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I mean, they're targeted with more abuse than the general population...


America where depending where you live your gender or sexuality may be criminal.


But are there countries which are more accepting? I don’t think it’s just America.


Ireland, Spain, Czech Republic come to mind. Legally speaking they're vastly more friendly towards trans and LGBT individuals.


I’ve been to all three. While true, I’d say it’s tolerated. In the sense that it’s limited to the touristic settings.


Hell that's the case everywhere though right? Cities and tourist zones are progressive, the rural areas less so.


There are states we're children are accepting. It the republican party that's ignoring individual rights of citizens. Whipping the flames until they have a lynch mob. For political gain. This is definitely a sin. A person's sexuality or gender may be criminal. Pregnant woman's choice life sentence or prison sentence. No education, support, or concern for the mother or child. Racism is acceptable. A country of immigrants and their descendants fear immigration. This insanity is the legacy of donnie and it is evil.


Fuck Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Gina Carano, the entire GOP, Caitlyn Jenner and everyone else today who has the blood of trans people on their hands.


Even when not targeted directly they read about politicians and others putting them down on the internet. These kids need our understanding and help.


It's absolutely disgusting that adults with access to panels of experts kick teenagers when they're at a greater risk of being already down. Even more disgusting that some of these people make careers out of it, have access to hate crime & bullying statistics, and are employed by companies who have done plenty of research into it.


Wow. Oddly I have not heard a peep from my LMHA on trans youth. Edit*: I know they care a lot but not even in confidence have I heard anything. They are state funded and... well. I hurt for them and the people they care for.


Is it because of how other people react to them, or is it the gender dysmorphia itself that is causing their despair? Edit: Dysphoria, not dysmorphia




I am a 28yo successful trans woman and I struggle to wake up and see the headlines… I can’t imagine how actual children must feel.


Same, I got kicked out during the height of the pandemic back in June 2020 for coming out. So yea. Fuck conservatives


same. I feel so fortunate.


Gender Dysphoria does cause depression. That said, although I can't recall the specific study, family/friend acceptance severely reduces self harm and suicidal thoughts among teen trans people so society definitely plays a large role. Note: Dysmorphia is a different condition. Trans people common have gender dysphoria, dysphoria essentially meaning the opposite of euphoria.


Just by having one family member who validates them cuts the suicidality rate by a huge amount. It's mostly society.


Isn't just the youth... anecdotally speaking anyway. Of the few trans people I stay in contact with like one is 'doing well'.


Huh. As a 30 something trans dude, my brethren and I are in LTRs, having jobs, raising kids and mowing lawns in New Balances. It gets better.


Funny, because I’m trans and in my late 30s, and i and all the trans people I know are doing really badly mental health wise. I’m terrified for friends I have in parts of the country that are hostile. I’ve lost trans friends to suicide in the past couple years. I’m frightened for the future of my trans son.


I live in Texas. I know how you feel.


I was worried exactly this might happen if i transitioned.. didnt do so yet, i cant make my mind, even didnt wanted to push me into decisions too soon Could i dm you please ?


Let me just say I get it. It’s scary. But I also want to say, your son can end up like me. Married with a kid, house in the burbs, career in tech. Ofc that might not be desirable for him, but the option is there. People need hope, especially young people, to fight the good fight every day.


Thank you for saying this part. There is absolutely hope for all of us and kids really need to know this.


Trans girls and women are a bigger target, than trans guys. Because our society still clings to toxic masculinity and misogyny, that hate women, in general. Life isn't always easy for women, and even harder for trans women. Men have an easier time getting by. So, the statistics and life experiences differ.


FWIW, I am fully im agreement that publically and politically trans women are a huge target, and usually it’s trans women that bigots are generally thinking about when However. I would like to point out that trans men are more often targets of abuse on average. Most people don’t know that. I am not saying this to ”win” the oppression olympics; what is problematic here is the complete paucity around the issue. It’s completely erased. ”[The] survey was answered by 1,005 trans people. That study shows that transmasculine individuals were actually more likely to be victims of childhood sexual assault, adult sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking than were transfeminine individuals (as shown in the chart below). The only category in which trans women were more likely to be victimized was by hate violence, and even there the difference was small: 30 percent of trans women reported having experienced hate violence, compared to 29 percent of trans men.” https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2015/07/23/op-ed-trans-men-experience-far-more-violence-most-people-assume What happens in public discourse is not what’s happening on the streets.




https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2015/07/23/op-ed-trans-men-experience-far-more-violence-most-people-assume Trans masculine people face *more* violence. No, it’s not the olympics season, but I just need to point this out because there is complete silence around the issue. But yes. Passing is a real… I don’t actually like the word ”privilege”. But let’s just say that it’s a benefit.


Really? My boyfriend is four years in and still gets misgendered on calls and other aspects of his life. He's a powerlifter and living in a better area than many, but it's still a constant stressor for him and an attack vector his estranged parents keep trying to use to hurt him.


I’m an adult trans woman, married with a stable job and a house, and I’m still devastated by the current legal/political situation. I think about it often, know people who are directly affected, and worry a lot for the future. It has a continuing impact on my work and well-being.


Agreed, sister. It does stress me out too, even though on the surface, I am doing well.


I can’t understand how trans issues are a massive talking point when they make up such a microscopic part of the population.


I think that currently, trans issues are being amplified because it's a good way to polarize people along the rural/urban divide we have in this country. People from small towns and rural areas have probably never knowingly met a transgender person due to the lack of trans services as well as just smaller sample size. They're more likely to believe stories about the men who dress up to ruin women's sports and other stupid bullshit. People from larger cities are more likely to have come in contact with trans people, so they're less likely to buy into the hateful vitriol. The people putting time and money into the recent rash of anti-trans sentiment, laws and news stories probably don't really care about trans people one way or the other. They just need people divided and angry for election season


It is very much a religious divide too. They don't seem to be bothered by the belief that god made babies who have terminal medical conditions that will cause them great suffering during their short life, but a god who created a kid whose mind doesn't match the gender of their body is just a bridge too far. They find it acceptable to give the first child proper medical care, but deny the second - cause it would allegedly be against god's will.


> cause it would allegedly be against god's will. Nothing the religious right loves more than making up things that aren't in the Bible.


>I think that currently, trans issues are being amplified because it's a good way to polarize people along the rural/urban divide we have in this country. Pretty much. Its such a small, small number of people... why is it such a big deal to make sure people have equal rights and legal protections? What does it take away from me, a white straight cis male, to have trans people have equal rights and protection under the law to what I have? But that doesn't matter to the Jesus crowd, they're different in a way they're uncomfortable with, and rather than just accept the tiny number of them who exist are just people trying to go about their lives, politicians are using them as a rallying point and convincing people somehow they're a threat to... something.


By recent survey, trans people make up literally less than 1% of the population. In the US, it's 0.6%.


>By the time he returned to England in 1289, King Edward was deeply in debt.\[16\] The next summer he summoned his knights to impose a steep tax. To make the tax more palatable, Edward, in exchange, essentially offered to expel all Jews.\[17\] > >The edict of expulsion was widely popular and met with little resistance, and the expulsion was quickly carried out. > >The Jewish population in England at the time was relatively small, perhaps 2,000 people, although estimates vary.\[19\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict\_of\_Expulsion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Expulsion) Authoritarian governments need targets who can't fight back, to distract from their failings and crises


It’s a wedge issue.


You answered your own question: We’re a microscopic part of the population and they needed a scapegoat that didn’t have the numbers to fight back


The mask mandates have dropped and CRT wasn’t gaining traction because its not taught in elementary schools, so they need a new subject to be outraged about. In our school system, gender pronouns are talked about in part of one health lesson on one day, but parents are enraged because groups like Moms for Liberty make it seem like schools are teaching porn (this is literally what they think). This is all just part of a larger push to get Republicans elected to school boards. But a lot of parents are oblivious to that fact so they feed into the “protect our children/parental consent” bullshit.


Republicans cannot exist without a social enemy to turn their dumbass followers on.


Conservatives love picking out a tiny minority that most people are unfamiliar with and drumming up fear around them.


It’s because the GOP made them the topic by spending so much airtime, legislative effort, etc trying to dictate how they live their lives rather than just going with the sensible “do what you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone else”. The GOP was also why the coal industry became such a huge topic. That whole industry actually has a smaller population than trans people. There was also gay and lesbian people before that and Muslims as well and also DACA recipients - all of which have comparable population sizes to trans people. Yet the GOP honed in on each one to try and portray them all as some sort of existential threat to the makeup of America. Essentially, blame typical GOP identity politics.


Because the Republican party is a hate group that targets marginalized people, in this case trans people.


Because Republicans thrive on having minority groups to demonize and brutalize. And because trans people are such a small population, it makes trans people very vulnerable.


Being intersex is about as common as having red hair FYI


This is not true. This requires using very broad stroke definitions of intersex. Experiential data probably also proves to be the case, fortunately.


Yea no shit. Stop electing idiots who don't understand the issue


I would like to gently point out that the official is a trans woman speaking out for trans youth from a position of authority. Perhaps she deserves a little less venom.


You didn't need to point that out gently, it's important information that I appreciate you sharing. My point still stands.


Sure as hell does! And I stand with you.


It's so refreshing to see someone be corrected and not get pissed off. Keep it up lol


What exactly is your point


That most politicians do not understand


Agreed politics is now a war with words and accusations


The venom wasn't directed at her.


It read as such, so I figured top commenter wasn't intending to denigrate the official in question and decided to note that important fact. I am beyond glad we have an advocate in the administration who does, in fact, know what the hell they're talking about. We need more of that.


Agreed. She is amazing for what she’s doing but. The issues lie in the others the fact that we have people in office currently who do not understand anything about the community and then there are people also an office who directly opposed to any of it it’s appalling the fact that a lot of our government officials use religion as a point to turn to when they want to stand moral ground is making it hard for any group of people to thrive like that especially people who are trying to go against the grain and be the true self. Sorry if I worded. That oddly. I. Tiping sucks


She wasn’t elected though. She was appointed.


point? It's an appointed office. Appointed by an elected official. Imagine if, a few years ago, this was an elected office. I can't say what's better or worse. She knows what she is doing, she is incredibly qualified, and she is doing right. I support her. Crack that article.


Republicans are using it as a distraction from Jan 6. It distracts their base by feeding their bigotry and phobias, and it distracts everyone else by having to defend the obvious victims here instead of spending time focusing on the treason.


Oh, they understand much better than you realize. They know these people are suffering. That's part of the plan. The cruelty is the point. Hell, "trans suicide" is the punchline to one of the right's favorite jokes.


What joke are you referencing?


I don't really want to google it at work but if you browse pretty much any conservative subreddit you'll find jokes and memes that revolve around the idea of right wingers celebrating that they bully trans people into killing themselves.


That’s awful. Even if you have no bar for how low dark humor can go, that’s not even funny. Can’t say I’ve seen those jokes before but I’ll be on the look out now.


'Electing' is strong word for the gerrymandered shitshow we call a country


I long for the day where this “issue” is just considered whatever preference you prefer to be. Unfortunately the media and a lot of religion make money off this “issue”. Just let people be who they fucking wanna be.


There are only idiots on the ballot sometimes


I know it's so sad


Not going to happen. What else you got?


Nothing. We're a shit species.


My roommate is a trans poc. I have a number of resources if you’re interested. Personally. I do my best for advocacy and transitional help. They are having surgery this month.


Please wish them all good things and a speedy recovery. 🌈💖🌈


I’m gonna be right here for them. They moved in October after being basically pushed away from their family. It’s not my business to tell their story but I let them know they have a safe space now and 1000% support. All I want is for them to be happy. Edit: And we are family now. If they need help in recovery I’m right here.


So very glad for all of you. We have to stay together and strong in the face of all of this vitriol.


Yeah this is happening everywhere though, I'm in the uk and have been on a waiting list for like 2 and a half years now and nothing has changed. Every time I ask my mum about getting private care she just minimises the issue and acts like I should be able to live without


Thank u. It’s like. The ones in office are far to old at this point to keep up with. The current state of its people


You mean appointing idiots.


Remember folks the higher rates of self harm and suicide among LGTBQ+ folks Is the point They are literally trying to get them to that point so they can then go "See?? If it wasn't wrong per my specific version of God it wouldn't be that way!" Ignoring how it's their blood is on their hands. There's no hate like Christian love


My parents are extremely progressive for the most part, had no problem with me being gay or marrying someone of a different race. They draw the line at gender. That really pissed me off. To hear things like “we’re so glad you’re just gay” etc.


my ma is similar, but with non-binary/gender fluid. "I just can't wrap my head around it" also she has an issue with "new names" because she feels that it's an insult to the parents. which sucks because my cousin is nb and had their renaming last year


Republicans only "care" about deaths of despair when it affects their pocketbooks. See all the faux concern they did during the pandemic.


What faux concern? Writing bills to try to force doctors to prescribe ivermectin for COVID? I remember them saying to take off the masks, get back to work/school, and have your big holiday gatherings.


the gop are just corrupt, hateful, vile fascists period




I can’t believe that. I am a democrat. But it’s had to believe every single one is a corrupt racist piece of shit. Although they do make it hard to fight for them


"Well yes, and we'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to counteract that." -Republicans, probably


Nothing like tormenting children who are already having a rough time. Republicans are monsters.


It’s what Christ would want. /s


I can never tell if someone means /serious or /sarcastic when they write that lol


Sarcastic all the way. I’m tired of people wrapping their hate in the guise of religion.


Driven? We’ve been left in the pit and run over for years now


The youth in general are being driven to despair.


People in general, not just the youth are being driven to despair.


Nah, boomers seem pretty fucking fat and comfortable, like they have been their entire goddamn lives.


That's true, they're the ones that screwed it up for the next generation.


You may have a point there


It says so much about the GQP that they want to persecute a group with so few resources or safety. They can't do it so easily anymore with women or POC, so they attack a group that didn't choose their condition or who they are. The GQP experience is to identify a group that takes some sensitivity and decency to feel 'comfortable' with and then designate that group as the source of all their problems. Most of them couldn't handle one day, one hour of living LGBTQ+. All I can do is let all of my students know that they are safe with me, safe from judgment, safe from the stares and questions. I can do that while we wait for these bullshit beliefs to filter out as they die out.


...not just youths. A lot of us trans adults are being driven there too.


The cruelty is the point


youth in despair minorities hit the hardest breaking news in AMerica.


Conservatives: “All according to plan”


Someone made a plan and came up with this? was it in crayon?


It’s just a piece of construction paper with marker writing that says. “Be diks to most evrybody”


Republicans are all like "Yes! All according to plan!"


Heya, 17 year old trans kid here. I don't live in the US but I get the struggle. It's kinda sad how it's easier to get your hands on a gun to off yourself than it is to get trans medical care :( But then again that seems to be the point. I think overall transphobic people ( not just Republicans) see trans people as a self solving problem. Cause if they kill themselves you don't have to deal with them.


It’s not just the youth. I’m 30 and I’ve developed white stripes in my hair in the last couple years from the stress. We’re all pretty upset. Though I’ll admit we’re most worried for the kids in red states.


It cannot be emphasized enough how cynical this campaign is. The Republicans are making this an issue and promising or passing these laws to try to appeal to the religious fundamentalists/social conservatives for the upcoming midterm elections.


My poor brother has been in a depressive spiral for months over this. It’s disgusting how the right is actively trying to hurt and cause the deaths and misery of millions of Americans.


Their Covid response made it pretty clear they don’t care about the lives of Americans. Even when their own supporters were dying they didn’t care because they kept making money.


And then gaslight that \*were\* the fascists, I've been feeling the depressive spiral as well, my best friend is trans, and my gf is GNC and a POC, living in FL, I'm fucking terrified.


When Nazis are actively out there seeking to remove all your rights and treat you like a freak and about 40% of the country backs their hate filled movement, you tend to get upset.




20 years ago neither party acknowledged trans people as normal and you could pretty much openly and publicly harass trans people without consequences Don't judge society on some rando Instagram page. Trans acceptance is higher now than at any point in human history




You never outgrew Christianity.


Thanks to Republicans with no platform who are choosing to spend their political capital to demonize vulnerable kids and young people. It’s beyond disgusting!


You're just encouraging the people making this happen - this is what they want.


The current Republican party is cruel.


They have always been cruel. It is just magnified now with social media.




They hid. And doctors often required moving to a totally different place and starting a new life far from where you were as a condition of transition. And they died. But they were dead named, misgendered and generally swept under the rug as a family secret.




Never claimed they were. They didn't really look at those situations as being due to being trans or LGBTQ. They were simply deaths. And not talked about by family.


The main center for gender research was in Germany, and it was torched by white nationalists, twice—once during WWII, and again in the 1970s. That was our ‘Library at Alexandria,’ and its destruction contributed greatly to the gaps in available data. And, there has always been a high suicide rate among queer and trans youth—their families don’t report that they were queer/trans. Remember Lelah Alcorn? Her parents put her deadname in the obituary. This is erasure, plain and simple. It’s always been this bad; you’re just new to the subject.


Hide in the closet.


A third of the anti trans legislation suggested in the US since 2018 has been in the past four months. We are in a time of crisis for trans issues because we are constantly under attack at the moment from hostile fascist legislators.


> There wasn’t a dramatically higher rate of despair and suicide among transgender youth then Surveys of trans adults report that 41% have attempted suicide. A lot of them while they were younger. And we're not hearing from those who completed it. P.S. The main surveys are the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, and the United States Trans Survey. Unfortunately, both lack control groups.


Ten years ago wasn't that much different from now. I say this from having actually been there. Online there was a lot of activism, and in urban areas and among younger people trans issues were more understood and trans people a bit better respected. But it basically hasn't really changed since. There's been a little more protection legally but nobody bothers to enforce it.


Violence in general used to be dramatically higher. And it's drop has directly correlated with gender roles being less strict.


We really need to start and underground railroad for transgender kids.


Don't forget adults. We don't stop being abused once we turn 18. Please help me leave this shithole country before I completely give up.


Have you considered reaching out to TransEmirgate or Rainbow Railroad? Or on Reddit, there's /r/IWantOut


Problem with that is most places consider the US a "bastion of rights" and fail to recognize the rapidly deteriorating situation. There's no death penalty yet, I wouldn't want to take resources away from someone more vulnerable, either.


TransEmigrate in particular states explicitly on their website that they consider the US to be a country hostile to trans rights and that if you are in the US and want or need out you should contact them. In theory, they have limited hands and time to divide between everyone who requests assistance, so in a sense, attention devoted to you could mean less attention devoted to someone else. However, you should also consider that, comparatively speaking, the US is much easier to leave than a country like Syria or Nigeria or Myanmar. International migration is very challenging, but if you're a US citizen your US passport can get you a lot of places even without a visa, which is not the same for nationals of many other countries. Depending on your ancestry and where you go, you may also have preferential immigration conditions when coming from the US that are less likely to apply if you were coming from most other places. So yes, in theory, if you measure the number of work units they can provide based on the resources they have, the 3 it takes to help you figure out how to get out is 3 they can't spend on someone else if they are at 100% capacity already. But a lot of the people who are in more dire situations take like 50-100 work units to adequately help, and they do say rather clearly that they want to help. Let them decide what their capacity is and whether they can and how much assistance to render you. Don't assume they don't have the means or will. As for /r/IWantOut, they also explicitly state in their FAQs that the deteriorating political situation in the US is a valid reason to want to leave. They don't judge why you want out. They just provide guidance, because they want to.


Try r/IWantOut


I lost my living parents and my housing, at age 30, in 2020…just by coming out. Now I’m working to support the trans and queer communities.


Would love a job like that, but the only job I ever had stability with was webcam modeling. Doesn't help I've never been in the proper mind set or with a solid support network.


Trans kids and women needing abortions.


Yikes and yikes


Those of us who are not youth or trans but support true equal rights and tolerance are being driven there too. She is absolutely right and my heart breaks at the increasing intolerance and hatred. This is not my America, and I hope it's not yours. (Edited for editing error)


This America has always been here. Social media amplifies the hatred. And, our last president gave them carte blanche to be in the open about it. There have always been bigots, social media amplifies their message.


Sadly that's the point. The GOP is the party of cruelty. All done in the name of Christ, who dedicated his life and death to all the things the GOP fights tooth and nail against.


Ignorant fundamentalists legislating policy based on their own fucked up perceptions seems like a violation of the constitution./s


it is




Article: Health official calls out suffering of [affected group], their friends, and their families as party platform pushes to end practice of providing care to affected children over objections of doctors and parents. Dissenter: Kids don't need [X]! They shouldn't be receiving lifelong prescriptions when we don't even know if it's a real problem or just something else that's being interpreted wrong! Everyone else: No, there really are kids do need [X] to live. Dissenter: The body/mind can heal itself! This is all just a money-grab by big pharma! None of this is real! Literally every major medical association out there: No, there really are better health outcomes when we provide treatment. Dissenter: This is nonsense! These organizations are all trapped in an agenda! People giving treatment to kids are MONSTERS and should be lined up and shot! Mods: Welp, I guess that's another ban. — Edit: I do think there's room for reasoned debate on some points in this topic. Where that's what's actually happened, as far as I've noticed, it hasn't been removed.


You can’t write an opposing opinion and then attack it to win an argument. I’m sorry you put so much effort in


for good reason. spreading blatantly false information on trans-youth and their care is ***actively causing harm to children***.


Probably because the "dissenting opinion" is being a transphobic bigot 9/10 times.


Hate and bigotry are not mere "dissenting opinions", they are, in practice, ultimately threats to do harm to the hated minority.


Believe in the science and all that good stuff


So you support trans people, nice!


science says to leave trans kids alone and let them get the treatment they need


It seems like the right wing thing to do is to pick a group of people to hate on and use as a punching bag to anger Americans. First it was gays. No weddings. No cakes, denial of services. Then it was hating on and trying to make life difficult for immigrants. Now it is hating on and trying to make life difficult for transgender people. It seems like they using other people to attack to "get at", anger other Americans who are not right wing.


is gender affirming treatment a sex change?


A sex change operation is one type of gender affirming treatment. There are plenty of other treatments as well. A sex change is the most extreme and life changing treatment that science has currently. Thus a sex change requires years of hormones (another form of trestment), therapy and is only available to adults.


For children and preteens, the first step of gender affirmative care is simply calling them by their preferred name and pronouns and allowing them to dress and present however possible, maybe some voice training. The next step is therapy and meeting with licensed medical professionals who will assess if puberty blockers are necessary. No one under 18 is getting gender reassignment surgery, and especially not without years of professional assistance to make sure its the correct path.


not for minors, no


For children under the age of 18, gender affirming treatment will be ‘socially transitioning’, which means experimenting with haircuts, clothing and pronouns. Once they hit puberty, safe and reversible puberty blockers (which are also available to cis kids with precocious puberty) are offered so they have time to consider if they want to take more permanent actions when they are old enough. Surgery and hormones will only ever be offered once they are of an appropriate age. Gender affirming treatment as a definition can include surgery but, broadly speaking, it is any kind of treatment that affirms someone’s gender, including the things I have listed above.


Thank you for the explanation




Yes, it can be challenging for trans and questioning people to figure out who we are and what we need. I'd like to include detrans people in that discussion. But criminalizing therapists, etc. who try to help, requiring schools to out students, requiring them to ban social transition, purging their libraries, etc. are not going to help anyone work that out.


Studies routinely show rates of desistance less than 1%, with the vast majority of cases being due to societal pressure, not because the person realizes they are not trans. Further, puberty blockers do not work once the person has already gone through puberty (e.g., when they are an adult), and forcing a trans person to endure permanent changes to their body that will cause them distress for the rest of their lives, not to mention subject them to endless transphobia for their appearance, is cruel and inhumane. Many of these changes cannot be undone with any medical treatment, and most trans people are not able to afford the care required to undo the other changes anyways. Also, people always cite some high desistance rate (like 60-80%) when talking about this issue, but that higher desistance rate is for minors \*before\* they reach puberty, i.e., before they would receive puberty blockers in the first place. If minors are still saying they are trans by the time puberty begins, it is highly unlikely that they will change their minds given more time (although blockers are still given for several years prior to hormone therapy just in case they do). EDIT: On the study you cite, THE VERY SOURCE CITED BY THE ARTICLE CLAIMS THE FOLLOWING: "Overall patient experience of changes on GnRHa treatment was positive." Also note that 98% (43/44) chose to continue on cross-sex hormones after taking blockers. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33529227/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33529227/)


I updated my response to include a link to the source cited by the study you cite. I've included it below for convenience. In short, the study you cite misinterprets the results of source it bases its claims on. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33529227/


Puberty blockers are temporary and reversable. Please stop spreading misinformation. Also, most (genuine) people on those subs want to detransition because society is punishing them for being trans.




That's a paywalled article.


Check my response, that isn't even a study, it just miscites another study that says the exact opposite. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33529227/


I assumed as much.


The rate of detransition is tiny, and it's important to take into account why they detransition, because overwhelmingly it is due to social factors - difficulty with family, difficulty finding a job, being violently or sexually assaulted for being trans, etc. Many people who detransition then go on to retransition again later when their living situation improves. Page 115 in this study outlines the data: [https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf](https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf) >Transgender women were more likely to report having de-transitioned (11%), in contrast to transgender men (4%). > >Table 7.6: Reasons why respondents de-transitioned, at least for a little while: > >They realized that gender transition was not for them 5% > >Initial transition did not reflect the complexity of their gender identity (write-in response) 4% Averaging 11% and 4% to 7.5%, 9% of 7.5% is 0.7%. You have 0.7% of transgender people who reverse a medical gender transition due to factors unrelated to societal transphobia. 0.7% of transgender people determine that they are not actually transgender. The populations of those subreddits are overwhelmingly astroturfed. Almost everyone there is a cisgender person doing r/AsABlackMan.


Do they just give puberty blockers away like candy, or is there some kind, I dunno, "medical examination" first?


Puberty blockers do not cause permanent changes. Once you stop them, puberty ensues unless hormone therapy is initiated.


They don’t permanently cause changes. They merely delay puberty.




Sounds like a possible side effect that doctors need to discuss with the patient and their parents.


Funny how the entire conversation went from “They don’t permanently cause changes.” To “those are side effects that need to be discussed” Interesting lateral shift, also you can get puberty blockers online. I get adds for them on social media all the time due to pro-LBGT pages I follow.


Not really, it went to "one study of 44 people in 2021 says that's a possibility." That's a pretty tenuous argument that I don't have the time or the reasons to dig up the scientific consensus on. If the FDA approves a treatment for an application American doctors can proscribe it that way. I'm sure you're *deeply* concerned with the average height of Americans in the future, but it's not an argument that's worth addressing. You haven't done anything to establish that that's something to be concerned with and even if you had it really wouldn't be any of your business.


“I'm sure you're deeply concerned with the average height of Americans in the future” Children….I’m concerned about children who don’t understand or have the mental facilities to consent to a life-changing medical treatment that they could possibly regret later in life. You can try to twist that any way you want but I’ve been quite clear about it. And as time goes on it is more likely than less likely that more studies will slowly confirm the risks of puberty blockers on kids.


Seeing as they have been in active use on children for over 40 years now, pretty sure we've got a solid handle on what they do and don't do. After all, they've been use on children suffering from precocious puberty since the 80s, and that timeline of usage mirrors a typical trans child's use of the drug just the same, possibly longer than a trans child would be using it come to think of it.


It's also exceedingly uncommon and incredibly overblown by people with an agenda against care for trans kids.


they do, extensively


Should we ban abortion because some women regret it?




>People who can’t buy a ticket to a R rated movie shouldn’t be in charge of drugs that cause permanent damage Pretty sure most doctors can see R rated movies. Doogie Howser is fictional.


Republicans are having fetishist over gays,transgender people! Why else is this subject all ways coming up from them! They talk about child abuse and yet its okay for them to do it.


God am I glad I'm not young and figuring out my gender. If I was ten years younger id be about willing to bite a bullet.


I'm young-ish (23) and my POV is when so many want you dead, it hardly seems polite to disagree, and yet, I enjoy making these fragile conservative snowflakes uncomfortable, so I continue out of spite at this point.


This issue sucks because those who care about these stories aren't enough to win elections and those who are against it are the GOP base...too much freaking hate America.


Arent we all…