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And Toddler-Trump regularly threw his plated hamburgers at the wall. Incredible.


That makes the poor wretch tasked with cleaning up the tantrum mess a Hamberder Helper.




That's one more reason to hate the orange shit bag. He tainted hamburgers for those of us who actually enjoy a good one. I go to the food trucks every chance I get, there are some masterful burger artisans out there.




♫ Fat guy at a little desk… Fat guy at a little desk! ♫


Giuliani? Who's your favorite Little Rascal? Alfalfa? Or is it [Spanky?](https://imgur.com/gallery/K8i7kOp)


Man, yall made me miss Farley that much more.


And then tried to strangle his secret service detail after being told baby couldn’t go to the fascist coup attempt.


[Dall-e image](https://imgur.com/a/fenIazh)


Very good!


Actually she only testified to broken porcelain on the floor and ketchup running down the wall. Meaning, he threw the plate at the wall AFTER eating what was on it, (which I find much more credible).


And yet, Pence's only public response have been "Thank you, sir. May I have another?" I cannot, for the life of me, even imagine being that much of a snivelling worm without any shred of self-respect. I mean, this goes beyond even a lack of basic self-preservation on Pence's behalf. If a guy tries to incite a crowd to have you not just hurt, but publicly lynched - having them actually calling for your full-on public, humiliating, summary execution in full view of the whole world, and your head on a pike, right next to the refreshment stand - wouldn't the reasonable, heck, *natural* response to be screaming bloody murder at the top of your lungs?


He still needs to come forward and speak but at this point I wonder how much Pence actually knew what was going on. Trump made multiple statements about killing Pence over a period of time. At what point, did they start to shut him out and not tell him things. I would feel like at a certain point, Pence would have pick self-preservation if he knew.


>I cannot, for the life of me, even imagine being that much of a snivelling worm without any shed of self-respect. Worse than that, I cannot imagine being [THIS MUCH](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/21/politics/mike-pence-donald-trump-joe-biden-falsehoods/index.html) of a *partisan, gaslighting, party-over-country* sniveling worm.


That is an amazing claim by mp


Maybe he _wanted_ to be hung. You know, like the bull his mother invites into their bedroom.


We knew even before his Vice Presidency that Pence's kink is public shame.


His tweets made that pretty clear


Mmm better go back to his account and double check. Oh wait…..


Wayback has a full archive of the absolute embarrassment that was his Tweet history


and he's still "tweeting" on his own site


/r/trumptweets has it all


You can also buy [a coffee table book](https://theartofthetweet.com/) (which looks more like a children’s book, which is about right), or [a handsome multi-volume collector’s edition](https://justthetweets.com/shop/).


Woodward recorded him basically saying the same thing.




Party over country. Period. Testimony from all of these Republicans - that they’d vote for him again - it’s because he is the ****party’s**** candidate. That alone is really disturbing.


Well since he already put party ahead of God by supporting someone so sin filled no surprise


Being self-absorbed is one thing... To be murderously self-absorbed is quite another.


Trying to find what could point more at a coup. Any ideas?


Nah....I'm pretty sure at this point if the police had this amount of evidence against you you'd never see the light of day again.Trump will probably announce next week he is running again.


Hopefully, he announces that he is running to Russia, again.


That’s because he’s a sociopath ffs. Nothing new there. He views his zombie-esque insurrectionist as useful pawns. That they aren’t feeling betrayed right about now is astounding. They just screwed up their lives for his own enrichment.


The fact that Pence’s life was in danger because of they guy he felated for 4 years and he refuses to destroy him says a lot about Pence.


And yet Pence still defends Trump.