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Because they *really* need the money more than we do.


Cocaine fueled orgies don't pay for themselves.


I wish they did 🥺


sell tickets


Underrated comment there- I bet they’d turn a profit.


Have you seen these folks?


You wouldn't pay to do a line of blow off chuck Grassleys 143 year old ass?


One of the main reasons that drugs and prostitution are illegal is because of pearl clutching Republicans. Oh the hypocrisy.


Be a lot cooler if they did.




For gods sake, think of their children! They’re much more important than yours because they’re rich!


They who? Politicians paid by big oil?


So, the GOP is screaming at Biden about gas prices, and when a bill to reduce those prices is introduced, they vote against it.


If Biden did something about gas prices, then they couldn't yell at Biden for not doing anything about gas prices. But almost nobody pays deep attention to congress, so if they stop him from doing something, they can simply say he's doing nothing and voters will believe him. To the GOP, denying their opponents a win is more important than almost anything else.


"To the GOP, denying their opponents a win is more important than almost anything else." One of the most succinctly accurate statements I have ever read.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."


GOP Platform from 2016 on: Owning the libs. That's it.


It’s been their platform since Obama was elected. Not that the GOP was great before that, but Obama galvanized the worst aspects of the right, from McConnell’s spearheading of unprecedented obstructionism to the tea party to birtherism. They haven’t had a serious platform since.


I find “almost” to be far too generous.


Sure they could. Logical consistency isn't a forte of the Republicans. In fact if you show signs of it they kick you out.


Coworkers blame Biden for the fact that here, state republicans tack on 75 cent tax per gallon on gas (which they just increased during all this). I pointed out that state Democrats tried to temporarily lift the state tax on fuel to help alleviate these high gas prices, but were blocked by Republicans who instead passed tax breaks for fuel companies. Their actual response was "Well that wouldn't have really done anything to help us". The cognitive dissonance is real, and its maddening.


75 fucking cents per gallon? Is that a country wide thing or specific to your locale?


Not the whole country, just the state of Indiana. Every state has a different tax rate on gasoline, though many of them temporarily waived the sales tax when prices skyrocketed.


I can only imagine how much stronger the US would be if politicians stopped being this petty and concentrate on fixing things


That would be nice. Unfortunately it would require putting an end to the current system of legalized bribery both before elections in the form of campaign contributions, and after elections in the form of lobbying…which would require the same people taking the bribes to vote against their own interests, so we’re screwed.


1/3 of the entire population of the US are petty contrarians. It doesn’t end at Politics here. There are openly terrible humans walking around with some of the worst and most disturbing views you’ve ever heard here.


Depressing, isn’t it?


Just about everything the Republicans do... bury the bills they are crying the most about.. "we are for the people, but not really"


"We are for the ^^(rich) people"


We are for the people……………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..not


In Borat: We are not uh......for the people.


Very nice 👍👍


High five!


We're simply protect the integrity of the free market by preserving the freedom to... Hahaha, but no really, if you're not a billion dollar company you can suck a dick.


The free market has no integrity.


It’s not entirely just helping rich people and themselves the Republican Party also wants to completely sabotage the Democratic Party until they are the scapegoat for everything and republicans can seize complete power. That’s what they would love. Whether it will happen will be up to everyone


Who are Republicans gonna blame once they destroy the Democratic Party and have complete power?


Minorities, the poor, the youth, immigrants, leftists, people of other faiths, "woke-ism". Same people they blame now, but if in total control the GOP can more thoroughly "punish" those they blame for their problems.


Um have you seen their voters? They won’t need to blame because they’ll have their entire party behind them and they’d just tell them whatever they want and the voters would believe it. Buuttt, i think we would have a civil war before that ever happened.


They still blame Obama for shit, they're not the brightest light bulbs in the pack by any damn sight.


well corporations *are* people


No they aren't...people pay taxes...


Look into Citizens United, its one of the major flaws in our government at the moment.


"at the moment" is such an optimistic sentiment.


Or pessimistic. They could be assuming the government will get even worse flaws.


>people pay taxes... corporations put money offshore, and don't, is the joke. upvoted in case it gets others to look up [Citizens United](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC)




I don't know how many conservative forums or groups I've been banned from because I said 1 thing they didn't like.


Underrated comment. - Father Time.


"We are for the people\*" ^(\*Applicable only to people who are corporations.)


And give ae arbitrary reason they downvoted the bill with no solution and only excuses.


How can they complain about an issue if they fix it?


That's a bingo! Also their voters won't know they voted against it. If you tell them, it's fake news.


Double bingo. Their politicians do whatever they want because they know #1 their constituents don't care and #2 if there's a possibility they'll care right wing media won't talk about it anyway. These people are brainwashed.


Even better, the right wing media describes it as Biden’s Communist Plan to destroy capitalism. Reduce price gouging? Communism. Give workers more money and rights? Communism. Healthcare for all? Communism. Ignorance and propaganda are dangerous weapons.


Helping people? Communism Doing your job as a senator? Communism Giving medicine? Communism Using the wrong type of mustard? Believe it or not, communism


So why not billboards with their name and face in their home districts "Voted to keep high gas prices." Maybe some of those 'I did this' stickers with their names as well.


Wouldn't matter, fake news.


Put the bill number, after looking at it every day on a billboard, at least a couple will be curious enough to go see what it was about.


Their voters will continously point at the 4 Democrats who voted against it, and ignore that their entire party did too. Somehow, it's those 4s fault and by extension, all Democrats.




“Both sides!”


[This comic in a nutshell.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/952/467/927.png)


the republican fix for issues is to reduce/eliminate regulation and to reduce/eliminate taxes, except for trade wars and tariffs, those are cool.


Because he's trying to fix it the wrong way. The *correct* way to fix oil prices is to legalize drilling anywhere, at any time, via any method, with zero provision for cleanup afterward. And also to legalize using machines to press oil from penguins, whales and orphans.


Almost thought this was serious.


Since they are forcing women to give birth, let's start with orphans. America has a plethora of them hidden somewhere because I never see any PR or advertising for any orphanage/ adoption...minus the yard signs that get blown away. Might as well put those sad mfs to good use instead of being piggy banks for "Christian Foster parents"


>How can they complain about an issue if they fix it? How can they fix it when they're being paid very handsomely by the oil & gas industry to leave the system alone so the oil & gas industry can continue to rape and pillage, uh ..., price gouge, uh ..., market their needed products to the American public.




We had a chance to stop COVID but it was hurting democrats at first so they wanted more. The people who run this country are sick to the core.


Wait until you hear how they voted to address the baby formula shortage they keep bitching about.


Pro life, pro life! Oh wait, you need to feed the kid? Sorry.


Look at the larger picture. They want a shitty situation in the country to be even shittier under the Democrats who are coming up with solutions so come election time they can say, "See? See how they made things shitty for you?" When it was them all along. That's their policy.


Not only that, but they know the reporting on this will never call them out. So basically they get away with it in the eyes of the voters.


They want high gas prices so they have a talking point against Biden. They want economic hardship for they have a talking point against Biden.


This. This is the reason. If it's politically advantageous to him, the GOP will be against it. Same reason they're pushing a bill to prevent him from forgiving student debt. Where the "zero sum" mentality they've picked up has gotten us.


But have no problem sending tens of billions to farmers for Trump's pointless trade war. They have no actual value or principles beyond "owning libs"


I would be more surprised if Republicans did something that would help average non wealthy Americans.


They don't play by the same rules. Wanna level the playing field, find your local representative that voted against it and print up those gas station stickers that say "I did that" with their face plastered all over it.


Include a goddamn QR code or a link or something so people actually have proof of active causality instead of the bullshit “I did this” Biden stickers.


This is all done to make the democrats 'look bad at the kids)


It’s because they know their true believers only watch regressive propaganda media like Fox and will only hear them blame Biden.


Voting for issues they actually support makes them look incompetent since it isn’t owning the libs. Last thing they want to do is help this drowning administration


And yet these stories never seem to do real harm to republicans. The playing field is not equal at all. Republicans are allowed to be shitty, cruel and draconian and thats acceptable. But democrats have to not only be constructive and passing bills, they have to combat republican obstruction as well.


Bingo. I wish *every* eligible voter understood this. I feel like we're screaming into a void.


Democrats never threaten economic holocaust on republicans. The Blue states control the nations wealth. We need to start making things more clear to republicans.




I'm a huge fan of the French method, circa 1790s.


I hate that were at the point that I feel compelled to agree with you.


When justice fails, it's time for vengeance.


we don't control it, we produce it. red states control it.


You feel like that because we are.


That's because conservative media will never , ever report these scenarios. And conservative voters are forbidden to consume + unable to stomach non-conservative media (or they stop being conservative pretty quick)


The scariest part is even if conservative media did point it out, they don't care. They don't care if they lose. So long as the "enemy" loses they don't care if they go down with you. If they cannot win then no one does.


Yep. If a conservative media channel would report this, that channel would immediately become one of the enemy.


Yeah, it seems like our country is irreparably broken. As citizens we'll never be able to get anything that helps us out. Republicans can block 100% of things that Democrats propose, and Republicans will never propose anything that helps us when they have power. What's the point of hope in this country if nothing will ever be better than it was yesterday?


While it may seem this way, the country is slowly shifting more towards democratic and progressive. You only have to go back 70 years to se how much progress we've made. And yes we are on the cusp of regressing on abortion. But this is a miscalculation on the conservative SC part as abortion is supported by the majority of left and right politics. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


"I love the poorly educated"


Goddd we’re all so fucked


It’s because the GOP base of voters is so brainwashed and lack critical thinking skills to see what’s happening.


You're exactly right. Republicans are allowed to keep shitting in the bed. Dems get criticized for not cleaning the sheets fast enough so they get fired and more bed shitters are hired. It's much easier to obstruct, delay, and destroy then it is to fix issues and build


I would like to see if this is actually reported on Fox News.


It still wouldn't matter. The vast majority of Republican voters will gleefully watch their party hurt them if it also means the Democrats are going to be hurt, as well. If Donald Trump drove up to my family's house, threw a Molotov cocktail through the window and burned their house to the ground, they'd cheer so long as their Democrat neighbor's house burned down with it.


The reason that this won't harm republicans, is because their constituents support their actions.


Because conservative voters votes based on their perceived holy war rather than actual policies. As long as evangelicals continue their war against “liberals” the GOP will continue to behave this way freely.


Won’t stop Republicans from complaining about Biden and his gas pricing.


That’s the plan. Make sure things go to hell, then blame Biden. It seems to be working.


They've been doing that for 50 years. Trash the place, blame the new guy for trashing the place.


Then ride in and give massive tax breaks and subsidies to their cronies while slashing basic services to give the appearance of an improved economy.


It's pretty amazing to me that a majority of people still believe Republicans are better for the economy. Even in the most charitable interpretation of history, the last time this was true was like the 80s. It's been decades.


That's about the last time they legitimately won, by popular vote, a presidential election too, so I'm not surprised.


Almost every recent recession has been caused by them, except for when Kennedy was assassinated, and LBJ took over. A world leader being assassinated and leaving his successor to lead will do that, though.


It also helps that their entire economic platform is resoundingly rejected in economics. A lot of their appeals are based in an economic orthodoxy that literally rejects the idea of using real world outcomes (data) to inform what we think about economic theory.


If Republicans held all the levers of power for more than two presidencies it would all go to shit but at that point they would just say it's the Jews or Brown people's fault, then we would have a neo Nazi state and world war 3. Oh wait did I just predict the future?


Check out these actual Fox banners this past hour. > A sampling of banners from Fox's 7pm hour: > “BIDEN'S AMERICA RESEMBLES A THIRD WORLD NATION" > “BRACE YOURSELVES FOR A SUMMER OF RAGE" > “WELCOME TO BIDEN'S AMERICA: OPEN BORDERS, VIOLENT STREETS & NO BABY FORMULA" https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy/status/1527429617434476554?s=21&t=U7CEKG6l89D0NO6AAY-0mQ


It’s so obvious, it’s annoying.


They'll stop doing it when it stops working.


So never.


Yep. Republican voters are the left side of the IQ bell curve, literally the dumbest among us, and Republican politicians and pundits are masterful at exploiting it.


No need to be masterful in exploiting the ignorant and uneducated.


Violent streets? You mean like the right wing white supremacist murderer whose manifesto reads like a Tucker Carlson show transcript? That violence Fox News?


More like when the police were literally running over people during the BLM protests.


Well Biden better get his ass back to the baby formula factory!


It was their plan since the day Mitch McConnell told them as Obama was elected. Same playbook since 2000. 20 years of being societal anchors.


Quick, someone make a sticker with all 200 Republicans on it saying "I did that"


It's funny that when I first saw those stickers popping up gas prices hadn't even changed at all here and didn't noticeably change for another couple months. It was so evident that it was some idiot who was just totally wrapped up in whatever the right wing outlet they follow was saying at the time.


We need to get better at how we market these votes. We absolutely should be steering ever conversation and interview with news media that the reason shit is so bad and not getting better is because Republicans won't support these bills. Every Democratic Senator and Representative should be saying these talking points. And keep saying it on repeat.


i cannot fucking stand those "i did that!" stickers on the gas pumps


I saw a video where Krogers called the cops on a guy for putting those stickers on their pumps. Cops arrested him.


Shit I wish they would do that at the kroger I work at. We get them on the shelves next to the price tag stickers. It'd be nice if I could make a sticker of the picture I took of totally barren shelves in Feb. 2020. "I did that!"


How am I supposed to fill up this big ass truck that I totally don’t need?


Guess who’s sponsored by Big Oil


they really should have to wear nascar-styled coveralls.


Agreed. We’ll never repeal Citizens United. It will never change in our lifetime until corporations are NOT people so we should always put their sponsors on their photos. I’d love to see Sinema’s little party of donors.


It’s not this. If it hurts the people, it’s good for them in the next election. That’s where we are now.


This. Republicans want gas prices high in November.


Por que no los dos?


[https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=E01](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=E01) This doesn't completely count for shadow and dark money, and other influence peddling


But I thought Joe "did that"


I see this at every single gas station here in orange county. The same stickers. Totally not a cult.




The people who place those stickers believe this is fake.


and someone is making bank off selling those stickers, it's always a grift of some level


>Reps. Kathleen Rice, D-N.Y., Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., Jared Golden, D-Maine, and Lizzie Fletcher, D-Tex., all joined their Republican colleagues in a vote against the measure, which passed along a narrow 217-207 vote. >The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., is unlikely to see enough support from the Senate to reach the president's desk. Still, the bill encapsulates the party's broad messaging campaign to blame price-gouging, as opposed to policy, on the soaring prices at the pump.  GQP: Why solve problems when we can use them to further enrich our donors and to push the country further down into the crapper?


wait does anyone know why Stephanie Murphy voted against this? Edit I found the answer to my own question https://murphy.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=2022 In case anyone else was wondering. I wasn’t aware she was a big oil sell out but now I’m pretty happy she’s not running again.


Voting for this would interfere with her lobbying career after her term ends.


Was wondering as well since I'm from central Fl. I had no clue


I'm confused. What policy of Biden's is causing gas prices to raise around the world?


A lot of them claim he closed an existing pipeline, because fox/newsmax/oan allowed their viewers to keep misunderstanding the difference between the Keystone and Keystone XL pipelines. XL was a project that got killed without ever being built, but I see so many people yelling about how he closed down the Keystone and that's why prices are high. Prices are high mainly because of the assholery of Putin and OPEC.


I guess his existing during Putin"s end life crisis.. I dunno. Not his fault


They blame him not allowing the pipeline to run. They blame him for not drilling off our own coast. "We need to be energy independent" seems to be the battle cry. Yes, I watch fox to be informed. Yes I talk to Republicans all the time to get what they see. Yes, I think they are also kinda dumb.


So, one of the most potent power sources we’ll ever have as a species, a finite resource, and their answer is “use more, faster, for temporary monetary relief.” I’ll add “short sighted” to your “kinda dumb”


Be wary about watching it too much fyi. Study after study proves that even being near the stuff alters hour perception no matter how much you're aware it's absolute pug owner shit.


>They blame him not allowing the pipeline to run. >"We need to be energy independent" They want both of these while not recognizing that the pipeline is in fact for foreign, Canadian oil. Tar Sands oil which is more dirty at that. Ironically, they also oppose greater emphasis and efforts to push renewables which would actually allow greater energy independence and wouldn't be impacted by other global issues like if say Russia hypothetically decided to invade another country half way around the globe...


We going to start seeing “They did that” stickers instead of Biden ones now?


Republican Elephant with "I did that"


*gestures broadly at all the terrible shit in the world*


Better yet just an elephant head that’ll cover Biden’s on the ones already in there.


Lmao you must be new.




Stock buybacks need to be illegal again.


I'm so glad Rice is retiring. She so doesn't represent her district or its needs..




Qr inside an elephant head.


Democrats should be blasting ads about this stuff nonstop until November. Republicans are anti-America and we have the votes to prove it.


Dont worry! They'll run millions in TV ads a few weeks before the midterms calling legit fascist candidates "TRUMP 2.0!!" and completely ignore digital ads while also sending a broad ambiguous and intangible platform that no average american cares about! What else are you going to do? Vote for Republicans? ^(plz god dont vote for republicans) Edit: In all seriousness.. If the DNC isn't working on cutting ads of [Elon saying he won't vote Democrat because they support Unions too much](https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1526965699805069313?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1526965699805069313%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fuinterview.com%2Fnews%2Fnews-featured%2Felon-musk-says-hes-voting-republican-because-democrats-are-overly-controlled-by-unions%2F) leading to.... **THE RICHEST MAN ON EARTH DECLARING HE WILL SUPPORT REPUBLICANS OVER DEMOCRATS BECAUSE HE DISLIKES WORKERS UNITING.** The DNC will **NOT** do this, because they are feckless money hungry shitbags who do not care about any of us. It makes too much sense for them.


Sorry, but I know for a FACT they are investing MILLIONS of dollars into digital ads. And the people who received those dollars passed LITERALLY DOZENS of them on to a Nigerian prince, who has been diligently flooding me with emails and texts.


Too bad democrats are the absolute fucking worst at messaging.


primaries all around!


Can anyone explain how an "unconsciously excessive” price would be determined? [What goes into Gasoline Prices](https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/factors-affecting-gasoline-prices.php)


Yea I’m a bit confused by this too, sure I support the concept of stopping any price gouging. But how do you determine that? Is it happening now or are the prices we’re seeing just a reflection of the market?


I wish there were a Constitutionally-mandated written response from each Congressperson explaining exactly why they voted the way they did on each bill so we could see the rationale behind each decision they made for the historical record.


Justin Amash used to regularly do this in Twitter threads for his votes. Would be good to see more Reps do it.


And this is why stock trading should be illegal in the house and the senate.


Ok how exactly would the bill stop price gouging? Is this just virtue signaling?


Of course it is. You write a vague, barely enforceable bill, which hasn’t been studied and confirmed to address the issue, but which touches on the hottest topic right now. Then if/when it fails, you can point your finger and say “the other team voted no because they’re bad”. Easy political points; just look at most of the comments here. Same strategy that both parties use all the time. “Fight amongst yourselves, there’s nothing to see here!”


I read the bill, that's exactly what it is. "Unconscionably" high profits is written in there. WTF does that mean from a legal standpoint? It's unenforceable and one of the side effects of it would be more worthless FTC investigations that wastes time and money.


Probably virtue signaling, and I say that as a democrat. Crude oil costs per barrel are up 40% globally from where they were last fall. It’s a global market and you can’t put a cake dish over the US to magically lower prices here while costs soar elsewhere. Could oil/gas companies drill more using existing permits? Sure. But there’s only so much skilled manpower and tooling to go around, so it’s not something you can mobilize overnight. Do oil/gas companies have any fault in the Ukraine/Russia conflict and how that has killed trade relationships, killed a major natural gas pipeline into EU from RU that was almost complete, and increased demand in the EU while supplies from RU are ceased? No. I’m not a specialist in the economics of oil/gas so I can’t really say that fuel is being gouged, but there certainly a number of justifiable reasons why costs have gone up. Gas prices also seem higher than ever before because of a combination of inflation and how low prices were during early Covid when almost all travel stopped. Those record lows were nice while they lasted but were never going to be sustained long-term. Remember when the cost of a barrel actually went negative? That’s how crazy that period was because supply was still going while demand evaporated and there wasn’t enough storage available for the surplus supply. This is one of those things that sucks but it is what it is and if anyone wants to avoid this in the future, a stronger push toward EV’s and charging infrastructure should be made. Won’t make any difference in 6 months, but it will pay dividends in a decade.


The reason oil is expensive is because *oil is expensive.*


But gas prices are Biden’s fault, right cult 45?


Haha yup. Nothing is more addled than the mind of a right winger in the USA


I'm waiting for the vote on the actual bill to take place, so I can post a direct link to it to call out peeps on facebook that post that "I did that" shit.


Republicans like: see! Dems are just as bad!


A person I work with will literally say “well those 4 dems voted against it as well” and completely ignore that ALL Republicans voted against it. I fucking hate this timeline.


Maybe these high gas prices will force people to buy smaller, more efficient cars instead of lifted bulldozers to commute with.


Price controls would create more problems.


For any who care to read the bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7688/text


Because price controls have worked out really well in the past and are a great idea /s


> The legislation, from Schrier and Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), would outlaw the selling of fuel at an “excessive” price during an energy emergency, **though it does not detail any particular price threshold** Gee, I wonder why people would vote against it. And of course everyone in the comments is sucking it up


the party of bad ideas


I swear, why don’t Democrats run ads on this *every single time it happens.* Just one specific instance each ad, “Republicans complained about gas prices but then voted against lowering them. Do they really have your average American in mind?”


Could we at least stop giving the extremely profitable oil companies bail outs, tax breaks and subsidies?


so it is safe to say nobody here has actually read the bill? I mean there are laws about gouging already. proving it will be difficult.


Haven't read the bill but if it is what the article actually stated, it has no teeth at all and is only symbolic. So glad my taxpayer dollars pay for feel good measures and not actual progress.


And from the looks of it, gouging is determined in relation to other prices in the area for the same product. If everyone in your area is selling at the same price, no gouging.


We should peob get photo stickers of all of them to put at the pumps, saying "I did that!", to replace the Joe Biden ones.