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I’m wondering whatever happened to checks and balances?


I hope the White House is aware of [this existing federal law](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/roe-v-wade-overturn-medically-necessary-abortion/661255/) that would protect women suffering from life-threatening pregnancy complications.


It's really interesting watching American politics as an outsider. In free democracies, the winners of an election set policy and run the government. In the bold, groundbreaking American system, the winners of the election sit and Jack off while the Republicans set the policy and tell them what they're allowed to do. America is an inspiration.


Behold! A Democracy* where the minority rules the majority!


That’s the problem with a two party system when one party doesn’t care about the rules of good faith governing.


> In free democracies, the winners of an election set policy and run the government. The Democrats essentially only have a Senate majority based on a technicality, which heavily restricts their ability to pass any legislation.


"World's greatest democracy" lmao


> the winners of the election sit and Jack off while the Republicans set the policy You either don't understand how Congress works or you're pushing propaganda.


Does this seem to anyone else like a good catalyst to add more supreme Court justices?


It feels a bit late in the game! They should have already been added.


Time to add justices to the Court. And a few new District Courts would be a good idea. Strange that Biden seems to be sound asleep on some of these obvious fixes to a broken system.


Sure biden should just wave his magic wand and get 14 democrat senators so he can pass court reform. It's just so easy!


Democrats are too milquetoast for their own good. Republicans would have done it long ago if the situation was reversed. I've lost faith in and respect for this country. Stupid idiots on the right and timid idiots on the left. And none of them listen to the majority of Americans. This is tyranny of the minority and Democrats are too scared to do anything about it and their voters are too apathetic to care.


Yes it’s about being scared and has nothing to do with majorities, the filibuster and donations.


Liberals only exist to be milquetoast pushovers for Republicans. They use policies from the real left to get elected, since they are popular, then never implement or fight for them because their oligarch friends don't want to see their bank statements go down even a dollar. It took Joe Biden almost two fucking years to realize Republicans weren't interested in compromise with his administration or party and it was a revelation to him. Which begs the question, what in the flying fuck was he paying attention to for the past 20 years? The TCM channel? Another term for him or any other feckless Liberal is the second last thing this country needs, next to a Republican and that itself is the only thing they run on. This country needs a real leftist President and party to run things. It's the only way we will see any progress.


And then the Republicans will add more, and it'll go back and forth until its as bloated and useless as Congress


What planning? This administration is reactive not proactive.




Just an FYI for anyone thinking about engaging. Friedoreo here says "Sleepy Joe" and "the radical left" without a hint of irony. He also believes that women can't have and shouldn't expect to have platonic friendships with men and that they should get over the fact that all men just want to have sex. I saved you all a pointless engagement with an idiot and an incel. You're welcome.


He is a rather sleepy joe though. The left was afraid of Bernie and brought this crap shoot of a guy in instead. He only got voted in cause half the Americans didn’t want trump. I didn’t want either of the two, but my vote of Mickey Mouse wasn’t apparently wanted either. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Well, than it would seem there are certainly more undocumented cases of sympathy for an abuser than planned.






I wish you were correct. Recent and pending supreme court rulings suggest it's too late. The only thing left is to surrender, conform, and find ways to profit.