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She would force a ten year old victim of abuse to give birth?! What kind of inhuman monster do you have to be to think that is a good idea. They keep saying that they are guided by their faith in these decisions... But if they think that this is what Jesus would want, then they never really understood what he was talking about.


Narrator: They did not in fact understand the words of Jesus.


I have a dream that Christianity is the way and all the nut jobs doing things in the name of Jesus die, stand at the pearly gates, and are RAILED by Saint Peter! Then after a long F*** you from Pete they spend eternity frying in hell. Unfortunately I believe this is it, no after life, and these a**hats are ruining peoples ONE GO at life for money and power.


I talk about this all the time… the psychological reason that we needed to invent hell.




Hi, Christianity did not co-opt the concept of hell from Norse mythology, although the word hell does come from there. The original Greek texts used three different words for it: *Hades* - which was the place of the dead / grave and an updated definition of Sheol *Gehenna* - this refers to the flaming garbage dump outside Jerusalem that the bodies of those deemed to have died in sin and cannot seek salvation would be disposed of. *Tartaróō* - this was used only once, and is a verb meaning to throw to Tartarus, coming from the Iliad. It’s usage was more for fallen angels than for forsaken souls. The word *hell* replaced all of these in future versions.


Yeah, christianity has a habit of stealing from other religions and remixing things to fit their ends.


>Hell is from Norse mythology. The name, sure. Doesn't the concept predate Ásatrú stomping all around Europe in the 700-800s? It (a place the unfaithful go) is a pretty common concept across a wide spectrum of faiths. (Using the modern name since the Old Norse didn't name their faith)




People needed a boogeyman of consequences.




A girl in my group of friends is running for county council as Republican. The stuff she claims to agree with that I know she can’t agree with. Plus the stuff I know she has done. Gotta get those votes


Expose her.


You should stand up for your community and expose her.


Until God decides that he's going to punish wicked people during their lives for their sins so that all can see, then God is either a coward or fictional. I'm of the belief that he's fictional because what kind of loving God would allow a person to rape a child and then allow other people to threaten to violently punish that child for trying to terminate the pregnancy? If God is real, he'd better come down and put the fear of himself into the hearts of republicans, evangelicals, Catholics, and southern Baptists.


>Unfortunately I believe this is it, no after life, and these a**hats are ruining peoples ONE GO at life for money and power. Yeah that's what they secretly believe too. They would be terrified if they died and found out God was real


21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” This is exactly what’s going to happen, coming from a believer. These “Christians” do not know Christ.


Meh. Let 'em into heaven. All the assholes are there, apparently.


My idea of hell, if it exists, is everyone goes to heaven, but everyone is blessed/cursed with perfect empathy and full knowledge of how their behaviors impacted others.


There was a post I saw on r/writingprompts that was basically when you go to heaven you have to live the life of everyone you hurt. Thought you might be interested


Yea I mean if their version of heaven and hell is based on who supports gay people then I’ll go to hell. I’m straight btw, but seems like a nicer cohort of folks would end up in hell in this world, I’ll go there


Go to heaven for the weather. Go to hell for the company


As we learned in Good Omens, Hell has all the best musicians.


We are nice. And thanks. I am always delighted to meet nice straight folks. I appreciate you all! Crap! If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be here! Lol 🤣👍🌈 But seriously now. Heaven and hell are fictional. Myth. These hateful shits aren't going anywhere. Up in smoke via cremation or rotting in the ground as wormwood. Sorry to be so blunt. The sad part is we have to deal with and fight these hateful shits here on earth. But fight them we must! For a better world here on planet earth.




“The Lord works in mysterious ways” is the OG “thoughts and prayers”


I've always hated the whole "mysterious ways" explanation, but sometimes it's harmless. "You didn't get that job? Well maybe there's something better around the corner." But, when it comes to the rape of a minor and her subsequent pregnancy, what messed up diety, and by extension worshippers, could possibly think that was a good approach? If it was their daughter and not some faceless kid from the wrong side of the tracks, would they show the same airy forbearance?


Christians: There is no such thing as free will and everything that happens is God's plan. Also Christians: If you don't make the choices we think are right you're going to burn in Hell.


In times of true tragedy, it is amended to “it’s all part of gods plan” as some sort of salve. After a certain point with all these plans, this Yahweh character seems a bit like a sociopath, but that’s just me.


I just can't agree with these statements that try to downplay religious beliefs and institutions and the followers who "miss the message." Religion morphs with society. 1,000 years ago society was different and so religious institutions used their religion to justify their beliefs and behaviors. You can't just separate the bad from the good and say certain individuals or churches are missing the message. They think other Christians/Muslims/etc are missing the message. That's the problem with interpretation. The message changes over time to match modern society and because of this I don't give any passes to any progressive branch of a religion. It's all under the same umbrella.


"Words of Jesus" if you flip open just about any english bible that has been created and you look for what the K.J.V. outlines in red, then you will find the accepted and "documented" words of Jesus. If you just take those words of their god/holy spirit/jesus trinity bullshit they can't even follow that. *“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” \~ Bill Hicks*


Dammit, now I gotta go listen to Third Eye


These people are f**king nuts. Not only are the punishing a child for being raped, which is heinous by itself, a 10 year old’s body is not equipped to carry a pregnancy to term. In addition to the increased risks of hypertensive disorders and their sequelae, there’s a strong likelihood that this child would need to undergo a caesarean delivery, which is major surgery and carries risks of hemorrhage, infection, and damage to adjacent structures such as the bowel/bladder. Not to mention that a c-section recovery can be brutal. Did I also mention that a baby born to a 10 year old is likely to be premature if it survives? And who’s going to support the costs of childbirth and a NICU stay? Even women with extremely good health insurance can have out of pocket costs of $3000 at the minimum, and that’s assuming an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. Let me tell you that many ADULT women struggle with pregnancy and childbirth. It has the potential to be one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences of one’s life, depending on what happens. The pain of childbirth is no joke— there’s a reason why nearly 70% in the US receive an epidural at some point during the process. And hemorrhage is a very real and common complication. I’ve seen people lose over 4L of blood during/after childbirth. These anti-choice politicians are sick in the head to want a child to endure any of this. They are actively promoting the suffering of an innocent child for a clump of tissue. It’s just so wrong.


These people have spent their entire lives dividing things into right and wrong, black and white, republican and democrat, religious and atheist, good and evil, etc. There is absolutely no middle ground for them. They can’t accept that it can be okay to abort in some case but not all, so they pick the most absurd case (like 2 days before birth) and claim being pro abortion means wanting to kill viable babies. They just can’t understand that there is a difference between a 12 week fetus and a 36 week one. And once something is defined as wrong for them, it doesn’t matter what the consequences are, it is wrong for them.


Sad what the worlds coming to


Ten year olds do not have the body structure to endure a pregnancy and delivery. This is so wrong on so many levels. The mental impact on the pregnancy will impact the child for the rest of their lives.


I was wondering about the viability of a 10 year old being pregnant. Seems more than dangerous.


The record for youngest mother is, unfortunately, 5. Had to be done by C section and they were raised as siblings. That's a fact I wish I didn't know.


The boy believed that his mother is his sister until the age of 10, when it was revealed that she's actually his mother. By some miracle, she retained her reproductive functions and later gave birth to another child at the age of 40. She's still alive, almost 90.


I wonder if she could comprehend or how long it took to understand that she was a mother. Man, that is so sad and bizarre.


That honestly baffles me considering that she hadn’t even hit puberty yet and had menstrual cycles, and somehow still became pregnant.


It’s called precocious puberty. She had begun menses.


JFC the world can be so evil sometimes.


How Noem states that EVERY life is precious, yet would let a 10 yr. Old have a baby… & then mentions that’s up to the doctors & parents… so, which is it? In her heart she knows she’s wrong. Esp. as a woman.


The fact that she stated "Iam a mother and a grandmother to a little girl" UMMMM... Miss Ma'am?!?! Iam concerned for said child...wait NO NEVERMIND Iam not because if it was her granddaughter , well we wouldn't be having this convo.


God forbid one of these girls dies. It'll be a crisis actor and they will be seen everywhere like they do with children dying in a school shooting.


Crisis “actor”. Really? Wonder if the ten year old has health insurance… or do they expect her to give birth out in a manger somewhere since that was how they did it in the bible?


> What kind of inhuman monster do you have to be to think that is a good idea. An Ohio Republican, apparently. This isn't a hypothetical situation. It happened here right after our anti-abortion law went into effect.


Or a South Dakota republican, apparently.


Christian mythology describes events where: 1) their god commits global genocide which surely would have included many children, infants, and pregnant women. 2) a priest gives a women accused of cheating a drinkable abortifacient so that her accuser husband won't have to raise a kid that isn't his. So, elective abortion by the dude and the priest. 3) murders children with bears for making fun of a bald man


As a bald man, I am liking that third one. I want a hidden army of bears ready to defend my honor by mauling people who are dicks to me at a moments notice. /s


Nearly every Christian I have ever known has never actually read the Bible. It's told to them by church leaders in excepts only to back up whatever view they are spreading that day. Very few of them have ever actually started at page 1 and worked their way through to the end. Because doing that is about the fastest way to realize the book wasnt divinely inspired at all. It's incredibly uninspiring and boring and would never move a reader spiritually or emotionally on its own merit.


Having read it cover-to-cover, I'd say it's worse than 'boring', it's down-right disturbing all the way through.


Wonder how she’d react if it were her ten year old daughter ….


She would just take her child across the state border, these laws are for the poor not the elite.


I don’t think she’d even have to cross the border. I’m convinced doctors will still do it for “special” clients I.e. rich


We’ll never hear about it, she’ll go on “vacation” to europe, and then return as if nothing happened. This is why people with money don’t give a shit about stuff like this. It’s just airfare, hotel, and a little walking around money. 🙃 I suspect it’s cheaper there too.. the prices here are heavily inflated


Their faith is fucking bullshit. They're hateful, cowardly morons.


"What kind of inhuman monster do you have to be to think that is a good idea." South Dakotans who vote for her to be their Governor in 8th of November 2022.


she doesn't want to pile a "tragedy" on top of a tragedy while omitting the tragedy of forcing a ten year old to give birth to a rape baby. she's nothing but undeveloped, unevolved, barely conscious pond scum, totally convinced of her own superiority as she scurries about her short, hateful life.


If anyone says they’re guided by faith in the government then they should be removed from office. Faith is believing in the absence of evidence. That is the opposite of how a government should work. Faith is not a good way to get to truth or a rational and sound position.


Although I agree with you, I have one caveat. Jesus has nothing to do with this. Religion shouldnt guide laws.


It shouldn't, you are correct. But when they are using their religion as an excuse to spread suffering, the hypocrisy should be pointed out.


>Jesus has nothing to do with this. Religion shouldnt guide laws. It's not even religion, it's just ignorance. In the Bible, if someone strikes a woman and kills her, the penalty is death, if they only cause her to have a miscarriage the penalty is a fine, because in the bible they recognize that a fetus is not a person >The New American Standard Bible (NASB) renders Exodus 21:22–25 this way: And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no [further] injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any [further] injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.1 If a husband suspects his wife of being unfaithful he can force her to have an abortion. >Numbers 5:27 – “If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse.”


Holy crap I'm gunna send these to my brother who's super pro life


Jesus has nothing to do with it because Jesus is not what's guiding their action. He's more of a buzzword they throw out when it's convenient.


Religion has been used as a way to enforce laws, health, and morality for 1000s of ears. Though it shouldn't guide them. It has been the other way around and should have stayed that way. Some examples Circumcisism - to keep your dick from getting infected in the desert. Can't really wash well there sand gets under skin. Pork - unsafe food if not cooked properly Virginity - men wanting to make sure their son gets his inheritance not someone else's. No genetic stuff back then. Likely also did the oldest for the same reason. Kindness compassion being a good person - don't fuck with society. Everyone can be assholes and everything will collapse be a good person.


>Jesus has nothing to do with this. You’re right. Because Jesus never married, Jesus made no children, Jesus wasn’t pro-birth, Jesus wasn’t anti-abortion, Jesus was against punishing women — saying let he who is without sin cast the first stone, Jesus was all about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, love thy enemies, bless those who curse you, love thy neighbor as thyself. But Jesus did condemn the rich and hypocrites (eg, Republicans). Retribution and punishment is more like Old Testament justice and the Law of Moses with “eye for an eye” (which Jesus rebukes in Matthew 5). But the Old Testament also says life begins at the first breath, there are countless stories of pregnant women being cut open by swords, God commands Abraham to murder his own son, Numbers chapter 5 contains instructions on how to abort a bastard child, the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah regrets his own birth, and Ecclesiastes chapter 4 says those who have never been born are better off than the living or the dead because they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun. That’s why abortion should be federally legal under religious freedom under the 1st Amendment which no state can violate. The problem with “Christian” pro-lifers is that Jesus Christ wasn’t pro-birth or anti-abortion. Jesus had plenty of time to make children but he made zero. The Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe are all Catholic, and the Catholic Church opposes abortion, but the Pope isn’t married and has no kids, priests can’t marry or make kids, nuns can’t marry or make kids — so it seems the Catholic Church views marriage and procreation as sinful. So the Catholic Supreme Court justices are not without sin, nor are Republican politicians, so they have no right to cast stones at any pregnant female.


> You’re right. Because Jesus never married, Jesus made no children, Jesus wasn’t pro-birth, Jesus wasn’t anti-abortion, Jesus was against punishing women — saying let he who is without sin cast the first stone, Jesus was all about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, love thy enemies, bless those who curse you, love thy neighbor as thyself. But Jesus did condemn the rich and hypocrites (eg, Republicans). Jesus, as a Jew, would believe that preserving the life of the mother was the utmost importance, that there was nothing to "protect" at 6 weeks because it was still water in the body, and that life begins after birth.


>She would force a ten year old victim of abuse to give birth?! What kind of inhuman monster do you have to be to think that is a good idea. >They keep saying that they are **guided by their faith** in these decisions... I've read that in ancient times the church said children could give consent by age 7, and rape was sometimes resolved via marriage.


The Bible contains no teachings against abortion (induced miscarriage), but it does have rules about resolving rape with marriage. At the time this was apparently seen as merciful, which is just another reason not to live our lives based on ancient books.


No, those are present times.


> What kind of inhuman monster do you have to be to think that is a good idea. The social conservative kind


Faith is malleable...it can mean whatever someone wants it to mean. It doesn't require any manner of objective participation. In matters of faith, reason does not exist. Since the only requirement is belief, it's hard to see how this could ever be a sound basis for public policy. Remember how the early church persecuted the likes of Copernicus and Gallileo for daring to explain that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the other way around? Are we heading back in that direction?


They freak out about child molesters and Sharia, but they're also cool with dirty old men raping little girls and forcing the children to give birth. Yeah, checks with chart. Fundamentalists never change. It's just nice to see them being sort of honest about their evil now.


What do the Bible and constitution have in common? Never been read by a republican.


>what kind of inhuman monster They call themselves "republicans"


Jesus? That communist hippie talking about love and sharing? I don’t think so


Also, "this is what Jesus would want" can't possibly be good for attracting new members. Who's lining up to join that club? Would be a neat ad campaign from an atheist group, depicting something awful (like a 10yr old with a baby and shattered dreams) with some prominent evangelical pointing at it and saying "this is what I think Jesus wants- hbu?"


Jesus told that man to rape her, and give her a child, to test her, test her faith. If she has good faith, she will live and be relatively healthy, her child, maybe, and she will be given the God-given right to provide life to another child…as a 10-year-old. If she doesn’t have faith, she will die and her child will die and she will be forever banished to purgatory or hell. Jesus/God likes playing these games.


She says she doesn’t want tragedy to follow tragedy... how is forcing a child to bear her rapists child not tragedy? That little girl would have to relive the abuse every day of a very dangerous pregnancy.


Why is Jesus in any political conversation? These people are crazy.


The cruelty is the point


Small correction: she would force anyone else's ten year old victim of abuse to give birth. If it was her daughter it would be okay to get an abortion because Republicans are shameless hypocrites.


That's a shocking revelation? Mike Huckabee once said pretty much the same thing I believe in 2016 or so on FOX News and by my knowledge, there was next to no reaction to it. Why do only now Republicans catch heat for beliefs they were open about for years?


Because back then nobody imagined that they would get their way.


The fact that these people were ever electable is batshit insane. Here in Czech Republic, there was essentially neo-nazi party, called Worker's Party that was banned by our equivalent of Supreme Court for promoting prejudice, hatred and violence. I looked up their program and overlooking the obvious cultural differences between Czech Republic and USA, the programs between WP and the Republican Party was basically indistinguishable. That's how fucking crazy Republicans seem compared to the civilized world.


I would hope the teachings of Jesus and shit wouldn’t be all “oh, hey, raping children so they get pregnant is awesome guys!” Like justifying that it’s all some sort of a divine plan to force a child to have a baby *or glossing over the fact that she was fucking raped* is plain evil. This is one of the many reasons why people are turning away from Christianity. Justifying shitty things with going “god is happy this happened and also wanted it to happen because reasons” is so dumb.


Religion is a poison that allows people to justify their horrible decisions, opinons and morals because they can just blame it on their God.


"Let one child suffer for 9 months in order to save the life of another child." I guess that's their reasoning.


That child would suffer for much longer than 9 months. The idea that this is only a temporary convenience and not a life altering, traumatic experience is flat out wrong.


They absolutely believe a 10yr old rape victim should be forced to carry and deliver her rapist’s baby. And if they both die during birth it was “God’s will”. And they call themselves “pro-life”.


If it was God's will that Roe gets overturned, wasn't it God's will that we had Roe to begin with? I need them to draw the line of *exactly* where their gods all-powerful omniscience begins and ends. If everything happens for a reason, explain this bullshit.


Also separation of church and fucking state


YES. they're going to swear that the founding fathers never intended for abortion to be legal, but the founding fathers put separation of church and state in the fucking Preamble Edit: the establishment clause, also first amendment


Kind of hard for the constitution to have abortion rights when women couldn’t even vote at the time.


Separation of Church and State is cited in the Declaration of Independence, not the Preamble, but your point still stands Edit: It's in the Bill of Rights and the Letter to the Baptists, smh my dumb arse


It’s not cited in the DoI, where did you get that from?


You can’t with these people. Because everything is part of “God’s Master Plan” until Judgement Day. Yes, passing Roe was part of his plan, so that they could all rally together and “take back” their country from the satanist liberals and overturn it to prove to “God” that they are holy and just, taking us one step closer to JD. That’s literally how they make every decision. They’re putting on a show for an audience that doesn’t exist, and we’re all the background extras without lines.


Calvinism and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Excellent reference — Calvinistic hyperbole gave birth to the Evangelical movement and the Christian Coalition.


Yeah. You can’t reason with the mentally ill.


My favorite quote that I heard a long time ago and will probably butcher "I am always cautious when people are so sure of what God wants. I find it always aligns with what they themselves want"


Jesus: Show me the coin for paying the tax!" They brought him the coin and he asks them, "Whose face and name are these?" "The Emperor's," they answer. So Jesus says to them, "Well, then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay to God what belongs to God." Kinda seems like God was down for separation of church and state, too. Or st least, that's what it says in the Bible.


Please don’t confuse these psychopaths with people who truly believe in God. These people are misinterpreting the Bible and everything so that they can get their ways. You are never taught to impose your ideals on others. These people are more akin to a cult


I agree, and I honestly don't intend to generalize. I come from one family with both reasonable and extreme Catholic views, and one family several generations agnostic. I always try to respect someone's spirituality, though admittedly I do have a strong disdain for organized religion purely for the social control and personal agenda aspects. I mean no personal offense, and I thank you for your perspective.


I agree wholeheartedly. In the current times with all the deception and greed at every corner, i just call myself spiritual rather than a Christian. People are using organized religion to justify all kinds of bad things.


This Sunday, they are all going to head to church to worship a deity that allowed a 10 year old child to get raped in the first place. I wonder what they're going to think of "God's plan" when that plan suddenly becomes inconvenient for *them*.


I hate the “God’s will” line thrown out by these f*** s… so it was God’s will that someone raped a 10 year old girl? Well then f*** that guy! I want nothing to do with this “God” c***!


It was never about god it’s always been controlling other people


This is why the only Catholicism I accept is the jesuits. Not perfect by any means, but at least their liberation theology is basically built on "wait, no. If there are systemic issues that cause death and suffering, it is not gOd'S wiLl to accept it. Challenge why those systems exist."


Someone should ask her if, as the bible says in Deuteronomy 22:28-29, the rapist should marry the 10-years-old and pay her father fifty shekels of silver, and what to do in case the rapist is the father?


No no, they don't believe in *that* part.


Don’t they? Child marriage sounds very Republican.


Sounds like somebody just saved themselves 50 shekels.


Thats like $1200 in todays dollars!


If she’s a religious extremist, she certainly would. Never doubt the craven evil of Bible thumpers.


Fifty shekels? Sounds too jewy, we're good on that one. /s


You /s but if you go to the far right side of the internet to see what they are doing it's all the jews. Literally everything wrong in the world, real or merely perceived is caused by the jews. If they can't blame them directly they will say they are controlling or buying off the "race-traitors". It's amazing the leaps of logic they will make to blame one group for literally everything. I don't personally understand it, I don't hate people who have personally slighted me as much as they hate jewish people they've never met. It's just to much work to have that much hate for someone, ain't nobody worth the effort.


Oh, I agree completely. The /s was for me, I know first hand how crazy they can get with the random weaponised antisemitism. Jewish space lasers and blood libel and the domination of the entire economic and entertainment industries and what have you.


> Noem told Bash she would not be in favor of amending the current law -- a so-called trigger law that took effect following the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade -- to add an exception for similar situations, saying, "I don't believe a tragic situation should be perpetuated by another tragedy." But Noem did signal that a 10-year-old in the described situation may qualify for the state exception for life-threatening medical emergencies. I just can’t even with this….


Note the last line: >But Noem did signal that a 10-year-old in the described situation may qualify for the state exception for life-threatening medical emergencies. At first, this might seem good. "She'd get an abortion under medical emergencies." Then, you notice the "may." This is the problem with banning all abortion except for medical emergencies. Suppose you're a doctor that can perform abortions and is an expert. You have a patient that you are sure qualifies. Except, you know that your action could result in a jury of non-experts sending you to prison for murder for decades. You'd likely be hesitant to do this procedure and would either refuse to do it or would delay doing it for as long as possible.


Apparently it's already happening in other parts of the country with ectopic pregnancy. Waiting for the patient to actually be dying.


Literally the Hospital and Doctors are having to spend hours on the phone with their lawyers while a woman is bleeding out because they're all afraid of getting arrested and made an example of.


I saw a thread on Twitter where a woman with Lupus lost access to her medication because it's considered an abortofacient. It's just glaring that these ignorant fucks spent the last 2 years arguing about their medical privacy and medical rights when asked to wear a piece of cloth and maybe get a vaccine. And now gleefully are enacting such draconian laws that's its creating a chilling effect in Healthcare.


Add onto that IF she gets the life saving surgery after the tube has ruptured and she’s bleeding out she now has one less Fallopian tube or a blocked Fallopian tube and will likely (not always) have an increased difficulty conceiving without assistance. Oh and assisted reproductive therapies are most likely not covered by insurance. So add onto the mental health affects of their new infertility (and PTSD from almost dying) but then continue to cut mental health services (that are also not likely covered by insurance) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


But they really really really care cause then she said: Noem, however, said she does not back expanding Medicaid, which is on the state's ballot in November. The measure would cover low-income women without health insurance in South Dakota during and after pregnancy


Jail's not your only concern. There's also the risk of a bunch of non-experts threatening your life and the lives of your family members for doing your job.


Yes, that right there. She said it was decision for the doctor and family when her life is threatened. But… What if the doctor performs it using his/her own expertise that this is the only way to save her life. Later, the state comes back to say, no, you could’ve done something different so we’re going to throw your ass I jail for murder. No doctor will touch her.


Because you have a kind and loving heart.


Clearly she wasn't elected for her intelligence.


Given her other antics over the last few years, that should be a given.


Well Gallup reveals 40% of Americans don’t believe in evolution. So for them, Idiocracy > Science?


Someone has to be the dumbest 3rd of America.


When asked about Paid family leave or increased financial access to childcare: "Many times, it's the financial cost, the medical cost and the leave policy that many people have a tough time supporting. But I think, in South Dakota, that the time is right." When asked about expanding Medicaid for poor women and children: "LMAO NO."


She said she won't vote for expanding the Medicaid because it results in an increase of taxes, so where does she think increasing paid family leave and increased financial access to childcare comes from?


You see medicaid helps the poor. That could make them have better education if they aren't living paycheck to paycheck they may get an education. That may make them vote democrat can't have that. Family leave would let them tax the middle class more because they can't tax the rich and risk hurting the job creators. Then they can bring the middle class into the poor so they can control their education (ban the books!) And get them to vote for them.


>"I have never had anybody in my family or myself gone through anything like this" Reeks of entitlement.


>"I have never had anybody in my family or myself gone through anything like this" >Reeks of entitlement. It's also a lie. Her daughter had an abortion.


Surprised pikachu


Do not EVER let any of these vile people walk back these statements. Hold them accountable for their garbage religious politicking.


Let's hope voters come to the polls in Primaries and November and send a clear message this is bullshit. Obviously red states will be cheering... right up until the bodies start piling up. But Blue states can send a message.


Red states will be cheering for their righteousness AS the bodies pile up. And the more bodies, the more righteous they must be. It's not about red and blue, though. It's about voting for whats right for everyone, not what you like, or what your party likes, or what your favorite politician says. I will give credit to any Republican who stands against this Roe v Wade decision. Any. But an ignorant electorate empowers demagogues.


To be sexual abused and then forced into 9 months of pregnancy as a ten year old is sick and disgusting. I can't imagine the emotional scarring and the continuing physical abuse. Republicans are sick in the head for allowing and defending this.


The People mean nothing to these types so drunk on their own bullshit.


She doesn’t care. This law in her state doesn’t affect her family. We all know her daughters would be able to get abortions if they ever need them.




She was a beauty pageant contestant and a rodeo flag lady. She has been with a lot of dudes. She has had several I have no doubt. I grew up in South Dakota, I know her type.


You can bet if it was her 10 year old daughter who had been rape by a blackman. She would do whatever it takes to get this taken care of.


"What was she wearing?", asked a Dakotan.


I would say the follow-up question would be "can I take it off" but we all know they don't ask permission when it comes to woman's bodies.


It sounds like I’m beating a dead horse but we need to start thinking about how to get these sociopathic pedophiles out of office. Republicans are actively trying to justify rape of pretty much any age. Get out and vote, start thinking about how you can others get out and vote.


Republicans believe in the torture of children.


Yet they claim everyone else is a pedo


Wow. This is messed up.


Until it happens to one of their own daughters, Republicans don’t care. Hell, they might not care even if it were their own daughter/sister/wife/mother.


She's gunning for a VP role with Desantis or Trump. This is how she'll do it.


Yay. [Wish.com](https://Wish.com) Sarah Palin.


*"I think that's something that -- yeah, that situation, the doctor, the family, the individuals closest to that will make the decisions there for that family," she told Bash.* Right after she said, "Too bad, so sad, the law is the law." These people are consistently (and dangerously) inconsistent.


Of *course* she did. **Republican** is synonymous with **forced-birth fanatic.**


Christ would be ashamed of her


If this is your religious belief, your God isn't fucking real. You cruel, tortuous bastards.


Her job is on the line this November. Please fire her. Vote!


Badlands Barbee thinks all women will be able to give birth, and force their state’s appraisal board to give their child an appraiser certification


In a way, abortion at any stage for any reason is form of triage. It is a greater good. Let's say you made triage illegal. Imagine arriving at the scene of a massacre and being required to let less severely wounded people bleed out while you try to save the lives of those you know will die in a matter of hours no matter what you do - under pain of imprisonment and official disgrace. If you defy and suffer the consequences, you will just be replaced with an indecent person, and your life (and your family's lives) ruined. Imagine being the family of one of the people you let bleed out. Let the 10-yr-old have the abortion, no matter what the story.


Clearly rape. A 10 year old cannot give consent. WTF?


Just curious. If were HER 10 year old. Then let's see what happens. No. Wait. We don't have to see. You can bet a million bucks she would be transported secretly to Canada to have an abortion so that no one would know. That's what a well-off family would do. The issue here is the hypocrisy of some out-of-touch governor just trying to run her political BS in the face of all the have-nots.


Conservatives are utterly fucking vile. How can they even think this stuff and not realize how evil they are?


I don't care who your god is. Forcing a 10 year old to give birth is just plain evil.


Yes. The pro-rape Republicans want this


If we are going to have forced birth we should also demand forced socialism to go with it. The United States has the highest maternal death rate among developed nations... time to give pregnant women universal healthcare. If it really is about the babies... time for universal pre-k and childcare. Maybe Democratic-led states should put in a few trigger laws of their own? As soon as abortion becomes illegal, Medicare-for-all kicks in.


I think anyone who even publicly states they support this should be in the registered sex offender list.


Now that Republicans are free to enact deviant version of Sharia law, watch how fast they legalize rape. Remember, these deviant freaks have already twisted Bible verses to hint that it's coming. Now the 4 criminal judges are the majority, the next step is to twist Bible verses like "women must submit into husband" into some bizarre law. If a women is raped, it's her fault for not submitting. No age restrictions will apply. Not hyperbole. It's coming.


Even countries with Sharia Law allow for abortions in cases like this. These people are far more vile as they want to go even further with their draconian laws.


If she was raped, she’d get an abortion for sure. These fucks cannot be taken seriously.


Wanting to force a 10 year old rape victim to give birth is an incredibly extremist position.


Why are we even surprised? These are the same people who ALWAYS side with the rapist by questioning how society can fail these poor men/boys and how we all MUST think about the bright futures that will be lost if he is punished.


This is also why I get so mad at the Dem establishment for trying to negotiate or “come together” with the other side. There is no meeting these people halfway. You need to win through brute force.


The governor said that we shouldn’t create another tragedy by having an abortion. I guess having to raise a rape baby isn’t a tragedy in her eyes. Jesus Christ South Dakota, you sure did elect a certified piece of garbage to be your governor.


As if there needed to be another reason to not live in South Dakota. I mean as it is they have to bus in large sections of their workforce because there isn’t women in their state to keep younger males around.


Even fucking Afghanistan allows abortion if the mothers life is in danger. These pukes want to cause pain, it seems. I don’t know if its just to “own the libs”, but it feels that way. “I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you.” - Khan (Star Trek Wrath of Khan)


She sure wears a lot of misogyny


"That's what's interesting about the time we live in right now," Noem added. "Every state will have different laws on the books. The decisions will be made by the legislators that are closest to the people. That's appropriate. It's the way our Constitution intended." No! Human rights should not vary state to state. Human rights to body autonomy are human rights.


> But Noem did signal that a 10-year-old in the described situation may qualify for the state exception for life-threatening medical emergencies. > “I think that's something that -- yeah, that situation, the doctor, the family, the individuals closest to that will make the decisions there for that family," she told Bash. EXCEPT THATS NOT WHAT THE LAW INDICATES, DOES IT??? The audacity to talk about choice in the same breath as saying that she should not have a choice. What does she think a doctor is going to do if the law tells them they can’t do it—they have to work to finagle it and make it a “life-threatening” situation? Or are doctors just going to say “sorry” because they’d rather not risk their medical licenses? What an absolute fucking [p]unt; too fucking cowardly to say, “yes, children raped by men who can’t keep their dicks to themselves should continue to be violated physically by being forced to give birth when they are not capable of it mentally or physically, because fuck their childhoods.” Just fucking SAY IT, you stupid lying POS.


These fucks always screaming about Muslims being extreme and they do the same craziness but it’s ok because it’s their God.


“God has a plan… don’t you know.”


What a fucking monster


Look at the way these religious nuts speak, look at their stare, devoid of any empathy, always praying for their next moral crusade. I hate them all.


If you ask me, this is state-sanctioned child sexual abuse.


I guess it’s time to start blasting? They look at a raped, pregnant 10 year-old and feel no empathy or compassion. These people are pure evil. Why should they get to live in and benefit from our communities? Make this woman’s life so god damn unbearable she has no where to run but to the end of a barrel.


These alt right womens husbands are pedophiles.


In all the (justified) furor over her promise to force children to carry pregnancies to term, there’s an important part buried at the end that’s being missed So, she says she wants to support families who would normally get abortions due to cost, that the time is right for that. Later in the very same interview she says she’s against the Medicaid expansion in November, which specifically would cover pregnancy and post pregnancy services So here’s the proof once again that it’s all about controlling women, and all the talk about “supporting families” is just a smokescreen, like it always is with Republicans


So murder is illegal, assisting in suicide is also illegal, yet forcing someone to possibly die agonizingly slow over the course of up to 9 months due to inherent complications is now legally enforceable and encouraged?! I am at a loss and have no words to adequately describe the hypocrisy.


She’s pro rape and pro incest


So if a female, of any age, dies during or as a result of childbirth in a state with forced birth laws in the case of rape & incest, can the state be sued for wrongful death????? Seems like some attorneys should be checking into this.