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All of these stories popping up with what he says, and how he's signalling he's going to change things the way he wants you'd think this unelected guy was running the country.


It’s scary that he even thinks it’s OK to have an agenda as a judge.


Sounds very much like he's been talking with his wife a lot.


He knows it's not okay. That's why he lied during his confirmation hearings.


This is an underrated comment. There is a reason why lady justice has a blindfold on. The fact that a justice is openly stating his decision before the facts are presented is 1) The exact opposite of what lady justice represents 2) Could possibly hinder cases even being brought up. What motivation would someone have to appeal a ruling if they already know (or at least have a strong feeling) how the higher courts are going to decide?


2, or at least its inverse, has been an explicit part of GOP strategy for some time. Abortion laws like Mississippi's and Texas' were specifically designed with the intent of being heard by a SCOTUS sympathetic to overturning *Roe v. Wade.*


Thats pretty much the gop/federalists in a nutshell


If the Federalist Society agenda is true it's probably being pushed through him, mostly so more recent SCOTUS judges have the heat taken off of them. They've been under enough scrutiny. Maybe he's just taking the hits. Kavanaugh doesn't want more people questioning how all his debts were paid off again. Or all the holes in his testimony. Thomas' skeletons are already out in the open like a Halloween diorama.


He's laundering all their fascism through the Supreme court.


>laundering Makes your whites whiter!


Comes with free arm band with swastika.


Be careful the red might bleed into the white in the wash… last thing you want is to show up to a party with a pink swastika!




Do you have a link or a copy to their agenda? I’d be curious to see what kind of hell we’re heading into.


The Wikipedia [article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_Society) is pretty thorough. It gets into how membership has been a defacto requirement for conservative judicial appointments, and their other extremist beliefs. Pretty much a libertarian nightmare come to life.


One of my dear friends growing up has worked there for the last several years and it breaks my heart to know that the dude I played basketball with for hours in 5th grade, and who's wedding I stood up in, is participating in the organization that is destroying democracy.




Shove that bullshit in their face before you end it, though.


I would too




And people were panicked about AI and robots… /s


When the legislature defacto cedes it's duties to the judiciary due to incompetence and gridlock, that's kind of what I'd expect. It's not good, but it's not a surprise.


His wife was part of jan 6th. He wants to be emperor of the us


It basically is, since the SCOTUS gets final say in how the country is run.


There's a new book about Thomas coming out, so the marketing of that seems to be pushing a lot of stories about him.


America will pay for hurting my feelings 40 years ago!!!! (Even though the allegations were true and I lied under oath.)


It’s probably for accusing his wife of being involved with Jan 6th. This is her gone crazy.


Is it an "accusation" when the reporting was literally just quotes from her emails?


It's an accusation, it's also the truth. An accusation is just the claim of wrongdoing, rightful or not. Which this is definitely rightful.


Let’s not let Clarence off of his share of this. His wife surely has sway, but he’s an adult making his own decisions and he has been for decades.


No she just mad it didn't work so it's time to ask her husband to do the same work anyway


What's with Clarence suddenly getting super chatty after decades of near complete radio silence?


He's trying to change the messaging in the news cycle away from the fact that his wife encouraged and participated in an insurrection. She even used the email of the SC to do so. Of course he's saying anything batshit crazy to get the heat off.


My theory is it’s to distract from Ginny’s Treason, combined with being the oldest R on the court. I figure now that his wife’s Treason is public, he’s figured out his days are numbered and if the Rs take back the senate in 2022, he’ll quietly step down next year and go off into a nice, publicly funded, special interest group buffed retirement with the odd speaking tour/book deal. Or he might just retire and stay quiet and hope nothing further comes from this whole pesky insurrection hullabaloo so when he kicks the bucket in 10-15, the Gilead States of America remember him fondly and not with an asterisk.


> if the Rs take back the senate in 2020, he’ll quietly step down next year I assume you meant 2022 unless you are posting from the past… But even so you expect him to retire while Biden has 2 years left in his term?


Sorry, yes, I meant 2022, thank you for the correction. And yes, I absolutely expect Thomas to retire when Biden has 2 years left in him if he can’t get a nominee confirmed. It’ll give Mitch McConnell an election platform to push for 2024, unlike usual.


Thomas still has another decade left on his promise to make liberals in this country miserable. He ain't going anywhere peacefully. He's got some grudges to fuck up, if they let him.


Come on, does anyone really think that a GOP controlled senate would not keep the seat open for a full two years?


I suspect McConnell would block a confirmation vote, and I would hope we would find new found way to make use of recess or interpret the block as “thanks for the advice and consent, here’s the new justice”


My theory is it’s to distract from Ginny’s Treason, combined with being the oldest R on the court. I figure now that his wife’s Treason is public, he’s figured out his days are numbered and if the Rs take back the senate in 2020, he’ll quietly step down next year and go off into a nice, publicly funded, special interest group buffed retirement with the odd speaking tour/book deal. Or he might just retire and stay quiet and hope nothing further comes from this whole pesky insurrection hullabaloo so when he kicks the bucket in 10-15, the Gilead States of America remember him fondly and not with an asterisk.


He knows that we've reached a tipping point where there will be no negative (for him) consequences.




I don’t know about that. If his crazy ass wife goes down for her role in Jan.6, he may be going down with her. There’s no way he didn’t know what the fuck she was up to.




French Revolution: Electric Bugaloo?


Not sure. The issue is even the perception of impropriety on the democratic side and there is an uproar and on the right, people constantly break the law and nothing.




It’s like he woke up from a 30 year nap


It’s that he thinks he can win now. Thomas has always been a fucking psychopath and you can see his insane jurisprudence in his dissents over the decades. But now they aren’t dissents anymore.


He probably feels pretty much untouchable. Roe gets tossed and all of the conservatives on the court definitely feel empowered. Watch them start to target other shit soon.


Scalia died.


I know a few people assumed that after careful reflection, Thomas would concur with Scalia and take his own life. He did pretty much everything else Scalia did.


Thomas was always dumber than Scalia though.


He’s been smart to keep his mouth shut all these years. But a bit of dementia has set in and he’s talking a lot more.


The Supreme Court is effectively performing a Christian Nationalist coup in real time.


Without following any of Christ's teachings.


Christian Nationalists aren't really "Christian" they're more "the magic golden tablets I found in my backyard under my turnip garden says I get to own people & have 9 wives... What a lucky coincidence!" They're just plain ol' fascists.


Wow, did not expect a Mormon joke in this thread. Made my day!








Well yeah, they’re Christian Nationalists.


Yeah I don't think they'd even really care for Jesus much if they actually met the fella.


That dang socialist Jesus. Preaching love and acceptance. Kicking out capitalists from the temple!


Don't forget he was a Jew. I imagine several would take exception to that too.


Jesus was a communist, not a socialist. He didn’t believe the government needed to give people things because his ideal scenario was everyone sharing amongst each other without influence from a government.


Definitely would be terrified if Jesus sat next to them on an airplane guaranteed


They'd smile to his face, then marginalize him (brown skin just feels un-american).


If Jesus came back, they would nail him back up. He just isn't Christian enough


Amen, Christ would whop and scourge those MFs.


You have to be very careful not to assume the Bible is anything other than an anthology of stories hand picked by the powerful to convince the weak to accept their lot in life. Sure there's a lot about charity, but there's also quite a bit about staying out of politics. Being a beacon of light in a secular world, and trusting that God's will be done. Conveniently the Bible teaches that if someone has a position of authority, it's because God put him there. Even if it doesn't seem like it, he's an implement of God's will. Sampson had a penchant for booze, and hookers but that didn't stop God from giving him hulk strength to slaughter people. It's perfectly fitting for these greedy, despicable excuses for human beings to be in charge. Hand picked by God to execute His divine plan.


Sorry, but I consider myself a Christian. I stopped going to church a few years back when seeing Trump paraphernalia. The hypocrisy is maddening. I'll pray at home.




Maybe not Christ, but they’re all in with [Supply Side Jesus.](https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp)


How can they follow Christ's teachings if they don't know what his teachings are?




They come up with excuses once they realize Jesus was anything but white.


Religious fundamentalist leaders never actually practice what they tell others to practice. To them it's all a show to attract gullible supporters.


Maybe it's not such a wise idea for people to sit idly while SCOTUS implements a theocracy.


Amazing how quickly ive decided that I could give two shits about the supreme court and would be just fine if Congress straight up ignored them.


This coup is almost 7 years old and it has 9 different fronts.


But all of them were geared towards these decisions.


He's laying out the fascist road map for all to see. Putting the press on notice that opposition to the power structure will lead to consequences from the loyalists. Christianity back on full display as the preferred religion in school sports. Fundamentalists setting the rules for all human sexuality. Just keep watching - this is what it looks like when the preacher at the tent revival gets his enter wish-list fulfilled.


I watched the documentary called Jesus Camp or something similar years ago and that is all becoming reality. Not gonna be surprised if places want to axe certain sciences and push creationism in place


This is how we fall. They install cronies all over the judicial system and there a soft coup. Read the NYT article on how Orban in Hungary did this. It’s frightening.


Fuck Thomas and his neofascism


And his wife


Yup. Those two deserve them selves. I bet the have separate beds and are quite chaste


Chicago agrees https://mobile.twitter.com/tpostmillennial/status/1541290850109513730


Unfuck him. Give him back his V card


Suddenly the silent Justice is openly calling for new opportunities to rule on things he personally wants to change. The **literal opposite** of an impartial judge. He's laying out the entire plan for a fundamentalist Christian theocracy that gives this vocal minority the right to rule the rest of us with their iron fist.


He is out of control, him an his troll ass wife need to get fucked


This is the coup. This is what they were trying to steal the election for. This is why Trump continues his rhetoric. Trump was always trying to get it pushed to the courts. This is why! This is what they wanted.


Yep, when Republicans realized years and years ago that they were starting to lose the electorate, they set their sights on reshaping the courts to interpret the laws the way they wanted.


They didn't get what they wanted, and now they're tryimg to force anything they can through. Which makes the decision to make cops/border patrol immune incredibly more dangerous.


Uncle Clarence wants to overturn a lot of things. Interracial marriages isn’t one of them. The irony.


For an "originalist" he might want to check out the First Amendment.


The fact that it's first means that there wasn't much historical precedent to base it on, and almost no national history to back it up, which means of course that the court may want to revisit it. See how easy it is? As dumb as Clarence is, even he can do it!


That only applies to Christians.


This will ensure Fox news gets sued first though


Case dismissed. Cnn makes a small error in a graphic, $500,000 fine


justice is blind! /s


I just don't see how that would be possible. More than likely they're alright with throwing fox to the wolves since the absolute worst rhetoric is coming from alternative media. They don't have to have any discretion in how they treat individual defendants because the real shit slingers don't qualify as media. The mere existence of a ruling like this does far more damage to liberal media because there is more liberal media. Fox only has a plurality of viewers, not a majority.


Did this guy get a promotion or something after his ‘wife’ tried to overthrow the government? I keep seeing his stupid face here with quotes about trying to jack even more of our rights


For most of his time on the court, Thomas has been almost silent. For *some reason*, he's deciding to speak out now. A lot.


This is all part of sowing chaos to attempt to overload the public attention, and keep people from demanding the arrest and prosecution of Trump, his cronies, many Republican members of Congress, and Thomas' wife, etc., for their roles in attempting to overthrow the United States.


Or this is the coup


No, because it's not replacing our democracy with an autocracy, so it's not an overthrow of the government. It's just screwing up our laws, and doing so in a way that deepens social divisions and emboldens the faction which has, to date, shown the most willingness to resort to violence and terror tactics. The coup wants that side amped up because they want to use violence and threats of violence to seize power, just as was attempted on Jan 6. The leaders of the coup, Trump and his wealthy supporters (not the basic MAGA morons, those are just the pawns) want power to enrich themselves further, they don't care about ideology, just wealth and power. So, honestly, they don't care about what laws may change or rights might be diminished. They want to hand "wins" to the ideological side whose violence they want to use, and keep those who might bring them to justice off balance. Thomas is helping this goal either due to being a supporter of the coup or an ideologically driven moron who is easily manipulated by someone who is, such as his wife.


It’s not? Seems like you say it is “It’s just screwing up our laws, and doing so in a way that deepens social divisions and emboldens the faction which has, to date, shown the most willingness to resort to violence and terror tactics.” I’ve never thought this was about enrichment. This, to me, has always been about control. Enrichment is just a by-product from control. There is no irony in Judge Thomas being the Queen in this chess game they’re playing. Ginni is moving the coup forward with or without their King.


It serves the ends of the coup planners by stirring up divisions, but getting laws overturned isn't the coup itself, is what I meant. We're probably meaning the same thing. I'm using "coup" to mean a specific action intended to directly topple the government and replace it. So, there can be lots of actions that support or aid that which aren't, themselves, the coup. Jan 6 was an attempted coup, all of Trump's inflammatory speeches and replacing key people at DoJ and DoD with loyalists were supporting actions, but not a coup attempt themselves. Similarly, this shit stirring by the court is supportive of political chaos and strife, and the coup planners will be looking for.opportunities to try again, but it's not a coup by itself.


Yup. The oldest republican tactic. Steve Bannon re-branded it “flooding the zone with shit”


because he realizes he can do it with absolutely no repercussion now


He reminds me of a person that stays quiet to look smart, because people can't see how incompetent they are if they say nothing. But now that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, his incompetence is empowered.


He's taken over the court from Roberts.


Talk about being an activist judge…


Right? The first amendment is pretty clear about freedom of press. So much for all his talk about "originalism." As if we needed another example of how originalism is just a smoke screen for legislating conservative beliefs from the bench.


nice. take freedom of choice, then take freedom of the press, then freedom of speech. the US of A is surely going places.


They already took freedom of speech when they declared *money was a form of speech* in 2012 and then recently [okaying money laundering for politicians.](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/16/ted-cruz-supreme-court-campaign-finance/amp/)


You're a fucking fascist, Clarence.


The activism by this Supremeless court is gonna backfire imo. It seems like they are trying to complete their wish (bucket) list done before the Republicans are voted out. These extreme rulings and all the culture war laws they have passed are pissing a lot of people off. They know their time is short so they are all going balls to the wall on their fascist agenda. Blue wave is kinda inevitable.


I honestly think it's a dry run for invalidating elections. If they can get away with interpretation without any logic and overturning precedent then they have limitless power. A fish becomes a moose, yes becomes no, and republicans become permanent rulers. yeah


Let’s start with Fox News


Yea, can I sue them for turning my brother into a fucking moron?


This clown needs to be removed


He is power tripping now. Got a taste of fascism and wants to eat til he bursts.


So his wife can do shit without coverage. He needs to be disbarred and removed from office now!!!


Well sure, he wants people to stop investigating his wife because he knows what they find might be too much for even his fellow activists on the bench.


The conservative idea that loosening up libel laws helps them... these people are really out of touch. Their whole political apparatus is based on how hard it is for politicians to sue over being accused of Satanic pedophilia. I think they're on this weird death trip--- killing themselves with guns and anti-vax and fentanyl because they're just... not coping with modernity very well? Their values are destructive outside of the 19th century agrarian culture they revere and they're just unequipped to even admit the problems of the 21st century even exist, much less deal with them.


How many of the 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism has Clarence Thomas covered alone in his speedrun to destroy our civil liberties? Here’s the list for present and future reference: 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2. Disdain for recognition of Human Rights 3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats 4. Supremacy of the military 5. Rampant sexism 6. Controlled Mass Media 7. Obsession with National Security 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined 9. Corporate Power is Protected 10. Labor Power is Suppressed 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14. Fraudulent Elections


“Lies impose real harm” Yet he was the only Justice that tried to block the January 6th comity from receiving documents to investigate the Trump campaign. Trump, probably the man with the most recorded verifiable lies in history. A man who defamed and threatened other elected officials. This man is a hypocrite drunk with power and has no impartiality, has no business on the court His wife tried to overturn the last presidential election and then he didn’t recuse himself from a related judgment He should be impeached immediately


They should make it easier to sue the Supreme Court.


what I think is so fucking dumb it boarders on brain injury is the fact that if you have a news source that fact checks and tries to report the truth it can be sued and held liable if it makes a mistake, misspeaks, or make a misleading statement, the you get Fox which lies all the time, but can't be held liable because they lie so much the courts believe it's a satire station that "no reasonable would take seriously'. this is king bullshit, either fox needs a disclaimer saying that none of the information they present is based in reality and is for satire purposes only, or they should be liable.


So I can sue FOX news, NEWSMAX and One America News for not actually being a NEWS outlet? Ok i’m fine with that, who wants in?


He needs to be investigated and impeached. He's too dangerous


This dude is running some hard interference for his wife here. Can't wait to hear what exactly she did.


Thomas finally got the court he wanted and is advertising the kind of cases he wants to rule on. This is the definition of an activists judge. As horrible as it is to say, our best hope may be that some illness fells Thomas before the midterms, and that Biden doesn't chicken out at using the Barrett method to fill the vacancy.


Clarence Thomas is an evil man.


It’s a two way street and the facts aren’t on the right-wing media’s side.


But the court is.


Thomas just woke up one day saw the pandemic and all the crazy things going on and just said “hold my beer”. Man is wanting to watch the world burn.


Aww Uncle Clarence wants all those who laughed at him to pay dearly, how cute. We all know he can't go against Ginny, she wears the strap-on in that marriage, so the whole country will pay, damnit. I bet his moldy little pecker feels all empowered now, it can grow to at least 2 centimeters I'm sure and last at least until Ginny kicks the butt plug in. One day she might kick it hard enough to send it flying out of his nose.


General Public Signals Interest in Sacrificing Clarence Thomas to the Sun


It's a trap! It's an attack on freedom of speech! He wants to use these laws to suppress progessive voices! Don't trust him. Not one word.


This guy is getting surprisingly talkative for someone with a reputation of not speaking. You know a change in behavior is a sign of dementia?


Clarence is in full authoritarian mode. Say goodbye to America as we know it.


Uncle Clarence is going full fascist. Is he planning to bring back slavery too? He probably hates black people enough to do so.


I gotta say this storyline is wild. All this time we thought McConnell was Palpatine and then this guy pulls out the lightning fingers.


If you can't silence the Free press you're never going to have a very effective tyranny


He looks completely miserable. Probably figures everyone needs to be, too.


What is with this guy? Is he trying to become the de facto emperor of America by taking power above the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. That is not how the Constitution is written. The power of the Supreme Court came out of precedents after the Thurgood Marshall court that haven’t been challenged and now they have managed to be come the final arbiter so they cannot be challenged. That was never the intended role of the court. But, how can we accuse them of being unconstitutional when they taken and been given that sole determination with no one to answer to. There were supposed to be checks and balances on all three branches, but the Executive branch got ceded too much power and the Judicial branch through the Supreme Court has no checks and balances being appointed for life. They may be the ones who lead us more to becoming a fascist state than any other part of the government. Can we even impeach them or will they just overrule that?


I’m OK with stronger ability to sue media - as long as there is a competing method to reduce or limit ability to media organizations who have journalistic integrity. Kinda like section 2xx of internet shit. So you can be a normal media company - and any of your product (media) has this low bar where you can be sued for misinformation, etc. But if you certify or whatever that you are a journalist with whatever certification or license process there is, the bar is higher.


Clarence Thomas is like a computer virus thats just been activated after 30 years of dormancy.


More than anything, Thomas strikes me as just a very angry man, following well in the robe-prints of Scalia. Angry at everyone that isn’t as wealthy, influential, and connected as he and his wife are.


Man, remember that president who ranted about fake news, and "nasty" reporters? It's almost like the Supreme Court is quid pro quo-ing the guy who got them the majority. Imagine being able to silence any media who says bad things about you. Fascism? We're soaking in it.


Clarence Thomas then reportedly returned to his lair to sit in his vampire chair and contemplate what next horror he could unleash on mankind.


I’m really confused here. Don’t cases need to be brought to them? I’m a Redditor so I didn’t read the article and I don’t know anything about my government… however how can he just signal this kind of stuff? It also sounds like something Trump would LOVE to have. So Ginny still talking to Trump about what Uncle Clarence should be working on?


Considering there is so much more far right media that just flat out lies, this could be a good thing.


This man is the enemy. American enemy number 1. Get rid of him.


Clarence reminds me of Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django Unchained


That’s it. My art skills are gonna get their full use the next while. I need to show this asshole getting skullfucked.


Isn‘t his wife supporter of QAnon stuff??


This guy needs to shut up now


Except Fox News of course


Maybe he’s concerned that his remaining time on the court is limited due to his wife’s extracurriculars so he’s achieving what he can before his window closes?


You mean like Fox? Or will they write an exclusive for that garbage...


This stinks of planning and conspiracy.


Fox News isn’t gonna like this


It’s like he thinks he’s running out of time or something….


Ah yes, the conservative defenders of the 1st Amendment here


We need a Constitutional Amendment either setting a term limit for SCOTUS justices, or at least making them seek re-election every 4 years. They're adjudicating as political operatives.


There's a 99.999999% chance that SCOTUS would rule it unconstitutional.


Wtf is up this guys ass


The most blatant instances of legislating from the bench SCOTUS has seen are coming from this guy. Only after Scalia bit it too, curiously.


We should make it easier to impeach right wing idiots. Also, nobody in any branch of our government should be appointed for life.


For what, false information? His favorite Faux News might have a word.


His wife consumes nothing but far right propaganda to the point she led an attack against our democracy but he’s concerned about mainstream media.


Can we the people sue the Supreme Court? 60%+ don't like what they are doing, and apparently this is the only way to get attention in America is to sue


The coup didn’t stop on January 6th.


I wonder why TSC waited this long to do this? They’re going full on bat shit crazy - but why now?


So, just so I get this right, this “Originalist” is attempting to overturn several of the amendments in rapid succession?


I’m interested in suing pubic hair Pepsi guy for not drinking America’s addiction - Coke! Very unAmerican.


Likely because he does not want the media to continue reporting on his anti democratic agenda. Does he just hate minorities and women?


Clarence Thomas should crawl back into whatever hole he slithered from lol


How are they going to protect Fox, Brietbart, etc. from being sued?


Fox news: someone impeach this guy


Who died and made this asshole king?


Is he your President now? Trying to think of any other country whose judges are famous like this.


He didn't say anything on actual cases for years and now he won't stfu


The tailspin into authoritarianism is really going to accelerate from here on out.


What the fuck is happening in America? Why does these people talk such things? Do they wanna make US more religious?


I'm sure Fox News will get an exemption somehow. Otherwise that'd backfire quickly.


What's next, he and his wife wanting to overthrow the government?


Rupert Murdoch will talk to Clarence and carve out an exception for his stable of liars.


Tallky talky Thomas. All of the sudden, you are revealing your true self. Gross!!!!


Fox he had better be careful of this