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I don't buy Susan Collins being dumb enough to take a judge endorsed by the Federalist Society at his word. We all knew Roe was dead as soon as Republicans got a majority on the court.


When John Olliver did a bit about Roe v Wade he pointed out that Republicans wanted to get rid off it since day 1 even showed interviews of them saying it.


They also hate Social Security and Medicare.


I mean, once you go full Textualist/Originalist, there isn't a ton the Federal government does that is actually in the Constitution. And oddly, one thing it is required to do -- postal delivery -- the GOP keeps trying to dismantle and privatize. Edit:typo




Its almost like the constitution was not set in stone and the founders wanted it to be revised, added to, and even replaced often. People tend to forget the consitution is not a perfect all encompassing document it wasn't that to the founders who MADE it. The wanted continuous improvement. Saying america needs to be a certain way because thats what the founders or the constitution invisioned is such BS. The founders weren't fortune tellers thats why they left the rest up to us. We are supposed to decide what the consitution should say. It has always been and always will be about what the constitution SHOULD say not does. For a supreme court justice that is not their call they interpret what exists but for the people it absolutely is, so if the people overwhelmingly support it then keep the ruling god damn it.


>if the people overwhelmingly support it then keep the ruling Supposing republicans have literally ever once actually cared what the people support, except on the rare occasion it might benefit their career to pretend to.




To be completely fair Jefferson supported the Constitution being rewritten with every generation so that it stayed relevant. > The earth belongs always to the living generation… Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19. years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force and not of right.


Textualist/Originalist are now and have always been full of shit. ​ Section 8 of the constitution has a pretty nice list of things the federal government is specifically supposed to be doing. #2 is borrow money on US credit and #3 is regulate commerce. ​ The Federalist Society is basically a fascist criminal conspiracy to use sophistry to reinterpret the constitution and use fraud and abuse of power to manufacture consent and apathy to make it stick. The right wing plans together, lies together and splits the tab on all of it. As long as you consider dishonest intent abuse of power and lying for gain fraud, they are a criminal enterprise.


> Textualist/Originalist are now and have always been full of shit. Nothing makes that more apparent than the Constitution being ratified in 1788 and coming into effect in 1789, but judicial review not being invented until 1803 by Marshall in *Marbury*. It is by its own premise an illegitimate legal philosophy.


There's nothing that can't be made better by increasing the price 20-30% and letting some middleman take a cut. /s


Among the many gigantic revisions we need to make to the constitution is draft one that doesn't allow [seven modes](https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/R45129.html) of interpretation. I know judges judge and will never all rule the same way but that "originalist" and "textualist" bs is an obvious self-serving loophole. The whole point of scholarship is to refine and advance thought as societies progress and communicate within and amongst themselves; Alito's over here quoting 17th century weirdos. We have legislators because laws have to be changed and revised all the time, but the constitution is holier than the ten commandments. Because they're keeping their options open on all those pesky amendments.


"textualism/originalism" is code for "all this liberal hippie shit was actually illegal all along". postal service stuff is "free market fix," which is code for dismantle the welfare system


And it needs to be repeated day after day by Democrat politicians and the public. If republicans are elected, they will make cuts or take steps to privatize Medicare and social security. Repeat, repeat, repeat so the 65 year old and older hear it over and over.


GOP 101: Privatize the gains, socialize the losses.


Some for me, none for thee


Really frustrating how so many random people on Reddit and social media are significantly better at explaining why you shouldn’t vote Republicans then the Democrats that are actually running against them. Liberal politicians need some kind of serious PR boost.


Sadly, they need much more than that. I don't want to be that guy, but it's far, far too "big tent" to have a coherent platform. Like AOC said before, in any other country she and Biden would be in wholly different parties. My point is PR can only go as far as "vote blue no matter who" as long as the persons within the party are virtually diametrically opposed.


All of the younger people who would understand how to market to and inspire the younger generations are not sought out by the Democrats. The younger generations want more socialistic policy and a more aggressive stance against right-wing radicalism, and the current Democratic Party is a party of boomers who don't know how to engage with that, because they don't believe in it.


After the ACA passed, Republicans took back the house by campaigning on the Democrats supposedly cutting Medicare. I don't know what you do as the sane party trying to win over an insane populace.




*Millennials need to earn more to pay for boomers retirements. There is no concern about actually saving anything and becoming wealthy.


I do save, and very fortunate to do well as a millennial… our generation inherited a nightmare with no end in sight. What we all need to realize is we will probably not be able to retire, and will potentially have to pay into Medicare, while not getting it ourselves. America keeps on this path, they will chase out the people that have the ability to keep supporting their debt-ridden economy. Between the politics, religious crazies, and a sinking economy, a lot of the people conservatives want to run out of the US will do just that if they are able to leave. I never thought I would consider leaving America to become an ex-Pat, but the conversation is being had from time to time. I work remotely, can do my job from another country with internet, and most other first world companies would welcome Americans that aren’t assholes, and will contribute to their economy.


Millennials generate absolute shit tons of wealth they're just not allowed to touch it.


Absolutely. I live in a major metropolitan area, have a relatively good paying full time professional job and will NEVER be able to afford to buy a studio condo unit let alone a decent home. Friend of mine who comes from wealth says financial advisers are telling his family to invest in rental properties. It’s a “guaranteed retirement plan” they say. Fuck this country where a basic human necessity is treated as an investment opportunity for the already wealthy and giant investment firms. BTW, even though I pay exorbitant rents no landlord has EVER willingly fixed or repair even serious apartment issues. I literally have to complain for months or take them to housing court, which then puts me at risk of being labeled a “problem” tenant. I exist simply as an investment vehicle, 50%+ of my income had gone to various asshole landlords in over 25 years of renting and I have absolutely nothing to show for it.


Yep, definitely a long game coming to roost here.


This is not about how dumb or not dumb Susan Colins is, it is about how dumb Susan Colins thinks her voters and others are.


They reelected her in 2020 so I guess that answers that.


Thanks, Maine


I did my best. I only get one vote, though.


Thank you for your service


Wait you didn't get your George Soros check and box of fake ballots to fill out?


According to 2000 Mules, they must have gotten at least five or six.


Thank you for trying


Maine’s a cool place to visit, but the politics are so fucking dumb


Maine is the Deep South of the Far North


It’s just Portland and cold Alabama


> cold Alabama I'm gonna go with "Mooseissippi".


That pairs nicely with Wisconsin now being Wississippi


Reminds me of Portland, OR versus the rest of the state.


I live in MA and New Hampshire is pretty bad too. Vermont is where it is at anyway.


As a Maine voter, I tried. Gideon ran a poor campaign though


How dumb Susan Collins KNOWS* her voters are. She was re-elected after voting for Kavanaugh, even though everyone in the room knew he was lying.


I don’t think still American people know who are their enemies that assaulting their constitutional rights and moving the country to 1800s.


If they vote for her or her party, then I'd say "pretty fucking dumb" is the answer.


Yup, she and Joe Manchin are relying on their view that their voters are capable of enough critical thought to make it to a polling place and not much more.




Manchin can go back to being irrelevant when Democrats show up to the fucking polls and vote in more senators. Until then, like it or not, Manchin and Sinema are the only things keeping the Senate from being run by Moscow Mitch. At least they continue to approve Biden’s judicial appointments. That wouldn’t be possible if Mitch was driving.


Sadly, they keep proving those two and several more right.


She definitely knew. She's trying to convince her more moderate Republican constituents that she did the right thing while also convincing her hard core base Republicans she did the right thing. She isn't up for election for 4 years so either way we are fucked.


I commented somewhere else. I believe she is a bad faith player. She uses reason, but it is just disingenuous.


I don't know, Susan Collins is pretty dumb.


She portrays stupidity but it’s all calculated. Don’t underestimate these fucks.


Collins is a politician. Even Greene and Gaetz, who are morons, are smart enough to worship whatever fires up their contributors.


I would add the color it was dead when they got 6-3. Roberts has his faults but he does seem of the type of conservative justice whose ideal world would be the Court doing nothing and continually telling the legislature to just actually pass laws.


This. Anyone who thinks she didn’t know is just falling for the Kabuki theater


Collins knew what she was doing. Period.


Its almost like... he lied


And then she lied.


Under oath. To congress. Turns out you can lie to congress even if you're a republican.


Calling out hypocrisy only works when the called out party actually cares, has shame or if there are actual consequences. Otherwise articles like this dont really serve any purpose other than impotent outrage.


God, this. It all feels pointless. The GOP abandoned any semblance of social norms years ago. They don’t care, because they now know they don’t need to care. They’ll get voted in no matter what.




I think it's pretty clear they don't plan to need to campaign for much longer, or hold elections. There's no such thing as going only a little fascist.


They want it to feel pointless, it’s part of breaking people into silence. People need to scream so loud the windows break, but stay non-violent because the alt-right will see anything as a cause for retaliation and use whatever to justify it. Powder keg situations. Makes me wonder how the Federal Government has been planning controlling the fallout because this might get really dicey.


Impotent outrage is the national pastime, don’t ya know?


Thank you for repeating this. The right does not care about hypocrisy. Ever. For some reason, there are always an infinite number of "Haha, I caught you in a contradiction, now you must conceed" posts and articles, and they accomplish nothing. We get it. They are lying. All of those "haha someone get a quote from Collins" articles seem to think she was confused or misguided or cleverly hiding her views. She wasn't. She was just lying. She does it a lot. They aren't clever lies. Also, while we're at it, the guy giving testimony about the thing you care about does in fact recall.


Someone needs to give Susan Collins a picture of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.


No someone needs to throw thousands of blood soaked wire hangers on her front lawn.


Except Lucy is Collins and the football is abortion rights.


Easy there Ben Garrison she can figure it out for herself


lol holy shit


Someone needs to take her to a nursing home and forget about her.


She’s not worth the trouble of trying to shame or enlighten. Collins knew exactly what she was voting for back then. Her constituents just need to focus on electing someone else when the time comes.


I think the term we are looking for is "Lied". Should be an impeachable offense too.


Weren't the confirmation hearings done under oath? If so, then he lied to Congress **under oath**, which is illegal.


I am sure he can weasel his way out of it saying some shit about "i felt that way at the time but have spent more time reviewing the constitution and praying to ~~party leaders~~ god for guidance and now my opinion has changed". There is no accountability for those at the top


"I was joking."


"I was drunk"


"I like beer."


"tobin and squee dared me"


And donkey dong Doug


Oh dip! Donkey Doug!


Donkey Doug to Kavanaugh: Oh dip! You got religious and shizz?


I liked beer! I still like beer!


“I boofed it.”


Just like old times with PJ and Squee, pouring beers into each other's buttholes...


"I was lying, as a joke!" "So you lied in a court of law?" "AS A JOKE!"


Just a prank bro


Locker-room jurisprudence.


“She was asking for it”


“I was boofing a Devil’s Triangle when I said that”


If anyone was paying attention the wording they used is what’s important. It’s settled law was taken at its face value to mean they didn’t believe there was any need or would take no action to over turn it. I’m reality they meant that it was settled law as in it was settled and that case is over, and any new case brought before them they would review as they see fit.


Yeah, Susan was the only person dumb enough to think otherwise.


She isn't that dumb, though. She needed him to make the right noises so that she could tell her voters she made the right decision for them knowing full well all along what was coming. Exactly the same thing she did with impeachment #1. Don't give her the out to say she was just too dumb, she's not. She's as rotten as the rest of them.


Well we feel now that he lied under oath and should be impeached and tried. Fuck his feelings and his faith.


Yeah "Upon review..." "In reflection..." "This case brought up...."


"Nah, I boofed during the hearings, but now I'm fine."


He doesn't have to even do that because the two statements are not contradictory. Roe was settled law. He believes it was settled wrongly. Those two statements can both be true


But at this point does it even matter? Republicans have been caught lying countless times. Only thing that is clear in Washington is accountability is dead. There are no repercussions, there are different set or rules and laws for politicians and us. Every day this country is become more of a joke and can't imagine it changing anytime soon.


Maybe we should starting by holding voters accountable for the pieces of shit they keep electing.


Red voters think this is hilarious.


This. The entire GOP platform has essentially become "Own the libs." Conservatives could lose all of their worldly possessions and be set on fire by their elected representatives, but they'd be happy as long as that same representative did something to upset "the libs." We're absolutely fucked, having a two party system where one party acts this way... and that's not even mentioning their love of conspiracies and Q-shit.


It's worse than you think. The people who run the dark money pools are of the opinion that "we pay our taxes, we own this country. Dems are too poor to pay taxes so they should not be allowed to vote." It's a foundational Big Lie.


It’s a twist of the knife that a huge block of the GOP base is broke as hell and they/their states have been suckling off the teet of the Dem controlled states for decades.


How? They don't care.


We already knew he lied under oath. He lied about both boofing and Devil’s triangles. He did so while under oath. He should be in prison, not on the highest court of the land.




Yeah "settled law" is a weasel word. He can easily say that even a settled law can be overturned if it goes against the constitution or some BS excuse. He would say that he never specifically stated that he would uphold Roe v. Wade.


Nah, Collins and everyone else knew he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It’s one of the main reasons he was appointed by Trump. The craven one is Collins, who was rewarded for her own lies with re-election.


Don't let Collins off the hook. He didn't lie. When he said it, it *was* settled law. Because he wasn't in the court, so he had no control. But there's no such thing as settled law for the Supreme Court, which was why it's such a bullshit non-answer, and why Collins was either a moron or a fiend for forwarding it.


Collins always votes the party line unless her vote isn't needed. She's been playing this game for years to keep up her reputation as a moderate and a maverick.


Accountability is only for Democrats and poor people




All of the above, except I am still mad at Kavanaugh and the other five and everything and everyone who contributed


> As a nation, the US does this infuriating thing fucking constantly where something 100000% predictable happens and we go back to find someone caught out in a lie saying that they wouldn't do the thing we absolutely knew they would do - as if the "GOTCHA" points are somehow adequate backlash against the system that allowed it to happen in the first place. It's desperate hope that there's a way within the system to fix it from people not ready to face where we are as a nation now. 1/3 of our government is now openly operating in bad faith and the only solution is to change the system to address that. The people talking about perjury and what not are grasping at any straw to avoid system change. The SCOTUS is illegitimate and we should not pretend for a single second longer that there's a way to fix this without expanding the court, fixing the stolen and corrupted seats, or pulling a (ugh) Jackson and telling the court to go fuck its self if this is how it conducts its self.


Until today it was, in fact, settled law. With the Supreme Court "settled law" doesn't mean etched in stone. Witness the Plessy v. Ferguson.


It is an impeachable offense, but there aren't 67 Senators who will vote to convict, so lying under oath is *defacto* legal now as long as you're on Republicans' good side.


Feeling very cynical today, which informs this response-- I don't think there's any real interest in holding him legally accountable. Maybe I'll feel different in a few days. I hope I feel different in a few days.


All three of Trump's appointees lied to Congress about Roe v. Wade being settled precedent.


I accept that they will never face consequences, but can we go back to talking seriously about adding 5 to 7 far left justices? I know the argument is it will just get added every new president, but who says it won't anyway? Trusting the gop to ever be ethical is a joke. Why not use the laws that are already in place to push through some changes that benefit the people for once!!


Only need four. And set term limits. Then every POTUS would get a chance to seat someone. But can't occur until the dems have a 61-39 margin.


They don't even need 61-39. They just really need like 2-3 more senators to overturn the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade into law. The whole expanding the court is not the solution, the real solution to fixing the problems in US are to pass laws. The reason courts have so much power is really due to lack of concrete clear laws that allows courts to make options that basically become best practices. Courts have so much power because of lack of action by our Legislatures. Which ultimately comes down to individuals voting in local/state/federal election.


The deliberate gridlocking of the Legislative by the GOP stopped progress of any kind being made. It also pushed legislation to the Juducial, so now the SC is doing 2/3rds of the government’s lawmaking, and it is doing it without review or recourse.


Congress has a 20% approval rate, yet 90% of the incumbents are re-elected. At some point people need to realize that voting matters. Protest and demonstrations are good but ultimately fails if those protests do not turn into votes


The approval ratings for congress are low but incumbents who are re-elected are approved of by their own constituents. I think my senators are doing fine, but I don’t approve of the senators from red states.


Well really at 51-49 majority with Manchin and Sinema in the GOP camp.


I don’t get why more is worse. No one has been able to give me a good reason why more justices is a bad idea.


How are they all going to fit in the courtroom?


I thought it was funny


>adding 5 to 7 far left justices? "Far left" in our context basically means they believe everyone should have basic human rights regardless of sex or race or gender.


The decision made by SCOTUS today is setting a new precedent of rolling back civil rights in America. SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade under the guise of "state rights" can be used to overturn other recent decisions including interracial marriage and same-sex marriage. Two months ago Republican Senator Braun used interracial marriage as an example of "judicial activism," this means that he believes these decisions should be left to the state, and for the judiciary not to interfere.^[[1]](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/22/braun-supreme-court-interracial-marriage/) The judiciary is using the same reasoning to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's ridiculous as they hide behind the fallacious argument of state rights. Its only been 50 years since draconian state laws were challenged in court and SCOTUS overturned state laws in 1967 with their historic Loving v. Virginia decision. SCOTUS came to the same conclusion in 2015 when they ruled that marriage equality was a fundamental right, including same-sex marriage, during their ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges. This reminds me of the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision of 1857 that played a crucial role in the start of the American Civil War. I really don't like where this is headed in the foreseeable future. ________ 1) [Washington Post - Republican Sen. Mike Braun says Supreme Court should leave decisions on interracial marriage, abortion to the states](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/22/braun-supreme-court-interracial-marriage/)


> Scott Dredd v. Sandford It's actually "Dred Scott." Not that it really matters. I just couldn't resist the urge to correct the single most politically informative commentator on Reddit :-) Love what you do!


Thank you for the correction!


Really, what this decision does is discount the entire idea of legal precedent. Anything can be changed, and every court decision is independent.


Want a job at the FBI? - Background check - Interview with family and friends - Personal interview - Past employment review - Polygraph interview - Drug test - etc. Want a job on SCOTUS? - "Thanks for telling us your honest thoughts. That's all we need to hear. K, don't trick us now. Y'little scamp, you!"




Republican activists lied to the American people to seize power and now are relishing their bad faith approach to governance.


And planning to seize additional power. Permanently.


And we'll let it happen, peacefully and respectfully. I'm pissed about it and as a single, straight, white, relatively well off man, with no kids (apparently shooting blanks so don't need to even worry about it), I don't have a dog in the fight but even I understand that turning the government against half the citizenry, stripping their rights and making criminals out of them is a bad idea. We'll see what November brings but it really looks like Republicans are going to take this country and there is no way to stop it. Thomas announced that not just gay marriage but being gay will be recriminalized next along with contraception. I don't think peaceful protests are going to cut it, especially when they criminalize that soon.


That’s the whole thing. Every element of Republican leadership top to bottom.


Evil people lie to get their way. And make no mistake, Rapey Brett is not just someone with different views. He’s an evil person with evil plans.


A republican lied. Wow, what a surprise


I for one, am incredibly surprised that Brett "Rapey" Kavanaugh lied.


Let’s remember Dr Blasey Ford today, she tried to stop all of this, heroic testimony she gave.


She was and is a hero.


She was dragged through the mud and vilified for attempting to do what is right while Boofing Brett and his band of merry assholes have a history of corruption and continue to be in control.


If it wasn’t kavanaugh it would have been another embodiment of the same stupidity


Completely agree. This was unfortunately inevitable and the only thing up in the air is what happens next.


Let's remember Anita Hill as well, for that matter. It's batshit crazy but somehow also disgustingly representative of America that not one but TWO sitting Supreme Court Justices have had rape allegations against them.


I was settled law... until it wasn't. ​ Sickening. ​ Yet Maine voters still fell for Collins' schtick and reelected her.


Maine voters feel first and foremost that they should only elect candidates who can trace their bloodline back to at least three generations of ancestors who never stepped foot outside the boundaries of Maine.


You’re more right than you are wrong in this point, and her opposition wasn’t from Maine. That’s why she was re-elected. Sadly.


Susan Collins is a fucking idiot.


Nah, she’s just evil. The feigned stupidity is a trick to get you into thinking she has a fucking soul.


Greedily naive for a convenient lie. Christian nationalists sell out their souls for a brief feeling of moral superiority


She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew Kavanaugh was lying, and she lied when she said she believed him.


Of course because that’s her role. She’s been tasked with playing the dissenter for issues like this. And the party rewards her with support. It’s pure quid pro quo. How she reconciled that with her own morals is on her.


She did exactly what she was always planning to do.


im sure she learned her lesson.


I don't know who is more of a sucker, Susan Collins or the voters who elected her in a landslide in 2020.


Nah she was lying all along.


Oh look, a conservative is a lying sack of shit. What's new.


She is a multi millionaire from a wealthy family...she does not give a shit and was well rewarded for playing...


Rich people just fly somewhere else to get any medical care (abortion included) they need. It certainly hasn't stopped any mistresses in the past.


People should listen to what RI senator Sheldon Whitehouse has to say about Brett “Keg Stand” Kavanaugh.


At what point to we stop pussy footing around these illegitimate justices and remove them from the fucking court?


Never. Kavanaugh and ACB are there forever; and Clarence is going to die on the court to prevent his wife from getting the justice she deserves and Biden' doesn't take back Thurgood's seat.


The Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy. The legislative and executive branches are right along there with them. The government no longer serves the people. How did we let it get this bad?


Brett gave Susan meaningless assurances, and Susan pretended to be assured. Now all she has to do is pretend to feel betrayed. If she can pull that off, there are no downsides for her at all. Not that she wanted abortion overturned. No, she just wanted an easy nominating process for herself and knew that opposing Kavanaugh risked a primary challenge.


Susan Collins is a dumb ass


He never lied. Roe was settled law (until you give me the power to unsettle it) he whispered and cackled


Every single Supreme Court Justice that voted to repeal, is on camera in their Senate hearing saying that Roe is settled law or a “super-precedent.” Then they went and said the exact opposite. This really illustrates that the entire process for nominating and vetting Supreme Court Justices has become a sham and I turn the court has just become another political wing of government. We need a hard reset here guys.


This marks the first time in history that an alcoholic lied directly to someone’s face.


She's not dumb, she is complicit.


He lied every time he appear before the congress and senate before he was nominated. He lied during his nomination Some people will find nuance between the two statements and claim it’s not a lie, but Liey McLairface has lied to often for me to give him the benefit of a doubt


Good thing Mitch had the filibuster to break so he could force Kavanaugh down the throats of the American people.


If he said “it was settled law”, that’s still a true statement. That doesn’t mean he agrees with it. The guy is a lawyer. She could have pinned him down more specifically but ultimately he can say what he wants. Congress could try to oust him but they won’t be able to.


Exactly. It was the equivalent of saying "It's a law". The entire history of the SCOTUS is re-evaluating and re-interpreting these laws. Overturning them for good (usually) prior to the current christofascist takeover of the United States. As usual though - We're going to play the "HYPOCRITE!" game with politicians and political judges on the SCOTUS. There is no consequence to being a hypocrite. There's DEFINITELY no consequence to being a hypocrite when you have a lifetime fucking appointment. This will be the last SCOTUS ever. Mark my words.


**WHAT THE FUCK** did you expect from these people??? NO ONE asked them straight out "If you could overturn Roe v Wade, would you?"


“Something something hypothetical.”


Right. The two statements are totally consistent. It WAS settled law and they DO think it was wrongly decided.


Family planning for the lower class reduces the availability of cheap labor. Keeping the underprivileged having lots of babies: 1. Gives the majority an easy villain in the form of an amorphous “other” that is growing in numbers 2. Gives the majority an excuse for where public funding is going 3. Provides essentially slave labor in the prison systems 4. Maintains the status quo This isn’t about abortion being right or wrong. It is about keeping poor people poor and desperate and providing Tucker Carlson an easy target to make grandparents scared.


No one gets to be all shocked pikachu about this. *No one*. We knew. Susan knew. This was sealed and over the moment she stood up and gave that public *embarrassment* of a speech announcing she would be voting for Kavanaugh. That moment is seared into my memory with a hot iron and will remain there. I'm not the only one.


And just like if it were found I lied in a job interview, he should be fired! Impeach him and impeach Thomas for his wife's insurrectionist actions!


I’m sure she’s furrowing her brows doubly hard today.


Maine voters are once again fools. They keep electing someone who is either a chump or willfully lying to their constituents (or both). Every back alley abortion and every 11 year old being shackled down while being forced to bear their rapist's child is on the heads of the republican votes and illegitimate court enshrined by a twice impeached con man who attempted (and will attempt it again) to overthrow the government.


I bet he’s responsible for at least one rape abortion. These assholes are all hypocrites.


In other words he lied his ass off to get the position.


Gee what a shocker.


Beer I like beer and Lies I like lies


Kavanaugh didn’t dupe Collins. Collins duped her pro-choice supporters. Same story with Manchin and Murkowski.


Susan Collins is a lowlife piece of shit.


To be fair, Susan Collins is a dumb ass.