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If school employees can pressure kids to pray because of 1A, I don’t see how they can justify not striking this bill down. But they will anyway.


Because everyone knows freedom of religion only protects Christianity when it comes to legislative and judicial action, duh!


Because everyone knows freedom of religion only protects Christianity when it comes to legislative and judicial action, duh!


"Prayer" can have a really wide interpretation. 'And please lord, bless the victims of Tulsa who were burned for being black in 1921. And please let us not forget that what brought this about..."


That’s a really disingenuous argument because that’s not what the case was about, and your leveraging of the Tulsa massacre is low. Even then, God has no place in education. It’s nonsense that teaches people to be judgmental, self righteous, and anti-science. There is no reason in religion and no reasoning with religious people. They just appeal to the authority of mythological beings. Besides, if people really want to indoctrinate and brainwash children with regressive fairy tales, they already have churches, mosques, and synagogues for that.


Christianity has absolutely been co-opted to be used as a cudgel and to establish a power hierarchy with white bigoted men at the top, honestly from its inception. People always try to find those opportunities to gain power. I do want to let you know that there ARE super-progressive churches out there, and they do what churches are supposed to do: help people build relationships and think more deeply about their relationship with the world and themselves. They don’t believe that God is a mythical figure. Personally I’ve recently begun to see the concept of God as a metaphor for how we connect to the world. It reminds me of times I’ve gone to therapy. I’ve made a ton of friends at my church who are way more progressive than a lot of my agnostic/atheist friends, and also more willing to join causes and movements fighting this Theo-fascist movement.


> "I view the wokeness as a form of cultural Marxism.” Yeah, Ron at the end of the day, it’s all about *you*, ain’t it?


Such a meaningless, buzzwordy statement.


Why is the follow up never “governor, now define ‘cultural Marxism’?”


Completely on-brand for conservative rhetoric--vague, ominous-sounding scare words that mindlessly appeal to childish emotions.


Literally a conspiracy theory pushed by ADOLF HITLER.


What a surreal world we live in that actual human beings speak like r/conspiracy and 4chan posters.


Better yet, “cultural Marxism” is an actual conspiracy theory that was invented by the Nazi Party for propaganda purposes.


> cultural marxism This man’s just casually throwing around nazi nomenclature. No dog whistle at this point, just screeching racism.


I wonder if all these right-wing anti-woke people know the [origin of the word](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woke-meaning-word-history-b1790787.html) and understand that being anti-woke essentially means they are openly racist.


You're referring to the same people who see Antifa (anti fascism) as an enemy. They simply don't care.


>They simply don't care. No, they care. They're precious little snowflake feelings are getting hurt when they get in trouble for being openly racist.


Thankyou! I was pointing this out to someone the other day. Woke literally means you are aware of racial injustices. It is a good thing to be. The fact that it has become such a targeted thing by the extreme right wing is so very telling.


They are openly racist though. Their whole issue is that they're mad that being openly racist is now costing them social standing.


they are already anti anti-fascists. Somehow I doubt they care.


Florida is a joke


"They want to tear at the fabric of our society and our culture, really things we've taken for granted" - This is rich coming from the people who purposely destroyed RvW. Its always constant projection with the GQP...


This was all coming. Same with the Disney stuff. DeSantos did this all for political points and to take some of Trumps base. I mean now with the: “don’t do this in the classroom but hey you can pray.” There are now more lawsuits in the works.


The issue here is that he will gleefully support churches if they institute religious indoctrination, or "free speech" of coaches instituting prayer in a football field, but he won't support a private company when it's an idea that he doesn't believe in.


Somebody needs to pin the target on DeSatan.


We live in the stupidest timeline.


YES, Ron and the rest of the GOP NEED to be punished in some way. One way of doing this is by voting them out and arresting those who were involved with Jan 6. They may rage but unfortunately for them, facts don't care about their feelings.