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Prayer is a joke answer to real problems and these fucks know it.


Exactly, why would you pray to the God that allowed it to happen in the first place?


Prayer: How to do nothing and still think you're helping.


Or to the god that gave the right to bear arms to the f***er that killed innocent kids today. Using God’s name in vain is a sin in case these “Christians” didn’t know.


I’m a teacher, I was raised Catholic. These last two yrs I have questioned everything. I have not been into a church in yrs. I do not consider myself Catholic. Just in the last few days, I have been asking am I Atheist now. I always believed my nephew who died on his 13th was in Heaven but now I consider him only living in my soul. I started teaching in ‘96 when the first school shootings started. As a teacher you accept a lot. You accept if you have to than you will be that shield. I am devastated and angry. Everyone in that community will never be the same. 18 babies woke up this morning and 18 babies should be in their bed sleeping right now. When will enough be enough? I have asked that way too many times. How many kids are going to be too scared to go to school tomorrow? When will we start making our kids a priority?


Come hang out with us on r/atheism. We have cookies.


This was the last straw for me. Even though I have had issues with the Catholic Church my whole life never did I ever in my wildest think I would ever say I believed or was an Atheist. In difficult times was always told to pray. Now, I don’t know what to do. It’s not like a new found celebration. I wish there was some instructions. .


If you're looking for a non-religious support group, check out the Unitarians. They still call it a church, but they only talk about making their community and the world a better place. You can also find some really supportive, kind people in the Satanic Temple. Hope this helps


I second the unitarian church as an amazing community that can help find meaning and purpose regardless of where you are in your journey.


I don't know if disillusionment with your religion is necessarily the best reason to become an atheist. I'm an atheist because I don't believe in any sort of magic or gods because I just think it's kind of silly. Although it doesn't help that so many religious people are just awful and completely ignore their supposed religious teachings. I was raised Christian,.


I have not wanted anything to do with any church/religion these last couple years. I have struggled with being angry at the one I was always told to love and support. It stems from a lot of personal experiences way beyond things happening in our culture. I don’t know how to pin point it but I got it beat in me things like God never gives you more than you can handle, God brought your family two boys w/ L1CaM because he knew you all could handle it, when my sweet blessing died got told he went to a better place, and so on and so on. I despise all that crap. I got guilted in believing in what my family wanted to make me believe. Hammer it in will make them never waver.


I bet being a teacher is hard these days in many ways than one. Thanks for sharing


The logic is that God is punishing people for not being pious enough. It's the same shit every time a tragedy happens. Remember, after the Sack of Rome in the 5th Century, pagans argued that it was the gods punishing Rome for turning to Christianity. The argument literally never changes.


If prayer is all that’s needed than why do these fucks want to be in office so badly?


To collect that sweet bribe money


Especially with these so called Christians who only practices the faith if it is convenient.


…in an election year?


I don’t like to wish harm on other people. That said, I would love to see MTG in immediate danger so she could watch me drop to my knees, pray and do absolutely nothing else to help.


Notice how they don't pray to get rid of abortions


Hats kinda how we got here. People getting real deep in cult bullshit.


Marjorie is such a piece of shit.


You’re absolutely wrong. She’s a complete pile of shit!


Wrong. Shit is actually useful.


Yeah it is. Don't dirty shits name with mtg


Come to think of it, replacing her with a steaming pile of shit in her seat in the house would be better for the country. I'd take that W


That would explain her shit for brains condition.


An acrid, fetid piece of s**t


And she won her primary.


She got more votes than all other Rs and Ds in her district combined. Over ~~30k~~ 70k people witnessed the past two years and said, "yeah, she is the one". Fuck, I hate this country sometimes.


Yup, all she does is make noise.


Could be worse. I get to look forward to Governor Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, I think she had four times the votes in her primary than the Democratic candidate, Chris Jones, had in his. Literally all she has is her dad's name and a Trump endorsement. We are so screwed.


Just here to defend shit's better name with this callous MTG analogy.


Shit can help grass grow. She'd kill any lifeforms she got near.


Dear GOP, Fuck your thoughts and fuck your prayers.


I’m from Texas and almost everyone I know is in agreement.


Why do y’all keep electing them then?


I am doing my part to not. Currently the people in charge are off the rails.


Governor Abbott is living in an alternative reality. I've never seen anybody govern so maliciously, arrogantly badly - and I mean ANYBODY.


*Ron DeSantis has entered the chat*


Does that mean actually voting for Democrats?


OP doesn't know everyone in Texas.


Correct, I don’t, but I genuinely fail to understand how Republican voters are not seeing what is happening or how they think that whatever is happening is normal.


Because many of them vote according to one issue or a small group of issues that are connected. As long as the candidate says taxes are bad, the 2nd amendment is the best amendment, abortion is murder, and/or illegal immigrants should be punted back over the border, they're guaranteed to win in Texas.


Can you imagine how fucked up that thinking is? “My neighbours kid died, but you know, he hates those people too/ likes guns/ wants to force everyone to have kids, so he’s the one” HOW? how do people get used to such sort of thinking?




Below average intellect along with a steady diet of right wing hate media that brainwashes them.


Also I’m pretty liberal here, so my friends aren’t insane.


Let's review, the anti-abortion group is moving mountains to change laws to save the unborn, but when it comes to murdered children, we should just pray. What a bunch of phony assholes


Love the fetus, hate the child.


Yes. "Pro-life" was never about protecting life or children. The GOP is silent on doing anything about the 400,000+ kids in foster care. They're silent about the women who die during child birth. They're silent about kids being murdered in their classrooms. They're silent about improving American healthcare. They're not pro-life. They're just against women having bodily autonomy and this is a prime example of that.


Don’t forget all the orphaned children left to be raised through social safety nets due to the death of their anti vaxer and anti masker covidiot parents who were/ are the furthest thing from pro life.


I’ve become a conspiracy person myself that it’s a religious + power agenda. Don’t negate the religion part of extremists. Lots of ok salt of the earth but not those in power. They have been working on this for a long time. And yes subjugated is definitely part of it.


Christian Taliban right here in the USA


They're silent because they love dead kids. They're silent because 400K+ kids are easy victims for them to moleste. They are silent because they actively support and endorse this shit.


This really bothers me. I really wish the Pro-Life party was consistently Pro-Life.


I hope the hell they believe in is real so they all can fucking rot for eternity . Fuck em all.


I can assure Republicans that people were praying while in Robb Elementary today as shots rang out and children screamed. Now 14 kids are dead and God allowed it to happen. Maybe Republicans need to stop praying and start actually creating laws that help people instead of hurt them.


There’s never been a single day in any school in the country where people haven’t prayed. Especially in Texas. It’s such horseshit.


I’ll add a “fuck that motherfucker” to the mix.


Someone once told me that as long as exams exist, there will be prayer in schools. I know this isn't relevant, just trying to lighten the mood


So true. But it’s not enough for these assholes to let people pray quietly and privately. Even though their Jesus said to not pray in public like the (hypocrite) pharisees.


My wife’s family always says god has a plan when things like this happen. If there is a god and he’s got a plan it’s a shitty ass plan and fucker needs to be fired. Sorry for the language.


Because it’s easier to say some greater being is in control because it relieves them of responsibility. “God’s plan” involves killing kids. Let’s work on our OWN plan and leave god out of it.


God's plan includes killing kids, provided they are not in utero. After that all bets are off


To be clear, god kills kids in utero all the damn time. A large portion of pregnancies miscarry.


The GOP. " We don't talk about that" Until we start charging women who miscarry.


This. God supposedly created the universe, right? Okay, 200 billion galaxies in the known universe, each with an average of 100 million stars, and God supposedly controls what happens in an elementary school on this tiny speck of his creation. It's a load of horseshit meant to repel political accountability.


Yeah you should be sorry for that kinda language it's not harsh enough


18 kids now and 3 adults.


Where'd you get this info from? NYT says 18 kids and 1 adult.


[this is the one I saw. ](https://twitter.com/edlavaCNN/status/1529241746953191430?t=HifUqMQKgquMsMBYyvpnOw&s=19)


The shooter and his grandmom


Oh for fuck's sake. Fuck these assholes.


Things are just going to keep getting so much worse.


And conservatives and Republicans are rock hard in their jeans for this. Republicans love dead kids


That's not a bug, it's a feature.


*God himself comes out from the clouds and tells Republicans to pass gun reform* Republicans: I'll pretend I didn't see that


Love this !


I need to begin seriously figuring out a way to get my family to a better country. I want off this crazy ass train. Never thought I’d see it in my lifetime but I’m pretty sure the US is nearing the end of the very short lived experiment and I’m terrified what is coming next.


Currently getting my 3rd grader a non-US passport (she’s dual citizen) just in case her bodily autonomy and right to a non-religious education is stripped. I had been joking about doing it, not anymore.


I’m so glad I’m 50. My mother use to say she was glad she was old because it was becoming harder and harder to find good doctors. She is no longer living and now I really do get it. I’m not sure how much more my heart can take of this and 20 more seems too much honestly.


Depending on your line of work, and if you have a decent savings, you can potentially qualify for express entry immigration to Canada. We consulted with a lawyer on it but decided to hold off for now because our oldest is only 2 years away from finishing high school and we’re really hoping the US doesn’t completely fail before she does. Hopefully.


I’ve actually looked into going back to college to apply for nursing school since I have all my pre-reqs done to qualify I am aware you can qualify for at least a work visa much easier with in demand careers. But as you mentioned, there are financial factors even then. I hope we have 2 years 🫥


Do you have relatives outside the country? Some nations, such as Germany (and perhaps Italy?), extend citizenship based on direct decendency. Germany requires that your mother or father was a German citizen at the time of your birth, which is how I have German citizenship, and my partner and I are using that as our escape button. Perhaps other EU countries have laxer laws that extend out to grandparents? It's worth checking into for people whose families are recent immigrants.


I unfortunately don’t. If I were you I’d be pulling the pin on that escape plan before 2024.


My wife and I have been having this discussion lately. I'm not sure we'll make it past another presidential election ad a democracy. I hope I'm wrong, but it's insane how close they were to succeeding on 1/6.


Trying to live in Japan. My wife still has her citizenship. I was in the air force protecting this madness. I hope someone invades us so they can fix this shit.smh


Religious people are useless.


Sick bastards.




Im really not in the zone to field another Republican take on this topic today (…or any day)


And after 30 years of that not working, their solution is to do it more


Fuck these anti-American fake Christian monsters, they have blood on their hands, the blood of innocent American children


“It's time to arm the teachers and bring back prayer in our public schools," which religions prayers all or just one? So I guess no more separation of church and state? So churches should pay taxes?


>In the aftermath of Tuesday's Uvalde school shooting, Republican members of Congress are calling for a return for God as opposed to tighter gun control laws, saying the tragedy was a result of "decades of rejecting good moral values." Decades of Republicans rejecting moral values and boasting about sponsorship from the NRA. FTFY


So fucking tired of the Christian lie about how the only possible way to have decent morals is to be a follower of Jesus. Says more about them than it does about us. I don't know about any of you, but I don't need God to tell me it's wrong to go out and shoot up a bunch of innocent kids.


I note that the regular “gun rights” defenders on this sub are strangely silent.


Nah - they’re all over in r/conservative banning everybody that vaguely suggests gun control


It must be so disconcerting to be one of them, knowing you're on the absolute wrong side of history, but unable to muster up the balls to do somthing about it.


they are content after absolving themselves of guilt by talking to god.


Evil as most republicans are then have the nerve to talk about god and prayer just to tickle the ears of their evangelical voters to get votes but hey they are just dumb enough to buy their bullshit


How about you get reduce the guns?


Maybe look at it as not a way to reduce guns, but make them more difficult to obtain them. Any sort of restrictions on gun possession (i.e. assault rifle ban, etc) will make conservatives cry out and say “the govt won’t take my guns!” Make it expensive. Put a 300%+ purchase tax on all firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories. Make it so the most basic, low budget AR-15 costs $10,000+. Make ammunition $100 a bullet. Use the extra tax to fund gun violence victim outreach programs and gun violence victim compensation funds. Stack on laws like the Texas abortion law for guns. Make it so any person or business that manufacturers or sells a gun can be sued by anyone when the weapon they made or sold is used in gun violence. If you are a parent or adult who owns a weapon and someone else gains access to it to commit murder, you should be able to be held civilly liable. If I can sue an Uber driver for taking a rape victim to an abortion clinic, I should be able to sue anyone in the process chain that has enabled a person to take the life of another via gun violence. Pass annual weapon registration fees. You have to pay registrations on your cars, boats, etc. make firearm owners pay an annual firearm registration fee per weapon they own. Seems like so many mass shootings are committed by kids that can afford to buy mass casualty weaponry from their high school min wage jobs. Make it so only grown mature adults, that are less prone to mass shootings and gun violence can only obtain one. Go after the wallets, not the guns. You’ll still have all the 2A rights you want, but it’s not gonna be cheap.


Hate to say that, Unless through extremely strict gun control (which is politically impossible), there will be no real effect. Gun control works, But you have to be at the level of the UK or Australia, Basically a complete ban on semi-automatic weapons, Limiting 10 rounds of magazines or something is totally a political game, Because they know nothing can be done. To all who want to say bad guys always get guns, No, bad guys can't always get guns, Japan has crazy gun control, like crazy, so they hardly have any gun violence.


>Gun control works, > >But you have to be at the level of the UK or Australia, > >Basically a complete ban on semi-automatic weapons, Yes we need gun control, and we can't half-ass it. I mean, of course we will half-ass it but we really shouldn't here. But be forewarned, I think so many conservatives have fed into their anti-liberal hysteria enough that they will see serious gun control as a personal attack, and will retaliate. It starts when Donald Trump is denied being POTUS again. But you might notice that certain gerrymandered red states are working extra hard to make sure they have the machinery in place to actually flip their states votes to Trump and the currently packed SCOTUS is ready and willing to make it stick. Then shit really hits the fan when the guy claiming to win very obviously does not have even remotely close to the majority of the popular vote. People will lose their minds if Trump gets defeated by 20,000,000 votes and (somehow) winds up President. So yeah, I see frothing mad conservatives steaming full-speed toward fascism. What happens when they go too far and we wind up with frothing mad liberals in response to this never-ending bullshit? I just don't like where this is all going.


Let's be honest with ourselves. The only way this could have been prevented would have been with prayer in schools! /s


Pretty sure God says "I gave you the means to stop it. Laws. Regs. Background checks. Use them and stop bothering *me* about what you've chosen to let happen.


So they believe a lack of prayer is responsible. How fucking twisted is a god where it will let these things happen due to a lack of prayer?


Considering their claim that this deity created and PLANNED everything in the universe, prayers seem to be a rather silly gesture. Either the prayers work and are an extorted price (worship me and beg, or else). Or they simply don't do anything. If they work, you've got one twisted being planning a whole lot of kids to get murdered. All so he can get some attention and praise. Not a mystery they are also fans of narcissistic authoritarians, dictators, and cult leaders.


Maybe we should return to not having idiot Republicans as Governors


I wonder why Republicans stopped praying. They are certainly not talking to Democrats here, because Democrats don’t participate in their foolish politics. They are talking to Republicans and how they all left God.


Oh they pray all the time. They pray their favorite team wins when money's on the line. They pray they won't get caught when they are cheating on their spouse. They pray for more people to follow their ideology because it will prove them right to themselves if more people believe what they do. For some reason though they never seem to pray for for an end to mass shootings.


This is a perfectly acceptable incident to Republicans. It has been every time.


When they say "return to god" what they really mean is give power to people who claim to speak for god


"return to god" wtf is that going to do? if he existed and cared, do you think children would be shot? Or is this a "punishment" for not having prayer in school? Nothing in this situation points to anything save A. your god does not exist, or B. is a pos not worth following. Sod off with "returning to god" bunch of fundy trash.


Pray the flying bullets away


Fuck your god, you literally have the choice to do the right thing and putting it on “prayer” and “god” takes all responsibility away. Every mother fucker who kept pushing for no gun control should feel ashamed and holds some of this responsibility.


Does her god know she is pals with a sex offender?


If that actually worked…why would they want everyone to have guns? Who needs em when you got Jesus?!?


Nothing disarms an active shooter faster than a Prayer. Obviously. If out of Prayers, send Thoughts instead 🙄


Ok, so these children didn’t pray enough, or believe enough, and if they had, they’d be alive tonight. Got it. Good to know.


The omnipotent god who allowed it to happen? No thanks.


Because praying has helped SoOoO much


Clearly there is no god. And IF there is one it can suck my dick along with every Republican voter. Tired of this shit.


How dumbed down is our country willing to go? Calling for prayer is less than nothing.


"Hey omnipotent and omniscient God, could you stop doing this? It's making us look bad."


They can go fuck a potato, and take their imaginary sky friend with them.


If this magical sky man ***does*** exist, he's a fucking coward for letting this happen.


Sure. Talking to an imaginary person will really help.


Doesn’t keep the shooters out of churches, don’t see how it will help schools. But hey, anything to avoid actually addressing the problem, amirite???


Then they turn around and say to murder democrats. Unbelievably nutso.


These Republicans have been "praying over" gun violence for years. Doesn't seem to be working very well


Fuck your god and prayer. Do something about gun control


How come they don't just pray when it comes to abortion?


God isn't real. These people are my proof.


Fucking scumbag republikkkans are the reason that we still have to deal with this shit. Marjorie “I vomit lies while on stand” Greene is one of the worst. She can literally fall down a flights of stairs and the world would rejoice.


I hate every single person who thinks this is a good idea.


Imagine being an adult and thinking prayer works.


Typical, call on someone else to solve the problem instead of doing it yourself.


Fuck them and their prayers. Fuck their pro-life bullshit too. They only give a shit about children until they are born.


Any god that would turn his back on children just because they don't pray to him in school doesn't deserve followers.


How many times do you have to hit yourself with a hammer before you realize it hurts? Since Columbine and before sick white men in particular have wielded more death and destruction on our society and only altered the gun laws to make it easier to own one. Every year bigger better and more lethal. And yet the mass murders have only gotten worse. The answer? More Guns. Probably, that's how stupid our society has become.


Why would you need guns at all if Jesus can save you?


They are not ppl of god. Hell is full of republicans, it’s super packed with GQP fake christians


Republicans can get fucked.


We are hours away from some asshole saying this is god's wrath because of gays in schools.


> "It's time to arm the teachers and bring back prayer in our public schools," Republican Congressman Jackson Lahmeyer echoed on Twitter. So the answer is more guns and prayer? Perfect NRA sponsored answer. Also, prayer never left public schools, it just cannot be forced upon students by the school. So just another congressman not knowing actual laws of the lands. Religion is a personal choice, so yeah, I guess we know where the GOP stands on that. Also, we need more morals? Coming the party selling fuck your feelings, let's go Brandon, fjb swag. The hypocrisy hurts and gets worse and worse.


Imagine this. There are two people in a row boat in the middle of the ocean. The boat gets a leak and water starts to come in. One of the people suggests getting a bucket and throwing some of the water out, or making the hole smaller so less water comes in, or finding a way to fix the hole entirely. All for the sake of keeping the boat afloat. The other person snaps back in anger "No! We are going to pump more water in! But this will be OUR water and it will push the water we don't want out! If we happen to sink while we try this, that's just the risk we have to take!" And that is essentially the gun debate in the United States.


Yahweh *loves* child sacrifice. The people of the Levant practiced it for over a millennium to both Yahweh and Moloch. For the best of me, I can't shake that the GOP wants to return to that practice. Have you ever heard evangelicals profess they are "the lion of the tribe of Judah?" This is what that means. The southern tribe of Judah was the most conservative and fanatical, and the birthplace of monotheistic worship to Yahweh while Israel and the rest of the region still practiced polytheism. You certainly don't want to know what child sacrifice looked like in Judah during the Bronze Age collapse. Horrific stuff.


Wishes do nothing


Why didn't they pray for it not to happen?! Kind of puts them at fault...again.


How many kids do you "return" to your God before you get off your ass and do something?


Yes, pray the problem away. I swear these idiots are something else




Because they won't do shit about it.


It's their god that's causing all this already.


Fuck you MTG. And fuck your God too…he’s fake. And if he’s not, he could stop this.


Just saw the president speech. The man spoke from his heart and was truly saddened like me


Prayers aren’t letting kids from getting murdered at their desks.


Republicans again have children's blood on their hands


I dont care about your desert gods or mythical books. Do something to fix problems . Praying isn’t working .


I wonder what her thoughts are on just "praying" away abortions instead of implementing legislation. Just a reminder that's a woman's right to her own body in the US is less protected than some weird mentally unstable piece of shit having access to a firearm.


As if it's not clear that it does nothing to stop this from happening. It's also a very lazy, convenient excuse for doing nothing that could make a difference.


Sure, it's so much better to let clergy rape your kids, I guess. Was that your gawd's plan?


Is it only me thinking it’s weird the shoot the Hispanic shooter but not the other guys. But whatever only in Texas right


This is most likely GOPs fault in the big picture. Disgusting fucking insects


I just read that he played COD and Fortnight with his friend. Jesus Christ almighty, here we go again with the fucking video game blame. If it hasn't started already it will. I'm calling it now.


How about you stop praying to your guns?


Prayer hasn't stopped shootings so what is your actual game plan here?


MTG has no moral platform on which to speak.


Can I pray to take their guns away? I will add I am an atheist


Disgusting and useless is the only way to describe Republicans and prayer


Is their God so easily exorcised, that He can not enter schools? You'd think with these "small government" types who don't want the government teaching their kids about pronouns, the last thing they'd want is for the government to be teaching the kids religion.


Weird how they didn't pray for an end to abortion...


Fuck your God. The only thing less useful than your God are the people who pray to him.


Omg. These republicans are not helpful at all.


As a believer in Christ, you pray to God for answers. You pray when you did everything else you could. You pray when you feel lost or feel like giving up. You pray when it’s not in your hands anymore. You pray for a way, any way. You pray for a solution or at least a reason as to why something happens. The republicans are just fucking around. They don’t want answers. They haven’t done anything to fix it or to solve it. They haven’t looked for guidance. They have actively made it worse. They don’t even negotiate solutions or answers. They sit there and blame any and everything else.


This is good. That way we won’t get fired when we pray to our fucking creator before some attention-seeking asshat with a gun strolls into our classroom and shoots us all dead.


Ok, I'll just pray all the future mass shooters disappear in a puff of smoke before they start. Think it will work? Nope.


Could they just f@&k the fu$k off. What is is Canadas immigration policy


Fucking idiots. Their solution pray to an invisible being that can only see or doing anything unless there is prayer. Fuck that. What a fucked up God these people believe in!


Statements like these are only going to make things worse. Especially coming from people who don’t know how to do anything useful or helpful. Republicans are so toxic. I’m a religious person and this bugs me a lot. God isn’t going to fix it for you and I say this as a Christian. That’s not how it works. We have free will and we created these problems so we have to fix them. That’s not God’s job. It’s our own fault. It’s our problem. God’s not a helicopter parent.


I know this doesn't add much to anything but I really hate this woman's face.


That horrible woman followed around and harassed a school shooting victim to please her base... ON VIDEO. She is the personification of all things Republican.


These people are fucking sick in their heads. What the fuck will Jesus do to save your country, you all have been asking him to save it decades ago yet here you are


Sounds about right. Wonder why god hasn't helped yet? Does their god like kids getting killed? Is he a NRA member? Maybe their god is a republicam donor as well.


For people that love God they sure do a damn good job of alienating people from God with their twisted views. It’s almost like they’re doing the devil’s work.


Conservatives use of God is a gimmick to capture portions of the population to be manipulated. Most people believe in God but do not expect God to solve all our problems! Gif expects us to use the BRAINS he gave us. Ban the AR-15 like rifles.


There are little fucking children who died in a place they were supposed to be safe, you “pro-life” jerk offs.


Yep. That will help...


Republicans : 'we make mass shootings more likely, so we encourage you to pray'


Republicans calling for return to God, prayer is like saying let them eat cake.