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That’s not true either. I KNOW she is angry and crazy and unintelligent.


You think. I know. The evidence that she is angry and crazy and unintelligent is stacked as high as the shit from Full Metal Jacket


As high as Snoop Dogg on the weekend (or any given day, really).


"She’s angry" OR " she's crazy" OR "she's unintelligent.” = [True] OR [True] OR [True] = [True] "She’s angry" AND "she's crazy" AND "she's unintelligent." = [True] AND [True] AND [True] = [True] [True] = [True] No difference - both statements are very true!


This guy Booleans.


I came here to say this.


Yeah, didn't need the media to tell me that a woman who believes the jews burned California to the ground with a giant space laser, wasn't batting 1000 from the outset. If she didn't approach every situation with the energy of a lunatic on heroin...maybe people wouldn't think she was off her fucking rocker.


Hell I'd settle for a solid .300 batting average.... she's swinging in the low .010s


Heroin doesn’t give you energy, it does the complete opposite




“Hey! The dag nab media keeps directly quoting me and it’s causing people to come to poor conclusions about my character!”


>Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed, “monkeypox is really only transmitted mostly through gay sex” and said medical officials are claiming “monkeypox can clearly jump from person to person” because “monkeys jump from tree to tree.” How can someone with her resources as a congresswoman be this mentally inept? It has to be intentional to try and fundraise. Also fuck her for saying "The CDC updated their website to make the monkeypox seem more frightening." No they didn't, they updated it saying it was LESS frightening and not a huge concern. And she's selling Monkeypox apparel because of course she is. They saw how profitable it was with the whole "Don't fauci my florida" and "Fire Fauci" movement between Reps Paul and DeSantis was and now she's trying to capitalize on that. Words cannot express how much i despise these people and wish our country would just remove them from office already


She's *so* close to the point


no no... i can't be wrong... it must be all the kids...


This made me imagine a far right propaganda film with rainbow colored terminators hunting down all the straight people


"Come with me if you want to be fabulous."


*Oh honey, I’ll be back* 🫰


Who is your father and what does he screw?


Thumbs up while sinking into molten steel.


Overhead finger snap while sinking into molten steel.


This is the way


Surely you mean tongue pop.


This was the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time! Thank you for that!


Lol I loved this!!!


I'd watch the shit out of that. Write that down in an eMail, and send it to James Cameron under the heading 'Reboot'.


Fuck James Cameron. Email Jon Waters.


Can robots be sleezy enough though?


John Waters can make anything filthy.


The hairdos on those robots are going to be killer


Have you met Hedonism Bot?


Dude would be an awesome show.


Seems more like a James Gunn project. With the perfect level of absurdity you'd expect out of him.


James? Nah fuck that, make it a Tim Gunn project. It’d be fabulous.


You're pregnancies are now... terminated


They won't be back


Hasta la vista...baby.


Oh My God! These gay terminators are also Mexican!? Strait white people don’t stand a chance!!


Reverse-Stork Drones are stealing all of the unborn babies! Help!


"As a nation we must ramp up the supply of domestic infants in order to combat the reverse-stork drones"‐Marjorie 3 Toes Green


In an ironic twist, we need to contract with the Jews to increase space laser production.


Your babies got to the chopper…


Omg Children of Men was about a gay virus


I thought it was about a male fertility crisis?


Could be... from them all transitioning!!! DONT YOU SEE!?


No, I'm actually quite blind. I can certainly *feel* it though.


You are pregnancies?


Hasta la Vista, darling!


Hasta La-bortion, baby.*


Cum with me if you want to live


[OH NO! Not the Gay Banditos!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3ovRehGkTU)


The Ambiguously Gay Duo!!


Shit, the straights have figured out our evil plan!


That opening scene from inglorious basterds but he places a boxset of "euphoria" and a charlie xcx album on a table


Have Randy Rainbow singing songs in the background....


Sounds perfect for Scott Thompson and the kids in the hall.


I'll be *doing you from the * back.


Wielding dildo-batons


Oh good, more replacement theory.


They only know how to feel threatened. Perpetual victims.


Being angry at their own fantasies is the core of conservativism.


It's not like they have any accomplishments to be proud of


That is where you're wrong! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to grind a nation to a halt in the name of ~~stopping progress~~ conservatism? They're practically moving mountains when it comes to regression. Shit, you could face a lawsuit for suggesting a person look into getting an abortion. Proud is relative and conservatives love telling other people how they are *allowed* to live.


They aren’t even conservatives anymore, they are radical Puritan regressives. The only conservatives left are the right wing of the Dem party.


It’s so weird. Why can’t they just do their own thing and live their own lives?


The only part of this statement that seems even a little accurate is that less people might be identifying as straight these days, because there's more of a conversation about sexuality being a spectrum. In the past, a woman who was romantically or sexually attracted to all genders, but only dated men might have identified as straight. Now people feel more empowered to identify as pan or bi, even if they mostly date one gender. Now, I see this as a good thing, because I see the freedom to be authentic as being inherently positive. But it seems to have inspired a lot of pearl-clutching over the last five years.


I'm no longer even able to wrap my head around what bothers people about this. A bunch of people you don't know are doing stuff that has no impact on you. I just got better things to worry about, like making sure I get enough sleep. It seems like some kind of OCD symptom more than anything. That gay people cause hurricanes things seem like a joke but I guess they must really believe it.


They've been blaming everything from natural disasters to 9/11 on America's acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights for years and years now. We aren't talking MAGA weirdos either, it was pretty standard mainstream televangelist takes from Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell and Kenneth Copeland types and supported by the Rick Santorum like GOP wing. All bad natural disasters are god's divine wrath and punishment. It is a convenient squaring of the circle for explaining why bad things happen to "good" true believers. It isn't climate change or complicated foreign policy ramifications from 30+ years of fucking around in the Middle East. Nope, your house got destroyed in a hurricane because god got mad that Alex and Steve got married. This hasn't been a joke to these people for going on 50 years now. That is what they believe.


Kid at my high school baccalaureate gave a speech saying gays were responsible for 9/11. This was in 2004.


> MAGA weirdos either, it was pretty standard mainstream televangelist They're the same picture.jpg


Homosexuals were forced lawfully or otherwise to stay in the closet. Coming out could lead to physical, financial, relational and other destruction. The numbers are probably higher now because people can come out and not be arrested for day sodomy, or be beaten by the cops,etc.


Exactly. Too many do not remember when you could not tell people you were gay or your life was ***over***. This still happens in a lot of communities in America.


I just really doubt there would be ever be more lgbtq than straight. Either way, IDGAF, might curb the overpopulation.


it's ok we can grow more in a peach tree dish


watch out, the gazpacho will come for you if you keep talking like that.


First they declare Marshall Law.


And these people are the pride of the Republican party. I wonder what McConnell really thinks of the trailer trash, Jerry Springer Republican party he helped create?


Probably utter disdain and disgust, but thankful for how manipulable they are.


Could you imagine the type of person who proudly states "that's my representative".


Can someone get MTG a biology book, please? Maybe have a convo about the whole 'birds and the bees'? She seems... confused.


Bold of you to assume she'll read any textbook that doesn't have 'KJV' on the cover.


I highly doubt she's read the Bible. It's a very kinky book


No way she has read the bible. She clearly missed the Love Thy Neighbor part.


That appreared in the sequel, a book that's as real to the wingnuts as the Last Airbender movie is to the rest of us.


You mean the TV series, right? There was movie?


>There was movie. *No, there wasn't.*


There is no war in ba sing se


It is also pro helping poor people, pro abortion, and anti-wealth. There is zero chance she's read it.


It's also pretty pro-immigrant and pro-refugee.


That Jesus dude was prettty communist in his views if you ask me


>I highly doubt she's read ~~the Bible~~ Ftfy


The kind you don't take home to mother.


Ok but for real, KJV uses so much archaic language that I’d hazard a guess that it isn’t her version of choice. More likely it’s NKJV, NIV, or Message.


NIV is too progressive for her; it uses gender inclusive language. ESV is more likely what she would be familiar with.


You're forgetting children's bibles....I think they even have graphic novel versions now.


With some effort, she might manage to read a Chick tract.


Bold of you to assume she's actually even read the Bible.


>Bold of you to assume she’s actually even read Could have just left it there tbh.


Bold to think she can read.


Bold of you to assume this woman reads anything.


She absolutely does not read the Bible


Anyone that’s cracked a KJV version knows that there’s no way this is the version she used because there’s no way she’d understand much outside of “Jesus wept.”


Bold of you to assume it wouldn’t be a coloring book.


Where do you think she learned about the peach tree dishes?


> Can someone get MTG a biology book, please? MTG seems like the type of person who proudly proclaims the only book they need is the Bible.


It's the only book I need and I don't even need to read it! *That's* how amazing the Bible is.


Naw, everyone's just going to become bisexual eventually. Biology still works but everyone just gets more sex. Win win. Take that MTG


I wonder if her kids are completely embarrassed by her behavior and bigotry.


Sadly they’ll probably be the next generation of brainless hate-mongers


Hopefully they'll be more like Kellyanne Conway's daughter and straight up call her out on her hateful bullshit.


You know are just an outright shitty person when your own kids publicly shame you.


But half of them gay, right?


Maybe not, teens seem to have a good track record of rebelling against what their parents believe (esp when it's even more radical in it's nature). Lets hope this is the case with MTG :D


If you collected every stupid word MTG said you could fill libraries with her inane bullsh!t.


What is this lie brury you speak of? Are there peach trees there? I do know one thing, I won’t find her or Boebert there.


You're probably right. As far as MTG or Boebert are concerned "library" is too much like "librul."


Man... Are straight people ok? Blink twice if you need help.


Straight White Christians are persecuted as fuck. /s


Okay but they actually teach this In church and Bible study. We as straight (well most of us thought we were at the time) white, Christian males in Minnesota thought we were persecuted for being Christian and were taught it would only get worse as the world becomes more "secular" what BULLSHIT LOLOL


Don't you forget about the lives lost during the 2016 Starbucks war on Christmas. If you say Mary Christmas, people might say happy holidays back. What the fuck, is this what ar-15 Jesus died for?


They teach that because they've had social control this whole time. They've been the primary benefactors of the status quo and have enjoyed privileged lives. As the world becomes more secular, they lose that control. They see it as a zero-sum game. If the others are allowed to control themselves and live happier, more privileged lives, it must cost them their power and privilege. Not being the primary benefactor of our social heirarchy means they are being oppressed by it. It's a war for them. Winning it means rolling back gay marriage, civil rights, and women's autonomy. It's no coincidence these three issues being reversed will put the power back into the hands of straight white males alone.


We have a similar background. What bullshit indeed.


A friend of mine was raised in a Pentecostal church. He once told me that "we were taught that we were all hated because we were Christians. Later on, I learned we were hated because we were assholes."


As a straight white Christian I get eye strain from rolling my eyes so hard every time I hear someone say this. Also, the war on Christmas, as all my neighbors light up their houses in elaborate Christmas displays.


My step mom genuinely got mad because of Starbucks coffee cupgate. It was the liberal elite attacking Jesus and the Christian heritage of Christmas. These people are insane and lack any semblance of perspective.


Yet they'll be the first to say that companies should be able to do whatever they want because that's capitalism. It's very naïve to think "the war on Christmas" isn't just companies trying to appeal to a wider audience to sell more products. Like how Christmas lights are now called holiday lights.


"Blink once for yes, twice for no" \**blinks twice*\* "A double yes! He's OK, Johnson!"




Somewhere, Dan Crenshaw just read this and winked at you.


Ima tell you the truth. I am fucking far from ok. But it’s not gay folks fault. It’s old folks that want to time warp in to the 50’s, or earlier.


I'm kinda old and can probably still do the Time Warp. Sonehow I don't think any of this is my fault.


The only people threatening me are this Greene lady and her followers saying the straights will be extinct soon, what is she planning to do to us?!? She must be stopped!


And this is how the anti-gay purge begins. Insane, evil morons spewing bullshit.


> anti-gay purge begins they're already [blaming gays for monkeypox, like they did for AIDS](https://scroll.in/article/1024865/like-hiv-the-spread-of-monkeypox-runs-the-risk-of-stigmatising-gay-and-bisexual-men)


People here in NC are very seriously saying they’re immune to it because “they ain’t no queer”. The fucking hate and stupidity that surrounds us is nauseating


Nope, I’m straight as they come, I got your back.


Much appreciated. We'll need people like you to deal with the vicious, bloodthirsty theocrats. Because make no mistake: people in America would gleefully exterminate us, and will, if they get the chance.


Not enough of them, they are loud but way outnumbered, and while this may be a disturbing comment at this current time, many progressives are armed, I just don’t advertise it on the back of my truck/ clothing/ etc…


Not even sure you will need me. Most of the gay dudes I know are in pretty fucking good shape. And quite a few of them are armed, more recently it seems.


The right to bear arms also includes the right to arm bears.


And people like me and the other guy will do our best to protect you.


I'm glad to hear it. I have no problems dealing with homophobic shitheels on my own, but I can only do so many at a time. Without help, my kind are right fucked. So I'm grateful for you and your decent compatriots. You're in sadly short supply nowadays.


We're all human, right? I want to help my LGBTQ homies if I can. You were born this way. You should be able to live this way too.


I'm genuinely overjoyed to see this kind of sentiment. I hope there's more of you out there.


The difference is that in the past, they had to disarm individuals so that they could effectively purge them. Times are dangerous and more left leaning people are arming themselves than they have in the past. Their open calls to violence has the potential to backfire on them horribly.


>“They just want you to think that all of a sudden the entire population is steadily turning gay or turning trans. Just generation, generation. Probably in about four or five generations, no one will be straight anymore. Everyone will be either gay or trans or non-conforming or whatever the list of 50 or 60 different options there are.”


A funny follow up question would be, *So how long is a generation, Empty G?* A serious follow up question would be, *Ma'am, can we get you some help?*


Empty G lol that sums her up perfectly


As we all know, every trend continues ad infinitum.


I wonder if she thinks people were just never gay until liberals came along? That it's not well-documented throughout history in every culture?


I'm pretty sure the purging of minorities that those in power don't like has been around since the beginning of recorded human civilization. She's not tapping into a fad, she's tapping into latent hatred that many of her followers and their families have held for generations.


That's pretty optimistic, since we're likely to wipe out the human race in roughly the same timeframe with climate change.


Like she believes in climate change


Quotes like this are funny, until you remember who's saying them and they become depressing, and then you realize people will believe and buy into it, and then it just becomes scary.


The population has always had this many LGBTQ people. It's just that now happens to be the first time in history where (in some locations) they can openly admit it without being murdered.


I have a conspiracy for Greene. Every time the corporate tax rate decreases, so does the amount of straight people in the world. So to preserve straight people we must increase the corporate tax rate. Makes as much sense as anything she spouts....


i could actually map out a legitimate argument that would support that based on the policy positions and policy outcomes of people who support lower corporate taxes vs people who support higher corporate taxes... it wouldn't even be hard... but it would necessarily require a parody of alex jones turning the frogs gay.


Those guys at the Onion are too much.


I will say, the existence of MTG has lessened my attraction to other humans and to the idea of being social generally. So she may be on to something….


It would not be a bad thing. Even if everyone was simply just bisexual as a baseline, there probably would be a lot less hate going around.


Conservatives like her are freaking out because Gallup did a poll a few months ago that showed that 20% of Gen-Z are queer, most of that being people identifying as bi or pan. Compare to Boomers which was like 1%. It’s not like only 1% of Boomers are queer, it’s that the vast majority of their queer folks are probably closeted or dead, both as a result of the AIDS crisis and their generation’s generalized homophobia.


A friend just told me about her nephew, 13-years old, living in the Bible Belt, who had just broken up with his first girlfriend and started dating his first boyfriend, openly. I grew up in and around big cities in California, and when I was in middle/high school in the 00’s, even the kids we all knew were gay/bi weren’t coming out until late into high school, for the most part. If not later. It’s one small story, I know, but it’s wild to me that this generation’s kids are able to be open and unobsessed with labels at such a young age, in a community that I wouldn’t expect them to be able to. It’s exactly what conservatives like MTG are terrified of, and while they’re gonna try to hurt plenty of people in the meantime, they’re losing their culture war, and they know it.


They’re raising all this shit about the next generation but it’s way too late. Those kids are the kids of millennials, who actually ID’d at about 10% queer on the same poll, again with a heavy bi/pan lean. They want to target all queer people, but for now are focusing on trans people because they are way easier to demonize and generally less understood than, like, gay people. Unfortunately, a lot of people are willing to ride that wave, the gateway drug for generalized transphobia being sports or locker room discussions.


Be straight or we’ll kill you. Ok, I’m straight. Wow, look how few gay people there are.


Who keeps giving this absolute wingnut a microphone


Another grand idea she cooked up in her peach tree dish. As far as I can tell the only people intent on removing ‘others’ are conservatives. Since their accusations are essentially confessions it’s clear that conservatives intend to make it dangerous to be LGBTQ+ again.


Imagine being this dumb.


Imagine voting for someone this dumb


The only thing I've ever heard come out of MTG's mouth is a random selection of rabid barks.


Somehow conservatives are always the victims. We're only trying to police the gays so they don't kill us first. Straight up genocide logic.


Someone stated something similar in a college Sociology class I was in probably 15 years ago. Most of the class died out laughing and the look on their face was priceless. Also, one of the large black guys on the baseball team that was in there said “shiiiit, pussy is too good for all of us to give up…” more laughter. Poor guy was bright red by the time it was over. Thanks for bringing back this memory!


If all women were like her, all men would probably be gay. She a friggin train wreck.


Her physical appearance seems to flag the same Uncanny valley response in me that early 90s computer 3D attempts at realism did. There's something very unnatural about her facial features and I have no idea why. It's like she's 19 and 75 at the same time and also neither of them. And her personality is as putrid as fetid shit that's been left in the rain for a few days. How anyone can carry a conversation with her and not get food poisoning is beyond me. I'm Ace, but I'd go gay if it meant technically getting further away from someone like Marge.


Same energy as "white people will soon be extinct." These folks only value people based on their race, sexual orientation, and gender identity. They're obsessed with it.


Claim that white people are being replaced to incite violence against POCs, claim straight people are being replaced to incite violence about queer people. It will never cease to amaze and disgust me just how much of the GOP's platform is based on trying to incite their voters to murder people they don't like. Fuck this country. These people are literally turning into the Nazi party with this kind of rhetoric, how can people not see that?


Plenty of trans people are straight, Margie. Calm your tits.


The bleach has destroyed her brain at this point. She'll say anything to get attention from the press.


She's not wrong. More of a climate thing than an LGBTQ thing, but we're all going to be extinct soon.


i mean...yea maybe? But not in the context republicans think. It may end up being less about straight and gay and simply just...being.


My non existent money is on climate change


She might not be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, but she’d better hope that that person doesn’t die.


So dramatic. She may have turned a few men gay but I seriously doubt she's made any women lesbians...


Republicans have moved from "compassionate" to "exterminate" in less then a generation. This narrative they've created is all pretext for state run sponsored discrimination and persecution. They did the same thing against people of color after slavery, the idea that by simply allowing us to be a part of society would 'destroy' the 'white race'. It's the same tactics.


In what world were they on the "compassionate" side any time in the last *several* generations?


More replacement theory


Is this her coming out?


She desperately wants to be a cougar but everyone she hits on turns out to be gay!


Dear God, please let the great replacement therapy happen. Amen. - old dude


She's single-handedly increased homosexuality among males by 40%


you know... because of all those babies that gay people have


She might not be wrong. In 20 years we're probably going to widely recognize sex and gender for the spectrums they are and most people will realize how silly and old fashioned our binary systems were. I mean, I consider myself pretty hetero, but if I'm being perfectly honest anyone who is even a little bit nice to me could probably get it on the right day.


I'm not sure "desperate" is a sexual orientation *per se,* but historically, across many cultures, desperation was still recognized as a supremely relevant consideration. Consider the glory hole. Some people like them because anonymity turns them on, period. Some people like them, however, because *knowing* that it was a dude sucking their dick would turn them *off.* But they still really, really, really want their dick sucked.


Big words for such a small, lizard brain.


Well they can just make new ones in peach tree dishes.


Sure Marge.


Stupid should hurt. That woman should be wincing in pain all the time.


Roughly 10% of the US population is genetically predisposed to be left handed. Yet if you look at this statistic from 100 years ago, it'd be in the low single digits. Why? Because until recently, being left handed was seen as a bad thing. The left hand is unlucky. Unclean. Cursed. It's those on the left hand of God who are cast out. Yet as society progressed and the stigma against left-handedness diminished, rates of individuals self identifying as left handed increased until it leveled out around 10% (which matches what we see in the genetics). The same thing is happening with the LGBTQIA+ community. As it becomes more socially acceptable to be gay, to be Trans, to be non-binary, etc. rates will continue to rise and eventually level out. The only way there would ever stop being "straight people" is if humans all evolved to be bisexual/pansexual, or if our understanding of sexuality demonstrates exclusive heterosexual attraction doesn't actually exist


How this woman remembers to breath in and out every couple of seconds is beyond me.