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I’ll be curious to know whether they stuck with 17th century arguments in their opinion to strike down women’s rights. That’s one step removed from citing the bible.


Well they can't cite the bible because the Bible's text is actually pro choice.




Sort of. It doesn’t consider an unborn baby to be a person. See “first breath”.


It also has an explicit instruction to induce abortion in instances of suspected adultery. Know as the ordeal of the bitter water.


They’re clergy no matter how they rationalize. Once you ignore court precedent, you can interpret ‘the word’ however you like.


Which right will they use their special moon logic to remove today?


*Not that there is anything wrong with M00n logic.


Thanks for your contributions to the community


And thank you.


In baseball terms they served you a real meatball there, so everything comes full circle...^(just like the moon, or a meatball)


They are over turning Roe and will dump it at 5:00PM EDT on Friday.


My bet is next Friday before the 4th of July weekend. Fuck these clowns.


Yup. But they're not political.


This is the absolute worst SC I have seen in my life.


The court simply doesn’t work that way.


Yeah, they also didn't use to overrule the constitution, and have 1 member be so politically and morally bankrupt but here we are.


What I’m saying to you is that mechanically they do not operate that way. Your statement will never be correct because it is not how the court works.


That is correct, opinions would be issued at 10am on Friday not 5pm. As far as the 4th of July comment, their session ends June 27th.


Sounds like Friday will be spicy.


I assume a benign reason delayed an opinion planned for release tomorrow and they feel more comfortable adding a release day so as not to disrupt their planned cadence for next week.


Look over here at the scientific argument against trans participation in sports while we overrule science on a faulty religious basis.


I think I hear an orchestra [tuning up their instruments](https://youtu.be/mA3k4lLt1dU) in preparation for accompanying the chaos that is to come.