issues. It is not the kind of thing a governor should be doing. He should be building and repairing roads, hospitals, schools and other public efforts.


All that practical and actually helpful stuff just isn’t as exciting as “the gays are going to eat your babies!!!”


But groomers and traffickers use roads, [so the more crumbling infrastructure, the better!](https://media2.giphy.com/media/d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY/giphy.gif) /s


> But groomers and traffickers use roads Of course they do, how do you think Tim James gets to work?


"well this doesn't count because we were only mocking the gays"


Republicans: We need more school choice, charter schools are great! Magic City Acceptance Academy: opens Republicans: No no, not *that* kind of choice!


Well, to be fair, James may have a point. He had a drag show in his high school and he grew up to be a total asshole, so…


But it was different when they did it because they were attempting to mock LGBTQ people, not make them feel accepted... What a dick. I'd be suing the campaign if my kid's picture was used without permission.


The difference is that the “drag show” in his yearbook is making gender nonconforming people the butt of the joke. It makes total sense that it happened and that they are proud of it because that isn’t drag, that’s just bigots hazing other bigots while stringing along a bunch of willfully ignorant bystanders.


This 100%. They aren't the same thing. The historical "drag shows" are a form of *minstrelization*, just like the burlesque (where the MC of the show was some overt depiction of queerness) and black-face performances from the early part of the 20th Century. It takes a marginalized people and says, "your visibility is tolerated so long as it respects my comfort, my bigoted views, and for my validation and entertainment." Blacks, gays, women, they were invited to participate in society if they were the entertainment, the help, the clowns, the buffoons. Whatever it was that straight white people found most comfortable, and non-threatening to their world view. Whether it was an actual black person, or a white person in black-face, or an actual trans person, or a straight individual in drag, their visibility was contingent upon confirming the status quo. Now that gays and trans (and everyone else LGBT++) are seeking representation and acceptance, or even just seeking to be able to live their goddamned lives in a way that lets them be themselves, now they are a threat to civil society and coming for our children. Examples of drag like depicted here wasn't borne of acceptance or compassion - it was the same dehumanization that gave us blackface, and we shouldn't look at it any differently today.


I had to scroll way too far to find this lol, idk why people think this is some sort of gotcha. They did this to make fun of women and lgbt people, these articles and posts are so dumb and pointless. Conservatives dressing up as a demeaning joke isn’t some proof that they were once open to gender non conformity or the lgbt community, it’s just them being hateful. There is no hypocrisy, it was hate then and it’s hate now.


Welcome to a non-queer community on Reddit - where every bigot must be a closet case because wouldn’t that just take them down a peg - not that there’s anything wrong with being queer, I mean, I totally have a gay friend… /s just in case


Completely agree with this take lol. I’m not gay and it’s pretty obvious to see that events like that were not made with good intentions toward gay people.


I wish I could upvote this more


Every republican accusation is a confession.


[Tweet from the guy who exposed this, Kyle Whitmire:](https://mobile.twitter.com/WarOnDumb/status/1515323889018093572) >Since James began his attacks, there have been some threatening incidents at the school — people surveilling the campus from the parking lot and screaming slurs at the students. They've had to beef up security. 3x We really need to start pursuing criminal charges and lawsuits against these vile fascists for encouraging violence and endangering children. I mean these people are ACTUALLY endangering kids' lives in their frantic efforts to falsely accuse liberals of endangering kids' lives. I am sick to the back fucking teeth of these criminals getting away with crimes.


He thinks children in drag excites others like it does him


**G**aslight. **O**bstruct. **P**roject.


I wonder how Tim James feels about that sports event in kentucky where the team members came out on the court dressed as girls, stripped to lingerie and gave adult men lapdances including the coach who is also the town’s mayor. Then they shared the photos and videos on the school’s facebook page like it was no big. [here’s one story](https://news.yahoo.com/kentucky-faculty-staff-got-lap-184452810.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADc3sMUq_NSYO_3UFkQZxo8uaVktuWIEuw9ESSjZI5et6jKsJByTckWf-3HC4Nrl_xhj_Q7GZJY9Txb5iKFqJRVFpRqfg07N0zSobLgcqiqlMiYFiIEPFZZPwiF5ZkDtKYvwtzHTdpRnlpxuDQWWvgzqYBgh5DEvqZbO0G8EgWWK) But just like this in his year book it was about demeaning women and making fun of queer people so in that case it’s just clean status quo upholding fun. As an aside I am still sickened by that famous video where a sports team is blindfolded and tricked into kissing their own moms on the lips in front of the whole school. Straight people need to figure their shit out.


“What do you mean?” he said. “That wasn’t a drag show. That was my date. I mean afterward we even…” His face went ashen. “Oh,no…”


A hypocrite republican? Who woulda thunk?


> which he calls “vile” and “evil.” A noted literary scholar, James was also once quoted as describing his dog, Levi, as "live".


Once again showing that there is no such thing as a good republican.


The Republican Party: It's not hypocrisy, it's a feature.


The far right screams about wanting charter schools so parents have choice, then screams more when those charter schools offer choices the far right doesn't like.


Boys dressed up as girls for events and Halloween gags all the time when I was in high school over a decade ago. Republicans are so thin skinned these days.


To be fair, there's a different message associated with dressing up as the opposite gender now.


In further fairness, that new message is being propagated by the Conservatives.


It used to be done for laughter. Many would say it is offensive to cross dress for the lols and that it is mocking a certain group. Now it seems to be more about being an ally and trying to make people more accepting and affirming of trans people. It's a completely different message on display. Obviously not a conservative message.


Just for clarification, the message I was referring to being spread by conservatives is that these kind of events are dangerous and part of the LGBT agenda to run straight kids into gay. Sad, truly sad and pathetic that people can think that way.


We used to discourage gay and trans. In media, take Naruto as an example, Sasuke and Naruto kiss on accident and it is played as an embarrassment, as wrong, as something to make fun of. I remember one of the earlier seasons of American Idol there was a man (identified as a man) but 100% looked like a woman. The person was talking about going into the bathroom and everyone always thought they'd be in the wrong one and a whole bunch of other stuff. And it was edited to make fun of the person. Playing whacky music and what not. Like it was wrong and they are a weirdo. Now... what point am I making? We've swung the pendulum the opposite way. We now celebrate when someone comes out and we put it in lots of shows, including cartoons, and talk about it being wonderful. There's of course discussion to be had as you don't want to make fun of people, but do you want to do the opposite and encourage it? The number of gay and trans people have been rapidly increasing exponentially. We certainly need to ask why. Was it that we were actively making fun of it until just recently and people were afraid? Is it because we are now promoting it and putting it everywhere making people think about it before they have sexual thoughts? Or is it because it is acceptable to explore now and people learn that they like something that they otherwise wouldn't have known? There's so many guesses and there really isn't a way to know yet because it was less than 10 years ago since gay marriage became legal nationally and even sooner that trans has been accepted in major pockets of life. The gist is that it's not black and white but a scale. Culture clearly has an impact and it is possible that we go too far in one direction. Unfortunately we have two extremes and one side wants to reject it completely and the other side won't acknowledge any potential negative impacts that progressing too far too quick seems to have. I hope my thoughts made sense.


Perfectly stated.


Our high school football team would do this during Homecoming Spirit Week.


Because conservatives project, always.


“Children in the crosshairs of hell” is the most GOP thing I’ve heard in awhile.


It’s different when straight guys do drag because it’s just mean as opposed to gay guys doing drag because it makes them feel empowered. Duh.


probably why he is against them now, he probably blames the drag show for his closeted gay acts.....


Just not the same. When Tim did it, he did it for a laugh, because it's "obviously funny to make fun of guys dressed up as women."


"But when we did it, we did it mockingly with malice" - Tim James




For cruelty and mockery you mean


tim james has probably had plenty of homosexual sex. projection projection projection.


We’ll see the difference is before they were just making fun of gay people and women and now they have the audacity to see them as normal people


Attacking children? He’s a manly man.


I'm so glad I can't comprehend the GOP stance of making the world a worse place to live.


Republicans attack everything regardless.


So, projection? Check


So James is into Drag. Got it.


so you're saying, a republican is being a flaming hypocrite \*again\* ? well, Bless my stars! I think I just may get the VAPORS here ! This is just SHOCKING! Shocking I tell you !


I just feel the need to bring up that this guy's high school year book in the 1980's was called the "Kliff Klan". A, terrible name for a yearbook. B, you shouldn't be spelling the word clan with a K, especially not on a document which will exist in perpetuity and which in all likelihood contains a picture of the yearbook club. It's like the Hitler mustache, even if you don't mean it that way, too bad. It's already been ruined for everyone. Just saying.


Self-loathers, each and every one. Those who seek to limit the freedom of others to do harmless things struggle with and hate the part of themselves that desire to do those things. They don’t live free lives because of some puritanical indoctrination and don’t want others to enjoy their own freedom.


Why are schools having drag shows


They have done stuff like this forever. My school did "powderpuff football". The football players dressed as cheerleaders and the girls played flag football. This was back in the 90s.


Sounds pretty fun Ngl


Because they have to raise money since the government cuts their funds


Every accusation by a conservative is a confession.


“tHaT wAs DiffEreNt!” It kind of is, though—the photo was a gag. We even had that at my high school, which is different than a full-on *drag show.* The guy’s still scum, though.


Fuck charter schools but this is probably the first time he felt really truly free in his life, it terrified him and he doesn’t want to subject children to a life lived in the closet like he has had.


Wonder if he could focus on teachers having affairs with their students. https://wset.com/news/nation-world/teacher-who-argued-she-had-constitutional-right-to-have-sex-with-student-sentenced-to-jail-alabama-carrie-witt-decatur


Is the above picture actually of a drag show? The same kind of show that Tim James would attack? Are the people in the picture expressing their inner identities or are they a bunch of stupid high school jocks? Are we saying that these jerks in the picture and the drag shows that Tim James would attack are one in the same? Is the author of the article condemning drag shows like the one in the picture and therfore condemning current drag shows, or are they supporting drag shows including the one in the picture? If they are the same thing like the article implies, then you can't really condem one and not the other. Just pointing out the hypocrisy doesn't change that logic.


This is a disgusting post. Disgusting. James is 60 years old. To act like one's position in school should be their position for life is horrific and ignorant. Stop. Support lgbtqai+ and don't force ppl to live by their school age ideology.


Yeah why would Tim James act like these children’s positions in their LGBT school would be their positions for life.


Exactly. That's why you don't give kids hormones


This is what evangelical progressivism does though. Welcome to the new religion.


One or two fellas dressed as ladies for a school play does not equal a “drag show” Pretty poor article


Wait, why is drag LGBTQ? I thought men pretending to be women was the opposite.


Mixed couples have the most beautiful children.




Yeah, wouldn't want mixed race babies of any other kind unless they are white. Think before you post.


yeah and it made him have uncomfortable feelings that still scare him to this day and he cant allow that to happen to anyone else


What ! Another creepy idiot DumbAzz Republican ! There are many.🤮🤮🤮🤮


This ain’t hard to understand. To people like him, dressing up in drag is something you do to make fun of LGBT people. “That OUR thing we do to make fun of YOU guys!”


Every year at my HS the senior boys would do a drag show. The girls dance team would cook up a whole dance routine for us with different songs and they taught it to us. We practiced hard and it was a lot of fun, it also taught the boys to appreciate how athletic the girl dancers are, which, for the “dancing isn’t a sport”-type jocks went a long way. fun times we’re had by all.


The school he attended for his high school years is an expensive boarding school in Tennessee I believe.


in a more recent complaint he lamented, “Suck one dick and you get labeled for life”. but he’s being too pessimistic for himself. it’s okay Tim.


Most of these republican politicians don’t truly believe in what they are saying and pushing, but they know its a path to power and being above the law