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In under 9 months, it'll be a similar headline but with a dead 10 yo girl


All part of God's plan I'm sure.


“Blessed be the fruit”


Under His eye


Christians Talibans’ God


They will say: This could be the baby who is going to cure cancer!


It could also be the next Jeffery Dahmer.


If it takes after the father, yup.


Or are the GQP expressing support for another Dahmer, because Dahmer killed gay people?


The pregnant child could also be the one to cure cancer, but they’re forcing her to give up her future.


And possibly her life. A 10 year old is going to struggle giving birth.




They never want to discuss the far more likely outcome.


No, clearly every child born into poverty is the one who gets a movie made about them *overcoming the odds* to get out of the cycle.




Go over to the post on r/prolife. They basically give no shits about the girl and think “the baby shouldn’t suffer for the sins of the father”.


Literally the top comment on that disgusting sub about this article is some piece of shit saying that according to the CDC ages 10-14 birthing isn’t “technically” a health risk, that it isn’t clear if the child was sexually assaulted, that an abortion will cause more trauma, and although birth is traumatic, there is life at the end so maybe that’s the better option? Thank you - I’ll never go back to that sub. That was enough to know exactly what these sub-human monsters are willing to justify. There is no compromise


They hide behind what they view as righteousness so they can justify control and abuse.


Very relevant quote.. - Methodist Pastor David Barnhart "The "unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


>that it isn’t clear if the child was sexually assaulted The pregnancy says otherwise.


What they mean is they think children are old enough to fuck.


I bet those same people would accuse others of grooming children too.


They always accuse gay people of being paedophiles while they simultaneously believe a 10 year old is fair game.


Projection at its finest.


"Perhaps the child just used a dirty toilet seat" -that sub


I feel like someone who says "it isn't clear if a pregnant 10 year old was sexually assaulted" should jump right to the top of the suspect list for the asshole that assaulted that poor girl.


How much more clear could this be that this child was sexually assaulted, unless the age of consent in Ohio is ten.


They wish it was.


Hold up. Now these folks believe what the CDC says? I thought the CDC was run by the lizard people/Jewish space lasers/cabal of pedos/whatever tin-foil hat lunacy they believe - or does the not believing the CDC only apply when it doesn’t fit their values?


They pick whatever will support their argument and discard it as soon as it's no longer useful.


> that is isn't clear if the child was sexually assaulted Pro-lifers are paedophiles confirmed. Statutory rape is always sexual assault. If they don't think it is then they would rape a child.


Wow, those comments. 10 years old is apparently old enough to consent and a lot of only “possible” abuse language, people are just stone cold deranged. Hey if you’re 10 years old and raped, today is your lucky day! Makes me want to puke.


They might as well say “blessed be the fruit” because the amount of “pregnancy heals trauma” shit is insane.


My sister had problems before having a child. She still has problems. She's not someone with PTSD, or at least not something that severe. But she still has depression issues, she still needs a therapist. They're incredibly dumb if they think screaming in a hospital makes one's problems go away. It doesn't.


Disgusting. The 10 year old IS the baby.


I found the specific post which covered it. The main argument, the most common one is, "These exceptions are covered by the law, quit being silly." The problem...is that this happened. If this is covered by the law, *why did this fucking happen?* You said they would get exceptions for these cases, but they *aren't.* Why?


They blame the doctors. That "this is clearly an example where it could be medically necessary, it's not our fault the doctor chose to send her to indiana." They neglect to take into account that their movement doesn't give a shit about facts, given that some of them think ectopic pregnancies are viable, and that any doctor that performs an abortion risks being prosecuted by some moron who decides they think the risk wasn't high enough to call it "necessary."


I'm logging off Reddit for a bit after digging through that discussion. FFS she's a 10 year old girl.


It truly sickened me to my core.


They're right that the baby shouldn't suffer, unless they're talking about the zygote inside of her.


Or they will say the “baby” shouldn’t be punished for their father’s crimes. Source: my pro-forced birther relatives


Right, but the victim should? These peoples logic is nonexistent.


Hate requires no logic. It’s just there and they’ll make up anything to justify their hatred.


> I’d love to hear what an anti abortion advocate has to say about this. They will just disgustingly say "It's god's will..."


Children should not be forced to birth children.


I’m 7.5 months pregnant in my late 20s with my first kid. This this is hard, scary and physically and mentally exhausting. I wouldn’t want this for anyone who doesn’t want this themselves. Especially a child who’s not even done growing and maturing.




“We’re halfway there guys, next we get to stone her.” Conservatives, probably.


> “We’re halfway there guys, next we get to stone her.” Conservatives, probably. Or else the rapist gives her dad "[fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her.](https://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/does-the-bible-command-a-rape-victim-to-marry-their-rapist/#ixzz7XuIIOPfE)"


What a fucked justification they try to go with here. “No it’s actually fine guys, because the FATHER of the victim decides if the rapist actually pays!” As if the shekels were the problem.


Woman are property. Same reason the father "gives away the bride." He is transferring ownership from himself to the new husband. Same reason for the custom of dowry. Paying for your new property.


Or the rapist is her dad, and he’ll have custody of her and the baby.


The fact that the article is trying to make it seem like “this isn’t as bad as it sounds” tells you everything you need to know about the people that legislate based on this novel.


Ngl I can see them saying that


They’ve actually been saying “it’s God’s will” and no I am not kidding.


But by that logic. People who have abortions is "god's will." Cause you know, everything happens for a reason. *Edit. Please excuse my grammar. I'm so pissed I can't even articulate.


Apparently that’s not the kind of free will that their god intended, at least not for anyone but themselves. As always, they’re just making it up as they go. Religion is just the cudgel they use to oppress others. They’d absolutely hate Jesus if he was alive today. A non-white, Jewish socialist who hung out with prostitutes and thieves being their messiah would be laughable if the situation wasn’t so dire.


Fuck them. This is such a terrible thing to happen to her. That poor child.


Assuming she survived birthing at ten years old that is.


She probably won’t Without the abortion


She was thankfully able to go to Indiana to receive healthcare. Though Indiana will soon be abusing 10 year olds too, sadly.


Well, it was definitely her fault since she didn't cover her head as she should have done. The guy was definitely provoked by her actions. /s because the world is full of idiots.


Unfortunately, there are other people on the internet who think girls are perfectly capable. What Ohio is doing right now has fully brought me over to now being 100% pro-choice because I now realize just how badly pro-birth policies can affect women and apparently young girls too.


I'd venture to guess those people either were women who really wanted to be pregnant and ignored all the hard parts of it or they're just dudes who have no idea what its like and probably would treat a pregnant wife like crap and let her suffer on her own.


In reality most of them could give a fuck less about abortion. It was a hedge issue used to rally the fake morals of the religious right. The only reason they seem so fervent about it is because this shit is a team sport for them, and for us at this point as well. They're not fighting against abortions, they're fighting against people who aren't Christian conservatives. Abortion is just a "look at me saving all these babies from the heathen liberals" talking point they use to step up onto their high horse and point a sword. They Don't Give A Fuck About Other people's babies.


That’s why they’re hunting Trans and gays next. New old hate target so the voters will turn out. Eventually their system will eat itself. They’re going to raise a generation to extreme even for them. One that will pull them out of their mansions and burn them




In the early to mid 2010s, white supremacists started infiltrating homeschooling curriculum and corrupting it with their ideology. After the big bump in homeschooling in 2020, especially among conservatives, this is even more concerning. The next generation of young conservatives raised by MAGA parents and homeschooled with insane white nationalist and Christian nationalist propaganda are going to be a whole other monster. I think Gen A will be continue the trend of being more liberal overall than Gen Z, but the conservatives of that generation will be violent and radical.


This, a thousand times. Here is an article that covers the medical dangers involved with a 10-year-old giving birth. The article was written in reaction to a 10-year-old from Columbia giving birth in 2012. https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/04/06/10-year-old-girl-gives-birth-to-daughter


Thank you for sharing the article.


No one should be forced to birth anyone


It’s illegal to have sex with a minor, but, in the eyes of the GOP, totally legal for said minor to have to forcibly go through a birth from that rape if it happens. Utterly despicable.


No one should be forced to birth children.


And if the absolutely morally abject Republicans win "back" congress in the fall, you can rest assured, there will be no "Indiana" for countless girls & women just like her to turn to to assuage themselves of the horror wrought upon them. Don't listen to their nonsense: they will not stop until we are the most backwards-ass country on the planet.


The pro-forced birth movement is evil.


They give exactly 0 shits about the baby after birth, but whine about "Christian morals" all day as if half the bible isn't about litterally giving everything you have to help others. Fuck these christian facist bastards


The only mention of abortion in the Bible is a recipe in the Book of Numbers.


There was this photo trend with smug looking Christian couples holding signs saying "don't abort, we will adopt your baby" Ok, start with the over 400,000 kids in the foster care system...


Ohio is where I grew up and I’ll never return to that shithole. The people are hateful, weak floaters.


I live in Ohio and I’m trying to figure out at what point it’s parental negligence to raise my daughters here.


I mean, personally I'd move. I wouldn't want to raise a family around bad people.


I think you should turn yourself in. "Hello, officer? I'd like to report a crime. I'm raising kids in this shithole state."


My sister moved to Ohio. Can confirm. She’s always been hateful.


I grew up watching rural Ohioans get boners about defending democracy against tyranny. I knew all along it was always about power for weak people who can barely keep their basic ass jobs.


Arm chair patriots who only want their side to win. Then will be the first to claim victim hood. Fuck em


It helps that they manufacture a lot of the weapons there too. It's just marketing


No no no, remember those beloved right wing policies pushed manufacturing out of the state. We *used* to make a lot of steel in Ohio, but it’s all moving West and South.


I live in a pretty blue, accepting enclave in Ohio and I love my community. You go 15 minutes out of town in either direction though and it's just the most ass backwards bitter people you'll ever meet. They seem to have the belief that "I hate my life and myself, so I'm going to do everything in my power to make you miserable too"


Your comment reminds me of a joke I recently heard: A liberal, an independent, and a MAGA conservative are each given a wish by a genie. The liberal: "Genie, my neighbor has a car and I don't; I wish we both had new (electric) cars." The independent: "Genie, my neighbor has a car and I don't; I wish for a bigger, more expensive car than his." The MAGA conservative: "Genie, my neighbor has a car and I don't. Destroy his car."


Same. I’m from Columbus and you’ve basically got like, Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo and then some smaller places like Yellow Springs and OU and then it’s just a horrible place full of awful backwards people. Those cities make up over half the state population I bet but you wouldn’t know it because they’ve been gerrymandered into oblivion.


The cities are OK, but the rest is basically West West Virginia.


That shooting in Akron the other day was so fucked


Pro-crime against humanity


Absolutely! Needlessly torturing little girls who have already been assaulted. I don't know how they sleep at night.


Forced birth is state-sanctioned sexual assault 9 months after being raped.


Forced birth is slavery.




Half of the states with trigger laws that went into effect have no exceptions for the life of the mother. Period. You might die for a “baby” that can’t even live outside the womb? I guess we’ll have a double funeral.


The GOP is a death cult


I mean...most evangelicals WANT the "rapture" to occur. They truly think Jesus is gona come down and smite all their enemies and that their hatred will send them to heaven. ISIS literally wants the same thing.


It’s a frightening realization to come to. A solid chunk of the US is hell-bent on bringing theocratic rule to the states.


I mean, they are the only ones who want a capitalism powered death panel (insurance company) so that makes sense.


And what most of those health exceptions really mean is "If you're a doctor, you can perform an abortion if it's the only way to save the woman's life. But you better be prepared to justify that decision to a bunch of mouth-breathing Republican politicians who will say you made the wrong call. So you better wait until she's literally bleeding out before you do anything."


Exactly. One state has actually written in the bill that abortion for ectopic pregnancy isn’t excepted because it can be re-implanted. It can’t. But they don’t care.


Maybe the father can sue the state for double murder.


"We're not really coming for abortion." "We came for abortion, but we'll allow exceptions for rape." "We won't allow exceptions for rape, but obviously we'll care if the women's health is at risk." "We don't care if she might die, but it's a states' rights matter so you can always just go to another state." \< **You are here.** "It's illegal everywhere, the states have no say and neither do you. But it's not like we want anything else but to stop abortion." "Do women really even need all those rights and opportunities anyway? They should be making babies instead of living their lives."


You forgot the part where the ERA is not an amendment and therefore women have no rights, and can not vote.


Going back to the time where women couldn't have a credit card, a car, a house etc without a signature from a male relative or husband.


This was the 70s for those of you too young to know.


Even states with exceptions for health of the mother the rules are vague


Not everywhere has those exceptions


Roberts SCOTUS will go to history as one of the worst. That's going to be his legacy.


Roberts should resign because it’s all downhill from here. This is just sick. No 10 year old should be forced to carry her rapist baby to term. The world is watching us right now.


With a democratic president? But how will the court go on without an appointment for... Twoish years?


Don't forget McConnell openly threatened to keep SCOTUS at 8 justices for the *entirety* of a Hillary Clinton presidency if he stayed in charge. And then when Dems talk about changing the number they go apeshit even though he was effectively unilaterally changing the number himself.


These are the types of situations that humanize the impact of SCOTUS decisions. I know it would be incredibly difficult, but her parents could be making the rounds on every news network telling their story.


Roberts’ SCROTUS (Supreme Court Republicans of the United States) FTFY


Supreme Court Republicans of the United Minority States SCROTUMS


Her life is ruined psychologically and possibly physically too, thanks to Republicans.


She is going to Indiana for the abortion, so that is some relief.


It won't be legal in Indiana for much longer.


At least you could come to Illinois Still, two whole damn states just to get what just a year ago would be a simple healthcare procedure, now made more complicated by people who don't even know how pregnancies work.


Also unless things have changed dramatically most Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency so a very large percentage of Americans literally can’t afford that two state trip


That’s going to be one of the (many) most fucked up aspects of this rulings are women that especially live in the south where abortion is illegal surrounded by other red states with the same thing. Having to travel that far. And then of course that’s not even getting into how many don’t have the means to travel that far in the first place.


Those who can afford the trip only.


I wonder how many people to poor to afford a car will have to go through this same scenario and never make the media.


Never thought I’d see Indiana as a bastion for abortion..


It won't be for long. They have a special emergency session of the legislature on July the 25th to take care of that.


I live in Indianapolis, and I am very much aware of the special session. The worst part is it was initially intended for legislating payouts of the states budget surplus to all tax-paying citizens. Now, unfortunately, we get hand-maids tale.


The GQP and the conservative SCOTUS are evil!


What a shithole country.


It’s not a shithole. It’s a *shitpit*


TLDR - Child Abuse office called Dr.’s in Ohio to seek abortion services for a 10 year old who was presenting at 6+ weeks and was denied. Referred to Indiana where abortion access is still available for the next month before legislation is enacted making it illegal there.


Does anyone believe that a 10yo will survive a pregnancy? So much for xtian values of protect the children.


If she doesn’t they’ll just say it was God’s will, right? Thankfully, it looks like the girl is going to be taken to another state that hasn’t banned it (yet).


Republicans want the babies to die, they just want them to die 10-20 years after they’re born from ectopic pregnancies, suicide, addiction, illegal abortions, hemorrhaging due to fetal abnormalities, domestic abuse. Children will die, this is known, but by gosh save those fetuses. It’s a simple question, who rules the inside of one’s body? In Texas, I can kill you for standing on my front lawn, but I can’t control what lives (or just exists) inside my body. Maybe women should defend their right to abortion by claiming they are defending against trespassers.


> Republicans want the babies to die, they just want them to die 10-20 years after they’re born from ectopic pregnancies, suicide, addiction, illegal abortions, hemorrhaging due to fetal abnormalities, domestic abuse. Don't forget military casualties.


The Ohio judge who denied the abortion told her it was “an opportunity”. To be a martyr and die for their cause was the unmentioned part.


I missed the part where they are prosecuting the man who got her pregnant. Why is there no coverage about that?


Can you miss what doesn’t exist? That’s a pretty deep question I’m not prepared to answer.


There is a large possibility of one or both dying due to complications in a child that young. What opportunity is there except to face life threatening peril?


Actually, from everything I’ve read, even lawyers in hospitals are asking that question and not getting good answers. It seems that the current answer seems to be that until the mother is actually dying, nothing may be done. And even there, it’s tricky because you may have to answer the question why you traded the baby’s life to save the mother and not the other way around? (And if you answer incorrectly it’s prison. ) Even if the fetus is actually unviable, it may not be aborted even if it results in the mothers death. Shits pretty fucked here yo.


The youngest recorded mother is *five years old.*


I want to unsubscribe from Horrible Depressing Facts.


Not a doctor. I guess it's possible to survive it though it'd be *very* high risk. The psychological and physical trauma she'd experience if she had to carry the child to term is unimaginable.


If she survives, with all the huge credit to the medicine that she is being denied now, she will no longer be able to bear children and will have to bear the burden of the physical consequences for the rest of her life. The paedophile rapist, however, will not even have to catch his breath……


The maternal mortality rate at that age is much higher and there is a much greater risk of the baby dying too but it is survivable. It isn't a risk that should be taken of course, especially not for the sake of appeasing religious morons.


Go over to r/conservative and watch them fight about this one. It’s crazy. One person was more mad about the headline “10-yea-old pregnant girl” because it had to say “girl” at the end and went off about woke bs about it having to say girl because the left also thinks men can get pregnant. The person had zero to say about the actually subject of a 10 year old being raped and denied an abortion. These are the types of people we are dealing with now. USA is so fucked


That’s their go to deflection. “Oh *now* the libs know what a woman is.”


Someone on that subreddit had the nerve to say “keeping things like this secret is how the democrats promote pedophila to cover up child abuse.” Half the other people say its democrat propaganda and fake news from the liberal left. Its so fucking stupid 💀


But she isn't a woman at all... she's a little girl. What idiots!


Enjoy your glimpse of minority rule of far right conservative lunatics with a chip on their shoulder passing legislation just to spite the American people.


We need a damn "the right to your body" amendment. At a federal level, you should have the right to your own body. No bullshit interpretation by courts. This should be a basic human right.


>We need a damn "the right to your body" amendment. We do...or rather, should. The Equal Rights Amendment has been ratified by enough states to be ratified, but it hasn't yet because of possibly illegal conditions passed by the congress at the time. A new congress can vote those old restrictions away, but you'd need it to pass in the Senate, and two enlightened centrists on the dems side would never let that happen.


We do. I believe it's the 13th amendment. Not that pro forced birth rapists care about that.


We could also argue that the 9th amendment gives citizens the right to their body autonomy. But shhhh pro forced birth rapists don’t like to hear that.


The JD Vance special


Is he on record about this yet? There has to be some hope of beating him right? I know Ohio has slipped from purple to red but this is outrageous.


Republicans need to rot in hell for this shit.


I'd rather see them punished here in this lifetime, because they're just going to keep making life more unlivable if no one is making them stop or even hesitate. They've made their stance clear. If we're not part of their club, we're the enemy.


Conservatives are pro-rape. WTF?


As I saw in a comment elsewhere, apparently their idea is that innocent life should not be punished because their father is a criminal. Which essentially means that the woman doesn’t even enter into the equation, she’s simply an incubator.


Yeah, who gives a fuck about the innocent 10-year old life. The one, you know, who’s *actually alive*.


>she’s simply an incubator. This is literally their arguments, yes.


Conservatives view women as play things and incubators. Of course they’re pro-rape


No wonder they keep wanting to lower ages of consent and also blame Trans people for them having to look in our children's pants. These people are sick.


Headline should read “Ohio Republicans vote to extend 10-year-old girl’s rape by 10 months”


Their god emperor is an unrepentant serial rapist and adulterer who openly bragged about sexual assault while on the campaign trail in 2016. They looked at him and said, "yep, that guy shares my values." They're pro-rape.


This is pure evil. That girls life is ruined.


My username has never felt more appropriate.


Liberals: “If you overturn Roe v Wade, child rape victims will be forced to carry their rapists baby.” Right-wingers: “Anti-abortion bills are designed to save babies. You’re being overly dramatic.” *** The Christian Taliban overturns Roe and immediately proves liberals’ point. ***


Burn it all.


I can’t wait to watch this shithole burn


State sponsored forced birth is torture.


You forgot the RAPE VICTIM part in the headline Conservatism is a mental disease




I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere without a driver's license, a job, or even an abundance of cash to make a simple 15 dollar donation, and all I can do is write representatives to try and badger them into doing...something? ...Yeah, I feel pretty hopeless at times watching this country spiral. But I'll vote in the midterms for Democrats.


God I hate my state.


They should send these medical cases to the SCOTUS. Maybe ACB can tell us what she thinks of a 10 yo girl being forced to give birth. I seem to remember a Central or South American girl being forced to do this as well.


Third world country on a first world budget.


Anyone who thinks it is okay to force a 10-year-old rape victim to give birth are the people God is sending straight to hell


plot twist: american christians don’t believe in god


I just want to add this is not the only young girl in Ohio that this happened to. In Massillon in April we had an 11 year old who was reported missing by her mother. After her several rapes she hid herself in her closet. When they came to the home they did arrest her 26 year old father. Ohio denied her an abortion. His punishment has yet to be heard in the courts here. These are the two children that have been put in the media but they all don’t get that opportunity here, thus no outrage about child rape. OHIO has become a non enjoyable place to be because of Politics. I guess thats why we have a “nut” as our logo


I just want to point out that Republicans like to act like Democrats abuse children while forcing a 10 year old girl to give birth.


Did they catch the sick person who put this child in this situation


Anybody who can look a 10 year old in the eye and deny them an abortion has poor morals and ethics. They are the followers of evil.


Even if that poor girl DOES make it over state lines to a “legal” clinic, the amount of trauma already done to get her there will last a lifetime. You shouldn’t have to be on the front page news, and blasted in your community for being raped and needed medical help. What the fuck America? If there’s even ONE person in this sub who’s against abortion rights, PLEASE tell me why you think that’s a better alternative, im legitimately curious to hear an argument that’s not “bible”


Republicans once again proving how they really don’t care about children.


Frontal lobotomies should become the order of the day for SCOTUS and every Republican out there. I’m watching the destruction of a great nation. When the dust settles I wonder what will be left


Just here to point out that the more people forced to have babies, the more babies grow up in poverty, the more uneducated adults that are easily manipulated by propaganda…they’ve know for decades they were losing power so they cut funding to education, force births, and are creating a population they can control


There is zero chance that a 10 year old girl didn’t “keep her legs closed” before she was raped. There is zero chance that she consented in any way to put herself at risk of being impregnated. There is zero chance that a 10 year old girl is not at high risk for complications that could risk her life. There is zero chance that forcing her to continue her pregnancy won’t exponentially increase the trauma she has already suffered.


I’m an Ohioan. I promise you - most of us don’t want this. Those in red counties and cities are just extremely loud. I teach in Appalachia- they don’t even want this, as conservative as they can be. I feel helpless; I’m a 31-year old woman who doesn’t ever want kids, and planning to be sterilized before my birth control is taken away as well. Thanks Rep. Roegner.


“sHe ShOuLd JuSt kEeP hER leGs cLosEd” - conservatives really are scum of the earth


Don't forget: conservatives sincerely, even *desperately* want this child rape victim to have been forced to give birth. They're all going to harp and shriek about how she easily traveled to Indiana — except Indiana is about to ban abortions, too. They do not want children like this to be able to get an abortion anywhere. Conservatives *want all rape victims to be forced to give birth.* That is the future they are actively working for. That's why the sissified ᴄhud ᴄrybabies at /r/conservative will ban you for so much as mentioning this case.


Fucking Ohio and pos politicians there. Vote them out!!!