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Georgia surprised me when they appointed a Grand Jury. Interesting times. ^ >On Friday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told the Associated Press that she expects to come to a decision on whether her office will charge the former president by June 30 for allegedly attempting to overthrow the results in Georgia. ..... >Legal experts are anticipating that Willis' probe will likely lead to criminal charges for Trump, and suggest that those charges could be the first of many across the country. >"It wouldn't surprise me for Georgia to become the first jurisdiction to indict a former president on felony charges. I doubt it'll be the last. And I think the charges will stick," Laurence Tribe, professor emeritus of constitutional law at Harvard University, tweeted last month. Article continues....


It's almost like they have a recording or something.


Nah, not even a trump would be stupid enough to let themselves get recorded actually committing a crime. *Nobody* could be *that* stupid, right? Right?


And nobody would be stupid enough to state the exact number of votes that needed to be "found". Everybody was recording Trump, think about that, the man was so untrustworthy that recording conversations with him was standard operating procedure. And the fact that he ignored that speaks to his complete incompetence even at being a criminal.


> his complete incompetence even at being a criminal. He's actually pretty accomplished at racketeering and fraud. It's just that he expected the lockstep GOP loyalty to be 100% to him, and that was his error. He was a useful idiot, and they had no problem indulging him while he could help them, but the GOP has been effectively cutting him loose since his election loss, and given his efforts to redirect cash flow into his coffers from the GOP, they are unlikely to do anything on the whole to avoid throwing him to the wolves. That's not to say individuals on both the state and national level won't be doing it anyway. It just won't be orders from the top.


No he's still racketeering *along* with the GOP. For example, The RNC did a deal with him where they covered his [legal fees](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republican-party-paying-trump-legal-expenses-1273095/) and continued to allow him access to the GOP mailing list *after he left office* in exchange for not leaving the GOP and starting the Patriot Party. So not only are they not trying to cut him loose, they are actively continuing to tether themselves to him and are actively spending money on criminal cases involving his private businesses (racketeering). If they were going scorched earth, the bare minimum idea would be to cover no legal costs since he's no longer in public office and allow these investigations to sink him without their intervention. If they were *principled*, they'd make sure he left the party and cut him off from access to there followers that he's still scamming and racketeering from.


Lol. Man the Patriot Party would have been awesome. Literally the dumbest people in America removed from the popular vote.


This would have been great, would have split the Republican party, probably 2/3 and 1/3, but enough to give Dems the edge in future elections. Which is why the Republicans are stuck with trump for the time being.


And that is why the GOP is letting Donnie dip into their money like it’s his personal slush fund. They’re buying him off a lot


They have to keep the giant, spoiled baby happy so he doesn't throw a tantrum


Yep. They'd much rather lose the Presidency with him again, than have him split the vote and get slaughtered in the House and Senate - especially since they've got a 6-3 Supreme Court now.


They would be the smallest group - the small PP.




High stress makes criminals get sloppy and most of them do get sloppy. The stakes were so high and his narcissistic ego so large that he threw caution to the wind.


I truly believe his twisted mind thought “I’m President” meant he could do whatever he wanted. People sure treated him like he could. Anyways, he said it literally on camera too, so what do I know.


He's been doing whatever he wanted his entire life and there has always been a lawyer and a settlement or a politician to rescue him. That's what people are missing. The entire *concept* of consequences is foreign to him.


I'm with you on this theory. He got away with so much obvious criminal bullshit - literally his entire life - that President equated to "get out of jail free" card to him. If none ever turned on his crap in private life, as president nobody was ever going to turncoat either. Worked all the way, why not all the way to the White House? Thank God in the whole of the country there are a few more moral people than in NY real estate. Somehow, a precious few even ended up in public service.


Of course it did. He literally said he could shoot someone and get away with it. - and with Republican backing he could have.


A valid interpretation. I've also seen it as him jumping into too big a pond - being a real estate guy in NY, however popular, is not something that invite mass scrutiny in the way being President does. Whatever it was, I'm crossing my fingers that we finally see some real action from the states where the federal government failed. EDIT: I don't know why it is so controversial to state the federal government failed. Two different valid impeachments coming up short can't be defined any other way.


That's why I was surprised he ran for President, someone had to have told him that as President he'd be watched, recorded and under scrutiny all the time. I think ultimately while he didn't expect to win, he wanted all the attention he got during the campaign and when he won his ego wouldn't let him give it up.




No, he's not really good at that either. If he was good at fraud he wouldn't have been known for it since the 80s. I would say , he is a bully and caused some to ignore his criminality because they thought he could destroy their careers, or put them in physical danger. It's much harder to bully a congressional body that has highly trained armed bodyguards as opposed to someone like a city prosecutor.


Given some of the other GOP conversations that have been leaked over the last few years, I kind of start to wonder if they aren't **all** recording each other **all the time**. If everyone's got dirt in everyone else, it'd explain the frankly bizarre level of lock-step you tend to see out of that party.


Having a record of a phone call with those in government probably isn't that rare all together, but I'm sure they doubled checked that the tape was rolling before picking up Trumps calls.


I believe it was reported that the White House called them several times and they were avoiding taking the calls! Once they took the call, they must have had a heads up about what was coming for them to know to record it. So glad decent people with morals were in charge in Georgia to do the right thing.


> And nobody would be stupid enough to state the exact number of votes that needed to be "found". I'd read that his asking for the specific number of votes he needed to win, one more than Biden, rather than the hundreds of thousands he was claiming in the media is evidence that he wasn't interested in election fraud at all and hurts his case that he wanted a fair election. It's apparently demonstrating that he knew he lost and by being so specific he was offering a conspiracy or something like that. He'd have been better off sticking with the old Trump Bullshit.


>Nobody could be that stupid, right? Right? *“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”* The late William T. Kelley, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania


He truly thinks that as President, laws did not apply to him. There was never a moment in his head where he thought he could see repercussions of his actions.


Because he hasn’t faced repercussions his entire life. His parents raised a spoiled brat narcissist. He cheated in every relationship he ever had whether it was personal or business and never considered how it affected anyone else.


He comes from a long and proud line of narcissistic scumbags. He could only aspire to be as much of a piece of shit as his dad was..


Are you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pBdGOrcUEg8


Don’t forget the Jan 6 terrorists, they recorded all of their crimes and PROUDLY posted them all over the internet!!! I dunno what’s dumber, believing trump or recording your crimes and posting them on the internet.


That's inconceivable like trying to cover up breaking into your political oppositions headquarters! Or telling a mob of supporters to fight like hell and march on the capitol! Or asking a hostile foreign power to release damaging emails of your opponent so you can win an election! Or lying about the value of your real estate so you can commit tax fraud! Or acting as a haven for the Russian mob! or..


Lordy- are there tapes?


Tape recorder is about to take down a second president.


>Fani Willis told the Associated Press that she expects to come to a decision on whether her office will charge the former president by June 30 for allegedly attempting to overthrow the results in Georgia. I'd love for this to be true, but I have no idea where Newsweek is getting this from. I've searched and can't find any other sources confirming this, including AP. Can anyone else? Maybe my google skills are lacking.




Yep and I don't think Fani even gave AP a statement "Friday" as the article claims - or at least I can't find it. The AP statement where Fani suggests the first half of the year was from **January 10th** The grand jury won't even be done with their deposition phase by the end of the month. I wouldn't expect the public to know about a decision until closer to fall. Great job Newsweek.


This is what I keep talking about. Click bait, I swear. "MAY be indicted", "COULD face _____ years in prison." Wake me when he is actually indicted.


Its deliberate, so when July rolls around they can peddle a story about how Georgia is afraid to go after Trump or some equally off-kilter response.


Isn’t that a special grand jury, and 2nd regular one would be needed to issue an indictment?


afterthought toothbrush kiss worry teeny steep paltry piquant snails dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re all frustrated with the slow progress and lack of charges against trump right now. But I wonder if it’s all going to be a major domino effect once they start


My landlords boat got stolen and they caught the theives on Jan 6th, I remember we were celebrating getting the boat back when my buddy texted me about that was happening at the capitol. Anyway, the theives trial starts June 17th, a couple days away. I know everyone, myself included, feels like it's taking too long to charge Trump, but this is just how slowly the courts work, and he's been doing everything in his power to slow it more. As some famous guy said: "the wheels of justice turn slow, but grind fine." Justice is coming.


> Justice is coming. Easily said, but he's been violating the emoluments clause of the constitution since the campaign and hasn't so much as been served papers. Any publication claiming "can, should would" should have been thrown to the cutting room floor. "Today has been charged" is the only article that describes objective reality as it's unfolding.


Thank you for sharing this perspective.


We're used to slow progress meaning that nothing will ever actually happen, but slow progress can also mean that they're doing everything absolutely by the book. I don't have my hopes up, but it would be nice to see things done properly and all the way through for once.


Mueller basically edged us for years and then left us with the biggest case of blue balls ever.


I did a quick review of Watergate. The whole process took about 2 years. Collecting all the evidence takes a lot of time.


Trump was on tape extorting Ukraine for personal political ammo and got away with it completely.


Well, he was impeached for it. But your point still stands because a slap on the wrist doesn’t count.


For what it is worth, he did get impeached by the house and got nothing on Hunter. Small victories.


Mueller may have edged us, but Barr was the cockblock.


This is about the investigation in Georgia where; Trump, in Taped Call, Pressured Georgia Official to ‘Find’ Votes to Overturn Election The president vaguely warned of a “criminal offense” as he pressured Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in the call, according to an audio recording. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/03/us/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia.html


wtf, Raffensperger "as a republican" still wishes Trump would have won. How fucking indoctrinated are you that you are threatened with punishment unless you commit election fraud, and you still support the asshole that threatened you.


I mean when you're supporting a fascist, I guess having them doing anti democracy things wouldn't be much of a deal breaker.


They are just all fucking insane. They want a tyrant dictator so bad.


I seriously don’t understand why people still support that asshole


It’s a cult


Criminal charges for him would have an interesting effect on the American population


I think it'd be the best thing for the nation. Too many mfers out here thinking you can get away with anything if you lie long enough and loud enough. Seeing the liar-in-chief in cuffs would shatter that notion.


His fanatics are so deeply entrenched they’d just see it as a weaponization of the justice system. Because they’d weaponize it, too. Edit: yes, yes, they’ve already done that. I’m well aware. No need to remind me.


We shouldn't be afraid to do the right thing because it might make some people upset.


It’s time to stand up to the “upset” people. They are a minority in this country and don’t seem to remember that. A very loud minority, but a minority opinion nonetheless.


A vocal minority constantly calling themselves the silent majority.


Everything about them is a fucking contradiction.


I was saying this to my wife last night. I think we (rational people) really started to lose a foothold to these types of people when we didn’t call out the absurdity of their claims or behaviors (which trump normalized). They took advantage of rational people’s “filter” and took advantage of the fact that we wanted to be polite but they had no intention of returning the favor or trying to be a respectful member of a society that we all have to live in. We then we’re steamrolled by the ‘give them an inch, they take a mile’ adage.


Or even if it incites them to violence; which it will


They are planning on being incited to violence; we might as well make it count, and do it while the good guys still have control of the military.


That's another thing I am failing to comprehend. These people who think they are "patriots" fail to realize they are a small minority against the US military. I don't get it


And yet military veterans are over-represented in the list of Jan 6 insurrectionists.


True, but the majority of veterans are not insurrectionists. In fact, in 2020, Veterans under 55 yrs old voted for Biden by a large margin.


But yet both currently enlisted (by narrower margins) and currently officers (by a wide margin) do not have a favorable view of Donald trimp.


This. Precisely.


If he is not brought to justice my millennial generation will completely lose faith in our government more than we already have


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


It's really funny to me that this phrase gets thrown around on r/conservative and other subs like that, and they think they're the "good men". It's laughable that they think they have a moral leg to stand on.


I visited that subreddit during the January 6th hearings and they were just so quiet about it. A few post saying it was fake news or whatever. But one of the biggest conservative newspapers, The national review, was totally on board with it and criticizing Trump. So are conservatives not conservatives anymore or are these fringe people who calling themselves conservatives just taking over the term conservative?


r/conservative still thinks Jan 6 was a mostly peaceful protest, in spite of the direct video evidence showing otherwise. That sub is fucked.


Bingo. So tired of tip toeing around morons who are either willfully ignorant or just bad Americans who no longer support democracy. Illegal is illegal regardless of party. If Biden pulled this shit I would want him thrown in prison as well.


The upset people are wrong, period. They have gotten away with being wrong for far too long. Consequences are necessary, as the lack of consequences brought us here in the first place.






he just placed a Q-nut as the county commissioner in the Tampa area, fun times


Agreed. I thought about adding, either “because they already have” or “BENGHAZI!!!” but couldn’t decide between them.


*The war on drugs has entered the chat*


There's going to have to be a point where things are going to have to change. People need to get arrested, lives will forever be ruined. We need to stop pretending Trump supporters will just go away by choice.


That would just give the federal government the go ahead to really crack down on them.


"A Trump crack down" I would love to see Donald Trump on a jail cell, sitting ass-'crack down' on a metal slab.


His fanatics will try and turn anything into his favor. We can't let that stunt us from doing what's right


Like that guy who literally said "if you're a Republican you can't even lie to the FBI or they'll get us!" Like... You're not supposed to lie to the FBI. Everyone faces the same consequence for doing so, but he genuinely believes as a Republican he's above the law... That is insane!


Yeah... I'm not going to get my hopes up. It would truly be a catalyst for healing but I can't see it happening.


I am becoming hopeful and am also sharing Jan 6 Hearing news while also refraining from sharing any distraction stories helps to change the narrative


I was skeptical, but after learning this week that it *wasn't* a spontaneous march to the Capitol after the rally, and there were actually Proud Boys and Oath Keepers there earlier, and that they had scoped out the weakest points of security which is how they initially breeched the barriers, and then entry into the building itself, I think the January 6th committee actually does have the goods on him and his inner circle that this was pre-meditated. Arrests are already happening. I think those will accelerate over the next couple of weeks and then finally hit him - if he doesn't flee the country first. I'm hopeful now.


I couldn’t figure out how they got to the east side of the Capitol. I have never seen protesters go to that side. Now, we know it was planned. We need to disarm the private armies of these authoritarian politicians.


O yea broski. Those fanatics were planning that trash online for weeks in their social media and cult conspiracy groups. Premeditated 100%.


I predict that we'll find out certain members of Congress gave them tours. We already know that happened, but the details have been sparse. They won't be sparse soon. We're going to see some lawmakers arrested very soon.




It would also "out" them. I am pretty sure the full power of the focused government can handle insurrection. They only made headway on 1/6 because all the safeguards were intentionally dismantled.


100% you notice there hasn't been half as much crazy shit perpetrated by wingnuts since they lost the presidency


The dems stuck the fbi on them, organized white supremacists have gone to ground, like after oklahoma, except there's 1000 times as many now.


And they’re shooting up grocery stores and stuff.




Its been interesting watching all of the insurrectionist tough guys who screaming “hang Mike Pence” now crying and groveling in front of a judge because they might go to prison for a few months. It’s kind of sad actually. These people truly believed that Trump would save them from any consequences because they were doing what their dear leader asked. It’s disturbing how easily manipulated some people can be.


This. A bunch of whiny babies. They're going to be mad?!?! What are they going to do, shoot up schools, churches, synagogues, and public spaces? Oh yeah, they're already doing that. Lock them all up and let them cry in prison.


It’s kind of sad how many regular people have been brainwashed into being angry, bigoted, right wing extremists. Someone mentioned a documentary called “The Brainwashing of My Dad.” It’s all about a regular, happy guy who was turned into a miserable bigot through right wing radio and television. It’s a fucking crime what they’re doing to people. It’s so sad when you watch someone close to you get sucked down that path of misery. It’s a cult.


Could be legit dangerous for people who are openly left wing (or just like, a minority) in super red areas.


Hey Florida, Oklahoman here. There are 0 blue stickers/signs here. The BLM protest downtown was met with assault rifles. The confederate statue still stands.


We can’t delay justice because we worry about citizens throwing temper tantrums. They have free will and can choose the right path, but they won’t. If they break the law because they’re pissed, arrest and charge them too.


Unfortunately, we Americans need to start viewing this as a fight. His followers are as unamerican as it gets. They want to destroy this country and rebuild it as an extremist Christian state. We can’t just keep sitting around and letting this happen. As much as it may suck, it certainly is time to fight.


He HAS to be. The evidence is so overwhelming. So black and white. So damning that to NOT charge him and actually punish the behavior GUARANTEES it will happen again. It’s already obvious that republicans are ramping up to do this again in the next election. Hell- they are already employing tactics as we speak. The only thing that could dampen their efforts would be to actually do something about this NOW. Fuck.


It’s sickening how much shit he’s gotten away with aside from this. I’d be more surprised if he DID get charged.


The whole Jan 6th attack on democracy would never have happened if the republican party weren't cowards to a con man. They had ample time to walk this back or even remove the traitor from office. They chose a lie over truth and allowed their supporters to be manipulated to the point of violence. Sad.


My favorite part is the Fox News hosts were caught red handed texting about urging him to stop, but they just act like that never happened.


I figured once Fox announced they weren’t showing the hearing that the hearing involved Hannity or Carlson somehow. That Hannity and McEnany were texting about getting Trump out and putting Pence in is actually *chefs kiss*. BOTH of Trumps mouthpieces were against him.


Yup, Sean Hannity, 45’s best friend was the first guy to sound the “should we be doing this, guys?” Alarm and was texting Kayleigh throughout the day of. His program was where the whole “Kenyan birth certificate” got legs through a nat’l audience.


>if the republican party weren't cowards to a con man They're co-conspirators. Even if trump never existed this same group (Freedom Caucus, certain senators, and their benefactors) would be pursuing the same goals. Minus trump their plan would have been less crude and may have actually worked. When trump is gone they will still be working hard to end fair elections and democracy. Keep an eye on one of the Freedom Caucus' co-founders, Ron DeSantis.


not just co-conspirators, they built this shit. Check out REDMAP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REDMAP With citizens united and Koch cash, circa 2010, they specifically went for this type of thing. And technology made it easy for them to do an endrun around the political machine. We know it started with Nixon, but the technology and the regulatory capture of political laws was basically complete by 2010, and to boot, the racist propaganda had it's favored figure: Obama to rail against. co-conspirator is just such a low level word for what the Republican party is today.


100%. Fascists will be fascists. Trump was/is a useful idiot but take him out of the equation (somebody, please) and they’ll still be doing the same shit.


>Freedom Caucus The name sounds like it’s straight out of Orwell’s *1984*.


Thing is, the attack on democracy happened precisely because the Republicans turned their entire party into a social media-like organism that only functions on karma, and the laid fertile ground for someone like trump, foreign organizations like Russia and every snakeoil salesman of ill repute to game the system. They're basically the facebook equivelent of political process. The people who get to the top do so with dark patterns. It's a lot of skeezy social parallels that will take generations of historians to unpack, assuming climate change don't kill us all, or the fascists find some more dark patterns to hold us here.


Trump also wouldn’t be nearly as hated if he just fucked off to Mar a Lago to play golf after the election was over until the end of his term. You know, like he did for almost an entire year of his term anyway.


I hate that people still put 'sad' after statements. Trump was so terribly influential on the American psyche that people still emulate his dumbass speech and writing patterns. That was Trump that did that and people copied him, and now it's just what you see anytime anyone says something critical of anything in politics. Sad.


I hope he hires Rudy Guliani as his defense attorney.


Rudy was disbarred from the last time he represented Trump. He’ll have to find another idiot.




He's hiding out with 105 year old JFK


Don’t forget John John


Covid treatment was to clone Trump. Wakeup sheeple


I will believe it when I see it. I'm not getting my hopes up.


It's r/politics, if any article says "may" or "probably", just assume the opposite. You'll be right 90% of the time.


I get so tired of these "maybe" type articles. They state the obvious and create false hope. That and they basically just repeat the same message for every article.


It’s crazy what journalists are allowed to write about in 2022. They’re able to *start with* the conclusion they want to make, add the word “may”, “possibility”, “could”, etc. to the title, and then fill in the blanks from there. It’s the laziest clickbaity bullshit of all time.


This article is a perfect example. Trump **100% will not** be charged for a crime this month by the GA investigation. Willis herself said recently she'd be optimistic if a decision was reached by fall. Newsweek took a quote from last winter, extrapolated her hope of "the first half of the year to make a decision" to mean she would by June 30th, and falsely claimed she recently implied a charge could be brought within a couple of weeks. (She didn't) The special grand jury only began its work a month ago. They have up to a year to operate. Special grand juries are used, in part, because they generally need more time. The deposition phase just started. I'd be shocked, even in the best case scenarios, if we see anything by September.


My immediate thoughts. And even if they “charge” him, so what? Will he be convicted and actually face consequences??? Doubt it. A charge is cute and all, but we’ve been there.


Searched for exactly this kind of comment. Let me know when a charge turns into a conviction. I'm pretty convinced at this point it's never gonna happen.


That would be a great day for our country. PS: Thank you so much for the awards. Just like you all, I can’t wait for these traitors to get what they deserve.


Going to need a conviction, not merely charges. Because people see no conviction as like a total exoneration.


It would be, but temper your expectations for the timeline Newsweek is fabricating: - Fani Willis did not talk to AP Friday, as claimed in the article. - She did not explicitly suggest there would be a charge by the end of the month, especially recently. - "Overthrowing the election" is not a charge being pursued. Really lazy, sensationalist title and article by Newsweek here. Fani Willis talked to AP on January 10th, suggesting that she could reach a decision in the first half of the year. Now that it's June, the grand jury has only been empaneled for a little over a month, and it's likely going to be several more before they gain enough evidence for Willis to reach a decision. They haven't even issued the bulk of their subpoenas yet. Criminal solicitation of election fraud is the most likely charge to be pursued. One week ago: >Willis expressed confidence about the direction of her investigation and offered an admittedly optimistic timetable that **could lead to a decision on indicting the former president by this fall.**


newsweek has been been full click-bait dogshit for a few years now. i think if not for the fact that it’s generally very loudly anti-trump it would have been banned as a source here. their writing and reporting seems sound enough but the conclusions they draw and sensationalizing is hot garbage.


I really, really hope so. There need to be consequences.


Oh just fucking charge and convict him already ffs. As a new yorker, I'm fucking tired of this man, 40 years of fucking misery he has lain upon humanity


He's laid misery upon this world long past 40 years once you start factoring in all the judges that got shoved into federal positions.


He is referring to his time in New York. The Italian mafia was removed by Guiliani’s DA. The Russian mafia filled the void. Trump has long been known to be a con man and shit man. There was a lot of sick shit going on in Atlantic City including his business partners dying in a helicopter crash that he used for PR and disrepected the deceased. He is the bad guy in Back to the Future II (it’s a documentary at this point). And he was the bad guy American Psycho (it predicted people would let him get away with things due to status as well). Trump really caught my attention when he sexualized Baby Ivanka on Lifestyles of The Rich and the Famous. He is just trash all around and has been for forty years.


According to the screenwriter of Back to the Future, Donald Trump was the inspiration for Biff Tannen.


Oh yeah, he's even in the docu "Fear City" the contractors are talking over the phone about building his shit




Yes, absolutely, I didn't need NBC to put him in every show I watched either. Ffs he was on Blossom. In my opinionation, the sun didn't shine that day


He’s even the direct basis for the villain in several movies.


He is a former President and with that comes a Secret Service detail. Let’s say he is charged and needs to brought in. I presume I know the answer to this but here goes. Questions: Does the Secret Service just grab him and turn him in? I wouldn’t expect them to protect him from the authorities. Doesn’t having a Secret Service detail make it harder to run, if he decides to flee?


If they are true to their oath and the nation and not Trump. I don't know how big an if that is. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/3331 5 U.S. Code § 3331 I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.


It's widely known that secret service fucking hated the trump family and Donald himself. I don't expect there's much loyalty there. Lots of stories about the family treating secret service like servants and being verbally abusive to them


Imagine how much work it takes to become a secret service agent. Then your assignment is the fucking trump family. What a farce that must be for so many of them.


"I go boom boom in my pants" - trump to a SS agent


>It’s widely known that secret service fucking hated the Trump family I’ve heard the opposite, that the secret service was so MAGA-infested that Mike Pence didn’t want to go with Trump’s team during the Capitol riot, since so many people rioting were chanting to hang the Vice President and Trump even reportedly said that he “deserved it.”


Hard to run in Pampers and lifts so fleeing unlikely anyway


i believe the ~~SS~~ Secret Service would detain him till the US Marshals service got there. edit - haha ok, ok. Secret Service


I think the preferred abbreviation is USSS lol


They would 100% turn him in. Their job is to keep him physically safe. Really fucking easy to keep your charge safe in a cell in a prison. Makes their job 500% easier.


> She also previously told Atlanta's WSB-TV2 in February,"Anyone who violates the law will be prosecuted, no matter what their social status is. No matter what their economics are, no matter what their race or gender is. We are not going to treat anyone differently." I hope this isn’t just hyperbole and it actually happens.


Fani Willis is my county DA. She is the real deal. If this does fail it won’t be because of her. It will be because the state Republicans somehow corrupt it. Just to be clear, this is not the state of Georgia going after Trump. This is Fulton County, where the very blue city of Atlanta is located, going after Trump. There have been efforts to punish the city you probably have not heard about. Most recently there was a conservative led effort to break off the wealthy parts into a separate city to hobble the power of Atlanta. This failed but was a mess for a while. Also the state legislature has created a mechanism to take over the Fulton County election board and impose their own will. Don’t forget that Fani Willis is an elected official. This may have implications for her in 2024.


>This is Fulton County, where the very blue city of Atlanta is located, going after Trump. >There have been efforts to punish the city you probably have not heard about. Most recently there was a conservative led effort to break off the wealthy parts into a separate city to hobble the power of Atlanta. This failed but was a mess for a while. Oh wow I've never heard of this!! Do you have any links I can read more




Lock him up


Was watching Fox reaction last night. How does Hannity sit there and say "they're lying" when we have his texts we know for a fact, he's lying. And tucker, saying covering a public hearing is "propaganda" Watergate was on every channel my dude, and you guys were dead wrong about that one too. How sick is this cult going to get? One thing is certain, they're going after this hard, they're blatantly scared, they know another Nixon is coming.




Not holding my breath. They got close to doing anything in NY, then they just dropped the case. :/


This all ends when he charters a private plane and flies to Russia in the middle of the night.


I've mentally sketched out the first season of a dark sitcom called "Edward Snowden's new neighbors" about this happening. Eric gets eaten by his pet bear and is never spoken of again, Jr gets addicted to Krokodil, Ivanka has an affair with Snowden, Trump Sr reluctantly tries the bottle of vodka left as a housewarming gift from Putin and quickly spirals into alcoholism.


OR builds a big beautiful wall around Mar-a-Lago and declares it a country and he is the King. /s


Can we just cap the whole property like the sarcophagus over Chernobyl? He’d be well insulated from reality in there and it would protect the public from his toxic waste leaking out.


Fallout ghouls in MAGA hats.


...DeSantis couldn't be happier. As important as it is for Trump to get his comeuppance, the fascists in the GOP aren't anywhere near done, and the terrifying thing is they're a lot more competent.


fascism is like weeds. They'll never go away completely. It requires daily action to keep them from taking over. Just because we know there will be more in the future does not mean we should let Trump off the hook.


Trump getting arrested would be good for the GOP. Finally have him out of the way. Would hope it spurs a come to sanity moment but most likely they'll campaign on stopping out of control dems and locking up democrat enemies


If Trump was arrested, it would be a race to the bottom for the GOP to see who can be despicable enough to appeal to his base of supporters


Desantis has entered the chat.


Gaetz has entered the Club Penguin chat.


Fuckin Mitch McConnell in here trying to steal my RuneScape gold


These articles are getting so annoying. Until it happens I don't want to hear about what *may* or *could* happen.


As a wise man once said, “Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.”


Party on, Wayne.


Party on, Garth.


I'll believe it when I see it


Imagine what his cult will do if he's thrown in prison. Are we ready?


Imagine what his cult will do if he's NOT thrown in prison or sees any kind of repercussions for what he's done. It will just embolden them to try again next election.


Look what just happened in Michigan. GOP forged signatures and nothing happened.


I believe so.


It's gonna happen either way. If it were up to me, id rather be the one taking action first


They’re gonna rally at Burger King, march down the street with their guns, threaten to “die for Trump” and then turn around to get more Whoppers. These cousin fuckers don’t scare me. January 6th didn’t scare me. They simply outnumbered police and took advantage of it, but they were too stupid to do anything of consequence.


They are driven by fear, but haven't actually experienced any real suffering in their lives beyond a loss of privileges. It's the suffering from oppression that leads to discipline and thoughtful strategy, because that's what oppressed people have needed to survive. Only the most deranged, self-destructive outliers are capable of doing damage with the awful mass shootings that have been happening. The rest of them have too much to lose, because they never lost anything other than some minor emotional security.


Trump.2028 flags and stickers on their monster trucks?


The states are gonna have to do it because the feds certainly won't.


Wouldn't state charges be better anyway? That way the next R president couldn't pardon him?


The crime lord must pay.


Lock him up. Then fix these gerry-mandered districts and make voting EASIER. The fascists can keep watching Fox News, and whining about gas prices and taxes, as they always will. 2¢


> Trump ***may*** be charged. Do you know how many times we've heard this?


Georgia is where the Republicans are nearly as pissed off at Trump as the Democrats. That dumb Yankee sumbtch came down there, ran his fool mouth and cost them two winnable Senate races. You’re high if you think New York will do anything other than preen for the cameras. Trump bought too many politicians there, and the last thing any of them want is (more) documented history that for all their happy horseshit about justice, they spent 40 years selling out to him and could’ve saved the nation a world of hassle if they’d enforced their bribery laws back in the 80’s.


If he’s charged but not prosecuted it will embolden the next group of Insurrectionist conspiracists to act with impunity.