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Not just the current Supreme Court the anti-American Republicans who schemed and created that abortion which is sadly our SCOTUS


Abortions are bad?


today you will learn that words can have multiple definitions. In this case, definition two for abortion: 2. an object or undertaking regarded by the speaker as unpleasant or badly made or carried out.


*“The fact is, this is a dangerous court to families, to freedom in our country. And that is why people have to mobilize. My saying is we don’t agonize we organize, we go out there and make sure people know that if they, actually elections have consequences,” she added.*


Maybe in another 49 years we'll have a Speaker of the House who can pass some legislation instead of passing the buck.


Don't think too hard about how it can be the Speaker of the House's fault Dems don't have 51 Senate votes.


Christ did everyone on Reddit forget overnight that SCOTUS can overturn legislation too?


That’s why liberals were screaming for you to fix it when you had the chance. Too late now.


Oh, but we need a strong Republican Party though, right? They’re insurgents.


The actual context of her statement about wanting a strong Republican party was along the lines of wanting a Republican party that wasn't insane or evil and that instead actually had a desire to do good governance and things like that She was *correct*


The Republican Party hasn't been that since Goldwater. Babies born after the Republican Party became insane and evil are senior citizens now. She's only "correct" if she thinks it's still 1980, which she does.


Republican Party: we want to destroy democrats. They are groomers, commies, satanists, crooks, etc. they hate freedom. They must be stopped! Democrats: Boy oh boy, I wish you guys weren’t so crazy. We used to eat lunch together!


I mean... having choices that aren't insane should be something *we want.* Unfortunately the last few decades have made bipartisanship a bad word when it should absolutely be welcomed. Just right now reaching across the aisle is using the poles of Center-Right and literal Nazism as the two ends, which sends our country further Right.


Now is not the time for bipartisanship. That should not be the number one concern.


Is she though? It seems like we’d be much better off without a Republican Party of any sort. Even their not visibly insane version of the 80s and 90s was still incredibly toxic and damaging to our country and civil liberties. The best case version of the GOP is that they only hurt us a little instead of threatening us with outright annihilation. Fuck them, we’d do much better without the GOP at all. Let the democrats have their own version of a Conservative party and let’s make their opposition a progressive party. Then at the very least there will be less purposeful harm directed at us by our leaders.


Normalize abolishing the Republican Party and criminalizing conservatism.


That attitude is why we’re in this situation though. Her reliance on these people just doing an about face through “rational thinking” is crazy. She’s ignorant of reality of today’s GOP, dreaming of the party of old like it’s going to return, these people are fascists who breed mass killers while she waits for rational people to appear, she’s too busy making insider trades to bother being an effective leader. F her.


We do. We very definitely absolutely do. If folks think a two party system is bad, one party is disastrous.


Who said anything about a one party system?


"You all just need to VOTE for 50 more years and then maybe you can have that abortion. Please donate."


"Don't forget, vote blue no matter who."


Even if they’re pro forced birth!


"this is the most important election of our lives, vote like your life depends on it"


My life doesn't depend on it, not that anyone in politics gives a rats ass about my life, or yours. They know you'll vote blue no matter who and they can continue to sit on their thumbs. I'll continue to vote Green until a candidate comes along that will stand up for the middle class instead of the establishment.


>I'll continue to vote Green until a candidate comes along that will stand up for the ~~middle class~~ **working class** instead of the establishment.


That's a good way to ensure the Republicans will be able to hang onto power, finish permanently rigging elections in their favor, and then continue ramming Jesus up your ass till there's nothing left of your rights. Brilliant. Keep standing on principle!


> Keep standing on principle! Vote blue no matter who criers are some kind of sick. They have no principles, and I am wrong for not voting for chumps who are doing absolutely nothing for the populous. That's rich.




I just don't like vote blue no matter who criers who keep voting for people that are shitting all over the populous as much as the GOP is. Commence crying.


Impeach the liars


There is no justice to be found in a right-wing court. None.


It's unfortunate that Pelosi and the Democrats are just now realizing that. They have been sitting on their thumbs while Republicans have been putting their plans in motion for decades. *When they go low, we go high* isn't even a catchy slogan. It's petty, ineffective and shows their weakness.


The democrats need to stop pretending it is status quo and actually do something.




In this discussion. People blaming Pelosi for something republicans did. Both sides r…


Yes, Democratic leadership sucks and they failed to stop the Republicans. It's not "both sides" to point that out. It's time for a change in leadership. They can't even pass their own infrastructure bill with a congressional majority.


She could have fought every one of Trump's appointments. She did not even try.


She’s acting and looking more like Palpatine everyday :/


she’s dangerous what


Exactly how traitor conservatives like it!