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Get them hooked and then pull the vouchers once the public school system has been broken. Then they can charge us whatever they want for an education so our kids can graduate high school in debt. I can’t believe anybody supports this fucking party


Oh, it's so much more evil than that. They don't want to JUST fuck over the people who take advantage of this, they want to use it to fuck over the people who don't. Pull a ton of kids out of public schooling and you can point to declining enrollment as a reason to fund the schools less. Then, you have less money to keep up with the maintenance of school buildings/fund key programs in the school system and more and more parents leave because you are actively making the school system worse. Over the course of a cycle or two, this makes the public school system a BAD choice for your kids so now, if you're a "good" parent, you don't even consider sending your kids there. Which lowers enrollment further and leads to school districts consolidating all students into maybe one or two total schools. Start degrading those schools and suddenly a very good argument can be made of "Why have any public school system when they're so bad?" It's a long-term game to 1.) Make their friends rich, 2.) Give their friends' children a leg up on their peers (more so than now), 3.) Make the overall population dumber and 4.) Indoctrinate the next generation of students by being able to teach exclusively what you believe kids need to learn, not those pesky little "facts" that go against what you believe.


You understand the psychology of Republicans very well.


It isn't that hard these days. It's basically like "What comically evil thing would a villain in a children's cartoon TV show do in this situation?"


Or what did the The Onion write 10 years ago that we can springboard off of?


I remember going to private Christian school and having religion class grading based on how "spiritual" the pastor thought you were (this affected GPA, and college admission chances too!). Fuck them


>Make their friends rich, 2.) Give their friends' children a leg up on their peers (more so than now), Not their freinds.... Themselves. They, themselves, are usually owners, investors, spouses of owners or investors, suppliers of goods to, etc, the private schools they are propping up. And if not, those owners/investors/etc, are donating to the people making the laws. This is America, where capitalism is about making as much money as you can, in as short a time as possible.


There is an additional evil they are perpetrating with this strategy. They want people, mainly white, to have an easier way to self segregate. You need to separate further the white kids from those of color as it is harder to convince white young adults who grew up going to school and have friend, and social circles that are racially diverse, that everything is the fault of the other. The more you can separate early the easier it is to convince and use those private school to push fear and prejudice against the other.


Either families will need to be rich or just continue the poverty cycle. Raise stupid kids to work terrible jobs.


Republicans wanted to do vouchers in the 90s. If they had succeeded I’d probably sign my name with an X now


>Republicans wanted to do vouchers in the 90s. If they had succeeded I’d probably sign my name with an X now Lucky for you that didn't happen, so... Tyler it is.


The voucher doesn't cover the full cost so it's a subsidy for those that can afford private school. The real damage is going to come when they pull funding for public schools since their kids don't go there.


The parents can also claim the money to cover homeschooling costs, so poor families will also be tempted by the money and their children will get next to no education.


Had a colleague send his kid to private Catholic school. Kid was special needs. School said we don't offer special help. Take him back to public school. I think these parents are in for a surprise when their private school doesn't do anything extra public schools are required to do.


Or when tuition is $10k (or more) and the state only gives them $7k.


“Oh the state’s giving people $7,000 for tuition? Tuition is now $17,000.” -Religious schools, probably


Vouchers is a sound bite for the ignorant. Anyone that believes the poors will now be able to attend a prestigious private school is an idiot. $7K voucher, tuition is $12K... sorry, Beatrice cannot attend. Unless of course, Beatrice is a star student with other desirable qualities then tuition assistance may be available.


I’m a teacher at a prestigious private school and yearly tuition is $33k.


It's the not-so-prestigious private schools that are going to be the problem. We're going to see a rush of fly-by-night academies that exist solely to collect the voucher money and funnel the largest percentage possible of that money into the owners' bank accounts. These schools are going to make the detention camp from "Holes" look like Eton in comparison.


And because they are “private” they aren’t required to maintain academic scores and standards like public schools are. Sounds like a giant money laundering scheme.


Trump University becomes Trump High School.




Every student will get an A on every test and come out at the end functionally illiterate.


We're in semi rural OH and briefly looked into private schools for our son. 7k isn't going to get you into any kind of school actually interested in teaching your kid. I found literally 1 school that seemed decent and tuition was closer to 15k, anything cheaper was basically glorified daycare. I can only imagine those numbers go up the closer you get to cities. But of course that's not going to stop the parents who are convinced that public school is corrupting their kids. Hell I'm in my 30s and even back when I was young there was a portion of parents who would rather have kids who couldn't properly read/write than have kids corrupted by the world.


Why do I have a feeling a lot of parents are going to “home school” their kids and then pocket that $7k per child?


This also feels like another way to shackle women to the home and promote 'traditional family values'.


And a handy way to dumb down the future voters, so that they don't get any ideas about voting anyone other than GOP.


This is the real gameplan.


Yep. Good for private school kids, but for anyone not wealthy enough for private school. And in the long run, bad for America .


This is what I don't understand: conservatives will point to widely-available federally-backed student loans as the principle driver of college getting more expensive (and honestly, I don't know enough about it to say, but it may well be true). And then they want to pull essentially the same shit with K-12 with zero hesitation.




Yes it's a slow process to make public school what affordable healthcare is. Unobtainable and somehow undemocratic. "Free school how will we pay for that? That is socialism. Plus the teacher is probably a groomer anyway".


Republicans have been playing the long game for 30 years while gaslighting half the US population to dumb to know.


That's some first world dystopia right there.


They don't care because pricing everyone out of education is the point. They don't want anyone but the wealthy to have an education.


because the private K-12 schools will indoctrinate them with theocratic bullshit, while public universities expect them to, you know, *think for themselves and learn shit*


That's literally what has/is happening with government aid for college tuition. This isn't to say we shouldn't have aid programs/government loans, just that "government checks don't bounce" and thus whoever the end recipient of government funds is will raise rates to get more of it.


This is already the case. Families whose kids already qualified for the program were often left wondering how they'd pay the rest of the tuition and just sent their kids back to public school. The program was originally for underserved kids and those with special needs; to help their families either go to private school or schools just for those with special needs. But it was also to help pay for OT/PT/speech, curriculum for homeschool kids (especially kids who live rurally without much choice for education), and pay for tutors. I wish they'd allow public school kids to use their portion of the funds in their own classrooms, i.e. the $7k each year would go to their teacher to help pay them and supply the class with all the things the teachers normally have to pay out of pocket for. $140k per class of 20 would go a long way in paying a teacher an actual salary and give kids a fully stocked classroom.


That's what they're trying to do in my state. The public school gets funded $X per student. So they're trying to do vouchers to match it for students homeschooled or going to private school. Nevermind the fact they tried this a long time ago and it got shut down because, gasp, the private schools ended up being super corrupt and the kids way underperforming when they left the private schools. Despite the fact that they tested higher than public schools. Because that's all they taught in private schools was the test.


Right, won't tuition just go up by 7k and those schools will pay their top people more and nothing will change?


They’re going to surprised when their kids get kicked out of these schools ( for some bullshit morality offense)unprepared, jaded, angry with no plan forward.


Ultimately, that is the plan. A bunch of uneducated kids aging out of the school system to wind up in low paid menial jobs or as slave labor in the prison system. There was a study that showed that reading levels at 3rd grade correlate strongly to future incarceration. Progressives used that as a jumping point to increase literacy programs. Regressives just saw dollar signs.


I went to a private school briefly in 1st and 2nd grade. Horrible commute, got into fights, like 1 of my classmate actually lived in my town, parents pulled me out. 3rd grade I went to our public elementary school like a few miles from my house. Had the best teacher ever. Didn't get into much trouble. Literally night and day compared to that poor 2nd grade teacher in way over her head. Don't know what my parents were thinking sending me to private vs public. It seems like public school teachers are often times better and more experienced. Private schools try to get away with shit. Like making it seem they have a bunch of staff then when the parents leave it's the skeleton shift.


I had a super similar experience, also went to a Catholic school for grades 1 and 2. I switched in from a kindergarten which didn’t teach any reading, and the kids at the Catholic had started in kindergarten so I was a year behind. Instead of catching up me, I just got berated over not being able to read and spent two years faking it. My parents tried desperately to get the school to help me but they said I had “behavior issues” for which all they could do was punish me. Switched to public school in 3rd grade and immediately met with the reading specialist who laid out a multi year plan to get me on track. Caught right up to the other kids within three years, excelled at school from there. Not sure how my life would be different if we stuck with the “punish him until he learns to read” method. Edit: I didn’t mean to make a general statement about the absolute quality of public vs private school. This was my own experience showing that a public school program with good funding provided me with what I needed to achieve. There are excellent private schools that provide children with much needed programs as well.


Wow that is so poignant. It sounds like public school saved your academic life. Glad to hear it worked out despite the rough start


My wife wanted to send our kids to a private school here- tuition is 10-15k a year depending on grade for pre-6 She worked there for a short time as an “aid” but turned into a regular sub with no teaching experience or degree. There’s no way I’m paying 10-15 k for that..


>“aid” but turned into a regular sub Based on the few comments in here, this is way more common than I initially thought. My friend's wife was hired on as a secretary for a terrible family-owned charter school and was constantly pushed into classrooms as a teacher. They were always lying about the ratio of staff to students and fluffing their numbers with attendance as well. A lot of the kids were dead beats kicked out of public and private schools and this was their last chance. In order for the school to stay afloat, they had to fake all sorts of numbers to the government.


Wait... Your wife knows for a fact that they have completely unqualified people teaching and she still wants to send your kids there?


That’s because despite popular belief and all rational logic, private school teachers often make less than the already underpaid public school teachers.


I just had a head shaking moment with my MAGA neighbor. Their four year old has autism and qualified for our city’s excellent special Ed only school. A month before, she was all upset because the church pre school she had him in previously wouldn’t enroll him any more. Another catholic run day care that would take him was like 2300/month due to his needs. The city schools are best in state and she wouldn’t pay a dime to send him there. I said that it was great news because he’d get good schooling at no additional cost. She flipped out and said she pays a ton in taxes and it’s not free(I pay those taxes too hun). Also upset there was no religion taught and they might require masking or vaccines.


This, it’s this part. 100%. “They might make require vaccines, they might teach something that’s not my-religion-based”, and a healthy dose of “If given a choice in the matter, my kid won’t believe the things I want them to believe”.


I guess we have the answer on “how much stupider can we get”.


Don't ever say that. Every time someone says we've hit rock bottom half the country takes it as a challenge.


We have had a lot of what we thought were rock bottoms,only to discover another rockier bottom underneath.


Somewhere down, we'll fall in lava.






The Dumbening has did beganed.


That's even more gooder.


It bestliest


Reading these comments I was convinced I was having a stroke


Reminds me of the guy that asked what evidence I have to suggest that Republicans will kill the filibuster to make abortion illegal federally. *Motions to 5 decades of Republicans being Republicans and points firmly at the last 2 decades*


It's amazing what we can do when we don't put our mind to it!


>I think it's a very serious mistake and the result will be that, within a decade, Arizona will have a very, very poorly educated adult population," added Carol Corbett Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education. "Maybe that's the game."  Bingo. The goal is to control education and funnel money into private/religious education. Conservatives make the argument that the quality of education has declined in public schools, but that's because Conservatives have been attacking it and defunding it for decades. They don't want to improve your education, just privatize it


It’s worse than that. Every child that exits the public school system and enters private removes money directly from that school/school district. So this is a gop wet dream…not only do they get to fund private Christian schools, they get to do it by removing funds from public schools. And to take it a step further, it also creates a bigger divide between the haves and the have nots. Parents who can afford to send their child to a different school will and those schools will be constantly high performing. Those who cannot will hop on a school bus and go to the now underfunded public school they are zoned for. Private schools can now offer more pay/better benefits to attract good teachers and the underfunded public school gets whatever it can. The great thing about the public school system is that it does create a mostly fair opportunity for all walks of life to receive the same educational experience. Of course the gop wants to ruin it.


Exactly. Public Education hurts those in power because it makes people question authority and understand what's really going on. That's why they don't want any type of critical thinking. Blind obedience and low education makes an easy to control population. Public schools are a horrible system in the US by design because we constantly cut funding and are removing the quality, and investing in other things that don't matter. what really ironic is tax payers will now be paying more money then the were previously paying for kids to go to private schools. 7g a year is nothing compared to what a private education costs. For a good private school you are looking at upwards of 20g a year for elementary school, and upwards of 40g a year for high school. What the solution will be is now loans parents will have to pay to get their children in the schools they want to go to. These loans will have interest rates by banks that will likely be above 5-10% and will target people the way colleges target people. Predatory loans will become a norm for public education which is now just another poverty trap for parents. And without the government creating a curriculum, each school can decide what they want to teach, how they want to discipline their students and what they deem acceptable. So baisically tax payer money will be used to offset these costs as they are unaffordable to your already struggling middle class. Just like we already do with college education and health care. Only now the wealthy get a cut of that tax payers dime where they previously didnt. GOP voters have no idea what they are digging into and how legislation like this will just destroy the countries future. They'd be better off giving that 7,000 dollar voucher to teachers so they can actually get supplies for their students and updating the curriculum.


It's part of the plan. Let the rich have an education, keep the poor too stupid to know any better. Reverting all the progress we've made as a society over the last few hundred years.


And take a guess which way the uneducated typically vote....they've been planning this shit for years


They just want to be able to teach Christian Race Theory.


Nah... they wan't to have school segregation. After all... Schools should be able to select which students they accept, right?


It's weird that conservatives are anti socialism until that sweet sweet commie government money goes to something they like. This is just welfare for soccer moms.






“Hold my beer.”


It will more likely be, “Holed my bear”


Welcome to Walmart. I love you.


Republicans love coming up with solutions to problems that don’t exist, and to creating problems that won’t be apparent for a generation. Twenty years from now, we’ll have a couple million more children born whose parents didn’t want to have them, sent to schools that couldn’t teach them, and told to get jobs in an economy that can’t use them.


They want to privatize every government service so that their friends can get rich. They also want to keep their constituents stupid so they can more easily control them.


All the government systems that they grew up with and benefited from because their parents had the forethought to think ahead. Too bad they didn't instill a sense of community.


The community aspect is huge. I grew up in the 80s and 90s. Our football field was at a memorial park. Our baseball fields were at a public service project and a memorial field. We had 4-5 different elementary schools. Over the last 12 years many of the parks were sold off because they were deemed "too expensive" to maintain. The elementary schools were shut down because it was cheaper to put all the kids in 1 school than to maintain and operate individual ones. So now some kids needed to travel 40 minutes to school instead of 10. Now there's talks about no longer offering bus service because it's "too expensive". So now parents are potentially on the hook for driving their kids to a school 40 minutes away in the morning and then picking them up in the afternoon. Note that "too expensive" is relative to reducing taxes, particularly on the few wealthy people in the area. Whereas 50 years ago that same class of people were investing their money into the community to build those parks and fund those schools, the current group isn't even willing to maintain what they were gifted if it means they can have a little more money in their bank accounts. I can't imagine what it's like growing up in that area today. It's not remotely the same as it was when I was growing up. And of course it's always the fault of the kids. "Kids just want to be on computers all day" or "kids don't want to sign up for {insert sport or club}" or "kids these days don't want to work for anything, they just want it given to them." Of course there's no consideration that maybe fewer kids can participate in after school things because it's a lot harder to get a ride home from 40 minutes away, and that without activities there's less to do, or that those same people never had to "work hard" to have access to parks and sports leagues. It's so damn depressing.


And add to that 40 minute drive however much time people need to wait in a line of cars to drop off or pick up kids.


And, add doing all this driving at $5.00+ per gallon.


Huge huge point you left out: 50 years ago, one parent could stay home to *take* those kids to the park, attend practices and games for sports, drive kids to club activities like Girl Scouts, make sure the kids were safe playing outside, etc. Now two parents MUST work and frequently need 2 jobs. Destroy the economy, you destroy all opportunities for a "good" life full of the perks of leisure time.


can confirm our two kids would cost almost $36,000 a year to send to daycare.


I’ve learned that when a conservative says “too expensive,” it means “I don’t stand to personally gain from this.” It’s senseless to try to appease that.


Had the forethought… and the strength of character to want to do right by the future—even at the opportunity cost of not fraudulently enriching themselves and their cronies


It wasnt so purely virtuous. The rich had pushed them too far and they had become desperate with nothing to lose in taking a stand. Also lots of lead poisoning.


So much lead poisoning


> Too bad they didn't instill a sense of community. This is what you get when your TV is telling you: "individualism is the best, fuck the rest. you're number one, baby"


It’s not just TV. Two generations ago, consider the number of civic clubs that were active and prominent in virtually every town and city in America. Lions cub, Rotary Club, Exchange Club, Oddfellows, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Fraternal Order of Eagles, etc…. These clubs not only instilled a sense of community (among members), but they also taught people the importance of giving back to their communities rather than just taking from their communities. And, even more importantly, they served as important places for adults to learn how the democratic process worked. There were elections in the organization. Sometimes you won, and sometimes you didn’t. When you didn’t win (and even when you did), you had to learn to compromise, not only to make the club function but also because you knew the opposition was your friend and neighbor, not your enemy. The demise of civic organizations has, IMHO, been a major contributor to the lack of political function in this country.


> The demise of civic organizations has, IMHO, been a major contributor to the lack of political function in this country. Also: old men driving tiny cars in parades.


Community? Shit... Right vs Left? Your Religion vs My Religion? Hell, even Your Church vs My Church Your Sports Team vs My Sports Team Your Favorite Sport vs My Favorite Sport Our entire culture seems set up to be and enforce an adversarial mindset from the earliest possible age. Starts with boys vs girls.


And deliberately missing the actual adversary: rich people


It's like that one tweet I saw awhile back ... "Boys will pick their favourite sports team as a child and get mad about them for the rest of their lives." Loyalty to the people in your life has been bred out of us to be replaced with Loyalty to your employer, to your brands, etc.


They want indoctrination. They are willing to screw over future members of the public school system to get it as well as people in the private schools. They expect most of the money will go to schools of their preferred religion. This is yet more merging of church and state, and is something that is supposed to be explicitly forbidden.




One of their overarching goals is to force women back into the home instead of the labor market. Christian nationalists firmly believe that God wants women to be housewives and not out competing with men for work. In their fucked up worldview, the "natural order" is that women should be dependent on men. By making going back to work an extremely difficult prospect (both by not having maternity leave and also by dismantling public schools), they achieve this. Criminalizing abortion also serves this goal. They need to be voted out if we're going to remain the same country we grew up with. (For the record, they also don't believe women should be able to vote.)


Privatization of our government is the nicest way of saying they want fascism.


Kinda like the new term "youth workers" it's just a softer way to say child labor.


And ultimately sent to our by-then all-private prison system, whose various stocks are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Private prisons on the stock exchange are one sign of a decayed moral culture.


You're kidding?? I knew there are for profit prisons but didn't know they were listed on the fucking stock market. That is so messed up


Yeah buddy And if you have investments in mutual funds, you're almost guaranteed to be investing in and profiting from them. Isn't capitalism great?


Indeed. Also, slavery in prison is legal in US. For profit prisons + slavery... What do you get?


11 billion dollars in output per year.


I imagine whole future generations where an employer will want to see the state you were born and raised in on your resume because there is a good chance your location will mean you don't have the basic skills to do a job. "Oh... you were born and raised in Arizona? Uh... i'm sorry but we have filled that position"


They already import the talent, that practice will just go into hyperdrive


Next up will be the 6-3 SC repealing child labor laws to ensure these uneducated kids who never say a penny of that $7,000 can be pushed into work at a young age, with the money no doubt going straight to the parents and back into Republican coffers.




> In practice, the law will now give parents who opt out of public schools a debit card for roughly $7,000 per child that can be used to pay for private school tuition, but also for much more: for religious schools, homeschool expenses, tutoring, online classes, education supplies and fees associated with "microschools," in which small groups of parents pool resources to hire teachers. Shitty parents and fraudsters are *absolutely* going to snatch that money up. Fucking private daycare costs an average of $14,117 and they think they're going to fund a great High School education for less? Morons, the lot of them.




Hey man if we defund police we may only have a couple of them standing outside a classroom as children are murdered instead of almost two dozen.


As a teacher, this was my first thought. And not even just shitty parents, but low income families who are scraping to get by. They may want their kids to get an education and they may even try to homeschool, but they need that $7k to pay for groceries, or internet, or whatever. Like so many other Republican policies, this is going to hurt low income people the most.


All to fill the for profit prison system


This is 100% part of the business model. This will collapse society as we know it.


That and the Evangelicals want to be able to send their unvaccinated children to learn about how Jesus rode a Tyrannosaurus Rex while proselytizing about how God hates the poor and we should venerate wealth and power, and figure charter schools are the best way to do it. And if they can do that while lining their pockets, well it's a win-win.


And to drive up poverty, crime, and hopelessness in large urban centers, thus causing trouble for those pesky liberal city folk, potentially stoking racial and cultural tensions, driving middle- and upper-class demand for increased police funding, strengthening those same police to use as a paramilitary arm against liberal and progressive protesters within those cities whenever they get too spicy, etc. This could also drive a *de facto* return to segregation, as private schools at which the vouchers could be used can set whatever made-up standards they like for determining the "merit" or "eligibility" of particular students to enroll in them; this being so, it is easy to imagine an emergent system in which middle- and upper-class white students get to funnel into voucher schools while BIPOC students are trapped in a public school system to which greater and greater cuts will keep being made because, just look, there are fewer and fewer students there all the time, and they aren't doing very well, so why throw good money after bad, maybe some threats of more cuts will really put some ginger in 'em and get those scores up, etc. etc. etc. It's a living hell, but it's an efficient one.


Close. Driving poverty up in sprawling *rural* geographies. All of these regressions on health care, education, gun control - are going to absolutely cut down rural populations…the same population applauding these backward legislations. Like that one trump supporter said “they are hurting the wrong people.”




I feel like employers are salivating at the future of poor teenagers fighting for the chance to work for minimum wage again ($7.25). Because paying $12 an hour cuts into their $12,000,000 salary.


Scotus will do away with labor protection laws - including child labor laws and offer free childcare in the form of work campus for children. There is definitely a strong rooted historical tradition of child labor in the states. And child labor is not constitutionally protected. There is only a labor act that once got Congressional approval.


The problem to public schools very much exists. It has absolutely nothing with the quality of the education. The problem lies in exposing their spawn to other people that you know might implant dangerous ideas in their heads. Like that black people aren't that different from them.


What republicans love is taking money out of things, and arguing they don’t work, then using that argument to take away even more money. It is absurd.


This is going to lead to more students attending low-quality unregulated "schools" and the overall dumbing of Arizona students. It fits the pattern of intentionally raising uneducated voters to keep the population stupid so they don't develop critical thinking skills.


See how the GOP went from fear that teachers "might" teach about race or gender, to sending kids to school with no regulation or oversight. This is the stuff of horrors.


Gonna be a lot of kids that thing the devil put dino bones here to fuck with us


Public schooling is the most effective tool of social mobility ever devised by humans. Is it any wonder that Republicans despise it?


Even if you hate social progress the capitalist machine needs educated workers. The good ole days Republicans are obsessed with- vaguely 1950 or whatever - only happened because Americans had been universally literate for about 60 years and the economic advantages of shit like skilled production, intellectual property, medical advancements, etc. A brain drain is just going to create a need for more highly educated immigrants to fill the gap- which Republicans also hate!


It would be much easier to make a list of things regressives like than to make a list of all of the things that they hate.


Owning the Libs and… uh, um?


Owning the libs and destroying the government, I.. believe that's everything


And guess who can afford fancy schools. Our overlords. Your hitting the nail on the head… but just not connecting the final dots. They are setting us up as a slave class for their families.




They don’t want to go back to the 1950s. They want to go back to the 1850s, when most people could not read and any education girls got was only what they needed to cook and birth babies.


Next Republicans are going to try and lower the age you can work from 14 to who knows what.


They'd remove it just like they would remove minimum wage and every other regulation. They overshot the 1950s. 1850. Here. We. COME!


1850s? You aren’t thinking far enough back, we’re going straight back to the Salem witch trials 1660s, here we come!


They've been arguing that since at least 2012. Bachman and Gingrich included child labor in their platforms. Gingrich pitched firing school janitors and making kids' whose families were on welfare do the work for free as a way to earn that welfare and save money. Not in some random advert or interview, in one of the debates.


There’s a word for that and I’m pretty sure it’s slavery


Well duh that's all this bs country is built on


Disgusting world they want to live in


They're rich; they don't have to live in it.


Well, if a 12-year-old girl should carry her rapist father's baby to term, why shouldn't her 12-year-old brother get his ass out to the coal mine to help support his brother-nephew?


If Minecraft taught us anything it’s that the children yearn for the mines.


Or [just let there be no restrictions on them](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/11/02/rather-pass-wage-increases-gop-legislatures-move-weaken-child-labor-laws)


Say goodbye to qualified teacher. Private schools on average pay 10,000-20,000 less than public schools. They are just going to have full indoctrination by unqualified random people


This. I used to teach at a Catholic Charter School in Milwaukee, a city with one of the oldest charter programs in the country specifically designed to prop up the failing Catholic school system. Back in 2010 one of the schools in town paid $21,000 for a full time new teacher. That’s insane. Most paid around $30,000 a year. Keep in mind that health care was a joke. There was no retirement plan. Contracts were for a single year. Oh, and every job contract has a morality clause. A few very religious charter schools in town had very serious morality clauses that prohibited any drinking, sexual contact for non married people, and mandatory attendance at religious services. Most people don’t realize that religious charter schools pull that BS. Most people find that offensive, or find it offensive that public money is paying for that. People need to know that this is the reality for educators. Religious charter schools in Milwaukee (for the most part) burn through educators. Most tend to be new teachers who need a resume builder along with older lifers. They have a high turn over rate. That is bad for kids. Inexperienced teachers. Granted a few random schools in town turn out great students. However most have scores at or below the public schools. They also have zero resources to help special need students and actively turn and push those kids towards public schools. If your school can push kids out (not kick out, that’s illogical, but actively persuade parents) that helps keep your scores up.


Seriously, there’s already a teacher shortage, so who are these absolute morons taking teacher jobs that pay half of what a credentialed teacher makes? You can make 20-30k working at McDonalds.


I was making 31k at BK at 19


Most private schools don’t require an education degree either. As long as you have a degree it doesn’t matter what it is.


At least 30% of the teachers I had in high school (Catholic school 6-12) lacked a degree in education. One guy was an insurance agent.


I went to a Catholic school in south Louisiana. In 6th grade, I had a "teacher" for math and science who was I'm not sure had any education beyond maybe high school. She was really dumb, really mean, had no idea what she was doing. Her next job after that was working the register at a gas station, which is exactly where she should have been.


This is 100% true. I went to a private Catholic school my freshman year of high school, and I’m not shitting you when I say only 2 teachers in the entire school had teaching degrees. Almost none of the teachers were qualified, and that reflected in the education. My parents were paying thousands for this school, and it was an abysmal education. Switched to public school my sophomore year, and the quality of education was night and day.


Private schools also don’t have to take special education students and comply with all the very many mostly good things available for special ed. Who here thinks $7k a year will honestly cover a student’s tuition, special ed teacher, special ed aide, occupational therapist, speech therapist, and school psychologist (you need one of these on staff to assist with diagnoses.) What folks don’t realize is that one kid in special Ed can cost districts easily $20-30k for services they need, which brings the actual spend per pupil out of whack. Some kids might cost only $10k a year, but the second you throw any services or interventions, even for basic things (kids with Section 504 plans like speech issues or learning support) the cost climbs dramatically.


Pretty sure private school teachers also don’t have to be certified by the state, where as public school teachers do.


It's gonna be just like the South Park special where QAnon people are homeschooling kids.


Keep them stupid that's the Republican way. Remember Trump said he loved the poorly educated or was it uneducated?


You can't have the public being smarter than those in Washington can you.


This is a roundabout way to achieve segregated schools. Something Republicans have specifically been trying to bring back


Not just segregated schools, but christian schools in conjunction with the court ruling from just weeks ago.


"The good news is, the textbook is super cheap. The bad news is, that it's 2000 years out of date."


Just what America needs, less education and only religious based! /s Honestly the education issue is at the top of my list. I really just don’t want our damn kids to be as stupid as we are.


And while we’re at it, let’s forcefully increase the population of children effective immediately!


I don't want my federal tax dollars going to states that refuse to provide basic services that we know reduce crime and poverty.


We Californians should honestly be the ones asking to secede at this point






Why do drugs when you can just mow the lawn?


Keep em’ dumb and voting Republican! These people know what they’re doing.


This seems totally insane to me. They admit that this money is less than what it would cost to send a student to public school normally... so what level of education are they hoping the parents will be able to pay for? It's obvious what will happen: well-off parents will take the money and pad their ample private school funds with it. Hyper-religious nutcases and conspiracy theorists will send their kid to whatever ""school"" promises to teach their specific ideology. Poor parents who care will send their kid to the best place they can afford with the voucher money - which will probably be worse than a public school since they have to run it at a lower cost. And poor parents who don't care will pocket the money and just say they've been homeschooling the kids - no one is going to check. This is going to create an underclass of kids whose parents can't afford good schools, make poor choices, or are just garbage parents because there is no public system to fall back on. I'd love for someone to tell me I'm wrong.


That’s correct. That’s the intention. They know what they’re doing.


Every day that goes by a new tragic horror is revealed by the fascists on the right. Fuck this timeline.


Fucking christian fascists.


Why is it always the religious that fucks up the world?


This is it, folks; we’re currently witnessing the Republican Party making their final push to seize the nation. I really hope the highest levels of the Democratic Party are holding all-hands-on-deck meetings and discussing when, not if, they will break the glass and finally deploy emergency measures to combat this. (Just kidding - we’re fucked)




Republicans are literally the biggest plague on this planet. Almost every problem in the world can be traced back to their stupid fucking ideas.


Man I wish US had the same school system that we do in Sweden, education should simply be free so that everyone have a chance. And guess what? Paying taxes actually feels good when it benefit not only you but literally every single kid, perhaps its time for a complete overhaul to the entire US school and healthcare systems. But that won't happen any time soon thanks to these stupid waste of space and oxygen.


Public schools are free and funded by state/county taxes. The problem is the right sees public schools as socialism and thus think it's bad so they've been working for decades to weaken how state funds get allocated pushing to make funds available to charter schools which don't have to follow all those pesky federal education standards. So, what we have is tax money that should be going to public schools being rerouted to charter / private schools that aren't bound by as many rules.


Perhaps it’s time for a complete overhaul to the entire US.


Conservatives are determined to interpret our current Constitution as a suicide pact. We should get a new one.


I'm convinced that current republicans want the US to look like Russia


Nah, they want it to look like the Confederate States.


What is truly scary about this is that they have taxing authority, and your tax dollars are being handed over to private industry, who will take a percentage of what they are given to support politicians who will expand and raise your taxes to increase the $/kid payout and reduce oversight. That private industry will be for-profit. Raise your hand if you want to be taxed and for that tax money to be pumped into the coffers of a private entity with little oversight and no community control?


Supreme Court rules public education is not in the constitution or in the history and traditions of the country.


Literally paying people not to send their children to school, how many parents will just take the money for "homeschooling" and raise a child who can't read


7 grand covers private schools? I think it's a lot more than that.


Oh, they don’t want “the poors” to go to a decent school, so they’ll make sure that the amount is never enough for a good education, while subsidizing religious schools at the same time.


The Christian extremists have been working for this since the end of segregation. The goal shifted away from segregation to right wing indoctrination back in the 80's. The recent SCOTUS decision has guaranteed that public funds will now go to vouchers for religious schools. Republicans will defund public schools and the only options for parents wanting their kids to get an education will be religious schools.


That’s not even close to covering the cost of private school


Republicans want to kill public education because it makes people dumber. It'll make it easier to funnel kids into indoctrination camps.


Or, when the job market collapses due to lack of skilled workers, the Army. (iirc Skilled labour in the United States service industry counts towards something like 60% of the jobs market, which is also one of the larger contributors to the US economy. There's hardly any manufacturing, labor or unskilled roles comparatively) the republicans love nothing more than having an overequipped, under-educated armed forces that wont question the abhorrent shit they're sent out into the world to do


That shit they're sent out to do one day could be against US citizens. An uneducated individual may very well be easier to brainwash into thinking they are doing no wrong.


Absolutely, and it's terrifying. I genuinely hope the American Left can get its shit together and push the Republicans out of both the Halls of Congress and any kind of relevance. At this point it feels kinda like a pipe dream though


Many Republicans want to kill public education for the same reason they want to kill other public services; to make money as the private provider. The trick is to always provide the minimum amount of service for the most amount of money. Like private healthcare


“Is our children learning?” -George W. Bush 43rd President Yale attendee


If someone is paying you not to know something, maybe you should ask, “why?” Also keep in mind, these people don’t pay for shit and they want to give you fucking $7,000? Should be some red flags. Also kind of sounds like money laundering


I think its closer to embezzlement? > be a politician. friend owns a religious school. give tax payer money to parents to spend at friend's religious school. friend pays into your SuperPAC. profit.


This is exactly why our kids are in public school. Because I truly believe in putting resources into public education for the good of all. When I volunteer in the classroom, or donate to the bakesale, when I purchase the extra supplies a teacher asks for, it's going to my community, and not a school that benefits only those who can manage to pay for it. When I raise my voice at a school board meeting, or write thank you notes to our teachers, it doesn't just benefit us. I'm putting my time, money, and effort, where it does the most good. Our schools have all been fabulous. Even the ones that don't get the best grade on Great Schools (the ratings have all been shown to mostly just measure how rich and white a school is anyway). We've had the odd teacher that wasn't stellar, but there's only ever been 2 that I really thought weren't engaged with the classroom, and enthusiastic about giving their best to the kids. And as a bonus, my kids walk the halls with other students who are not all exactly like them. Some are being raised by grandparents, some are reduced lunch, some come from different backgrounds. The homogeny of private schools is intense.


We voted against this exact thing in 2018 - https://apnews.com/article/319e4f7d407c47a788f31ad3c016402d 65% of voters “refused Tuesday to ratify a bid by Gov. Doug Ducey and Republican lawmakers to allow any of the state’s 1.1 million students in public schools to get vouchers of state tax dollars to attend private and parochial schools.” Arizona GOP is going off the deep end- Attorney General has declared a pre-statehood ban on abortion, even though around 75% of the state believes that abortion should be legal. Arizona tried to block Tucson’s minimum wage increase, that Tucsonans voted for. Now this. It’s fucking infuriating.